Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION""
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On the Nature of Cultural Capital: The Reinforcing Action of Non-Elite Forms and Racial Differences in Student Achievement in the Middle ClassCooke-Rivers, Jacqueline Olga January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation argues that cultural capital is self-reinforcing in nature. This conjecture is explored through the analysis of sixth-four semi-structured interviews with black and white middle class parents. The first phase of the analysis investigates how the use of one form of non-elite cultural capital, racial socialization, varies among middle class black parents and how it is related to their deployment of elite forms of parental cultural capital. Throughout the dissertation elite parental cultural capital is operationalized as parents' educational aspirations, parental encouragement of academic engagement and promotion of the work ethic.
Next, the relationship between the use of elite parental cultural capital and adolescents' academic achievement is evaluated for black and white middle class families. Ultimately the link between the use of non-elite cultural capital and racial differences in academic outcomes is examined.
The results suggest that there may be subtle differences in cultural socialization practices among black parents in this sample, which are apparently correlated with their use of elite cultural capital. This implies that non-elite cultural capital has the potential to reinforce elite cultural capital. However, this appears to have only a weak relationship to the achievement of black adolescents or to the racial achievement gap. / African and African American Studies
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A girls' eye view of aggressive adolescent female behaviour : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education, Massey UniversityArnott, Rosemary M January 2010 (has links)
This thesis challenges media claims that adolescent girls in New Zealand are becoming more aggressive and are therefore behaving like boys. Most early studies of aggression ignored girls entirely or presented them as a subset of boys. Although later studies did address issues around girls’ aggressive behaviour, these were largely focused on adults’ views of girls’ relational or social aggression. This doctoral study therefore used a small case study to explore adolescent aggression from the perspective of six adolescent girls whose behaviour had been described by their schools as aggressive. The girls’ accounts of their experiences and beliefs about gender-specific aggression were gathered via a series of individual conversational interviews, and initially analysed through the theoretical perspective of role theory and psychological perspectives on aggression. However, as the study progressed, the limitations of that approach became apparent and the girls’ transcripts were revisited via the lens of poststructural theory, using the tools of discourse analysis. The study found that these girls’ behaviours and beliefs did not fit the description of severe adolescent female aggression as described in the literature. Nor did the risk factors most commonly associated with aggression at adolescence appear to have affected them. Conversely, it would appear that their physicality influenced how they positioned themselves and how others positioned them; as “sporty girls”, “tomboys”, “loving daughters and siblings”, or as “righteous aggressors”. Their behaviours frequently challenged the dominant discourse of conventional schoolgirls. None of them thought that girls were becoming more aggressive and all stated that girls could behave how they wanted without being labelled de facto boys. This study was limited in terms of the number of participants and the range of cultures represented, therefore no generalisations can be drawn from it. Nevertheless, it does have some important implications for policy makers and practitioners: particularly that interactions of culture, class and gender impact on the way that individuals constitute themselves and others. Interpretations of behaviour are determined by the discursive context and the experiences and belief systems of both “actor” and “audience”.
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"Whose culture has capital?": Chinese skilled migrant mothers raising their children in New ZealandWu, Bin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a group of Chinese skilled migrant mothers’ experiences in relation to their children’s early childhood care and education in New Zealand. Utilising Bourdieu’s concept of capital, habitus and field, the current research addresses the complexity and ambiguity of the Chinese migrant mothers' lives whose social position transcends multiple fields. Because their children attend mainstream education, and the local educational system is different from those where the migrant mothers were brought up, the migrant mothers had to transcend different cultural fields. Chinese skilled migrants, who were middle class professionals in their native country, usually experienced social and financial downturns in New Zealand. Although skilled, the migrant mothers encountered difficulties in finding paid employment that matched their pre-migration job status. These mothers were more likely to give up paid work or reduce paid working hours on the birth of their children than were their male partners. The current study focuses on these transcendent experiences, encompassing both embeddedness and ambiguity across different fields by examining the interplay of class, gender, and ethnicity in the daily lives of these mothers. Traditional interpretations of cultural capital usually refer only to dominant social and cultural capital, whereas the current thesis expands the concept to include both dominant and non-dominant forms of social and cultural capital. The findings showed that the migrant mothers redefined and reconstructed the concept of capital. The migrant mothers’ attitude towards mainstream education was ambiguous and complex: covering the full spectrum from willing embracing, reluctantly following, selectively utilising to firmly rejecting. Simultaneously, the mothers promoted, criticised, and rejected various traditional Chinese practices and beliefs in order to maximise benefits for their children.
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Produção científica em Sociologia da Educação: estudo bibliométrico do Banco de Teses da Capes / Scientific production in Sociology of Education: a bibliometric study of the CAPES Theses DatabaseSilva, Rosemary Cristina da 12 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-12 / The present research proposes to conduct a study on the field of Sociology of Education as presented in the theses and dissertations available in the CAPES Theses Database from the period from 1987 to 2011, based on bibliometric and scientometric approaches, in order to obtain a theoretical reflection on the field of Sociology of Education in Brazil that unfolds in the identification of: prime research topics in the field of Sociology of Education; aspects of sociological theory; the most influential authors and theoretical frameworks of reference in Sociology of Education. The data source was the CAPES Theses Database with contributions from BDTD/IBICT, the public domain and the digital libraries available for raw text access. The methodology was developed in four phases comprised of: construction of a theoretical reference; data collection in the CAPES Theses Database, BDTD, Public Domain Portal, description and categorization of survey data utilizing automated tools (the software programs Vantage Point and Excel) for the organization of the results obtained and subsequent analysis and interpretation. The chosen design consisted of two studies: Study 1: Bibliometric analysis of dissertations and theses in Sociology of Education with the aim of reporting the state of the art of the scientific production in this area; Study 2: Analysis of reference citations in light of theoretical approaches in Sociology of Education and Information Science, signifying the importance of combining different methodological perspectives to explore the same study object. In Study 1, we present the following results: the production of theses of dissertation occurred at some moments in an oscillating manner, but the increase was gradual throughout the studied period. The works at the Master s level predominated with 71% of the recovered records. With respect to distribution by institution and region, both indicators were found to be concentrated in the southeast region, that is, UFMG, PUC-SP and PUC-RIO were the most frequent institutions confirming the representativeness of this region in the national research. As to the administrative nature of the institutions, the Federal and Private institutions were predominant. The graduate programs that have most researched this topic indicate Education and Sociology given that Sociology of Education is the scientific field that has maintained historic relations with these areas. The most frequent theme is Education, followed by Sociology of Education. The Research Instigating Agencies that fund the most research studies are Capes and CNPq. The studies that did not receive financing correspond to 51% of the total, which indicates that these researchers are participating in the labor market. The female gender is present in 72% of the authorial credits in the dissertations and theses, confirming that women tend to predominate in the Human Sciences. Study 2 corresponds to the analysis of citations of books and chapters appearing in the theses and dissertations. The results show that in relation to the contemporaneousness of sources, the author shave relied on relatively recent literature, which can be explained based on the origin of Sociology of Education that, as a distinct field of Sociology, is relatively new; therefore, production in this area also tends to be new. As to book authorship, national and foreign authorial nuclei were identified. The most cited authors of the national nucleus are Maria Alice Nogueira, Paulo Freire, Florestan Fernandes and Demerval Saviani. The most cited in the foreign nucleus were Pierre Bourdieu, Émile Durkheim, Jean-Claude Passeron, Bernard Lahire and Michel Foucault. The most cited book title was A reproduction: elements for a teaching system theory , authored by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron. As to language indicators for the books and chapters, Portuguese predominated in the two sources. The editors of the books and chapters cited indicated Editor Voices as predominant in the most cited publications. In reference to authorship of book chapters, Pierre Bourdieu was the author of the majority of chapters cited. The indicator on authorship of books that integrate the chapters of books identified Maria Alice Nogueira as the most frequent author. The most mentioned chapter title was The conservative school: the inequalities facing the school and the culture, and is authored by Pierre Bourdieu; the books that integrate the book chapters presented the title Escritos de Educação (Writings from Education), organized by Maria Alice Nogueira and Afrânio Catani as the most cited. The data resulting from the three authorship indicators (authorship of books, authorship of chapters and authorship of books that integrate the chapters) constitute the research front found to be identified by 21 authors, 15 of whom are Brazilian and six foreign, that constitute the principle theoreticians and researchers that contribute to the theoretical underpinning that sustains the development of research studies in Sociology of Education in the production of theses and dissertations in Brazil. Through citation analysis, it was highlighted that the bourdieusian approaches are most often utilized as a theoretical referential in Sociology of Education theses and dissertations. The studies presented here in indicate the most influential authors and theoretical frameworks of reference utilized by the authors of theses and dissertations to support their research Sociology of Education and how they configure the national graduates cenario in Brazil. / A presente pesquisa propõe-se realizar um estudo sobre o campo da Sociologia da Educação presente em teses e dissertações disponibilizadas no Banco de Teses da Capes no período de 1987-2011, com base nas abordagens bibliométricas e cientométricas visando uma reflexão teórica sobre o campo da Sociologia da Educação no Brasil que se desdobram na identificação de: temas de pesquisa privilegiados no campo da Sociologia da Educação; aspectos da teoria sociológica; autores mais influentes e os quadros teóricos de referência no campo da Sociologia da Educação. A fonte de dados foi o Banco de Teses da Capes com aportes da BDTD/IBICT, domínio público e bibliotecas digitais disponíveis para acesso de texto integral. A metodologia foi desenvolvida em quatro fases, compreendidas por: construção do referencial teórico; coleta de dados no Banco de Teses da Capes, BDTD, Portal Domínio Público, descrição e categorização dos dados levantados utilizando ferramentas automatizadas (softwares Vantage Point, Excel) para a organização dos resultados obtidos e posterior análise e interpretação. Optou-se por um delineamento composto por dois estudos: Estudo 1: Análise bibliométrica das dissertações e teses em Sociologia da Educação com o objetivo de relatar o estado da arte da produção científica nessa área; Estudo 2: Análise das citações das referências à luz das abordagens teóricas em Sociologia da Educação e Ciência da Informação, sinalizando a importância de se combinarem diferentes perspectivas metodológicas para se explorar um mesmo objeto de estudo. No Estudo 1, apresentamos os seguintes resultados: a produção de teses e dissertações ocorreu em alguns momentos de forma oscilante mas o aumento foi gradativo ao longo do período estudado. Os trabalhos em nível de mestrado predominaram com 71% dos registros recuperados. No que diz respeito à distribuição por instituição e região ambos os indicadores encontram-se concentrados na região sudeste, ou seja, a UFMG, PUC-SP, PUC-RIO foram as instituições de maior frequência confirmando a representatividade desta região na pesquisa nacional. Quanto à natureza administrativa das Instituições, o predomínio esteve entre instituições Federais e Privadas. Os programas de pós-graduação que mais pesquisam essa temática apontam a Educação e a Sociologia por ser a Sociologia da Educação um campo científico que mantém relações históricas com essas áreas. A temática mais incidente é Educação, seguido da Sociologia da Educação. As Agências de Fomento à pesquisa que mais subsidiaram pesquisas são a Capes e CNPq. Das pesquisas que não receberam financiamento corresponde a 51% do total, o que supõe-se que esses pesquisadores estejam inseridos no mercado de trabalho. O gênero feminino está presente em 72% das autorias das dissertações e teses, confirmando a tendência do predomínio das mulheres nas Ciências Humanas. O Estudo 2 corresponde a análise de citações dos livros e capítulos citados nas teses e dissertações. Os resultados mostram que em relação à atualidade das fontes os autores têm se apoiado na literatura relativamente recente, tal fato pode ser explicado com base na origem da Sociologia da Educação que como campo distinto da Sociologia é um campo relativamente novo, portanto a produção nessa área tende a ser nova também. Quanto à autoria dos livros foram identificados os núcleos de autoria nacional e estrangeira. Os autores mais citados do núcleo nacional são Maria Alice Nogueira, Paulo Freire, Florestan Fernandes e Demerval Saviani. O núcleo estrangeiro foi composto por Pierre Bourdieu, Émile Durkheim, Jean-Claude Passeron, Bernard Lahire e Michel Foucault dentre os mais citados. O título de livro mais citado foi A reprodução: elementos para uma teoria do sistema de ensino de autoria de Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron. Quanto aos indicadores de idioma dos livros e capítulos de livros o predomínio nas duas fontes corresponde ao idioma Português. O indicador de editoras dos livros e capítulos citados aparece a Editora Vozes como predominante nas publicações mais citadas. Em referência a autoria dos capítulos de livros, Pierre Bourdieu foi o autor da maioria dos capítulos citados. Para o indicador sobre autoria dos livros que integram os capítulos de livros identificou-se Maria Alice Nogueira como a autora de maior frequência. O título de capítulo mais mencionado foi A escola conservadora: as desigualdades frente à escola e à cultura, e tem por autoria Pierre Bourdieu; os livros que integram os capítulos de livros apresentou o título Escritos de Educação, organizado por Maria Alice Nogueira e por Afrânio Catani como o mais citado. Os dados resultantes dos três indicadores de autorias (autoria dos livros, autoria dos capítulos e autoria dos livros que integram os capítulos) constituem a frente de pesquisa que se encontra identificada por 21 autores, sendo 15 autores brasileiros e seis autores estrangeiros que constituem os principais teóricos e pesquisadores que contribuem para a fundamentação teórica que sustenta o desenvolvimento das pesquisas em Sociologia da Educação na produção de teses e dissertações no Brasil. Por meio da análise de citação, ficou destacado que as abordagens bourdieusiana são as mais utilizadas como referencial teórico nas teses e dissertações em Sociologia da Educação. Os estudos aqui apresentados apontaram os autores mais influentes e os quadros teóricos de referência utilizados pelos autores das teses e dissertações para embasar suas pesquisas em Sociologia da Educação e como elas se configuram no cenário nacional da pós-graduação no Brasil.
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"Oh you Graduated?" "No, I Decided I was Finished." Dropping out of High School and the Implications over the Life CourseJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The Civil Rights Project estimates that Black girls are among the least likely to graduate from high school. More specifically, only about half, or 56%, of freshman Black girls graduate with their class four years later. Beyond the statistics little is known about Black girls who drop out, why they leave school and what happens to them once they are gone. This study is a grounded theory analysis of the stories eight adult Black women told about dropping out of high school with a particular focus on how dropping out affected their lives as workers, mothers and returners to education. There is one conclusion about dropping out and another about Black female identity. First, the women in my study were adolescents during the 1980s, experienced life at the intersection of Blackness, womaness, and poverty and lived in the harsh conditions of a Black American hyperghetto. Using a synthesis between intersectionality and hyperghettoization I found that the women were so determined to improve their economic and personal conditions that they took on occupations that seemed to promise freedom, wealth and safety. Because they were so focused on their new lives, their school attendance suffered as a consequence. In the second conclusion I argued that Black women draw their insights about Black female identity from two competing sources. The two sources are their lived experience and popular controlling images of Black female identity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2011
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When Isomorphism Fails: Structural Barriers to a Community College Honors ProgramJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: The number of community college honors programs has significantly increased since the 1980s. This study analyzes qualitative data collected from employee, student, and faculty participants associated with a community college honors program in the western United States during the months of April 2011 and January-March 2012. Using a theoretical framework derived from literature on Institutional Isomorphism and Academic Capitalism, this work explores the motivations behind the creation of a community college honors program, the implementation of the program, and the program's effects on the micro-level experiences of those affiliated. The data analysis reveals that the motivations for the incorporation and continuation of the Honors Program are driven by hopes of improving the college's reputation and attracting new funding sources for its academic programs. These findings are consistent with arguments about Institutional Isomorphism and Academic Capitalism. However, consistent with literature on program implementation, I identified barriers in the form of staff and student perceptions that impede Honor's program conformity to ideal standards. I refer to this finding as "incomplete isomorphism." / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Sociology 2012
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Ciência e educação no pensamento de Alberto Torres, Fernando de Azevedo e Florestan Fernandes: das rupturas paradigmáticas à análise retóricaTotti, Marcelo Augusto [UNESP] 09 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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totti_ma_dr_arafcl.pdf: 483718 bytes, checksum: e9dd46e13759108a377815366883a0d9 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O trabalho que ora apresentamos tem como objetivo analisar a concepção de ciência no pensamento educacional brasileiro, tendo como base três gerações de intelectuais com reconhecida contribuição no campo educacional: Alberto Torres, Fernando de Azevedo e Florestan Fernandes. Esses autores consolidaram interpretações teóricas, científicas sobre os fenômenos educacionais. Alberto Torres esteve preocupado em organizar a República; a educação era um fator de organização nacional, mantendo o homem no meio agrícola, devido à fatalidade geográfica e histórica do país. Torres alicerçou as bases de seu pensamento no positivismo comteano, adaptando-a à realidade brasileira, pretendendo um país soberano e um Estado forte. Fernando de Azevedo procurou dar moldes científicos aos estudos educacionais; a ciência proposta é teórica, utiliza Durkheim, mas recontextualiza-o, dando uma nova interpretação dos fatos sociais, que na sua visão são múltiplos e diversos, e as ciências humanas calcadas nesta visão devem ter como premissa a imprevisibilidade dos acontecimentos humanos. Florestan rearticula o pensamento de seus predecessores, estabelecendo novos parâmetros do proceder científico, em que estão presentes o planejamento, a racionalidade, a previsibilidade e a intencionalidade. Denominamos as mudanças ocorridas como rupturas paradigmáticas, ocasionadas através de conflitos. O que torna a concepção de Florestan hegemônica é o fato de o sociólogo constituir uma escola de pensamento. Observamos, ainda, que essas mudanças não são apenas teóricas; Florestan utiliza técnicas retóricas como a dissociação de noções e a petição de princípio no intuito de persuadir e convencer o seu auditório para que sua visão de ciência torne-se hegemônica. / The work which is now presented aimed to analyze the conception of science in Brazilian educational thought, based on three generations intellectuals, with recognized contribution in the educational field: Alberto Torres, Fernando de Azevedo and Florestan Fernandes. These authors consolidated theoretical, scientific interpretations on the educational phenomena. Alberto Torres was concerned with organizing the Republic; education was a factor of national organization in keeping the in the man agricultural environment, due to geographical and historical fate of the country. Torres founded the basis of his thinking on Comte’s positivism, adapting it to Brazilian reality, having in his mind a sovereign country and a strong State. Fernando de Azevedo tried to shape studies on education scientifically, the proposed science is theoretical, he uses Durkheim’s theories but recontextualizes them by giving them a new interpretation to social facts, which in his view are many and various, and human sciences based on this vision must have as a premise the unpredictability of human events. Florestan Fernandes rearticulates the thought of his predecessors, setting new standards of scientific procedures, in which planning, rationality, predictability and intentionality are present. We consider these changes as paradigmatic ruptures, provoked by conflicts. What makes Florestan Fernandes’s conception hegemonic is the fact that he established a school of thought. We also can observe that these changes are not just theoretical; Florestan uses rhetorical techniques such as decoupling of concepts and the petition of principle in order to persuade and convince his audience so that his vision of science becomes hegemonic.
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Visually Understanding School Grounds: Schooling At Its Intersections with Community And Social StatusJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Human experience exists within space; it is the studio for the stories of our lives. Bounded by time, location and personal experience we assign our own meanings and feelings to them, and they become personal, symbolic places: some are unique to us, imagined places where we act out stories or dreams; most are part of the natural world.
Most spaces, though, are built or controlled by others; these constructed environments can become places where we may, or may not, like to be.
This research examined spaces and places of children's lives through the material worlds of their neighborhoods and schools, focusing on the visible environment outside of the school building. The intersection of school and community, it is a material embodiment of, and evidence toward, how a community's resources are apportioned to
important aspects of children's developmental years. These visible representations speak of that society's values and goals for the children for whom they (we) are responsible.
This examination used multiple research tools, primarily using visual approaches such as current photographs, archival images and data, descriptive census materials and maps. Historical documents, (many of which are now digitized), as well as other academic literature, local journalistic efforts and school district publications added important materials for analysis.
Findings lead to deeper understanding of ways that visible, material worlds of schools and neighborhoods -- past and present - can reflect, and direct the experiences of childhood today, and often mirror those of children past. These visual and narrative approaches contributed to understanding the importance of material evidence in revealing
inequity and class differences in ways that children, then, must &ldquodo school &rdquo / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Psychology 2014
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O discurso expositivo sobre biodiversidade e conservação em exposições de imersão / The expositive discourse related biodiversity and conservation in immersion exhibitionsMaria Paula Correia de Souza 05 September 2017 (has links)
Frente ao importante papel educativo dos museus na atualidade, e considerando a ampliação do tratamento de temáticas ambientais nessas instituições, este trabalho busca compreender aspectos dos processos e práticas da educação museal relacionados à biodiversidade e à sua conservação em exposições de imersão. O presente trabalho se debruçou à análise sociológica do processo de produção dos discursos expositivos, com base na teoria de Basil Bernstein. Tal referencial teórico permite uma análise com forte potencial de descrição dos mecanismos internos e externos da constituição e funcionamento dos processos educacionais. Utilizamos também as discussões da área de educação em museus, além daquelas relacionadas às abordagens da biodiversidade em diferentes contextos educacionais. Com base nas perspectivas educacionais das exposições, esta pesquisa buscou identificar os campos recontextualizadores e os discursos oficiais dos museus, bem como caracterizar o processo de recontextualização específico à produção dos discursos expositivos. Foi também realizada a caracterização desses discursos buscando compreender quais são os significados legítimos sobre biodiversidade presentes nas mensagens de exposições de imersão, e quais são as formas legítimas da transmissão desses significados. Ainda, considerando que os discursos expositivos são resultado de processos de recontextualização, buscamos também relacionar as características deles com os processos que os geraram. A abordagem metodológica utilizada tem como base a pesquisa mista em educação, tendo como universo de análise duas exposições de imersão cuja temática tratada são biomas brasileiros. A análise dos campos recontextualizadores dos museus mostrou que há uma diversidade de agências que participam desses processos, bem como há diversas políticas públicas destinadas à educação em instituições museais. Essa diversidade está relacionada às diferentes tipologias de museus e suas afiliações. Ressaltamos a importância de diferentes agências de governo, do campo da economia e associações não-governamentais no fomento das ações de educação em museus. A análise dos processos de recontextualização dos discursos expositivos mostra que a regulação das agências às quais as instituições são vinculadas é fraca. A caracterização dos discursos expositivos mostrou que as exposições podem contribuir para o acesso a conhecimentos sobre biodiversidade relativamente complexos. Em particular, destacamos que as potencialidades das competências cognitivas são maiores que a complexidade dos conhecimentos. Esse fato está relacionado tanto às especificidades das exposições quanto à presença do objeto e o espaço, sendo de especial relevância a estrutura imersiva das exposições. É possível perceber que a expografia exerce papel importante para a ampliação das relações entre discursos de diferentes áreas (interdisciplinaridade), assim como a própria temática da biodiversidade. Quanto às relações entre humanos e natureza há predomínio de abordagens menos integradoras, chamando a atenção para que sejam adotados discursos mais atuais sobre a biodiversidade e conservação, que incluam, para além do seu significado na ciência, vieses sociais, políticos e culturais. Considerando a definição científica do termo, nota-se quanto às relações entre os componentes de composição, estrutura e funcionamento da biodiversidade, que os discursos apresentam um grau intermediário de relacionamento entre esses componentes, trabalhando especialmente os aspectos composicionais, que são justamente aqueles mais presentes nas concepções do público sobre biodiversidade. Finalmente, considerando o contexto não-formal de educação e a heterogeneidade dos níveis de conhecimentos dos visitantes, concluímos que as exposições têm importante potencial para o processo de aquisição de conhecimentos sobre biodiversidade. Os discursos expositivos, no que se refere ao nível de exigência dos conteúdos relacionados ao tema, podem contribuir para acessar conhecimentos relativamente complexos, que possibilitem obter informações confiáveis e outros pontos de vista para a reflexão sobre as questões ambientais. / This work seeks to understand aspects of the processes and practices of museum education related to biodiversity and its conservation in immersion exhibitions. This understanding is necessary because of the important educational role of museums today, and considering the broader treatment of environmental themes in these institutions. A sociological analysis of the production process of expository discourses was carried out, based on Basil Bernstein \'s theory. This theoretical reference allows an analysis with strong potential to describe the internal and external mechanisms of the constitution and functioning of educational processes. The discussions of the area of museum education were also used, in addition to those related to biodiversity approaches in different educational contexts. This research aimed to identify the recontextualizing fields and the official discourses of the museums, as well as to characterize the specific recontextualization process to the production of the expository discourses based on the educational perspectives of the exhibitions. The purpose of the characterization of these discourses was to understand what are the legitimate meanings about biodiversity present in the messages of immersion exhibitions, and what are the legitimate ways of transmitting those meanings. Still, considering that expository discourses are the result of recontextualization processes, we also try to relate their characteristics to the processes that generated them. The methodological approach used is based on mixed research in education, having as the universe of analysis two immersion expositions whose theme is Brazilian biomes. The analysis of the recontextualizing fields of the museums showed that there are a diversity of agencies that participate in these processes, as well as there are several public policies destined to the education in museums institutions. This diversity is related to the different typologies of museums and their affiliations. We emphasize the importance of different agencies of government, the field of economics and nongovernmental associations in the promotion of educational actions in museums. The analysis of the recontextualization processes of the expository discourses shows that the regulation of the agencies to which the institutions are linked is weak. The characterization of the expository discourses showed that the expositions can contribute to the access to knowledge on biodiversity relatively complex. In particular, we emphasize that the potentialities of cognitive skills are greater than the complexity of knowledge. This fact is related both to the specificities of the exposures as to the presence of the object and the space, being of special relevance the immersive structure of the expositions. It is possible to realize that the expography plays an important role for the expansion of the relations between discourses of different areas, as well as the biodiversity theme itself. Regarding the relationship between humans and nature, there is a predominance of less integrative approaches, drawing attention to the adoption of more current discourses on biodiversity and conservation, including, in addition to their meaning in science, social, political and cultural biases. Considering the scientific definition of the term, it is possible to notice the relations between the components of composition, structure and functioning of biodiversity, that the discourses present an intermediate degree of relationship between these components, working especially the compositional aspects, which are precisely those more present In public views on biodiversity. Finally, considering the non-formal context of education and the heterogeneity of visitor knowledge levels, we conclude that the exhibitions have important potential for the process of acquiring knowledge about biodiversity. The exposition speeches, regarding the level of demand of the contents related to the theme, can contribute to access relatively complex knowledge, that allow to obtain reliable information and other points of view for the reflection on the environmental questions.
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A constituição da educação em museus: o funcionamento do dispositivo pedagógico museal por meio de um estudo comparativo entre museus de artes plásticas, ciências humanas e ciência e tecnologia / The constitution of education in museums: the functioning of the museum pedagogical device by means of a comparative study among museums of fine arts, human sciences and science and technology.Luciana Conrado Martins 27 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da especificidade da constituição da educação museal. Partindo da hipótese de que essa tipologia educacional tem características em seu funcionamento que a diferenciam de outras modalidades educacionais, e que se mantêm à revelia das diferentes tipologias institucionais, optou-se por um estudo que possibilitasse a apreensão dos seus elementos singulares. A abordagem metodológica utilizou o referencial das pesquisas qualitativas em educação, tomando-se como foco de análise as práticas estabelecidas pelos setores educativos dessas instituições. Para a coleta de dados foram selecionadas três instituições com consolidada prática educacional e que possibilitassem um olhar comparativo entre diferentes tipos de museus: o Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo (SP), um museu de ciências humanas; o Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (RJ), um museu de ciência e tecnologia; e a Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (SP), um museu de artes plásticas. O referencial teórico adotado como base para a análise foi o conceito de dispositivo pedagógico, do sociólogo da educação Basil Bernstein, por considerar que ele oferece a possibilidade de uma visão sistêmica sobre os mecanismos de constituição e funcionamento dos processos educacionais existentes nos museus. Também foram utilizadas as discussões sobre o papel da educação em museus empreendidas por estudiosos nacionais e internacionais que se debruçam sobre esse tema. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a existência de uma especificidade nos processos de constituição da educação em museus. Um primeiro aspecto dessa especificidade é a existência de um campo interessado na criação de políticas públicas para as instituições museais. Compreendido a partir do que Bernstein qualifica como campo recontextualizador oficial, nele atuam órgãos do Estado, em cujas políticas os museus participam por adesão, configurando uma esfera, até o momento, de pouca influência na determinação da prática educativa dessas instituições. Também externa aos museus existe uma segunda esfera de regulação constituída pelos órgãos de financiamento da ação educativa, públicos e privados. Um segundo aspecto evidenciado pelas análises é a autonomia dos educadores na proposição de seus objetivos e práticas educacionais, situação parcialmente tributária do posicionamento da educação no interior da instituição museal. Como decorrência, os educadores aparecem como produtores dos textos originais sobre educação em museus, além de responsáveis pela determinação de suas práticas educativas. Essa afirmação é sustentada pela existência de um campo intelectual da educação em museus, com forte crescimento nacional e internacional nos últimos anos, no qual os educadores têm um papel importante de conformação. Para a análise das condicionantes que atuam no contexto da prática educativa dos museus foram escolhidas três categorias analíticas: o tempo, o espaço e os discursos. A relação entre esses três elementos é determinada a partir de uma lógica própria da educação museal, mas que comporta especificidades a partir dos conteúdos/acervos de cada instituição. Por meio das análises empreendidas contatou-se que a prática instrucional dos museus estudados é fortemente marcada pelo caráter dialógico, caracterizando o que Bernstein denomina de prática instrucional indireta. Nessa prática tempo, espaço e objeto/discurso específicos são constantemente negociados a partir dos parâmetros estabelecidos pelas características do público e pelos objetivos da prática educacional de cada museu. / This work presents the complexities involved in museum education. The hypothesis is that this type of education has certain characteristics differentiating it from other education modalities, and that remain in absence of the institutional museum typologies. The objective of this study is to understand the singular elements of this type of education. We applied the methodological background used by qualitative research in education; the analysis focused on practices established by the educational sectors of the museums. In order to collect the data, we have selected three museums that have consolidated educational practice and enabled the comparison: The Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo), a human sciences museum; the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Rio de Janeiro), a museum devoted to science and technology; and the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo), a museum of fine arts. The theoretical referential selected is the one developed by Basil Bernstein, the pedagogical device, which offers a systemic view of the mechanisms of the functioning and constitution of educational processes that take place in the museums. Other national and international authors were also consulted. Results show that there are specificities involved in this type of education. The first aspect is the existence of a field interested in the creation of public policies for museums. Bernstein names it an official field of recontextualisation, where the State power acts and the museums take part by adhesion, a sphere, up to present, of small influence in the determination of educative practices in these institutions. There is also an external sphere of regulation constituted by funding agencies of educational action, public and private. A second aspect evidenced by this analysis is the autonomy of educators to establish their objectives and educational practices, a situation that owes its configuration to the concept of education proposed by the museums. As a result, the educators are responsible for the production of original texts about education in museums and for the determination of their own educational practices. This situation is sustained by the existence of an intellectual field of education in museums that has become notorious nationally and internationally in recent years in part due to the work of educators. We have selected three analytical categories in order to analyze the determining factors in the context of the educational practice in the museums: time, space and discourses. The relation among these elements is determined by a museum educational logic, which presents specific practices due to the content/collection of each institution. Results show that the educational practice employed by the museums studied has a considerable dialogic content, what Bernstein refers to as indirect teaching practice. This practice, time, space and specific discourse/object are constantly negotiated by making use of parameters that are established and by taking into consideration the characteristics of the public and the educational objectives of each museum.
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