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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arquitetura, cidade e cinema: vanguardas e imaginário / Architecture, city and cinema: avant-Gardes and imaginary

Denise Lezo 10 May 2010 (has links)
Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, em um contexto cultural caracterizado por experimentações, redefinições e rupturas, no qual se desenvolveram as chamadas vanguardas artísticas européias, arquitetura, cidade e cinema estabeleceram entre si diferentes formas de interlocução, inclusive a criação de arquiteturas e cidades destinadas exclusivamente para os filmes. Estreitamente vinculadas às problemáticas de seu tempo, estas arquiteturas e cidades ficcionais dialogaram diretamente com as experimentações realizadas no âmbito artístico e arquitetônico das vanguardas, além de configurarem um veículo direto de comunicação com o público de massas. A partir de três filmes produzidos no cinema europeu do período entreguerras - Aelita (Yakov Protazanov, URSS, 1924), Metropolis (Fritz Lang, Alemanha, 1927) e Things to Come (Daqui a Cem Anos, William Cameron Menzies, Inglaterra, 1936) - este trabalho analisa estas arquiteturas e cidades cinematográficas, seus processos de concepção, produção e difusão, assim como suas interlocuções com o contexto cultural vigente. Através de artifícios intrínsecos à linguagem e à narrativa cinematográficas, estas obras incorporam em suas visões de cidade muitos dos aspectos da metrópole do início do século XX, assim como das propostas arquitetônicas e urbanísticas desenvolvidas naquele período, configurando espaços de problematização e articulação de idéias, tratando de questões como: a vida na metrópole e as ambigüidades e contradições impostas ao habitante metropolitano; as novas tecnologias, e as formas como estas impactavam o cotidiano e incitavam a imaginação; as experimentações formais das vanguardas artísticas e a busca pela superação dos limites entre arte e vida; as novas concepções de arquiteturas e cidades, e seu intuito de criar novas lógicas de organização espacial e urbana, que poderiam contribuir para a criação de um novo homem e uma nova sociedade. / In the first decades of the twentieth century, in the cultural context of the European Avant Gardes, architecture, city and cinema had established between themselves different forms of dialogue, including the creation of fictional architectures and cities destined exclusively for the films. Through the analysis of three films - Aelita (Yakov Protazanov, USSR, 1924), Metropolis (Fritz Lang, Germany, 1927) and Things to Come (William Cameron Menzies, 1936), this work seeks to identify the ways that these cinematographic architectures and cities, developed for the European cinema in the interwar period, had reflected, reformulated and released for the masses such issues as: the life in the metropolis and the ambiguities and contradictions imposed to the metropolitan inhabitant; the new technologies, and the ways they impacted the daily lives and incited the imagination; the formal experimentations of the avant-gardes and the pursuit of overcoming the boundaries between art and life; the new conceptions of architectures and cities, and its intention to create new logics of space and urban organizations, which could contribute to the creation of a new man and a new society.

Effekter av Internet of Things : Scenariobaserad studie som beskriver inledande effekter av Internet of Things i en verksamhet / Effects of Internet of Things : Scenario based study about the initial effects of "Internet of Things" in a business

Camacho Andersson, Emil, Karlsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Med begreppet "Internet of Things" menas att ett objekt ur den riktiga världen blir en del av internet. Tunabyggen i Borlänge planerar att implementera ett sådant informationssystem som med hjälp av sensorer och en ständig internetuppkoppling håller uppsikt över temperatur och luftfuktighet i utvalda lokaler. Det är ett enkelt system som till synes inte har så stora effekter på den nuvarande verksamheten. De ekonomiska effekterna går ofta att räkna på i förhand men effekterna på personal, miljö och rutiner kan glömmas bort. Vi har därför med detta examensarbete undersökt vilka inledande effekter som kan tänkas uppkomma efter implementering av ett nytt informationssystem med "Internet of Things" funktionalitet i en verksamhet. Detta sker inom kategorierna ekonomi, arbetsmiljö, miljöpåverkan och systemförvaltning. För att kunna besvara detta har vi gjort en fallstudie baserad på en scenariometodik som består av fyra faser. Fas 1, där vi fick vårt Case och skapade en förståelse för scenariofältet. Fas 2, där vi identifierade nyckelfaktorer. Detta har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie samt intervju med berörd personal på Tunabyggen. Fas 3, där analysen av dessa nyckelfaktorer skedde genom nulägesanalys och framtidsanalys av nyckelfaktorer. Fas 4, där vi genererade scenarier av de analyserade nyckelfaktorerna. Det har sedan gjorts en SWOT-analys för att belysa styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot. Resultatet visar tydliga tecken på att det kommer att bli många effekter för Tunabyggen efter implementering av det nya informationssystemet som yttrar sig i alla kategorier. Slutsatsen är att vid implementation av ett informationssystem som detta är effekterna många. Detta är något som vi anser bör beaktas av alla verksamheter som har tankar på att införskaffa ett nytt informationssystem. De bör inte bara utvärdera informationssystem rent ekonomiskt utan borde ta i beaktning att det finns ett antal andra faktorer som har en avgörande roll om implementation av informationssystem ska bli lyckad. / The term "Internet of Things" refers to when an object from the real world becomes a part of the internet. Tunabyggen in Borlänge plans to implement an information system that will monitor temperature and humidity in selected facilities using a constant internet connection and different sensors. It is a simple system that doesn't seem to have a major impact on the current operations. The economic effects is often possible to calculate in advance, but the impact on staff, environment and routines may be forgotten. We have with this thesis examined the initial effects that may occur after the implementation of a new information system with Internet of Things functionality in a business, within the categories of economy, working environment, environmental impact and system management. To answer this we made a case study which is based on a scenario methodology that consists of four phases. Phase 1, where we got our case and created an understanding of the scenario field. Phase 2, identifying the key factors. It has been done through a literature study and interviews with relevant staff on Tunabyggen. Phase 3, where the analysis of these key factors were made through the situation and future analysis. Phase 4, where we generate scenarios of the analyzed key factors. Finally we have done a SWOT analysis to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The results clearly show signs that there will be many effects for Tunabyggen after the implementation of the new information system, which manifests itself in all categories. The conclusion is that even the implementation of a menial information system like this one, the impacts are many. This is something that we believe should be considered by all companies that are thinking of acquiring a new system so they do not only evaluate IT-systems in economic terms, but also other factors that play a crucial role for the implementation of an information system to be successful.

Automatic Updates in the Sensible Things Platform

Guo, Yuxin January 2015 (has links)
The Internet-of-Things is an open source architecture for enabling information sharing between globally connected devices, which existing system do not offer. However, the Internet-of-Things induces the single points of failure and long communication delay. Thus, the Sensible Things platform is proposed, which is a fully distributed system. So far, it has produced components to share sensor and actuator information on the Internet. In the past, manual work was problematic since physical access could be difficult on remote locations. There were also difficulties to detect if the devices were actually working properly. Therefore, the thesis mainly focuses on the functionality which is able to check status, update software automatically and restart the devices with new software. The thesis first analyzes the mechanism of the automatic updating and describes the methods for it. The automatic updates of demonstrator is implemented in My-Eclipse. Finally, this paper describes the evaluation of the automatic updating in Sensible Things platform.

Tisser le Web Social des Objets : Permettre une Interaction Autonome et Flexible dans l’Internet des Objets / Weaving a Social Web of Things : Enabling Autonomous and Flexible Interaction in the Internet of Things

Ciortea, Andrei-Nicolae 14 January 2016 (has links)
L’Internet des Objets (IoT) vise à créer un eco-système global et ubiquitaire composé d’un grand nombre d’objets hétérogènes. Afin d’atteindre cette vision, le World Wide Web apparaît comme un candidat adapté pour interconnecter objets et services à la couche applicative en un Web des Objets (WoT).Cependant l’évolution actuelle du WoT produit des silos d’objets et empêche ainsi la mise en place de cette vision. De plus, même si le Web facilite la composition d’objets et services hétérogènes, les approches existantes produisent des compositions statiques incapables de s’adapter à des environnements dynamiques et des exigences évolutives. Un autre défi est à relever: permettre aux personnes d’interagir avec le vaste, évolutif et hétérogène IoT.Afin de répondre à ces limitations, nous proposons une architecture pour IoT ouvert et autogouverné, constitué de personnes et d’objets situés, en interaction avec un environnement global via des plateformes hétérogènes. Notre approche consiste de rendre les objets autonomes et d’appliquer la métaphore des réseaux sociaux afin de créer des réseaux flexibles de personnes et d’objets. Nous fondons notre approche sur les résultats issus des domaines des multi-agents et du WoT afin de produit un WoT Social.Notre proposition prend en compte les besoins d’hétérogénéité, de découverte et d’interaction flexible dans l’IoT. Elle offre également un coût minimal pour les développeurs et les utilisateurs via différentes couches d’abstraction permettant de limité la complexité de cet éco-système. Nous démontrons ces caractéristiques par la mise en oeuvre de plus scénarios applicatifs. / The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to create a global ubiquitous ecosystem composed of large numbers of heterogeneous devices. To achieve this vision, the World Wide Web is emerging as a suitable candidate to interconnect IoT devices and services at the application layer into a Web of Things (WoT).However, the WoT is evolving towards large silos of things, and thus the vision of a global ubiquitous ecosystem is not fully achieved. Furthermore, even if the WoT facilitates mashing up heterogeneous IoT devices and services, existing approaches result in static IoT mashups that cannot adapt to dynamic environments and evolving user requirements. The latter emphasizes another well-recognized challenge in the IoT, that is enabling people to interact with a vast, evolving, and heterogeneous IoT.To address the above limitations, we propose an architecture for an open and self-governed IoT ecosystem composed of people and things situated and interacting in a global environment sustained by heterogeneous platforms. Our approach is to endow things with autonomy and apply the social network metaphor to createflexible networks of people and autonomous things. We base our approach on results from multi-agent and WoT research, and we call the envisioned IoT ecosystem the Social Web of Things.Our proposal emphasizes heterogeneity, discoverability and flexible interaction in the IoT. In the same time, it provides a low entry-barrier for developers and users via multiple layers of abstraction that enable them to effectively cope with the complexity of the overall ecosystem. We implement several application scenarios to demonstrate these features.

Internet of Things : Exploring and Securing a Future Concept

Bude, Cristian, Kervefors Bergstrand, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that encompasses various objects and methods of communication to exchange information. Today IoT is more a descriptive term of a vision that everything should be connected to the internet. IoT will be fundamental in the future because the concept opens up opportunities for new services and new innovations. All objects will be connected and able to communicate with each other, while they operate in unprotected environments. This later aspect leads to major security challenges. Today, IoT is in great need of standardization and clear architectures that describe how this technology should be implemented and how IoT devices interact with each other in a secure manner. The security challenges are rooted in the technology and how information is acquired and manipulated by this technology. This thesis provides an introduction to what the IoT is and how it can be used as well as some of the threats that IoT may face in regards to information security. In addition, the thesis provides the reader with some suggestions about how to potentially solve the fundamental need for authentication and secure communications. The solutions presented are based on both contemporary solutions and technologies that are under development for the future. Contemporary solutions are based on security protocols such as IPSec and DTLS. These protocols are being used in an environment that extends across the Internet and into a 6LoWPAN network. The proposed authentication solution has been developed based on a public key infrastructure and trust models for certificate management. As future work, the thesis presents several research areas where this thesis can be used as a basis. These specialization areas include further analysis of vulnerabilities and an implementation of the proposed solutions. / Internet of Things (IoT) är ett koncept som omfattar olika objekt och kommunikationsmetoder för utbyte av information. Idag är IoT mer en beskrivande term av den framtidsvision som finns att allting ska vara uppkopplat på internet. IoT kommer vara fundamentalt i framtiden eftersom konceptet öppnar upp möjligheter för nya tjänster samt nya innovationer. Då alla objekt ska vara uppkopplade och kunna kommunicera med varandra samtidigt som de skall kunna operera i oskyddade miljöer, bidrar detta till stora säkerhetsutmaningar. Dagens IoT är i stort behov av standardisering och klara strukturer för hur tekniken ska implementeras samt samverka med varandra på ett säkert sätt.  Utmaningarna ligger i att säkra tekniken samt informationen som tekinken bidrar med. Denna rapport ger en introduktion till vad IoT är och hur det kan användas samt vilka hot som IoT kan möta i avseende till informationssäkerhet. Utöver detta så förser rapporten läsaren med förslag om hur man eventuellt kan lösa de fundamentala behoven av autentisering och säker kommunikation. Lösningarna som läggs fram är baserade på både nutida lösningar och teknik som är under utveckling inför framtiden. Nutida lösningar är baserade på säkerhetsprotokoll som IPsec och DTLS som används i en miljö som sträcker över internet och in i ett 6LoWPAN nätverk. Den autentiseringslösning som tagits fram grundar sig på PKI och förtroendemodeller för certifikathantering. För framtida arbete presenteras flertalet vidare fördjupningsområden där denna rapport kan användas som grund. Dessa fördjupningsområden inkluderar vidare analys av sårbarheter och implementation av de lösningar som tagits fram.

Smart Kitchen : Automatisk inventering av föremål / Smart Kitchen : Automated inventory of items

Edlund, Fredrik, Sarker, Saqib January 2016 (has links)
Internet of Things växer fort och förutspås bli en del av vardagen. Detta öppnar möjligheter för att skapa produkter som förenklar vardagslivet. Automatisk objektsidentifiering kombinerad med en automatiserad lagerstatus kan underlätta inventering, något som kan användas till exempel i smarta kylskåp för att göra vardagen enklare genom Internet of Things.Detta examensarbete studerar metoder inom objektsidentifikation för att ta fram ett system som automatiskt kan identifiera objekt och hantera lagerstatus. En prototyp framställdes och testades för att se vilka möjligheter som finns. Systemet använder en Raspberry Pi som basenhet, vilken använder Dlib-bibliotek för att identifiera objekt som har blivit fördefinierade. Vid okända objekt identifierar användaren objekt i en mobilapplikation, systemet kan genom detta lära sig identifiera nya objekt. Samma applikation används för att se lagerstatusen på de olika objekt som har registrerats av systemet. Prototypen klarar av att identifiera kända objekt samt att lära sig nya, enligt projektets mål. / Internet of Things is growing fast and is predicted to become a part of everyday life. This can be used to create products which will make everyday life easier. Automated object detection combined with an automated inventory check can make it easier to manage what is in stock, this is something that can be used in smart refrigerators as an example, to make life more convenient through Internet of Things. This Bachelor thesis studies methods regarding object detection with the purpose to build a system which automatically identifies objects and manages the inventory status. A prototype was built and tested to see what the possibilities there is with such a system. The Prototype uses a Raspberry Pi as core unit, which uses Dlib libraries to identify predefined objects. The user will identify unknown objects via the mobile phone application, which makes it possible for the system to learn how to identify new objects. The same application is used to check the inventory status for the different objects that has been identified by the system. The prototype can identify objects and learn to identify new ones, according to the goals of the project.

Distributed Communication for Streetlight Systems : A decentralized solution / Distributerad kommunication för gatlyktesystem : En decentraliserad lösning

Wallin, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Streetlights are usually lit during all dark hours even though vehicles or other objects are not using the road. Instead of wasting energy on keeping the streetlights lit when no vehicles are using the road, the streetlights should be lit whenever vehicles are in proximity of the streetlights and turned off otherwise. A distributed network can be used to handle the communication between streetlights for sharing information about vehicles in proximity. There are streetlight systems that adapt from the environment and handles communication but are still not optimized for country roads with low frequency of vehicles. Therefore, distributed communication for streetlight systems is implemented, by letting the streetlights be a part of a distributed system. Each streetlight is represented with a Zolertia RE-Mote, a sensor for detecting objects and an LED. The representation of the streetlights are wirelessly connected as a mesh network where they can communicate with each other and forward data packets to nodes more far away in the network. The concept of having the streetlights in a distributed system is believed to work and can be considered to be applied on streetlights at country roads to save energy. / Gatlyktor är oftast tända under alla timmar då det är mörkt ute, även fast det inte är något fordon eller annat objekt som använder vägen. Istället för att slösa energi på att ha gatlyktorna tända när det inte är några fordon som använder vägen, bör gatlyktorna vara tända när fordon är i närheten av dem och släckta annars. Ett distribuerat nätverk kan användas för att hantera kommunikationen mellan gatlyktor till att dela information om fordon i närheten. Det finns gatlyktsystem som anpassar efter miljön och hanterar kommunikationen, men är inte optimerat för landsvägar med låg trafik. Därför är distribuerad kommunikation för gatlyktsystem implementerat genom att låta gatlyktorna vara en del av ett distribuerat system. Varje gatlykta är representerad med en Zolertia RE-Mote, en sensor för detektering av objekt och en LED. Representationen är trådlöst kopplat som ett meshnätverk där de kan kommunicera med varandra och skicka vidare datapaket till noder längre bort i nätverket. Konceptet att ha gatlyktorna i ett distribuerat system tros fungera och kan tänkas att appliceras på gatlyktor på landsvägar för att spara energi.

A Study of Technical Solutions for IoT End Devicesand an Evaluation Guide for Their Performance / En studie av tekniska lösningar för de minsta enheternai IoT-system och en bedömningsguide för dessa

LINDBERG, FRIDA, COLLIN, EDVIN January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a mechatronics master degree project held at Tritech TechnologyAB by two students from The Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden).It covers a study of the future agenda with IoT (Internet of Things) and the devel-opment of an evaluation framework for designing end devices in IoT systems. Thethesis also presents the leading technical solutions for IoT end devices and a toolfor choosing among available technologies. Lastly, the thesis reports from an in-depth study on power consumption and battery life-span of the two communicationtechniques BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Thread.Data has been collected from literature studies by published authors, company pa-pers and from interviews with experts in the area. This data contributed to thefuture agenda prognosis, the generated evaluation framework and the collected tech-nical information. The attributes constituting the design guidance tool were statedbased on the evaluation framework. The in-depth study was carried out by runningthe two technologies on development boards where data on power consumption wascollected. The future prognosis of the IoT development was found to include 20-50 billiondevices by the year of 2020. The largest design areas appear to be within vehicleindustry, safety systems and home and city automation. Obstacles for the develop-ment seem to be a question about safety and how companies are to create a clearbusiness case out of it. Seven different subgroups of metrics were found constitutingto an evaluation framework and seven communication technologies with compatiblehardware form the basis for the developed design guide tool. In the in-depth study,data on power consumption for BLE and Thread were collected during a simple caseof sensing and transferring temperature data. / Denna avhandling presenterar ett examensarbete inom mekatronik gjort på TritechTechnology AB av två studenter från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Stockholm,Sverige). Den omfattar en studie av den framtida prognosen för IoT (Internet ofThings) och utvecklingen av ett ramverk för de minsta enheterna i IoT-system.Avhandlingen presenterar också de ledande tekniska lösningarna för små IoT-enheteroch ett verktyg för att välja bland tillgänglig teknik. Slutligen rapporterar denockså från en mer djupgående studie av energiförbrukning för de två kommunika-tionsteknikerna BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) och Thread.Data har samlats in från litteraturstudier av publicerade artiklar, företagsartiklaroch från intervjuer med experter inom området. Den informationen har bidragittill slutsatser kring framtiden med IoT, utvecklandet av ramverket och den samladetekniska informationen. Attributen som det utvecklade verktyget är baserat på kom-mer från ramverkets parametrar. Den fördjupade studien genomfördes genom attimplementera de två teknikerna på utvecklingskort där data om energiförbrukningsamlades in. Den framtida prognosen för Internet of Things befanns omfatta 20-50 miljarder en-heter år 2020. Fordonsindustrin, säkerhetssystem och hem -och stadsautomationverkar vara de mest populära områdena för utveckling. De största hindren förutvecklingen är en fråga om säkerhet och hur företag ska kunna skapa en tydligaffärsmodell inom området. Sju olika undergrupper av parametrar befanns utgöraramverket och sju kommunikationsteknik med kompatibel hårdvara ligger till grundför det designade verktyget. I den fördjupade studien samlades uppgifter om en-ergiförbrukningen för BLE och Thread in under ett enkelt fall av avläsning ochöverföring av temperaturdata.

”DET SKULLE VARA LÄTTARE IFALL DET INTE VAR EN GRUVA” : En kvalitativ fallstudie omimplementering av en uppkopplad filterindikator i gruvindustrin. / "IT WOULD BE EASIER IF IT WASN'T A MINE" : A qualitative case study on the implementation of a connected filter indicator in the mining industry.

Hällestrand, Claes, Johansson, Adam January 2022 (has links)
The extraction of metal and other natural resources has historically been and is still today an important part of Swedish society and its development. To keep pace with demand and at the sametime increase security, more and more digital technology has been implemented into the miningindustry. However, transforming an industry with the help of digital technology is no easy task and the mining industry faces unique challenges to overcome because of the complexity of the mining environment. Against this background the purpose of this study is to describe and analyse the challenges and enabling factors a small enterprise must face to implement Internet of things inan electronic filter indicator in the mining industry. To answer our research questions, we have useda qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews. The results show that the main challengesthat can prohibit an implementation of a filter indicator that has IoT qualities are environmentalaspects of mines such as gas, dust, and water along with challenges of network, connectivity, and power. Further challenges also exist connected to the development and implementation processes where qualified competence and skills are crucial for the success of a functional IoT product. Whatthis study shows are several enabling factors for implementing an IoT product in a specific mining company such as management of servers and data of various kinds, and an extensive network withseveral different connected products.

Investigating Security Issues in Industrial IoT: A Systematic Literature Review

Milinic, Vasilije January 2021 (has links)
The use of Internet-of-Things (IoT) makes it possible to inter-connect Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) into a completely new system. This convergence is often known as Industrial IoT (IIoT). IIoT brings a lot of benefits to industrial assets, such as improved efficiency and productivity, reduced cost, and depletion of human error. However, the high inter-connectivity opens new possibilities for cyber incidents. These incidents can cause major damage like halting of production on the manufacturing line, or catastrophic havoc to companies, communities, and countries causing power outages, floods, and fuel shortages. Such incidents are important to be predicted, stopped, or alleviated at no cost. Moreover, these incidents are a great motive for researchers and practitioners to investigate known security problems and find potential moderation strategies.  In this thesis work, we try to identify what types of IIoT systems have been investigated in the literature. We seek out to find if software-related issues can yield security problems. Also, we make an effort to perceive what are the proposed methods to mitigate the security threats.We employ the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology to collect this information. The results are gathered from papers published in the last five years and they show an increased interest in research in this domain. We find out software vulnerabilities are a concern for IIoT systems, mainly firmware vulnerabilities and buffer overflows, and there are a lot of likely attacks that can cause damage, mostly injection and DDoS attacks. There are a lot of different solutions which offer the possibility to stop the identified problems and we summarize them. Furthermore, the research gap considering the update process in these systems and devices, as well as a problem with the unsupervised software supply chain is identified.

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