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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citizen participation in fossil-fuel free energy development : A case study of the Samsø Renewable Energy Island (Denmark)

Krause, Katharina Mara January 2021 (has links)
In the upcoming years there will be a growing need for sustainable energy transitions in a local as well as global context, making it necessary to gain a better understanding of factors influencing their success. In this context, citizen participation is considered an important tool in achieving sustainable energy transitions, as the active participation of the local population may help in lowering obstacles, such as resistance against planned projects. This case study focuses on the role citizen participation plays in the fossil-fuel free energy development on the Danish island Samsø, often referred to as Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island. A qualitative case study approach, centered around expert interviews with stakeholders and relevant policy papers, was adopted. Among other things, a focus on dialogue in participation could be observed, and emerging forms of participation were identified. Citizen participation on Samsø seems to be impacted by its situation as an island and seems relevant especially in legitimatizing the transition and providing relevant resources, however some drawbacks, such as higher difficulties in reaching agreements, could also be observed. For future projects, the findings seem to suggest the need for citizen participation, together with a need for some sort of formal planning and the acknowledgment that ever-changing external and internal conditions, together with the specific local conditions, may impact the way in which participation can and should be implemented.

Phase Out the Old to Phase In the New: Managing the Heat Transition in Leiden, the Netherlands

Dekking, Anoek January 2021 (has links)
By 2050, the Netherlands wants to reduce its use of natural gas for heating to zero. Currently, over 90%of houses are dependent on the fossil resource to warm their houses. As such, the phase-out of natural gas hasbecome an important policy project. The government delegated the formulation of the phase-out strategy andexecution to the 347 municipalities. This thesis examines how one municipality, Leiden, has formulated andimplemented this strategy. In doing so, the thesis addresses two matters in the literature on energy transitionswhich have received little attention: heating and deliberate decline. Traditionally, the focus within this field hasbeen on electricity and innovation. This thesis aims to find out to what extent the Transition Management (TM)framework by Derk Loorbach (2010) can be applied as a guide to a phase-out policy formulation process of theWarmtevisie of the Dutch municipality of Leiden. The thesis uses the process tracing methodology to combinedata generated from document analysis and two interviews with policy makers involved in the policy formulationprocess. By comparing the process followed in Leiden with the analytical framework of TM, the thesis shows thatthe TM framework could be used to guide to the phase-out policy formulation process to a large extent. However,the case study also shows that knowledge and expertise must increase substantially for a sound strategy to emerge.Additionally, it shows that even within phase-out strategies the focus remains on innovation practises.

Exploring the Future of Urban Development in the Region of Stockholm : Promotion of adolescent’s mental health and well-being through experimental governance

Perinajova, Barbora January 2023 (has links)
This thesis will explore the possible obstacles among Region Stockholm municipalities in promoting adolescents’ mental health and well-being through experimental governance. The thesis will examine the municipal and non-municipal points of view on specifically promoting adolescents’ mental health and well-being through experimental governance in the Swedish context with the use of urban sustainability transitions and transition management frameworks. The urban sustainability transitions will help us understand the role of cities in creating new modes of urban governing processes. In addition, the use of a transition management framework will help us to understand the importance of shifting from traditional management approaches by rather placing greater focus on innovative and design-oriented methods. This approach highlights the importance of learning by doing process rather than a reaching specific destination. In addition, I will use a qualitative research design that uses the methods of semi- structured interviews. The empirical findings are analysed with the help of thematic analysis through the theoretical frameworks and concepts. It has been demonstrated an observable slow- paced adoption of experimental governance, insufficient specific promotion of adolescents’ mental health and well-being, and distant relationship between experimental governance and promotion specifically adolescents’ mental health and well-being in the urban planning process.

A regenerative urban stormwater management methodology. The role of SuDS construction and monitoring in the transition of a Mediterranean city

Perales Momparler, Carmen Sara 21 December 2015 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Under the well-known slogan 'think global, act local', cities in the 21st century face the enor-mous challenge of catalyzing, intensifying and accelerating sustainable urban transformations. Without losing a holistic view, the methodology presented in this thesis places the focus on 're-source management and climate mitigation and adaptation', in particular in urban stormwater management, proposing processes that can bring about the required change, shaped by the place-based approach of the regenerative sustainability paradigm. Building upon literature and practice that supports a flexible approach to stormwater manage-ment in urban environments that mimic natural processes and predevelopment hydrology (Sus-tainable Drainage Systems, SuDS) as one way to, amongst others, help to prevent and adapt to climate change, the thesis highlights the relevance of the connection to the place for adoption of best practices that conduct towards a regenerative system. Hence, it incorporates this con-nection to the place to the SuDS representation, naming it the SuDS 'landed rocket'. The proposed methodology includes a conceptual framework, specific method and tools, that allows for the understanding and the characterization of the current situation of a urban stormwater system in a process that guides future actions to move towards the desired regen-erative urban built environment concept, with a place-based holistic view. This methodology has been applied to Benaguasil, a Mediterranean city, where stormwater management is the local authority's responsibility and has been historically guided by main-stream conventional drainage practices. The thesis shows how, by taking a multi-dimensional and trans-disciplinary approach to solve environmental problems, future actions can be proper-ly addressed. Working with academia has been essential to develop wider evidence base. In this case, a sequence of research projects has advanced the innovative approach to stormwater management in Benaguasil, but it is contended that this methodology could be applied to any urban context. The thesis aims to enhance smart governance by providing information about the successful implementation and monitoring of SuDS showcase sites in Mediterranean Spain. These show-case sites are catalysts in the transition towards regenerative urban built environments in the region. In addition, it provides international examples that add further credence for improved urban ecological infrastructure by demonstrating what success can look like. / [ES] Bajo el conocido eslogan 'piensa global, actúa local', las ciudades del siglo XXI se enfrentan al gran reto de catalizar, intensificar y acelerar las transformaciones hacia un urbanismo sostenible. Desde una perspectiva holística, la metodología presentada en esta tesis se centra en 'la gestión de los recursos y la adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático', en particular en la gestión de las escorrentías urbanas, proponiendo los procesos que pueden ayudar al cambio requerido, bajo el enfoque del paradigma de la sostenibilidad regenerativa local. A partir de las referencias bibliográficas y experiencias que avalan a los Sistemas de Drenaje Sostenible (SuDS) como enfoque flexible a la gestión de las escorrentías urbanas, tratando de mimetizar los procesos hidrológicos previos al desarrollo urbano (que entre otros, contribuyen a la prevención y adaptación frente al cambio climático de las ciudades), la tesis subraya la relevancia de la conexión con el lugar para la selección de las mejores soluciones que lo conduzcan hacia un sistema regenerativo. Así, se incorpora esta conexión con el lugar a la representación de los SuDS, dándole el nombre de 'SuDS landed rocket'. La metodología propuesta incluye un marco conceptual, un método y herramientas específicas que permiten el entendimiento y caracterización de la situación actual de un sistema de drenaje urbano en un proceso que guíe acciones futuras para progresar hacia el concepto del medioambiente urbano regenerativo deseado, con una perspectiva holística local. La metodología se ha aplicado en Benaguasil, una ciudad mediterránea, donde la gestión del agua de lluvia es responsabilidad local y que ha estado influenciada históricamente por prácticas convencionales de drenaje. La tesis muestra cómo adoptando un enfoque multidimensional y multidisciplinar para resolver problemas medioambientales, las acciones futuras se pueden plantear correctamente. El trabajo con las instituciones académicas se ha demostrado esencial para desarrollar evidencias de base más amplias. En este caso, una serie de proyectos de investigación ha permitido el avance de Benaguasil hacia una gestión del agua de lluvia más innovadora. La experiencia demuestra que la metodología podría ser aplicada a cualquier otro contexto urbano. La tesis pretende mejorar la gobernanza inteligente proveyendo información respecto de la implementación y monitorización exitosas de SuDS en experiencias piloto en la España mediterránea. Estas demostraciones son catalizadoras de la transición hacia un medio ambiente urbano regenerativo en la región. Además, presenta ejemplos que se añaden al catálogo internacional de experiencias, mostrando el camino del éxito hacia un entorno urbano más saludable y habitable. / [CA] Sota el conegut lema 'pensa global, actua local', les ciutats del segle XXI s'enfronten al gran repte de catalitzar, intensificar i accelerar les transformacions cap a un urbanisme sostenible. Des d'una perspectiva holística, la metodologia presentada en esta tesis es centra en 'la gestió dels recursos i la adaptació i mitigació al canvi climàtic', en particular en la gestió de les escorrenties urbanes, proposant processos que poden ajudar al canvi requés, des d'una òptica del paradigma de la sostenibilitat regenerativa local. A partir de les referències bibliogràfiques i experiències que avalen els Sistemes de Drenatge Sostenible (SuDS) com una aproximació flexible a la gestió de les escorrenties urbanes, tractant de mimetitzar els processos hidrològics previs al desenvolupament urbà (que entre altres, contribueixen a la prevenció i adaptació al canvi climàtic de les ciutats), la tesis subratlla la rellevància de la connexió al lloc per a la selecció de les millors solucions que el puguen conduir cap a un sistema regeneratiu. D'esta manera, s'incorpora esta connexió al lloc en la representació dels SuDS, donant-li el nom de 'SuDS landed rocket'. La metodologia proposta inclou un marc conceptual, un mètode i unes eines especifiques que permeten l'enteniment i caracterització de la situació actual d'un sistema de drenatge urbà en un procés que guie accions futures per a progressar cap al concepte de medi ambient urbà regeneratiu desitjat, amb una perspectiva holística local. La metodologia s'ha aplicat a Benaguasil, una ciutat mediterrània, on la gestió de l'aigua de pluja és responsabilitat local, i que ha estat influenciada històricament per pràctiques convencionals de drenatge. La tesis mostra com adoptant un punt de mira multidimensional i multidisciplinari per a resoldre problemes medi ambientals, les accions futures es poden plantejar correctament. El treball amb les institucions acadèmiques s'ha demostrat essencial per a crear evidències de base més amples. En este cas, una sèrie de projectes europeus d'investigació ha permès l'avanç de Benaguasil cap a una gestió de l'aigua de pluja més innovadora. L'experiència demostra que la metodologia podria ser aplicada a qualsevol altre context urbà. La tesis pretén millorar la governança intel¿ligent aportant informació respecte de la implementació i monitorització exitoses de SuDS en experiències pilot en la Espanya mediterrània. Estes demostracions son catalitzadores de la transició cap a un medi ambient urbà regeneratiu en la regió. A més a més, presenta exemples que s'afegeixen al catàleg internacional d'experiències, mostrant el camí del èxit cap a un entorn urbà més saludable i habitable. / Perales Momparler, CS. (2015). A regenerative urban stormwater management methodology. The role of SuDS construction and monitoring in the transition of a Mediterranean city [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59063 / Compendio


The collaboration between Swedish energy industry companies and municipalities is studiedin this thesis, along with how it affects eco-innovation projects. The urgent demand to reducegreenhouse gas emissions and slow down climate change is what motivates this research.Through the lenses of transition management and institutional theory, this research aims tofigure out how institutional forces shape the interactions, collaboration, and strategiesbetween municipalities and firms . Using a case study research design, this study focuses onSwedish municipally owned energy companies. Semi-structured interviews and documentanalysis are two methods used in data collection. The results show that collaboration betweenfirms and municipalities has a significant impact on how eco-innovation projects are carriedout through channels. The strategic and operational nature of this relationship influences bothshort-term and long-term sustainability objectives. It also emphasizes the significance of thechannels which are knowledge sharing, decision-making procedures, and strategy alignmentto the progress of eco-innovation. Potential paths for future research, such as studying thedynamics of collaboration in various situations and assessing the impact of differentownership structures on eco-innovation is identified.

A psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners : development and evaluation

Hong, Hee Jung January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to extend sport career transition knowledge by developing and evaluating a psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners. Study 1 provides an extensive overview of organisational intervention programmes for sport career transition, as well as of training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners from 19 countries worldwide. The purpose of Study 1 was to examine the following five features of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes and training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners: 1) At the government level, which organisation is responsible for the delivery of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 2) What is the typical strategy of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 3) Which activities and events are included in sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 4) Who is responsible for the delivery of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? and 5) Do sporting organisations have training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners? Findings from Study 1 were used to inform Study 2 and to supplement the literature review. According to the literature, training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners remain scarce, while the number of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes is gradually increasing. The purpose of Study 2 was to develop and evaluate a novel psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners. There were three stages of development and evaluation: (1) content development, (2) curriculum design and (3) curriculum evaluation. To achieve the goal of Study 2, a focus group and a two-round Delphi method were implemented. The final version of the psycho-educational curriculum is presented in Chapter 5. The purpose of Study 3 was to test a key aspect of the psycho-educational curriculum developed in Study 2 concerning 38 competences of sport career transition practitioners. A curriculum package consisting in the key parts from the overall curriculum was developed for Study 3. The findings revealed that the curriculum package positively affected the confidence of the study participants in 38 competences concerning sport career transition. This demonstrates that the curriculum is effective for the development of sport career transition practitioners, as the study participants exhibited greater confidence on all four factorsDual Career Transition Management, Skill Transfer, Social Support, and Career Planningwhen completing the curriculum package. The discussion in Chapter 7 focuses on both the theoretical and practical implications of the research, limitations and future research directions. In conclusion, the findings presented here deepen the knowledge of sport career transition in the areas of organisational intervention programmes for high performance athletes and training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners. In addition, a novel psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners is developed and evaluated.

Integrated network application management (INAM)

Nelson, Mark D. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis attempts to create a desire for change in DoD's current approach to Network Application Management (NAM). The evolution of NAM into Integrated Network Application Management (INAM) is a crucial component of Network Centric Warfare and achieving Information Superiority and Interoperability. INAM is outlined as three functional requirements, which are Network Awareness, Mission Prioritization linkage to Network Resources, and the Balancing of Service Management. Scenarios play a key role in illustrating the new threats that DoD faces today. These scenarios also identify limitations and challenges to NAM as it exists today. These challenges require significant improvements in flexibility and responsiveness, while providing for wide integration. Trends supporting change are identified in this thesis. Two of the more important trends are the rise of Architectural and Object Oriented Development. Examples such as Training and Testing Enabled Architecture (TENA), Surveillance and Target Acquisition Network (STAN), and Virtual Proving Ground (VPG) are clear examples of these trends. The merging of the Computer Industry's efforts to expand the reach of Operating Systems with the traditional efforts from Network Management is also a trend that is examined. Organizations like Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) are important to such examinations. Successful change can not be achieved without planning for the transition. This thesis also presents some active transition efforts addressing Network Centric Warfare. TENA, VPG and Naval Postgraduate School's Information Technology Management Master's Program provide three examples of addressing transition in DoD. / Civilian, United States Army Yuma Proving Ground

Ontario’s Home First Approach, Care Transitions, and the Provision of Care: The Perspectives of Home First Clients and Their Family Caregivers

English, Christine 23 May 2013 (has links)
Home First is an Ontario transition management approach that attempts to reduce the pressure on hospital and Long Term Care (LTC) beds through early discharge planning, the provision of timely and appropriate home care, and the delay of LTC placement. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to obtain descriptions from South Eastern Ontario Home First clients and their family caregivers of their experiences with and thoughts about care transitions, the provision of care, and the Home First approach. The goal was to enable insight into the Home First approach, care transitions, and the provision of care through access to the perspectives of study participants. Nine semi structured interviews (and one or more follow-up calls for each interview) with Home First clients discharged from hospitals in South East Ontario and their family caregivers were conducted and their content analyzed. All participating Home First clients were pleased to be home from hospital and did not consider LTC placement a positive option. All had family involved with their care and used a mix of formal and informal services to meet their care needs. Four general themes were identified: (a) maintaining independence while responding (or not) to risks, (b) constraints on care provision, (c) communication is key, and (d) relationship matters. Although all Home First clients participating in the study were discharged home successfully, a sense of partnership between health care providers, families, and clients was often lacking. The Home First approach may be successfully addressing hospital alternative level of care issues and getting people home where they want to be, but it is also putting increasing demands on formal and informal community caregivers. There is room for improvement in how well their needs and those of care recipients are being met. Health professionals and policy makers must ask caregivers and recipients about their concerns and provide them with appropriate resources and information if they want them to become true partners on the care team. / Thesis (Master, Rehabilitation Science) -- Queen's University, 2013-05-23 16:10:53.323

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