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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cidade e o mapa: representações cartográficas da urbanidade de São Paulo / The city and the map: cartographic representations of urbanity of São Paulo

Eduardo Dutenkefer 19 December 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a cidade. Ela será conduzida pelo conceito de urbanidade, que por sua vez será expresso graficamente cartograficamente. Teremos então uma relação, um diálogo entre a urbanidade de uma cidade e o mapa. Esse mapa será o destaque e o revelador maior do medir a urbanidade de uma cidade. A urbanidade, em uma primeira aproximação, é uma qualidade, um indicador fundamental do estado em que se encontra a organização de objetos da sociedade no interior da vida urbana. A tese que podemos apontar é que o mapa como linguagem tem o poder de aproximar e avaliar como se encontra a urbanidade de uma cidade uma urbanidade revelada a priori. A priori no sentido de antecipar, antever determinadas características importantes da urbanidade de uma cidade em diferentes escalas. A urbanidade tem como origem a união, ou melhor, a ligação da densidade e da diversidade de objetos da sociedade no espaço. É esta liga, densidadediversidade que iremos priorizar nesta tese, e a cidade de São Paulo será o exemplo desse espaço urbano privilegiado de nossas reflexões e experimentos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é explorar métodos e metodologias ligadas à construção de mapas e/ou a outros tipos de representações gráficas que sejam capazes de representar, aproximar e revelar a urbanidade de uma cidade. Outro elemento importante da urbanidade de uma cidade é a sua acessibilidade. Mostraremos também métodos e metodologias que propiciam um desvendar da acessibilidade no município de São Paulo. Iremos utilizar dados estatísticos disponíveis publicamente e que aproximem e indiquem densidades e diversidades. Utilizaremos, de forma inovadora, o Cadastro Nacional de Endereços para Fins Estatísticos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), para evidenciar diversidades de atividades não residenciais. Serão elaboradas representações cartográficas como o cartograma em anamorfose, o anticartograma, a grade estatística do IBGE, mapas com o método Carroyage e uma síntese da dupla densidadediversidade em um mapamodelo. / This research has as its object of study the city. It will be driven by the concept of urbanity, which in turn will be expressed graphically cartographically. We will then have a relationship, a dialogue between the urbanity of a city and the map. This map will be the highlight and the biggest revealer of the \"measuring\" of a citys urbanity. Urbanity, in a first approximation, is a quality, a fundamental indicator of the state of organization of societys objects within urban life. The thesis that we can point out is that the map, as language, has the power to approach and assess how the urbanity of a city is found a urbanity revealed a priori. A priori in the sense of anticipating, foreseeing certain important characteristics of the urbanity of a city at different scales. Urbanity has its origin in the union, or rather, the connection of the density and diversity of societys objects in space. It is this league, densitydiversity that we will prioritize in this thesis, and the city of São Paulo will be our example of this privileged urban space for our reflections and experiments. The main objective of this research is to explore methods and methodologies linked to the construction of maps and / or other types of graphic representations that are able to represent, approximate, and reveal the urbanity of a city. Another important element of the urbanity of a city is its accessibility. We will also show methods and methodologies that provide an unveiling of accessibility in the city of São Paulo. We will use publicly available statistical data that will approximate and indicate densities and diversities. We will use, in an innovative way, the National Register of Addresses for Statistical Purposes of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to evidence diversities of nonresidential activities. Cartographic representations such as the cartography in cartograms, anticartograms, the IBGE statistical grid, maps with the \"Carroyage\" method and a synthesis of the dual densitydiversity in a model map will be elaborated.

A cidade dos picos: a prática do skate e os desafios da citadinidade / The city of spots: the practice of skateboarding and the challenges of urbanity

Giancarlo Marques Carraro Machado 29 September 2017 (has links)
A presente tese revela como a citadinidade é permeada por múltiplas configurações, enquadramentos, agenciamentos e contradições, além do jogo relacional entre estratégias e táticas que ocorre numa São Paulo considerada a partir de uma perspectiva citadina. A realização do skate de rua (street skate) constitui-se como foco de uma investigação que o trata não apenas como uma prática multifacetada que transcorre no urbano, mas, igualmente, como sendo uma própria prática do urbano transposta por resistências, transgressões, conflitos e negociações, enfim, por posicionamentos díspares frente às governanças que são feitas dos espaços da cidade. Desta forma objetiva-se analisar como os skatistas embaralham certos ordenamentos urbanos e põem em suspensão embelezamentos estratégicos de uma cidade gerenciada como mercadoria e voltada para práticas de cidadania que são englobadas sobretudo por lógicas de consumo. As abordagens etnográficas aqui contidas revelam ainda como jovens citadinos questionam premissas que permeiam lugares próprios marcados por esperadas univocidades e estabilidades por meio de suas artimanhas, percepções, maneiras e experiências e contribuem, assim, para a redefinição do espaço enquanto um lugar praticado com a apregoação de novas leituras e valores simbólicos. A São Paulo do skate, portanto, apresenta-se não como uma realidade definida a priori, como algo acabado e definido, mas em permanente construção em razão de seu caráter relacional e situacional. / This thesis explores the multiple configurations, distinct agencies, negotiations and contradictions which compose the fabric and fabrication of cities and urban lives. I particularly focus on the tactical negotiations developed by street skateboarders to overcome the restrictive urban policies in São Paulo city. I recognize tactics and strategies as powerful conceptual tools to analyses how the practice of street skateboarding involves struggles, resistances, transgressions, conflicts and negotiations, and different positions against the structures of power and control produced by urban government policies over the public areas. In other words, I examine how street skateboarders tactically resist certain urban planning and question some strategic embellishments of a metropolis managed by and for consumption interests. Thus I contribute to urban anthropology studies by revealing how skateboarders through their own perceptions, manners and experiences creatively challenge the premises which permeate proper places marked by expected univocalities and stabilities. My study argues that those young dwellers produce new approaches and symbolic values which contribute crucially to the redefinition of public space as a place practiced. The São Paulo of skateboarding, therefore, presents itself not as something finished and defined, but in permanent construction due to its relational and situational character.

La mendicité des élèves coraniques en milieu urbain au Sénégal / Begging Koranic students in urban Senegal

Niang, Pape Momar 23 September 2013 (has links)
Historiquement, les écoles coraniques sénégalaises (Daaras) sont majoritairement rurales. Les dégradations environnementales et la faillite des politiques agricoles ont appauvri le monde paysan et causé le déplacement de ces écoles vers les villes. Idéologiquement, un parent confie son enfant, l’élève (Talibé) à un maître coranique (Marabout). Ce dernier détient une autorité inconditionnelle sur l'enfant qui doit vivre humblement et se soumettre à une discipline rude. Cette interprétation coranique ajoutée à la valeur de l’aumône (Zakât) légitimise la mendicité des Talibés. Elle devient très urbaine à partir de la découverte par les maîtres coraniques d’une offre d’aumône monétaire citadine. Ce marché de l’aumône urbain, du don religieux, de l’offrande, du sacrifice résulte d'une grande offre d’aumône de citadins aux rapports sociaux monétarisés ; et aux religiosités incluant plus largement la dimension du don matériel. La thèse explore cette dimension marchande du don. Elle part du postulat que la mendicité des Talibés résulte de cette offre d’aumône urbaine à laquelle vient s’ajuster une demande. On retrace un processus migratoire superposant 4 logiques : Un don 1 immatériel et symbolique qu’est le « confiage » au maître coranique d’un enfant par ses parents ; un don 2 matériel et temporaire , sous forme de prêt foncier, qui met en relation un donateur propriétaire en ville d’une maison en chantier ou d’un terrain, et un maitre coranique donataire en quête d’hébergement pour ses Talibés ; un don 3 matériel où des citadins prennent en charge les besoins primaires des enfants ; enfin un don 4 purement monétaire où à travers l’obligation de l’enfant de rapporter une somme quotidienne d’argent au maître coranique (Sass), le Marabout le désigne donataire-intermédiaire . Cette dernière logique cristallise beaucoup plus les enjeux de la mendicité infantile. Un second système de don institutionnel vient se superposer à ce premier religieux. Il s’agit de la mobilisation de moyens par la société civile et l’État, pour éradiquer le problème. Ce marché parallèle de l’aide humanitaire au-delà des considérations sur les nombreuses actions concrètes d’aide qu’il produit, peut aussi quelque fois se coconstruire avec le marché de l’aumône religieux. C’est là où apparait un don 5 qui est l’aide internationale aux organismes de lutte contre cette mendicité ; et un don 6 constitué par l’aide de ces organismes aux écoles coraniques. En analysant un modèle de démantèlement des écoles coraniques par ces organismes qui financent un retour à l’agriculture des maîtres coraniques par exemple, on se rend compte très vite que le don 6 peut pervertir le don 1 initialement désintéressé matériellement, d’un parent qui confie son enfant symboliquement : une dimension de trafic et d’exploitation des enfants tend à supplanter celle éducative. Cette recherche a été menée dans quatre villes et six villages entre le Sénégal et la Guinée-Bissau. Une enquête par questionnaire a été effectuée auprès des enfants mendiants ; l’approche qualitative a été privilégiée concernant les acteurs ruraux et les enquêtés adultes. La thèse montre globalement que la non-résolution du problème résulte de différentes stratégies des acteurs concernés qui tendent à l’alimenter (volontairement et involontairement) et maintenir deux systèmes de donation qui s’auto-régulent. Cette analyse systémique , semble beaucoup mieux pertinente que celles causales linéaires qui amputent le phénomène de plusieurs de ses dimensions immergées : Une genrée et démographique étant donné la condition de la femme rurale et les forts taux de natalité ; une crise agricole et environnementale qui impose des logiques de survie de groupe ; ainsi qu’une frilosité Étatique à éradiquer le problème, entre injonctions internationales, impuissance budgétaire et considérations électoralistes vis-à-vis des pouvoirs musulmans. / Historically, Senegalese Quranic schools (Daaras) are predominantly rural. Environmental degradation and the collapse of agricultural policies have impoverished the peasant world and caused the schools to move to the cities. Ideologically, a parent entrusts his child, the student (Talibé) to a Koranic teacher (Marabout). The latter has unconditional authority over the child who must live humbly and submit to harsh discipline. This koranic interpretation added to the value of the alms (Zakât) legitimizes the begging of the Talibés. It becomes very urban from the discovery by the Koranic teachers of a supply of urban monetary alms. This market of urban alms, religious gift, offering, sacrifice, results from a large offer of alms from townspeople to monetarized social relations; and to religiosities including more broadly the dimension of the material gift. The thesis explores this market dimension of the gift. It is based on the assumption that the begging of the Talibés results from this offer of alms to which a demand has been adjusted. We retrace a migratory process superimposing 4 logical: A symbolic and intangible gift 1, that a parent gives his child to a Koranic teacher; a material and temporary gift 2, in the form of a land loan, which connects a donor who owns land in the city of a house under construction or a piece of land, and a Quranic master who has made a home in search of accommodation for his Talibés; a material donation 3, where city dwellers take care of the primary needs of children. And finally a purely monetary gift 4, where by the obligation of the child to bring a sum of money daily to the Quranic master (Sass), the Marabout designates him as intermediary-beggar. This last logic crystallizes much more the stakes of infant begging. A second system of institutional donation is superimposed on this first, religious. It is the mobilization of means by the civil society and the State, to eradicate the problem. This parallel market of humanitarian aid, beyond considerations of the many concrete aid actions it produces, can also sometimes be co-constructed with the market of religious alms. This is where a donation 5 comes which is international aid to the organizations fighting against this begging; and a gift 6 constituted by the help of these agencies to Koranic schools. By analyzing a model of the dismantling of Koranic schools by these organizations that finance a return to agriculture of Koranic masters for example, we realize very quickly that the gift 6 can pervert the gift 1 initially disinterested materially, a parent who entrusts his child symbolically: a dimension of trafficking and exploitation of children tends to supplant the educational one. This research was conducted in four towns and six villages between Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. A questionnaire survey was conducted among begging children; the qualitative approach was favored for rural actors and adult respondents. The thesis shows globally that the non-resolution of the problem results from different strategies of the actors concerned who tend to feed it (voluntarily and involuntarily) and maintain two systems of donation that self-regulate. This systemic analysis seems much more relevant than the linear causal ones, which reduce the phenomenon of several of its immersed dimensions: A gender and demographic given the condition of the rural woman and the high birth rates; an agricultural and environmental crisis that imposes group survival logics; as well as a reluctance of the state to eradicate the problem, between international injunctions, budget impotence and electoral considerations vis-à-vis the Muslim powers.

Itinéraires urbains / Urban routes

Sotinel, Frédéric 16 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est basée sur une approche empirique des espaces urbains, enrichie de nos réflexions personnelles et de nos recherches. Notre questionnement principal concerne les liens entre forme et usage, par exemple dans quelle mesure la configuration d’une ville, ou d’un quartier, est déterminée par les activités humaines et les modes de vie actuels et à venir de ses habitants. Nous avons retenus plusieurs exemples significatifs dans différentes métropoles, surtout à Berlin, mais aussi à Helsinki, Londres, Montréal et New York. Avec notre position d’architecte--‐photographe, nos itinéraires sont un bon moyen d’explorer et d’essayer de comprendre les espaces urbains. En tant que photographe et témoin de situations urbaines singulières, nous sommes ancrés dans le présent, et nous recherchons ce qui façonne l’identité d’un lieu particulier, nous traduisons nos observations par la photographie qui nous aide ultérieurement à développer notre réflexion et à organiser nos arguments. En tant qu’architecte, nous examinons ces situations urbaines, nous analysons les principes et les objectifs urbains et architecturaux qui les sous--‐tendent de manière à identifier les modes d’articulation entre forme et usage. Nous plaçons ainsi les processus de transformation urbaine dans leur ouverture à l’évolution de la société. Les itinéraires urbains nous conduisent à percevoir et à penser la ville dans ses rapports de proximité en tant qu’espace pour la vie / This thesis is based on an empirical approach of urban spaces, enriched with our personal reflections and research. Our main questions deal with form and usage, i.e. to what extent the configuration of a city, or a smaller area, is determined by human activities and people’s current or expected way of life. We have selected some meaningful examples in big cities, mostly in Berlin, but also in Helsinki, London, Montréal and New York. Our routes, with our status of architect and photographer, are a good means to explore and try to understand urban spaces. As a photographer and witness of situations, we keep evidence of the present, we transmit the atmosphere of a particular place which shapes its identity, we capture precious data which afterwards help us to develop our reflection and organize our arguments. As an architect we examine these situations on a given area, we analyze the underlying principles and objectives in urban and architectural achievements so that we can identify the connection between form and usage. We clearly understand that urban development projects must be malleable and open to the evolution of society. Urban routes are a good introduction to a close approach and perception of the city regarded as a space for life

La construction d’un futur sur quatre roues : Une ethnographie du handicap locomoteur dans Mitchell’s Plain (Afrique du Sud) / Building a future on four wheels : An ethnography of locomotive disability in Mitchell's Plain (South Africa)

Schnitzler, Marie 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur les subjectivités particulières que produit la déficience locomotrice dans la ville postapartheid au moyen d’une ethnographie de la vie ordinaire. À cet effet, la déficience locomotrice désigne toute limitation des déplacements due à une infirmité des membres inférieurs. Celle-ci est dès lors conçue comme une épreuve, c’est-à-dire un évènement qui rompt avec le quotidien et met sous tension les responsabilités des différents acteurs impliqués — personnes en situation de handicap, familles, État, etc. En outre, ces tensions s’articulent sur différents niveaux dont trois sont particulièrement discutés ici : le champ politique qui détermine un certain type de citoyenneté, les réseaux sociaux qui constituent la personne et enfin le rapport des acteurs en situation de handicap à leur histoire personnelle. Ces trois niveaux se combinent pour façonner des subjectivités particulières, qui sont analysées dans un cadre foucaldien en tant que rapports à soi, mais également aux autres et au monde qui nous entoure. Le chapitre 1 introduit la discussion en proposant un aperçu général de la problématisation politique du handicap en Afrique du Sud. J’y interroge la manière dont l’histoire nationale a pu influencer les discours et les mesures prises dans ce domaine. Au-delà de ces considérations générales, je cherche surtout à saisir les effets réels des mesures adoptées sur l’expérience de la déficience locomotrice dans l’Afrique du Sud contemporaine. Le chapitre 2 s’intéresse alors plus spécifiquement aux politiques de sécurité sociale et d’aide à l’emploi. Cette étape de l’analyse permet d’intégrer une dimension économique dans la suite de la discussion sur les relations sociales des personnes rencontrées. Le chapitre 3 interroge l’existence d’autrui significatif dans le choix d’un logement. Le chapitre 4 se concentre quant à lui sur les rapports de genre et leurs reconfigurations contemporaines, tels qu’ils sont vécus par les personnes atteintes d’une déficience. Un troisième registre de sociabilité plus large et plus diffus fait l’objet du chapitre 5, qui documente les lieux de sociabilité dans le township de Mitchell’s Plain et la manière dont les personnes en situation de handicap s’y intègrent. Finalement, le chapitre 6 rassemble les différents éléments discutés dans les sections qui le précèdent pour saisir les récits de soi que ces dynamiques sociales produisent. C’est alors la place donnée à la déficience par l’individu dans son rapport à lui-même et aux autres qui est mise en évidence. De manière générale, cette réflexion souhaite contribuer à la compréhension des conséquences pratiques des politiques établies et de leur appropriation par les acteurs et participe dès lors aux débats autour de la prise en charge de personnes vues comme ‘dépendantes’. Une approche par le handicap dans une nation conçue tour à tour comme développée et en voie de développement, ni tout à fait sociale ni strictement libérale, cherche à enrichir la réflexion sur ces sujets dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Qui plus est, l’angle de la déficience en Afrique du Sud permet de revenir sur les politiques d’apartheid, dans leur dimension corporelle et sociale, en s’intéressant à la restructuration de la ville postapartheid. Dans ce cadre, interroger la citadinité sud-africaine permet de se départir d’une rhétorique raciale, qui monopolise souvent la réflexion sur cette société, pour comprendre comment, au-delà de ces différences, l’espace urbain est réapproprié. À travers ces dynamiques, c’est aussi la mémoire d’un passé troublé, au statut incertain, qui se joue. Enfin, interroger la déficience locomotrice en Afrique du Sud permet de revenir sur un lien supposé entre ce type de handicap et la violence endémique des anciens townships. / This thesis explores subjectivities shaped by locomotive disability in the post-apartheid city through an ethnography of ordinary life. Locomotive disability encompasses every limitation of mobility due to an infirmity of the lower limbs. In my discussion, it is conceived as a ‘test’ (épreuve), namely an event that interrupts everyday routines and creates tensions between the responsibilities of different actors’ – people with disabilities, families, the state, etc. These tensions are articulated on various levels. In my discussion, I focus on three of them: the political field that determines a certain type of citizenship, the social networks that constitute the person, and finally the understanding people with disabilities have of their personal history. These levels combine to shape people’s subjectivity, and are analysed in a Foucauldian perspective not just as individuals’ relations with themselves, but also with others and the wider world. Chapter 1 introduces the discussion by providing an overview of the political problematisation of disability in South Africa. I question how national history has influenced discourses and legislation in the field of disability. More specifically, I explore the effects of these programs on the experience of locomotive disability in contemporary South Africa. Chapter 2 then presents in detail South African social security and job creation policies. This section of the thesis introduces an economic dimension to the discussion of the social relationships of people with disabilities which is taken up in the following chapters. Chapter 3 questions significant others’ identity in the process of finding a house. Chapter 4 focuses on gender relationships and their current reconfigurations, as lived by people with disabilities. A third register of sociability is introduced in chapter 5, which documents the existence and the nature of social places in Mitchell’s Plain township and the ways people with disabilities participate in those spaces. Finally, chapter 6 brings together the conclusions from each chapter to explain the self-narrations (récit de soi) produced by different social dynamics. Through my analysis, I thus explore the place people give to disability in their relationships with the self and with others. More generally, this thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the consequences that policies have for people’s lives and the way these policies are appropriated by the actors on the field. In so doing, the thesis participates in the debate around the management of people who are often perceived as ‘dependants’. To look at disability in a nation that is both conceived as developed and still developing, neither completely social nor totally liberal, is a way to extend our knowledge on these topics in contemporary societies. Moreover, the topic of disability in South Africa allows me to analyse apartheid policies and their bodily and spatial dimensions, by focusing on how the city is nowadays (re)appropriated by its inhabitants. In this context, questioning South African citiness allows me to depart from a racial discourse that still often monopolises analysis of this society, in order to comprehend how, beyond these differences, the urban space is restructured. Through this dynamic, the memory of a troubled past with an uncertain status is at play. Finally, a discussion on locomotive disability in South Africa challenges the supposed link between this type of disability and the endemic violence of the townships.

Imagining and imaging the city – Ivan Vladislavić and the postcolonial metropolis

Ngara, Kudzayi Munyaradzi January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis undertakes an analysis of how six published works by the South African writer Ivan Vladislavić form the perspective of writing the city – Johannesburg – into being. Beginning from the basis that Vladislavić’s writing constitutes what I have coined dialogic postcolonialism, the thesis engages with both broader contemporary urban and postcolonial theory in order to show the liminal imaginative space that the author occupies in his narrations of Johannesburg. Underlining the notion of postcolonialism being a “work in progress” my thesis problematises the issue of representation of the postcolonial city through different aspects like space, urbanity, identity and the self, and thus locates each of the texts under consideration at a particular locus in Vladislavić’s representational continuum of the continually transforming city of Johannesburg. Until the recent appearance of Mariginal Spaces – Reading Vladislavić (2011) the extant critical literature and research on the writing of Ivan Vladislavić has, as far as I can tell, not engaged with his work as a body of creative consideration and close analysis of the city of Johannesburg. Even this latest text largely consists of previously published reviews and articles by disparate critics and academics. The trend has therefore largely been to analyse the texts separately, without treating them as the building blocks to an ongoing and perhaps unending project of imaginatively bringing the city into being. Such readings have thus been unable to decipher and characterise the threads which have emerged over the period of the writer’s literary engagement with and representation of Johannesburg. I suggest that, as individual texts and as a collection or body of work, Ivan Vladislavić’s Missing Persons (1989), The Folly (1993), Propaganda by Monuments and Other Stories (1996), The Restless Supermarket (2006 – first published in 2001), The Exploded View (2004) and Portrait with Keys: Joburg & what-what (2006), are engaged in framing representations of the postcolonial city, representations which can in my view best be analysed through the prism of deconstructive engagement. To this end, the thesis examines contemporary South African urbanity or the post-apartheid metropolitan space (as epitomised by the fictive Johannesburg) and how it is represented in literature as changing, and in the process of becoming. As a consequence, the main conclusion I arrive at is on how the irresolvable nature of the city is reflected in the totality of Ivan Vladislavić’s writing. In that way, it was possible to treat every text in its own right (rather than forcing it to conform to an overarching thesis). This central insight allowed for the effective application of urban theory to the close readings of the texts.

Impact of Teacher Attitude and Urbanicity through the Implementation of Positive Behavior Support Programming

Caleris, Theodore 24 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Bodily Trespass: An Ecology of the Fantastic in Twentieth-Century African American Literature

Belilgne, Maleda January 2011 (has links)
<p><italic>Bodily Trespass</italic> situates the fantastic as a discourse of spatial production in twentieth-century black American literature. Eruptions of the fantastic in realist and surrealist narratives index and ameliorate the spatial constriction that informs black American subjectivity from the Middle Passage up through to the contemporary carceral state. The black fantastic is a narrative response to a spatial crisis that is corporeal and ontological. As a literary mode, in the Todorovian sense, the fantastic identifies the real as a production of the "unreal" and calls attention to ideological and institutional apparatuses that sustain the dominant order. Taking Pauline Hopkins' turn of the twentieth-century serial <italic>Of One Blood, Or, The Hidden Self</italic> as a point of departure, this project examines the fantastic as a discourse of Pan-Africanism during a period Farah Griffin describes as the "nadir" of post-emancipation black life. Hopkins reaches outside of U.S. borders suturing Ethiopia to America in order to fashion a new and "rival" black geography that challenges the eradication of black legal, civic, and social space.</p><p>In the postwar years, the production of imaginative space extends to the task of recording and refuting the racial discourse that articulates urbanity. Chester Himes' <italic>The Real Cool Killers</italic>, Ann Petry's <italic>The Street</italic>, and Gwendolyn Brooks' <italic>Maud Martha</italic> depict racially encoded urban geographies as corporeally informed psychosocial "interfaces." These novels identify cartographic locution as a strategy for spatial occupation and psychic rehabilitation. James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" and Ralph Ellison's "The King of the Bingo Game locate in the sonic a blueprint for refashioning the space of the modern metropolis according to a logic of interiority. Baldwin and Ellison identify the fantastic as a discourse of aurality that alters the texture of space by channeling what I call "scalar consciousness," a heightened awareness of the ways in which one might manipulate scale in the service of spatial production. Meditations on belonging, displays of corporeal violence, discourses of Africanity, and the identification of the aural as a pathway for liberation illustrate, in all these works, the black fantastic's rootedness in spatial production, subject formation, and resistance to a dehumanizing social order.</p> / Dissertation

Uma natureza só minha. Os discursos da natureza e a urbanidade na cidade de São Paulo / A nature myself. The discussions of nature and urbanity in the city of São Paulo

Silva, Evandro Soares da 16 November 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo destina-se a trazer reflexões sobre as relações entre o urbano e as representações visuais. Tendo como foco de pesquisa a análise da produção iconográfica sobre os \"discursos\" da natureza apresentados pelas propagandas do mercado imobiliário na cidade de São Paulo, a partir de uma modalidade específica de moradia, os condomínios fechados, procurou-se estabelecer proposições sobre como as representações da natureza propagadas pelo mercado imobiliário, mais que se apresentarem como difusores de um atributo do produto moradia, colocam-se como legitimadores de uma lógica espacial constituída por redes geográficas de isolamento condominial, influenciando em aspectos ligados a uma cultura antiurbanidade. Atentou nesta pesquisa também a compreensão do que reconhecemos ser a inauguração do discurso privatista da natureza na cidade de São Paulo, esta iniciada pela Companhia City. / The present study aims to bring reflections on the relations between urban and visual representations. Based on the analysis of iconographic production on the \"discourses\" of nature presented by the advertisements of the real estate market in the city of São Paulo, based on a specific modality of housing, the condominiums closed, it was tried to establish propositions about how the Representations of nature propagated by the real estate market, rather than presenting themselves as diffusers of an attribute of the housing product, stand as legitimators of a spatial logic constituted by geographic networks of condominial isolation, influencing aspects linked to an anti-urban culture. Attention in this research also understanding that they recognize to be an inauguration of the discourse privative of the nature in the city of São Paulo, this company initiated by the City Company.

La rénovation du centre-ville de Saint-Denis aux abords de la basilique : de la Libération au Mondial 98 : une modernité à la française / The renewal of Saint-Denis's city center around the basilica : From France's liberation to the 1998 World Cup : a modernity à la française

Radouan, Sébastien 28 April 2016 (has links)
Deux entités composent le centre de Saint-Denis : d’un côté, l’ensemble monumental de l’ancienne abbaye qui, comme haut lieu de l’histoire nationale et de l’art gothique, revêt un caractère sacré ; de l’autre, l’espace urbain, à la fois populaire et commerçant, dont la mutation est inéluctable à cause, en particulier, de son état d’insalubrité. L’État, émanation de la souveraineté nationale, et la municipalité, représentation du peuple de Saint-Denis, sont happés, après l’épisode vichyste, qui constitue une nouvelle crise politique dans l’histoire de France, par l’urgence de la Reconstruction. C’est à partir du milieu des années 1950 que la reconfiguration de la centralité dionysienne peut être envisagée. La rénovation des abords de la basilique impose un dialogue entre histoire et modernité. Il semble contenir les ferments d’un renouveau politique : une « modernité à la française ». Les débats qui animent les pouvoirs publics et les spécialistes de la ville en proposent une retranscription. Quelles sont les valeurs convoquées dans cette opération d’urbanisme ? Que nous enseigne-t-elle de la reconstruction du récit national depuis la Libération en 1944 ? / Saint-Denis’ city center is twofold: on the one hand stands the sacred monumental complex of the ancient abbey, Mecca of the French national history and Gothic art, while on the other hand, the urban area is both a working-class and commercial environment, which mutation is unavoidable, in particular due to its overall degradation. In the aftermath of the great political crisis of the Vichy period, both the State, as an emanation of national sovereignty, and the municipality, as the representation of the people of Saint-Denis, are confronted with the city’s urgent need for reconstruction. It is only as of the mid-1950s that the reorganization of the Dionysian centrality becomes possible. Yet, the renovation of the surroundings of the basilica calls for a dialogue between history and modernity. This debate appears as the catalyst for a political renewal: a modernity à la française, highlighted by the heated debates between public authorities and specialists of the city. What are the values at stake in this urban renewal process? What are the key lessons triggered by such a project with regards to the reconstruction of the French national narrative since France’s liberation in 1944?

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