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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza spánkového EEG / Human Sleep EEG Analysis

Sadovský, Petr January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis and processing of the Sleep Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The scope of this thesis can be split into several areas. The first area is application of the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) method for EEG signal analysis. A model of EEG signal formation is proposed and conditions under which this model is valid are examined. It is shown that ICA can be used to remove non-deterministic artifacts contained in the EEG signals. The second area of interest is analysis of stationarity of the Sleep EEG signal. Methods to identify stationary signal segments and to analyze statistical properties of these stationary segments are presented. The third area of interest focuses on spectral analysis of the Sleep EEG signals. Analyses are performed that shows the processes that form particular parts of EEG signals spectrum. Also, random signals that are an integral part of the EEG signals analysis are performed. The last area of interest focuses on elimination of the transition processes that are caused by the filtering of the short EEG signal segments.

Dynamická analýza konstrukce zatížená seismickým zatížením / Dynamic analysis of structure with seismic loads

Šnajdárková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on creation of two models of high-rise construction - beam and shell. A dynamic analysis is performed on these models. The selected program is RFEM software and the created high-rise construction is Hearst Tower skyscraper, which is interesting for its diagrid system around its perimeter. There is described process of creating both models and associated problems. Dynamic analysis is performed using standard EN 1998-1. There belongs calculations of sufficient number of modal shapes, spectral analysis and time analysis. Then the results are compared on selected point on the both models.

Идентификовање и анализа Миланковићевих циклуса записаних у лесно-палеоземљишним секвенцама у Војводини / Identifikovanje i analiza Milankovićevih ciklusa zapisanih u lesno-paleozemljišnim sekvencama u Vojvodini / Identification and analysis of Milankovitch cycles in Vojvodinian loess-paleosol

Basarin Biljana 05 September 2011 (has links)
<p>Лес у Војводини има највећу моћност и сматра се за најкомплетнији палеоклиматски архив у Европи. На основу кореалице између две најзначајније лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце, Старог Сланкамена и Тителског брега, створен је синтетички профил коришћен у овој студији. Истраживања Марковића и сарадника (2011) показала су да лесно-палеоземљишна секвенца у Старом Сланкамену има старост од око милион година. С друге стране, високе стопе седиментације и комплетност последњих пет глацијално-интерглацијалних циклуса на Тителском брегу чине овај локалитет најдетаљнијим палеоклиматским архивом у поменутом периоду, у овом делу Европе. Временска скала војвођанског леса формирана је тунирањем резултата магнетног сусцептибилитета према астрономским параметрима, нагибу Земљине осе ротације и прецесије. Овако добијена временска скала показује да је граница између нормалне епохе магнетног поларитета Бринес и епохе реверсног поларитета Метујама значајно старија. Ова граница утврђена је палеомагнетним мерењима у лесном хоризонту V L9. Добијени резултати стоје у доброј корелацији са резултатима палеомагнетних мерења (Marković et al., 2011). &quot;Lock in&quot; ефекат утврђен за војвођански лес знатно је већи у односу на онај у кинеским лесно-палеоземљишним секвенцама, због снажно развијеног коренског система чије постојање је уврђено у V S8 и које се протеже неколико метара у дубину све до лесног хоризонта V L9. Спектрална и вејвлет анализа временске скале војвођанског леса показују присуство орбиталних параметара: ексцентрицитета земљине орбите, промена нагиба Земљине осе ротације и прецесије. Доминантне су компоненте мањих фреквенција, ексцентрицитета, док су краћи орбитални периоди промена нагиба осе ротације и прецесије слабије изражени. Овакви резултати проистичу, пре свега из чињенице да синтетички профил има старост од око милион година и да се само доњи, старији део секвенце може посматрати као део такозваног 41 ky, када доминира фреквенција промена нагиба осе ротације. Вејвлет анализа временског модела показује присуство Средње плеистоцене транзиције, што указује да обитални утицај ексцентрицитета постаје доминантан пре око 650 ky. Резултати стоје у доброј корелацији са секвенцама са Кинеског лесног платоа (Sun et al., 2006)и из Централне Азије(Ding et al., 2002), али такође и са дубокоморским седиментима (Shackleton, 1990). Захваљујући комплетности и старости лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце, омогућено је истраживање палеоклиматске еволуције и утицај орбиталних параметара на палеоклиматске прилике у овом делу Европе. Секвенца се може посматрати и као спојница између западноевропских и азијских лесних профила, значајна за изучавање континенталне и глобалне палеоклиматске еволуције.</p> / <p>Les u Vojvodini ima najveću moćnost i smatra se za najkompletniji paleoklimatski arhiv u Evropi. Na osnovu korealice između dve najznačajnije lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence, Starog Slankamena i Titelskog brega, stvoren je sintetički profil korišćen u ovoj studiji. Istraživanja Markovića i saradnika (2011) pokazala su da lesno-paleozemljišna sekvenca u Starom Slankamenu ima starost od oko milion godina. S druge strane, visoke stope sedimentacije i kompletnost poslednjih pet glacijalno-interglacijalnih ciklusa na Titelskom bregu čine ovaj lokalitet najdetaljnijim paleoklimatskim arhivom u pomenutom periodu, u ovom delu Evrope. Vremenska skala vojvođanskog lesa formirana je tuniranjem rezultata magnetnog susceptibiliteta prema astronomskim parametrima, nagibu Zemljine ose rotacije i precesije. Ovako dobijena vremenska skala pokazuje da je granica između normalne epohe magnetnog polariteta Brines i epohe reversnog polariteta Metujama značajno starija. Ova granica utvrđena je paleomagnetnim merenjima u lesnom horizontu V L9. Dobijeni rezultati stoje u dobroj korelaciji sa rezultatima paleomagnetnih merenja (Marković et al., 2011). &quot;Lock in&quot; efekat utvrđen za vojvođanski les znatno je veći u odnosu na onaj u kineskim lesno-paleozemljišnim sekvencama, zbog snažno razvijenog korenskog sistema čije postojanje je uvrđeno u V S8 i koje se proteže nekoliko metara u dubinu sve do lesnog horizonta V L9. Spektralna i vejvlet analiza vremenske skale vojvođanskog lesa pokazuju prisustvo orbitalnih parametara: ekscentriciteta zemljine orbite, promena nagiba Zemljine ose rotacije i precesije. Dominantne su komponente manjih frekvencija, ekscentriciteta, dok su kraći orbitalni periodi promena nagiba ose rotacije i precesije slabije izraženi. Ovakvi rezultati proističu, pre svega iz činjenice da sintetički profil ima starost od oko milion godina i da se samo donji, stariji deo sekvence može posmatrati kao deo takozvanog 41 ky, kada dominira frekvencija promena nagiba ose rotacije. Vejvlet analiza vremenskog modela pokazuje prisustvo Srednje pleistocene tranzicije, što ukazuje da obitalni uticaj ekscentriciteta postaje dominantan pre oko 650 ky. Rezultati stoje u dobroj korelaciji sa sekvencama sa Kineskog lesnog platoa (Sun et al., 2006)i iz Centralne Azije(Ding et al., 2002), ali takođe i sa dubokomorskim sedimentima (Shackleton, 1990). Zahvaljujući kompletnosti i starosti lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence, omogućeno je istraživanje paleoklimatske evolucije i uticaj orbitalnih parametara na paleoklimatske prilike u ovom delu Evrope. Sekvenca se može posmatrati i kao spojnica između zapadnoevropskih i azijskih lesnih profila, značajna za izučavanje kontinentalne i globalne paleoklimatske evolucije.</p> / <p>Loess in Vojvodinaregion (Northern Serbia) is some of the thickest and most complete in Europe. Synthetic profile was developed based on the interprofile correlation between the two most important loess paleosol sequences, Stari Slankamen and Titel Loess Plateau. Recent study (Marković et al., 2011) showed that loess at Stari Slankamen site spans the last million years. On the other hand, high accumulation rates and the completeness of the last five glacial cycles recorded at Titel Loess Plateau preserve detailed climate proxy archive. Magnetic susceptibility record was tuned to orbital obliquity and precession, thus yielding an improved astronomical time scale for the synthetic loess-paleosol sequence. The time scale indicates much older age for the Bruhnes Matuyama boundary, recorded in loess unit V-L9, whish is in good agreement with the recent results obtained during paleomagnetic measurements (Marković et al., 2011). The lock in effect is much grater than in Chinese loess sequences, due to the strong root channels, which penetrate several meters down through V S8 into V-L9 and probably influence the magnetic properties of the sediments. Spectral and wavelet analysis of tuned magnetic susceptibility record reveal the presence of typical orbital frequencies, corresponding to eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Eccentricity frequencies of solar irradiance are dominant, while relatively short time frame of the investigated profile, since the lower part of sequence can be assigned to the so called 41 ky world. Wavelet analysis reveals the presence of Mid Pleistocene Transition, indicating that the eccentricity parameter becomes dominant from 650 ky. The results are in good agreement with sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau (Sun et al., 2006) and Central Asia (Ding et al., 2002) but also with deep sea sediments (Schackleton, 1990). Spectral and wavlet analysis of tuned magnetic susceptibility record reveal the presence of typical orbital frequencies, corresponding to eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Eccentricity frequencies of solar irradiance are dominant, while relatively short time orbital cycles of obliquity and precession are week. This can be attributed to the time frame of the investigated profile, since the lower part of the sequence can be assigned to the so called 41 ky world.Wavlet analysis reveals the presence of Mid Pleistocene Transition, indicating that the eccentricity parameter becomes dominant from 650 ky. The results are in good agreement with sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau (Sun et al., 2006) and Central Asia (Ding et al., 2002) but also with deep sea sediments (Shackleton, 1990). Due to the completeness and the time frame of studied loess paleosol sequence, the site provides an opportunity for investigating the evolution and climate dynamics in this part of europe. The syntjetic profile can be seen as rare paleoclimate archive that enables the reconstruction of orbital influences over Pannonian Basin and can be seen as link between west European sequences and Asian loess.</p>

Delay effects : a Journey from Multi-agent Systems to Genetic Networks / Effets des retards : un voyage des systèmes multi-agents aux réseaux génétiques

Irofti, Dina 18 July 2017 (has links)
Les sujets discutés dans cette thèses’inscrivent dans le cadre général des systèmesinterconnectés. Nous abordons les réseauxmulti-agent qui ont des tâches coopératives etnous proposons un nouveau protocole deconsensus qui comporte des retards et desagents anticipatifs. Nous étudions lesconditions pour lesquelles un réseau organiséconformément au protocole proposé atteint leconsensus. Nous dérivons également desrésultats théoriques valables pour une classeplus générale de systèmes. Ces résultatsconcernent le cas des racines multiples surl’axe des imaginaires, situation qui peutcorrespondre aux réseaux avec une topologiechangeante.Dans notre approche, nous discutonsséparément le cas des racines multiples àl’origine et racines multiples sur l’axe desimaginaires sauf l’origine. Un autre résultatimportant comporte un nouveau modèle pourun réseau génétique qui fonctionne comme unmultiplexeur. Ce circuit innovant utilise troisentrées pour commander deux signaux desortie. Nous effectuons une analyse destabilité pour le modèle proposé et nousdémontrons que son point d’équilibre estunique et stable. Pour valider ce réseaugénétique, nous étudions également le modèlestochastique dérivé du modèle déterministe. / This thesis discusses diverse types ofinterconnected systems through networks. Weaddress networks of agents with cooperativetasks and propose a new consensus protocolwith delays and anticipatory agents. We studythe consensus reaching conditions for networksorganized under the proposed model.Moreover, we derive some theoretical results,which can apply to a more general class ofsystems, concerning stability issues when theconsidered system has multiple imaginaryroots. In terms of networks, this situation cancorrespond to the case of switching topologynetworks, when the network can even bedisconnected at some point.We separately discuss the case of zerocharacteristic roots, and roots laying on theimaginary axis, except the origin. Finally, wepropose a gene network model with afunctionality similar to a multiplexer circuit.Thus, we control two outputs with three inputsignals, and we carry out a stability analysis.We prove the uniqueness and the stability ofthe network steady states, and validate thecontinuous and deterministic model with astochastic model.

Dynamická analýza konstrukce zatížené seismickým zatížením / Dynamic analysis of structure loaded seismic loads

Havlíková, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of my master’s thesis is the solution steel hall with concrete columns, that is loaded by an earthquake. This simulation program was used RFEM. To calculate was used the spectral and temporal analysis, and that on models of structures with several combinations of materials. The analysis was performed for both the general direction of the earthquake, so for combinations of directions according to standard procedures in EC8.

Target Spectrums For Mastering : A comparison of spectral stylistic conventions between rock and vocal-based electronic music

Schedin, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Through the analysis of the spectral characteristics of thousands of mastered (or remastered) commercial recordings from a variety of genres over the history of popular music, researchers have studied stylistic trends and spectral conventions. The aim of this study was to further explore, analyse and compare the spectral characteristics of two broad but distinct popular music genres: rock and vocal-based electronic music. The main reason for this choice of genres being that rock generally predominantly is based on (amplified) acoustical elements (e.g. acoustic drums and acoustic/electric bass/guitars) and that electronic music generally predominantly is based on electronic elements (e.g. beats and synthesizers). The stimuli for the study consisted of 24 top-five hit songs from the Billboard charts between 2016-2020, divided by genre. A fast fourier transform approach was used for the computation of target spectrums as well as low level descriptors for the two independent datasets of recordings. Spectral analysis followed with the goal of answering the following research questions: What do the spectral stylistic conventions appear to be in rock versus vocal-based electronic music and what spectral differences/similarities exists between these two distinct popular music genres? The results showed that there were some significant spectral differences between the two genres, especially noticeable in the low end of the frequency spectrum. Other genre-specific spectral trends and overall spectral conventions were found as well.

NH Planetary-Scale Circulation in Troposphere and Stratosphere: A Spectral and Dynamical Perspective / Planet-skaliga cirkulationen i norra halvklotets troposfär och stratosfär: Ett spektralt och dynamiskt perspektiv

Schutte, Michael Konrad January 2023 (has links)
Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) and spectral analysis are employed to study the tropospheric jet stream and the stratospheric polar vortex. The objective is to investigate the relationship between Rossby wave activity and inverse persistence and dimensionality of geopotential height at 250 hPa and 10 hPa, as these two dynamical indicators are expected to show a characteristic behavior of Rossby wave harmonics. The results show that persistent states exhibit suppressed Rossby wave activity for eastward-propagating Rossby waves, whereas it is increased for the westward counterpart. Positive anomalies of spectral power at positive phase speeds are present for less persistent states. Events with low dimensionality relate to the suppression of most Rossby waves, while an increase in spectral power is present during high dimensional states. The results were more pronounced in the stratosphere compared to the troposphere with different spatial patterns of geopotential height anomalies due to additional factors influencing the location of Rossby waves. Furthermore, Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs) are connected to a decrease in persistence up to 2 weeks prior, followed by a significant increase in persistence and dimensionality, and reduced integrated spectral power. Strong Polar Vortex events (SPVs) exhibit the opposite behavior with an increase in persistence before and a decrease in persistence and dimensionality, and higher ISP afterward. Additionally, SSWs (SPVs) exhibit a suppression (enhancement) of Rossby wave activity in the stratosphere and to a lesser extent in the troposphere for eastwards traveling waves.

How to measure the degree of PIT-ness in a credit rating system for a low default portfolio? / Hur mäter man graden av PIT-ness för ett kreditbetygssystem för en kreditportfölj med få fallissemang?

Ahlqvist, Sigge, Arriaza-Hult, Matteus January 2020 (has links)
In order to be compliant with the Basel regulations, banks need to compute two probabilities of default (PDs): point-in-time (PIT) and through-the-cycle (TTC). The aim is to explain fluctuations in the rating system, which are expected to be affected by systematic and idiosyncratic factors. Being able to, in an objective manner, determine whether the rating system is taking the business cycle - i.e the systematic factors - into account when assigning a credit rating to an obligor is useful in order to evaluate PD-models. It is also necessary for banks in order to use their own risk parameters and models instead of standardized models, which is desirable for most banks as it could lower capital requirements. This thesis propose a new measure for the degree of PIT-ness. This measure aims to be especially useful when examining a low default portfolio. The proposed measure is built on a markovian approach of the credit rating system. In order to find a suitable measure for a low default portfolio, the proposed measure takes into account credit rating migrations, the seasonal component of the business cycle and time series analysis. An analysis were performed between two different credit portfolios in order to interpret results. The results demonstrated that the degree of PIT-ness was lower in a low default portfolio in comparison with a sampled portfolio which displayed a greater amount of rating migrations with a larger magnitude. The importance of considering relevant macroeconomic variables to represent the business cycle was mentioned amongst the most important factors to consider in order to receive reliable results given the proposed measure. / För att uppfylla Basel regelverken behöver banker beräkna två sannolikheter för fallissemang (PD): point-in-time (PIT) och through-the-cycle (TTC). Målet är att förklara fluktuationer i betygssystemet, som förväntas påverkas av systematiska och idiosynkratiska faktorer. Att på ett objektivt sätt kunna avgöra om betygssystemet tar hänsyn till affärscykeln - dvs de systematiska faktorerna - när man tilldelar en kredittagare ett kreditbetyg är användbart för att utvärdera PD-modeller. Detta är också nödvändigt för att banker ska få använda sina egna riskparametrar och modeller istället för standardiserade modeller, vilket är önskvärt för de flesta banker eftersom det kan sänka kapitalkraven. Denna avhandling föreslår ett nytt mått för att mäta graden av PIT-ness. Detta mått syftar till att vara särskilt användbart när man utvärderar en kreditportfölj med få fallissemang. Det föreslagna måttet är byggt på en Markov tillämpning på kreditbetygssystemet. För att hitta ett lämpligt mått för en kreditportfölj med få fallissemang, tar det föreslagna måttet hänsyn till kreditbetygsmigrationer, säsongskomponenten i affärscykeln och tidsserieanalys. En analys utfördes mellan två olika kreditportföljer för att tolka resultaten. Resultaten visade att graden av PIT-ness var lägre i en kreditportfölj med få fallissemang jämfört med en testportfölj som uppvisade en större mängd kreditbetygsmigrationer med en större magnitud. Vikten av att beakta relevanta makroekonomiska variabler för att representera affärscykeln nämndes bland de viktigaste faktorerna att beakta för att få tillförlitliga resultat givet det föreslagna måttet.

Kan datorer höra fåglar? / Can Computers Hear Birds?

Movin, Andreas, Jilg, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Ljudigenkänning möjliggörs genom spektralanalys, som beräknas av den snabba fouriertransformen (FFT), och har under senare år nått stora genombrott i samband med ökningen av datorprestanda och artificiell intelligens. Tekniken är nu allmänt förekommande, i synnerhet inom bioakustik för identifiering av djurarter, en viktig del av miljöövervakning. Det är fortfarande ett växande vetenskapsområde och särskilt igenkänning av fågelsång som återstår som en svårlöst utmaning. Även de främsta algoritmer i området är långt ifrån felfria. I detta kandidatexamensarbete implementerades och utvärderades enkla algoritmer för att para ihop ljud med en ljuddatabas. En filtreringsmetod utvecklades för att urskilja de karaktäristiska frekvenserna vid fem tidsramar som utgjorde basen för jämförelsen och proceduren för ihopparning. Ljuden som användes var förinspelad fågelsång (koltrast, näktergal, kråka och fiskmås) så väl som egeninspelad mänsklig röst (4 unga svenska män). Våra resultat visar att framgångsgraden normalt är 50–70%, den lägsta var fiskmåsen med 30% för en liten databas och den högsta var koltrasten med 90% för en stor databas. Rösterna var svårare för algoritmen att särskilja, men de hade överlag framgångsgrader mellan 50% och 80%. Dock gav en ökning av databasstorleken generellt inte en ökning av framgångsgraden. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta kandidatexamensarbete konceptbeviset bakom fågelsångigenkänning och illustrerar såväl styrkorna som bristerna av dessa enkla algoritmer som har utvecklats. Algoritmerna gav högre framgångsgrad än slumpen (25%) men det finns ändå utrymme för förbättring eftersom algoritmen vilseleddes av ljud av samma frekvenser. Ytterligare studier behövs för att bedöma den utvecklade algoritmens förmåga att identifiera ännu fler fåglar och röster. / Sound recognition is made possible through spectral analysis, computed by the fast Fourier transform (FFT), and has in recent years made major breakthroughs along with the rise of computational power and artificial intelligence. The technology is now used ubiquitously and in particular in the field of bioacoustics for identification of animal species, an important task for wildlife monitoring. It is still a growing field of science and especially the recognition of bird song which remains a hard-solved challenge. Even state-of-the-art algorithms are far from error-free. In this thesis, simple algorithms to match sounds to a sound database were implemented and assessed. A filtering method was developed to pick out characteristic frequencies at five time frames which were the basis for comparison and the matching procedure. The sounds used were pre-recorded bird songs (blackbird, nightingale, crow and seagull) as well as human voices (4 young Swedish males) that we recorded. Our findings show success rates typically at 50–70%, the lowest being the seagull of 30% for a small database and the highest being the blackbird at 90% for a large database. The voices were more difficult for the algorithms to distinguish, but they still had an overall success rate between 50% and 80%. Furthermore, increasing the database size did not improve success rates in general. In conclusion, this thesis shows the proof of concept and illustrates both the strengths as well as short-comings of the simple algorithms developed. The algorithms gave better success rates than pure chance of 25% but there is room for improvement since the algorithms were easily misled by sounds of the same frequencies. Further research will be needed to assess the devised algorithms' ability to identify even more birds and voices.

Le circuit cérébral de la peur : analyse spectrale et imagerie cérébrale en trouble du cauchemar

Marquis, Louis-Philippe 01 1900 (has links)
Les cauchemars sont des rêves très dysphoriques, bien remémorés au réveil, dont le contenu est souvent caractérisé par la présence de menace à la survie, la sécurité ou l’intégrité physique. Les cauchemars surviendraient surtout durant le sommeil paradoxal. Bien qu’il s’agisse pour la plupart des gens d’une expérience rare et bénigne, il est de plus en plus apparent que les cauchemars entretiennent des liens avec la psychopathologie. Plusieurs populations psychiatriques ont une fréquence des cauchemars supérieure à la population générale. Au-delà d’être simplement associés à la psychopathologie, les cauchemars peuvent par exemple prédire le développement du trouble de stress post-traumatique, constituer un facteur de risque pour le suicide, ou amplifier des difficultés de régulation émotionnelle. Ainsi, les cauchemars peuvent être pertinents pour la clinique. Malgré cela, leur pathophysiologie demeure un sujet peu exploré. Plus spécifiquement, il existe peu de recherche portant sur leurs corrélats neuronaux. Selon le modèle neurocognitif des cauchemars, les cauchemars constitueraient un échec de la fonction normale des rêves, qui serait d’aider à la régulation émotionnelle en mêlant le contenu de mémoires émotionnellement négatives à celui d’autres mémoires plus neutres, permettant ainsi l’extinction de ces mémoires négatives. La fonction du rêve, et donc la présence de cauchemars, reposerait sur un réseau limbique-préfrontal composé du cortex préfrontal médian et cingulaire antérieur, de l’hippocampe et de l’amygdale. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les mécanismes cérébraux potentiellement impliqués dans les cauchemars de manière à tester le modèle neurocognitif des cauchemars. Dans une première étude, nous avons utilisé l’analyse spectrale pour comparer l’activité EEG à l’éveil et durant le sommeil entre 18 participants rapportant des cauchemars fréquents et 15 participants contrôles. Les résultats démontrent davantage d’activité 2-5Hz à l’éveil, en sommeil lent et en sommeil paradoxal, principalement aux électrodes centrales et frontales, chez les participants avec cauchemars comparativement aux participants contrôles. Ces résultats étaient plus apparents en sommeil paradoxal. Ces résultats répliquent partiellement une étude antérieure démontrant une activité 3-4Hz plus importante pour des participants avec cauchemars que des contrôles. L’apport original de l’étude réside surtout dans sa démonstration d’altérations de l’activité EEG visibles autant durant l’éveil que durant le sommeil, ce qui constitue un appui à la continuité éveil-sommeil avancée par le modèle neurocognitif des cauchemars. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons utilisé la tomographie par émission monophotonique pour enregistrer le flux sanguin cérébral régional (une mesure indirecte de l’activité neuronale) de 18 participants avec cauchemars fréquents durant le visionnement d’images émotionnellement négatives ou neutres. Les résultats démontrent que la sévérité des cauchemars est associée négativement au FSCr de régions inclues dans le modèle neurocognitif (cortex cingulaire antérieur et préfrontal médian), mais aussi d’autres régions corticales (frontales, temporales, insula). En résumé, cette thèse apporte un appui partiel au modèle neurocognitif des cauchemars, mais souligne également certaines limites du modèle et propose de nouvelles avenues de recherche pour comprendre les mécanismes neuronaux des cauchemars. Cette thèse souligne aussi des implications cliniques à l’étude des corrélats neuronaux des cauchemars, notamment par rapport à la compréhension des traitements (pharmacologiques ou non-pharmacologiques). / Nightmares are defined as highly dysphoric dreams that are well-remembered upon awakening, frequently involving threats to survival, security or physical integrity. They are thought to happen most frequently during rapid eye movement sleep. For most people, nightmares are a rare occurrence and are mostly benign. However, research shows that nightmares are linked to psychopathology. Many psychiatric populations have an elevated nightmare frequency compared to the general population. In addition to being associated with psychopathology, nightmares can for example predict the development of post-traumatic stress disorder, be a risk factor for suicide, or diminish emotional regulation capabilities. Therefore, nightmares can be relevant to clinical practice. However, research about their pathophysiology is lacking. More specifically, there is a lack of research on the neural correlates of nightmares. According to the neurocognitive model of nightmares, nightmares are a breakdown of the normal function of dreams. Dreams are thought to help emotional regulation by combining emotionally negative memories with more neutral memories, thereby extinguishing these negative memories. The function of dreams, and therefore the occurrence of nightmares, is thought to be supported by a limbic-prefrontal circuit comprising medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices, hippocampus, and amygdala. The aim of this dissertation is to study brain mechanisms involved in nightmares, thereby testing the neurocognitive model of nightmares. In study 1, we used spectral analysis to compare EEG activity in wake and sleep between 18 frequent nightmare recallers and 15 control participants. The results show higher 2-5Hz activity during wake, non-REM and REM sleep, mainly for central and frontal derivations, for frequent nightmare recallers compared to controls. Differences were most apparent for REM sleep. These results partly replicate past work showing heightened 3-4Hz activity in frequent nightmare recallers compared to controls. It improves upon past work by demonstrating cross-state alterations of EEG activity, thereby supporting the cross-state continuity assumption of the neurocognitive model of nightmares. In study 2, we used single photon emission tomography to obtain regional cerebral blood flow (an indirect measure of neuronal activity) from 18 frequent nightmare recallers while they were viewing pictures with a negative or neutral emotional valence. Results demonstrate that the severity of nightmares is negatively associated with brain regions included (medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices) and not included (frontal, temporal and insular regions) in the neurocognitive model of nightmares. In sum, this dissertation offers partial support to the neurocognitive model of nightmares, while also highlighting limits of the model and proposing ideas for future investigations on the neural correlates of nightmares. This dissertation also discusses some clinical implications of the study of the neural correlates of nightmares, most importantly providing a better understanding of nightmare-reducing treatments (pharmacological or non-pharmacological).

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