Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TIES"" "subject:"[enn] TIES""
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Origin and role of social networks : a Comparative study of Born Global Firms of France and PakistanAkhter, Manzoom 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Network approach is more appropriate measure to describe the early internationalization of born global firms. The focus of our research is to investigate the origin, structure and role of social networks in the early internationalization of born global firms. We intend to investigate the structure of networks which is considered pre-requisite to study the other dimensions of network ties. Many researchers directly jump to study the role networks play without paying any attention from where these ties originate. Furthermore, much of the literature has connected the born global firms with high technology sector however, there are many examples of born global firms in traditional sectors. Similarly, very little is known about how various national context influence the internationalization process of firms. Therefore, we also intend to investigate network ties in the context of different industrial sectors and different level of country's institutional development by comparing born global firms from France and Pakistan.Our results reveal that these small born global firms use their networks to overcome the constraints to rapid internationalization which has been supported by previous empirical findings. The results also reveal that origin of ties is in both business-social or non-business social settings. Both weak and strong ties are found to have positive impact on the early internationalization; however composition of ties is different in low-tech and high-tech firms. We also argue that instead of country's level of institutional development, composition of ties is moderated by the industrial sector in which firm is operating.
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Link prediction in dynamic and human-centered mobile wireless networksZayani, Mohamed-Haykel 20 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
During the last years, we have observed a progressive and continuous expansion of human-centered mobile wireless networks. The advent of these networks has encouraged the researchers to think about new solutions in order to ensure efficient evaluation and design of communication protocols. In fact, these networks are faced to several constraints as the lack of infrastructure, the dynamic topology, the limited resources and the deficient quality of service and security. We have been interested in the dynamicity of the network and in particular in human mobility. The human mobility has been widely studied in order to extract its intrinsic properties and to harness them to propose more accurate approaches. Among the prominent properties depicted in the literature, we have been specially attracted by the impact of the social interactions on the human mobility and consequently on the structure of the network. To grasp structural information of such networks, many metrics and techniques have been borrowed from the Social Network Analysis (SNA). The SNA can be seen as another network measurement task which extracts structural information of the network and provides useful feedback for communication protocols. In this context, the SNA has been extensively used to perform link prediction in social networks relying on their structural properties. Motivated by the importance of social ties in human-centered mobile wireless networks and by the possibilities that are brought by SNA to perform link prediction, we are interested by designing the first link prediction framework adapted for mobile wireless networks as Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN). Our proposal tracks the evolution of the network through a third-order tensor over T periods and computes the sociometric Katz measure for each pair of nodes to quantify the strength of the social ties between the network entities. Such quantification gives insights about the links that are expected to occur in the period T+1 and the new links that are created in the future without being observed during the tracking time. To attest the efficiency of our framework, we apply our link prediction technique on three real traces and we compare its performance to the ones of other well-known link prediction approaches. The results prove that our method reaches the highest level of accuracy and outperforms the other techniques. One of the major contributions behind our proposal highlights that the link prediction in such networks can be made in a distributed way. In other words, the nodes can predict their future links relying on the local information (one-hop and two-hop neighbors) instead of a full knowledge about the topology of the network. Furthermore, we are keen to improve the link prediction performance of our tensor-based framework. To quantify the social closeness between the users, we take into consideration two aspects of the relationships: the recentness of the interactions and their frequency. From this perspective, we wonder if we can consider a third criterion to improve the link prediction precision. Asserting the heuristic that stipulates that persistent links are highly predictable, we take into account the stability of the relationships (link and proximity stabilities). To measure it, we opt for the entropy estimation of a time series proposed in the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm. As we think that our framework measurements and the stability estimations complement each other, we combine them in order to provide new link prediction metrics. The simulation results emphasize the pertinence of our intuition. Providing a tensor-based link prediction framework and proposing relative enhancements tied to stability considerations represent the main contributions of this thesis. Along the thesis, our concern was also focused on mechanisms and metrics that contribute towards improving communication protocols in these mobile networks [...]
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Sveikatos ir socialinių veiksnių sąsajų tyrimas / Research on ties of health and social factorsSavičiūtė, Rasa 27 March 2013 (has links)
Disertantė: Rasa Savičiūtė Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. Habil. Dr. Algirdas Juozulynas (Vilniaus universitetas, biomedicinos mokslai, visuomenės sveikata – 09 B) Lietuvoje tik labai neseniai buvo pradėta analizuoti sveikatos santykis su sociologija, socialiniais santykiais ir pan. Pastaruoju metu visuomenės sveikatos tyrimai orientuojasi į tokias inovatyvias sritis kaip sveikatos kokybė, sveikatos paslaugų efektyvumas, veiklos solidarumas, integralumas, sveikatos politikos elementų diegimas visose socialinės ir ekonominės veiklos srityse. Visuomenės senėjimas, socialiniai, ekonominiai pokyčiai, rinkos elementų skverbimasis į sveikatos paslaugų sferą keičia visuomenės sveikatos būklės ir integralios aplinkos sąveikos pobūdį. Šios aplinkybės keičia ir sveikatos politikos veiksmingumo prielaidas. Jos turi remtis mokslinių tyrimų informacija. Deja, Lietuvoje nėra daug atlikta panašios krypties mokslinių tyrimų. Šiuo tyrimu mes siekiame sistematiškai ištirti ir įvertinti svarbiausių sveikatos ir socialinių veiksnių bei jų tarpusavio sąveikų poveikio visuomenės sveikatos būklei skirtumus ir tuo pagrindu besiformuojančias sveikatos socialines struktūras. Tyrimo metu analizuota subjektyviai vertinama sveikatos būklė, sergamumas, vyraujančios sveikatos problemos ir psichikos sveikatos būklės. Visa tai buvo nagrinėta skirtingose socialinių veiksnių, bei jų integralios tarpusavio sąveikos įtakos srityse. / Author: Rasa Savičiūtė Scientific supervisors: Prof. habil. dr. Algirdas Juozulynas (Vilnius University, biomedical sciences, public health – 09B) In fact, the relationship of health and sociology, social relations, etc., has been started to be analyzed recently in Lithuania. Recently, public health research is focused on innovative fields as health quality, efficiency of health services, solidarity and integrity of activity, introduction of health policy elements in all fields of social and economic activity. Aging society, social, economic changes, penetration of market elements in the sphere of health services change the nature of interaction between public health condition and integral environment that influences it. These circumstances also alter the assumptions of health policy effectiveness. The latter must be based on information of scientific research. Unfortunately, there has been carried out small number of research of similar direction in Lithuania. Hereby, we seek to explore systematically and assess the differences of the main health and social factors, and the impact of their interactions on public health condition and the emerging social structures of health. The research analyzed the subjectively assessed health condition, morbidity, prevailing health problems and mental health conditions. These aspects were examined in different fields of influence of social factors as well as in their integral interaction.
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Research on ties of health and social factors / Sveikatos ir socialinių veiksnių sąsajų tyrimas Research on ties of health and social factorsSavičiūtė, Rasa 27 March 2013 (has links)
In fact, the relationship of health and sociology, social relations, etc., has been started to be analyzed recently in Lithuania. Recently, public health research is focused on innovative fields as health quality, efficiency of health services, solidarity and integrity of activity, introduction of health policy elements in all fields of social and economic activity. Aging society, social, economic changes, penetration of market elements in the sphere of health services change the nature of interaction between public health condition and integral environment that influences it. These circumstances also alter the assumptions of health policy effectiveness. The latter must be based on information of scientific research. Unfortunately, there has been carried out small number of research of similar direction in Lithuania. Hereby, we seek to explore systematically and assess the differences of the main health and social factors, and the impact of their interactions on public health condition and the emerging social structures of health. The research analyzed the subjectively assessed health condition, morbidity, prevailing health problems and mental health conditions. These aspects were examined in different fields of influence of social factors as well as in their integral interaction. / Lietuvoje tik labai neseniai buvo pradėta analizuoti sveikatos santykis su sociologija, socialiniais santykiais ir pan. Pastaruoju metu visuomenės sveikatos tyrimai orientuojasi į tokias inovatyvias sritis kaip sveikatos kokybė, sveikatos paslaugų efektyvumas, veiklos solidarumas, integralumas, sveikatos politikos elementų diegimas visose socialinės ir ekonominės veiklos srityse. Visuomenės senėjimas, socialiniai, ekonominiai pokyčiai, rinkos elementų skverbimasis į sveikatos paslaugų sferą keičia visuomenės sveikatos būklės ir integralios aplinkos sąveikos pobūdį. Šios aplinkybės keičia ir sveikatos politikos veiksmingumo prielaidas. Jos turi remtis mokslinių tyrimų informacija. Deja, Lietuvoje nėra daug atlikta panašios krypties mokslinių tyrimų. Šiuo tyrimu mes siekiame sistematiškai ištirti ir įvertinti svarbiausių sveikatos ir socialinių veiksnių bei jų tarpusavio sąveikų poveikio visuomenės sveikatos būklei skirtumus ir tuo pagrindu besiformuojančias sveikatos socialines struktūras. Tyrimo metu analizuota subjektyviai vertinama sveikatos būklė, sergamumas, vyraujančios sveikatos problemos ir psichikos sveikatos būklės. Visa tai buvo nagrinėta skirtingose socialinių veiksnių, bei jų integralios tarpusavio sąveikos įtakos srityse.
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Augalų pavadinimų sukeliamos žodinės asociacijos / Word associations caused by the plants' namesUtovka, Aleksandra 27 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe tyrinėjamos augalų pavadinimų žodinės asociacijos lietuvių ir baltarusių kalbomis, kurios kyla perskaičius tam tikrų augalų pavadinimus. Asociaciniame eksperimente dalyvavo 102 informantai: 52 lietuvių ir 50 baltarusių tautybės. Jiems buvo pateiktas 20 augalų pavadinimų sąrašas: ąžuolas, eglė, liepa, rožė, tulpė, kaštonas, klevas, beržas, šermukšnis, žibutė, erškėtrožė, tuopa, obelis, kriaušė, pušis, nendrė, gvazdikas, lelija, gluosnis, ramunė.
Magistro darbo tikslas – aprašyti, kokias asociacijas sukelia apibrėžtos teminės grupės žodžiai-stimulai, t.y. augalų pavadinimai, ir nagrinėti žodines asociacijas psicholingvistiniu ir etnolingvistiniu aspektais. Žodinės asociacijos nagrinėjamos pagal tokius parametrus: asociacijų turinį, asociacijų santykį su žodžiu-stimulu, asociacijų dažnumo charakteristiką, asociacijų loginį ir gramatinį kriterijų. Tyrimui pasirinkti tokie metodai: anketavimas, lyginamasis ir aprašomasis.
Atlikus analizę, paaiškėjo, kad abiejų tautybių informantų atsakymuose vyrauja daiktavardinės asociacijos, žodžiai-stimulai ir asociatai daugiausia susiję paradigminiais santykiais. Pastebėta, kad augalų pavadinimai dažniausiai sukelia vienažodes asociacijas. Ne visos asociacijos buvo logiškai motyvuotos ir pagrįstos, tačiau tokias asociacijas dažniausiai vartojo abiejų tautų mokyklinio amžiaus vaikai. Nustatyta, kad vyrų mąstysena ir kalba yra konkretesnė, moterų – abstraktesnė, susijusi su jausmine sritimi, asmenine gyvenimiška patirtimi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study for an AM deals with verbal association of names of plants, which are evoked when tie names of certain are read. One hundred two people took part in this associative experiment: 52 Lithuanian and 50 Belarusian nationality. They were given a list of 20 plants: ąžuolas, eglė, liepa, rožė, tulpė, kaštonas, klevas, beržas, šermukšnis, žibutė, erškėtrožė, tuopa, obelis, kriaušė, pušis, nendrė, gvazdikas, lelija, gluosnis, ramunė.
The objective of the study is to compare the differences in the use of language, which arise from social and psychic factors. The verbal association are studied by the following parameters: the contents of the association, the relationship of association with the word-stimulant, the character of the frequency of associations, and the logic and grammatical criterion of the associations. The following methods were chosen for the study: questioning, comparison and description.
The study demonstrated that in the answers off two nationality of informants nouns prevail, and the words-stimulants and the association are mostly connected with paradigmatic relations. It was noticed that the plant names most often trigger one-word associations. Not all associations have been substantiated in a logical and reasonable, but such associations in both nations used mostly school-age children. It was found that the male way of thinking and language is more specific for women - more abstract, concerned with the sensual sphere of personal life experience... [to full text]
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Lideranças empresariais e lideranças políticas : estratégias de ação em políticas de desenvolvimento regionalQuadros, Milena Silvester January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado é um estudo a respeito das práticas que engendram políticas públicas de desenvolvimento no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A partir da investigação de um movimento criado pelos empresários, tratase de desvendar a complexa trama que vincula as principais lideranças empresariais entre si, e, essas a autoridades governamentais. Examina-se o caminho percorrido desde a construção, elaboração de demandas, até o encaminhamento ao setor público das políticas do setor. Objetiva-se, por fim, analisar as concepções específicas de desenvolvimento que estão associadas ao processo de construção das referidas políticas. / The present master thesis is a study of the practices which engender public development policies in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Through the investigation of a movement formed by entrepreneurs, this work tries to unravel a complex business affair which ties the main business leadership among them and those governmental authorities. This work also examines the procedure from the construction and elaboration of demands, to the guiding to the public sector, as well as the policies of this sector. We aim to analyze the specific conceptions of development which are associated to the process of construction of the referred policies.
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Twitter as an influence on the quality of online interpersonal relationships and language useAmerica, Kirby January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Social networking sites are used on a daily basis, to communicate with friends we have known for quite some time as well as make new friends from all over the globe - a global phenomenon. According to Aparicio (2011) the use of social networking sites have given way to a new “social dynamic” where friendships are formed with individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. Larsen (2007) continues to state that social network sites make for the creation of new friendships and the maintenance of new relationships. Using social networking sites to develop relationships provides us with new social skills, but through constant use of these sites we lose valuable interpersonal skills learnt through the
use of face to face interaction (Aparicio, 2011). This thesis investigated the notion of social networking sites, specifically focusing on interpersonal relationships and language use within the networking context. The social networking site in question is that of Twitter, as majority of existing studies
in this area focuses on the more popular Facebook. The main objective was to determine whether social networking sites, specifically Twitter, influence the development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships and language use. Participants included a group of 11 males and 11 females (22 in total), ranging from the ages of 17 to 33 and from different geographical locations (e.g. United Kingdom, South Africa, Tokyo, and so on). These participants frequently keep in contact with each other.
Four ways in which Twitter has been adapted to emulate face to face
communication have been found, namely: (1) the use of Paralinguistic and
Prosodic Features to imitate speech, (2) Ustream, although not prominent within the data collected, is used to make up for the lack of face to face communication.This, however, is one-way; only one user provides a video link while those communicating with him or her (as there can be more than one) would type messages, (3) as expected a variety of shortenings can be found within the data collected. Shortenings imitate speech among the younger generation, and (4) participants make use of an informal register, as the most common type of relationship found on Twitter is that of friendships. Both strong and weak ties exist in the collected data; with weak ties being the majority. It is possible for weak ties to become strong ties. All online relationships start off as weak and gradually, over time, become strong ties. This is done through establishing trust between participants and communicating on a regular basis. Paolillo (1999) found that online relationships manifests as both weak and strong. However, “online ties are not ‘branded’ as weak ties” and these ties differ in quality; “those who have regular contact have strong ties and those with less frequent contact have weaker ties weak”. Social support is evident in the collected data and possible in online, textbased communication. In is manifested in four types of support, namely: instrumental, emotional, informational, and appraisal. The most common type of support found in the collected data is that of informational support. With regards to support activation strategies, most tweet fall under the ‘ask’ and ‘cry’ types of
strategies. Also, considering the amount of emoticons found in the data, little or no emoticons were found in the activation strategies. There are also more indirect support activation strategies as opposed to direct. This could possibly be due to the fact that majority of the ties are ‘in the weak stage’. Textese has not been adapted in anyway; the same elements used by texters and IMers are used by tweeters, such as initialisms, phonetic spellings and contractions. Although present in the Twitter data, elements of textese did not occur as frequently as that found in e.g. Bieswanger’s (2007) and Thurlow’s (2003) studies; however more elements of Twitter language was found. If anything, the characteristics of textese are well-suited for Twitter; as shortened forms of words would make it easier for users to maintain a character count below the imposed limitation and it promotes the idea of writing quick and concise messages instead of filling message space with irrelevant content. With regards to the difference in
the way male and female participants use language in terms of the linguistic
characteristics of textese and the language unique to Twitter and the use of
paralinguistic and prosodic features, it can be said that females tend to use these characteristics more than males do.
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Effectuation e causation: um estudo sobre o processo decisório empreendedor em redes de micros e pequenos supermercadosLemos, Anderson Queiroz 23 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Queiroz Lemos (andersonqadm@gmail.com) on 2016-03-17T19:35:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / This study examines the contribution of centrality in the raising of supermarkets organizational structure complexity, and the possible effects of this change in entrepreneurial decision-making process. Causation and effectuation are distinct decision-making processes that have their proper usage time. However, when they have not been studied in business network environments. To resolve the gap, this research focuses on the associative cooperation network type (BALESTRIN; VARGAS, 2004; BALESTRIN; VERSCHOORE, 2008). It uses the concepts of centrality (FREEMAN, 1979; WASSERMAN; FAUST, 1994), relational ties (BURT, 1992; GRANOVETTER, 1973), complexity of the organizational structure (HALL, 2004), and causation and effectuation decision-making processes (SARASVATHY, 2001a). Data was inductively collected in six cases of micro and small supermarkets in the state of Ceará. After analyzing the contents of each case, the researcher conducted a Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The necessary conditions for entrepreneus adopt Causation and effectuation were: a) centrality contributes to raise the organizational structure complexity and/or adoption of management control mechanisms, when relationships are driven more by social ties than by strategic ties; b) causation and effectuation are used regardless the rising of the organizational structures complexity. As a new finding, in addition to experienced entrepreneurs, novice also vary the use of Effectuation and Causation in the early new ventures stage. However, in time, after implement management control mechanisms, entrepreneurs tend to reduce the use of certain efetuais practices, such as the ability to experiment actions and take risks and losses. New data were collected and tests were performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results confirm that: C) social ties influence more than the strategic ones in the transformation of the organizational structure of the supermarkets; d) this change influences positively the implementation of management control mechanisms; e) and that supermarkets with management control mechanisms will have entrepreneurs more inclined to adopt the process of Causation, and less likely to experiment new actions and take risks and losses. These results help us to understand when relationships generated in business networks, affect the foundation and growth of enterprises, and the evolution of entrepreneurial decisionmaking behavior as well. The research teaches entrepreneurs that they don’t need to generate many relationships to develop their businesses, i.e, the relative network position is not important since social bonds are up and they are engaged in activities of their association. It also teaches that entrepreneurs tend to develop causal reasoning in business networks. / Este estudo analisa a contribuição da centralidade em redes de negócios, na elevação da complexidade da estrutura organizacional de supermercados e os possíveis efeitos dessa mudança no processo decisório empreendedor. Causation e Effectuation são processos decisórios distintos que possuem sua hora adequada de utilização. Porém, faltam estudos sobre quando os empreendedores utilizam tais processos em ambientes de redes interorganizacionais. Para preencher esse gap, a pesquisa centra-se na tipologia de rede de cooperação associativa (BALESTRIN; VARGAS, 2004; BALESTRIN; VERSCHOORE, 2008). O referencial teórico foi construído a partir dos conceitos de centralidade (FREEMAN, 1979; WASSERMAN; FAUST, 1994), laços relacionais (BURT, 1992; GRANOVETTER, 1973), complexidade da estrutura organizacional (HALL, 2004), e dos processos decisórios de Causation e Effectuation (SARASVATHY, 2001a). Inicialmente, os dados foram coletados de forma indutiva em seis casos de micros e pequenos supermercados em redes de negócios no estado do Ceará. Após analisar o conteúdo de cada caso, o pesquisador procedeu uma Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (Qualitative Comparative Analysis – QCA). As condições necessárias à adoção dos processos decisórios foram: a) a centralidade contribui para elevar a complexidade da estrutura organizacional e/ou adoção de mecanismos de controle gerencial, quando as relações são conduzidas mais por laços sociais do que por laços estratégicos; b) empreendedores adotam Effectuation e Causation independentemente da complexidade da estrutura organizacional dos supermercados. Um novo achado foi que, além dos empreendedores novatos, os experientes também variam o uso de Effectuation e Causation no início dos novos empreendimentos. Mas ao longo do tempo, ao implementarem mecanismos de controle gerencial, eles tendem a reduzir a utilização de algumas práticas efetuais, como as capacidades de experimentar e aceitar riscos e perdas. Dados complementares foram coletados e testes foram realizados por meio de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) baseada em partial least squares (PLS). Os resultados confirmaram que: c) os laços sociais exercem mais influência que os estratégicos, na transformação da estrutura organizacional dos supermercados; d) essa transformação influencia positivamente na implantação de mecanismos de controle gerencial; e) supermercados com mecanismos de controle gerencial terão empreendedores mais propensos a adotarem o processo de Causation, e menos propensos a experimentar e aceitar riscos e perdas. Os resultados contribuem para entender quando as relações geradas em redes de cooperação, afetam a fundação e o crescimento de pequenas empresas, e onde ocorre a evolução do comportamento decisório empreendedor no tempo. De forma prática, a pesquisa demonstra aos micros e pequenos empreendedores que eles não precisam gerar muitas relações para desenvolverem seus negócios, ou seja, a posição relativa do supermercado na rede não é importante, desde que os laços sociais estejam ativos e haja engajamento nas atividades das associações. Também ensina que os empreendedores tendem a desenvolver o raciocínio causal em redes de negócios.
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Trabalhadores qualificados e seus vínculos de trabalho: um estudo empíricoAzevedo, Marcia Carvalho de 27 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-27T00:00:00Z / Inside Brazilian labor market many different types of work ties have always existed, with some contracts having better work conditions, usually associated with full-time stable contracts. Qualified workers in general had access to this kind of job. Nevertheless in the last decades work relations have gone through deep changes and less stable work ties, many times with worst conditions, have been disseminated between qualified workers. This is a phenomenon that reached labor market in Brazil as well as in other countries. In Brazil, the labor market has moved toward more flexible relations and the dissemination of work contracts outside the CLT system. This phenomenon has occurred in Brazilian labor market in a wide way, reaching both qualified and unqualified workers. Yet, the type and intensity of the consequences are specific according to different professional profiles. Researches about the effects of changes in work relations on the workers and their work trajectories are rare in Brazil. The objective of this research was to get to know the profile of Brazilian qualified worker that had worked for organizations in an exclusive way, and that had experienced in their professional life two types of work tie: standard (associated with CLT contracts) and not standard (associated with non-CLT contracts). The research also investigated the professional trajectories of this type of worker and the sense they gave to their different work ties. To collect data, 50 in deep semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews analyses revealed that between Brazilian qualified workers there is a wide variety of work ties, and the present research proposed a classification with 15 different work ties outside the CLT standard. Amongst this 15, there were 12 that should have been CLT ties, because according to work legislation their work conditions characterized a CLT tie. Data showed that the existence of non-CLT ties depends upon organization size and segment and also on the worker’s job. It also became clear the importance of political, social and economic context in the increase or decrease of this type of tie. The data showed that the non-CLT ties were an artifice used by organizations and workers to lower tax burden. Non-CLT ties had higher wages and fewer benefits when compared to with CLT ties. Nevertheless, the greater flexibility and freedom usually associated with this type of tie were cited only by a portion of the interviewed. Most of the researched group had positive attitudes toward non-CLT ties, and many even preferred this type of tie. Data analyses also revealed that there is a mismatch between actual labor market reality and elements of this environment: society, legislation, organizations, and workers. Society and legislation are structured based on the old labor market. Organizations don’t know how to deal with a labor force with different work ties. And the workers many times are not prepared to act in this differentiated labor market. / Dentro do mercado de trabalho sempre existiram diversos tipos de vínculos, com alguns contratos com melhores condições de trabalho, normalmente associados a contratos estáveis e em tempo integral. Os trabalhadores qualificados em geral tinham acesso a esse tipo de vaga. No entanto, nas últimas décadas as relações de trabalho têm passado por profundas transformações e houve uma proliferação de vínculos menos estáveis e muitas vezes com piores condições entre trabalhadores qualificados. Este é um fenômeno que tem atingido os mercados de trabalho tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior. No Brasil, o mercado de trabalho tem caminhado na direção de uma maior flexibilização e da disseminação de contratos de trabalho fora do sistema CLT. Este fenômeno tem ocorrido no mercado de trabalho brasileiro de forma abrangente, atingindo trabalhadores qualificados e não-qualificados. No entanto, os tipos e intensidades dos efeitos são específicos de acordo com os diferentes perfis profissionais. Pesquisas sobre os efeitos das mudanças das relações de trabalho nos trabalhadores e nas suas trajetórias profissionais são escassas no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer o perfil do trabalhador qualificado brasileiro que tenha trabalhado de forma exclusiva para empresas e que tenha vivenciado em sua vida profissional dois tipos de vínculo de trabalho: padrão (associado a contratos CLT) e não-padrão (associado a contratos Não CLT). A pesquisa investigou também a trajetória profissional deste tipo de trabalhador e o sentido que ele atribui aos seus diferentes vínculos de trabalho. Para o levantamento de dados foram realizadas 50 entrevistas em profundidade semi-estruturadas. A análise das entrevistas revelou que entre trabalhadores qualificados brasileiros existe uma grande variedade de vínculos de trabalho e o presente trabalho propôs uma classificação com 15 tipos diferentes de vínculos fora do padrão CLT. Destes 15, 12 deveriam ser vínculos CLT, pois de acordo com a legislação trabalhista suas condições de trabalho caracterizariam vínculo empregatício. Os dados mostraram que a existência de vínculos Não CLT depende do tamanho e do segmento da empresa e da função do indivíduo. Ficou clara também a importância dos contextos político, social e econômico na disseminação ou diminuição deste tipo de vínculo. A vinculação Não CLT revelou-se um artifício utilizado pelas empresas e pelos trabalhadores para diminuir a carga tributária. Os vínculos Não CLT tinham remuneração mais alta e menor acesso a benefícios quando comparados com os vínculos CLT. No entanto, a maior flexibilidade e liberdade que normalmente são associadas a esse tipo de vínculo foram citadas apenas por uma parte dos entrevistados. A maior parte do grupo pesquisado tinha atitudes positivas em relação aos vínculos Não CLT e muitos preferiam esse tipo de vinculação. A análise dos dados revelou também um descompasso entre a realidade atual do mercado de trabalho e os diversos elementos deste ambiente: sociedade, legislação, organizações e trabalhadores. A sociedade e a legislação estão estruturadas com base no mercado de trabalho do passado. As organizações não sabem lidar com uma força de trabalho com diferentes tipos de vínculo. E os trabalhadores muitas vezes não estão preparados para atuar neste mercado de trabalho diferenciado.
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Lideranças empresariais e lideranças políticas : estratégias de ação em políticas de desenvolvimento regionalQuadros, Milena Silvester January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado é um estudo a respeito das práticas que engendram políticas públicas de desenvolvimento no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A partir da investigação de um movimento criado pelos empresários, tratase de desvendar a complexa trama que vincula as principais lideranças empresariais entre si, e, essas a autoridades governamentais. Examina-se o caminho percorrido desde a construção, elaboração de demandas, até o encaminhamento ao setor público das políticas do setor. Objetiva-se, por fim, analisar as concepções específicas de desenvolvimento que estão associadas ao processo de construção das referidas políticas. / The present master thesis is a study of the practices which engender public development policies in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Through the investigation of a movement formed by entrepreneurs, this work tries to unravel a complex business affair which ties the main business leadership among them and those governmental authorities. This work also examines the procedure from the construction and elaboration of demands, to the guiding to the public sector, as well as the policies of this sector. We aim to analyze the specific conceptions of development which are associated to the process of construction of the referred policies.
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