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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gest?o Sustent?vel da ?gua: um estudo da conscientiza??o ambiental em atividades residenciais urbanas / Water sustainable management: a study of the environmental awareness in urban household activities

Pinheiro, Jos? Ivam 16 December 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-12T11:52:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseIP_TESE.pdf: 3470658 bytes, checksum: d6793946d3aaf1a838f9bd6bae5e02f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-12-16 / The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water / A busca por solu??es sustent?veis atrav?s de uma gest?o ambiental adequada dos recursos naturais dispon?veis, que venha de encontro ?s aspira??es de preserva??o do meio ambiente e do ser humano, de maneira a equacionar e solucionar os problemas ambientais e sociais com o menor impacto poss?vel ? natureza e ao homem ? o grande desafio, tanto para essa gera??o, como para as futuras gera??es. O estudo das problem?ticas ambientais da ?gua e a participa??o e conscientiza??o ambiental dos atores sociais como um todo, se insere no campo da tem?tica ambiental internacional, contemplando a necessidade estrat?gica de uma gest?o apropriada desse bem natural, atrav?s de um programa voltado ao diagn?stico dos problemas e na procura de solu??es sustent?veis compat?veis, em uma pol?tica social e ambiental de planejamento e educa??o ambiental, centrada acima de tudo na voz do cidad?o , usu?rio desse sistema. A presente tese visa estudar a problem?tica da gest?o sustent?vel da ?gua, enfocando a participa??o e a conscientiza??o ambiental do cidad?o no uso desse bem natural para atividades residenciais urbanas, no que concerne a abordagem e an?lises de vari?veis que tratam da mensura??o de conhecimentos gerais e ambientais, do senso de comunidade, do acesso aos meios de informa??o e das atitudes e comportamentos ambientais, al?m das vari?veis de caracteriza??o s?cio-demogr?fica ou identifica??o pessoal dos entrevistados de uma pesquisa explorat?ria do tipo survey", realizada atrav?s de uma amostragem aleat?ria estratificada, sendo os estratos cada uma das 4 (quatro) Regi?es Pol?tico-Administrativas da cidade do Natal, tendo ocorrido a coleta dos dados no per?odo de fevereiro a abril/2002. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho constitui na aplica??o de question?rios com escalas do tipo Likert para medir as eco-vari?veis do estudo, al?m de uma escala s?cio-demogr?fica para a caracteriza??o da amostra estudada. Para a an?lise dos resultados, foi inicialmente feito um estudo descritivo explorat?rio, seguido da utiliza??o de t?cnicas estat?sticas multivariadas, tais como, an?lise fatorial por meio da aplica??o de componentes principais, al?m da realiza??o de estudos de regress?o linear m?ltipla. Para complementar este estudo, procedeu-se a realiza??o de Testes de Independ?ncia atrav?s do Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, de modo a verificar a depend?ncia das associa??es entre as vari?veis Sociodemogr?ficas e as principais vari?veis selecionadas e presentes nos fatores resultantes da an?lise fatorial. Os resultados apontam para um baixo n?vel de conhecimento ambiental, de acesso ? informa??o e senso de comunidade, al?m da constata??o de que os principais fatores resultantes remetem para a necessidade de se dar ?nfase nos programas e a??es de gest?o direcionada para a conscientiza??o ambiental, os comportamentos e atitudes que abordam as informa??es e a educa??o ambiental, al?m do reuso da ?gua

Perspectivas da lavoura canavieira no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentável em Pernambuco: cana crua versus cana queimada

LIMA, José Ferreira de 15 November 2008 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-05-31T14:18:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Ferreira de Lima.pdf: 3099288 bytes, checksum: 938917c0a1215a5bf98ca2fde04e65c2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-31T14:18:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Ferreira de Lima.pdf: 3099288 bytes, checksum: 938917c0a1215a5bf98ca2fde04e65c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-15 / The cultivation of sugarcane plays an important role in Brazilian agribusiness and at the same time, displays great social and economic importance to the state of Pernambuco, with a harvest of 19,530,950 tonnes of the product in 2007/2008. In spite of the technological advancements made in several stages of its productive process, this activity is frequently associated with environmental contamination, due to the prior burning of the straw for manual and/or mechanized cutting. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the sugarcane harvesting process practiced in Pernambuco’s Zona da Mata Norte and identify the difficulties for the adoption of the practice of raw sugarcane cutting. The research is founded on recent works about the need for practices of sustainable management of the land with the subsequent preservation of its fertility and its biological balance, of fundamental importance not only for this region – where soil and climatic conditions are less favourable – but also to meet the principles of sustainable management, conomically profitable, ecologically correct and socially just. To reach the objectives proposed, the research methodology adopted was of interviews with the representatives of the different segments involved in the process: producers, cane cutters and spokesmen of environmental organs, as well as, through comparative analysis between production costs in the modalities burnt cane and raw cane in a five year period. After analysis of the compiled data, a conclusion was reached about the advantages in the adoption of raw sugarcane harvesting and suggesting the expansion of the sample through new research which offers data for private investors and public administrators, aiming for the adoption of an attitude which reconciles increased productivity, socio-environmental security and respect for citizenship. / A cultura da cana-de-açúcar desempenha um papel relevante no agronegócio brasileiro e,paralelamente, revela grande importância econômica e social no Estado de Pernambuco, que colheu na safra 2007/2008 19.530.950 toneladas desse produto. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos alcançados em diversas etapas de seu processo produtivo, essa atividade é freqüentemente associada à contaminação ambiental, devido à queima prévia da palha para posterior corte manual e/ou mecanizado. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o processo de colheita da cana-de-açúcar praticado na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco e identificar as dificuldades para a adoção da prática do corte da cana crua. A pesquisa está fundamentada em trabalhos recentes sobre a necessidade de práticas de manejo sustentável do solo com a conseqüente preservação de sua fertilidade natural e de seu equilíbrio biológico, de fundamental importância não só para esta região - onde as condições edafoclimáticas para o cultivo da lavoura são menos favoráveis – como também para atender aos princípios da sustentabilidade: economicamente rentável, ecologicamente correta e socialmente justa. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, a metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a de entrevistas aos representantes dos diferentes segmentos envolvidos no processo: produtores, cortadores de cana e porta-vozes dos órgãos ambientais, como também, por meio de análise comparativa entre os custos de produção nas modalidades cana queimada e cana crua, no período de cinco anos. Após análise dos dados compilados, conclui-se sobre as vantagens da adoção da colheita da cana crua e sugere-se a ampliação da amostragem através de novas pesquisas que ofereçam subsídios às decisões tanto de investidores particulares como de gestores públicos, visando à adoção de uma atitude investidora que concilie ganhos de produtividade, segurança sócio-ambiental e respeito à cidadania.

Caracterização hidrológica de uma microbacia experimental visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental. / Hydrological characteristics of an experimental catchment for the identification of indicators of environmental monitoring.

Noemi Mabel Rodriguez Anido 03 December 2002 (has links)
Na busca de critérios e indicadores hidrológicos que possam ter uma posterior utilização prática para o monitoramento do manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais, e considerando a bacia hidrográfica como unidade de manejo, o presente trabalho visa caracterizar o comportamento hidrológico da microbacia A, localizada no Núcleo Cunha do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, contendo vegetação natural em estágio avançado de regeneração, visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental, em termos de suas flutuações naturais em ecossistemas não perturbados. A turbidez, a cor aparente, e a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, são parâmetros importantes para avaliar a qualidade da água do deflúvio. Assim, foram estes os escolhidos no presente estudo para que se pudesse analisar seu comportamento como indicadores para o monitoramento ambiental. Para a caracterização hidrológica quantitativa, foi necessário determinar previamente a curva chave do vertedor, sendo que a curva obtida está representada pela equação Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , com um r 2 = 0,9872. Da análise dos dados pluviométricos e fluviométricos de 8 anos, foram determinados os componentes do balanço hídrico anual. A precipitação média anual foi de 1832 mm, observando-se diferença entre a estação úmida (setembro a março), onde se produz o 84% das precipitações, e a estação seca (abril a agosto). O deflúvio médio anual foi de 1279 mm, as perdas médias anuais ocasionadas pela evapotranspiração foram de 553 mm, correspondendo a 32% da precipitação. Em razão da relativamente baixa evapotranspiração anual que prevalece na área, e a freqüente ocorrência de neblinas; analisou-se a possibilidade de estar havendo uma entrada adicional de água ao balanço hídrico da microbacia representada pelo processo de captura de neblinas pelo dossel florestal (precipitação oculta). Os resultados estariam indicando um acréscimo na precipitação próximo a 8%. Os resultados dos parâmetros de qualidade da água (turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão), indicam que as flutuações destes parâmetros estão altamente relacionadas com os picos de vazão ocasionados pelas precipitações estivais. Foram obtidos valores máximos de turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão de 173 FTU, 550 PtCo e 465,2 mg l, no mês de janeiro, e mínimos de 2 FTU, 6 PtCo e 0 mg l, respectivamente. Assim, pode-se considerar estes intervalos como válidos para uma área sem perturbação, podendo servir de referencial para o monitoramento do manejo florestal sustentável nesta região. / With the purpose of identifying hydrological indicators suitable for the environmental monitoring of sustainable forest management and taking into account the catchment as a systemic base of management planning, the aim of the present study is to characterize the hydrological functioning of an experimental catchment covered with undisturbed natural forest, located at the Serra do Mar State Park, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and thus identify hydrological parameters, in terms of their natural range of variation in such conditions, which could be used as suitable indicators for environmental monitoring. Among the parameters potentially suitable for this purpose, this study was carried out with the following water quality parameters: turbidity, color and suspended sediment concentration. The data analyzed encompass a period of 8 years of precipitation and streamflow continuous measurements. Initially, a rating curve was developed for the weir, which gave the following calibration equation: Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , with r 2 = 0,9872. Average annual precipitation for the period was 1832 mm, 84 % of which occurred during the rainy season of September through March. Average annual streamflow for the period was 1279 mm. Considering the simplified water balance equation, this resulted in a total water loss of 553 mm. The relatively low value of evapotranspiration obtained, which was also observed in other experimental catchments in this mountain region, an attempt was done to measure the additional input of rainwater as fog drip in the area, which would also to be included in the water balance calculations. The results showed an approximate additional amount of 8 % of the average annual precipitation measured in the conventional rain gauges. The water quality results indicate that the fluctuations of turbidity, color and suspended sediments are correlated with the peak flows, with maximum values 173 FTU, 550 PtCo and 465,2 mg l -1 , respectively, occurring during the rainy month of January. On the other hand, the minimal values corresponded to 2 FTU, 6 PtCo and 0 mg l -1 , respectively. Therefore, such range of variation for these studied water quality parameters could be considered indicative of the natural range of variation of catchments well protected with undisturbed natural forest cover in the region.

"Disponibilidade e gerenciamento sustentável do aqüífero Serra Grande no município de Picos - Piauí" / Availability and sustainable management of the Serra Grande aquifer in the municipality of Picos, Piauí

Claudio Luiz Rebello Vidal 16 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou determinar a disponibilidade do aqüífero Serra Grande e estabelecer as diretrizes para o seu gerenciamento sustentável no município de Picos, localizado no sudeste do Estado do Piauí. Principal sistema de água subterrânea da região, este aqüífero é o único com capacidade para atender as demandas futuras da população. Porém, a falta de regras básicas na exploração dos seus recursos poderá comprometer sua sustentabilidade. O desenvolvimento deste estudo teve início com a elaboração do modelo conceitual da área e a análise das condições de uso dos recursos hídricos. Nesta etapa, verificando-se que os conceitos hidrogeológicos vigentes consideravam apenas o limite físico do sistema para definir sua disponibilidade, foi estabelecido um novo princípio para determinação do volume de recursos que pode ser explorado de um aqüífero, denominado de princípio sustentável, tendo como base os fatores econômicos envolvidos na sua exploração. Para determinação da disponibilidade física e econômica do aqüífero Serra Grande, primeiramente, foi estimado o déficit hídrico acumulado desde o início da exploração do sistema, estabelecida sua relação com a posição do nível potenciométrico e calculado o custo atual de produção da água. Em seguida, foram traçados dois cenários futuros para a exploração dos recursos hídricos no município, representando os modelos de gestão da oferta e gestão da demanda, para o período de 15 e 50 anos. Posteriormente, foi construído um modelo matemático para representar o sistema de subsuperfície, no qual foi simulada a evolução futura do nível d’água. Com base nos valores obtidos, foi estimado o volume de água a ser produzido do armazenamento, a quantidade de recursos que deverão ser incorporados ao sistema e o custo futuro de produção. Os resultados mostraram que o aqüífero precisará incorporar um volume significativo de recursos, que talvez não esteja disponível na região estudada, e que a elevação real do custo da água poderá comprometer a capacidade de pagamento da população para dispor destes recursos. Verificada esta situação, foram definidas as medidas que precisam ser implementadas para o gerenciamento sustentável do aqüífero estudado, de modo a garantir o abastecimento futuro do município e da região. Com a elaboração deste trabalho, concluiu-se que o aqüífero Serra Grande não é “intensamente explorado” em Picos, porém é mal explorado atualmente, o que deverá provocar prejuízos na exploração futura dos seus recursos. / This work’s goals were to determinate the availability of the Serra Grande aquifer and to establish the governess for its sustainable management in the municipality of Picos, located on the southeast of Piauí State. This aquifer, the region’s most important groundwater system, has an unique capacity of fulfilling the population’s future demand. However, the absence of basic rules for the exploitation of its resources would compromise its sustainability. The study began with the development of the conceptual model of the area and the analyses of the water resources use. During this step, after verify that the hydrological actual concepts only observe the physical limit of the system to define its availability, it was established a new principle to determinate the volume of resources that can be exploited from an aquifer, named sustainable principle, based on the economical factors involved in its exploitation. In order to determine the physical and economical availability of the Serra Grande aquifer, first, it was estimated the water deficit accumulated since the begging exploitation of the system, established its relationship with the potenciometric level and was calculated the present cost of water production. Later on, two hypothetical scenarios concerning future exploration of water resources were drawn, representing the models of supply and demand management, for a period of 15 and 50 years. Furthermore, a mathematic model was built to represent the subsurface system, which was simulated the evolution of the water level. Based on the values found, it was estimated the amount of water that should be produced from storage, the quantity of resources that have to be incorporated to the system and the future production cost. Moreover, the results showed that the aquifer will need to incorporate a meaningful quantity of resources, that may be not available in the studied region, and that the real increase of the cost of the water would compromise the payment capacity of the population to dispose those resources. After verify this situation, it was defined the actions that must be taken for the sustainable management of the studied aquifer, to guarantee the future water supply of the municipality and the region. In conclusion, this work confirmed that the Serra Grande aquifer is not “overexploited” in Picos, instead, it is not being correctly exploited, which will negatively affect the future exploitation of its resources.

Reliability of Payment for water Resources as an Environmental Service towards the sustainable management of watershed forests in Zanzibar, Tanzania : A Case study of Kiwengwa - Pongwe Forest Reserve

Hussein Hassan, Iddi January 2007 (has links)
Currently, there is a great rampage among conservationists looking for useful approaches that can be used to bring efficiency towards conservation of global natural ecosystems. But which approach can be really effective to halt destruction of a particular natural ecosystem where the local people depend on the same ecosystem resources for their livelihoods? Do the local communities accept to refrain themselves from using natural ecosystem resources (loss of free access), which they believe is under their local territory since they are born, without having alternatives that will replace and improve economic gain of their livelihoods? Are the consumers who benefited from the ecosystem services always willing to compensate local communities around natural ecosystem as a means of replacing what they lose? This study looks at the reliability of Payment for Water Environmental Services (PWES) approach at Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (KPFR) as a device aimed at promoting the sustainable management of KPFR watershed resources without undermining livelihoods of the Kiwengwa-Pongwe local communities. Hoteliers along the Kiwengwa-Pongwe Tourist Area (KPTA) are the potential customers benefiting from water resources found in the KPFR, which is claimed to be deteriorated by the intensity of the livelihood activities of Kiwengwa-Pongwe (KP) local communities. Based on Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), KPTA hoteliers were asked about the amount they would be willing to pay as maximum (WTP) for improvement of water services through sustainable management of watershed areas in KPFR. On the other hand, KP communities were asked what level of compensation they would be willing to accept as minimum amount (WTA) for a loss of free access to KPFR. Both hoteliers (75 %) and KP communities (91 %) agreed on the establishment of the PWES system. However, there were differences between amount accepted by KP communities (10 US$ per 200 litres) and the amount claimed to be paid by hoteliers (1US$ per 200 litres), thus giving a gap of 9US$. Based on the overall study findings and experiences from other parts of the world where similar systems have been implemented, this issue is negotiable. It is upon existing KPFR management team and proposed board from Zanzibar water authority to launch a constructive dialogue between stakeholders to reach the amount that can be used as compensation causing no harm to both parts and without compromising the sustainable management of KPFR.

Transferts des métaux et métalloïdes dans le système sol-plante-atmosphère : mécanismes biogéochimiques et conséquences environnement-santé / Transfers of metals and metalloids in the soil-plant-atmosphere system : biogeochemical mechanisms and environmental-health consequences

Mombo, Stéphane 27 October 2016 (has links)
Des pollutions des sols (péri)urbains et urbaines fortement peuplées en métaux et metalloïdes persistants (éco)toxiques sont couramment observées à l’échelle globale. Certains éléments (Se, Cu…) ont des rôles biologiques et par contre d’autres (Pb, Cd…) ont uniquement un impact (éco)toxique qui peut être influencé par leur spéciation et compartimentation qui modifient leurs transferts et biodisponibilité. Dans une optique de gestion des sols et d’alimentation durables, des questions scientifiques pluridisciplinaires sont à creuser concernant : (i) les mécanismes en jeu dans la biodisponibilité et l’impact sur les organismes vivants des éléments inorganiques en lien avec leur spéciation ; (ii) la co-gestion des risques environnement-santé induits par des installations industrielles classées : ICPE en France (ex. usine de recyclage de batteries) avec les riverains qui cultivent des potagers ou les employés. Dans ce contexte, ont été étudiés : (i) le transfert des métaux entre phase solide et solution du sol sous l’influence des vers de terre sur un site ICPE; (ii) le transfert et la bioaccessibilité du Se en conditions contrôlées pour 2 formes chimiques; (iii) le risque sanitaire pour les riverains d’un site ICPE qui jardinent, et les facteurs influant les plombémies des professionnels (étude statistique des données). Une review bibliographique de la qualité du manioc en lien avec les pratiques culturales et culinaires et les caractéristiques de l’environnement a finalement été réalisée pour compléter la démarche « Sciences et Société » de la thèse. L’analyse des différents isotopes du plomb dans les sols aux alentours de l’usine de recyclage a permis de conclure que 84 à 100% du plomb des sols de surface est d’origine anthropique. Un comportement d’évitement des zones les plus polluées en plomb a été observé pour l’espèce de vers de terre A. caliginosa. Le transfert racinaire, la translocation du sélénium vers le maïs et sa bioaccessibilité dans le grain sont plus élevés dans le cas du séléniate (facteur de translocation de 1.1, et bioaccessibilité humaine de 89,3%) par rapport au sélénite (0.13, et bioaccessibilité de 82,7%). L’étude de la qualité des cultures des jardins proches de l’usine (à Bazoches), en relation avec la qualité du sol (faible contamination, pH basique et teneur élevée en matières organiques qui réduisent les transferts) et de l’atmosphère a mis en évidence un transfert atmosphère-plante qui dépend du métal (le Cd est le plus biodisponible) et du végétal. Les concentrations en Pb et Cd suivent respectivement les séquences : [laitue>poireau>céleri>carotte] et [laitue>céleri>carotte>poireau]. Pour réduire l’exposition des populations, un lavage soigneux des productions avant la consommation est préconisé. / Pollution of (peri)urban soils by (eco)toxic metal(loid)s is commonly observed on a global scale. Some elements (Se, Cu ...) have biological roles and other (Pb, Cd ...) only have an (eco)toxic impact influenced by their speciation and compartmentalization that can change their transfers and bioavailability. With the perspective of sustainable management of soil and food, multidisciplinary scientific questions are digging for: (i) the mechanisms involved in the bioavailability and impact on living organisms of inorganic elements related to speciation; (ii) the co-management of environmental-health risks from industrial regulated plants (ICPE in France, such as former battery recycling plant) with residents who grow vegetable gardens or employees. In this context, were studied: (1) the transfer of metals between solid phase and soil solution under the influence of earthworms on a ICPE site; (2) the transfer and bioavailability of Se in controlled conditions for two chemical forms; (3) the health risk for the residents with gardening activities near ICPE plant and factors influencing blood lead of professionals (statistical analysis of data). A literature review of the quality of cassava in connection with the cultivation and culinary practices and characteristics of the environment was finally performed to complete the "Science and Society" process of the thesis. From the analysis of different isotopes of lead in the soil around the recycling plant it was concluded that 84 to 100% of lead in surface soils has anthropogenic origin. Avoidance behavior in the most lead polluted areas was observed for A. caliginosa earthworm species. The selenium root transfer, translocation to corn and its bioavailability in the grain are higher in the case of selenate (translocation factor of 1.1, and human bioavailability of 89.3%) compared to selenite (0.13 and bioaccessibility 82.7%). The study of crops quality in the gardens near the ICPE plant (in Bazoches), in relation to atmosphere and soil quality (low Pb contamination, alkaline pH and high organic content that reduce pollutants transfers) highlighted an atmosphere-plant transfer which depends on the metal (Cd is the most bioavailable) and plant species. Pb and Cd concentrations follow respectively the sequences: [lettuce> Leek> celery> carrot] and [lettuce> celery> carrot> leek]. To reduce population exposure, thorough washing of productions before consumption is recommended.

La economía circular como parte de la sostenibilidad en el sector hotelero y su posible aplicación en el Perú / The circular economy as part of sustainability in the hotel sector and its possible application in Peru

Berrú Potozén, Manuel Orlando, Grabielli Velasquez, Fiorella 15 November 2020 (has links)
Las industrias colaboran con la degradación gradual del planeta y la industria hotelera no está exenta de ello. Por ello, se observan algunos cambios de actitud y políticas por parte del sector hotelero con respecto a su impacto ambiental; sin embargo, aún no existe un plan específico de acción que dirija a los hoteles a desarrollar una gestión sostenible. Actualmente, el sector hotelero mantiene un modelo económico lineal basado en usar y desechar; el cual se plantea reemplazar por uno circular que permite utilizar y optimizar los recursos evitando dejar residuos y/o desperdiciarlos aportando valor a la empresa y a su entorno para poder alcanzar la sostenibilidad. Esta investigación busca detallar a profundidad la realidad acerca del enfoque de la economía circular y su aplicación en la hotelería a nivel mundial para su posible implementación en los hoteles en Perú. Se empleó la metodología de revisión bibliográfica descriptiva y evaluativa partiendo de fuentes académicas como artículos científicos, tesis, entre otros; teniendo en cuenta las fechas de publicación del 2015 al 2020 con respecto a la economía circular y su aplicación en el sector hotelero a nivel mundial. A partir de ello se identifica que el sector hotelero mundial actualmente no utiliza el enfoque de la economía circular y en el sector hotelero peruano aún no se realiza mucha investigación sobre esta temática por lo cual se requiere ampliarla y realizar la respectiva experimentación que proporcione argumentos a favor o en contra de implementar la economía circular. / Industries collaborate with the gradual degradation of the planet and the hotel industry is not exempt from it. Therefore, there are some changes in attitude and policies on the part of the hotel sector regarding its environmental impact; however, there is still no specific action plan that directs hotels to develop sustainable management. Currently, the hotel sector maintains a linear economic model based on use and discard; which is proposed to replace by a circular one that allows to use and optimize resources avoiding leaving waste and / or wasting them, adding value to the company and its environment in order to achieve sustainability. This research seeks to detail a depth of reality about the circular economy approach and its application in the hotel industry worldwide for its possible implementation in hotels in Peru. The descriptive and evaluative bibliographic review methodology was used based on academic sources such as scientific articles, theses, among others; considering the publication dates from 2015 to 2020 regarding the circular economy and its application in the hotel sector worldwide. Based on this, it is identified that the world hotel sector does not currently use the circular economy approach and in the Peruvian hotel sector much research is not done on this issue yet, so it is necessary to expand it and carry out the respective experimentation that provides arguments to favor or against implementing the circular economy. / Trabajo de investigación


28 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta a importância da Termoeletricidade a gás para o País, abordando a caracterização do setor elétrico brasileiro, as especificidades e seus impactos. Demonstra a importância da gestão ambiental e a conceitua em diversos cenários. São abordados os aspectos legais e institucionais, inerentes ao licenciamento específico para unidades geradoras. É feita a caracterização da UTE Macaé, objeto de estudo da gestão ambiental. A análise crítica da implementação do sistema de gestão ambiental identificou diversas lições aprendidas nos diversos períodos do empreendimento. / [en] The present work aims the importance of gas thermoelectricity for the country, considering the Brazilian electrical sector characterization, specificities and their impacts. Demonstrate the importance of environmental management and concepts it in several scenarios. Issues regarding legal and institutional aspects, mainly permitting process for generator units. It was presented a characterization of Macae Power Plant, the object of our environmental management studies. A critical approach to the implementation of the environmental management system of UTE Macaé has identified several lessons learned during different project periods. We have the historical evolution of thermoelectrical plants in Brazil in order to understand the type of energy matrix available. In 2001, the country faced problems due lack of rain when the whole Country was supplied by Hydro plants needed to save energy. The lack of energy tied the Country development. Immediately the Brazilian government take action with the using a gas from Bolivia-Brazil pipeline putting emergencial gas power plants as a fast track project In order to implement an alternative energy source based on natural gas, it was considered the lesser impact alternative source and more reliable for the power plants in case of lack of rain that supplies the Hydro plants. The characterization of Brazilian energy sector, verifying the main characteristics and specificities of thermoelectrical plants and their environmental impacts, are the most critical paths in order to implement a projects. To develop any project or specific projects such power plants it is necessary to understand the culture and specific environmental and social issues in order to avoid any impact to the project. Other specifities regarding hydro plants and gas power plants such environmental and social impacts generate by each specific type of generation was brought up. During the development of this work is highlighted the environmental management concept analyzing the national and international guidelines regarding environmental management, some of them are already well accepted however all the organizations should be aware that not just a good recognized management system will guarantee an excellent results of environmental , health , safety and production. Knowledge and commitment is required from everyone in the organization. It is impossible not mention and discuss in a work like that, the legal and institutional aspects related with natural gas power plant emphasizing environmental licensing problems. The Brazilian legislation is pretty new and all the time has some changes that usually can impact the project. During the our case of study UTE Macaé, we were learning together with the environmental agency because this was one of the first gas power plants built in Brazil. The UTE Macaé – Power Plant our case of study is well characterized with all project details. In the process side there is a good description, energy generation process, basic sources “water and natural gas “. Operational and project characteristics is aligned with all information needed to understand the project are described in this work. Considering our case of study UTE Macaé we went through all the experience and each specific area including: Environmental management system, mitigation programs and a really huge monitoring program that covers whatever deviation that could appear due any operation. With all the experiences before us established a lessons learned to be shared with you in order to avoid future environmental, social or economic impacts in other Gas power plant implementation worldwide. It is good to be clear that two separated phases area explained and both are very important, construction and operation. The Environmental Management analysis of Macaé Power Plant was identified in the previous paragraphs and concluded with the lessons learned giving a really good supporting a critical approach of implementation of the environmental management system of UTE Macaé. Create a good interaction between competent project manager and integrated project team. Define on time with good anticipation HSE resources necessaries as following: people, budget and time.

Soilless Cultivation of Edible Plants for Phytoremediation

Haddad, Ola January 2020 (has links)
Food security and eutrophication are two issues proven to have severe impacts on both humanity and the environment. This study suggests improving the local food security by utilizing phosphorus and nitrogen, available in severe eutrophic small lakes, in local food production, thus turning eutrophication from a problem into a resource. The study theoretically experiments the possibility of using eutrophic water in a greenhouse, where hydroponics is used as a cultivation method. The eutrophic water is pumped from the lake into the greenhouse, and then to the hydroponic system, which is expected to remediate the water, returning clean water to the lake. The objective of this process is to phytoremediate eutrophic water and simultaneously, produce edible commercial plants. Finding the best matching lake and plant nitrogen to phosphorus (N:P) ratio, is of key importance to optimize the remediation process. Based on data from a literature review, edible plants N:P ratios are found lower than typical lake N:P ratios, suggesting that, in some cases, edible plants in the hydroponic system would require additional nutrients to grow optimally. Finding the best matching lake and plant N:P ratio is thought to optimize the remediation process. Matching the lake and plant N:P ratio was conducted in Python.


IRLAINE DE ALVARENGA CIDADE 14 March 2017 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é propor um modelo de autoavaliação de desempenho de Centros de Difusão de Ciência, Educação e Cultura (CDCEC), na perspectiva da sustentabilidade e com base na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. Busca-se demonstrar que a ferramenta de autoavaliação proposta na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010, se adaptada, pode ser utilizada de maneira efetiva para medir o nível de maturidade dos sistemas de gestão de CDCEC. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e metodológica. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a metodologia compreende pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; construção do modelo de autoavaliação de desempenho de CDCEC em sustentabilidade; uso do método analítico hierárquico (AHP) para definição dos pesos dos elementos de avaliação; estudo de caso da FPCRJ para demonstração da aplicabilidade do modelo de autoavaliação; análise e interpretação e análise dos resultados da autoavaliação da FPCRJ; e formulação das conclusões da pesquisa e recomendações. Destaca-se como resultado principal um modelo inovador de autoavaliação de desempenho em sustentabilidade para CDCEC, compreendendo oito elementos-chave e 40 elementos detalhados. O estudo de caso da FPCRJ demonstrou ser viável determinar o nível de maturidade do sistema de gestão de um CDCEC, a partir de adaptações na ferramenta de autoavaliação definida na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. Permitiu ainda identificar oportunidades de melhoria que poderão ser objeto de ações por parte da alta liderança da Fundação, visando alcançar níveis superiores de sustentabilidade. / [en] The objective of this dissertation is to propose a self-assessment model for evaluating the sustainability performance of Centers for Diffusion of Science, Education and Culture (CDSEC), based on the Standard ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. The research seeks to demonstrate by a case study within the Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (FPCRJ) that the self-assessment tool included in the in the referred standard (if adapted) can be effectively used for assessing management systems of CDSEC. This research can be considered applied, descriptive, and methodological. The methodology encompasses literature review and documentary research; development of a self-assessment model for evaluating organizational performance of CDSEC, from the perspective of corporate sustainability; application of the hierarchical analytical method to define the weights of the evaluation criteria; development of a case study within the FPCRJ for demonstrating the applicability of the purposed model; analysis and interpretation of the FPCRJ results; and formulation of conclusions and recommendations. The main result of this research is an innovative self-assessment model for evaluating performance of CDSEC, from the perspective of corporate sustainability, encompassing eight key elements and 40 detailed elements. Particularly, the results of the case study of the FPCRJ could demonstrate that the purposed model can be effectively used for assessing sustainability performance of CDSEC and allowed to identify improvement and innovation opportunities towards high performance of corporate sustainability.

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