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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professionell mastering : Ett bra alternativ för oetablerade musiker?

Lindbäck, Johan January 2005 (has links)
Pre-mastering, populärt men något missvisande kallat mastering, är en process där slutmixen av en låt optimeras för att erbjuda en så pass njutbar lyssning som möjligt för de allra flesta som lyssnar på den aktuella musiken. I denna uppsats har jag föresatt mig att ta reda på om det är meningsfullt för oetablerade artister (demoartister) att anlita någon av de professionella masteringfirmor som finns för att utföra detta, eller om det går att göra med likvärdigt resultat på egen hand. Resultatet visar att de flesta lyssnare tycker att en professionellt mastrad slutmix låter bättre än en hemmagjord mastering. Även om de flesta skivbolagen enligt min undersökning tycker att det är en onödig investering för musiker som söker skivkontrakt så bör professionell mastering ändå anses som ett bra alternativ för oetablerade musiker.

Mastering : Hur påverkas den subjektiva musikuppfattningen av mastering?

Martinsson, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
Examensarbetet undersöker hur mastering påverkar den subjektiva musikuppfattningen. Detta har undersökts med hjälp av ett lyssningstest där testdeltagare i två grupper, ”vana lyssnare” och ”ovana lyssnare”, lyssnat till tre versioner av tre olika produktioner i olika genrer. De tre versionerna är en professionell, en semiprofessionell samt en omastradversion. Testdeltagarna har sedan fått betygsätta produktionen ur ett rent ljudkvalitetsmässigt perspektiv samt motivera varför de betygsatt som de gjort.Resultatet tyder på att musikuppfattningen påverkas beroende på om produktionen är mastrad eller ej för såväl ”vana lyssnare” som ”ovana lyssnare”. Resultatet tyder även på att musikuppfattningen påverkas av hur, och av vem, en produktion är mastrad.Examensarbetet behandlar även ”vana” och ”ovana lyssnares” syn på kvalitet när det gällermusik. Resultatet visar att det skiljer sig inte bara mellan de två grupperna utan äveninbördes. Ytterligare resultat tyder på att båda grupperna har lika uppfattning om vadljudteknisk kvalitet är.

Musikproducenters val av masteringmetod : Resonemangen och faktorerna i valet av artificiellintelligent mastering eller traditionell mastering

Magnell, Fabian January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Mastering Engineers' Preferences and Usage of Equalizers in Music Mastering : an Investigation on Application, Sonic Characteristics and Electronic Components

Nilsson, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
Equalizing is a fundamental processing application in music mastering, where the engineer may adjust the overall frequency balance of the material and make surgical adjustments to narrow regions. There is some previous research made on acclaimed engineers’ usage of equalizers in mastering, however little information is presented on why certain choices are made and how the EQ specifically is incorporated into the workflow. In this qualitative study, six mastering engineers were interviewed to discover the reasoning behind their choices of EQs in music mastering. Also investigated are the opinions and preferences for sonic characteristics of different types of EQs, as well as what important qualities are in EQs for mastering in general. In order to understand some statements made by the mastering engineers regarding the sonic characteristics of analog devices, a literature review in combination with an additional interview with a service technician was made. The literature review aimed to provide some insight on what electronic components and aspects of the general design affects the sonic signature of analog devices the most. The thematic analysis showed that there are some agreement amongst the engineers considering the implementation of EQ with regards to genre and certain tasks. The respondents agreed that tube devices are not to be used for every instance since these are highly coloring devices. Transistor EQs on the other hand are perceived as fairly transparent in comparison, yet still imparting the sonic characteristics of an analog device. For those using a hybrid setup, digital plugins are generally used for surgical application and also, in some cases, for preservation of quality. Although setups may vary between every engineer, this study verifies that the most important factor in the choice of tool is knowing how the devices work.

The Impact of Different Monitoring Levels For Listeners' Ability to Detect Dynamic Range Compression in Popular Music

Olofsson, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
There are many useful guidelines and theories to be found on mixing and mastering. One of these statements is that the monitoring level affects how well one can detect and evaluate the Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) when mixing. However, some of the sources that support this idea are contradictory as to whether a low or high monitoring level is better for this purpose. No previous research on this subject has been found, even though monitoring levels are presumed to be essential for the mixing and mastering engineer. The aim of the study was to investigate if the monitoring level will affect the listeners’ detection threshold for DRC when applied to a vocal track. For this, one higher and one lower monitoring level was chosen, and a simple up-down method was used to obtain the X50 in each monitoring condition, in which these were compared. The results indicate that the monitoring level does not affect the listeners’ threshold of detection for DRC. Moreover, it can be stated that the monitoring level in which the participants had the most habit of working in did not affect the result either. This research can be used to take more informed decisions regarding monitoring levels and to revisit some previous observations.

Appropriation de la compétence écrite de jeunes adultes malaisiens en milieu exolingue et endolingue pour une meilleure intégration dans un établissement supérieur français : problématique de l'écrit dans une situation d'apprentissage du FLE, difficultés liées à la reprise anaphorique et la reformulation de textes / The mastering of the written competency of young Malaysian adult learners of a target language in the ext-lingual and en train-lingual context with the aim of a better integration into a higher French institution of learning : issue of writing within

Ho, Lai Wan 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à étudier deux procédés textuels : la reprise anaphorique et la reformulation textuelle, dans des écrits en FLE, produits par des étudiants Malaisiens à l'Institut de formation des formateurs de langues étrangères ou connu comme IPG KBA à Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie. La problématique générale s'inscrit dans le cadre de la didactique du texte écrit, relevant d'une linguistique textuelle qui permet de mieux comprendre la qualité du texte. Il s‟agit à la fois des caractéristiques observables à la surface du texte et des choix opérés pour construire et organiser la matière textuelle. La question fondamentale que nous nous sommes posée est de savoir comment aider les apprenants en FLE à se rendre compte de l'importance de l'articulation des deux niveaux local et global de l'organisation du texte, de sorte qu'ils arrivent à comprendre où se situent les dysfonctionnements dans leurs textes, de quels types de dysfonctionnements il s‟agit et de quelle manière ils peuvent y remédier. La méthodologie de recherche est basée sur une expérimentation auprès du public visé, conjuguant de facteurs textuels et extratextuels. L'analyse des textes d'apprenants a pour objectif de repérer, classer et interpréter les difficultés non seulement en fonction d'un cadre théorique d'analyse de textes mais en fonction d'une démarche comparative entre écrits d'un public en milieu d'apprentissage exolingue et celui d'endolingue. Les résultats atteints montrent que la sensibilisation des apprenants et le travail de réflexion avec eux, sur desf acteurs extratextuels, peuvent les aider à améliorer la qualité de leur production écrite. Il est aussi démontré qu‟en matière de connaissances textuelles, tout ce qui est intériorisé et maîtrisé en langue maternelle (langue première) et en anglais pourrait être exploitable de façon positive en français. Mais le français et l'anglais, deux langues étrangères, ne peuvent pas non plus être mises sur pied d'égalité, en ce qui concerne les difficultés rencontrées par les apprenants Malaisiens, du simple fait de leur « étrangeté ». Les propositions didactiques que nous avons suggérées s'inspirent de notre méthode d'analyse et reposent sur le souci d'améliorer la qualité de la production écrite en français chez le public allophone Malaisien. / This research aims at the study of two textual procedures notably the anaphoric rephrasing and the textual reformulation in the written texts in French as a Foreign Language, produced by the Malaysian students in the Institute of Teacher Training, International Languages Campus, Kuala Lumpur. The overall issue is embedded in the framework of the teaching of writing within the domain of textural linguistics. The latter enables us to understand better the quality of the text. This study deals with the observation of characteristics at the surface level as well as the choice of operations to construct and organise the textual matter. The fundamental question which confonts us is to know how to help foreign learners in French to be conscious of the importance of the global and local articulation of organising a text, leading to a better comprehension of where the textual defauts are situated. It's also more crucial to identify the types of defauts or textural disfonctionnings concerned and the remedial methods to these problems. The research methodology is based on an experiment conducted on a group of learners targetted, on a topic governed by the textual and extratextual factors. Analysis of the learners' written productions is for the objective of retrieving, regrouping and interpreting the difficulties from not only the theorical point of view but also responding to a comparative study between the written productions of a public in an exolingual and endolingual learning situations. The results achieved show that the consequences of writing on a topic bound byt he extratextual factors on the learners and the post-period of reflexion with them could help them in improving the quality of their written production. It attested also that the textual content knowledge and all that is interiorised and acquired in the first language as well as in English could be exploited in a positive way in French. However, French and English, two foreign languages cannot be put a long side equally when it comes to difficulties confronting the Malaysian learners, from the simple factual reason of their « alienicity ». The didactic propositions, which are suggested, are inspired by our method of analysis with the sole aim of improving the quality of written production in French among the Malaysian foreign learners of French.

Kvinnelige ledere av omsorgstjenestene. : En kvalitativ studie. / Female leaders of caring services. : A qualitative study.

Nessæther, Anne Lise January 2007 (has links)
Det har skjedd store omstillinger og moderniseringer i norsk offentlig sektor. Mange norske kommuner har innført flat organisasjonsstruktur med to mydighetsnivåer. Desentralisering av ansvar til utførernivå, myndiggjøring og sterk ledelse er sentrale trekk. Den økte effektiviseringen av helse- og omsorgstjenestene, kombinert med økt krav til resultater og rasjonalisering, har hatt negativ innvirkning på arbeidsmiljøene. Tjenesteområdene er store kvinnearbeidsplasser og behovet for oppmerksomhet rundt kvinnenes innsats i norske velferdstjenester er stort. Hensikten med studien er å få kunnskap om hvordan kvinnelige ledere av omsorgstjenestene opplever og håndterer presset mellom økonomisk knapphet og det økende behovet for offentlige velferdsoppgaver, og om hvilken betydning kjønn, tjenestens innhold og struktur, samt ledernes profesjonelle fagbakgrunn, har for ledelse. Det er gjort kvalitative intervjuer med ti kvinnelige ledere av sykehjem og hjemmetjenester i en større bykommune i Norge. Konklusjon: Hovedfunn i studien er at ledelse i to-nivåmodell er kontekstuelt betinget, og styrere og soneledere utfører ledelse forskjellig. Desentralisering av ansvar gir tilsynelatende makt og myndighet over ressurser og budsjett. Styrerne opplever å ha alle muligheter til å lykkes og opplever mestring i jobben. Sonelederne utøver ”avmektig lederskap” og har et distansert forhold til systemet oppover. Familien er en viktig støtte og grensesetter for begge ledergruppene. / There have been great readjustments and modernizations within the Norwegian public sector. Many Norwegian local authorities have implemented a flat organizational structure with 2 levels of authority. Decentralization of responsibility to level of execution, empowerment, and a strong management are key features. The increased efficiency of health- and care services, combined with increased demands for results and rationalization, have had a negative effect on the work environment. The health and care services are large female workplaces, and the need for attention around the female contribution to the Norwegian welfare sector is great. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how female leaders within the welfare sector perceive and handle the pressure that arises between the lack of funds and the increase in demand for public welfare services. Furthermore, it explores the significance gender, the services’ content and structure, and professional backgrounds of the leaders affect the management. There has been done qualitative interviews with ten female leaders of caring services and institutions for elderly in a larger city municipal in Norway. Conclusion: The main findings in this study is that management in the two-level model, is contextually conditioned, and the directors and zone leaders carry out their management in different ways. The decentralization of responsibility seemingly gives power and authority over resources and the budget. Directors feel they have the opportunity to succeed and experience mastering in their work. Zone leaders perform “powerless leadership” and have a distant relationship with the higher system. Family is an important support and also sets boundaries for both of the managerial groups / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-22-1</p>

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 11-12 klasių muzikinio ugdymo turinys: žinių įsisavinimo kompetencijos / Musical curriculum for the 11–12th grades at secondary schools: competencies of mastering knowledge

Viduolytė, Ugnė 21 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama muzikinio ugdymo turinio įsisavinimo kompetencijos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 11–12 klasėse. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti muzikinio ugdymo turiniįsisavinimą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 11–12 klasėse, mokinių muzikinės kompetencijos kontekste.Tyrime dalyvavo 62, 17–19 metų sulaukę respondentai. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktos 4 mokyklos: Kuršėnų Lauryno Ivinskio gimnazija, Šiaulių „Romuvos“ gimnazija, Šiaulių Simono Daukanto gimnazija ir Biržų „Aušros“ vidurinė mokykla. / Bachelor thesis analyses the musical curriculum mastering competences in the 11–12th grades at secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to find out how musical curriculum is mastered by secondary school students in the 11–12th grades in the context of musical competences. The survey involved 62 respondents from 17 to 19 years old. Four schools have been chosen for this survey: Kuršėnai “Laurynas Ivinskis“ gymnasium, Šiauliai “Romuva” gymnasium, Šiauliai “Simonas Daukantas” gymnasium and Biržai “Aušra” secondary school.

Audibility &amp; Preference of DA Overload Associated with True Peak : Investigation of claims made against overload prevention

Strand, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
The conversion of audio from the digital to analog domain has the potential to result in distortion due to converter overload. This occurs because some peaks in the signal cannot be defined digitally and only become problematic during the conversion into the analog domain, exceeding the level that can be represented by the converter, causing it to overload. Although True Peak limiting and metering can prevent and monitor this issue, some professional mastering engineers choose not to do so. The study tested claims made against overload prevention, including the adequacy of headroom in modern D/A converters and the inaudibility of the distortion caused by overload. Preference was also added to the audibility claim. Measurements show that there is not enough headroom in modern D/A converters to avoid overload, but the distortion created by overload is generally inaudible in an uncompressed WAVE format hard rock song. Additionally, there is no clear preference. The measurements found that overload only occurs when the device's volume is raised to its maximum output.

A Unified Framework of the Shared Aesthetic Experience

Liao, Huakai 01 January 2016 (has links)
Aesthetic expressions have been seen as the manifest of human culture. The psychology of aesthetics have proposed various models, describing the various phenomena related to aesthetic experience, such as sensory pleasure derived from aesthetic stimuli, emotional response toward aesthetic depiction, cognitive mastering over aesthetic emotion, etc. However, further examination reveals current models have theoretical limits for the explanation of society-wide aesthetic preference due to limited scope of focus. Thus, the current project proposes a new theoretical framework to describe the process through which the society comes to converge on aesthetic preference. Examination of related theories and experimental evidence shows that the convergence process of our aesthetic preference is a function of several inter-related yet independent psychological mechanisms at the perceptual, affective, and cognitive stages of aesthetic processing. The proposed framework can inform future research in general psychology as well as other applications, such as the making of creative machines.Aesthetic expressions have been seen as the manifest of human culture. The psychology of aesthetics have proposed various models, describing the various phenomena related to aesthetic experience, such as sensory pleasure derived from aesthetic stimuli, emotional response toward aesthetic depiction, cognitive mastering over aesthetic emotion, etc. However, further examination reveals current models have theoretical limits for the explanation of society-wide aesthetic preference due to limited scope of focus. Thus, the current project proposes a new theoretical framework to describe the process through which the society comes to converge on aesthetic preference. Examination of related theories and experimental evidence shows that the convergence process of our aesthetic preference is a function of several inter-related yet independent psychological mechanisms at the perceptual, affective, and cognitive stages of aesthetic processing. The proposed framework can inform future research in general psychology as well as other applications, such as the making of creative machines.

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