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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Vill du att jag ska hålla dig i handen pappa?” : Alkoholism och psykisk ohälsa i svensk arbetarlitteratur skildrat ur ett barnperspektiv

Johansson, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur alkoholism och psykisk ohälsa skildras i svensk arbetarlitteratur ur ett barnperspektiv. Uppsatsen gör detta genom att undersöka Svinalängorna (2006), Mig äger ingen (2007) och Korparna (2011). Uppsatsen kretsar kring följande forskningsfrågor: •Vilken effekt får barnperspektivet i verken? •Hur förhåller sig omvärlden till karaktärernas alkoholism och eventuella psykiska komplikationer? •Hur skildras arbetaren i verken? Uppsatsen undersöker dessa frågor genom att nyttja fokalisering,  forskning om psykisk- ohälsa samt begreppen autofiktion och arbetarlitteratur. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att verken passar väl in i definitionerna av arbetarlitteratur och autofiktion och förhåller sig till det. Uppsatsen fastställer även att barnperspektivet som finns i verken bidrar till en djupare upplevelse och  gör att läsaren kommer närmare händelserna. Uppsatsen kommer dessutom fram till att omvärldens hantering av att personer i verket mår dåligt är undermålig. Inget händer och det ignoreras till största del. Slutligen kommer uppsatsen fram till att arbetaren skildringen är en skarp kritik mot dåtidens arbetsförhållanden. Dessutom så skildras de som uppgivna och i högsta grad självdestruktiva.

"Naken in - naken ut" i fåmansaktiebolag / "Naked in - Naked out" in Closely Held Companies

Ronvall, Elin January 2018 (has links)
“Naken in - naken ut” är en värderingsprincip som föreskrivs i aktieägaravtal. “Naken in - naken ut” används för att kvalificerade anställda i bolaget ska kunna förvärva aktier och bli delägare i bolaget till ett mycket litet belopp, samtidigt som avyttringen av aktierna sedan sker till samma belopp som förvärvet skedde för. Den enda vinst aktieägaren gör med sitt aktieförvärv är att den utdelning som sker från bolaget efter varje räkenskapsårsslut, kan beskattas mer förmånligt i inkomst av kapital än vanlig inkomstbeskattning. För att värderingsprincipen ska fungera behöver det föreskrivas flera överlåtelsebegränsningar i både bolagsordning och aktieägaravtal, för att aktiernas marknad ska göras i princip obefintlig. “Naken in - naken ut” är av den anledningen tvådelad där den ena delen av värderingsprincipen föreskriver värdet på aktierna, medan den andra delen av värderingsprincipen föreskriver aktiernas marknad. I uppsatsen fastställs vad “naken in - naken ut” är. I uppsatsen analyseras även vilka överlåtelsebegränsningar som behövs, för bolag som tillämpar “naken in - naken ut”. En relevant fråga som analyseras i uppsatsen är om aktierna i ett bolag där “naken in - naken ut” används kan få en annan värdering än den som “naken in - naken ut” föreskriver i aktieägaravtalet. Vidare är frågor av relevans om “naken in - naken ut” alltid gäller inom aktieägarkretsen och om “naken in - naken ut” gäller gentemot tredje man.

Kamerabevakning utan tillståndskrav på platser där allmänheten inte äger tillträde – ett hot mot den personliga integriteten? / Camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access – a threat against personal integrity?

Khatun, Rahima January 2022 (has links)
In Sweden, camera surveillance in places where the public own access is regulated by a permit. This entails a lack of permit requirement for camera surveillance in places where the public does not own access. Such places can consist of a privacy- sensitive character. Surveillance constitutes processing of personal data where- upon the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be complied with.Article 6 of the GDPR stipulates various legal bases that must be met in the processing of personal data. The ones who conduct surveillance in places where the public does not own access often fails to make correct legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as displayed by various supervisory de- cisions issued by the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. In this light, the purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyze how the ones who conduct sur- veillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection consider the personal integrity of the camera monitored individual in the assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. Because of the differences be- tween the legal assessments made by the ones who conduct camera surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, the thesis also intends to shed light on the consequences that arise for the camera monitored individual by the fact that their personal integrity is assessed in different ways.The thesis also aims to evaluate the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protec- tions’ supervisory work in relation to both personal integrity and the compliance with Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is important as most of the camera surveillance takes place without a permit requirement and the fact that there is a lack of knowledge prevailing to the number of cameras in use. It is important that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is well-functioning since the ones who conduct surveillance carry out the legal assessments incorrectly. The risk with insufficient supervisory work is that per- sonal integrity is violated and that the GDPR is ineffectual in the long run.In general, it can be said that the legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR are poorly carried out by both the ones who conduct surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. This primarily affects the cam- era monitored individuals’ personal integrity. Because of the indications of short- comings in the supervisory work, there are several improvement measures that can be taken to maintain personal integrity and ensure that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection continue to constitute an important function.

Kamerabevakning utan tillståndskrav på platser där allmänheten inte äger tillträde – ett hot mot den personliga integriteten?

Khatun, Rahima January 2022 (has links)
In Sweden, camera surveillance in places where the public own access is regulated by a permit. This entails a lack of permit requirement for camera surveillance in places where the public does not own access. Such places can consist of a privacy-sensitive character. Surveillance constitutes processing of personal data whereupon the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be complied with.  Article 6 of the GDPR stipulates various legal bases that must be met in the processing of personal data. The ones who conduct surveillance in places where the public does not own access often fails to make correct legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as displayed by various supervisory decisions issued by the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. In this light, the purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyze how the ones who conduct surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection consider the personal integrity of the camera monitored individual in the assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. Because of the differences between the legal assessments made by the ones who conduct camera surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, the thesis also intends to shed light on the consequences that arise for the camera monitored individual by the fact that their personal integrity is assessed in different ways. The thesis also aims to evaluate the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work in relation to both personal integrity and the compliance with Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is important as most of the camera surveillance takes place without a permit requirement and the fact that there is a lack of knowledge prevailing to the number of cameras in use. It is important that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is well-functioning since the ones who conduct surveillance carry out the legal assessments incorrectly. The risk with insufficient supervisory work is that personal integrity is violated and that the GDPR is ineffectual in the long run. In general, it can be said that the legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR are poorly carried out by both the ones who conduct surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. This primarily affects the camera monitored individuals’ personal integrity. Because of the indications of shortcomings in the supervisory work, there are several improvement measures that can be taken to maintain personal integrity and ensure that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection continue to constitute an important function.

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