Spelling suggestions: "subject:"« presidential »""
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Relações executivo-legislativo nas províncias argentinas: delegação parlamentar e sucesso dos governadores / Executive-legislative relations in Argentinean provinces: parliamentary delegation and governors successBarrientos, Miguel 10 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações entre o Poder Executivo e o Poder Legislativo em nível provincial na Argentina. Tanto estas relações entre os poderes do Estado quanto a esfera estadual colocam-se como temas de relevância nos estudos de ciência política na atualidade, que analisam os sistemas presidencialistas em diferentes níveis. O federalismo e o presidencialismo são matérias recorrentes nos estudos sobre as instituições na Argentina. Os debates enfatizam o papel que o presidente tem na dinâmica das interações entre os entes e os poderes, ora na esfera nacional, ora nas próprias províncias. Tradicionalmente, as análises levavam em consideração um predomínio do executivo e da administração federal em distintas esferas, supondo que o legislativo era um simples homologador das decisões executivas e colocando um véu no que realmente se passava tanto nas arenas legislativas quanto nos níveis provinciais. Um novo grupo de estudos demonstrou, através de análises da produção legislativa, que o presidente argentino não é todo-poderoso, encontra empecilhos em sua relação com o legislativo, e só consegue aprovar metade das propostas que encaminha ao parlamento nacional, evidenciando que não há tal predomínio de um poder sobre o outro. Seguindo estes trabalhos, assim como a literatura que trata sobre a temática, a presente tese busca novos enfoques para estudar o que acontece no presidencialismo estadual na Argentina. Estudam-se os projetos de lei ingressados nas câmaras baixas provinciais e as taxas de sucesso que parlamentares e governadores conseguem em sua aprovação. Compara-se o comportamento dos atores nos trabalhos legislativos, levando em consideração os poderes constitucionalmente conferidos a eles, as regras eleitorais para os cargos executivos e legislativos, a estruturação do Poder Legislativo em uma ou duas câmaras, o tamanho das bases governistas e a organização interna do legislativo em forma mais e menos centralizada. Usando estes fatores que incentivam maior ou menor produção legislativa por parte de governadores e parlamentares, busca-se esclarecer o papel que eles cumprem no processo decisório das províncias argentinas. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the relations between Executive and Legislative powers in the Argentinean provinces. Nowadays, these relations between the powers of the State in those two spheres of government are relevant subjects in the Political Science studies, which analyze presidential system at different levels. The federalism and presidentialism are frequent topics in the papers of Argentinean institutional analysis. The interactions between the spheres and powers at national or provincial levels are fundamental debates that emphasize the center role of the President in the power relation dynamics. Traditionally, scholars presupposed a predominance of federal Executive and administration. They assume that Legislative was a simple approval agency of Executive decisions, putting a veil in what really happened in both legislative and provincial levels. Recently studies demonstrate, using a legislative production analysis that Argentinean President is not almighty, as was thought to be. They found obstacles in the relation between the Executive and Legislative power, and demonstrate that the success rate rise about to the half of the bills, showing that there is no dominance of one power over another. Following these researches and the literature on the issue, this thesis looks for new approaches to study the provincial presidentialism in Argentina. The success rates of the bills presented by Governors and representatives to the provincial low chambers are used here as performance indicators. This work compares the behavior of actors at legislative office, taking into account their constitutional instruments, the electoral rules to executive and legislative positions, the difference between the legislative structure (one or two chambers), the parliamentary group of the official coalition, and the internal legislative organization depending on a more or less centralized way. It pretends to achieve their role in decision process at Argentinean provinces using all these factors that incentive Governors and representatives to higher or lower legislative production.
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O Mercosul e o sistema presidencialistaWinter, Luís Alexandre Carta 20 June 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese trabalha-se a origem e o histórico dos Blocos Econômicos em geral e do MERCOSUL em particular e, dentro do MERCOSUL, são esmiuçados o Tratado de Assunção, o Protocolo de Ouro Preto e a atual estrutura institucional do MERCOSUL, bem como o processo de internalização das normas ali existentes. Também são traçadas, dentro do sistema presidencialista, as condições históricas e sociais que o favoreceram, a história do presidencialismo dentro dos Estados-Partes originários do MERCOSUL, além de se fazer uma análise da atuação do Poder Executivo, nesses Estados. A seguir, reunindo MERCOSUL e presidencialismo, é investigada a integração como política de governo, onde se verifica a interferência do sistema presidencialista nas decisões do MERCOSUL, tanto no aspecto de união aduaneira, como voltadas para a criação de um mercado comum, com uma análise das dificuldades e implantação desse mercado. Na conclusão, com a criação do mercado comum, analisa-se a relação que se estabelece entre esse mercado e o sistema presidencialista. / In this thesis work is the origin and history of economic blocks in general and of MERCOSUL in particular and within MERCOSUL, are detailed the Treaty of Asuncion, the Ouro Preto Protocol, and the current institutional structure of MERCOSUL, as well as the process of internalizing standards there. They are also outlined, in the presidential system, the historical and social conditions that favored the history of presidential within the States Parties from the MERCOSUL, in addition to doing an analysis of the performance of the executive power, in those States. Then, joining MERCOSUL and presidentialism, it investigated how the integration policy of government, where there is the interference of the presidential system in the decisions of MERCOSUL, both in the aspect of the customs union, as directed to the creation of a common market, with an analysis of the difficulties in deployment of this market. In conclusion, with the creation of the common market, analyses are the relationship that is established between this market and the presidential system.
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Mecanismo de alinhamento de preferências em governos multipartidários: controle de políticas públicas no presidencialismo brasileiro / Preferences alignment in multiparty governments: control of public policy in the Brazilian presidentialismSilva, Victor Augusto Araújo 02 February 2016 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que, no presidencialismo multipartidário brasileiro, as políticas públicas implementadas pelo Executivo são resultantes do processo de agregação de preferências dos diferentes atores partidários que integram o gabinete de governo. Posto que os partidos aceitam integrar coalizões de governo em função da expectativa de agregar suas preferências à agenda de políticas do Executivo, os conflitos intragabinete são derivados da não efetivação desta expectativa. Argumento que, embora sejam delegadas aos integrantes do gabinete áreas ministeriais específicas, os partidos da coalizão monitoram as áreas de policy dos seus parceiros de governo, na tentativa de diminuir a assimetria de informação e agregar suas preferências às políticas que lhes interessam. Para tanto, investigo de que forma os parlamentares utilizam as suas prerrogativas de controle horizontal - [i] Requerimentos de Informação (RIC), [ii] Propostas de Fiscalização e Controle (PFC) e [iii] Projeto de Decreto Legislativo (PDC) - para obter informações sobre a implementação de políticas nos ministérios dos partidos parceiros do gabinete. A análise compreende o período entre 1995 e 2014, nos governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), Luís Inácio da Silva (LULA) e Dilma Rousseff (DILMA). As evidências apresentadas neste trabalho sugerem que a taxa de controle horizontal intragabinete varia positivamente com o grau de dispersão de preferências dos partidos representados no governo. Em função da motivação policyseeking dos atores que integram o gabinete, os partidos que possuem mais recursos para a implementação de políticas públicas são também aqueles que recebem o maior volume de controle dos seus parceiros de gabinete. Como consequência, são os partidos da coalizão de governo os principais responsáveis por monitorar as ações de implementação de políticas públicas do Executivo. Ao contrário do que ocorre no momento de formulação das políticas no gabinete e no parlamento, o peso legislativo dos partidos integrantes do governo importa pouco para a capacidade destes atores agregarem suas preferências às policies. Isso explica o que ganham os partidos que aceitam integrar as coalizões de governo e revela qual o mecanismo que viabiliza a manutenção de um pacto político firmado entre atores com preferências distintas e heterogêneas. / The aim of this study is to show that public policies implemented by the executive branch in the Brazilian multiparty presidential system are the result of aggregating the preferences of different party members within the government cabinet. Parties agree to integrate into the coalition government because they expect to be able to add their preferences to the government policy agenda. However, when parties are unable to influence the policy agenda, it often results in intra-cabinet conflicts. I argue that, although the chief executive delegates specific portfolios to each cabinet member, the parties scrutinize the policies carried out by the government members in an attempt to reduce the asymmetric information and add their preferences to policies that concern them. For this purpose, I investigate how legislative membres use their horizontal control prerogative - [i] Requerimentos de Informação (RIC), [ii] Propostas de Fiscalização e Controle (PFC) e [iii] Projeto de Decreto Legislativo (PDC) - to obtain information on the policy process of policy implementation within the portfolios held by cabinet members. This study analyzes data from 1995 to 2014, in the Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), Luís Inácio da Silva (LULA) and Dilma Rousseff (DILMA) administrations. The evidence presented in this study suggests that the intra-cabinet horizontal control varies positively with the degree of dispersion of policy preferences in the cabinet government. As a result of the policy-seeking motivation of the actors who comprise the government coalition, parties with more resources for the implementation of public policies are also those that receive the greatest amount of control over other members of the cabinet. Thus, the government coalition parties are primarily responsible for monitoring the implementation of federal programs. Unlike what is observed at the time of policy formulation in the cabinet and in parliament, the proportion of coalition seats/votes a member contributed is of small importance to the ability of these actors to aggregate their prefered policies. This explains what the parties receive when they agree to integrate into the cabinet and reveals the mechanism that enables the maintenance of a political pact between actors with different and heterogeneous preferences.
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O Mercosul e o sistema presidencialistaLuís Alexandre Carta Winter 20 June 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese trabalha-se a origem e o histórico dos Blocos Econômicos em geral e do MERCOSUL em particular e, dentro do MERCOSUL, são esmiuçados o Tratado de Assunção, o Protocolo de Ouro Preto e a atual estrutura institucional do MERCOSUL, bem como o processo de internalização das normas ali existentes. Também são traçadas, dentro do sistema presidencialista, as condições históricas e sociais que o favoreceram, a história do presidencialismo dentro dos Estados-Partes originários do MERCOSUL, além de se fazer uma análise da atuação do Poder Executivo, nesses Estados. A seguir, reunindo MERCOSUL e presidencialismo, é investigada a integração como política de governo, onde se verifica a interferência do sistema presidencialista nas decisões do MERCOSUL, tanto no aspecto de união aduaneira, como voltadas para a criação de um mercado comum, com uma análise das dificuldades e implantação desse mercado. Na conclusão, com a criação do mercado comum, analisa-se a relação que se estabelece entre esse mercado e o sistema presidencialista. / In this thesis work is the origin and history of economic blocks in general and of MERCOSUL in particular and within MERCOSUL, are detailed the Treaty of Asuncion, the Ouro Preto Protocol, and the current institutional structure of MERCOSUL, as well as the process of internalizing standards there. They are also outlined, in the presidential system, the historical and social conditions that favored the history of presidential within the States Parties from the MERCOSUL, in addition to doing an analysis of the performance of the executive power, in those States. Then, joining MERCOSUL and presidentialism, it investigated how the integration policy of government, where there is the interference of the presidential system in the decisions of MERCOSUL, both in the aspect of the customs union, as directed to the creation of a common market, with an analysis of the difficulties in deployment of this market. In conclusion, with the creation of the common market, analyses are the relationship that is established between this market and the presidential system.
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Le cas de la République du Congo : un exemple de régime constitutionnel autoritaire / The case of the Republic of the Congo : an example of an authoritarian constitutionManangou, Vivien 21 January 2014 (has links)
Depuis le 20 janvier 2002, la République du Congo s'est dotée d'une nouvelle Constitution. Ce quatrième texte fondamental depuis l'avènement de la démocratie en 1990 avait un double objectif : rompre avec le modèle constitutionnel français consacré par la Constitution de mars 1992 qui instaurait un régime semi-présidentiel et restaurer l'autorité de l'Etat affaiblie par les années de guerre civile. C’est donc finalement un régime de type présidentiel qui est mis en place. À cet égard, l'article 114 de la Constitution de 2002 déclare : « le Président de la République ne peut dissoudre l'Assemblée nationale. L’Assemblée nationale ne peut démettre le Président de la République ». Mais la comparaison avec le régime américain s'arrête là. Car le Président, au Congo, dispose d'une suprématie non conforme au principe d'équilibre des pouvoirs connu aux Etats-Unis et, surtout, n'encourt aucun risque de destitution. En définitive, le dispositif mis en place est plus proche d'une architecture des pouvoirs issue de la Constitution russe de 1993 et au présidentialisme latino-américain. Trois facteurs expliquent cette convergence : d'abord, l’objectif du texte fondamental adopté en 2002 était bien la consécration constitutionnelle de la victoire militaire de 1997. Cette réalité rapproche la Constitution congolaise de la Constitution russe adoptée à la suite de la « décommunisation » lors de la chute du Mur de Berlin. Ensuite, les constituants entendaient reproduire la culture bantoue dans le marbre juridique, en consacrant la suprématie du chef. Une telle approche est similaire à l’influence culturelle bolivar dans le présidentialisme latino-américain. Enfin, la nécessité de contenter la communauté internationale a conduit à l’adoption d’un texte fondamentalement libéral avec une pratique foncièrement autoritaire. Finalement, seule une instrumentalisation de la Communauté internationale peut expliquer le paradoxe du régime constitutionnel congolais. / Since the 20th of January 2002, the Republic of Congo has adopted a new constitution. This fourth fundamental text since the advent of democracy in 1990 has two objectives : to depart from the French constitutional model enshrined in the constitution of March 1992 which established a semi- presidential system and to restore the authority of the state that had be shaken and weakened by years of civil war. The new constitution opted for a presidential system. In this regard , Article 114 of the 2002 constitution states that " the President of the Republic may dissolve the National Assembly. The National Assembly cannot impeach the President of the Republic. " This is the only commun feature the system has with that of the United States. In the Republic of Congo, the President is not subject to the principle of checks and balances as in the case of United States and, especially, runs no risk of impeachment. In the end, the system in place is closer to the Russian architecture of powers and the Latin American presidentialism. Three factors explain this convergence : firstly, the fundamental objective of the text adopted in 2002 was indeed the constitutional enshrinement of the military victory of 1997. This reality takes the Congolese Constitution a step towards the Russian Constitution adopted after the " decommunisation " following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then, the constituent Assembly had the intention to reproduce the Bantu culture in the legal marble, establishing the supremacy of the leader. Such an approach is similar to the bolivian cultural influence in the Latin American presidentialism. Secondly, the need to satisfy the international community led to the adoption of a fundamentally liberal text with inherent authoritarian practice. Finally, manipulation by the international community is the only plausible explanation to the paradox of the Congolese constitutional regime.
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Relações executivo-legislativo nas províncias argentinas: delegação parlamentar e sucesso dos governadores / Executive-legislative relations in Argentinean provinces: parliamentary delegation and governors successMiguel Barrientos 10 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações entre o Poder Executivo e o Poder Legislativo em nível provincial na Argentina. Tanto estas relações entre os poderes do Estado quanto a esfera estadual colocam-se como temas de relevância nos estudos de ciência política na atualidade, que analisam os sistemas presidencialistas em diferentes níveis. O federalismo e o presidencialismo são matérias recorrentes nos estudos sobre as instituições na Argentina. Os debates enfatizam o papel que o presidente tem na dinâmica das interações entre os entes e os poderes, ora na esfera nacional, ora nas próprias províncias. Tradicionalmente, as análises levavam em consideração um predomínio do executivo e da administração federal em distintas esferas, supondo que o legislativo era um simples homologador das decisões executivas e colocando um véu no que realmente se passava tanto nas arenas legislativas quanto nos níveis provinciais. Um novo grupo de estudos demonstrou, através de análises da produção legislativa, que o presidente argentino não é todo-poderoso, encontra empecilhos em sua relação com o legislativo, e só consegue aprovar metade das propostas que encaminha ao parlamento nacional, evidenciando que não há tal predomínio de um poder sobre o outro. Seguindo estes trabalhos, assim como a literatura que trata sobre a temática, a presente tese busca novos enfoques para estudar o que acontece no presidencialismo estadual na Argentina. Estudam-se os projetos de lei ingressados nas câmaras baixas provinciais e as taxas de sucesso que parlamentares e governadores conseguem em sua aprovação. Compara-se o comportamento dos atores nos trabalhos legislativos, levando em consideração os poderes constitucionalmente conferidos a eles, as regras eleitorais para os cargos executivos e legislativos, a estruturação do Poder Legislativo em uma ou duas câmaras, o tamanho das bases governistas e a organização interna do legislativo em forma mais e menos centralizada. Usando estes fatores que incentivam maior ou menor produção legislativa por parte de governadores e parlamentares, busca-se esclarecer o papel que eles cumprem no processo decisório das províncias argentinas. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the relations between Executive and Legislative powers in the Argentinean provinces. Nowadays, these relations between the powers of the State in those two spheres of government are relevant subjects in the Political Science studies, which analyze presidential system at different levels. The federalism and presidentialism are frequent topics in the papers of Argentinean institutional analysis. The interactions between the spheres and powers at national or provincial levels are fundamental debates that emphasize the center role of the President in the power relation dynamics. Traditionally, scholars presupposed a predominance of federal Executive and administration. They assume that Legislative was a simple approval agency of Executive decisions, putting a veil in what really happened in both legislative and provincial levels. Recently studies demonstrate, using a legislative production analysis that Argentinean President is not almighty, as was thought to be. They found obstacles in the relation between the Executive and Legislative power, and demonstrate that the success rate rise about to the half of the bills, showing that there is no dominance of one power over another. Following these researches and the literature on the issue, this thesis looks for new approaches to study the provincial presidentialism in Argentina. The success rates of the bills presented by Governors and representatives to the provincial low chambers are used here as performance indicators. This work compares the behavior of actors at legislative office, taking into account their constitutional instruments, the electoral rules to executive and legislative positions, the difference between the legislative structure (one or two chambers), the parliamentary group of the official coalition, and the internal legislative organization depending on a more or less centralized way. It pretends to achieve their role in decision process at Argentinean provinces using all these factors that incentive Governors and representatives to higher or lower legislative production.
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Executivo versus legislativo: os vetos presidenciais no Brasil (1988-2000) / Executive versus Legislative: the presidential vetoes in Brazil (1988-2000)Mauricio Assumpcao Moya 05 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos vetos presidenciais ocorridos no Brasil entre outubro de 1988 e dezembro de 2000. Seu objetivo é identificar eventos que estejam associados ao uso do veto pelo presidente, e que permitam prever com alguma precisão as chances de sua ocorrência. O universo de análise é composto pelos 1322 projetos aprovados no período, excluindo-se os projetos relativos ao Orçamento e aqueles de autoria do Judiciário. São observadas cerca de duas dezenas de variáveis, classificadas em dois grupos: no primeiro estão as variáveis ligadas diretamente aos projetos e aos seus respectivos processos de tramitação; no segundo grupo estão as variáveis referentes ao ambiente político e às condições gerais da relação Executivo-Legislativo. A hipótese testada é que as variáveis do primeiro grupo têm um impacto muito maior sobre as chances de ocorrência de veto que as do segundo, indicando que o contexto político pouco afeta o uso do veto, e que este se dá predominantemente por meio de exames caso a caso. Os resultados, obtidos por meio de regressões logísticas e testes de pós-estimativa, corroboram a hipótese, e apontam uma diferença crucial entre os vetos parciais e os vetos totais. Enquanto os primeiros são difíceis de prever e envolvem uma gama maior fatores, os últimos são usados sistematicamente contra as propostas do Poder Legislativo, impedindo-as de entrar em vigor / This work accesses the presidential vetoes occurred in Brazil from October/1988, when the current Constitution was approved, to December/2000. Its goal is to identify events that may be related to the use of the veto, which can help foreseeing its occurrence. The analyzed database contains the 1322 bills approved during that period, excluding appropriations bills and those presented by the Judiciary. Near twenty variables are observed, divided in two groups: one containing factors directly linked to the projects and their legislative procedures; the other composed by factors concerning the political environment and the general conditions of the Executive-Legislative relation. The hypothesis is that the variables in the first group have much bigger impact on the chances of a veto occurring than the variables in the second group. This indicates that there is no such thing as a veto-prone political context, and that the vetoes occur due to a case-to-case basis analysis. The results obtained by logistical regressions and post-estimative tests support the hypothesis, and show a crucial difference between line-item vetoes and total vetoes. The formers are hard to predict, and are affected by a high number of factors, while the last are systematically used against bills proposed by the legislators , preventing them to become effective
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El presidencialismo populista : sus efectos en el sistema político argentino contemporáneo / Le présidentialisme populiste : ses effets sur le système politique argentin contemporain / Populist presidentialism : its effects on Argentina’s contemporary political systemBurdman, Julio 12 May 2015 (has links)
La Constitution argentine de 1853, comme toutes les constitutions de l'Amérique latine du XIXe siècle, a établi un rôle central du président dans le système politique. Mais ce système, bien que potentiellement démocratique, limitait la participation populaire. Les constituants de 1853 croyaient que la démocratisation du régime se produirait par le Congrès, ayant le pouvoir de représentation. Mais ce qui est arrivé était différent: la présidence étant le centre du système, lorsque les réformes démocratiques du XXe siècle se produisent, une relation entre le président et le public a été institué. Et donc, la présidence a été transformée en quelque chose de très différent de ce que les fondateurs des institutions argentines avaient envisagé. Le président moderne, ou populiste, a un pouvoir électoral incontesté et est devenu le sujet de la représentation populaire. Et en conséquence, le président est devenu aussi l'agent principal du changement dans les politiques publiques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de conceptualiser la relation entre le président et le public, appelé «présidentialisme populiste» comme l'un des trois dimensions institutionnelles du pouvoir présidentiel. Cette transformation structurelle de la présidence a également impliqué un certain nombre de changements dans le système politique. La centralité électorale de l'exécutif, en particulier la présidence, a fait que des processus institutionnels comme les élections législatives, les stratégies de nouveaux partis politiques ou les interprétations de l'opinion publique soient trop orientées vers la présidence. La centralité de la présidence est donc en augmentation. La conclusion de cette thèse, qui ouvre un programme de recherche, c'est que le système présidentiel ne doit pas être abandonné, mais que le législateur devrait envisager des mécanismes pour réglementer et équilibrer les effets du présidentialisme populiste. / The Argentine Constitution of 1853, like most Latin American constitutions of the nineteenth century, established a central role of the president in the political system. But this system, although potentially democratic, was limiting popular participation. The framers of 1853 believed that the democratization of the regime would occur by Congress, which was designed with representational powers. But what actually happened was different: being the presidency the center of the system, when the democratic reforms of the XXth century took place, a new relationship between the president and the public was established. And so, the presidency has been transformed into something very different from what the founders of Argentine institutions might have thought. The modern, or populist, president has an undisputed electoral power and became the subject of popular representation. And as a result, the president has also become the main agent of change in public policy. In this thesis, we propose to conceptualize the relationship between the president and the public, called "populist presidentialism" as one of the three institutional dimensions of presidential power. This structural transformation of the presidency has also involved a number of changes in the political system. The electoral centrality of the executive power, mainly the presidency, that some institutional processes such as elections, the strategies of new political parties or public opinion beliefs are too oriented towards the presidency, and therefore its centrality is still increasing. The conclusion of this thesis, which opens a research agenda on presidential powers in Latin America, is that the presidential system should not be abandoned, but that the legislator should consider mechanisms to regulate and balance the effects of the populist presidentialism.
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Brazilská levice na počátku 21. století. Od politické alternativy k mocenskému kartelu? / Brazilian Left at the beginning of the 21st Century. From Political Alternative to Cartel of Power?Němec, Jan January 2005 (has links)
The thesis deals with the transformation of the Brazilian Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT). Its aim is to identify reasons for more than a decade interval between the renewal of direct presidential election under the universal suffrage and the victory of the left in a society that is marked by extreme inequality of wealth distribution. The second issue which is covered is how the party managed to consolidate power and keep it for three consecutive terms. Using modified concepts of mass, catch-all and cartel party the author tests the hypothesis that the electoral victory of the left was conditioned by the domination of the leftist side of political spectrum by the PT, as a result of building a mass (program-oriented) party, which subsequently tailored its campaign to focus on centrist voters (shift to the catch-all format, or votes-oriented party). The maintenance of power is based on crafting oversized coalitions with parties across the political spectrum, i.e. including the right-wing parties. However, these coalitions are created only to support government; the Workers' Party never forms electoral coalitions with prominent rightest parties. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the functioning of the so-called coalitional presidentialism, the typologies of current leftist governments in Latin America and also presents the basic elements of the Brazilian political system.
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Mecanismo de alinhamento de preferências em governos multipartidários: controle de políticas públicas no presidencialismo brasileiro / Preferences alignment in multiparty governments: control of public policy in the Brazilian presidentialismVictor Augusto Araújo Silva 02 February 2016 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que, no presidencialismo multipartidário brasileiro, as políticas públicas implementadas pelo Executivo são resultantes do processo de agregação de preferências dos diferentes atores partidários que integram o gabinete de governo. Posto que os partidos aceitam integrar coalizões de governo em função da expectativa de agregar suas preferências à agenda de políticas do Executivo, os conflitos intragabinete são derivados da não efetivação desta expectativa. Argumento que, embora sejam delegadas aos integrantes do gabinete áreas ministeriais específicas, os partidos da coalizão monitoram as áreas de policy dos seus parceiros de governo, na tentativa de diminuir a assimetria de informação e agregar suas preferências às políticas que lhes interessam. Para tanto, investigo de que forma os parlamentares utilizam as suas prerrogativas de controle horizontal - [i] Requerimentos de Informação (RIC), [ii] Propostas de Fiscalização e Controle (PFC) e [iii] Projeto de Decreto Legislativo (PDC) - para obter informações sobre a implementação de políticas nos ministérios dos partidos parceiros do gabinete. A análise compreende o período entre 1995 e 2014, nos governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), Luís Inácio da Silva (LULA) e Dilma Rousseff (DILMA). As evidências apresentadas neste trabalho sugerem que a taxa de controle horizontal intragabinete varia positivamente com o grau de dispersão de preferências dos partidos representados no governo. Em função da motivação policyseeking dos atores que integram o gabinete, os partidos que possuem mais recursos para a implementação de políticas públicas são também aqueles que recebem o maior volume de controle dos seus parceiros de gabinete. Como consequência, são os partidos da coalizão de governo os principais responsáveis por monitorar as ações de implementação de políticas públicas do Executivo. Ao contrário do que ocorre no momento de formulação das políticas no gabinete e no parlamento, o peso legislativo dos partidos integrantes do governo importa pouco para a capacidade destes atores agregarem suas preferências às policies. Isso explica o que ganham os partidos que aceitam integrar as coalizões de governo e revela qual o mecanismo que viabiliza a manutenção de um pacto político firmado entre atores com preferências distintas e heterogêneas. / The aim of this study is to show that public policies implemented by the executive branch in the Brazilian multiparty presidential system are the result of aggregating the preferences of different party members within the government cabinet. Parties agree to integrate into the coalition government because they expect to be able to add their preferences to the government policy agenda. However, when parties are unable to influence the policy agenda, it often results in intra-cabinet conflicts. I argue that, although the chief executive delegates specific portfolios to each cabinet member, the parties scrutinize the policies carried out by the government members in an attempt to reduce the asymmetric information and add their preferences to policies that concern them. For this purpose, I investigate how legislative membres use their horizontal control prerogative - [i] Requerimentos de Informação (RIC), [ii] Propostas de Fiscalização e Controle (PFC) e [iii] Projeto de Decreto Legislativo (PDC) - to obtain information on the policy process of policy implementation within the portfolios held by cabinet members. This study analyzes data from 1995 to 2014, in the Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), Luís Inácio da Silva (LULA) and Dilma Rousseff (DILMA) administrations. The evidence presented in this study suggests that the intra-cabinet horizontal control varies positively with the degree of dispersion of policy preferences in the cabinet government. As a result of the policy-seeking motivation of the actors who comprise the government coalition, parties with more resources for the implementation of public policies are also those that receive the greatest amount of control over other members of the cabinet. Thus, the government coalition parties are primarily responsible for monitoring the implementation of federal programs. Unlike what is observed at the time of policy formulation in the cabinet and in parliament, the proportion of coalition seats/votes a member contributed is of small importance to the ability of these actors to aggregate their prefered policies. This explains what the parties receive when they agree to integrate into the cabinet and reveals the mechanism that enables the maintenance of a political pact between actors with different and heterogeneous preferences.
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