Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SPECTRAL ANALYSIS"" "subject:"[enn] SPECTRAL ANALYSIS""
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Spectral analysis of the cerebral cortex complexity / Analyse spectrale de la complexité du cortex cérébralRabiei, Hamed 26 September 2017 (has links)
La complexité de la forme de la surface est une caractéristique morphologique des surfaces pliées. Dans cette thèse, nous visons à développer des méthodes spectrales pour quantifier cette caractéristique du cortex cérébral humain reconstruit à partir d'images MR structurales. Tout d'abord, nous suggérons certaines propriétés qu'une mesure standard de la complexité de surface devrait posséder. Ensuite, nous proposons deux définitions claires de la complexité de la surface en fonction des propriétés de flexion de surface. Pour quantifier ces définitions, nous avons étendu la transformée de Fourier à fenêtres illustrée récemment pour transformer en maillage des surfaces. Grâce à certaines expériences sur les surfaces synthétiques, nous montrons que nos mesures basées sur la courbure permettent de surmonter les surfaces classiques basées sur la surface, ce qui ne distingue pas les plis profonds des oscillants ayant une surface égale. La méthode proposée est appliquée à une base de données de 124 sujets adultes en bonne santé. Nous définissons également la complexité de la surface par la régularité de Hölder des mouvements browniens fractionnés définis sur les collecteurs. Ensuite, pour la première fois, nous développons un algorithme de régression spectrale pour quantifier la régularité de Hölder d'une surface brownienne fractionnée donnée en estimant son paramètre Hurst H. La méthode proposée est évaluée sur un ensemble de sphères browniennes fractionnées simulées. En outre, en supposant que le cortex cérébral est une surface brownienne fractionnée, l'algorithme proposé est appliqué pour estimer les paramètres Hurst d'un ensemble de 14 corticus cérébraux fœtaux. / Surface shape complexity is a morphological characteristic of folded surfaces. In this thesis, we aim at developing some spectral methods to quantify this feature of the human cerebral cortex reconstructed from structural MR images. First, we suggest some properties that a standard measure of surface complexity should possess. Then, we propose two clear definitions of surface complexity based on surface bending properties. To quantify these definitions, we extended the recently introduced graph windowed Fourier transform to mesh model of surfaces. Through some experiments on synthetic surfaces, we show that our curvature-based measurements overcome the classic surface area-based ones which may not distinguish deep folds from oscillating ones with equal area. The proposed method is applied to a database of 124 healthy adult subjects. We also define the surface complexity by the Hölder regularity of fractional Brownian motions defined on manifolds. Then, for the first time, we develop a spectral-regression algorithm to quantify the Hölder regularity of a given fractional Brownian surface by estimating its Hurst parameter H. The proposed method is evaluated on a set of simulated fractional Brownian spheres. Moreover, assuming the cerebral cortex is a fractional Brownian surface, the proposed algorithm is applied to estimate the Hurst parameters of a set of 14 fetal cerebral cortices.
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Entwicklung alternativer Auswerteverfahren für Mikrowellendopplersignale bei der Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung im BahnverkehrKakuschke, Chris 05 May 2004 (has links)
To measure the speed of a vehicle, the revolution of a wheel or a rigid axle is traditionally used. Therefore non corrigible systematic errors occur which are caused by slip, spin and by the change of wheel diameter due to fretting. Train control and traction systems require new robust as well as precise methods of speed measurement. Because of their physical properties, Doppler-radar-sensors attached to the vehicle and measuring ground speed are first choice for this range of applications. Currently used sensors cannot fulfil the high demands under all operating conditions, because they are unable to completely compensate the various interferences and systematic deviations.
This is the starting point of this dissertation. Two independent diverse methods with optimised reliability and accuracy must be used to meet all requirements. Limited resources of the embedded digital signal processor system under real-time conditions have to be taken into account. According to the boundary conditions, the introductory chapters critically discuss the frequency analysis methods currently used and describe starting points for further development. This leads to the design of a new, robust, wide-band spectral analysis which combines techniques of the dyadic wavelet transformation with the fast Fourier transformation. At the same time a new frame procedure and general model for the estimation of motion parameters is developed which features short delays. The disadvantages of the block-based discrete spectral analysis applied over continuous approaches are extensively compensated. The block structure of spectral data enables the selective use of new knowledge-based spectral filters for the compensation of the remaining intense interferences which are typical of this kind of application. / Die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeitsmessung über die Drehzahl eines Rades weist in Schlupf- und Schleuderzuständen erhebliche systematische Abweichungen auf. Deshalb erfordern Zugbeeinflussungs- und Antriebssysteme neue gleichzeitig robuste und präzise Geschwindigkeitsmessmethoden. Die Mikrowellensensorik unter Nutzung des Dopplereffekts zwischen Fahrzeug und Gleisbett wird wegen ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften für dieses Einsatzgebiet favorisiert. Bisherige Sensorapplikationen erfüllen aber die hohen Ansprüche nicht in allen Betriebszuständen.
Hier setzt die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Sensorentwicklung auf. Zwei getrennt hergeleitete und nach Zuverlässigkeit und Genauigkeit optimierte neue Verfahren können bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung die gestellten Anforderungen erfüllen. Dabei müssen auch die beschränkten Ressourcen des eingebetteten digitalen Signalverarbeitungssystems unter Echtzeitbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Entsprechend dieser Randbedingungen findet einleitend eine kritische Betrachtung bestehender Frequenzanalysemethoden statt und Ansätze für die Weiterentwicklung werden herausgearbeitet. Einerseits führt dies zur Konstruktion einer neuen störunempfindlichen Weitbereichsspektralzerlegung, welche Ansätze der dyadischen Wavelettransformation mit der Diskreten Fourier-Transformation verbindet. Andererseits wird ein neues Rahmenverfahren für die verzögerungsarme Schätzung der Bewegungsparameter des Fahrzeuges aufgrund seines physikalischen Bewegungsmodells hergeleitet und mit einem hochgenauen Frequenzauswerteverfahren kombiniert. Beide Verfahren basieren auf blockweisen diskreten Spektralzerlegungen, deren prinzipielle Nachteile gegenüber kontinuierlichen Ansätzen weitgehend kompensiert werden können. Durch die Blockorganisation lassen sich neuartige wissensbasierte Spektralfilter selektiv zur Unterdrückung starker bahnanwendungstypischer Störeinflüsse einsetzen.
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Měření tuhosti v oboru velmi malých přetvoření při edometrické zkoušce a podrobná interpretace příchozího signálu / Measurement of stiffness at small strains during oedometer test and detailed interpretation of output wavesHavlíček, Jaroslav January 2022 (has links)
This thesis has a theoretical and a practical part. The first part contains theoretical introduction to the phenomenon of increased stiffness at very small strains and possibilities of its practical applications. The available methods for evaluating initial shear modulus tests are described below. Increased attention is paid to the method of evaluation of test data in the frequency domain using the Fourier transform. The last chapter in this part describes an algorithm designed for automatic evaluation of measurements in the frequency domain. The practical part deals with measurement and evaluation of initial shear modulus for Brno clay as a function of vertical stress in oedometric test. Firstly, a device is presented that allows the extension of the oedometric test with sensors for measuring initial shear modulus of soil. This device was designed for the test in this thesis. Subsequently, the test plan is described including description of all soil samples. In this thesis, several types of soil samples from a single site were tested. Next, the results of the individual tests are evaluated by the selected methods. Examples are used for showing the differences in evaluation of the same data by other methods. At the end, the results of the individual tests for all sample types are compared with each other and with data from literature.
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Predikce zvukoizolačních vlastností dělicích stavebních konstrukcí a zabezpečení akustické pohody v interiéru budov / PREDICTION SOUND INSULATION PROPERTIES DIVIDER BUILDING STRUCTURES AND SECURITY ACOUSTIC COMFORT INSIDE BUILDINGSBerková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the properties of soundproof partition structures in the low-frequency sound at impact sound insulation and security of acoustic comfort inside buildings. The prediction of impact sound is a simulation laboratory measurements of impact sound. The work is based on the occurrence of frequent complaints of inhabitants of residential homes for subjectively poor impact sound insulation of horizontal dividing structures, whose top layer is formed laminate. Although these structures conform in terms of impact sound insulation in accordance with the requirements of CSN 73 0532: 2010, residents complain about the subjective perception of the sounds of lower frequencies. A noise with a distinctive character of sound at low frequencies has been proved by measuring the spectral analysis and evaluation of sound pressure levels caused by the movement of persons roof construction to the floor. On the measurement and evaluation carried out in accordance with the measurement and evaluation of noise in non-working environment can be related requirement under the Regulation No. 272/2011 Coll. "On the protection of health from the adverse effects of noise and vibration." Occupational noise limits for protected buildings interior space do not apply to noise from ordinary use of the apartment. Under current legislation, the problem is in the Czech Republic at present insoluble. Therefore, this work explores ways evaluation of impact sound and delivery is determined conclusions. With the low-frequency impact sound insulation is also related to the latter part of this dissertation, where the computing program ANSYS (version 14.0) is simulated laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of the real structure. The paper presents the results of simulation, and the sound pressure level in the receiving room to třetinooktávového band 630 Hz. These results are compared with measured values modeled in the laboratory.
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Aplikace spektrální analýzy v 3D hodnocení povrchů / Application of Spectral Analysis in 3D Evaluation of SurfacesBrillová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with the spectral analysis of 3D surface topography. The surface is described by a random function. Theoretical starting points necessary for right introduction and understanding of basic notions used within the framework of the surface topography spectral analysis are exactly formulated. They lie in the theory of random functions, the theory of the Fourier transform and the theory of signal processing. The notions mentioned are: the areal power spectral density (APSD) of a surface, the radial power spectral density (RPSD) of a surface and the angular power spectrum density (AnPSD) of a surface. These notions are introduced in their discrete form and generalized for the two-dimensional case. The thorough discussion of possible mistakes and inaccuracies which can be done during the application of spectral analysis techniques in a surface topography evaluation is performed. The procedure of APSD estimation by means of the periodogram method combined with the Welch´s method is discussed. The principle and capabilities of the optical profilometer MicroProf?FRT used for the surface topography measurement are described. Our original computer program computing APSD, RPSD and AnPSD is described too. The 3D spectral analyses is applied to surfaces generated by AWJ cutting, plane grinding and casting. We have focused our attention to AWJ cut surfaces, 3D spectral analyses of which brings new still unpublished opportunities of the surfaces topography evaluation. The influence of technological parameters on these AWJ cut surfaces topography is studied. The conclusion of the study is that results of the spectral analyses of these surfaces topography strongly depend on the technological conditions of the surfaces generation. An original procedure of the ASPD shape evaluation within individual regions of its frequency domain is mentioned. This procedure brings new substantial knowledge concerning the topography of surfaces. Results obtained from surfaces generated by plane grinding and casting are presented like examples of results from non-isotropic and isotropic surfaces.
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Real-time Adaptive Cancellation of Satellite Interference in Radio AstronomyPoulsen, Andrew Joseph 17 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Radio astronomy is the science of observing the heavens at radio frequencies, from a few kHz to approximately 300 GHz. In recent years, radio astronomy has faced a growing interference problem as radio frequency (RF) bandwidth has become an increasingly scarce commodity. A programmable real-time DSP least-mean-square interference canceller was developed and demonstrated as a successful method of excising satellite down-link signals from both an experimental platform at BYU, and the Green Bank Telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia. A performance analysis of this cancellation system in the radio astronomy radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation regime constitutes the main contribution of this thesis. The real-time BYU test platform consists of small radio telescopes, low noise RF receivers, and a state-of-the-art DSP platform. This programmable real-time radio astronomy RFI mitigation tool is the first of its kind. Basic tools needed for radio astronomy observations and the analysis and implementation of interference mitigation algorithms were also implemented in the DSP platform, including a power spectral density estimator, a beamformer, and an array signal correlator.
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<p>Hyperspectral Imaging is one of the most popular technologies in plant phenotyping due to its ability to predict the plant physiological features such as yield biomass, leaf moisture, and nitrogen content accurately, non-destructively, and efficiently. Various kinds of hyperspectral imaging systems have been developed in the past years for both greenhouse and field phenotyping activities. Developing the plant physiological prediction model such as relative water content (RWC) using hyperspectral imaging data requires the adoption of machine learning-based calibration techniques. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been known to automatically extract the features from the raw data which can lead to highly accurate physiological prediction models. Once a reliable prediction model has been developed, sharing that model across multiple hyperspectral imaging systems is very desirable since collecting the large number of ground truth labels for predictive model development is expensive and tedious. However, there are always significant differences in imaging sensors, imaging, and environmental conditions between different hyperspectral imaging facilities, which makes it difficult to share plant features prediction models. Calibration transfer between the imaging systems is critically important. In this thesis, two approaches were taken to address the calibration transfer from the greenhouse to the field. First, direct standardization (DS), piecewise direct standardization (PDS), double window piecewise direct standardization (DPDS) and spectral space transfer (SST) were used for standardizing the spectral reflectance to minimize the artifacts and spectral differences between different greenhouse imaging systems. A linear transformation matrix estimated using SST based on a small set of plant samples imaged in two facilities reduced the root mean square error (RMSE) for maize physiological feature prediction significantly, i.e., from 10.64% to 2.42% for RWC and from 1.84% to 0.11% for nitrogen content. Second, common latent space features between two greenhouses or a greenhouse and field imaging system were extracted in an unsupervised fashion. Two different models based on deep adversarial domain adaptation are trained, evaluated, and tested. In contrast to linear standardization approaches developed using the same plant samples imaged in two greenhouse facilities, the domain adaptation extracted non-linear features common between spectra of different imaging systems. Results showed that transferred RWC models reduced the RMSE by up to 45.9% for the greenhouse calibration transfer and 12.4% for a greenhouse to field transfer. The plot scale evaluation of the transferred RWC model showed no significant difference between the measurements and predictions. The methods developed and reported in this study can be used to recover the performance plummeted due to the spectral differences caused by the new phenotyping system and to share the knowledge among plant phenotyping researchers and scientists.</p>
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An Experimental Investigation on Waves and Coherent Structures in a Three-Dimensional Open Cavity Flow / Étude Expérimentale des Ondes et Structures Cohérentes dans un Écoulement Tridimensionnel de Cavité Ouverte.Basley, Jérémy 19 October 2012 (has links)
Une écoulement de cavité ouverte tridimensionnel saturé non-linéairement est étudié par une approche spatio-temporelle utilisant des données expérimentales résolues à la fois en temps et en espace. Ces données ont été acquises dans deux plans longitudinaux, respectivement perpendiculaire et parallèle au fond de la cavité, dans le régime incompressible, en air ou en eau. À l'aide de multiples méthodes de décompositions globales en temps et en espace, les ondes et les structures cohérentes constituant la dynamique dans le régime permanent et pouvant être produites par des mécanismes d'instabilités différents sont identifiées et caractérisées.Tout d'abord, on approfondit la compréhension de l'effet des non-linéarités sur les oscillations auto-entretenues de la couche cisaillée impactante et leurs interactions avec l'écoulement intra-cavitaire. En particulier, l'analyse spectrale d'une portion de l'espace des paramètres permet de mettre en évidence un lien entre l'accrochage des modes d'oscillations auto-entretenues, la modulation d'amplitude au niveau du coin impactant et l'intermittence de ces modes. De plus, l'observation des basses fréquences intéragissant fortement avec les oscillations de la couche de mélange démontre l'existence d'une dynamique tridimensionnelle intrinsèque à l'intérieur de la cavité malgré les perturbations causées par la couche cisaillée instable.Les analyses de stabilité linéaire ont montré que des instabilités centrifuges peuvent résulter de la courbure induite par la recirculation. L'étude de la dynamique après saturation révèle de nombreuses structures cohérentes dont les propriétés sont quantifiées et classées en s'appuyant sur la forme des instabilités sous-jacentes: des ondes transverses progressives ou stationnaires. Enfin, certains comportements des structures saturées suggèrent que les mécanismes non-linéaires gouvernant le développement de l'écoulement une fois sorti du régime linéaire pourraient être étudiés dans le cadre des équations d'amplitude. / A space-time study of a three-dimensional nonlinearly saturated open cavity flow is undertaken using time-resolved space-extended experimental data, acquired in both cross-stream and spanwise planes, in incompressible air and water flows. Through use of multiple modal decompositions in time and space, the waves and coherent structures composing the dynamics in the permanent regime are identified and characterised with respect to the instabilities arising in the flow.Effects of nonlinearities are thoroughly investigated in the impinging shear layer, regarding the self-sustained oscillations and their interactions with the inner-flow. In particular, the analysis conducted throughout the parameter space enlightens a global connection between the selection of locked-on modes and the amplitude modulation at the impingement and the mode switching phenomenon. Furthermore, observations of low frequencies interacting drastically with the shear layer flapping motion underline the existence of intrinsic coherent three-dimensional dynamics inside the cavity in spite of the shear layer disturbances.Linear stability analyses have demonstrated that centrifugal instabilities are at play along the main recirculation. The present investigation of the dynamics after onset of the saturation reveals numerous space-time coherent structures, whose properties are quantified and classified with respect to the underlying instabilities: travelling or standing spanwise waves. Finally, some patterns exhibited by the saturated structures suggest that the nonlinear mechanisms governing the mutations of the flow after the linear regime could gain more insight in the frame of amplitude equations.
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Praktické ukázky zpracování signálů / Practical examples of signal processingHanzálek, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of signal processing. Using practical examples, it tries to show the use of individual signal processing operations from a practical point of view. For each of the selected signal processing operations, an application is created in MATLAB, including a graphical interface for easier operation. The division of the thesis is such that each chapter is first analyzed from a theoretical point of view, then it is shown using a practical demonstration of what the operation is used in practice. Individual applications are described here, mainly in terms of how they are handled and their possible results. The results of the practical part are presented in the attachment of the thesis.
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Cantilever properties and noise figures in high-resolution non-contact atomic force microscopyLübbe, Jannis Ralph Ulrich 03 April 2013 (has links)
Different methods for the determination of cantilever properties in non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) are under investigation. A key aspect is the determination of the cantilever stiffness being essential for a quantitative NC-AFM data analysis including the extraction of the tip-surface interaction force and potential. Furthermore, a systematic analysis of the displacement noise in the cantilever oscillation detection is performed with a special focus on the thermally excited cantilever oscillation. The propagation from displacement noise to frequency shift noise is studied under consideration of the frequency response of the PLL demodulator.
The effective Q-factor of cantilevers depends on the internal damping of the cantilever as well as external influences like the ambient pressure and the quality of the cantilever fixation.
While the Q-factor has a strong dependence on the ambient pressure between vacuum and ambient pressure yielding a decrease by several orders of magnitude, the pressure dependence of the resonance frequency is smaller than 1% for the same pressure range.
On the other hand, the resonance frequency highly depends on the mass of the tip at the end of the cantilever making its reliable prediction from known cantilever dimensions difficult.
The cantilever stiffness is determined with a high-precision static measurement method and compared to dimensional and dynamic methods. Dimensional methods suffer from the uncertainty of the measured cantilever dimensions and require a precise knowledge its material properties. A dynamic method utilising the measurement of the thermally excited cantilever displacement noise to obtain cantilever properties allows to characterise unknown cantilevers but requires an elaborative measurement equipment for spectral displacement noise analysis.
Having the noise propagation in the NC-AFM system fully characterised, a proposed method allows for spring constant determination from the frequency shift noise at the output of the PLL demodulator with equipment already being available in most NC-AFM setups.
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