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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle de la nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transférase dans la régulation de la réponse immune

Galli, Mara 12 November 2010 (has links)
Les recherches menées au sein de notre laboratoire ont montré que la Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransférase (Nampt) est surexprimée lors de l’activation de plusieurs cellules immunes. Cette surexpression est surprenante si l’on considère que cette enzyme intervient dans le métabolisme de base de toute cellule (immune et non immune) en participant à la synthèse du cofacteur NAD. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons essayé de comprendre quelle est la contribution de cette enzyme aux fonctions immunes. <p>Puisque les souris génétiquement invalidées pour le gène de la Nampt meurent à un stade embryonnaire précoce nous avons invalidé ce gène de façon conditionnelle uniquement dans les lymphocytes T et B. Nos résultats suggèrent que la délétion de la Nampt dans les cellules T et B compromet leur survie. <p>De plus, nous avons testé l’effet d’un inhibiteur spécifique de la Nampt sur la sécrétion de TNF par des macrophages et des cellules dendritiques. Nos résultats montrent que l’inhibition de la Nampt s’accompagne d’une diminution du taux de NAD intracellulaire et, parallèlement, d’une réduction de la quantité de TNF&61537; synthétisé. De même, nous avons montré qu’en augmentant le taux de NAD cellulaire il est possible d’augmenter la quantité de TNF&61537; produit, ce qui laisse supposer que la capacité de la cellule à synthétiser du TNF&61537; serait directement liée à son contenu en NAD. Cette régulation semble impliquer une étape post-transcriptionnelle puisque l’ARNm du TNF&61537; ne paraît pas être affecté par ces traitements. Puisque le taux de NAD peut influencer directement l’activité d’enzymes NAD-dépendantes, et en particulier l’activité des enzymes de la famille des sirtuines, nous nous sommes demandés si une sirtuine était impliquée dans la synthèse du TNF&61537; Une approche pharmacologique et une approche génétique nous ont permis de montrer que SIRT6 serait capable d’augmenter la production de TNF&61537; à une étape traductionnelle. Cette conclusion semble être confirmée par le fait que des cellules dendritiques dérivées de souris invalidées pour le gène SIRT6 produisent moins de TNF&61537; en réponse à un stimulus microbien par rapport à des cellules sauvages. <p>En conclusion nos observations suggèrent la Nampt, en affectant le niveau intracellulaire de NAD, joue un rôle important dans le contrôle de la production du TNF&61537; par les cellules de système immunitaire<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Efeitos de insulto hipóxico-isquêmico neonatal em respostas comportamentais e bioquímicas analisadas em curto, médio e longo prazo em ratos

Souza, Andressa de January 2013 (has links)
A hipóxia-isquemia (HI) neonatal é uma causa importante de deficits neurológicos. Estimativas relatam que 3-5 em cada 1.000 nascidos vivos ocorrem encefalopatia neonatal, sendo que, encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica (EHI) moderada ou grave acomete 0,5-1/1000 dos nascidos vivos. Aproximadamente 10 a 60% das crianças com EHI morrem, e pelo menos 25% dos que sobrevivem, apresentam deficiência permanente, como paralisia cerebral, epilepsia e dificuldades na aprendizagem. Evidências clínicas e experimentais sugerem que a exposição a estímulos nocivos no início da vida pode resultar em mudanças duradouras no processamento sensorial. Apesar da magnitude do problema, pouco se conhece sobre a modulação da dor e mecanismos envolvidos durante um processo hipóxico-isquêmico em neonatos e suas conseqüências ao longo da vida. Sendo assim, a presente tese objetivou avaliar respostas comportamentais e bioquímicas de filhotes de ratos submetidos à hipóxia/isquemia no 7°dia de vida, avaliados em diferentes idades. Ninhadas de ratos Wistar machos foram randomizadas em 6 grupos experimentais: controle, hipóxia-isquemia, isquemia, hipóxia, sham-ischemia, sham-hipóxia. O modelo experimental utilizado foi de HI unilateral descrito por Levine (1960) e adaptado por Rice e colaboradores (1981), realizando-se isquemia através da oclusão da carótida esquerda e hipóxia com câmara hipóxica de 92% de nitrogênio e 8% de oxigênio. Avaliaram-se os animais no 14° (P14), 30°(P30) e 60° (P60) dias de vida. Para avaliação da (s) resposta (s): nociceptiva térmica foram utilizados testes de tail-flick e placa quente; e alodinia mecânica utilizou-se teste de Von Frey eletrônico. Para as avaliações dos biomarcadores foram utilizados kits comerciais de BDNF e TNF por métodos ELISA e LDH por espectrofotometria. A ativação neuronal foi quantificada em lâminas de imunoistoquímica de c-fos em regiões CA1 e giro dentado de hipocampo bilateral. Foi observado que ratos com hypoxia e/ou isquemia tiveram diminuição irreversível de neurônios com ativação por c-fos em área CA1 do hipocampo, região ipsilateral do insulto. Maior sensibilidade em animais com HI em P14 foi observado no teste do Von Frey, mas não foi observada em P30 e P60. Independentemente do grupo experimental, a idade do animal desempenhou um papel significativo na resposta de comportamento nociceptivo, bem como sobre o BDNF e dos níveis séricos de TNF-α, mas não sobre os níveis séricos de LDH. Em conclusão, o insulto cerebral da HI induz uma redução significativa e irreversível sobre a ativação neuronal ipisilateral à lesão, com a evidência de uma alteração da resposta comportamental nociceptiva manifestada no curto, mas não a médio ou longo prazo. Biomarcadores de neuroplasticidade, inflamação e danos celulares apresentaram poucas alterações sobre o insulto cerebral, mas mudanças mais pronunciadas foram observadas com relação à idade. / Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is an important cause of neurological deficits. It is estimated that 3-5 in 1000 newborns suffer neonatal encephalopathy, and moderate or severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in 0,5-1/1000 of the newborns. Approximately 10 to 60% of the children with HIE die, and at least 25% of the survivors present permanent deficits such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and learning difficulties. Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that the exposure to noxious stimuli at the beginning of the life might result in long lasting changes in sensorial processing. Despite the magnitude of the problem, few is known regarding pain modulation and its involved mechanisms during the HI process in neonates and its life lasting consequences. Hence, the present thesis aimed to evaluate behavioral and biochemical responses in rats’ litters submitted to HI during their seventh day of life, evaluated at different ages. Male Wistar rats’ litters were randomized into 6 experimental groups: control, HI, ischemia, hypoxia, sham-ischemia and sham-hypoxia. The experimental model was the one of unilateral HI described by Levine (1960) and adapted by Rice et al (1981), inducing ischemia by occlusion of the left carotid artery, and hypoxia using hypoxic chamber with nitrogen 92% and oxygen 8%. Animals were evaluated in their 14th (P14), 30th(P30) and 60th (P60) postnatal day. To assess the thermal nociceptive response the tail flick and hot plate test were employed; and mechanical allodynia was assessed by means of the digital Von Frey test. To evaluate biomarkers, commercial BDNF and TNF kits with ELISA, and LDH kits with spectrophotometry were used. Neuronal activation was quantified by c-fos immunohistochemistry in CA1 and dentate gyrus of bilateral hippocampi. It was observed that rats with hypoxia and/or ischemia had irreversible diminution of neurons with c-fos activation in the CA1 area of the hippocampus ipsilateral to the insult. Higher sensitivity in animals with HI at P14 was observed in the Von Frey test, but was not observed at P30 or at P60. Irrespective of the experimental group, animals’ age played a significant role in the nociceptive behavioral response, as well as on the BDNF and TNF-α serum levels, but not on the LDH serum levels. In conclusion, cerebral HI insult induces a significant and irreversible reduction on neuronal activation ipsilateral to the insult, with evidence of a significant alteration on the nociceptive behavioral response manifested in the short, but not in the medium or long term. Biomarkers of neuroplasticity, inflammation and cellular damage present few alterations after the cerebral insult, however more pronounced changes were observed related with age.

A importância da interação entre estresse oxidativo, biogênese de mitocôndrias e mitofagia na resposta de células estreladas hepáticas ao resveratrol

Martins, Leo Anderson Meira January 2014 (has links)
A fibrose hepática é uma patologia que acompanha outras doenças crônicas do fígado como a cirrose e o hepatocarcinoma. As células estreladas hepáticas (HSC, do inglês hepatic stellate cells) compõem uma população celular heterogênea que se caracteriza por transitar entre dois fenótipos. As células com fenótipo quiescente possuem a capacidade de armazenar vitamina A em gotas lipídicas. Os insultos ao fígado desencadeiam uma resposta inflamatória que gera estímulos parácrinos e autócrinos mediados por citocinas e espécies reativas. Neste contexto, as HSC assumem um fenótipo ativado fibrogênico e tornam-se responsáveis pela cicatrização hepática. Danos crônicos ao fígado levam a uma deposição de matriz extracelular exagerada que configura o estado patológico da fibrose. O resveratrol (RSV – 3,4’,5-tri-hidroxi-trans-estilbeno) é uma fitoalexina produzida por algumas espécies de plantas. Inúmeros efeitos benéficos à saúde são atribuídos ao RSV por causa do seu potencial antioxidante, antiinflamatório e pró-apoptótico. Estudos anteriores mostraram que tratamento da GRX, uma linhagem murina de HSC ativadas, com concentrações de RSV próximas as biodisponíveis (0,1 a 1 μM) resultou em parada do ciclo na fase S com consequente inibição de proliferação celular, um efeito associado à citotoxicidade e que pode favorecer a resolução da fibrose hepática. Neste estudo, por técnicas espectrofotométricas, foi demonstrado que tratamento da GRX por 24 horas com concentrações entre 0,1 a 50 μM de RSV promoveu um efeito pró-oxidante que causa uma citotoxicidade dependente da dose, bastante aumentada no grupo tratado com a concentração mais alta. Os efeitos citotóxicos atenuados encontrados nas células tratadas por 120 horas sugerem que a GRX pode se tornar resistente a estes efeitos. O potencial pró-oxidante do RSV foi o ponto de partida para investigar a possibilidade de que esta fitoalexina provocasse uma alteração no metabolismo mitocondrial da GRX. Para isso, os efeitos do RSV (1 a 50 μM) na função mitocondrial, na indução de morte mediada por estas organelas e na autofagia/mitofagia foram investigados por técnicas de espectrofotometria, de imunocitoquímica, de citometria de fluxo, de microscopia confocal e de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão em GRX tratadas por 24 e 120 horas. Foi demonstrado que todas as concentrações de RSV promovem apoptose por meio da ativação de caspases, alteram a dinâmica/função mitocondrial e induzem o aumento de autofagia/mitofagia na GRX. No entanto, o RSV provocou biogênese de mitocôndrias nos grupos tratados com 1 e 10 μM, enquanto que o tratamento com 50 μM causou dano celular evidente na GRX, sem induzir biogênese de mitocôndrias. Desta forma, é possível que a citotoxicidade “dose-dependente” do RSV, que causa a morte celular e dano oxidativo em 24 horas de tratamento, esteja relacionada com o desequilíbrio entre a indução concomitante de apoptose mediada por dano mitocondrial, autofagia/mitofagia e biogênese de mitocôndrias. Por fim, foi investigada a liberação de TNF-α, Interleucina-6 e Interleucina-10 pela GRX tratada por 24 e 120 horas com RSV (0,1 a 50 μM), considerando o papel antiinflamatório do RSV e o papel das HSC ativadas na sinalização autócrina que contribui para a modulação fenotípica destas células. Foi demonstrado que o tratamento da GRX com RSV por 24 e 120 horas induziu a redução da liberação de Interleucina-6; enquanto que a liberação de TNF-α e Interleucina-10 foi aumentada. Estes resultados confirmam um efeito antiinflamatório do RSV que deve contribuir na prevenção da ativação ou da perpetuação do estado ativado das HSC por meio de sinalização autócrina. Ainda que a concentração do RSV seja importante para efetivamente induzir a morte das HSC ativadas, o tratamento com esta fitoalexina pode ser promissor para a resolução da fibrose hepática por diminuir a população de células ativadas e, possivelmente, prevenir a perpetuação do estado fenotípico ativado. Estudos avaliando indicadores de quiescência em células tratadas são ainda necessários para desvendar completamente os efeitos do RSV quanto às possibilidades de inibição da perpetuação ou reversão fenotípica das HSC ativadas. / Liver fibrosis is a disease that accompanies other hepatic chronic diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are a heterogeneous cell population characterized by transiting between two phenotypes. Cells with a quiescent phenotype are able to store vitamin A into lipid droplets. Damage to the liver trigger an inflammatory response that generates paracrine and autocrine stimulation mediated by cytokines and reactive species. In this context, HSC assume an activated and fibrogenic phenotype responsive for hepatic wound-healing. Chronic insults to the liver lead to an excessive deposition of extracellular matrix that configures the pathological state of fibrosis. Resveratrol (RSV – 3,4’,5-tri-hidroxi-trans-stilbeno) is a phytoalexin produced by some species of plants. Several beneficial effects are attributed to this molecule due to its antioxidant, antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic potential. Previous studies showed that treatment with bioavailable concentrations of RSV (0.1 to 1 μM) promoted an arrest cycle at the S phase in GRX, a murine activated HSC model, leading to cell proliferation inhibition, a cytotoxic effect that contributes to the liver fibrosis resolution. In this study, it was shown by spectrophotometric techniques that GRX treatment for 24 hours at concentrations between 0.1 to 50 μM of RSV promoted a fairly clear pro-oxidant effect that causes a dose-dependent cytotoxicity that was higher in the group treated with 50 μM. The attenuated cytotoxicity found after 120 hours of GRX treatment suggest that these cells became resistant to this effect. The pro-oxidant potential of RSV was the starting point for investigating the possibility that this phytoalexin would cause a change in the GRX mitochondrial metabolism. Thus, the effects of RSV (1 to 50 μM) on altering the mitochondrial function, on inducing mitochondrial-mediated cell death, and autophagy/mitofagia were investigated in GRX treated for 24 and 120 hours by spectrophotometric techniques, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. All the RSV concentrations promote cell apoptosis through caspases activation, alter the mitochondrial dynamics and function, and induce an increase of autophagy/mitofagia. Curiously, only 1 and 10 μM of RSV induced mitochondrial biogenesis in GRX, while the highest concentration caused an evident cell damage without inducing mitochondrial biogenesis. Thus, it is possible that the "dose-dependent" cytotoxicity of RSV, which causes cell death and oxidative damage in 24 hours of treatment, is related to an imbalance between the concomitant induction of mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis, autophagy/mitofagia, and mitochondrial biogenesis. Finally, it was investigated the release of TNF-α, Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 by GRX treated for 24 and 120 hours with RSV (0.1 to 50 μM), considering the anti-inflammatory role of RSV and the autocrine signalling role of HSC that contributes to the perpetuation of its activated phenotype. It was demonstrated that GRX treatment with RSV for 24 and 120 hours reduced the release of Interleukin-6 in the culture medium; whereas the release of TNF-α and Interleukin-10 was increased. These results confirm the anti-inflammatory properties of RSV and may contribute to the prevention of HSC activation through autocrine signalling. Although RSV concentration is important to effectively induce activated HSC death, cells treatment with this phytoalexin may be promising for liver fibrosis resolution through decreasing the population of activated cells or through preventing the perpetuation of activated state of HSC. Future studies evaluating the quiescence indicators of GRX under RSV treatment are still needed to fully unravel the effects of this phytoalexin on inhibiting the perpetuation of activated HSC or reversing its activated phenotype.

CTRP3 Attenuates Diet-induced Hepatic Steatosis by Regulating Triglyceride Metabolism

Peterson, Jonathan M., Seldin, Marcus M., Wei, Zhikui, Aja, Susan, Wong, G. William 01 August 2013 (has links)
CTRP3 is a secreted plasma protein of the C1q family that helps regulate hepatic gluconeogenesis and is downregulated in a diet-induced obese state. However, the role of CTRP3 in regulating lipid metabolism has not been established. Here, we used a transgenic mouse model to address the potential function of CTRP3 in ameliorating high-fat diet-induced metabolic stress. Both transgenic and wild-type mice fed a high-fat diet showed similar body weight gain, food intake, and energy expenditure. Despite similar adiposity to wild-type mice upon diet-induced obesity (DIO), CTRP3 transgenic mice were strikingly resistant to the development of hepatic steatosis, had reduced serum TNF-α levels, and demonstrated a modest improvement in systemic insulin sensitivity. Additionally, reduced hepatic triglyceride levels were due to decreased expression of enzymes (GPAT, AGPAT, and DGAT) involved in triglyceride synthesis. Importantly, short-term daily administration of recombinant CTRP3 to DIO mice for 5 days was sufficient to improve the fatty liver phenotype, evident as reduced hepatic triglyceride content and expression of triglyceride synthesis genes. Consistent with a direct effect on liver cells, recombinant CTRP3 treatment reduced fatty acid synthesis and neutral lipid accumulation in cultured rat H4IIE hepatocytes. Together, these results establish a novel role for CTRP3 hormone in regulating hepatic lipid metabolism and highlight its protective function and therapeutic potential in attenuating hepatic steatosis.

Stress Management Interventions and Predictors of Long-term Health : Prospectively Controlled Studies on Long-term Pain Patients and a Healthy Sample from IT- and Media Companies

Hasson, Dan January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis reports on the effects of stress management on long-term pain patients and on a healthy sample from IT and media companies; two groups that are commonly exposed to high stress levels. Even if there are important differences between these two groups, there are similarities such as the necessity for effective stress management. Stress-related and musculoskeletal disorders are major public health issues in most industrialized countries and are expected to become increasingly common during the coming decades. The pathogenic plastic changes in the CNS and immune system caused by long-term stress pose severe burdens to individuals, organizations as well as society in general. Thus, stress management may be essential to maintain and improve long-term health and wellbeing and to proactively counteract stress-related ill-health.</p><p>This thesis is based on four papers: Paper I assessed the effects of massage as compared to relaxation tapes in long-term pain patients. Paper II validated some of the Visual Analogue Scale questions that were to be used in paper III and IV. Paper III assessed the effects on mental and physical wellbeing and biological stress markers from a web-based stress management and health promotion tool. Paper IV aimed at mapping out predictors for trends (improvement vs. worsening) in self-rated health (SRH) over a period of one year.</p><p>The overall results indicate that individually focused stress management interventions in long-term pain patients as well as on a healthy, working population may have short-term beneficial effects on psychological and physiological stress, health and wellbeing. On a long-term basis the beneficial changes seem to revert. In paper four, it is indicated that the stress management intervention is not a significant predictor of long-term changes in SRH. Rather, other factors such as health perception, sleep quality and sense of coherence predicted improvement in SRH over time.</p>

Stress Management Interventions and Predictors of Long-term Health : Prospectively Controlled Studies on Long-term Pain Patients and a Healthy Sample from IT- and Media Companies

Hasson, Dan January 2005 (has links)
This thesis reports on the effects of stress management on long-term pain patients and on a healthy sample from IT and media companies; two groups that are commonly exposed to high stress levels. Even if there are important differences between these two groups, there are similarities such as the necessity for effective stress management. Stress-related and musculoskeletal disorders are major public health issues in most industrialized countries and are expected to become increasingly common during the coming decades. The pathogenic plastic changes in the CNS and immune system caused by long-term stress pose severe burdens to individuals, organizations as well as society in general. Thus, stress management may be essential to maintain and improve long-term health and wellbeing and to proactively counteract stress-related ill-health. This thesis is based on four papers: Paper I assessed the effects of massage as compared to relaxation tapes in long-term pain patients. Paper II validated some of the Visual Analogue Scale questions that were to be used in paper III and IV. Paper III assessed the effects on mental and physical wellbeing and biological stress markers from a web-based stress management and health promotion tool. Paper IV aimed at mapping out predictors for trends (improvement vs. worsening) in self-rated health (SRH) over a period of one year. The overall results indicate that individually focused stress management interventions in long-term pain patients as well as on a healthy, working population may have short-term beneficial effects on psychological and physiological stress, health and wellbeing. On a long-term basis the beneficial changes seem to revert. In paper four, it is indicated that the stress management intervention is not a significant predictor of long-term changes in SRH. Rather, other factors such as health perception, sleep quality and sense of coherence predicted improvement in SRH over time.

Kinins : important regulators in inflammation induced bone resorption

Bernhold Brechter, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Inflammatory processes in, or in close vicinity of, the skeleton often lead to loss of bone tissue. Different cytokines have been shown to be involved as stimulators of inflammatory induced osteoclastic bone resorption. During inflammatory processes also the kallikrein-kinin system is activated, leading to production of kinins that can cause pain, vasodilation and increased permeability of vessels. Kinins can also induce bone resorption in vitro. All cytokines and kinins that stimulate bone resorption stimulate in parallell prostaglandin synthesis, and prostaglandins, per se, have also been shown to induce bone resorption. The aim of this project was to increase the knowledge about the mechanisms involved in the interactions between different inflammatory mediators (i.e. kinins, cytokines and prostaglandins) suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bone resorbing diseases. Human osteoblasts (MG-63) are equipped with both kinin B1 and B2 receptors linked to prostaglandin release and the stimulation of prostaglandin release are likely mediated via separate molecular mechanisms (Paper I). Activation of B1 or B2 receptors causes synergistic stimulation of PGE2 synthesis induced by either interleukin-1b (IL-1b) or tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) (Paper II). The molecular mechanism involves increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and results in synergistic potentiation of receptor activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL) protein expression. The synergistic interaction is dependent on the activation of NF-kB and the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38 and JNK (Paper II). The synergistic increase in RANKL expression might be an explanation why kinins potentiate IL-1b induced bone resorption, a mechanism likely to be important in inflammation induced bone resorption in diseases such as periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The synergism between kinins and IL-1b or TNF-a might also be dependent on regulation of kinin receptors, since both IL-1b and TNF-a markedly upregulated B1 and B2 receptors, both at the mRNA level and protein level (Paper III). This upregulation is not further potentiated by the kinins, and different kinin receptor agonists do not regulate the receptors for IL-1b or TNF-a, in MG-63 cells. No other cytokines known to stimulate bone resorption regulates the expressions of B1 and B2 receptors. The IL-1b- or TNF-a-induced enhancements of B1 and B2 receptor expressions involve activation of NF-kB and MAPK. The enhancement of kinin receptors may also be an important mechanism in the synergistic interactions between the two pro-inflammatory cytokines and kinins (paper III). IL-4 and IL-13 are two cytokines that have been shown to inhibit bone resorption. We have shown that COX-2 and both B1 and B2 receptors are down-regulated by IL-4 and IL-13, via a ‘signal transducer and activator of transcription6’ (STAT6) dependent pathway, which might be an important regulatory mechanism in inflammation induced bone resorption (paper IV). In conclusion, the mechanisms behind the synergistic potentiation of prostaglandin formation and increased bone resorption caused by co-stimulation with kinins and IL-1b or TNF-a seem to involve both potentiation of COX-2 and subsequently increased levels of RANKL, as well as upregulation of B1 and B2 kinin receptors. Interestingly, IL-4 and IL-13 decreased the expressions of COX-2 and both B1 and B2 receptors. These events might be important in the regulation of inflammation induced bone resorption in diseases such as periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Implication of TNF superfamily receptors and their functional antagonists in neuronal apoptotic cell death

Gozzelino, Raffaella 22 November 2007 (has links)
L'apoptosi pot ser induïda a través de nombrosos estímuls, entre els quals hi ha elsreceptors de mort. Per induir apoptosi TNF&#945; necessita la participació d'inhibidors de latranscripció d'ARN o de la síntesi proteica, com són ActD i CHX. En aquest estudidemostrem com la citotoxicitat de TNF&#945; en cèl·lules PC12 i en neurones corticalssensibilitzades amb ActD es dóna a través de l'activació de la caspasa iniciadora 8, dela generació de tBid i de la conseqüent activació de les pro-caspases-9 i -3. A més, eltractament amb TNF&#945;/ActD no indueix diferències detectables en l'expressió deproteïnes involucrades en el complex de senyalització de TNF&#945;. L'anàlisi de lesprincipals proteïnes antiapoptòtiques, com són FLIP, IAPs i els membres de la famíliade Bcl-2, demostra que Bcl-xL endogen és capaç de regular l'apoptosi induïda perTNF&#945;, sense afectar l'activació de la via del factor de transcripció NF-&#954;B. Lasobreexpressió de Bcl-xL dóna resistència a la mort promoguda per TNF&#945; i ActD, i lareducció dels seus nivells indueix mort cel·lular per mitjà de TNF&#945;, a través del'activació de JNK. Per confirmar la rellevància de Bcl-xL en el senyal promogut perTNF&#945;, es va avaluar l'efecte de la reducció dels nivells basals de proteïnesantiapoptòtiques com Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w i Mcl-1, en el model cel·lular HeLa, onaquestes s'hi troben expressades de forma fisiològica, contràriament al que passa enles cèl·lules PC12, demostrant que Bcl-xL és la proteïna antiapoptòtica més rellevanten la protecció de la mort induïda per TNF&#945;.Per altra banda, l'apoptosi induïda per TNF&#945; pot ser deguda a l'acumulació d'elevatsnivells de hemo lliure. El grup hemo sensibilitza les cèl·lules Hepa a l'acció citotòxicade TNF&#945; a través de la inducció d'estrès oxidatiu, que provoca un dany cel·lular queporta a l'activació de la via de JNK y de pro-caspasa-3. La producció de ROS i el danyinduït per estrès oxidatiu, així com la mort induïda per TNF&#945;, conjuntament ambelevats nivells del grup hemo lliure, poden inhibir-se amb l'expressió de proteïnesprotectores com HO-1 y H-Ferritina. / La apoptosis puede ser inducida a través de numerosos estímulos, entre los cuales losreceptores de muerte. Para promover la apoptosis, TNF&#945; necesita la colaboración deinhibidores de la trascripción del RNA o de la síntesis proteica, como ActD y CHX. Eneste estudio demostramos como la citotoxicidad de TNF&#945; en células PC12 y enneuronas corticales sensibilizadas con ActD ocurre a través de la activación de lacaspasa iniciadora 8, la generación de tBid y la activación de las pro-caspasas-9 y -3.Además no se detectan diferencias de expresión, inducidas por TNF&#945;/ActD, deproteínas involucradas en la formación del complejo de señalización de TNF&#945;. Elanálisis de las principales proteínas antiapoptóticas, como FLIP, IAPs y miembros dela familia de Bcl-2, demuestra que Bcl-xL es la molécula endógena capaz de regular laapoptosis promovida por TNF&#945;, sin afectar la activación de la vía del factor detrascripción NF-&#954;B. La sobre-expresión de Bcl-xL confiere resistencia a la muerteapoptótica mediada por TNF&#945; y ActD, y su disminución forzada es capaz de inducirmuerte celular únicamente tratando con TNF&#945; por activación de JNK. Para confirmar larelevancia de Bcl-xL en la señal promovida por TNF&#945;, la represión de proteínas antiapoptóticascomo Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w y Mcl-1 ha sido evaluada en el modelo de célulasHeLa, donde estas se expresan fisiológicamente al contrario que en las células PC12,demostrando que Bcl-xL es la proteína anti-apoptótica más importante en la protecciónde la muerte inducida por TNF&#945;.Por otra parte, la apoptosis mediada por TNF&#945; puede ser promovida por laacumulación de elevados niveles del grupo hemo libre. El grupo hemo sensibiliza lascélulas Hepa a la acción citotóxica de la citoquina TNF&#945; a través de la inducción deestrés oxidativo, cuyo daño resulta en la activación de la vía de JNK y de pro-caspasa-3. La producción de ROS y el daño inducido por estrés oxidativo, así como la muerteinducida por elevados niveles del grupo hemo libre y de TNF&#945;, pueden inhibirse por lasobre-expresión de proteínas protectoras como HO-1 y H-Ferritina. / Apoptotic cell death is triggered by several different stimuli, among which deathreceptors. To induce apoptosis, TNF&#945; needs the cooperation of RNA transcription orprotein synthesis inhibitor, i.e. ActD and CHX. In this study we demonstrate that ActDrenders rat PC12 cells and primary mouse cortical neurons susceptible to the cytotoxiceffect of TNF&#945; by the activation of the initiator caspase 8, generation of tBid andactivation of pro-caspase-9 and -3. Proteins involved in TNF&#945; receptor signalingcomplex are not affected by TNF&#945;/ActD stimulation. However, the analysis of antiapoptoticproteins, e.g. FLIP, IAPs and Bcl-2 family members, demonstrates that Bcl-xLis the endogenous regulator of neuronal sensitivity to TNF&#945;-induced apoptosis and thatit operates in a NF-&#954;B-independent manner. Bcl-xL overexpression completely protectsagainst TNF&#945;/ActD-induced apoptosis, whereas its endogenous decrease sensitizes toTNF&#945; cytotoxic effect promoting JNK-dependent cell death. To point out the relevanceof Bcl-xL in TNF&#945; signaling pathway, endogenous decrease of the main anti-apoptoticBcl-2 family members, e.g. Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w and Mcl-1, was performed in HeLa cellline in which, contrarily to PC12, these proteins are expressed. The results obtaineddemonstrate that Bcl-xL is the most important Bcl-2-cytoprotective protein in regulatingTNF&#945; cytotoxicity.Moreover, TNF&#945;-induced cell death is promoted by high levels of free hemeaccumulation. Heme sensitizes Hepa cell line to TNF&#945;-triggered apoptosis enhancingROS production and ROS-mediated damage. This results in JNK and pro-caspase-3activation. Oxidative stress-promoted apoptosis induced by heme/TNF&#945; treatment isinhibited by the overexpression of HO-1 and H-Ferritin cytoprotective proteins.

Evaluation of LMP-420: A Novel, Nontoxic Drug with Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Therapeutic Potential for CLL

Mowery, Yvonne Marie January 2012 (has links)
<p>B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the Western world. Although treatment of this disease has advanced considerably over the past decade, CLL remains incurable with current chemotherapeutics. In addition, available drug regimens for CLL are associated with frequent cytopenia-related complications, such as infection and fatigue. Thus, the major challenge in CLL treatment today is the need for alternative therapeutics with decreased toxicity and improved efficacy for disease refractory to currently available drugs.</p><p> </p><p>CLL is characterized by slow accumulation of malignant cells, which are supported in the microenvironment by cell-cell interactions and soluble cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). We evaluated the effect of the small molecule TNF inhibitor LMP-420 on primary CLL cells. LMP-420 exhibited cytotoxic activity against these cells in the MTS assay, with similar potency to the front-line CLL drug fludarabine. LMP-420 induced time- and dose-dependent apoptosis in CLL cells, as demonstrated by annexin V staining, caspase activation, and DNA fragmentation. These changes were associated with decreased expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins Mcl-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, and XIAP. CLL cells from patients with poor prognostic indicators exhibited LMP-420 sensitivity equal to that for cells from patients with favorable characteristics. In addition, LMP-420 potentiated the cytotoxic effect of fludarabine and inhibited in vitro proliferation of CLL cells. In contrast to other CLL therapeutics, LMP-420 exhibited minimal effects on normal peripheral blood mononuclear cell viability, mitogen-stimulated B- and T-cell proliferation, and hematopoietic colony formation. Our data suggest that LMP-420 may be a useful treatment for CLL with negligible hematologic toxicities. </p><p> </p><p>The effect profile of this compound in normal immune cells and the microarray studies in CLL cells indicate that the mechanism of action of LMP-420 likely involves modulation of the NF-kB pathway. Our initial studies demonstrate moderate but significant inhibitory activity against p65, a key member of the NF-kB transcription factor family. Research is ongoing to gain a better understanding of the specific cytotoxicity of LMP-420 for CLL cells and to elucidate other components of its mechanism of action. Regardless of the ultimate mechanistic findings with LMP-420, our studies support this molecule as a promising new CLL therapeutic that warrants further preclinical evaluation.</p> / Dissertation

Les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes dans le cancer à travers le rôle de TRAIL

Blum, Ariane 14 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (PDC) représentent une nouvelle entité distincte de cellules dendritiques. Elles peuvent sécréter de grandes quantités d'interféron de type I après stimulation par un virus ou des produits bactériens tels que les CpG ODN grâce à leur expression sélective des Toll-like récepteurs (TLR)7 et 9.<br />Notre laboratoire a récemment développé une lignée de PDC (GEN2.2) à partir de leucémies à PDC (LPDC), qui résistent aux thérapies conventionnelles. Les GEN2.2 partagent la plupart des caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles des PDC normales. Nous avons d'abord utilisé cette lignée comme modèle de LPDC et nous montrons qu'elles sont sensibles à l'apoptose induite par TRAIL (TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand) via l'expression du récepteur DR5, comme la plupart des LPDC, alors que les PDC normales ne le sont pas, ce qui permettrait la mise en place de thérapies des leucémies à PDC utilisant des agonistes de TRAIL.<br />Les PDC normales sont difficiles à isoler ou générer. Nous avons donc ensuite utilisé la lignée GEN2.2 comme modèle de PDC normales. Nous avons ainsi découvert que ces cellules, une fois activées par des ligands des TLR7 et 9, acquièrent une fonction cytotoxique via l'expression de TRAIL et peuvent tuer des cellules tumorales. Les PDC pourraient donc jouer un rôle crucial dans l'éradication des cancers après activation.<br />Enfin, nous avons cherché à préciser les mécanismes moléculaires d'induction de TRAIL dans les PDC après activation par des ligands des TLR7 et 9.<br />L'ensemble des travaux suggère que les PDC pourraient représenter une cible de choix dans le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques anti-tumorales.

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