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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Itinerários e "lutas": o engajamento de lideranças dos movimentos homossexual e LGBT em Sergipe (1981-2012)

Melo, Marcos Ribeiro de 30 August 2013 (has links)
This work investigated the engagement of leaders from the gay and LGBT movements in Sergipe through the itineraries from twenty-five activists between 1981 and 2012. The research focused in the emergence of the mobilization, changes of "struggles" over the decades, the social networks (formal and informal) forged by the leaders and the connection of these agents with the "causes . For this purpose were conducted biographical interviews, documentary analysis and observations of events and meetings. The data indicate that the political opening in the early 1980s was an important political opportunity for the emergence of a homosexual mobilization that period in Sergipe, as well as the networks established with others brazilian homossexual associations, especially with Grupo Gay da Bahia. However, only from the second half of the decade, with the advent of HIV / AIDS and the approximation to the state, it was possible to start a process of institutionalization of the mobilization that was consolidated in the following decades. State investments in "HIV" and the "recognition of social vulnerability" of homosexuals, in the 1990s, had created new sexual identities and defined new "flags" that were beginning to emerge on the LGBT political scene. This other approach with the state in the 2000s, held in Aracaju with the political rise of the PT and PCdoB, enabled some leaders began to be part of the state in advising, committee positions and coordinations. At the same time, nationally, and in line with the movement, the federal government invested in the training of new leaders and strengthening of existing associations, which confirms the political-ideological convergence between the two political spheres. / O presente trabalho investigou o engajamento de lideranças dos movimentos homossexual e LGBT no estado de Sergipe, a partir dos itinerários de vinte e cinco ativistas entre os anos de 1981 e 2012. A pesquisa focalizou as condições de constituição da mobilização, as mudanças das lutas ao longo das décadas, as redes sociais (formais e informais) forjadas pelos líderes e a ligação desses agentes com as causas . Para este fim foram realizadas entrevistas biográficas, análises documentais e o registro de observações de eventos e reuniões num diário de campo. Os dados apontam que a abertura política provocada pelo arrefecimento da ditadura militar no início da década de 1980 foi uma importante oportunidade política para o surgimento de uma mobilização homossexual organizada naquele período em Sergipe, assim como a redes que se estabeleceram com outras associações homossexuais brasileiras, principalmente com o Grupo Gay da Bahia. Contudo, somente a partir da segunda metade daquela década, com o aparecimento do HIV/AIDS e a aproximação com o Estado, foi possível iniciar um processo de institucionalização da mobilização que se consolidou nas décadas seguintes. Os investimentos estatais no combate ao HIV e o reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade social dos homossexuais, a partir dos anos 1990, tiveram como efeito a segmentação identitária e a construção de diversificadas políticas públicas voltadas às novas bandeiras que começavam a despontar no cenário político LGBT. Essa nova aproximação com o Estado, na década de 2000, também foi impulsionada, em Aracaju, pela ascensão política do PT e PCdoB, o que fez com que algumas lideranças começassem a fazer parte do quadro estatal em assessorias, cargos de comissões e coordenações. Ao mesmo tempo, nacionalmente e em consonância com o movimento, o governo federal investiu na formação de novas lideranças e no fortalecimento das associações existentes, o que confirma a convergência políticaideológica entre as duas esferas políticas.

Na escuridão do arco íris: a vivência das relações afetivo sexuais de jovens gays após o diagnóstico de HIV / The rainbow darkness: the experience of sexual and affective relationships of gay youth after the diagnosis of HIV

Renato Caio Silva Santos 10 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução - A população de jovens gays apresenta particular vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV/aids. Segundo tendência observada em pesquisas, nos últimos dez anos observouse aumento estatisticamente significativo da taxa de detecção do vírus em homens gays com idades entre 18 e 29 anos. Para aqueles que recebem o diagnóstico de HIV/aids, a nova realidade se encontra envolvida por fatores como a auto aceitação da orientação sexual, estigmas anteriores ao diagnóstico, suporte familiar e social, crenças sobre o vírus e restabelecimento de vínculos e comportamentos. Contudo, são escassos estudos que foquem nas vivências das relações afetivas e sexuais de jovens gays após o diagnóstico. Objetivo - Estabeleceu-se como objetivo geral desta pesquisa compreender as implicações e significados do diagnóstico do HIV nas relações afetivo sexuais de jovens gays. Método - O estudo proposto baseia-se na pesquisa qualitativa, como forma de privilegiar os discursos dos sujeitos como fonte de informação. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi dirigidas com 10 jovens, com idades entre 18 e 24 anos, portadores do HIV e infectados por via sexual, acompanhados no ambulatório do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas. Os dados foram transcritos, organizados e analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Resultados Para muitos jovens, no período anterior ao diagnóstico, o HIV não se mostrava como uma fonte de preocupação, devido à possibilidade de tratamento e diminuição das mortes. O uso de antirretrovirais é influenciado pelo receio de alterações corporais, sendo que a possibilidade da lipodistrofia se mostra como uma causa para o abandono do tratamento. Grupos e redes sociais online são fundamentais na busca de informações sobre o HIV e de pares na mesma situação. O conhecimento da sorologia não motiva o uso de preservativo, principalmente com parceiros sexuais esporádicos. De forma análoga, com estes parceiros, os participantes relatam não se sentirem responsabilizados por eventuais transmissões secundárias do vírus, avaliando como responsabilidade do outro o uso de preservativo. As relações afetivas são marcadas pelo receio da transmissão do vírus e da revelação diagnóstica aos parceiros, de forma que muitos preferem se relacionar com outros jovens vivendo com HIV/aids. Considerações finais - A partir dos resultados foi possível apreender que a vivência das relações afetivas e sexuais desses jovens é atravessada por questões ligadas ao preconceito e à insegurança frente à doença. No âmbito comportamental, nota-se que o conhecimento sobre as formas de prevenção não é eficaz para a mudança de atitudes e práticas sexuais, o que pode ser relacionado ao aumento de novos casos da infecção entre jovens gays nos últimos anos. É possível apontar que as campanhas preventivas pouco dialogam com as realidades dos jovens trazendo à tona a necessidade de repensar o cuidado e as políticas disponíveis para esta população. / Introduction - The population of young gay men is in particular vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection. According to researches over the last decade, there was a statistically significant increase in HIV infection rates in gay men aged between 18 and 29 years. For those who are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, the new reality is surrounded by factors such as self acceptance of sexual orientation, stigmas before the diagnosis, family and social support, beliefs about the virus and the need of re-establish relationships and behaviors. However, there are few studies that focus on the experiences of emotional and sexual experiences of young gay men after diagnosis. Objectives - It was determined as a general objective of this research to understand the implications and meanings of HIV diagnosis in sexual and affective relationships of gay youth. Method - The proposed study is based on the assumptions of qualitative research which means that the subjects discourse was the source of information. 10 young people living with HIV, aged 18 to 24, and in treatment at the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas were interviewed. Data were transcribed, organized and analyzed using content analysis. Results - For many young people, in the period before diagnosis, HIV wasn´t a source of concern because of the possibility of treatment and decreased of deaths. The use of antiretroviral drugs is influenced by fear of body changes, and the possibility of lipodystrophy is shown as a cause for non-adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy. Groups and online social networks are essential to find information about HIV and peer in the same situation. Knowledge of serology does not motivate the use of condoms, especially with casual sexual partners. Similarly, with these partners, participants reported not feeling responsible for any secondary transmissions of the virus, evaluating as the partner responsibility to condom use. Affective relationships are marked by the fear of virus transmission and diagnostic disclosure, making that many prefer to relate to other young people living with HIV / AIDS. Final Considerations - From the results it was possible to comprehend that the experience of emotional and sexual experiences of these young people is crossed by issues of prejudice and insecurity about the disease. In the behavioral level, we note that the knowledge of how to prevent it is not effective in changing attitudes and sexual practices, which may be related to the increase of new cases of infection among young gay men in recent years. It is possible to point out that the preventive campaigns do not dialogue with the realities of young people bringing up the need to rethink the care and policies available for this population.

Feeling queer : can a primary health care approach mitigate health inequity experienced by homosexually active South Australian men ?

Rogers, G. D. January 2005 (has links)
Health inequity refers to differences in health status between populations ( health inequalities ) that are unnecessary and avoidable and, additionally, are considered unfair or unjust. The history of the concept is reviewed and the mechanisms by which inequity affects health surveyed, with a focus on multi - level models of health production. The origins and development of the Primary Health Care approach is then considered with an emphasis on the Australian setting and on HIV / AIDS policy. The construct of homosexuality is then explored and concepts of sexual attraction, ' orientation ', identity and behaviour differentiated. What is known about the health characteristics of homosexually active men in the First World is then surveyed by means of a systematic literature review. It is concluded that there is evidence that they are affected by substantial health inequality in a range of areas including mortality, suicidality, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, report of childhood sexual abuse and problematic substance use. Few of these inequalities have been confirmed in the Australian context, however, and almost none have been confirmed specifically in South Australia. The background to the development of a Primary Health Care programme focused on homosexually active men, is then described. The baseline health characteristics of the programme ' s cohort of 542 homosexually active South Australian men ( including their sexual behaviour in the context of HIV transmission ) are described and compared with other samples of men to identify inequalities. It is concluded that men in the cohort were subject to health inequality in a wide range of health parameters including mortality, suicidality, sexually transmitted infections, depressive and anxiety disorders, levels of substance use and self - rated health on the short - form 36 ( sf36 ) instrument. The relationships between these characteristics and factors indicative of disadvantage and victimisation are then explored. It is concluded that many of the health inequalities identified were related to sociohistorical factors such as emotional withdrawal by one ' s father, low income, unemployment, reduced educational attainment, and recent experience of violence and abuse from strangers. It is argued that some of these factors can be considered to be examples of unfairness and injustice and that, as a consequence, at least some of the health inequality experienced by this population is also health inequity. The elements of the Primary Health Care programme devised to meet the needs of homosexually active men is described and the trajectory of health characteristics of its participants over three time points is examined. 210 homosexually active men had reached Second Review, an average of thirty - six months after enrolment, by the time of analysis. Among this group, significant sustained improvement in a range of health outcomes, including prevalence of depressive disorders, sf36 scores and rate of recent suicidal ideation, is reported in association with involvement in the programme. Participant ' s subjective satisfaction with the programme is then described and their beliefs about the causes of their improved health explored using a qualitative methodology. It is concluded that the programme had largely met the needs of participants and they believed that it had been responsible for their improved health. Limitations of the study are considered and discussed. Limitations of the investigation to identify health inequality include questions of external validity arising from the absence of a perfect comparator group and concerns with construct validity related to the possibility of geographical and cultural variation in definitions of ' homosexually active men '. In the investigation to determine the extent to which health inequalities were also examples of inequity, issues of conclusion validity are discussed particularly in relation to multiple comparisons and the balance between Type I and Type II errors. In the evaluation of the impact of the Primary Health Care programme, there are concerns about internal validity resulting from the absence of randomisation and an uncontrolled design. The components of this issue are discussed and some support for internal validity is found in the reported subjective beliefs of participants about the cause of their health improvement and the outcomes of critical reflection by the programme team. The implications of the findings for policy, practice and further research are explored. It is argued that the health inequity experienced by people of sexual diversity will require profound social change for complete resolution. In the meantime, however, focused Primary Health Care with a community of sexual diversity has the potential to mitigate the health inequity its members experience and to help them to survive and function while they wait for a fairer and kinder society. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2005.

新加坡男同性戀的媒體報導—比較主流報紙與公民新聞網站的異同 / Singapore Male Homosexuals in the Media – A Comparison Between a Mainstream Press and a Citizen Journalism Site

盧莉薇, Loh, Li Hwee Unknown Date (has links)
本內容分析研究主流報紙海峽時報和公民新聞網The Online Citizen在新加坡同性戀議題上的報導。本文圍繞兩個重要事件,研究這兩個新聞媒體如何報導同性戀相關新聞。1)前總理吳作棟在2003年接受時代雜誌採訪時表示,公共機關會為同性戀者提供平等的就業機會。2)新加坡政府於2006年檢討《新加坡刑法典》並決定保留視男同性戀者之間的性行為違法的第377A條。本研究試圖了解政府面對同性戀課題態度上的轉變如何影響傳統媒體對於同性戀相關新聞的呈現。卡方檢定結果顯示,海峽時報的新聞焦點、新聞欄目、故事類型、故事主題、新聞來源數量、主要新聞來源的身份以及對同性戀抱持的態度,在兩個重大事件中有顯著的差異。另外,該研究還發現支持同性戀的新聞語氣多數源於普通人,而反同性戀的新聞語氣往往來自官方。本文也發現新聞媒體與對同性戀抱持的態度,兩者存在重要的關係。最後,海峽時報在報導同性戀相關課題時,相較The Online Citizen,主題更多元。另一方面,後者和前者比起來,故事框架更加多樣化。 / This content analytic study investigated the reporting approaches of a mainstream newspaper — Straits Times and a citizen journalism site — The Online Citizen on homosexual issues in Singapore. This paper examines the reporting pattern of these two news outlets in the coverage of homosexuality surrounding two important issues — (1) the interview by Time magazine with former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong conducted in 2003, in which he openly commented about nondiscriminatory policies towards the gay people in the country for the first time. (2) The initiation to review the Penal Code in 2006 whereby Section 377A was not repealed after gay supporters petitioned to abolish the law that criminalizes homosexuality. The purpose is to find out how gays were represented in the media with the shift in politics of homosexuality. Using Chi-square tests, the results indicated that there is significant relation between news focus, news section, story type, topic, number of sources, identity of dominant news sources and attitude with time for the Straits Times. In addition, this paper found evidence that pro-gay news tone were likely to come from official source whereas anti-gay news tone tended to originate from ordinary source. Significant relations were also found between attitude and news outlets. Lastly, Straits Times was better diversified in terms of topics of gay-related stories while The Online Citizen was more diversified with regards to story frames.

Articulations et négociations des identifications ethno-sexuelles des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise à Montréal

Chbat, Marianne 09 1900 (has links)
Les objectifs généraux de ce mémoire visent à mieux comprendre comment les gais et les lesbiennes d'origine libanaise (primo-migrants ou descendants) vivant à Montréal articulent et négocient leurs identifications ethno-sexuelles à travers la (re)production et la mobilisation de divers capitaux (économique, social, culturel et symbolique). Basée sur sept entrevues menées auprès de cinq femmes lesbiennes et deux hommes gais d’origine libanaise, cette recherche propose d’examiner, en suivant un cadrage intersectionnel, les manières dont les discours identitaires des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise de Montréal sont structurés par les rapports de classe, de genre, de sexualités, d’ethnicité, d’âge, etc. Les chapitres 1 à 3 sont consacrés à la mise en situation théorique et pratique de la recherche. Le chapitre 4 est dédié à l’analyse des subjectivités ethno-sexuelles des répondants. / The main objective of this thesis is to better understand how gays and lesbians of Lebanese background (primo-migrants or their descents) living in Montreal articulate and negotiate their ethno-sexual identifications through the mobilization of diverse capitals (economical, social, cultural and symbolic). Based on seven semi-directed interviews with five lesbians and two gays of Lebanese origin, this research examines, with an intersectional approach, the ways in which their identitary discourses are structured by social axes of division such as class, gender, sexualities, ethnicity, age, etc., on which they occupy majority and minority positions. The stories of our participants reveal, among other things, that there are different ways of representing oneself and being homosexual, and that individuals sharing non-normative sexualities do not necessarily inscribe themselves in the «global gay discourse». Chapters 1 to 3 are devoted to a theoretical and practical contextualization of the research. Chapter 4 consists of an analysis of the ethno-sexual subjectivities of the informants.

The representation of homosexual men in the soap opera Generations.

Sehlabi, Tumelo Bernard. January 2012 (has links)
This research examined the representation of homosexual men in soap opera Generations. It reveals that while homosexual characters have been incorporated in the locally produced soap opera Generations, the representation of such characters is revealed as 'other’. This dissertation argued that the representation of homosexual men in soap opera Generations are categorized negatively often being seen to be morally degenerate consequently; the inclusion of homosexual men in Generations is often associated with negative stereotypes. This study argues that homosexual men in Generations are often represented as having problems to be solved. This include homosexual men being faced with secrecy, shame, guilt, homosexual violence, rejection and other negative stereotypes as represented in soap opera Generations. The research highlights the social constructions and gender stereotypes in mainstream media television which consider homosexuality as abnormal, unnatural and sickness. The secrecy of homosexuality implied by mainstream media television representation makes homosexuality to appear as something concealed and related to shame and regret. In addition, the dissertation also looks in-depth into categories of negative stereotypes where being a gay primarily realizes on the rigid gender schemas exploited by the mainstream media television to represent homosexual men as not men enough which appeared as natural rather than socially constructed. This study‟s theoretical frame work brought together the concepts of different area of enquiry such as negative representation of homosexuality, homophobia, secrecy, guilt, shame while using discourse analysis. The major areas addressing the coding includes the representation of homosexuality in the text, soap operas' (Generations) representation of homosexual men and the specific themes and objectives guiding each selected episode of Generations. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-Unversity of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Hearing the eunuch's children preaching in gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities /

Lee, Mark Bryan. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Iliff School of Theology, 2006. / Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 186-196).

Queer cinema as a fifth cinema in South Africa and Australia

Peach, Ricardo. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Technology, Sydney, 2005. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Feb. 5, 2008). Includes bibliographical references (p. 365-391).

Selbstbilder und Fremdbilder der "Anderen" : eine Geschichte Männer begehrender Männer in der Weimarer Republik und der NS-Zeit /

Micheler, Stefan. January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2003.

Masked: An (visual) arts-informed perspective into gay teacher identity.

Durocher, Robert Jason. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Toronto, 2009. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 48-02, page: .

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