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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning / To live with a sibling who suffers from an eating disorder

Callio, Carina January 2014 (has links)
Utifrån mina tidigare erfarenheter inom barnpsykiatrin tänker jag att syskon till psykiskt sjuka barn och ungdomar varit en exkluderad grupp som inte fått sitt utrymme inom vården. Det är av stor vikt att deras tankar och känslor blir belysta för att hitta sätt att möta upp denna grupp. I hälso- och sjukvårdslagen betonas barns behov av information, råd och stöd. Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med ett syskon som lider av ätstörning. Tre pojkar och två flickor i ålder 15-20 intervjuades i studien. Som analysmetod användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Morse och Field. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare kunskap om syskons erfarenheter av att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning. Syskonen beskriver en oro för systern och brist på information om syskonets sjukdom och behandling. De påverkas negativt av konflikter vid måltider och flera syskon beskriver att de känner skam över systerns sjukdom. Den här studien visar också på att det fanns skillnader i hur pojkarna och flickorna upplevde sin systers sjukdom. Flickorna upplevdes mer känslomässigt drabbade. Flickorna beskrev att deras vardag blivit starkt påverkad av systerns sjukdom, medan pojkarna beskrev att deras vardagsliv med kompisar och aktiviteter inte påverkades i större utsträckning.Ett resultat som framkommer som något nytt och positivt i studien är att flera ungdomar framhåller att familjens rutiner vid maten blivit något bra för dem, sedan deras syster påbörjat sin ätstörningsbehandling. Flickorna förmedlar att de kommit sin syster mer nära och att de känner mer samhörighet nu än innan systern fick sin ätstörning. Om föräldrarna förmår att skapa en god struktur och ett öppet och stödjande samtalsklimat vid måltider så kan de negativa effekterna för familjen minskas och behandlingen skapa ett tillfälle för hela familjen att hitta bra rutiner för familjens måltider. / In my experience siblings of mentally ill children and adolescents have been an excluded group within health care. It is of great importance that their thoughts and feelings are expressed in order to find ways to meet up this group. The health care law emphasizes children´s need for information, advice and support. The study´s purpose was to examine adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling suffering from an eating disorder. Three boys and two girls in the age 15-20 were interviewed in the study. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. This study confirms prior knowledge of adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling who is suffering from an eating disorder. The adolescents are concerned about their siblings and lack information about their siblings’ illness and treatment progress. They are negatively affected by conflicts at mealtimes and several siblings are feeling shame about their siblings’ illness. There were differences in how brothers and sisters experienced their sisters´ disease. The girls seemed to be more emotionally affected. The girls described that their everyday life had been heavily influenced of their sisters´ illness, while the boys described that their everyday life with friends and activities weren´t affected to a greater extent. One new result that emerges as something positive was that several informants described that the eating disorder had led to better meal situations in the family. Although the adolescents described initial conflicts around meal times, it appeared that ones the parents took control and organized family meals together the adolescents could see that this was beneficiary for the whole family. The sisters described that they felt more togetherness now than before the sister had her eating disorder. If parents are able to create a good structure and an open and supportive climate at meals the negative effects for the family may be reduced and treatment may create an opportunity for the whole the family to find good meal routines.


Houck, Amber 01 January 2008 (has links)
Content knowledge preparation for teachers is a crucial component of the modal curriculum model for education. The purpose of this study was to determine if the amount and quality of coursework preparation of pre-service University of Kentucky agriculture teachers influences their content knowledge as defined by the Praxis II agriculture exam scores. This study concluded that there was variability in coursework preparation of pre-service agriculture teachers at the University of Kentucky. Praxis II exam scores of pre-service teachers indicated that most students are meeting an adequate content knowledge level based on the exam material. It can also be concluded that the relationship between the Praxis II agriculture exam and agricultural content preparation was moderate at best. Based on the conclusions, it is recommended that changes be considered to either the agricultural education curriculum at the University of Kentucky or the Praxis II agriculture exam so that they are a reflection of each other. It is also recommended that the profession examine other variables in play that lead to proper preparation and re-evaluate students’ base knowledge upon entering college.

Ensinar geografia em tempos de complexidade : a práxis pedagógica e os desafios frente ao ENEM

Lerina, Marcos Irineu Klausberger January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata das interfaces da escola, do Ensino da Geografia e da proposta do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM). Procura responder algumas das inquietações que temos vivido em nossa jornada profissional, como, por exemplo: como deve ser o Ensino da Geografia no Ensino Médio, a partir da proposta do ENEM? A abordagem dada à Geografia nas questões do ENEM abarca uma leitura complexa do espaço geográfico ou não? Como podemos aproximar nossos fazeres e saberes pedagógicos em Geografia às atuais necessidades do Ensino Médio, baseando-nos em tal proposta? A abordagem teórico-metodológica é baseada no Paradigma da Complexidade de Edgar Morin, estando ancorada em diversas lunetas, entre elas as de Milton Santos e Jean Piaget. A metodologia empregada é a pesquisa qualitativa, com base em Uwe Flick. Em congruência com a teoria, a parte empírica deste estudo é desenvolvida a partir de uma escola da rede pública estadual de ensino, localizada na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. A proposta desta pesquisa é pensar e avaliar caminhos para o Ensino de Geografia que possibilitem problematizar e reconstruir as diferentes significações da vida, dentro e fora da sala de aula. / This thesis deals with the school interfaces, the Teaching of Geography and the proposal of High School National Exam (ENEM). It intends to answer to some of the concerns that we have been experiencing in our professional journey, as, for example: how does the teaching of Geography should be during High School, from ENEM's proposal? Does the approach directed to Geography in ENEM's questions embrace a complex reading of the geographical space or not? How can we get our work and pedagogical knowledge closer to the current needs of High School, based on such proposal? The theoretical-methodological approach is based on the Paradigm of Complexity by Edgar Morin, being anchored in a diversity of ideas, among them, the ones from Milton Santos and Jean Piaget. The methodology used is a qualitative research, based on Uwe Flick. In line with theory, the empirical part of this study is developed in a public school located in the Metropolitan Region of the city of Porto Alegre/RS. The aim of this research is to think and evaluate ways to the Teaching of Geography which allow to discuss and reconstruct the different meanings of life, inside and outside the classroom.

Análise das provas do exame da OAB e do ENADE dos Cursos de Direito do ano de 2012 à luz da taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Benjamin Bloom

Bezerra Júnior, Antonio Valdenísio January 2016 (has links)
BEZERRA JÚNIIOR, Antônio Valdenísio. Análise das provas do exame da OAB e do ENADE dos Cursos de Direito do ano de 2012 à luz da taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Benjamin Bloom. 2016. 80f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-06T15:33:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_avbezerrajunior.pdf: 1765886 bytes, checksum: 6d7d4cc59cc428f0bd730303a986bdea (MD5) / Rejected by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br), reason: on 2017-01-06T16:13:54Z (GMT) / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-06T16:26:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_avbezerrajunior.pdf: 1765886 bytes, checksum: 6d7d4cc59cc428f0bd730303a986bdea (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-25T12:09:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_avbezerrajunior.pdf: 1765886 bytes, checksum: 6d7d4cc59cc428f0bd730303a986bdea (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-25T12:09:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_avbezerrajunior.pdf: 1765886 bytes, checksum: 6d7d4cc59cc428f0bd730303a986bdea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / The approval in the OAB exam is a legal requirement to all law school bachelors that aim to be a lawyer. Since its adoption, it has undergone several critical about its legality, necessity and even effectiveness. Just like in other countries, the OAB, the guardian of the attorney’s profession, uses a measurement test to select only candidates who demonstrate the essential knowledge, skills and abilities to the practice of law. The effective higher education’s evaluation is a task performed by the MEC, through SINAES, in which ENADE is the component used to measure the student’s evaluation. Through Bloom’s educational objectives taxonomy, this research proposes to find the real nature of the OAB exam, in comparison to ENADE’s one, by mapping the educational objectives required in both tests in the years of 2012. Data obtained from the analysis of the instruments shows that the OAB exam worked in the category of knowledge, and the ENADE focused on the next one, the comprehension. / A aprovação no Exame da OAB é exigência legalmente imposta a todos os bacharéis em direito que almejem exercer a advocacia. Desde a sua imposição, ela foi alvo de diversas críticas acerca da sua legalidade, necessidade e, até mesmo, eficácia. Enquanto guardiã da profissão de advogado, a OAB, como já ocorre em outros países, utiliza uma prova como mecanismo para selecionar apenas os candidatos que demonstram o conhecimento, capacidade e habilidades indispensáveis ao exercício da advocacia. Por outro lado, a efetiva avaliação do ensino superior, em toda a sua totalidade, é tarefa precipuamente executada pelo MEC através do SINAES, sendo o ENADE o componente utilizado para a avaliação dos estudantes. A presente pesquisa analisou as provas do Exame da OAB e do ENADE à luz da taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Benjamin Bloom, através do mapeamento dos objetivos educacionais exigidos nesses testes aplicados no ano de 2012. Os dados obtidos indicaram que os Exames da OAB trabalham no nível da categoria do conhecimento, ao passo que o ENADE explora mais a categoria imediatamente superior, a da compreensão.

Ensinar geografia em tempos de complexidade : a práxis pedagógica e os desafios frente ao ENEM

Lerina, Marcos Irineu Klausberger January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata das interfaces da escola, do Ensino da Geografia e da proposta do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM). Procura responder algumas das inquietações que temos vivido em nossa jornada profissional, como, por exemplo: como deve ser o Ensino da Geografia no Ensino Médio, a partir da proposta do ENEM? A abordagem dada à Geografia nas questões do ENEM abarca uma leitura complexa do espaço geográfico ou não? Como podemos aproximar nossos fazeres e saberes pedagógicos em Geografia às atuais necessidades do Ensino Médio, baseando-nos em tal proposta? A abordagem teórico-metodológica é baseada no Paradigma da Complexidade de Edgar Morin, estando ancorada em diversas lunetas, entre elas as de Milton Santos e Jean Piaget. A metodologia empregada é a pesquisa qualitativa, com base em Uwe Flick. Em congruência com a teoria, a parte empírica deste estudo é desenvolvida a partir de uma escola da rede pública estadual de ensino, localizada na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. A proposta desta pesquisa é pensar e avaliar caminhos para o Ensino de Geografia que possibilitem problematizar e reconstruir as diferentes significações da vida, dentro e fora da sala de aula. / This thesis deals with the school interfaces, the Teaching of Geography and the proposal of High School National Exam (ENEM). It intends to answer to some of the concerns that we have been experiencing in our professional journey, as, for example: how does the teaching of Geography should be during High School, from ENEM's proposal? Does the approach directed to Geography in ENEM's questions embrace a complex reading of the geographical space or not? How can we get our work and pedagogical knowledge closer to the current needs of High School, based on such proposal? The theoretical-methodological approach is based on the Paradigm of Complexity by Edgar Morin, being anchored in a diversity of ideas, among them, the ones from Milton Santos and Jean Piaget. The methodology used is a qualitative research, based on Uwe Flick. In line with theory, the empirical part of this study is developed in a public school located in the Metropolitan Region of the city of Porto Alegre/RS. The aim of this research is to think and evaluate ways to the Teaching of Geography which allow to discuss and reconstruct the different meanings of life, inside and outside the classroom.

Dissertações de vestibular e ensino da argumentação escrita / Dissertation of vestibular exam and teaching of writen argumentation

Renata Calheiros Alves 15 April 2013 (has links)
A tese analisa redações produzidas por candidatos ao vestibular de 2008 da UERJ, nas quais são investigados aspectos concernentes à superestrutura do gênero dissertação de vestibular e às categorias do modo argumentativo de organização do texto, a saber: a tomada de posição, a presença de argumentos orientados para a tese do argumentador, a presença de contra-argumentos e as estratégias argumentativas que se destacam. Busca-se entender a relação entre as falhas redacionais e o ensino desse modo argumentativo do texto, apontando-se os estudos recentes em teoria da argumentação, semântica argumentativa, linguística textual e análise do discurso, que podem oferecer subsídios ao ensino da argumentação escrita, sobretudo os de Oliveira (2010), Charaudeau (2008) e Bernardo (2007 e 2010). Este trabalho interessa-se particularmente pelas contribuições passíveis de aplicação no ensino de redação em nível médio. Tanto os aspectos textuais, quanto os situacionais são analisados com vistas a que as conclusões advindas de tal análise possam convergir para contribuições ao ensino de produção de textos, o que se materializa no capítulo em que se apresentam sugestões de atividades / The thesis examines candidates essays produced by the vestibular, 2008 UERJ, where are investigated aspects related to the superstructure of the genre dissertation of vestibular and the categories of argumentative mode of organization of the text, namely the position, the presence of arguments oriented theory of the arguer, the presence of counter-arguments and argumentative strategies that stand out. We seek to understand the relationship between education on this mode of organization and failures in argumentative texts, as well as point recent studies in argumentation theory, argumentative semantics, text linguistics, discourse analysis, that may offer subsidies to teaching of written argumentation, mainly Oliveira (2010), Charaudeau (2008) e Bernardo (2007 e 2010). This work is particularly interested in the contributions that can be applied in the teaching of writing in high school. Both the textual and situational aspects will be analyzed, aiming to the conclusions arising from this analysis may converge for contributions to teaching text production, wich is demonstrated in the chapter were are offered suggestions of didactic activities

Propuesta de actividades para la preparación de los exámenes estatales de espaňol en Reino Unido. / Teaching methods of Spanish as a second language in Great Britain

SERRANO SERRANO, Sergio January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the methodology of the teaching idioms in UK, especially the teaching of Spanish as a second language. Once the situation of learning Spanish is described, some exercises will be presented owing to the fact that they follow the communicative method, and the English system of education. In these activities, the four skills are important, but the oral expression is going to be more practised, due to the fact that it is very complicated for the students, due to the difficulty for English speakers. In these activities, the public exams are going to be into account, since the students must pass them in the different levels. The content presented in those exams is the one that appear in this thesis. To conclude, some advises are presented for preparing this exercises, based on my own experience as a Spanish Assistant that I had in the year 2014-2015.

Processo de reparo no cólon descendente equino submetido ou não a distenção luminal: aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e anatomopatológicos

Teixeira, Luisa Gouvêa [UNESP] 20 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-04-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:30:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 teixeira_lg_me_jabo.pdf: 1248709 bytes, checksum: abf07304609e643fddd58d8b10e9193e (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Avaliou-se por meio de análises clínico-laboratoriais e morfológicas, a evolução cicatricial de dois segmentos distintos do cólon descendente. Os equinos foram alocados em um único grupo e submetidos a três fases experimentais: obstrução experimental (F I), seguida de 13 dias pós-operatórios; anastomose término-terminal (F II) e videolaparoscopia (F III), ambas seguidas, cada uma, de seis dias pós-operatórios. O segmento distendido (SD) foi submetido a 240 minutos de distensão intraluminal, com pressão de 40 mmHg. O segmento controle (SC) não sofreu distensão. Colheram-se amostras do cólon descendente antes da obstrução (M0), após a desobstrução (M1) e durante a anastomose (M2). Realizou-se exame clínico antes de cada cirurgia (M0a, M0b e M0) e nos dias pós-operatórios (M12a-M312a, M24b-M120b e M24-M120). A colheita de sangue foi realizada antes de cada cirurgia (M0a, M0b e M0), durante a obstrução (M2a-M4a) e nos respectivos momentos pós-operatórios (M6a-M240a, M24b- M120b e M24-M120). Dois animais foram a óbito, sendo um durante F I e outro na F II. Verificou-se que a as alterações morfológicas e morfométricas intestinais foram mais evidentes na camada serosa no M2, no SD e SC, com muita semelhança entre os dois segmentos. Não houve diferença (p>0,5) na quantidade de colágeno determinada histologicamente e dosagem espectrofotométrica de hidroxiprolina. Durante a F II e F III, três e dois equinos, respectivamente, apresentaram aderências intestinais. Foram observadas diferenças (p>0,5) nos parâmetros clínicos e hematológicos apenas durante F I e F II. Concluiu-se que os equinos submetidos à obstrução experimental apresentaram pior prognóstico em relação à enteroanastomose... / The healing progression of two distinct segments of equine descending colon was evaluated by clinical, laboratorial and morphological analysis. Horses were allocated in only one group and submitted to three following experimental stages: experimental obstruction (F I) followed by thirteen days of postoperative care; end-toend anastomosis (F II) and the videolaparoscopy (F III), both last stages followed by six days of postoperative care. The distended segment (DS) underwent 40 mmHg intraluminal distension pressure for 240 minutes long. The control segment (CS) didn’t suffer any distension. Samples of the tissue of the descending colon was obtained before the obstruction (M0), after the desobstruction (M1) and during the anastomosis (M2). Clinical exam was done before each surgery (M0a, M0b and M0) and during the postoperative care days (M12a-M312a, M24b-M120b e M24-M120). Two animals died, one during F I and the other during F II. The intestinal morphological and morphometric changes were observed markedly on the serous layer on the M2 stage, on the DS and the CS, and it had similarity among the two segments. There was no difference (p>0,5) in the amount of collagen determined by histology and hydroxyproline spectrophotometric analysis. During F II and F III, three and two horses respectively, presented intestinal adhesions. Differences (p<0,5) in some of the clinical and hematological parameters were only observed during F I and F II. In conclusion, the horses that underwent experimental obstruction presented poor prognosis compared to the enteroanastomosis. The serialized clinical exams and the laboratory analyses provided good monitoring of the physiological immune responses during and after the intestinal obstruction or the anastomosis

Processo de reparo no cólon descendente equino submetido ou não a distenção luminal : aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e anatomopatológicos /

Teixeira, Luisa Gouvêa. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: José Corrêa de Lacerda Neto / Banca: Rosemeri de Oliveira Vasconcelos / Banca: Rafael Resende Faleiros / Resumo: Avaliou-se por meio de análises clínico-laboratoriais e morfológicas, a evolução cicatricial de dois segmentos distintos do cólon descendente. Os equinos foram alocados em um único grupo e submetidos a três fases experimentais: obstrução experimental (F I), seguida de 13 dias pós-operatórios; anastomose término-terminal (F II) e videolaparoscopia (F III), ambas seguidas, cada uma, de seis dias pós-operatórios. O segmento distendido (SD) foi submetido a 240 minutos de distensão intraluminal, com pressão de 40 mmHg. O segmento controle (SC) não sofreu distensão. Colheram-se amostras do cólon descendente antes da obstrução (M0), após a desobstrução (M1) e durante a anastomose (M2). Realizou-se exame clínico antes de cada cirurgia (M0a, M0b e M0) e nos dias pós-operatórios (M12a-M312a, M24b-M120b e M24-M120). A colheita de sangue foi realizada antes de cada cirurgia (M0a, M0b e M0), durante a obstrução (M2a-M4a) e nos respectivos momentos pós-operatórios (M6a-M240a, M24b- M120b e M24-M120). Dois animais foram a óbito, sendo um durante F I e outro na F II. Verificou-se que a as alterações morfológicas e morfométricas intestinais foram mais evidentes na camada serosa no M2, no SD e SC, com muita semelhança entre os dois segmentos. Não houve diferença (p>0,5) na quantidade de colágeno determinada histologicamente e dosagem espectrofotométrica de hidroxiprolina. Durante a F II e F III, três e dois equinos, respectivamente, apresentaram aderências intestinais. Foram observadas diferenças (p>0,5) nos parâmetros clínicos e hematológicos apenas durante F I e F II. Concluiu-se que os equinos submetidos à obstrução experimental apresentaram pior prognóstico em relação à enteroanastomose ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The healing progression of two distinct segments of equine descending colon was evaluated by clinical, laboratorial and morphological analysis. Horses were allocated in only one group and submitted to three following experimental stages: experimental obstruction (F I) followed by thirteen days of postoperative care; end-toend anastomosis (F II) and the videolaparoscopy (F III), both last stages followed by six days of postoperative care. The distended segment (DS) underwent 40 mmHg intraluminal distension pressure for 240 minutes long. The control segment (CS) didn't suffer any distension. Samples of the tissue of the descending colon was obtained before the obstruction (M0), after the desobstruction (M1) and during the anastomosis (M2). Clinical exam was done before each surgery (M0a, M0b and M0) and during the postoperative care days (M12a-M312a, M24b-M120b e M24-M120). Two animals died, one during F I and the other during F II. The intestinal morphological and morphometric changes were observed markedly on the serous layer on the M2 stage, on the DS and the CS, and it had similarity among the two segments. There was no difference (p>0,5) in the amount of collagen determined by histology and hydroxyproline spectrophotometric analysis. During F II and F III, three and two horses respectively, presented intestinal adhesions. Differences (p<0,5) in some of the clinical and hematological parameters were only observed during F I and F II. In conclusion, the horses that underwent experimental obstruction presented poor prognosis compared to the enteroanastomosis. The serialized clinical exams and the laboratory analyses provided good monitoring of the physiological immune responses during and after the intestinal obstruction or the anastomosis / Mestre

Dissertações de vestibular e ensino da argumentação escrita / Dissertation of vestibular exam and teaching of writen argumentation

Renata Calheiros Alves 15 April 2013 (has links)
A tese analisa redações produzidas por candidatos ao vestibular de 2008 da UERJ, nas quais são investigados aspectos concernentes à superestrutura do gênero dissertação de vestibular e às categorias do modo argumentativo de organização do texto, a saber: a tomada de posição, a presença de argumentos orientados para a tese do argumentador, a presença de contra-argumentos e as estratégias argumentativas que se destacam. Busca-se entender a relação entre as falhas redacionais e o ensino desse modo argumentativo do texto, apontando-se os estudos recentes em teoria da argumentação, semântica argumentativa, linguística textual e análise do discurso, que podem oferecer subsídios ao ensino da argumentação escrita, sobretudo os de Oliveira (2010), Charaudeau (2008) e Bernardo (2007 e 2010). Este trabalho interessa-se particularmente pelas contribuições passíveis de aplicação no ensino de redação em nível médio. Tanto os aspectos textuais, quanto os situacionais são analisados com vistas a que as conclusões advindas de tal análise possam convergir para contribuições ao ensino de produção de textos, o que se materializa no capítulo em que se apresentam sugestões de atividades / The thesis examines candidates essays produced by the vestibular, 2008 UERJ, where are investigated aspects related to the superstructure of the genre dissertation of vestibular and the categories of argumentative mode of organization of the text, namely the position, the presence of arguments oriented theory of the arguer, the presence of counter-arguments and argumentative strategies that stand out. We seek to understand the relationship between education on this mode of organization and failures in argumentative texts, as well as point recent studies in argumentation theory, argumentative semantics, text linguistics, discourse analysis, that may offer subsidies to teaching of written argumentation, mainly Oliveira (2010), Charaudeau (2008) e Bernardo (2007 e 2010). This work is particularly interested in the contributions that can be applied in the teaching of writing in high school. Both the textual and situational aspects will be analyzed, aiming to the conclusions arising from this analysis may converge for contributions to teaching text production, wich is demonstrated in the chapter were are offered suggestions of didactic activities

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