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Papel da tomografia de impedância elétrica em pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial pulmonar / Electrical impedance tomography in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertensionAndre Luiz Dresler Hovnanian 27 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) é uma doença grave da circulação pulmonar, cuja adequada caracterização ainda depende do cateterismo cardíaco direito. A tomografia de impedância elétrica (TIE) é uma ferramenta de imagem não-invasiva que permite a estimativa a beira-leito da perfusão pulmonar através da medida da variação de impedância durante a sístole (deltaZQ). Embora a busca por métodos não-invasivos que possam descrever a HAP venha crescendo, dados a respeito da aplicação da TIE em pacientes com HAP permanecem escassos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a relação entre deltaZQ e perfil hemodinâmico, gravidade e prognóstico de pacientes com HAP. MÉTODOS: Pacientes acompanhados na Unidade de Circulação Pulmonar (InCor-HCFMUSP) e submetidos ao cateterismo cardíaco (por suspeita de HAP ou piora clínica) foram simultaneamente avaliados com a TIE. Foi possível medir deltaZQ por meio de acoplamento eletrocardiográfico. A variação de impedância relativa à ventilação (deltaZV) e a relação deltaZV/deltaZQ também foram analisadas. Com base nos resultados do cateterismo, os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos: HAP e aqueles com hemodinâmica normal, nomeados normopressóricos (NP). deltaZQ, deltaZV/deltaZQ e deltaZQ corrigido pelo parâmetro antropométrico peso (deltaZQ*p) foram comparados entre os grupos, correlacionados com parâmetros hemodinâmicos invasivos e analisados como preditores de mortalidade. RESULTADOS: Após o cateterismo, 35 pacientes compuseram o grupo HAP e 8 pacientes, o NP. Os pacientes com HAP apresentaram redução significativa de deltaZQ em comparação aos NP, bem como aumento na relação deltaZV/deltaZQ. Observou-se correlação entre deltaZQ e parâmetros hemodinâmicos, particularmente volume sistólico (VS) (r = 0,66, r2 = 0,43; p < 0,001). O parâmetro peso aumentou a correlação entre deltaZQ e VS (r = 0,77, r2 = 0,59; p < 0,001). Durante o período de estudo, 7 pacientes morreram; eles apresentavam perfil hemodinâmico pior, redução de deltaZQ comparados aos sobreviventes e uma desproporção ainda maior da relação deltaZV/deltaZQ. A sobrevida global em 36 meses foi de 65%. A sobrevida foi menor no grupo de pacientes com deltaZQ*p < 154,6% ou deltaZV/deltaZQ > 12. CONCLUSÕES: A medida de deltaZQ, particularmente corrigida pelo peso, está associada ao perfil hemodinâmico de pacientes com HAP, e sua redução, associada com gravidade de doença e pior prognóstico / BACKGROUND: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe disease of the pulmonary circulation, which still relies on the right heart catheterization (RHC) for its accurate characterization. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive image tool that allows the bedside estimation of lung perfusion through the measurement of impedance variation during systole (deltaZQ). Although the search for non-invasive methods for evaluation of PAH is developing, data concerning application of EIT in PAH patients remain scant. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the relationship between deltaZQ and the hemodynamic profile, severity, and prognosis of PAH patients. METHODS: Patients followed at the Pulmonary Circulation Unit (InCor-HCFMUSP) and submitted to RHC (due to the suspicion of PAH or clinical worsening) were simultaneously evaluated by means of EIT. It was possible to measure deltaZQ by producing ECG-gated EIT images. The impedance variation related to ventilation (deltaZV) and the deltaZV/deltaZQ ratio were also analyzed. Based on the results of RHC, patients were discriminated into 2 groups: PAH and those with normal hemodynamics, referred as normo-pressoric (NP) group. deltaZQ, deltaZVdeltaZQ, and deltaZQ corrected by the anthropometric parameter weight (deltaZQ*w) were compared between groups, correlated to hemodynamic parameters, and analyzed as predictors of mortality. RESULTS: After RHC, 35 patients composed the PAH group, and 8 patients, the NP one. PAH patients showed a significant reduction of deltaZQ as compared to NP, as well as an increase of deltaZV/deltaZQ. A significant correlation between deltaZQ and hemodynamic parameters was found, particularly with stroke volume (SV) (r = 0.66, R2 = 0.43; p < 0.001). Weight correction increased the correlation between deltaZQ and SV (r = 0.77, R2 = 0.59; p < 0.001). During the study period, 7 patients died; they presented a worse hemodynamic profile, reduction of deltaZQ compared to PAH survivors, and an even higher deltaZV/deltaZQ ratio. The overall survival at 36 months was 65%. Patients with deltaZQ*w < 154.6 Kg.% or deltaZV/deltaZQ >12 presented worse survival. CONCLUSIONS: deltaZQ, particularly corrected by weight, is associated with hemodynamic status of PAH patients and its reduction is associated with disease severity and worse prognosis
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Cell therapy for cardiac tissue repair by circulting stem cells/Thérapie cellulaire de réparation tissulaire cardiaque par cellules souches circulantesDelgaudine, Marie 13 December 2010 (has links)
Le traitement de pathologies cardiaques ischémiques est limité par labsence de capacité régénérative du myocarde. Plusieurs études ont suggéré le potentiel de régénération du myocarde des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH), mésenchymateuses (CSM) et des cellules progénitrices endothéliales (CPE). Une des stratégies envisageables en thérapie cellulaire est la mobilisation des cellules souches adultes de moelle osseuse (MO) dans le sang périphérique (SP) afin quelles puissent participer aux phénomènes de réparation tissulaire cardiaque. Le G-CSF est une cytokine puissante dont il a été démontré quelle pouvait améliorer la fonction et la perfusion cardiaque après un infarctus du myocarde, non seulement en mobilisant les cellules souches de la MO, mais également, en exerçant des effets cardioprotecteurs directs. Toutefois, des études complémentaires sont requises afin de clarifier lintérêt dun traitement complémentaire par du G-CSF chez les patients souffrant dinfarctus aigu du myocarde.
Lobjectif du travail est dévaluer plus précisément la capacité du G-CSF à mobiliser les CSH, les CSM et les CPE et dexaminer la contribution de ces cellules aux phénomènes de réparation tissulaire cardiaque après infarctus du myocarde.
Evaluation de la taille de linfarctus chez la souris par µSpect
Les modèles murins sont fréquemment utilisés pour étudier les mécanismes physiopathologiques cardiaques et tester les nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques ; toutefois, lévaluation de la fonction cardiaque reste plus difficile daccès que chez les gros animaux. Cest la raison pour laquelle nous avons mis au point un modèle dinfarctus du myocarde (IM) par occlusion de lartère coronaire chez la souris, mais également les techniques nécessaires à lexploration de la perfusion et de la fonction cardiaque.
Afin de suivre lévolution des paramètres hémodynamiques cardiaques fins dans notre modèle dIM, nous avons adapté les techniques déchocardiographie et de sonde à conductance pour leur usage chez la souris. Nous avons ensuite démontré que la technique du µSpect est réalisable chez la souris et permet une détermination précise de la taille de linfarctus. En effet, vu les très petites dimensions du cur de souris, nous avions besoin dune résolution spatiale élevée que nous offre le nouveau système de Spect (Linoview Spect) : celui-ci peut en effet différencier deux points éloignés de 0,35mm. Nous obtenons effectivement des images de qualité équivalente à celles obtenues dans les études cliniques humaines. Nous avons validé cette technique en démontrant une excellente corrélation entre la taille de la zone ischémiée mesurée par µSpect et celle obtenue par les techniques histologiques de coloration au TTC ou trichrome. Nous avons également observé un faible taux de variation des valeurs inter-observation ou inter-observateur.
Mobilisation des cellules progénitrices par du G-CSF chez des animaux sains
Avant dévaluer la contribution du G-CSF aux phénomènes de réparation du tissu cardiaque lésé suite à une diminution de la perfusion, nous avons tout dabord étudié la capacité du G-CSF à mobiliser les cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques (CPH), mésenchymateuses (CPM) et endothéliales (CPE). Nous voulions également vérifier limpact dun traitement par du G-CSF sur la perfusion ainsi que sur les performances du muscle cardiaque normal.
Nous avons démontré que l'administration de G-CSF chez les souris induit la mobilisation en périphérie de CPH, CPM et CPE, selon une cinétique spécifique à chaque type de cellules progénitrices. Cest après trois jours de traitement par du G-CSF que nous observons un nombre maximum des trois types de progéniteurs dans la SP ; ce serait donc le jour le plus approprié pour collecter par aphérèse une population enrichie en CPH, CPM et CPE. Toutefois, ce jour de collecte est à adapter spécifiquement à chaque type de cellules progénitrices.
Lanalyse échocardiographique et les mesures de pression-volume ont démontré que l'administration de G-CSF a un impact sur la fonction hémodynamique cardiaque. Ces données hémodynamiques ont révélé une relaxation anormale du cur, une compliance plus faible du ventricule gauche (VG) et une plus faible déformation du myocarde. Ces résultats pourraient suggérer que le G-CSF exerce un effet rigidifiant sur les parois ventriculaires. De plus, limagerie µSpect montre que la perfusion myocardique chez des souris saines est augmentée de façon importante, peu de temps après l'administration de G-CSF.
Mobilisation des cellules progénitrices après la survenue dun IM
Nous avons examiné si la survenue dun IM pouvait affecter le nombre de progéniteurs dans la moelle osseuse et le sang périphérique.
Nous avons observé que le nombre de CPH et de CFU-GM diminue aussi bien dans la moelle quen circulation, probablement en conséquence de l'inhibition post-inflammatoire de l'hématopoïèse. Les nombres de CPM et la CPE de la moelle ne varient pas, tandis que les CFU-F formées à partir des cellules médullaires diminuent. Ces trois paramètres augmentent considérablement dans le SP, indiquant une mobilisation importante de ces cellules progénitrices, en réponse à l'inflammation myocardique. Il apparaît clairement que les cellules progénitrices sont spécifiquement mobilisées suite à lIM et non pas chez les « sham-operated animals », alors que ces derniers subissent lentièreté de la chirurgie, à lexception de la ligature de lartère coronaire.
Mobilisation des cellules progénitrices par du G-CSF chez des animaux souffrant dIM
Nous avons étudié la contribution du G-CSF à la réparation du tissu cardiaque dans notre modèle murin de ligature de lartère coronaire. Limpact sur la survie, la fonction hémodynamique cardiaque et la perfusion, de 2 timings de traitement par du G-CSF a été étudiée par lusage complémentaire de léchographie, lévaluation hémodynamique à partir de boucle pression-volume et limagerie µSpect. Pour ce faire, les animaux ligaturés sont traités par du G-CSF, soit pendant 5 jours après linfarctus, soit pendant 5J avant et 5J après la chirurgie. Une semaine après linduction de lIM, les modifications fonctionnelles et structurelles induites par linfarctus et le traitement au G-CSF sont évaluées.
Les résultats que nous avons obtenus montrent que les CPM et les CPE sont davantage mobilisées dans le sang périphérique chez les souris souffrant dIM et traitées par du G-CSF que chez les animaux non traités. De plus, ladministration du G-CSF est nécessaire à la mobilisation des CPH après un IM aigu. Ladministration de G-CSF améliore la survie des animaux. En effet, la mortalité évolue de 30% chez les animaux non traités à 18% chez les animaux traités par du G-CSF dans les 5J qui suivent la ligature, et 0% de survie si les animaux sont traités 5J avant la ligature et 5J après. Le remodelage du VG est également amélioré par le G-CSF, comme le montre la diminution du poids du coeur et de la taille du VG. Nous avons alors évalué l'impact de l'administration de G-CSF sur le déficit de la perfusion et avons observé que ce paramètre, ainsi que la taille de linfarctus, sont sensiblement diminués après 10 jours de G-CSF. Nous obtenons également une évolution favorable de la perfusion entre les jours 1 et 7 chez les animaux recevant du G-CSF. Le nombre d'artérioles CD31 positives dans le coeur est également augmenté après un traitement par du G-CSF. Afin dévaluer plus précisément l'impact du traitement par du G-CSF sur la physiopathologie cardiaque chez des souris souffrant dIM, une évaluation hémodynamique de fonction cardiaque a été réalisée. Nous pouvons observer une amélioration de certains paramètres de la fonction cardiaque mais non de tous. En effet, 7 jours après la survenue de lIM, le débit cardiaque est presque totalement corrigé mais la fraction déjection du VG reste inchangée. Les paramètres de déformation du VG ne sont pas normalisés une semaine après linfarctus. Dun point de vue hémodynamique, la constante de relaxation augmente au-delà des valeurs normales après ladministration de G-CSF. De même, en fin de diastole, la pression augmente fortement, alors que le volume reste inchangé. Ces données indiquent à nouveau une altération de la relaxation du muscle cardiaque et une diminution de la compliance du VG chez les animaux traités par du G-CSF.
Ces résultats confirment le potentiel du G-CSF à mobiliser les cellules progénitrices dans le sang périphérique et leur possible contribution aux phénomènes de réparation cardiaque. Le développement dun traitement par du G-CSF dans les pathologies ischémiques cardiaques est un thérapeutique non invasive qui suscite un vif intérêt, mais qui nécessite des évaluations approfondies au travers détudes fondamentales et cliniques en double aveugle et randomisées. Il faut maintenant déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels le G-CSF exer
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Slaugytojų vaidmuo su šlapimo pūslės kateterizacija susijusių šlapimo takų infekcijų išsivystyme ir profilaktikoje / The role of the nurses in the development and prophylaxis of the catheter – associated urinary tract infectionsKilmanaitė, Oksana 17 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti slaugytojų vaidmenį su šlapimo pūslės kateterizacija susijusių šlapimo takų infekcijų išsivystyme ir profilaktikoje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti slaugytojų, dirbančių reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose, teorines žinias apie šlapimo takų infekcijas, jų rizikos veiksnius bei profilaktiką;
2. Įvertinti ar slaugytojos, dirbančios reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose, žino kaip taisyklingai atlikti šlapimo pūslės kateterizaciją laikantis slaugos procedūrų metodikos reikalavimų;
3. Nustatyti, kokias profilaktikos priemones bei metodus taiko reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyrių slaugytojos, kad būtų išvengta šlapimo takų infekcijų;
4. Pateikti praktines rekomendacijas.
Tiriamoji grupė: tyrime dalyvavo 104 slaugytojos, dirbančios KMUK, Kauno 2-osios klinikinės ligoninės, Kauno apskrities ligoninės ir Kauno Raudonojo Kryžiaus klinikinės ligoninės reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose.
Tyrimo metodai: anketinė apklausa ir statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2009 m. vasario – kovo mėnesiais.
Apklausai naudota nestandartizuota autorinė anketa, kuri buvo sudaryta remiantis literatūros analize ir Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministro įsakymu patvirtinta higienos norma HN 47-1:2008 “Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos. Higieninės ir epidemiologinės priežiūros reikalavimai.“, ir tyrėjos paruoštas veiklos testas. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys apdoroti naudojant SPSS 13.0 versijos statistinį duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the research – to find out what is the role of the nurses in the development and prophylaxis of the catheter – associated urinary tract infections.
Research tasks:
1. Evaluate the theoretical knowledge about the urinary tract infections and their risk’s factors and prophylaxis of the nurses working in the units of Intensive care;
2. Evaluate do the nurses working in the units of Intensive care know how to do the urinary bladder catheterization properly according to the requirements of the methodology of the care procedures;
3. Estimate what preventive measures and methods are used by the nurses of Intensive care units in order to avoid the urinary tract infections;
4. Give the practical recommendations.
Investigative group: 104 nurses working in the units of intensive care in Kaunas University Hospital, the Second Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Kaunas Regional Hospital and Kaunas Red Cross Hospital took part in this research.
The methods of the research: questionnaire and statistical data analyses. The research was made from January to March in the year 2009.
The nonstandard authorized questionnaire which was made according to the analyses of the literature and certified hygiene norm HN 47-1:2008 „Health Care Institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological care requirements.“ affirmed by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the test prepared by the researcher. The data received during the research chiseled using the SPSS 13.0 version of the... [to full text]
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Slaugytojo vaidmuo prižiūrint centrinius venos kateterius reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje / The role of the nurse in the maintenance of the central venous catheter in the reanimation and intensive care unitČerniauskaitė, Ina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti slaugytojo vaidmenį prižiūrint centrinių venos kateterius reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje. Darbo uždaviniai. Nustatyti centrinės venos kateterizacijos įtaką pagrindiniams pacientų gyvybinių funkcijų rodikliams. Ištirti, kokios dažniausiai pasitaiko centrinių venų komplikacijos ir jų priežastis. Išsiaiškinti slaugytojo veiksmus, padedančius sumažinti komplikacijų atsiradimo riziką. Ištirti reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos slaugytojų centrinių venų kateterių priežiūros žinias . Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Teorinė mokslinės literatūros, leidinių, publikacijų apžvalga. Dokumentų analizės metodas (panaudotas pacientų su centrinių venų kateteriais tyrimui). Asmeninio stebėjimo metodas. Atliktas 97 pacientų po centrinių venų kateterizacijų, pagrindinių gyvybinių funkcijų stebėjimas reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje. Reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos slaugytojų anketinė apklausa žinioms ištirti, dirbant su centrinių venų kateteriais. Gautų rezultatų aptarimas ir jų analizė. Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant „Microsoft Office Excel 2003“ ir SPSS 16,0 for Windows versijos statistinę programą Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Tam, kad būtų išsiaiškintas slaugytojos vaidmuo prižiūrint centrinius venos kateterius buvo atliktas stebėjimo tyrimas pacientų po centrinių venos kateterizacijų. Tyrimo metu Vilniaus Universiteto ligoninėje Santariškių klinikos I reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje nustatyta, kad centrinių venos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the study: to determine the role of a nurse in the maintenance of the central venous catheter (CVC) in the resuscitation and intensive care department. The objectives: to determine the influence of the central venous catheterization to the indexes of the main vital functions of the patients. To specify the most frequent venous complications and the reasons why they occur. To find out what nurses’ actions can reduce the risk of complications. To examine the professional knowledge of the nurses who work with central venous catheters in the resuscitation and intensive care departments. Research material and methods. Theoretical review of scientific literature, publications and articles. Document analysis method (utilized for the reasearch of patient’s with central venous catheters). Personal observation method. Observation of the main vital functions of 97 patients after central venous catheterization in the resuscitation and intensive care department. The questionnaire-based survey in order to examine the professional knowledge of the nurses who work with central venous catheters in the resuscitation and intensive care department. Discussion and analysis of the obtained results. Analysis of the statistical data using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 16,0 for Windows software packages. The results and conclusions of the study. In order to determine the role of a nurse for the maintenance of central venous catheter, the observation research was conducted with... [to full text]
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The influence of diet on plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride, and free fatty acid concentrations in healthy dogsKathryn Elliott Unknown Date (has links)
Diabetes mellitus is a frequent endocrinopathy in dogs. Exogenous insulin and nutritional management are the mainstays of therapy. High carbohydrate and fibre diets have been traditionally recommended for canine diabetes mellitus. However, recent studies in healthy and diabetic dogs have challenged the use of these traditional diabetic diets. In addition, dietary carbohydrate content was found to be the main determinant of postprandial blood glucose concentrations over 1.5 hours in healthy dogs. Increasing carbohydrate content increased blood glucose concentration. In a search of the literature, no studies in dogs were found comparing the effects on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride and free fatty acid concentrations of a traditionally recommended high carbohydrate and fibre diabetes diet with a moderate carbohydrate and fibre diet, or a commercially-available maintenance diet. Although fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations are commonly used for diagnosis and management of canine hyperlipidemia, a review of the literature found that in human beings, it may not to be predictive of the highest postprandial concentration. Importantly, in overweight and obese dogs with postprandial plasma triglyceride concentrations >5 mmol/L (>445 mg/dL), it was found there was a 6 fold increase in risk of laboratory evidence of exocrine pancreatic disease. However, there are limited studies on the effect of maintenance diets on postprandial plasma triglyceride concentrations in dogs, and no reference intervals determined for a triglyceride meal challenge test in healthy dogs. For the dietary studies in this thesis, animal welfare was of paramount importance, and minimally invasive peripheral venous catheterization and blood collection techniques were needed to collect 4 mL blood samples over 13 hours in conscious dogs. A search of the literature found no studies evaluating the reliability of using peripheral catheterization via the cephalic vein for the collection of larger blood volumes (for example, 4 mL). The aims of this thesis were firstly, to investigate the influence of three diets with varying carbohydrate and fibre content on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride and free fatty acid concentrations in healthy dogs over 12 hours; secondly, to develop a triglyceride meal challenge test and associated reference intervals; and finally, to evaluate a minimally invasive catheterization and blood collection technique for reliability in collecting the blood volumes required for these studies. For the studies in this thesis, twelve healthy dogs were fed each of three diets for three weeks in a three period cross-over design. For the meal response test at the end of each three-week period, 10 blood samples were collected over 13 hours. Reference intervals for fasting and postprandial triglyceride concentrations at single and multiple time points after eating a standard meal were determined in healthy dogs. Associations between fasting and postprandial triglyceride concentrations, and time to measure highest postprandial triglyceride concentration were also evaluated. Blood volume obtained, resistance on aspirating the blood sample, and methods used to improve blood flow during collection were recorded for the 358 samples collected. The results of the studies in this thesis demonstrated that a moderate carbohydrate diet resulted in lower peak and postprandial glucose concentrations compared with a traditional diabetic diet (CHO 55 %ME) and a maintenance diet (CHO 45 %ME). Fasting triglyceride concentrations were found not to be predictive of peak postprandial triglyceride concentrations. The highest triglyceride concentration measured at 2, 5, and 6 hours after eating had the closest agreement with peak postprandial triglyceride concentration. Glucose, insulin and triglyceride concentrations in some dogs were significantly above baseline concentrations at 12 hours after eating each of the diets. Of 358 blood samples collected, 93 % achieved the required 4 mL volume, while the remaining samples were greater than 1.5 mL, and 87 % were obtained with minimal resistance. It was concluded that the moderate carbohydrate and fibre test diet warrants evaluation in diabetic dogs. It was found that when following the same protocol, blood samples should be collected 2, 5, and 6 hours after eating to determine the highest postprandial plasma triglyceride concentration. For future nutritional studies, dogs may need to be fasted for at least 12 hours, and analytes measured over at least 12 hours after feeding to evaluate fasting and postprandial plasma analyte concentrations. Finally it was demonstrated that percutaneous catheterization of the cephalic vein using a 20-gauge catheter allows for successful collection of multiple 4 mL blood samples over 13 hours in conscious dogs. This thesis presents new information for future nutritional studies in healthy and diabetic dogs by suggesting that there may be no glycemic benefit feeding the high carbohydrate and fibre diet compared with a moderate carbohydrate and fibre diet. A triglyceride meal challenge test was developed to assist the diagnosis of canine hyperlipidemia. Finally, a minimally invasive method for obtaining serial blood samples was evaluated and described. These findings are expected to help in designing future studies in the nutritional management in healthy dogs, and dogs with diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia.
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Nurses' monitoring of central venous and pulmonary artery catheters after coronary artery bypass graft operationEllis, Margaret 28 February 2002 (has links)
A quantitative research design for a descriptive and contextual study to determine
the critical care nurses knowledge and data preferences regarding the central
venous and pulmonary artery catheters management and decision making after
coronary arte.y bypass graft operations and the utmzation period of the pulmonary
artery catheter after coronary artery bypass graft operations. The data was
collected through a questionnaire completed by critical care nurses and
retrospective analysis of patient records through a structured checklist. Data
analysis indicated the following: critical care nurses have a knowledge deficit in the
management of the central venous and pulmonary artery catheters and felt more
competent and confident in the central venous measurements. The utilization
period of the pulmonary artery catheter was 48% compared to the 100% of the
central venous catheter. / Advanced Nursing Science / M.A. (Advanced Nursing Science)
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Avaliação estatística e protocolo para uso de cateter central de inserção periférica na oncohematologia / Statistical evaluation and protocol for use of peripherally inserted central catheter in oncohematologyOliveira, Edinaldo Silva de 18 April 2017 (has links)
O Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (PICC) constitui-se de dispositivo intravenoso, instalado através de uma veia periférica, que avança até a veia cava adquirindo características de cateter central. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral: identificar as condições de viabilidade para a definição de padrões e protocolos que possibilitem a utilização do PICC em pacientes adultos e pediátricos. E como objetivos específicos: analisar o desempenho da primeira e terceira geração de PICC em pacientes da oncohematologia comparando com a literatura internacional; detectar pontos sensíveis no contexto do uso do PICC para a proposição de protocolo; propor instrumento para a coleta e investigação de relevância de dados e variáveis; e propor protocolo de utilização do PICC para pacientes pediátricos e adultos. Trata-se de estudo descritivo exploratório observacional prospectivo longitudinal com abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Unidade de Hemoterapia, Hematologia e Oncologia (UHHO) nos setores: Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea (STMO), Quimioterapia de Alto Risco (QTAR) e seus ambulatórios, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) cardíaca, clínica médica e pediátrica, num hospital de ensino da região do sul do país. A amostra foi não-probabilística, por conveniência constituída de dois grupos, (Grupo 1) pacientes que utilizaram a primeira geração do PICC e (Grupo 2) pacientes que utilizaram a terceira geração do dispositivo. Os dados foram coletados no período de janeiro de 2015 a agosto de 2016 através de instrumento elaborado para este estudo, contendo 22 variáveis sócio-demográficas e 35 variáveis clínicas. 40 PICCs primeira geração foram inseridos em 36 pacientes por técnicas “às cegas”, totalizando 830 dias de cateter, média de 20,71 dias, tendo alcance mínimo de dois e máximo de 141 dias. Quanto à terceira geração do cateter, dez PICCs foram inseridos em dez pacientes por Técnica de Seldinger Modificada (TSM) guiados pelo Ultrassom (US), totalizando 397 dias de cateter, média de 39,7 dias com alcance mínimo de dez e máximo de 86 dias. Realizou-se análise descritiva por meio da distribuição de frequência absoluta, média e desvio padrão. Posteriormente, todas as variáveis foram analisadas pelo ‘Software R’, identificou-se 11 componentes principais que fortemente se relacionaram e constituíram a base do Modelo de Equações Estruturais (MEE). Estas variáveis expressam-se de maneira relevante para o desenvolvimento de investigações futuras. Em suma, o PICC pode ser utilizado com sucesso na maioria dos pacientes internados na oncohematologia e em outros setores no ambiente hospitalar, assim como em crianças. Pode ser inserido por enfermeiros, desonerando o ambiente cirúrgico, processo anestésico e o médico especialista, conferindo-lhes autonomia. / The Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) consists of an intravenous device, installed through a peripheral vein, wich advanced to the vena cava acquiring central catheter characteristics. In this sense, the present study had as general objective: to identify the feasibility conditions for the definition of standards and protocols that allow the use of PICC in adult and pediatric patients. And as specific objectives: to analyze the performance of the first and third generation of PICC in oncohematology patients comparing with the international literature; to detect sensitive points in the context of the use of the PICC for the protocol proposal; propose an instrument for the collection and relevant investigation of data and variables; and to propose protocol of use of PICC for pediatric and adult patients. This is a descriptive prospective longitudinal observational exploratory study with a quantitative approach. The research was developed in the Hematology, Oncology and Hematology Unit (UHHO) in the following sectors: Bone Marrow Transplantation Service (STMO), High Risk Chemotherapy (QTAR) and its outpatient clinics, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), cardiac, medical clinic and pediatric in a teaching hospital in the southern region of the country. The sample was non-probabilistic, for convenience consisted of two groups, (Group 1) patients who used the first generation of PICC and (Group 2) patients who used the third generation of the device. Data were collected from January 2015 to August 2016 through an instrument developed for this study, containing 22 socio-demographic variables and 35 clinical variables. 40 firstgeneration PICCs were inserted in 36 patients by "blind" techniques, totaling 830 days of catheter, average of 20.71 days, with a minimum range of two and a maximum of 141 days. Regarding the third generation of the catheter, ten PICCs were inserted in ten patients by Ultrasound-guided Modified Seldinger Technique (TSM), totaling 397 days of catheter, mean of 39.7 days with a minimum range of ten and a maximum of 86 Days. A descriptive analysis was performed by means of the absolute frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. Afterwards, all variables were analyzed by 'Software R', we identified 11 main components that were strongly related and formed the basis of the Structural Equations Model (MEE). These variables express themselves in a relevant way for the development of future investigations. In summary, PICC can be used successfully in most patients admitted to oncohematology and other sectors in the hospital setting, as well as in children. It can be inserted by nurses, discharging the surgical environment, anesthetic process and the specialist doctor, granting them autonomy.
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Avaliação estatística e protocolo para uso de cateter central de inserção periférica na oncohematologia / Statistical evaluation and protocol for use of peripherally inserted central catheter in oncohematologyOliveira, Edinaldo Silva de 18 April 2017 (has links)
O Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (PICC) constitui-se de dispositivo intravenoso, instalado através de uma veia periférica, que avança até a veia cava adquirindo características de cateter central. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral: identificar as condições de viabilidade para a definição de padrões e protocolos que possibilitem a utilização do PICC em pacientes adultos e pediátricos. E como objetivos específicos: analisar o desempenho da primeira e terceira geração de PICC em pacientes da oncohematologia comparando com a literatura internacional; detectar pontos sensíveis no contexto do uso do PICC para a proposição de protocolo; propor instrumento para a coleta e investigação de relevância de dados e variáveis; e propor protocolo de utilização do PICC para pacientes pediátricos e adultos. Trata-se de estudo descritivo exploratório observacional prospectivo longitudinal com abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Unidade de Hemoterapia, Hematologia e Oncologia (UHHO) nos setores: Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea (STMO), Quimioterapia de Alto Risco (QTAR) e seus ambulatórios, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) cardíaca, clínica médica e pediátrica, num hospital de ensino da região do sul do país. A amostra foi não-probabilística, por conveniência constituída de dois grupos, (Grupo 1) pacientes que utilizaram a primeira geração do PICC e (Grupo 2) pacientes que utilizaram a terceira geração do dispositivo. Os dados foram coletados no período de janeiro de 2015 a agosto de 2016 através de instrumento elaborado para este estudo, contendo 22 variáveis sócio-demográficas e 35 variáveis clínicas. 40 PICCs primeira geração foram inseridos em 36 pacientes por técnicas “às cegas”, totalizando 830 dias de cateter, média de 20,71 dias, tendo alcance mínimo de dois e máximo de 141 dias. Quanto à terceira geração do cateter, dez PICCs foram inseridos em dez pacientes por Técnica de Seldinger Modificada (TSM) guiados pelo Ultrassom (US), totalizando 397 dias de cateter, média de 39,7 dias com alcance mínimo de dez e máximo de 86 dias. Realizou-se análise descritiva por meio da distribuição de frequência absoluta, média e desvio padrão. Posteriormente, todas as variáveis foram analisadas pelo ‘Software R’, identificou-se 11 componentes principais que fortemente se relacionaram e constituíram a base do Modelo de Equações Estruturais (MEE). Estas variáveis expressam-se de maneira relevante para o desenvolvimento de investigações futuras. Em suma, o PICC pode ser utilizado com sucesso na maioria dos pacientes internados na oncohematologia e em outros setores no ambiente hospitalar, assim como em crianças. Pode ser inserido por enfermeiros, desonerando o ambiente cirúrgico, processo anestésico e o médico especialista, conferindo-lhes autonomia. / The Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) consists of an intravenous device, installed through a peripheral vein, wich advanced to the vena cava acquiring central catheter characteristics. In this sense, the present study had as general objective: to identify the feasibility conditions for the definition of standards and protocols that allow the use of PICC in adult and pediatric patients. And as specific objectives: to analyze the performance of the first and third generation of PICC in oncohematology patients comparing with the international literature; to detect sensitive points in the context of the use of the PICC for the protocol proposal; propose an instrument for the collection and relevant investigation of data and variables; and to propose protocol of use of PICC for pediatric and adult patients. This is a descriptive prospective longitudinal observational exploratory study with a quantitative approach. The research was developed in the Hematology, Oncology and Hematology Unit (UHHO) in the following sectors: Bone Marrow Transplantation Service (STMO), High Risk Chemotherapy (QTAR) and its outpatient clinics, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), cardiac, medical clinic and pediatric in a teaching hospital in the southern region of the country. The sample was non-probabilistic, for convenience consisted of two groups, (Group 1) patients who used the first generation of PICC and (Group 2) patients who used the third generation of the device. Data were collected from January 2015 to August 2016 through an instrument developed for this study, containing 22 socio-demographic variables and 35 clinical variables. 40 firstgeneration PICCs were inserted in 36 patients by "blind" techniques, totaling 830 days of catheter, average of 20.71 days, with a minimum range of two and a maximum of 141 days. Regarding the third generation of the catheter, ten PICCs were inserted in ten patients by Ultrasound-guided Modified Seldinger Technique (TSM), totaling 397 days of catheter, mean of 39.7 days with a minimum range of ten and a maximum of 86 Days. A descriptive analysis was performed by means of the absolute frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. Afterwards, all variables were analyzed by 'Software R', we identified 11 main components that were strongly related and formed the basis of the Structural Equations Model (MEE). These variables express themselves in a relevant way for the development of future investigations. In summary, PICC can be used successfully in most patients admitted to oncohematology and other sectors in the hospital setting, as well as in children. It can be inserted by nurses, discharging the surgical environment, anesthetic process and the specialist doctor, granting them autonomy.
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Vasodilatação induzida pelo calor através de dispositivo portátil no leito na insuficiência cardíaca descompensada / Thermal vasodilation using a portable infrared thermal blanket in decompensated heart failureMarcelo Villaça Lima 24 March 2014 (has links)
Fundamento: medidas adjuvantes têm sido propostas para o tratamento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, algumas não farmacológicas, como o uso do calor. Apesar dos resultados positivos para pacientes clinicamente estáveis, não existem trabalhos relacionados ao tratamento com calor na fase descompensada da insuficiência cardíaca em pacientes em uso de drogas vasoativas. Objetivos: avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos agudos do calor aplicado através da manta térmica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada (ICD) refratária. Para isso foi estabelecido como desfechos o aumento do índice cardíaco e a redução da resistência vascular sistêmica no primeiro dia de seguimento. Como objetivo secundário, avaliar se sessões repetidas de calor por cinco dias consecutivos promoveria ou sustentaria os efeitos hemodinâmicos obtidos agudamente e, se reduziria os níveis de BNP ao longo do seguimento. Métodos: ensaio clínico randomizado aberto, prospectivo, com grupo controle em pacientes portadores de ICD. O estudo foi dividido em duas fases. Na primeira fase foram estudados pacientes em um único dia e foi avaliado o efeito agudo do calor antes e após a intervenção. Na segunda fase o calor foi avaliado através de sessões diárias por cinco dias consecutivos. Foi utilizada a manta térmica por radiação infravermelha para o aquecimento dos pacientes. As medidas hemodinâmicas foram avaliadas por método invasivo através do cateter de Swan-Ganz e de maneira não invasiva pelo método de modelflow. Os pacientes estavam em uso de inotrópico endovenoso contínuo, no perfil hemodinâmico C segundo a classificação clínico-hemodinâmica de Stevenson e foram considerados refratários após tentativa de retirada da droga vasoativa sem sucesso. A população do estudo foi dividida em 2 grupos: grupo T (termoterapia) e grupo C (controle). O grupo T foi submetido à vasodilatação térmica através da manta térmica na temperatura de 50°C por 40 minutos adicionalmente ao tratamento medicamentoso. Os pacientes do grupo C mantiveram o tratamento medicamentoso e a manta térmica foi posicionada da mesma maneira por 40 minutos, porém desligada. Análise estatística: as variáveis foram analisadas pelo teste exato de Fisher ou razão de verossimilhança. A normalidade foi avaliada com o teste de Komogorov-Smirnov. As variáveis quantitativas foram apresentadas por média e desvio padrão. As médias foram avaliadas com análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA). Quando significante, utilizou-se contrastes para discriminar as diferenças entre os momentos. As medidas avaliadas em um único momento foram comparadas com teste t-Student. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para a análise da correlação entre as medidas. Foram considerados estatisticamente significantes os valores de p < 0,05. Resultados: entre outubro de 2007 e abril de 2013, 165 pacientes foram avaliados para possível elegibilidade. Destes, 12 pacientes recusaram participar do estudo e 105 foram excluídos pelos critérios de exclusão. Foram incluídos 48 pacientes, entretanto, 10 pacientes foram excluídos prérandomização. Foram avaliados inicialmente 8 pacientes que foram submetidos a sessões de calor para segurança e validação do método e 30 pacientes foram randomizados até o término do estudo. No total, 38 pacientes foram estudados. Não houve diferença nas características basais entre os grupos estudados. Na primeira fase foram avaliados 38 pacientes, pré e pós-intervenção. A vasodilatação térmica foi capaz de aumentar o índice cardíaco em 24,1% e de reduzir a resistência vascular sistêmica em 16%. Na segunda fase os pacientes foram seguidos por 5 dias consecutivos conforme randomização e apresentaram melhora hemodinâmica significativa somente nos primeiros dois dias. O maior aumento do índice cardíaco foi de 23,3% e a maior redução da resistência vascular sistêmica foi de 19,3% no grupo tratado com calor. A partir do terceiro dia não houve mais benefício da termoterapia. Da mesma forma, não verificamos diferença entre os níveis de BNP dosados entre o primeiro e quinto dias de seguimento entre os grupos. Conclusões: o calor como vasodilatador foi capaz de aumentar o índice cardíaco e diminuir a resistência vascular sistêmica nos primeiros dias de tratamento na ICD. Entretanto, não houve benefício adicional em sessões repetidas por cinco dias consecutivos ou melhora dos níveis de BNP. Os dados sugerem que a termoterapia pode vir a representar uma abordagem terapêutica adjuvante para o tratamento dos pacientes com ICD. No entanto, um ensaio clínico randomizado com número maior de pacientes é necessário para explorar sua potencial efetividade clínica / Background: adjuvant measures have been proposed for the treatment of heart failure patients, some non-pharmacological, such as the use of heat. Despite the positive results for clinically stable patients, there are no studies related to use thermal therapy in patients with decompensated heart failure (DHF) and in use of vasoactive drugs. Objectives: To evaluate the acute hemodynamic effects of heat applied through the thermal blanket in patients with refractory decompensated heart failure. It was established as outcomes the increase of cardiac index and decrease of systemic vascular resistance on the first day of follow-up. Secondary objective was to evaluate whether repeated sessions of heat for five consecutive days would promote or sustain the hemodynamic effects obtained acutely, and if it would reduce BNP levels during the follow-up. Methods: open label randomized clinical trial, with control group, in patients with DHF. The study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, patients were studied in a single day and the acute effects of heat were evaluated before and after intervention. In the second phase, the effects of heat were evaluated by daily sessions for five consecutive days. An infrared thermal blanket was used to heating the patients. Hemodynamic measurements were assessed through invasive Swan-Ganz catheter and noninvasively by the method of modelflow. The patients were receiving continuous intravenous inotropic therapy and were classified in the profile C according to Stevenson´s clinical and hemodynamic classification and were considered refractory after failure in the attempted of withdraw the vasoactive drugs. The study population was divided into 2 groups: group T (thermal therapy) and group C (control). Group T was submitted to vasodilation through the thermal blanket at 50 °C for 40 minutes in addition to drug treatment. Patients in group C maintained the drug treatment and the thermal blanket was positioned in the same way for 40 minutes, but turned off. Statistical analysis: The variables were analyzed by Fisher\'s exact test or likelihood ratio. Normality was assessed with Komogorov-Smirnov test. Quantitative variables were presented as mean and standard deviation. Means were evaluated using analysis of variance for repeated measures (ANOVA). When significant, contrasts were used to discriminate the differences between times. Measurements evaluated at a single time were compared with Student\'s t test. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to analyze the correlation between the measurements. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Between October 2007 and April 2013, 165 patients were evaluated for possible eligibility. Of these, 12 patients refused to participate in the study and 105 were excluded by the exclusion criteria. There were included 48 patients, however, 10 patients were excluded in the pre-randomization. Eight patients were initially evaluated and were submitted to heart sessions for security and validation of the method and 30 patients were randomized until the end of the study. In total, 38 patients were studied. There were no differences in the baseline characteristics between the study groups. In the first phase, 38 patients were analyzed pre and post-intervention. The thermal vasodilation was able to increase the cardiac index by 24.1% and to reduce the systemic vascular resistance by 16%. In the second phase, patients were followed up for 5 consecutive days according to randomization and showed significant hemodynamic improvement only in the first two days. The largest increase in cardiac index was 23.3 % and the greatest reduction in systemic vascular resistance was 19.3 % in the group treated with heat. From the third day there was no benefit of thermal therapy. Likewise, there was no difference in the levels of BNP measured in the first and fifth day of follow-up between groups. Conclusions: heat as a vasodilator was able to increase the cardiac index and lower the systemic vascular resistance in the first days of treatment in the DHF. However, there was no additional benefit in repeated sessions for five consecutive days or improvement in the BNP levels. The data suggest that thermal therapy may come to represent a therapeutic approach for the adjuvant treatment of patients with DHF. Nonetheless, a randomized clinical trial with a larger number of patients is needed to explore its potential clinical effectiveness
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Uso do cateter central de inserção periférica em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal na região Centro-Oeste / The use of peripherally inserted central catheter in a neonatal intensive care unit in the west central regionSOUSA, Júlia Carneiro Godoy de 22 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-22 / The peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) has been increasingly used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU), particularly in the treatment of premature neonates who require prolonged venous access, for security in parenteral therapy and for the quality of care, avoiding the discomfort of repeated punctures. The overall aim was to analyze the use of the PICC in neonates hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital in Goiânia, Goiás. The specific objectives were: to characterize the population of neonates who received PICC during their admissions, to characterize the aspects related to inserting, maintenance and removal of the PICC and describe the complications that arise with the neonates during its use.This is a descriptive exploratory longitudinal study, with a prospective data collection, conducted during the months of May, 2008 to May, 2009. Were included 64 procedures for insertion of PICC in 56 neonates, performed by nurses and doctors of the unit. Data were obtained from medical and nursing records and in proper form accomplished by the nurses of the unit and by the researcher, respecting the ethical principles. The data were processed using Epi-Info, version 3.5.1. and presented as tables with their values absolute, relative and central tendency, dispersion and amplitude measures. For the results, 53.6% of neonates were male, 85.7% premature, gestational age at birth of 32.9 weeks, 37.5% of low birth weight, and average weight at birth of 1814.2 g. The majority (83.9%) received the first PICC still in the first week of life, with 6.5 days of life, on average. Disturbances related to the duration of pregnancy and fetal development were the most commonly diagnosed (175%). The use of vesicant drugs appeared in 100% of the indications for the PICC, mainly the use of antibiotics (98.2%) and total parenteral nutrition (83.9%). Most procedures (39.1%) were preceded by the use of intravenous sedatives and in 73.4% of cases were catheterized peripheral veins of the upper limbs. The central location of the catheter was achieved in 34.4% of procedures, however, there was an incidence of 50% of catheters in intracardiac region, although, most of them (85.9%) has not been pulled. The time of insertion of the PICC was on average 48.7 minutes and the main reason of failure in attempts peripheral venipuncture was the difficulty of visualization of the venous network (48.4%), resulting in an average of four attempts needed by procedure. The majority of catheters had an average of 16.1 days in length of stay, and 35.9% were removed by the end of therapy, followed by 28.1% of cases in which catheters were removed for breaks. In 30% of cases, investigations were carried out on the risk of infection from catheter-related bloodstream; however, none of them, the infection can be confirmed. The main complication during the procedure was the difficulty of progression and blood reflux into catheter (56.3%), whereas during the maintenance of the catheter, was the obstruction (34.4%). There were no complications during the removal of
catheters. It is expected that nurses trained to do this procedure seek continuing education to acquire scientific knowledge in this area, wich would support clinical decisions and promote favorable results, improving the quality of intensive care in neonates. It is 21 also believed that this study may provide subsidies to encourage the development of this practice in health services and education institutions. / O cateter central de inserção periférica (PICC) tem sido cada vez mais utilizado em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatais, particularmente no tratamento de recémnascidos
prematuros que necessitam de acesso venoso por tempo prolongado, pela segurança na terapia parenteral e pela qualidade da assistência, evitando o desconforto de repetidas punções. O objetivo geral foi analisar os resultados do uso
do PICC em recém-nascidos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) de um Hospital Universitário do município de Goiânia, Goiás. Os objetivos específicos foram: caracterizar a população de recém-nascidos que foram
submetidos a inserção de PICC durante suas internações, caracterizar os aspectos relacionados a inserção, manutenção e remoção do PICC e descrever as complicações ocorridas com os recém-nascidos durante seu uso. Trata-se de um
estudo descritivo-exploratório, de delineamento longitudinal e coleta prospectiva de dados, realizado durante os meses de maio de 2008 a maio de 2009. Foram incluídos 64 procedimentos de inserção de PICC em 56 recém-nascidos, realizados por enfermeiros e médicos da unidade. Os dados foram obtidos nos registros dos prontuários, registros de enfermagem e em formulário próprio, pelos enfermeiros da
unidade e pela pesquisadora, respeitando os princípios éticos de pesquisa em seres humanos e animais e aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética. Os dados foram processados pelo programa estatístico Epi-Info® for Windows, versão 3.5.1. e apresentados em forma de tabelas com seus valores absolutos, relativos e medidas de tendência central, dispersão e amplitude. Pelos resultados, 53,6% dos recém-nascidos eram
do sexo masculino, 85,7% prematuros, com idade gestacional média ao nascimento de 32,9 semanas, 37,5% de baixo peso ao nascimento, sendo o peso médio ao nascimento de 1814,2g. A maioria (83,9%) recebeu o 1º PICC ainda na primeira semana de vida, com 6,5 dias de vida, em média. Os distúrbios relacionados à duração da gestação e desenvolvimento fetal foram os mais diagnosticados (175%).
O uso de medicamentos vesicantes apareceu em 100% das indicações pelo PICC, destacando-se o uso de antibióticos (98,2%) e nutrição parenteral total (83,9%). A maioria dos procedimentos (39,1%) foi precedida da utilização de sedativos endovenosos e em 73,4% dos casos foram cateterizadas veias periféricas de membros superiores. A localização central do cateter foi alcançada em 34,4% dos
procedimentos, entretanto, houve uma incidência de 50% dos cateteres em região intracardíaca, embora a maioria deles (85,9%) não tenha sido tracionada. O tempo
de inserção do PICC foi, em média, 48,7 minutos e o principal motivo de insucesso nas tentativas de punção periférica foi a dificuldade de visualização da rede venosa (48,4%), resultando em uma média de quatro tentativas de punção por
procedimento. A maioria dos cateteres apresentou uma média de 16,1 dias no tempo de permanência, sendo que 35,9% deles foram retirados por término de terapia, seguidos de 28,1% dos casos em que os cateteres foram removidos por rupturas. Em 30% dos casos, foram realizadas investigações quanto ao risco de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada a cateter, entretanto, em nenhuma delas, a infecção 19 pôde ser confirmada. A principal complicação durante o procedimento foi a dificuldade de progressão e refluxo de sangue no cateter (56,3%), enquanto, durante
a manutenção do cateter, foi a obstrução (34,4%). Não houve intercorrências durante a remoção dos cateteres. Espera-se que os enfermeiros capacitados para a
realização deste procedimento busquem a educação continuada para aquisição de conhecimento científico nessa área, que ofereça suporte à tomada de decisões
clínicas e promova resultados favoráveis, melhorando a qualidade do cuidado intensivo em neonatos. Acredita-se também que este estudo poderá fornecer subsídios que favoreçam o desenvolvimento desta prática nos serviços de saúde e nas instituições formadoras.
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