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<p>Ethnic Germans and Jews lived alongside one
another in Southern Ukraine for over a century prior to the Holocaust. They
were as Shimon Redlich observes of Jewish-Gentile relations in his Polish
hometown, "together and apart." Both groups started out the twentieth
century closer together than they had ever been, and interactions between them
were and remained comparatively normalized and less violent than Jews'
experiences with the other groups surrounding them on Ukraine's
pre-Revolutionary landscape. Yet, by 1941, with the joint Romanian-German
occupation of the region, ethnic Germans enthusiastically plundered, exploited,
and murdered their Jewish neighbors with little prodding from the Romanian and
Nazi occupation regimes. How did over a century of ethnic German-Jewish
coexistence devolve into local violence? Which historical processes fueled some
ethnic Germans' conversion from neighbors to murderers, and when exactly did
this transition begin?</p><p><br></p>
<p>This project examines coexistence, confluence,
and conflict between ethnic Germans and their Jewish neighbors in Southern
Ukraine from the late Tsarist period through the Holocaust. It builds upon the
work of formidable scholars like Jan Gross, Jan Grabowski, Jeffrey Kopstein and
Jason Wittenberg, Timothy Snyder, Wendy Lower, Karl Berkhoff, Eric Steinhart,
and Doris Bergen, all of which examine the impact of double, sometimes triple
or more, occupations on intergroup relationships and/or local collaboration in
occupied territories. However, unlike many of these case studies, which root
collaborators’ motives in the years immediately predating the war, or in the
war itself, this project seeks to understand the impact of decades of
occupation and revanchist policies (Austro-German, Soviet, Romanian, Nazi) on
the groups’ interactions with and perceptions of one another. Moreover, as
opposed to splitting the region into two separate entities, as the Romanian and
Nazi regimes did, this project illuminates some of the continuities across the
river Buh, as lived and died, by ethnic Germans and Jews in Ukraine prior to
and during the Holocaust. This longue durée analysis illuminates the roles
sustained violence and occupational policies played in disrupting centuries of
interactions between ethnic Germans and Jews. By 1941, the two groups had been
violently reconfigured, pulled together, and pushed apart in profoundly
consequential ways. The Nazi and Romanian occupiers, equipped with vernaculars
of violence and nation erected by the Soviet state and its predecessors,
capitalized on ongoing historical processes, quickly incorporating ethnic
Germans into their genocidal machine. </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
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CAS: Ally or Not? The Views of Young Adult Canadians with Indian Subcontinent HeritageJhajj, Paman January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this study was to assess how child welfare services are conceptualized and viewed by Canadian young adults with heritage from the Indian Subcontinent. Five second-generation young adults with heritage from the Indian Sub-continent were interviewed about their thoughts, attitudes, and opinions toward the Children’s Aid Societies when they were youths, and also currently. Findings showed that lack of awareness around the function of CAS, observations of negative CAS-community interactions, and overt/subvert whiteness in the system all contributed to participants not trusting CASs during their childhood and teenage years. Participants felt that the CAS systems are designed for the white population and not for children and youth of South Asian descent. Reflecting back on when they were youths, instead of viewing CASs as a source of support or help in times of family trouble, participants indicated that they and their parents would seek support from trusted friends, family, or community members. Now young adults themselves, and envisioning having their own families in the future, participants said that if needed they would access the same friend, family and community supports rather than approaching a CAS. That being said, participants expressed that they would be open to accessing CAS services but that this would be a last resort given their perception that the CAS is not designed for them or their community. Participants expressed a desire to be able to access CAS services, but not until CAS deal with their own whiteness. In addition to being less Eurocentric, participants also recommended a number of changes CAS make so that they better serve communities with Indian Sub Continent heritage, these include increased community engagement, information campaigns, increased presence of workers/foster families from South Asian communities). / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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L'information professionnelle pour préparer la relation professionnelle dans une salle d'attente de médecine familialeKazadi, Annie Mutoba January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Structures et modèles de calculs de réécritureFaure, Germain 05 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le calcul de réécriture ou rho-calcul est une généralisation du lambda-calcul avec filtrage et agrégation de termes. L'abstraction sur les variables est étendue à une abstraction sur les motifs et le filtrage correspondant peut être effectué modulo une théorie <br />équationnelle a priori arbitraire. L'agrégation est utilisée pour collecter les différents résultats possibles.<br />Dans cette thèse, nous étudions différentes combinaisons des ingrédients fondamentaux du rho-calcul: le filtrage, l'agrégation et les mécanismes d'ordre supérieur.<br />Nous étudions le filtrage d'ordre supérieur dans le lambda-calcul pur modulo une restriction de la beta-conversion appelée super-développements. Cette nouvelle approche est suffisamment expressive pour traiter les problèmes de filtrage du second-ordre et ceux avec des motifs d'ordre supérieur à la Miller.<br />Nous examinons ensuite les modèles catégoriques du<br />lambda-calcul parallèle qui peut être vu comme un enrichissement du lambda-calcul avec l'agrégation de termes. Nous montrons que ceci est une étape significative vers la sémantique dénotationnelle du calcul de réécriture.<br />Nous proposons également une étude et une comparaison des calculs avec motifs éventuellement dynamiques, c'est-à-dire qui peuvent être instanciés et réduits. Nous montrons que cette étude, et plus particulièrement la preuve de confluence, est suffisamment générale pour<br />s'appliquer à l'ensemble des calculs connus. Nous étudions ensuite l'implémentation de tels calculs en proposant un calcul de réécriture avec filtrage et substitutions explicites.
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L'information professionnelle pour préparer la relation professionnelle dans une salle d'attente de médecine familialeKazadi, Annie Mutoba January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Mécanismes et transferts de l'arsenic dans une confluence du Var et étude d'une méthode de remédiation dans les eaux potablesCampredon, Brice 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans une problématique locale de teneur élevée en arsenic naturel dans le but d'améliorer la surveillance et la gestion de la qualité de la ressource en eau dans l'arrière-pays niçois. L'existence de grandes disparités géographiques des teneurs en arsenic font de la géologie la cause principale de cette contamination. L'intérêt de ce travail est d'appréhender les interactions solide/solution entre l'arsenic total dissous et les particules solides (matières en suspensions, sédiment de lit de rivière, solides naturels). Pour décrypter le comportement géochimique de l'arsenic, les trois objectifs principaux sont : de déterminer son état de conservativité dans le milieu naturel ; puis d'étudier les phénomènes d'adsorption en laboratoire sur des solides naturels (illite, oxydes de fer) ou de référence (kaolinite) ; puis enfin d'apporter une application directe au piégeage de l'arsenic par la création d'un pilote de traitement destiné à dépolluer une source d'eau destiné à la consommation humaine. La concentration en particule est le facteur influençant la conservativité de l'arsenic dans le système de confluence Tinée/Var selon les données des compartiments dissous et particulaire. La fraction colloïdale semble avoir une implication de premier ordre lors de la période de crue étudiée. Le piégeage de l'arsenic est favorisé par les oxyhydroxydes de fer, les argiles puis en moindre quantité par les solides acido-solubles.
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A Fuzzy Petri Net Model For Intelligent DatabasesBostan, Burcin 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge intensive applications require an intelligent environment, which can perform deductions in response to user queries or events that occur inside or outside of the applications. For that, we propose a Fuzzy Petri Net (FPN) model to represent the knowledge and the behavior in an intelligent object-oriented database environment, which integrates fuzzy, active and deductive rules with database objects. By gaining intelligent behaviour, the system maintains objects to perceive dynamic occurences and user queries. Thus, objects can produce new knowledge or keep themselves in a consistent, stable, and upto-date state.
The behavior of a system can be unpredictable due to the rules triggering or untriggering each other (non-termination). Intermediate and final database states may also differ according to the order of rule executions (non-confluence). In order to foresee and solve problematic behavior patterns, we employ static rule analysis on the FPN structure that provides easy checking of the termination property without requiring any extra construct. In
addition, with our proposed inference algorithm, we guarantee confluent rule executions.
The techniques and solutions provided in this study can be utilized in various complex systems, such as weather forecasting applications, environmental information systems, defense applications, video database applications, etc. We implement a prototype of the model for the weather forecasting of the Central Anatolia Region
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Advections of shallow cloudiness from ocean toward the continent are often observed
after the cold fronts and extratropical cyclones on the Southern South America. Such a process
has characteristic persistence of 1-2 days and it may last for periods longer than 3 consecutive
days. This study identified 108 cases over the Southern Brazil between 2005 and 2010, which
were characterized using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. A seasonal climatology determined that the
higher frequencies of cases were in autumn and summer, and the lower frequencies in spring
and winter. The average wind directions that occurred over the Southern Brazil (Southwesterly,
Southerly, Southeasterly and Easterly) were due to positioning of the center of the transient
anticyclone over three major regions. Based on these results, it was obtained three synoptic
patterns at lower and middle-higher levels. A seasonal distribution of those three patterns was
also performed. In such mean situations, it was remarkable the displacement of cold air from the
Region of Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) toward the Southern Brazil due to the circulation
of the transient high. Along the way, the stable flow suffers low levels instability due to
turbulent mixing processes, and heat and moisture fluxes when it passes from cold to warm
waters on the BMC. As a consequence, a shallow convection layer develops downstream in the
flow with wide support for the formation of stratiform and/or cumuliform cloud cover as it top.
The synoptic patterns show the large scale air subsidence as an inhibiting mechanism for the
development of a deep convective layer. Still, the cloud cover was enough to generate low
intensity precipitation and/or drizzle over the Southern Brazil. The analysis of the precipitating
cases showed that the phenomenon affected the coastal zone more frequently, and, sometimes,
the inland areas. Mean vertical profiles of the 108 events, and peculiarly the precipitating ones,
indicated the presence of a thick dry layer at the middle and upper levels, and a shallow moist
layer at lower levels (1000-700 hPa). This study showed the importance of the Region BMC for
the regional weather and climate patterns. It is shown that the circulation induced by transient
anticyclone is essential for the transport of cold air from the cold to the warm waters in
Confluence zone, generating and advecting shallow cloudiness and an unstable moist boundary
layer over the South of Brazil. / A advecção de nebulosidade rasa em direção ao continente após a passagem de frentes
frias e ciclones extratropicais, pelo Sul da América do Sul, é um fenômeno frequentemente
observado, e tem persistência característica de 1-2 dias, podendo durar por períodos superiores a
3 dias consecutivos. O presente estudo identificou sobre o Sul do Brasil 108 casos entre 2005 e
2010, os quais foram caracterizados utilizando reanálises do NCEP/NCAR. Uma climatologia
sazonal definiu que as ocorrências foram mais frequentes no outono e no verão, e menores na
primavera e no inverno. São apresentadas as direções médias do vento sobre o Sul do Brasil
(Sudoeste, Sul, Sudeste e Leste), devido aos posicionamentos do centro do anticiclone sobre três
regiões preferenciais. Com base nesses resultados, foram obtidos três padrões sinóticos, bem
como suas distribuições sazonais. Evidenciou-se que o deslocamento da massa de ar frio a partir
da Região de Confluência Brasil-Malvinas (CBM) em direção ao Sul do Brasil deve-se à ação
do anticiclone transiente. Ao longo do percurso, ao passar sobre a CBM da região de águas frias
para a região de águas aquecidas, o escoamento estável sofre instabilização em baixos níveis
devido à processo de mistura turbulenta, fluxos de calor e umidade. Consequentemente, uma
camada rasa de convecção desenvolve-se corrente abaixo do escoamento, com amplo suporte a
formação de nebulosidade rasa dos tipos estratiforme e cumuliforme. Os padrões sinóticios
mostram a subsidência em grande escala como mecanismo inibidor do desenvolvimento de uma
camada convectiva profunda. Mesmo assim, tal cobertura de nuvens foi suficiente para gerar
precipitação de fraca intensidade e/ou chuviscos sobre o Sul do Brasil. A análise dos eventos
precipitantes mostrou que o fenômeno afetou com maior frequência a zona costeira, e, por
vezes, o interior do continente. Perfis termodinâmicos médios dos 108 eventos, e especialmente
dos casos precipitantes, indicaram a presença de uma espessa camada de ar seco em níveis
médios e superiores, e uma camada rasa de ar úmido em baixos níveis (1000-700 hPa). Neste
estudo evidenciou-se a importância da CBM para os padrões de tempo e clima regionais.
Mostra-se que a circulação induzida pelo anticiclone transiente é fundamental para o transporte
de ar frio da zona de águas frias para as águas quentes na Confluência, gerando e advectando
nebulosidade rasa e uma camada limite úmida instável sobre o Sul do Brasil.
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O papel ecológico das bactérias planctônicas para a dinâmica da matéria orgânica na zona de confluência dos Rios Negro e Solimões (AM)Melo, Michaela Ladeira de 20 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-02T16:59:05Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Com o objeto de avaliar o papel do metabolismo bacteriano para a dinâmica da
matéria orgânica (MO) na região de confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões, foram
estimadas em escala espacial: o metabolismo bacteriano - produção bacteriana (PB),
respiração bacteriana (RB), demanda bacteriana de carbono (DBC) e eficiência de
crescimento bacteriana (ECB), além de variáveis físicas e químicas, como nutrientes
inorgânicos, carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD), razões estequiométricas dos nutrientes,
condutividade elétrica e turbidez. Um experimento foi realizado para estimar a
contribuição do metabolismo bacteriano e dos processos de adsorção da MO para o
decaimento de COD na região de mistura das águas. As taxas metabólicas apresentaram
variabilidade longitudinal e lateral ao longo da região de confluência dos rios Negro e
Solimões, entretanto, não foi observado incremento das taxas metabólicas com o aumento
da mistura das águas em condições in situ. A PB variou de 0,03 a 0,56 μgC L-1 h-1 e a RB
de 38,8 a 78,73 μgC L-1 h-1, refletindo em baixos valores de ECB, em média 0,236%, ou
seja, as bactérias heterotróficas alocam a maior parte da MO disponível para os processos
catabólicos das células, o que resulta na rápida remineralização de carbono e nutrientes
nestes sistemas. De uma maneira geral, os nutrientes e a qualidade e quantidade da MO
parecem ter sido os fatores com maior influência sobre o metabolismo bacteriano na
região estudada. O metabolismo bacteriano mostrou-se como principal componente para
o decaimento de carbono, porém a adsorção da MO é de grande importância no
processamento da MO, principalmente na zona de mistura das águas. Os resultados do
presente estudo mostraram que as bactérias planctônicas contribuem significativamente
para a transformação da MO, sendo que as altas taxas de RB destacam o importante papel
das bactérias planctônicas para a remineralização de carbono e nutrientes na zona de
confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões. / In order to evaluated the role of bacterial metabolism for the organic matter (OM)
dynamics on the confluence zone of Negro and Solimões rivers, it was estimated in spatial
scale: bacterial production (BP), bacterial respiration (BR), bacterial carbon demand
(BCD), bacterial growth efficiency (BGE), in addition, chemical and physical variables,
such as inorganic nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stoichiometric ratio of
nutrients, conductivity and turbidity. An experiment was conducted to estimate the
contribution of bacterial activity and sorption process of OM to the DOC decay on the
mixing waters. The metabolic rates showed longitudinal and lateral variability along
Negro and Solimões rivers. However, it was observed in the metabolic rates with the
increase of mixing waters in situ. The BP ranged between 0,03 and 0,56 μgC L-1 h-1 and
the BR between 38,8 and 78,73 μgC L-1 h-1, reflecting in low BGE rates, average 0,236%,
which means the heterotrophic bacteria allocated major part of OM available to the cells
catabolic process, resulting in a quick remineralization of carbon and nutrients on these
systems. In general, the nutrients and the quality and quantity of OM were the factors that
most contributed to bacterial metabolism in the studied site. The bacterial metabolism
showed as major component to the DOC decay, however, the OM sorption process is very
important to the OM processing, mainly on water mixing zone. The results of this study
showed that planktonic bacteria significantly contributed to the processing of OM, and
high BR rates highlight the important role of planktonic bacteria for the carbon and
nutrient remineralization on the confluence zone of the Negro and Solimões rivers.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationTomášek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The content of this diploma thesis is an analysis of the current state of the LEM development team in SolarWinds Czech, Ltd., which will lead to changes proposal for increasing the efficiency of development and improvement of the current situation. The main objective of the thesis is to increase integration between software used in LEM development team and selection of the new software for collaborative version control. In the practical part are used facts from the analytical part to upgrade the document management software, finding a suitable tool for team communication and implementation of new versioning system and subsequent mutual integration with the software for project management, bug and issue tracking.
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