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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationsmodeller inom public relations

Jonsson, Peder January 2017 (has links)
Once a year for over forty years public relations’ practitioners in Sweden gathers, the political week in Almedalen, in the town of Visby. There they exchange knowledge and experience on all types of subjects using different and common communication models whether they are aware of them or not. The research on communication models is sparse, with one exception: Grunig’s model. Both practitioners and researches believe them to be important, even strategic. But too little knowledge about the models as such negatively impacts the understanding of public relations’ activities. It also contributes to the view that public relations is frittered. The thesis studies and analyses communication models of public relations. Models have been created by theorists and practitioners to describe the phenomenon, to understand communication as such and to facilitate communication between humans. The thesis addresses basic questions such as which models there are, where they stem from, who the originators were and the characteristics of each respective model. The basis of the study is comprehensive Anglo-American literature. All in all, over twenty different models have been analyzed in three different ways, i.e. the structure of a model, its historical deposits (sediment) and the application of the model. The result is manifold, since many characteristics form ten attributes and three families of models (a reduction). The characteristics can be seen as the models’ building blocks, e.g. the direction of the communication, the number of contacts and synchronism. Three model families are built on three differentiating characteristics, and the families are named correspondingly. Directional model (Riktningsmodellen), the Co-orientational model (Saminriktningsmodellen) and the Connectivity model (Konnektivitetsmodellen). The classification is of course not set in stone. It should be regarded as a first step to reduce the number of models in use and concentrate on the important characteristics of the models that help public relations researchers and professionals to solve problems and theorists to explain, foresee or guide to better public relations. Finally, five areas of future research are presented: a multinational study of models, a study of practitioners’ model use, a deeper history study according the concept of sediment, a notational system for models and, last but not least, a development of the Connectivity model. The last subject is the one that once inspired me to write a thesis. / <p>QC 20170426</p>

Bindningar och lösningar : En studie kring tematiken bunden/löst i Lars Ahlins roman Fromma mord / Ties and liberations : A study around the theme tied/liberated in Lars Ahlins' novel Fromma mord

Söderberg, Janna January 2016 (has links)
Lars Ahlins’ Fromma mord (Pious murder) is an incredibly complex novel. Is it even possible to say what the deepest sense is about? Erik A Nielsen and Gunnar D. Hansson has presented reasonable interpretations in their analysis of Fromma mord. However, they have not necessarily right to all points, hence it is possible to draw other conclusions. When I chose to explore the characters' strategies to liberate their ties, a relationship between the novels’ micro- and macro level was revealed, that had not been presented previously. The two issues underlying the basis for this essay are: 1) What are the different solutions Lilly, Agnes, Evangeline, Aron and Brinkman seek to be liberated from their ties? 2) Who is liberated and why? The method used for this analysis is a hermeneutic close reading of the novel Fromma mord. The results found were that the characters who were able to assert their needs and get others to cooperate with their strategies - had the best chance of becoming free. However, the most important condition for becoming liberated was that they could offload the money that tied them to Brinkman. Arons’ death was the last step that made a new future possible for Agnes, Roland, Lilly and Sven. The struggle of the characters at the novels’ micro level, was linked to the struggle between God and the devil at the novels’ macro level, through the allegorical dimension of the characters Aron and Brinkman. The essence of the whole novel is that all men are prisoners and that there is a battle going on, where even God is involved risking His own life. / Lars Ahlins Fromma mord är en oerhört komplex och idérik roman. Går det ens att säga vad den djupast sett handlar om? Erik A Nielsen och Gunnar D Hansson har presenterat möjliga tolkningar i sina analyser av Fromma mord. Men de har inte nödvändigtvis rätt på alla punkter, det går också att dra andra slutsatser. När jag valde att undersöka karaktärernas strategier för att bli fria från sina bindningar så kunde jag se ett samband mellan romanens mikro – och makroplan som inte tidigare presenterats. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för denna C-uppsats är: 1) Vilka olika lösningar söker Lilly, Agnes, Evangeline, Aron och Brinkman för att befrias ur sin bundenhet? 2)Vilka blir befriade och varför? Den metod jag använde för min analys är en hermeneutisk närläsning av romanen Fromma mord. De resultat jag fann var att de karaktärer som kunde hävda sina behov och få andra att samarbeta med deras strategier - hade störst chans att bli fria. Men den viktigaste förutsättningen för befrielse, var att huvudkaraktären Aron tog på sig de andras bindningar och att hans död möjliggjorde de andras fortsatta liv. Den kamp karaktärerna utkämpar på romanens mikronivå, blir genom den allegoriska dimensionen av karaktärerna Aron och Brinkman, sammanlänkad med den kamp mellan Gud och Djävulen som pågår på romanens makronivå. Jag ser som romanens essens att alla människor är fångar och att det pågår en kamp där till och med Gud är indragen på liv och död.

Organisation interne d'une coalition de mouvements sociaux : l'influence des relations interpersonnelles. Le cas de la Coalition québécoise contre la réforme de l'assurance-emploi

Lessard-Mercier, Émilie 07 1900 (has links)
À travers le cas de la Coalition québécoise contre la réforme de l’assurance-emploi, nous cherchons à comprendre quels sont les facteurs qui influencent les dynamiques internes d’une coalition de mouvements sociaux. Pour ce faire, nous effectuons, tout d’abord, une revue de la littérature axée sur les théories des mouvements sociaux et les coalitions de mouvements sociaux. Celle-ci nous permet de formuler l’hypothèse selon laquelle les relations interpersonnelles entre les représentants des différents groupes sociaux membres d’une coalition vont influencer sa durabilité et l’accomplissement de ses objectifs. Nous testons ensuite cette hypothèse en passant les données recueillies au filtre des indicateurs élaborés au sein de notre cadre théorique. Il s’agit donc de voir en quoi la structure de prise de décisions (processus décisionnel participatif et égalitaire, construction du plan d’action conjoint et élaboration des critères d’adhésion) et la présence de liens interpersonnels, préexistants à la formation de la Coalition, entre les individus membres de celle-ci, ont une influence sur son fonctionnement et sa continuité dans le temps. Enfin, nous terminons en analysant les liens personnels entre ces individus à travers l’ambiance dans les rencontres, le plaisir d’y participer et les relations qui s’y sont développées. / By studying the case of the Québec Coalition against the reform of the employment insurance, we seek to determine how it is possible for a social movement coalition, considering the diversity of its members, to organize itself and act in unison in the public area. To answer this question, we first put together a literature review of social movements and social movement coalitions, while focussing on social ties. This review brings to light the hypothesis that social ties between members of a social movement coalition have an influence on the proper operation and the durability of this coalition. In order to test this hypothesis, we use data collected in the field through interviews and observation. The data is analysed using various indicators defined in our theoretical framework. The first element is based on how decisions are made within the Coalition (participation of each member, determination of the action plan and criteria for new adherents) and the possibility of existing social ties between members of the Coalition before its formation. The second element refers to the relationships between those members and their impact on the proper operation and continuity of the Coalition.

Pomoc a podpora dětem vězněných rodičů v ČR / Support and Assistance to children of imprisoned parents in the Czech republic

Vašíčková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on problems of children with imprisoned parents in the Czech Republic to which our society pays only a low attention. The study points to specific problems which children have to deal with, to a children's unhealthy psychosocial development influated by a longtime separation from their parent and to an unsufficient observance of childern's rights, especially the regular contact with a parent. This work presents posibilites how children can stay in touch with a busted parent and describes supporting activites of Czech Helsinki Comitee. The empirical part of the thesis tries to clarify the influence of a parent's imprisonment on a quality of a relationship between parents and children and define main fields where changes would be needed. KEY WORDS Imprisonment, parenthood, child, children, family, parent, sentenced, contact, relationship, rights, prison, psychosocial development, Czech Helsinki Comitee, EUROCHIPS

Os \"bobos\" na tradição da cultura da cidade de Goiás: enigmas e silêncios sobre um tipo característico de figura do povo / Bobos in the cultural tradition of Cidade de Goiás riddles and silences about this typical popular character

Meireles, Marilucia Melo 30 April 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga uma categoria de pessoas portadoras, principalmente, de deficiências mentais, associadas também a deficiências físicas, popularmente denominadas de bobos, que, embora em processo de desaparecimento, ainda moram na comunidade da Cidade de Goiás, Estado de Goiás. Estes bobos emergem de uma extensa rede complementar de papéis, participando do cotidiano da cidade há mais de cem anos. Vivem no interior das famílias, nas praças públicas, ou na única instituição que os abriga, o Asilo São Vicente de Paulo. Em sua grande maioria procederam de regiões vizinhas ou da zona rural, ainda que muitos provenham de famílias do lugar. Foram absorvidos de maneira indiscriminada e naturalizada na convivência cotidiana. Com eles foi estabelecido um tipo de relação social sustentado por costumes muito arraigados. Foram adotados e criados pelas famílias, que se valeram de suas deficiências mentais para submetêlos. Em troca de casa e comida prestaram toda sorte de serviços domésticos. Eram treinados para a execução de trabalhos árduos e mecânicos que a topografia da cidade e as falhas estruturais dos serviços urbanos impuseram aos habitantes. A explicação e justificativa para sua existência e o tratamento que recebem se apoiam na formulação generalizada de que os bobos são fruto de relações consanguíneas, quando não incestuosas, que, neste trabalho, é denominada de consanguinidadecausa. Esta pesquisa converge elementos da psicologia social, psicanálise, antropologia, neurologia e genética para a análise desta explicação e justificativa. As vertentes destas disciplinas permitem a crítica das relações sociais no cotidiano, revelando suas origens, desvelando referenciais ideológicos, favorecendo a desmontagem de estereótipos e justificativas escamoteadoras das condutas de dominação e submissão que a comunidade pratica, de forma naturalizada, na relação com seus bobos. Este trabalho se alicerça, de um lado, em fontes documentais e bibliográficas e, de outro, em entrevistas realizadas no interior da comunidade, envolvendo os próprios bobos, as famílias que os abrigam, a instituição que os recolhe e figuras representativas da cidade. Caracterizandose como um Estudo de Caso, esta tese foi dividida em três partes temáticas, que se articulam, conferindolhe unidade analítica. A primeira intitulase Bobos de Goiás: reminiscências subjacentes; a segunda, Investigando os bobos da Cidade de Goiás, e a outra, O trabalho de campo na Cidade de Goiás / This research investigates a category of people with, mainly, mental disabilities, also associated to physical deficiencies, who are popularly known as bobos. Although they are becoming rarer, they can still be found in the community of Cidade de Goiás, in the State of Goiás. These bobos come from an extensive complementary network of roles, taking part in the everyday life of the town for over one hundred years. They live with host families, in the public squares, or in the only institution that gives them shelter, the São Vicente de Paulo Asylum. Most of them come from neighboring or from rural areas, but many come from families who live in town. They have been absorbed indiscriminately and incorporated into the community everyday life. A specific kind of social relationship supported by ingrained customs has been established with them. They were adopted and raised by families, who used their disabilities to assure their submission and the performance of all kinds of menial tasks, in exchange for room and board. They were trained to do the hard mechanical jobs that the topography of the town and the structural flaws in urban services imposed on its inhabitants. The explanation and justification for their existence and the kind of treatment they receive are based on a generalized concept that the bobos are the result of consanguineous relationships, when not incestuous, and in this work they are called consanguineouscause. This research combines elements of social psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, neurology and genetics to analyze the explanation and justification. The approach of these disciplines allows for a critique of everyday social relationships, revealing their origins, uncovering ideological references, favoring the deconstruction of stereotypes and the covering up of justifications for the conduct of domination and submission that is practiced in a naturalized way by the community in its relationship with its bobos. This work is based, on the one hand, on documents and bibliographical sources, and on the other, on interviews in the community with the bobos themselves, the families that took them in, the institution that shelters them, and with prominent members of the town. It may be characterized as a case study, and is divided in three thematic parts that articulate and confer an analytical unity. The first is entitled bobos from Goiás: underlying reminiscences; the second, investigating the bobos in Cidade de Goiás, and another, The field work at Cidade de Goiás.

Klasická pěstounská péče (příprava, podmínky, průběh) a problematika kontaktů s biologickými rodiči / The foster care (preparation, conditions, process) and the issue of contacts with biological parents

LIŠKOVÁ FORNOUZOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with foster care and contacts with biological parents. The first chapter aims to the importance of family, family ties disorder and the CAN syndrome. The second chapter is focused on the substitute family care and its forms. The third chapter describes the foster care, what are the demands on the personality of the caring person, what the preparation looks like, which are the conditions and course of the foster care. The fourth chapter is focused on the child identity, contacts with biological parents and describes the process of assisted contacts.

Construções possíveis: o convívio em um projeto público de acolhimento familiar

Dias, Walkyria Acquesta 20 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walkyria Acquesta Dias.pdf: 812326 bytes, checksum: 964e011f0bc5578664096f19b599121a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study discusses the practice of a pilot project of family foster care in the light of concepts considered relevant to the subject: ethical-political suffering, bond and attachment, family, resilience and social policy. It also refers to studies on the specific theme of foster family works in Brazil in recent years. From the monitoring of a child and a teenager during a process of formal family fostering, it tries to understand the contribution of this proceeding as they return to their birth families. It especially shows how the experience of living together was set up considering the relationship between the individuals as well as how the learning and other gains, both for the individual and the family, were developed during the process. It discusses the experience of living together, both within the birth and the foster family, as well as between the families themselves, highlighting the subject of affective ties in contexts of social vulnerability. In this regard, it is highlighted that the previously established relationship with the birth family is not affected by the new ties built with the foster family, the latter, moreover, providing itself as another reference of respect and affection for both the individual and their family. Being a pilot project designed for a public policy, it deals with structural issues, relating them to ideas concerning the experience of living in a family. Accordingly, the study addresses cross-sectoral issues when implementing the measure, demanding a democratic management and clarity of roles, so that the actions of various institutions involved ensure the aims of the proposal, without overlapping themselves or neglecting the families and their children. Despite some difficulties it is concluded that the results indicate elements of the experience that can contribute to the construction within the municipalities of a more comprehensive action in order to guarantee the right of children and adolescents to live with a family and a community / O presente estudo discute a prática de um projeto piloto de acolhimento familiar, à luz da contribuição de conceitos julgados pertinentes ao tema: sofrimento éticopolítico, vínculo e apego, família, resiliência e política social. Referencia-se, ainda, em estudos sobre o tema específico dos trabalhos de acolhimento familiar realizados no Brasil nos últimos anos. A partir do acompanhamento de uma criança e de um adolescente durante um processo de acolhimento formal, busca-se compreender a contribuição dessa medida para seu retorno às respectivas famílias de origem. Revela, sobretudo, como o conviver foi se configurando, a partir das relações estabelecidas entre os sujeitos, bem como os aprendizados e outros ganhos, tanto individuais como familiares, foram se compondo durante o processo. Discute-se a convivência, tanto internamente às famílias de origem e às acolhedoras, como entre ambas, ressaltando a questão dos vínculos afetivos em contextos de vulnerabilidade social. Nesse aspecto, destaca-se que o vínculo anteriormente estabelecido com a família de origem não é comprometido por novos vínculos firmados com a família acolhedora, podendo esta última, ainda, constituir-se como outra referência de relação e afeto tanto para o indivíduo acolhido como para sua família. Tratando-se de um projeto piloto, dentro da formulação de uma política pública, abordam-se questões estruturais, relacionando-as a reflexões acerca do conviver em família. Nesse sentido, o estudo aborda questões relativas à intersetorialidade na execução da medida, o que exige uma gestão democrática e clareza de papéis, para que as ações das várias instituições garantam as finalidades da proposta, sem sobreporem-se ou negligenciarem as famílias e seus filhos. Apesar de algumas das dificuldades constatadas, conclui-se que os resultados indicam elementos presentes na experiência que podem contribuir para a construção, no âmbito dos municípios, de ações mais abrangentes quanto à garantia do direito das crianças e adolescentes à convivência familiar e comunitária

社群網絡與線上社會運動之初探研究 / Action online – a preliminary study on social media activism on facebook

簡銘佐, Chen, Mingtso Unknown Date (has links)
This study posits that there is a connection between political action online and activism in the real life. In addition, social ties and networks as well as political knowledge and efficacy play an important role in this connection. Causes, an application on Facebook, was selected for analyzed. A mixed method study was conducted, consisting of two stages. In the first stage (quantitative), a survey was utilized to investigate the correlation between activities on Causes and conventional political engagement. A total of 45 responses were gathered using convenience sampling. It was found that there is a strong correlation between action on Causes and conventional political engagement. For example, information retrieval activities are correlated with conventional activism (r=.418, p<.05), and social networking activities are also correlated with conventional activism (r=.661, p<.05). In addition to the survey, intensive interviews (N = 5) were conducted in the second stage (qualitative) to elaborate and clarify the results from the survey as well as to explore new grounds on the significance of ties and networks. Some themes have emerged from the interviews, including motivations for the use of Causes, Causes as an information channel, potential and problems of Causes, online versus offline activism, affiliation and involvement, political knowledge and efficacy as well as ties and networks. Interview findings concluded that the high correlation between online and offline activism is further specified by the interviewees to be an extension of each form of activism, meaning they are complementary rather than identical.

Predictive models for online human activities

Yang, Shuang-Hong 04 April 2012 (has links)
The availability and scale of user generated data in online systems raises tremendous challenges and opportunities to analytic study of human activities. Effective modeling of online human activities is not only fundamental to the understanding of human behavior, but also important to the online industry. This thesis focuses on developing models and algorithms to predict human activities in online systems and to improve the algorithmic design of personalized/socialized systems (e.g., recommendation, advertising, Web search systems). We are particularly interested in three types of online user activities, i.e., decision making, social interactions and user-generated contents. Centered around these activities, the thesis focuses on three challenging topics: 1. Behavior prediction, i.e., predicting users' online decisions. We present Collaborative-Competitive Filtering, a novel game-theoretic framework for predicting users' online decision making behavior and leverage the knowledge to optimize the design of online systems (e.g., recommendation systems) in respect of certain strategic goals (e.g., sales revenue, consumption diversity). 2. Social contagion, i.e., modeling the interplay between social interactions and individual behavior of decision making. We establish the joint Friendship-Interest Propagation model and the Behavior-Relation Interplay model, a series of statistical approaches to characterize the behavior of individual user's decision making, the interactions among socially connected users, and the interplay between these two activities. These techniques are demonstrated by applications to social behavior targeting. 3. Content mining, i.e., understanding user generated contents. We propose the Topic-Adapted Latent Dirichlet Allocation model, a probabilistic model for identifying a user's hidden cognitive aspects (e.g., knowledgability) from the texts created by the user. The model is successfully applied to address the challenge of ``language gap" in medical information retrieval.

Vaiko teisių apsauga Žmogaus teisių ir pagrindinių laisvių apsaugos konvencijos 8 straipsnio plotmėje / Procetion of the rights of a child in the context of the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Mineikaitė, Aurelija 05 February 2013 (has links)
1950 m. Europos Tarybos Žmogaus teisių ir pagrindinių laisvių apsaugos konvencijoje įtvirtintas rinkinys teisių ir laisvių (teisė į gyvybę, kankinimų draudimas, teisė į teisingą teismą, teisė į privataus ir šeimos gyvenimo gerbimą ir kt.), taikomų kiekvienam, esančiam valstybės, ratifikavusios šią Konvenciją, jurisdikcijoje. Tačiau čia nėra išskiriamos vaikų, kaip specifinės socialinės grupės, reikalingos didesnės apsaugos, teisės. Visgi remiantis tuo, kad EŽTK įtvirtintos teisės taikomos „kiekvienam“, teigtina, kad jos taikomos ir vaikams. Šiame darbe autorė siekia atskleisti, kokios teisės yra užtikrinamos vaikams EŽTK 8 straipsnio plotmėje, taip pat tam tikrus, iš šių teisių kylančius, probleminius aspektus. Siekiant šio tikslo, ypač didelis dėmesys skiriamas EŽTT jurisprudencijai, kadangi remiantis šio Teismo praktika ne tik nustatomas tam tikrų teisių turinys ir jo kaita, bet ir atskleidžiama vaiko teisių apsaugai aktuali problematika. Pirmoje šio darbo dalyje bandoma apibrėžti, kas apskritai yra vaikystė, kodėl teisiškai svarbu nustatyti tiek aukštutinę, tiek žemutinę vaiko amžiaus ribas bei koks yra vaiko teisinis statusas. Nagrinėjama įvairi mokslinė literatūra bei įvairūs tarptautiniai ir nacionaliniai teisės aktai atskleidė, kad daugiausia problemų kyla nustatant žemutinę vaiko amžiaus ribą, kadangi šis klausimas tiesiogiai susijęs su abortų reguliavimu. Pagal kai kurių valstybių, tame tarpe ir Lietuvos, teisinį reguliavimą, matyti, kad neretai civilinėje teisėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The 1950's Convention of European Council on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms establishes a set of rights and fundamental freedoms (the right to life, prohibition of torture, the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for private and family life etc.) applicable to everyone within the jurisdiction of the state that ratified the Convention. Children are a very specific social group, which needs greater protection. However their rights are not distinguished in the Convention. On the basis that the rights enshrined in the ECHR are applicable to „everyone“, it may be maintained that those rights can be applicable to children as well. The author of this work aims to reveal the rights that are guaranteed for children in the context of the article 8 of the ECHR. To this end, particular attention is paid to the jurisprudence of the ECtHR. According to the case law of this Court, it can not only be determined the contents and evolution of specific rights, but also relevant problematic issues for the protection of the rights of a child can be revealed. In the first part of this work the author attempts to define a childhood, to identify both the upper and lower limits of the child's age and the child's legal status. By examining different scientific literature and various international and national legislations it was revealed that most of the problems arise in determining the lower limit of the age of a child, since this issue is directly related to the regulation of... [to full text]

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