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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Stakeholder Framework for Hotels : Supporting Sustainable Tourism Management in Vlora, Albania / Intressentramverk för hotell : hållbar turism i Vlora, Albanien

Berggren Ek, Alma, Espling, Ella January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to create a sustainable tourism stakeholder framework for hotels in Vlora, a popular tourist destination in southeast European country Albania. As tourism is one of the major driving forces towards better social and economical conditions in Albania but simultaneously poses threats towards nearby ecosystems and protected areas, local traditions and cultures and small suppliers, the importance of sustainability in the industry has risen as a top priority. Conducted on behalf of UNDP Albania, the stakeholder framework aims to function as an outline for a sustainable management plan, leading to future eco-certi cation for hotels. The stakeholder framework, which includes  five-key stakeholder categories; operational, employees, clients, suppliers and local community, each with well tested CSR-practices linked to them, aims to promote sustainable development for the entire destination. The hotel, placed in the center, isused as a driving force towards closer collaborations with other stakeholder categories. The framework was tested on Vlora's largest hotel actor, Regina Hotel Group, through a questionnaire and interviews with four top management executives. The key findings show that Regina Hotel Group has come far in their social sustainability, in particular regarding employees and local suppliers, but lack in sustainability training, leading to lower awareness and sustainability mainly being implemented for financial reasons. Lastly, a recommendation with examples of short- and long-term implementations is presented for the hotel, connected to each stakeholder category. / Denna studie kommer att undersoka hållbar turism i den populära turistdestinationen Vlora, i södra Albanien. Turism är en av två näringar som bidrar mest till socioekonomisk utveckling i regionen. Samtidigt kan alltför stor och oreglerad turistindustri hota bevarandet av omkringliggande natur, kultur, traditioner och små, lokala företag. Med detta i åtanke är hållbarhet en viktig aspekt för Vloras framtida turiststrategi. Genomförd på uppdrag av FN:s utvecklingsprogram, UNDP Albania, tar studien fram ett intressentramverk, som ska ligga till grund för ett eko-certiferingssystem för FN:sutvecklingsprogram. Fem kategorier av nyckelintressenter, teknik, anställda, kunder, leverantörer och lokalsamhälle, har intressentramverkets kopplat CSR-praktiker (Corporate Social Responsability), väl testade för hotells hållbarhet, till. Ramverket använder sedan hotellet, placerat i mitten, som drivkraft för att främja hållbar utveckling i hela destinationen. Genom ett frågeformulär och uppföljande intervjuer med fyra chefer från Vloras största hotellaktör, Regina Hotel Group, kristalliserades fem huvudslutsatser. Först, Regina Hotel Group har kommit låangt i sitt sociala hållbarhetsarbete, speciellt vad gäller anställda och lokala leverantörer, men de saknar utbildning i hållbarhet, vilket leder till låg medvetenhet och därför implementeras hållbara lösningar genom finansiella argument. Avslutningsvis, presenteras en rekommendation med exempel på kort- och långsiktiga lösningar som är kopplade till varje intressentkategori.

Revisionsbranschen och hållbarverksamhetsstyrning : En kvalitativ studie av revisionsbyråer ochdess användning av verksamhetsstyrning föratt uppnå hållbarhet / The auditing industry and sustainable management control : A qualitative study of audit firms and its use of management control toachieve sustainability

Olsson, Marcus, Juliusson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Hållbarhet har aldrig vart mer aktuellt än vad det är idag. Jorden får utstå merpåfrestningar än vad den klarar av och ansvaret ligger på oss som bebor den härplaneten för att lösa detta allvarliga problem. För att värna om varandra och vårnatur behöver alla ta sitt ansvar för att tillsammans skapa en hållbar utveckling.Organisationer kan sägas räknas till den grupp som har mest negativ påverkanpå naturen men även de som har möjlighet att ha stor positiv påverkan. Debesitter ofta resurser och möjligheter som kan resultera i stor skillnad.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur revisionsbyråer använder sig avverksamhetsstyrning för att uppnå hållbarhet. Vårt val av att undersöka justrevisionsbranschen härstammade från ren nyfikenhet. Hållbarhet är inte någotsom borde vara ett främmande koncept för revisionsbyråer, då fler och flerorganisationer upprättar hållbarhetsrapporten som även de behöver granskas.Revisionsbyråer hör inte till den branschen som har mest påverkan på miljönmen det är viktigt att belysa det klassiska talesättet “ingen kan göra allt, men allakan göra något”. Med vår studie vill vi kunna inspirera andra företag inomliknande branscher att arbeta för att delta i förändringen mot hållbarhet. Vi valdeatt undersöka revisionsbyråers verksamhetsstyrning ur perspektiven formell ochinformell styrning.Studien baseras på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt där vi genomförtsemistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Totalt genomfördes sexintervjuer med respondenter från olika revisionsbyråer inom Sverige.Respondenterna besatt olika positioner inom revisionsbyråerna med dengemensamma faktorn att de hade god kunskap om deras verksamhetsstyrningoch hållbarhetsarbete. I studiens resultat noteras det att revisionsbyråer främstanvänder sig av formell verksamhetsstyrning för att uppnå hållbarhet.Hållbarheten för revisionsbyråerna innebär främst de sociala aspekterna, därmycket fokus ligger på att värna om personalen. Kommunikationen spelarvidare en väsentlig roll för att säkerställa att verksamhetsstyrningen leder tillhållbarhet, oavsett om det handlar om miljömässig-, social- eller ekonomiskhållbarhet / Sustainability has never been more relevant than it is today. The earth has towithstand more pressure than it can take, and we who live on this planet isresponsible to make sure that we solve that problem. To take care of each otherand our nature, we all need to take our responsibility to together create asustainable development. Organizations could be seen as one of the sourceswho has the worst impact on the environment, but they also have the possibilityto have positive impact. Organizations have resources and possibilities whichcan be transformed to make a big difference.The aim of this study is to explore how audit firms use management control toachieve sustainability. Our choice to examine this area, descended from purecuriosity. Sustainability should not be a foreign subject to audit firms since moreand more businesses need to prepare a sustainability report, which also need tobe reviewed. Audit firms may not be the business to have a lot of effect on theenvironment, but it is important to shed light to the popular saying “nobodycan do everything, but everyone can do something”. With our study, we wantto inspire more businesses within similar industries to participate in the changetowards sustainability, we chose to examine audit firms and their managementcontrol through the perspective of formal and informal controls.The study is based on a qualitative approach where we conducted semistructured interviews as a data collection method. A total of six interviews wereconducted with respondents from various auditing firms in Sweden. Therespondents occupied various positions within the audit firms with the commonfactor that they had good knowledge of their management control andsustainability work. The results of the study note that auditing firms primarilyuse formal control to achieve sustainability. The sustainability of the audit firmsmainly involves the social aspects, where a lot of focus is to care for the staff.Communication also plays an important role in ensuring that corporategovernance leads to sustainability, regardless of whether it concernsenvironmental, social, or economic sustainability.

Disturbance, recovery and resilience in tropical forests : a focus on the coastal peat swamp forests of Malaysian Borneo

Cole, Lydia Eve Spencer January 2013 (has links)
Tropical forests have existed for up to one hundred million years, and today provide many ecosystem services vital for human well-being. They also harbour great biodiversity, which, in addition to its intrinsic value, plays a key role in the functioning of these ecosystems. Despite their local to global significance, there are still many knowledge gaps concerning the dynamic processes that govern the functioning of tropical forests. Rapid rates of deforestation and landscape conversion, predominantly for logging and industrial agriculture, are limiting the time and opportunity available to collect the information needed to fill these gaps. This research aims to shed light on the long-term ecological functioning of tropical forests, specifically investigating the history of disturbance in these ecosystems and the response of forest vegetation to past perturbations. The carbon-rich tropical peat swamp forests found along the coast of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, are a central focus of this study. For these forests in particular, a large deficit of knowledge surrounding their history and unique ecological functioning is coupled with some of the highest conversion rates of all tropical forest ecosystems across the world. In this thesis, palaeoecological data has been used to reconstruct temporal variability in forest vegetation coincident with external perturbations in order to identify changes in the resilience of these ecosystems through time, via indicators such as slowing rates of recovery and reduced regeneration of forest vegetation. Results suggest that tropical forest ecosystems have, for the most part, shown resilience to natural disturbances in the past, ranging from instantaneous localised tree-fall to longer-term regional climatic change; but that recent anthropogenic disturbances, of novel forms and greater intensities, are jeopardizing the potential for forest recovery and thus compromising ecosystem resilience. These findings enhance our understanding of the ecology of tropical peat swamp forests, and tropical forests more broadly. They also provide a context for contemporary tropical forest management, allowing for predictions on future responses to disturbance and enabling more ecologically sustainable landscape planning.

L'économie de la forêt et des produits forestiers au Maroc : bilan et perspectives / Economics of forests and forestry products in Morocco : Balance and prospective

Ellatifi, Mohammed 05 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la situation actuelle de la forêt marocaine. Dans le cadre de ce travail, deux études ont été réalisées à l’échelle nationale, au Maroc. La première a concerné le pâturage des troupeaux en forêt, et la seconde a porté sur la quantification du volume de bois de feu directement prélevé en forêt, et consommé en zone rurale et en zone urbaine. Les résultats trouvés ont été très préoccupants. Dans les deux situations, les prélèvements réels de fourrage et de bois de feu, dépassent de 3 à 4 fois la possibilité biologique de la forêt. Les populations rurales exercent une énorme pression sur la forêt marocaine, ce qui conduit à sa dégradation et menace sa pérennité.Ce travail de thèse a également estimé la valeur économique des différents biens et services de la forêt marocaine, en vue d’en déterminer la valeur économique totale (VET). Cela a démontré que la valeur économique de la forêt marocaine reste très sous estimée, ce qui encourage son défrichement et son remplacement par d’autres usages.Ce travail a aussi mis en évidence le faible taux de réussite des opérations de reboisement qui sont menées au Maroc, depuis plus d’un demi-siècle. Une nouvelle stratégie de gestion durable de la forêt est proposée dans le cadre du Plan Forestier National. Pour atteindre cette gestion durable, le PNF devra résoudre les principaux problèmes urgents qui menacent la pérennité de la forêt, et donner un rôle primordial aux acteurs de la société civile et aux populations rurales pour la supervision de cette nouvelle stratégie forestière, avec la participation du service forestier, pour faire de la forêt marocaine un modèle de gestion forestière durable, à l’échelle de la région Méditerranéenne. / This thesis deals with the actual situation of the Moroccan forests. Within the framework of this work, two studies were carried out at national level, in Morocco. The first concerned grazing in forest and the second the quantification of fuel wood directly collected from forest and consumed in both rural and urban areas. The results found were very disquieting. In both cases, the total volume of fodder and fuel wood, effectively collected from forest, are 3 to 4 times the biological possibility of the forest.The rural populations exert a huge pressure on the Moroccan forest, which causes its degradation and puts in jeopardy its perenniality.This thesis work also estimated the monetary value of the various goods and services of the Moroccan forest, towards the valuation of the total economic value (TEV). This showed that the economic value of the Moroccan forest is very underestimated, which encourages its degradation and clearing.This research work also demonstrated the weak success rate of the reforestation activities, which were carried out in Morocco, during the last half century. A new strategy towards a sustainable forest management in Morocco is proposed, within the framework of the National Forest Plan.To reach this sustainable forest management, the NFP should resolve the major urgent problems which threaten the Moroccan forest, and should give a role of prime importance to the civil society actors, and to the rural populations for the supervision of this new strategy, with the participation of the forest service, in order to make of the Moroccan forest a model of sustainably managed forest, at the level of the Mediterranean region.

Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et culturelles dans l'extrême sud-est algérien. Cas d'étude : le parc national du Tassili n'Ajjer / Sustainable management of natural and cultural resources in the South - Eastern Algeria. Case study : National Park Tassili n'Ajjer

Djouhri, Othmane 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le Tassili n’Ajjer est notre région d’étude, situé à l’extrême Sud - Est algérien, caractérisé par une remarquable interaction de l’homme et son environnement et comprenant des phénomènes naturels d’une beauté exceptionnelle et d’une culture saharienne spécifique. Ce dernier est ainsi mal organisé et insuffisamment protégé et géré. Notre étude s’articule ainsi autour de trois grands axes. Le premier axe est réservé à la présentation des spécificités et les particularités du territoire du Tassili n’Ajjer. Le second axe est consacré à l’analyse de toutes les composantes et les potentialités de cette zone d’étude et spécifiquement l’activité touristique à développer. Une série d’enquêtes et d’entretiens menés auprès des acteurs locaux (public et privé) portant sur les questions et les préoccupations de développement local dans la région du Tassili, nous ont aidé d’aboutir à une série de propositions permettant une meilleure gestion durable et une protection efficace de ces richesses spécifiques de la région. Ces propositions feront ainsi l’objet de détail dans le dernier axe de thèse. / The objective of this thesis is to consider a strategy for sustainable management of natural resources and cultural resources in the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. This makes the proposal and the incorporation of new activities to the fabric of society Saharan to achieve sound economic development and effective protection of this space. Tassili n'Ajjer our study area, located in the South - Eastern Algeria. It characterized by a remarkable interaction between man and his environment including natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and culture specific Saharan Africa. It is poorly organized and inadequately protected and managed. This contribution is organized around three major axes. The first line is reserved for the presentation of the specificities and particularities of the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. The second axis is devoted to analyze the components and the potential of this specific study area and tourist activity to develop. A series of surveys and interviews with local actors (private and public) on the issues and concerns of local development in the region of Tassili helped us to achieve a series of suggestions for better Sustainable management and efficient protection of species richness in the region. These proposals will be retail and in the last line of argument.

Le développement durable et le secteur des pêches et de l'aquaculture au Gabon : une étude de la gestion durable des ressources halieutiques et leur écosystème dans les provinces de l'Estuaire et de l'Ogooué Maritime / Sustainable development and the fisheries sector and aquaculture in Gabon : a study of the sustainable management of fishery resources and their ecosystem in the provinces of the Estuary and Ogooué Maritime

Ekouala, Landry 31 January 2013 (has links)
À l'échelle mondiale, la pêche maritime est caractérisée par une surexploitation des ressources disponibles dans les différentes pêcheries ayant des impacts très importants sur l'écosystème marin et côtier. Cette surpêche est facilitée par le progrès technique et par une demande de consommation en constante augmentation, notamment dans les pays développés. Pour faire face à cette évolution, des politiques de gestion durable de ces ressources halieutiques sont progressivement mises en place, allant des approches conventionnelles (gestion des stocks exploités) à l'approche écosystémique des pêches qui prône la réconciliation de l'exploitation durable et de la conservation de l'écosystème. Notre thèse aborde les conditions de développement d'une telle gestion durable de la pêche dans le cas précis des provinces de l'Estuaire et de l'Ogooué Maritime au Gabon. Le diagnostic établi met en évidence une exploitation désordonnée des ressources halieutiques et une détérioration générale de l'état des écosystèmes côtiers, nécessitant des mesures d'ajustement de la pression de pêche. Cependant, beaucoup de lacunes restent à combler (politique d'exploitation durable, formation des acteurs, évaluation des ressources et de l'écosystème, etc.) pour une meilleure compréhension et un suivi plus rigoureux des mutations qui affectent la durabilité des pêcheries et la vulnérabilité globale des écosystèmes côtiers. Dans ces deux provinces du Gabon, nous montrons que l'application de l'approche écosystémique des pêches, prenant la forme d'une gouvernance concertée dans le secteur des pêches et de l'aquaculture, apparaît comme une nécessité pour donner à ce secteur une place de choix dans ce pays. / Globally, the maritime fishing is characterized by overexploitation of resources available in the various fisheries have major impacts on the marine and coastal ecosystems. This overfishing is facilitated by advances in technology and consumer demand steadily increasing, especially in developed countries. To cope with this development, policies for sustainable management of fisheries resources are gradually implemented, ranging from conventional approaches (management pf exploited stocks) to the fisheries ecosystem approach with promotes reconciliation and sustainable conservation of the ecosystem. Our thesis addresses the conditions for the development of such a sustainable management of fisheries in the specific case of province of the Estuary ans the Maritime Ogooué in Gabon. The diagnosis revealed a disordely exploitation of fisheries resources and a general deterioration of the state of coastal ecosystems, requiring measures to adjust fishing pressure. However, many gaps remain (sustainable policies, training of stakeholders, assessment of resources and ecosytems, etc...) for a better understanding and a more rigourous monitoring of mutations that affect the sustainability of fisheries and the overall vulnerability of coastal ecosystems. In these two provinces of Gabon, we show that the application of the ecosystem approach of fisheries, taking the form of collaborative governance in the fisheries and aquaculture appears as a necessity to give the sector a place in this country.


BEATRIZ QUIROZ VILLARDI 13 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] Realizei uma pesquisa empírica - conceitual reflexiva junto aos docentes de duas escolas particulares de graduação em administração e marketing, fundadas há 50 e 20 anos respectivamente para responder como e por quê acontece mudança organizacional através da aprendizagem coletiva docente em instituições de ensino superior privado (IESPr) de administração e marketing? Desenhei a pesquisa como um estudo de caso instrumental qualitativo onde realizei observação participante completa, entrevistas em profundidade e pesquisa documental. Para tanto, me integrei por três anos ao corpo docente de cada escola para acompanhar em profundidade o cotidiano do trabalho docente em duas IESPr Os dados de campo foram conceitualmente sistematizados interpretativamente em quatro níveis de acordo com a metodologia reflexiva de Alvesson & Sköldberg que incluiu análise metateórica e triangulação multiparadigmática dos estudos sobre processos de aprendizagem coletiva docente. Deste modo pude aprofundar empírica e conceitualmente na complexidade das dinâmicas sob estudo, explicitando-lhes uma configuração onde dimensões de emocionalidade e poder co-evoluem em permanente tensão com a de racionalidade. As implicações deste conhecimento sobre microprocessos de mudança e aprendizagem dizem respeito da natureza da mudança e da aprendizagem grupal e organizacional. Três resultados foram alcançados: acadêmicos, práticos para a gestão em IESPr e para a pesquisadora. / [en] An empirical - conceptual reflexive research from within was accomplished aiming at investigating how and why organizational change and learning occurs through teacher`s collective learning and change at two 50 and 20 years old Management and Marketing Business Schools It was designed as a qualitative instrumental case study where complete participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documental research were developed. For this reason the researcher joined to the teacher`s staff at both business schools for a three years period in order to gain deep understanding about teacher`s work daily practices focusing its change and learning dynamics. Field data were interpretatively processed within four- level analysis according to Alvesson & Sköldberg`s reflexive methodology. Therefore metatheoretical analysis and multiparadigmatic triangulation of the developed knowledge on collective learning and change processes was included. In this way micro processes under study could be comprehensively understood in its dynamics complexity and configured as emotionality and power dimensions coexisting inextricably connected to rationality in a coevolving permanent tension. Micro processes` knowledge implications are related to organizational and group change and learning nature. Three results were accomplished: academic ones, practical ones for business schools management and for researcher`s own knowledge.

Manejo de Euterpe edulis Mart. para produção de polpa de fruta: subsídios à conservação da biodiversidade e fortalecimento comunitário / Management of Euterpe edulis Mart. for fruit pulp production: subsidies to biodiversity conservation and community empowerment

Souza, Saulo Eduardo Xavier Franco de 03 December 2014 (has links)
A juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) é uma palmeira importante ecologicamente e considerada fonte de produtos valiosos culturalmente e economicamente. Há mais de duas décadas tem sido considerada ameaçada de extinção pelo corte de palmito, e atualmente surge uma nova oportunidade para reduzir sua vulnerabilidade por meio da valorização de seus frutos. Nesta pesquisa investigamos se o manejo de juçara para produção de polpa de frutos pode funcionar como catalisador da conservação da biodiversidade e da melhoria dos meios de vida das populações humanas locais. Algumas questões foram elaboradas e organizadas em quatro eixos convergentes a questão central: (I) Quais os principais aspectos socioeconômicos e práticas de manejo de E. edulis para produção de polpa nas áreas de estudo? Qual o potencial da atividade para o fortalecimento local e conservação da espécie? (II) Como varia a composição e a estrutura florestal ao longo de gradientes de manejo e altitude? Quais as espécies vegetais nativas mais valorizadas por estas comunidades locais? (III) Como a produção e a colheita de frutos variam através de diferentes sistemas de manejo ao longo dos anos? Quais os principais fatores que explicam essa variação? (IV) De que maneira o manejo de frutos de juçara afeta sua dinâmica populacional? Qual a taxa máxima sustentável de remoção de frutos? Quais as estratégias de manejo sustentável recomendada para diferentes condições? Para isso, foi realizado o monitoramento de populações de E. edulis em áreas manejadas por quatro populações humanas que habitam o entorno e interior do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), Núcleos Santa Virgínia e Picinguaba, nos municípios de Natividade da Serra e Ubatuba, SP. Também amostramos populações de E. edulis em áreas de proteção integral no interior do PESM, entrevistamos os moradores de cada comunidade local, assim como usamos dados de fontes secundárias sobre a vegetação do PESM e sobre a atividade de manejo da juçara nos últimos anos. Verificamos que existe uma nova possibilidade de trabalho e renda nas comunidades, inclusive para mulheres e jovens, possibilitando diversificação da economia local. As práticas não destrutivas de colheita dos frutos e as características do sistema reprodutivo da espécie não implicam em severas consequências ecológicas adversas, permitindo considerar o potencial de conservação circa situm, principalmente diante as mudanças climáticas e pressão do mercado de palmito. A diversidade arbórea reduziu localmente com o aumento da intensidade de manejo agroflorestal, mas permite a manutenção de espécies arbóreas de interesse para a conservação, além de proporcionar sustento às famílias dos produtores. As práticas de manejo realizadas nos sistemas agroflorestais tradicionais podem favorecer a manutenção do conhecimento ecológico local, além de aumenta a produtividade de frutos e reduzir a variação interanual da frutificação. A colheita de frutos de juçara em si não representa prejuízos em termos populacionais. Sendo o novo manejo de juçara uma das estratégias recomendadas para manter a viabilidade das populações em longo prazo, desde que o corte de palmito seja controlado e a regeneração seja promovida. / Juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) is a palm source of various culturally and economically valued products. It has been considered threatened of extinction for more than two decades. The simple opposition between strategies to obtain its different products arises a new opportunity to reduce its vulnerability. In this research we investigated if the management for fruit production could act as a catalyst to biodiversity conservation and local livelihood improvement. Some questions were elaborated and organized into four axes convergent to the central question: (I) How do the management systems of E. edulis for fruit production are characterized at the study area? Which is the activity potential to improve local livelihoods? (II) How does the forest structure and composition vary along management and altitude gradients? What native plant species are most valued by these communities? (III) How do fruit production and harvest vary through different management systems along different years? What are the main factors explaining such variation? (IV) How do juçara management for fruit production affect its population dynamics? What is the maximum sustainable rate of fruit removal? Which sustainable management strategies are recommended for different conditions? We built empirical evidences through monitoring E. edulis populations managed by four local human populations living around and inside Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), Nuclei Santa Virgínia and Picinguaba. We also sampled E. edulis populations in strictly protected areas inside PESM, as well as used secondary data about juçara management activities in the last years. The opportunity for work and income, inclusive for women and young people, the stimulus for social organization, production diversification, among other aspects recorded in this study promote community resilience in the face of political and economic change. Juçara fruit harvest allows frugivorous foraging and indicates the potential for in situ and circa situm conservation approach, mainly in the face of climate change and market pressure for palm heart. Arboreal diversity reduced locally with increasing agroforesty management intensity, which in turn raised diversity at the landscape level. Management practices, performed at the traditional agroforestry systems, could strengthen local cognitive systems, enhance fruit productivity and reduce fruiting inter annual variation. Juçara fruit harvest benefits recruitment and could even induce population increase at the long term. Neverheless, other factors affected negatively affected the population negatively. The protection of adult palms for fruit harvest is one of the recommended strategies to keep population viability in the long term and could function as in situ and circa situm conservation strategies.

Interações entre valores e atividade científica e sua aplicação ao contexto dos campos sulinos

Reis, Claudio Ricardo Martins dos January 2016 (has links)
Na primeira metade de século XX, tanto os empiristas lógicos quanto os racionalistas popperianos sustentaram que os juízos científicos corretos derivavam de sua conformação a certas regras: indutivas, dedutivas, hipotético-dedutivas ou formalizáveis segundo o cálculo de probabilidades. No entanto, após a emergência de novos trabalhos, como os de Thomas Kuhn, houve um amplo desenvolvimento de abordagens que analisam a inferência científica com base em valores, em vez de regras estabelecidas a priori. A estratégia proposta por Kuhn considera a prática científica e sua história um elemento importante para uma compreensão adequada da racionalidade da ciência. Sua abordagem envolve a consideração de valores cognitivos, tais como fecundidade, consistência e escopo de teorias. Ampliando essa abordagem, estudos mais recentes – a partir da década de 90 e com grande efervescência nos últimos anos – defendem a tese de que o conhecimento científico, além de um produto da atividade social, possui ele mesmo uma dimensão social intrínseca. Poderíamos perguntar, então, em que medida valores não cognitivos, tais como valores morais e sociais, moldam a prática científica; e como esses valores poderiam exercer um papel legítimo ou mesmo contribuir para a produção de conhecimento. Essas questões envolvem o problema, bastante expressivo atualmente (cf. Longino, 2015), sobre a chamada “dimensão social do conhecimento científico”. Neste trabalho, abordo o referido problema no que tange à relação entre valores e atividade científica, utilizando-me, para a construção do artigo aqui presente, a abordagem do filósofo da ciência Hugh Lacey e aplicando-a a um contexto específico: as possibilidades de uso produtivo dos chamados Campos Sulinos. / In the first half of the XXth century, both logical empiricists and popperian rationalists sustained that correct scientific judgements derived from the conformation to certain rules: inductive, deductive, hypothetical-deductive or formalizable according to the calculation of probabilities. However, mainly because of Thomas Kuhn’s works, there was an extensive development of approaches that analyze the scientific inference based on values, rather than on a priori established rules. The proposal of Kuhn considers the scientific practice and history as elements of relevance to the comprehension of science’s rationality. His approach considers cognitive values, such as fecundity, consistence, and scope of theories. Expanding this approach, recent studies – starting in the 90s and with great effervescence in recent years – defend the thesis that scientific knowledge, besides being a product of social activity, features an intrinsic social dimension. We could ask, in what measure noncognitive values, such as moral and social values, shape the scientific practice; and how these values could exercise a legitimate role, or even contribute to the production of knowledge. These questions involve the currently quite significant (cf. Longino, 2015) problem called “social dimension of the scientific knowledge”. In this work, I approach the mentioned question regarding the relation between values and the scientific activity, using the approach of the philosopher of science Hugh Lacey, and applying it to a specific background: the possibilities of the productive use of the south Brazilian native grasslands, know Campos Sulinos.


劉文綺, Liu,Wen-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
人類文明發展的演進歷程中,工業革命與石油世紀將大量生產、大量消費與大量廢棄的傳統成長模式推展到極致。人類社會雖然因此獲得經濟上的快速發展,卻對自然環境造成不可回復的嚴重侵害。年年加劇的自然反撲現象,使人類在一方面藉由簽署國際公約與章程來發揮約束力的同時,也思索兼容社會經濟發展與環境保育的新社會型態—循環型社會的推動。本研究以2005日本愛知萬國博覽會為研究個案,財團法人2005年日本國際博覽會協會為研究標的,探討人類活動的永續化經營作為。 由於愛知萬博會為自九○年代數個萬博計劃中止或失敗以來,創下第一個參訪人數大幅超過預定人數紀錄的世界博覽會。並且,愛知萬博會乃以環境共生為主題,強調市民力量的參與,成為結合在地能耐與國家文化來呈現二十一世紀型的創新「自然博」,因此具備研究代表性。此外,從愛知縣爭取主辦權到實際舉辦的十五年間,博覽會計畫歷經數度修正,震盪漣漪從民間擴及到中央政府,到國際。儼然是一場「人定勝天」與「自然睿智」的攻防戰,而過程中的種種現象也象徵著多項新時代意義。 本研究以發展自司徒達賢CORPS模式(1999)的「文化活動之永續化經營模式」為研究架構,分別從「市民參加的影響力展現」、「主題滲透度與服務對象之行為改變」、「主題意識的擴散與深化」、「硬體設施的撤除與價值再創造」及「資於的再生利用」等五構面進行分析討論。研究發現,市民參與的層次已從過去被動的吸收資訊進展為主動的參與決策以及經營管理;一次性博覽會活動難以促成或誘發參觀受眾的行為改變,但能強化新觀念與行為改變間的正向連結;落實永續理念的博覽會活動,在策劃設計上需融入經濟、社會與文化因素的考量將有助於推動進行;博覽會活動在空間利用與撤除整備策劃設計上,應盡量活用既有地形與建材,且使用空間的再利用設計上應具有多元功能;運用巧思,讓事業廢棄物成為創意紀念品不僅為主辦單位帶來經濟收入,也是保存活動記憶與承續活動主題意識的最佳媒介;任何事業廢棄物都有其可利用價值,資源的使用乃是循環型的迴圈。 最後,得出以下四項結論:一、循環型社會是社會發展演進的趨勢。二、市民力量已成為人類活動中不可小覷的一股影響力。三、舉辦博覽會具有經濟發展與理念傳達兩方面的效益。四、永續化經營包含無形與有形兩個層面,有形係指在經營管理與作業流程中融入永續理念,無形則為永續理念的擴散、滲透,及誘發行為的改變。 / Thanks to rapid technological development bring by industrial revolution, people enjoy the outcome of industrial growth and economic development in the 20th Century which was characterized by mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-discarding. At the same time, this has placed a tremendous burden on the natural environment, exceeding its capacity for self-recovery. Also, these trends resulted in various global environment issues such as global warming, unusual climates, species extinction, desertification, and the shortage of natural resources. As these issues cannot be resolved by one nation alone, there were several international rules be made to deal with environmental crisis. But human efforts still cannot catch up with the speed of global ecosystem damage. Thus, a brand-new, eco-compatible business model is needed which balanced society niches, biological diversity, and economic efficiency. The 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan, as the first world exposition in 21st century offered a great platform let countries to work together in the pursuit of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence for all life on Earth. Furthermore, form the setting of Expo themes to the planning, designing, and operating of the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan these have symbolized the change of the managing philosophy in holding a big cultural activity. Considering the concept of circular orientated society and 3R policies (reduce, reuse, and recycle), this research focuses on the timeline after the duration of Expo, trying to figure out the eco-compatible conducts of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition in sustainable way. ‘The sustainable management model of cultural activity’ is adopted in this research to analyze the case. Besides, there are five variables in this model which as following: ‘the influence of citizen participation after Expo’, ‘the understanding of Expo theme and the behaviors induced by changes of visitors after Expo’, ‘the diffusion and internalization of Expo theme to visitors after Expo’, ‘the remove and value creation activities of hardware in Expo site after Expo’, and ‘the processing and reusing of resources in Expo site after Expo’. In addition, first hand material (the interview of the chief producer of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition, Shohei Fukui) and second hand material are used in the studying and analyzing process. According to the background above, the following questions would be answered by this research: 1. What influence did ‘citizen participation’ affect the recovery and the new plan of Expo sites after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 2. What levels did the visitors reach on the understanding of the Expo themes? And what behaviors of visitors have been induced due to the attending of Expo? 3. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition cope with its operational activities, remove activities of facilities and pavilions, and the value creation activities of Expo sites based on Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony, after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 4. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition diffuse and internalize the Expo themes into public through specific activities, carriers and organization after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 5. How did Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony affect Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition on the way of resources processing and reusing after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? Combining 12 research findings were brought up from this research, there are 4 conclusions of this research can be summarized as below: 1. Circular orientated society is the next trend of human society apparently. People have to aim to benefit from nature without harming it, and develop ways of maintaining a mutually dependent and beneficial relationship with nature. 2. The power of citizen participation cannot be ignore in holding of human cultural activities. Without the concern and involvement of citizen, cultural activities will lost of uniqueness and won’t be last in local areas. So that the objective of incubating local competitive ability will not come true. 3. There are two advantages from holding an Expo, which are economic development and the diffusion of new concept, new technology and new social system. 4. The concept of ‘the sustainable management model of cultural activity’ includes two meanings: In tangible aspect, fulfill the vision of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence into management conducts and operational process in daily life. In intangible aspect, diffuse and internalize the eco-compatible theme or environmental concept into public, induce behaviors changed of public unconsciously.

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