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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação educacional no interior amazônico: entre a regulação e a emancipação

Miranda, Flavine Assis de [UNESP] 20 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-12-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:04:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 miranda_fa_dr_arafcl.pdf: 1047252 bytes, checksum: d61d11f2da2bbdd5a2c2fee208d5b287 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Résumè : Située dans le domaine de la sociologie de l'évaluation, la thèse vise à répondre aux questions suivantes: est possible de développer les pratiques sociales émancipatrices dans le cadre réglementaire, en ce qui concerne l'évaluation des systèmes éducatifs? Dans le processus de règlement sur l'évaluation dans la ville de Rolim de Moura / RO il existe des pratiques sociales et politiques qui aident à développer de actions de citoyenneté émancipatrice des individus concernés? Inséré au sein de la recherche en éducation de l'approche qualitative, l'étude est guidée par la technique de la recherche participative. Comme instruments, mettre en évidence questionnaires, formulaires, relevés sur le terrain, l'observation participante et l'analyse de documents.Et ses sujets sont les serviteurs de l'école publique municipale. En donnant la parole aux matières étudiées, les résultats du sondage indiquent les principes régissant d'évaluation dans la municipalité au sujet de la conception de l'évaluation, des approches et des objectifs. Pour les résultats obtenus, l'étude a montré que les évaluations des réseaux municipaux qui encouragent la participation politique et la mobilisation sociale a contribué à donner une visibilité à des expériences locales, en les considérant comme légitimes la production de connaissances et de l'analyse d'un contexte réel qui maintient dans leur particulier l'idée de totalite. Par conséquent, l'évaluation de l'éducation est présentée comme une démarche méthodologique en mesure d'élargir le présent, la connaissance des différentes expériences sociales locales. Et si, en reconnaissant les pratiques actuelles d'una communauté locale en particulier et sa capacité et sa possibilité à construire l'avenir. Enfin, la communauté étudiée a montré que préfère penser à la production de connaissances en termes d'action émancipatrice et croit en l'évaluation comme / Situada no campo da Sociologia da Avaliação a tese busca responder as seguintes questões: é possível desenvolver práticas sociais emancipatórias no seio de estruturas regulatórias, no que concerne à avaliação de sistemas educacionais? No processo de regulamentação da avaliação no município de Rolim de Moura/RO existem práticas sociais e políticas que contribuam e desenvolvam ações de cidadania emancipatória dos sujeitos envolvidos? Inserida no âmbito da pesquisa educacional de abordagem qualitativa, o estudo se pauta pela técnica da pesquisa participante. Como instrumentos destacamse questionários, formulários, registros de campo, observações participantes e análise documental. E seus sujeitos são os servidores da rede pública municipal de ensino. Ao dar voz aos sujeitos estudados, os resultados da pesquisa apontam para os princípios reguladores da avaliação no município quanto à concepção de avaliação, enfoques e objetivos. Pelos resultados alcançados, o estudo demonstrou que as avaliações de sistemas municipais propiciadoras da participação política e mobilização social contribuem para dar visibilidade às experiências localizadas, entendendo-as como legítimas na produção de conhecimento e análise de um contexto real que guarda em suas particularidades a ideia da totalidade. Logo, a avaliação educacional se apresenta como procedimento metodológico capaz de expandir o presente, conhecendo as diferentes experiências sociais locais. E, assim, reconhecendo nas práticas presentes de uma determinada comunidade local suas possibilidades e capacidades de construir o futuro. Por fim, a comunidade pesquisada, mostrou que prefere pensar na produção de conhecimentos propiciadores da ação em termos emancipatórios e acredita na avaliação como um instrumento importante que ajudará a decidir bem no presente e construir um futuro que caiba dentro dessas possibilidades / The thesis is placed on the universe of Sociological Evaluation and looks forward to answer the following questions: Is it possible to develop emancipating social actions inside regulatory structures, regarding the evaluation of the educational system? Is it possible to find, inside the regulatory evaluation system, at Rolim de Moura/Ro county, social and political actions that help contributing and developing emancipating citizenship actions from the local population? Classified as a research on the range of the educational qualitative search, this paper is supported by the technique known as participative search. As working tools it was used surveys, forms, field registrations, participative observation e document analyzes. Its characters are the workers of the local public schools. Once it was given “voice” to the studied subjects, the results of the research pointed to the main evaluation regulatory procedures in the county, regarding its conceptions of evaluation, focus and goals. By the conclusion found, the paper shows that the evaluation systems of the county, giving the chance of political action and social mobilization contributes to give more visibility to the local experiences, making them valid in terms of knowledge development and in the analyses of a real context that keeps in its particular aspects the idea of totality. So, educational evaluation appears as a methodological procedure able to expand the present time, showing the awareness of the different local social experiences. And, thus, recognizing in the present actions of a certain community its possibilities and capability to build a different future. After all, the searched community has shown that prefers to think about the production of knowledge that can motivate emancipating actions and believe in evaluation as an important instrument to help taking good decisions in the present and build up a future that matches inside these new possibilities

Socializações de jovens professores nas licenciaturas em música do Paraná / Socializations of young music teachers in the university graduate of music education of the State of Paraná (Southern Brazil)

Paula Alexandra Reis Bueno 07 February 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a potência das Licenciaturas em Música em ressocializar o indivíduo em sua formação musical. Propôs-se a verificação de como esta instância socializadora sanciona a composição do habitus e a construção identitária de jovens professores de música. O estudo abrangeu todas as instituições com o curso de Licenciatura em Música na modalidade presencial no Estado do Paraná, região sul do Brasil. A pesquisa contou com cento e sessenta indivíduos investigados na primeira fase (2015), os quais eram estudantes das séries finais do curso; e destes, dezessete indivíduos foram selecionados para uma entrevista em profundidade, concretizada na segunda fase do estudo (2017). A primeira etapa analítica recebeu um tratamento quantitativo, privilegiando a análise descritiva, seguida da Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas (ACM) e da Análise de Clusters. Esta abordagem visou realizar um mapeamento do gosto cultural dos sujeitos da pesquisa revelando diferentes perfis de gostos e práticas. A segunda etapa analítica teve um processamento de caráter qualitativo, e permitiu encontrar pluralidades de formas de socialização no mundo contemporâneo, que promoveram a construção de identidades com disposições híbridas de habitus, forjadas a partir de diversas matrizes de cultura e em interações humanas significativas. As trajetórias de vida foram marcadas pela presença da música, em situações permeadas de afetos, que colaboraram para a construção de uma linguagem na área. Essa linguagem foi sendo aprimorada a cada fase da vida, num tempo vivido, à medida que os acontecimentos permitiram condições de possibilidades. As Licenciaturas em Música do Paraná foram capazes de promover uma percepção mais crítica e reflexiva acerca do universo musical, o que implicou na manutenção, transformação e ruptura de gostos e práticas. Verificou-se também, que essas socializações universitárias corroboraram na construção de identidades profissionais docentes na área da música. Desta forma, a presente tese contribui com os estudos sociológicos que buscam demonstrar a dualidade de forças entre estruturas e agentes, entre as realidades materiais e as subjetividades. / The objective of this research was to verify the power of the university graduate of Music Education of the State of Paraná (Southern Brazil) in resocialization the musical education of the individuals. It was proposed to analyse how this instance of socialization participated in the composition of habitus of the agents and to construction of identities of young music teachers. The study covered all the institutions with the Bachelor in Music in the State of Paraná, southern region of Brazil. First, a questionnaire was administered to a 160 participants, who were completing their bachelor\'s degree. Then a sub-sample of seventeen participants was selected to do a depth interview. To define profiles of musical tastes and practices, a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was performed, suited by a Clusters Analysis to define types of participants, according their profiles. The qualitative approach of the research allowed to identify pluralities of forms of socialization in the contemporary world, which promoted the construction of identities with hybrid dispositions of habitus, it was minted for many different instances of socialization and in significant human interactions. The life trajectories were stamped by the presence of the music, in situations permeated by affections that collaborated to the construction of a language in the area. This language was being upgraded every stage of life, in a lived time, as the realities promoted conditions of possibilities. The Bachelors in Music in the State of Paraná were able to foment a more critical and reflexive perception about the musical universe, which implied in the maintenance, transformation and rupture of tastes and practices. It was also verified that these university socializations corroborated in the construction of professional identities in the area of music. In this way, the present thesis contribute with the sociological studies that search to demonstrate that the structure and agency as complementary forces.

Cada vez mais educação política no Brasil: um estudo sobre o marketing e os consultores de campanhas eleitorais / More and more political education in Brazil: a case study on electoral campaign marketing and consultants

Elias Evangelista Gomes 11 December 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar, descrever e examinar alguns aspectos da educação política no Brasil, mais especificamente as estratégias de uso de elementos da cultura empregadas pelos consultores de marketing político no seio das campanhas eleitorais. Neste estudo, defendeu-se duas teses: a) o marketing como uma matriz de educação política e b) os consultores como intérpretes da cultura. Observou-se, portanto, que esses agentes da política, da educação e da cultura agem como administradores de uma informação acumulada, por meio de uma ação pedagógica e socializadora difusa da população. Identificou-se os interesses diversificados de agentes na adesão a um espaço social específico, descreveu-se a institucionalização do marketing político no interior do campo científico e interpelou-se a categoria nativa intérpretes na produção de crenças e entendimentos sobre a política. Com o objetivo de aprofundar a compreensão das duas teses, discutiu-se a memória e a fofoca como conteúdos e didáticas das campanhas eleitorais. Para cumprir o empreendimento intelectual proposto, foi realizada uma etnografia multissituada, de caráter exploratório, inovador e inédito na área de educação, analisando um conjunto de dados multilocalizados e oriundos de propagandas eleitorais; de contextos de produção de uma campanha específica, realizada na Amazônia brasileira; de livros produzidos por consultores; de entrevistas realizadas com eles e de outras referências encontradas no trabalho de campo e vividas pelo autor da pesquisa. Com a intenção de que o presente estudo venha contribuir para um entendimento mais amplo e eficiente a respeito da construção social da realidade nos dias atuais, propôs-se investigar as formas de sintetizar a cultura no que se refere à produção de possíveis tentativas de educação dos modos de concepção, classificação, julgamento e imaginação da população no âmbito político. Por fim, buscou-se contribuir para a ampliação do escopo investigativo da sociologia da educação no que tange aos processos educacionais difusos e de massa, e que influem substancialmente no futuro do país, que não estão restritos à escola, mas que podem chegar à ela. / This research aimed at identifying, describing and examining some aspects of political education in Brazil, more precisely the use of cultural elements by political marketing consultants in electoral campaigns. Two theses were defended by this study: a) Marketing as a source for political education and b) consultants as the interpreters of culture. It was observed, therefore, that these agents of politics, education and culture operate as managers of accumulated information, by means of pedagogic action and socializing practices of the population. Diversified interests of these agents were identified in support of a particular social area, the institutionalization of political marketing within the scientific field was also depicted, and the native status of interpreters in the creation of political views and beliefs was questioned. With the objective of deepening the understanding of the two theses, collective memory and rumors were discussed as content of and educational approaches to electoral campaigns. In order to accomplish the proposed intellectual enterprise, a multi-sited ethnographic study that was exploratory and innovative in character and unprecedented in the educational field, was created by analyzing a set of multi-locational data derived from electoral campaigns; in fact as a result of a particular campaign, which took place in the Brazilian Amazon; from books written by those consultants; interviews and other references that were found during fieldwork and experienced by the author of the research. With the purpose to provide a broader and more efficient understanding concerning the construction of our current social reality, the present case study aimed at exploring ways to synthesize culture regarding the production of possible attempts to educate the population in of methods of conception, classification, judgment and imagination in the realm of politics. Lastly, the intention was to widen the investigative scope of sociology of education related to widespread and mass educational procedures, which have a substantial influence on the future of the country, and which arent limited to the school system, but that can reach it.

Do salvacionismo à segregação: a experiência dos Centros Integrados de Educação Pública no Rio de Janeiro / From salvation to segregation: the experience of the Centros Integrados de Educação Pública in Rio de Janeiro

Raquel Balmant Emerique 08 December 1997 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho versa sobre a relação entre a implantação de um projeto de educação pública e a sua receptividade social. Resgata as concepções que deram origem ao programa de implantação das escolas de tempo integral no estado do Rio de Janeiro e como hoje elas são vistas por seus usuários. Discute os resultados inesperados que teve o projeto educacional salvador (não só da educação como também das populações empobrecidas do estado do Rio de Janeiro). Pretendendo ser inclusivo, dando ao pobre acesso a benefícios que não tinha, produziu mais segregação, repetindo a seletividade que a escola pública brasileira apresenta. / This work talks about the relationship between the implementation of a public education's project and its social receptivity. It rescues the conceptions which gave rise to the Full time schools implantation program in Rio de Janeiro State and how they have been seen by its users. It talks about the unexpected results of the "savior" educational project (not only concerning the education but also to the impoverished populations from RIo de Janeiro State). Intending to be inclusive, giving to a poor person access to benefits he had not before, it ended up producing more segregation, repeating the selectivity that Brazilian public school already presented.

Desigualdades educativas no acesso ao ensino superior: um estudo de caso sobre a democratização entre os campi da Unifesp / Educational inequalities in access to higher education: a case study on democratization between the campuses of Unifesp.

Taline de Lima e Costa 09 November 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a democratização do ensino superior federal decorrente de programas governamentais que visaram à ampliação da oferta de vagas (expansão) e, por conseguinte, a diversificação do perfil do estudante de graduação (redução das desigualdades educativas). Para tanto, tomou-se como base o caso da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, por meio de: a) informações institucionais (história, infraestrutura); b) dados sociodemográficos dos estudantes coletados por meio de questionário aplicado com os ingressantes; c) bem como de entrevistas realizadas com discentes de dois dos cinco campi de expansão desta universidade. Como principais resultados obtidos constatou-se que uma democratização uniforme ou segregativa (identificada por meio dos dados de 2011) que mantem as desigualdades entre os grupos sociais está dando lugar a uma democratização equalizadora (identificada pelos dados de 2014) que reduz as desigualdades somente após a implantação da lei de cotas, mesmo que ainda parcialmente instalada, na Unifesp. Apesar de promissor, os dados das entrevistas e observações desvelam um panorama de conflitos entre os estudantes de grupos que historicamente foram segregados do ensino superior e a instituição universitária que fora erigida tendo em vista outro público estudantil / This work has as study object the democratization of higher education due to federal government programs that aimed to expand the number of places (expansion) and, therefore, diversification of undergraduate student profile (reducing educational inequalities). For this, it was taken as the base case of the Federal University of São Paulo, through: a) institutional information (history, infrastructure); b) demographic data of students collected through a questionnaire applied to the entrants; c) as well as interviews with students of two of the five campuses of this university expansion. The main results obtained it was found that a uniform or segregative democratization (identified through the 2011 data) - which maintains inequalities between social groups - is giving way to an equalizing democratization (identified by the 2014 data) - which reduces inequalities - only after the implementation of the quota law, even if still partially installed in Unifesp. Although promising, the data from interviews and observations unveil an overview of conflicts between student groups who have been historically segregated higher education and the university - which had been erected with a view another student audience

Promoting the "classroom and playground of Europe": Swiss private school prospectuses and education-focused tourism guides, 1890-1945

Swann, Michelle 05 1900 (has links)
Since the late nineteenth century, Switzerland, a self-professed “playground” and “classroom” of the world, has successfully promoted itself as a desirable destination for international study and tourism. The historically entangled private schooling and tourism industries have steadily communicated idealised images of educational tourism in Switzerland via advertising. Concentrating on the period 1890 -1945 – when promotional ties between tourism organisations and private schools solidified – this thesis investigates the social construction of educational tourist place in two different types of promotion aimed at English-speaking markets: private international school prospectuses and education-focused tourism brochures. An analysis of early prospectuses from three long-standing private international schools and of education-focused tourism guides written by municipal organisations, travel agencies, school boards and the Swiss government revealed highly visual, ideologically-charged textual representations of locations and markets simultaneously defined, idealised and commodified international education in Switzerland. Chapters provide close interpretation of documents and aim, through thick description, to understand specific place-making examples within a wider socio-historical context. Chapter One examines the earliest prospectuses of Le Rosey and Brillantmont, two of the world’s must exclusive Swiss schools (1890-1916). An examination of photo-essay style prospectuses reveals highly selective portrayals of “Château” architecture communicated capacity to deliver a “high-class” and gender appropriate Swiss finishing. Visual cues hallmarking literary and sporting preferences indicated texts catered to the gaze of social-climbing, Anglo-centric markets desirous a continental cosmopolitan education that was not overly “foreign.” Chapter Two analyses the social construction of towns in French-speaking Switzerland as attractive educational centres (1890-1914). It explores how guides promoting Geneva, Neuchâtel and Lausanne constructed an idealised study-abroad landscape through thematic testaments to the educative capacities of local human and natural landscapes. The remaining chapters explore interwar texts. Chapter Three examines a high-altitude institute’s use of the idealising skills of high-end tourism poster artists to manufacture a pleasant, school-like image for the mountain sanatoria-like campus of Beau Soleil. Chapter Four investigates two series of education-focused tourism guidebooks which promoted education in Switzerland. An examination of a Swiss National Tourist Office series reveals discourses of nationhood racialised the Swiss as natural-born pedagogues and constructed Switzerland as a safe, moral destination populated by cooperative, multi-lingual and foreign student-friendly folk. An analysis of R. Perrin Travel Agency’s series explores guidebooks which openly classified education as a tourism commodity. The final chapter examines Le Rosey and Brillantmont’s interwar prospectuses within the context of complex, transnational schooling and school advertising practices. An analysis of images of school sports at winter holiday resorts suggests prospectuses expressed the sense of freedom which accompanies upper-class identity more so than any sense of gender-driven restriction. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate

Decentralized Labor, Disembodied Ideals: An Institutional Ethnography Examining the STEM Higher Education Institution from the Perspectives of Parenting Women in STEM Doctoral Programs

Casey Elizabeth Wright (7037642) 22 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Higher education has embedded systemic disadvantages for women within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. As a result, parenting women who pursue doctoral degrees in STEM fields face an uphill battle; yet the literature has given short shrift to the experiences of women who have children while training to become scientific professionals. This absence exists despite the fact that parenting is frequently an underlying theme in the literature on women’s decreased participation in STEM disciplines. Further, studies that do address parenting women’s experiences in higher education at large focus on individual characteristics and are limited by an emphasis on gender at the expense of other social inequalities. These inequalities have remained persistent and poorly understood. To re-imagine STEM higher education as an institution, it is necessary to understand the everyday social relations embedded within organizations that are a part of the institution. This institutional ethnography addresses these gaps. This study aimed to explore the social relations of the STEM higher education that shaped women’s experiences in STEM doctoral programs. Using Intersectionality and Inequality Regimes frameworks, this study examined women’s interactions with the institution, thereby providing a highly contextualized perspective on the STEM higher education institution. Data collection followed an emergent design with interviews with parenting women in STEM doctoral programs. Through these interviews, narrative events were identified that helped to isolate institutional processes that shaped their experiences. From there, data collection involved interviews with institutional informants and analysis of institutional texts (e.g., graduate handbooks, university policies). Data analysis followed narrative analytic methods using the Listening Guide, Labovian narrative analysis, and institutional ethnographic ruling relations mapping. Therein, three key studies from the data are shared. First, a narrative analysis with interpretation by Inequality Regimes showed how regimes of inequality shaped the experiences of two women who were pregnant and parenting while pursuing STEM doctorates. Second, an institutional ethnographic inquiry into the institutional relations that made up the lactation rooms and women’s interactions with them and revealed a decentralized organization that made accessing the spaces challenging for doctoral student women. And third, an institutional ethnographic analysis of women’s experiences with parental leave illustrated the lack of responsibility to ensure that students know about parental leave and could use the policy. Findings examine the institution’s organization around an ideal worker that many participants struggled to perform; this resulted in a diffuse and disorganized approach to policy and procedures for parenting women. Findings indicate that the neoliberal discourses in the institution shaped these experiences. The institution's masculine, white, classed nature results in it being insular to parenting women. While women persist within this environment, they face adversity emergent from the relations that make up the institution. I offer recommendations to improve gaps in consideration for parenting students, and a call to transform the overall institution to support parenting women at this critical juncture in their training. </p>

Folkbildningsforskning som fält : från framväxt till konsolidering / Liberal Adult Education Research as a Field : from Emergence to Consolidation

Lundin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is treating how Swedish liberal adult education research (folkbildningsforskning) has emerged and consolidated. The concepts of doxa, consecration, capital and field of Pierre Bourdieu are used to reconstruct liberal adult education research as a social field. The empirical material consists of texts and documents, structured chronologically between the years of 1954-2007. Central questions are: In which way can liberal adult education research be reconstructed as a field? How does it emerge? Which are the central values (doxa) that hold the field together and going, and where are the boundaries of the field? Who are the central agents of the field? How do they achieve recognition, and on which grounds? Which are the arenas that work as concecrating instances? The study indicates that the area establishes common concepts and references. A gradual expansion occurs. This involves increased opportunities, but also involves competition. Four different phases can be reconstructed as central: the emergence (1954-1979), the expansion (1980-1989), the institutionalisation (1990-1999) and the consolidation (2000-2007). Research summaries as well as organizations of special interests are contributing to the glow of the area. A number of strong positions are established as are a number of pretenders. These relate, in different ways, to the area and to broader perspectives and settings. The area is successfully handling and employing different kinds of challenges and opportunities. This is considered a sign of relative strength of the reconstructed field of liberal adult education research. / Avhandlingen handlar om hur svensk forskning om folkbildning vuxit fram och konsoliderats. Med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp doxa, konsekration, kapital och fält rekonstrueras folkbildningsforskning som ett fält. Det empiriska materialet består av texter och dokument. Detta struktureras längs en tidsaxel, mellan 1954-2007. Centrala frågor är: Hur kan folkbildningsforskningen som fält rekonstrueras? Hur sker dess framväxt? Vilka är de centrala värden (doxa) som håller samman och bär upp fältet och var går dess gränser? Vilka är agenterna på fältet? Hur når de erkännande och på vilka grunder sker det? Vilka är de arenor som fungerar som instanser för erkännande?Studien visar att området etablerar gemensamma begrepp och referenser. En successiv expansion sker. Detta innebär ökade möjligheter, men också större konkurrens. Fyra olika skeden kan rekonstrueras som centrala: framväxten(1954-1979), expansionen (1980-1989), institutionaliseringen (1990-1999) och konsolideringen(2000-2007). Kunskapsöversikter, liksom intresseorganisationer, bidrar till områdets formering. Ett antal starka positioner uppstår, liksom pretenderande grupper. Dessa knyter, på olika sätt, an till området, men också till bredare perspektiv och kontexter. Att området förmår hantera, och införliva, utmaningar av olika slag, tyder på en relativ styrka.

Les expériences sociales et universitaires d’étudiants internationaux au Québec, le cas de l’Université de Montréal : comprendre leur persévérance aux études

Maïnich, Sarah 05 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet la persévérance aux études supérieures d’étudiants internationaux à l’Université de Montréal (UdeM) inscrits en programme de recherche (maîtrise et doctorat). L’objectif général de cette étude est d’explorer leurs conditions de vie et d’études afin de tendre vers une compréhension approfondie leur persévérance à l’UdeM. Constatant l’augmentation des migrations étudiantes, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser aux expériences sociales et universitaires d’étudiants internationaux. Des étudiants en mobilité internationale arrivent dans un pays et une université qu’ils ne connaissent pas ou peu et dans une nouvelle ville et une nouvelle culture qui leur sont souvent étrangères. Toutefois, nous ignorons beaucoup des conditions de vie et d’études des étudiants internationaux aux cycles supérieurs alors qu’ils jouent un rôle clé au chapitre des performances économique et scientifique des pays et institutions qui les accueillent. Dès lors, nous voulons comprendre comment des étudiants internationaux inscrits en programmes de recherche (maîtrise et doctorat) persévèrent à l’Université de Montréal. Cette thèse expose donc les points relatifs aux conditions d’accueil, d’intégration et de formation d’étudiants internationaux inscrits en programme de recherche à l’Université de Montréal. Nous partons des contextes canadiens et québécois de l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur pour analyser la trame de l’expérience desdits étudiants, depuis les conditions scolaires, sociales et personnelles de leurs milieux d’accueil. Ainsi, la thèse nous plonge dans l’univers de ces étudiants et présente de nombreux points d’intérêt et une contribution à la sociologie de l’enseignement supérieur. Nous avons analysé les aspects relatifs aux caractéristiques des étudiants susceptibles de favoriser ou compromettre leur persévérance (Tinto, 1993) et les expériences scolaires et sociales de ces étudiants et le sens qu’ils donnent à ces expériences (Dubet, 1994; Rochex, 1995) et, enfin, nous avons exploré les trois temps de l’affiliation (Coulon, 1997). La question de recherche est la suivante : quels sont les aspects associés aux caractéristiques des étudiants (Tinto), à leurs expériences sociales (Dubet) et à l’apprentissage du métier d’étudiant (Coulon) susceptibles d’influencer la persévérance aux études chez les étudiants internationaux ? En ce qui concerne la méthodologie, cette recherche est de type exploratoire et repose sur une démarche d’investigation qualitative. Notre étude s’est attachée à décrire le cheminement scolaire des étudiants internationaux, nous avons tenté de tirer du sens de données institutionnelles mises à disposition. Des entretiens auprès de huit étudiants internationaux ont été réalisés. Nous proposons un survol des facteurs freinant ou favorisant la poursuite des études. Finalement, l’analyse compréhensive des entretiens suggère une forte capacité de résilience et l’importance d’une solidarité entre étudiants internationaux, en dépit de l’absence de bourses d’études ou d’autres soutiens financiers. Concernant leur intégration sociale et académique, si le Canada est décrit comme une société accueillante, les étudiants internationaux ont encore à surmonter des barrières culturelles et linguistiques, ils souffrent également d’un manque d’amitiés interculturelles faisant en sorte qu’ils ressentent un malaise général. Les échos de leurs récits suggèrent également l’importance des interactions de qualité avec leurs directions de recherche. Les étudiants internationaux ont besoin du soutien intellectuel, moral et financier de leur direction de recherche. Ces dernières sont souvent et systématiquement décrites comme première, voire unique, source d’informations. Elles sont aussi reconnues comme favorisant la persévérance aux études. Dans un tout autre ordre de déterminant, les étudiants internationaux mentionnent également que leur bien-être (physique et psychologique) dépend également de leur alimentation et la pratique de leur religion. Par exemple, certains sont véritablement en lutte pour accepter une alimentation totalement différente de celle de chez eux. De toute évidence, l’alimentation, la langue et la religion sont décrites comme véhicule de maintien de leur identité culturelle, au Canada et ce maintien est important pour leur bien-être et leur confort général dans le pays d’accueil. La recherche a permis de rendre plus audible la vie universitaire et sociale de ces étudiants jusque-là méconnue au Québec et à Montréal. L’approche exploratoire et compréhensive a montré que les migrations pour études répondent avant tout à des choix individuels liés à des aspirations sociales et professionnelles élevées. Mais, la décision de persévérer dépend de l’interrelation entre les stratégies individuelles et les contraintes migratoires, économiques et sociales. La thèse contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l’expérience des étudiants internationaux, notamment en montrant comment leur persévérance s’accompagne d’une fragilité et ces connaissances sont importantes pour les universités qui cherchent à accroître leur place sur le marché international de l’enseignement supérieur. / The purpose of this research is to develop a strong understanding of persistence in higher education among a specific international population: International Postgraduate Students. We do not know much about international students in Montréal thought we think they play a key role on the economic performance of host country and institution. Therefore this thesis presents the issues relating to reception, integration and training conditions among international postgraduate students at the Université de Montréal. We begin with the Canadian and Quebec contexts of internationalization of higher education to analyze the frame of their experiences in the host community. In parallel, we have identified a large number of theories on attrition and retention in postsecondary education (Tinto, 1993), giving us factors that explain success, persistence and dropout. However, we noted that Tinto’s one in particular is not sufficient to understand persistence among international students. Thus, we analyzed the academic and social experiences of these international students and the meaning they give to such experiences (Dubet, 1994, Rochex, 1995) and, finally, we wanted to explore the temps de l’affiliation (Coulon, 1997). Those purposes allowed me to finally identify and set the following research question: what aspects associated with student characteristics (Tinto), their social experiences (Dubet) and learning the métier d’étudiant (Coulon) may influence academic persistence among international students? Regarding the methodology, this exploratory research used a qualitative method (collecting and analyzing data). We conducted a descriptive data analysis in order to set a portrait of the international students in Montreal. We received institutional data from the Institutional Research Office of the Université de Montréal. We also wanted to discuss students’ sense making on their academic and social experiences. So, interviews were conducted with a limited number of volunteers (n = 8) giving a stronger analysis of their experiences and different understanding of persistence. Students voices heard in interviews suggest a strong resilience of the individual and the ethnic solidarity in spite of a lack of scholarships and other financial supports. Regarding their social and academic integration, though Canada is described as a welcoming society, they still have to deal and struggle with cultural boundaries, a lack of intercultural friendships so that they feel a general discomfort. Echoes of ethnographic interviews also suggest the influence of good quality interactions with their thesis supervisors. In a different matter, international students mention a strong relationship between their wellbeing and food. As a vehicle for maintaining or remembering their cultural identity in Canada, they struggle accepting a totally different food than the one from back home. Obviously, food, religion and language are important determinants of international students’ well being and general comfort in the new country. Research has made more audible the academic and social life of these students previously unknown in Quebec and Montreal. The exploratory and comprehensive approach showed that the decision to persist depends on the interrelation between the individual strategies and economic and social constraints. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of the experience of international students, including showing how perseverance is accompanied by fragility and they are important for universities seeking to enhance their position in the international higher education market.

Expectativas dos alunos concluintes do ensino médio público estadual com relação ao ingresso no ensino superior: conhecimento do ProUni e FIES / Expectations of students who are graduating at public state high school towards college admission: learning about ProUni and FIES

Silva, Ricardo Tadeu da 18 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Tadeu da Silva.pdf: 704175 bytes, checksum: 46ec2c5049f4ed9ea3f6be7821439aa9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present dissertation is the result of a research accomplished in 2008, aiming to analyze the reasons that lead students who finish high school at public state net in Northwest area of Sao Paulo to intend to enter public or private colleges. The aim of the research is to analyze the knowledge that students who attend evening classes at the public state net have about the federal government programs (ProUni and FIES), as expectation and expression of being admitted at private colleges. The data collection was made through a questionary, collection fundamental basis. Pierre Bourdieu s cultural, economical and social capital concepts were used on the analysis, as well as Maria Alice Foracchi s and Maria Helena Augusto s works, sources for understanding the expectations of students who belong to lower classes families. The hypothesis of the research is: the knowledge about the federal government programs (ProUni and FIES) depend on the economical and cultural capital of the student, as well as on the social relations established at social and school ambits. The research took place at two schools in the Northwest area of Sao Paulo. The schools were chosen due to their results at the 2007 ENEM examination. We worked with two schools: those that got the best and the lower grades at the 2007 ENEM. We applied the questionary to a 3rd grade evening high school group of each school, coming down to 96 students. We have chosen students from the evening period because there are evidences that identify them as being the economical and social excluded ones lots of them are workers who get tired to school and many times they have learning gaps. With the results we got on the analysis we can state: the students who showed a good knowledge about ProUni are different from those who did not know about it owing to the fact of taking or having taken extracurricular courses, of dedicating hours to study out of the classroom, of using the internet, taking trips, going to museums, theaters and movies. The expectations of those who know ProUni can be abridged as an indispensable means to access the labor market and a way to social ascension. Among all aspects related to social and cultural capital, the subjects from the school with the higher grades at ENEM overcome the ones from the school with the lower grades. The economical capital is practically the same at both schools / A presente dissertação é resultado de pesquisa realizada em 2008, tendo como problema analisar quais as razões que direcionam os alunos concluintes do ensino médio da rede pública estadual da zona noroeste de São Paulo a pretender ingressar no ensino superior público ou privado. O objetivo de nossa pesquisa é analisar o conhecimento que os alunos do ensino médio noturno da rede pública estadual têm dos programas do governo federal (ProUni e FIES), como expectativa e expressão de ingresso no ensino superior privado. A coleta de dados foi feita a partir de um questionário, base fundamental da coleta. Os conceitos de capital cultural, econômico e social de Pierre Bourdieu foram empregados na análise, além dos trabalhos de Maria Alice Foracchi e Maria Helena Augusto, fontes para compreensão das expectativas dos estudantes, enquanto pertencentes a famílias de frações de classe média baixa. A hipótese de pesquisa com a qual trabalhamos é: o conhecimento das informações sobre os programas do governo federal (ProUni e FIES) depende do capital econômico, cultural de origem, e de relações sociais estabelecidas no âmbito social e no âmbito escolar. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas escolas da zona noroeste de São Paulo. As escolas foram escolhidas com base nos resultados obtidos pelas mesmas no Exame do ENEM 2007. Trabalhamos com a escola que obteve a maior e com a que obteve menor nota no ENEM 2007. Aplicamos o questionário em uma turma do 3° ano do ensino médio noturno de cada uma das escolas, totalizando 96 sujeitos. Escolhemos alunos do período noturno, por termos evidências que os identificam como sendo os excluídos em termos sociais e econômicos, muitos são trabalhadores, chegam cansados para as aulas e muitas vezes apresentam lacunas de aprendizagem. Com os resultados obtidos na análise, podemos afirmar: os alunos que apresentaram um bom conhecimento do ProUni podem ser diferenciados dos que não o conhecem, pelo fato de fazerem ou terem feito mais de um curso extracurricular, por dedicarem horas de estudo fora da sala de aula, uso da internet, realizarem viagens e por frequentarem museus, teatros e cinemas. As expectativas dos sujeitos que conhecem bem o ProUni podem ser resumidas como meio indispensável para o acesso ao mercado de trabalho e um caminho para a ascensão social. Em todos os aspectos relacionados ao capital cultural e social, os sujeitos da escola com maior nota no ENEM superam os sujeitos da escola de menor nota no ENEM. O capital econômico é praticamente o mesmo nas duas escolas

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