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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Užimtumo programos Botanikos sode vertinimas / Evaluation of employment programs in Botanical Garden

Bernatonienė, Nijolė 28 December 2007 (has links)
Siekiant didinti jaunimo užimtumą Lietuvoje nuo 1996 metų vykdomos įvairios jaunimo užimtumo programos, viena iš jų moksleivių viešieji darbai. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti VDU Kauno botanikos sode vykdytos „Kauno miesto moksleivių viešieji darbai“ programos tikslų pasiekimą. Buvo apklausti moksleiviai dalyvavę VDU Kauno botanikos sode vykdytoje programoje. Pagrindiniai tyrimo rezultatai iliustruojami lentelėmis bei paveikslais. Darbo pabaigoje daromos išvados: 1. Įstaiga (VDU Kauno botanikos sodas) pakankamai pasirengusi vykdyti socialinę moksleivių užimtumo programą. 2. Remiantis respondentų anketinės apklausos duomenimios daroma prielaida, kad programa efektyvi tikslų pasiekimo aspektu. Tyrimas padėjo išsiaiškinti kokias sritis įstaiga turėtų patobulinti, kad būtų kokybiškiau pasirengusi vykdyti socialines moksleivių užimtumo programas. Autorė ateityje naudosis tyrimo rezultatais vykdydama socialines užimtumo programas VDU Kauno botanikos sode. / In order to increase youth employment in Lithuania since 1996 there are pursued several youth employment programs. One of them is student public works. Aim of the work – evaluate goals of the program “Public works of Kaunas city students” pursued in Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University. Students taking part in a program were interviewed. Main results of the research are introduced in tables and pictures. After finishing the work we can draw conclusions: 1. Institution (Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University) is ready to pursue a social program of students’ employment. 2. According to data of respondents’ questionnaire – the program is effective to reach the goals. This program has helped to find imperfections to prepare better to pursue social programs of students’ employment. The author will use research results to pursue social programs of employment in Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University.

Empowerment towards poverty alleviation.

Isaac, Shanthi Vanessa. January 2002 (has links)
Recent changes to welfare policy in South Africa advocated the need for social workers to adopt social development as a paradigm for service delivery. Within this policy framework empowerment is touted as the model to affect the transformation of the welfare sector and to achieve sustainable development in the post apartheid society. The concept empowerment and the issues relating to it are ambiguous and ill-defined. The study took place at the Pinetown Service Office, a local service provider of the Department of Welfare. The areas of operation are the inner and outer west areas of the Durban Unicity City Council and some areas of the Ilembe regional council. The purpose of the study was to analyse perception of practitioners about empowerment towards poverty alleviation. An exploratory-descriptive research design incorporating of questionnaire was utilized to collect data. The findings reflected that the perceptions of the participants about empowerment towards poverty alleviation were consistent in that they identified that it comprised of micro and macro socio- economic strategies to empower consumers to become self reliant. Other findings revealed that the predominant activities of the social workers regarding poverty towards poverty alleviation are to refer consumers to social security and developmental groups. Additionally, the study indicated that the Department of Welfare' s organizational bureaucracy inhibited the adoption of an empowerment orientation to social work practice. The recommendations included changes about organizational policy and social work practice in accordance to developmental social welfare policy proposed in the White Paper on Social Welfare, 1997. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.

Private practice, is it worth it? : the experiences of social workers in private practice : challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Budhoo, Arthee. January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the study was the description of the experiences of opportunities, rewards and challenges faced by social workers in private practice in the Durban Metropolitan Area, Kwa Zulu Natal. This study used an exploratory design, which was qualitative in nature. The researcher administered interview schedules that contained both open–ended and close–ended questions. The findings of the study indicated that some of the challenges experienced are professional isolation, stress and burnout, difficulties of managing a business and role confusion and conflict between a social worker in private practice and a psychologist. Respondents indicated that some of the benefits of private practice were working with motivated clients, control over professional growth and work environment, financial rewards, escape from bureaucracy, flexibility and quality casework services. The opportunities offered to private practitioners were employee wellness programmes, legal work, training, work in schools and quality casework services that made private practice a lucrative business. In terms of support systems it was found that the South African Association of Social Workers in Private practice was supportive. Respondents regarded The South African Council for Social Services Professions and the Department of Social Development as unsupportive. Emanating from the findings, recommendations have been made with regards to making private practice a more viable option. The findings can also be used to inform future research on a national level as well as comparative studies on the experiences between social workers in private practice and those at an agency level. Some of the recommendations in relation to private practice are that the South African Council of Social Services Profession and the Government should acknowledge social workers in private practice, the community should become more responsive to private practitioners and tertiary institutions should offer training courses to prepare social workers for private practice. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

Socialinių darbuotojų įsidarbinimo galimybės Lietuvoje / Social worker employment possibilities in Lithuania

Venclovienė, Milda 14 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Public health management SOCIAL WORKER EMPLOYMENT POSSIBILITIES IN LITHUANIA Milda Venclovienė Scientific advisor Dr. Ramunė Jurkuvienė. Kaunas medical university, Nursing faculty, Social Care department. – Kaunas, 2005. - 55 p. Introduction. This work is about Lithuania’s social worker job market and about employment possibilities of graduates, who received Master’s degree in the years 2000 –2004 and acquired social worker qualification. What are the possibilities of social workers, which have university education to get the work in Lithuania in this context is a relevant and not researched subject. It is obvious that the number of specialists who graduate from social work studies is growing, but there is no research done on where they get their work The purpose of this work is to research employment possibilities corresponding to the specialty of graduates – Masters who acquired social worker qualification in the years 2000 – 2004 Work goals: 4. To review and to present the official statistics and current social worker resources; 5. To evaluate social and demographic characteristics of 2000-2004 year graduates with Master degree who acquired social worker qualification; 6. To evaluate the possibilities of social worker employment depending on employment area, sector, on the work experience of the employed and social relations. Work target are the year 2000 – 2004 university graduates with Master’s degree, who acquired social worker qualification. Main research... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenys ugdant vaiko socialinius įgūdžius / The social worker's roles in developing children's social skills

Savickaitė, Vilma 09 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: atskleisti socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenis, ugdant vaikų, gyvenančių NVGN “Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaimas“ socialinius įgūdžius. Uždaviniai: Išnagrinėti socialinių darbuotojų vaidmenys ir vaikų socialinių įgūdžių raišką mokslinėje literatūroje. Išanalizuoti NVGN „Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaimo“ socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo praktiką. Atskleisti socialinių darbuotojų vaidmenis, jų raišką NVGN „Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaime“ ugdant vaikų socialinius įgūdžius. Tyrimu buvo siekta atskleisti/nustatyti socialiniu darbuotoju vaidmenis SOS vaikų kaime, ugdant globotinių socialinius įgūdžius. Siekiant darbo tikslo buvo tirta NVGN „Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaime“ gyvenantys 10 – 15 m. amžiaus globotiniai (29 ), globos namuose dirbantys socialiniai darbuotojai (11). Tokia imtis pasirinkta pagal tokio amžiaus vaikų skaičių įstaigoje, ir jis padės išsiaiškinti bendras vaikų reprezentatyvines nuostatas. Tyrime dalyvaujančių socialinių darbuotojų skaičių lėmė įstaigoje dirbančių socialinių darbuotojų skaičius. Tokiu būdu, siekiama įtraukti į tyrimą tiek socialinius darbuotojus, tiek vaikus. Šie tyrimo metodai pasirinkti todėl, kad: kiekybinis (vaikų) - išsiaiškinti bendras vaikų nuostatas, požiūrį, tarpasmeninių santykių su darbuotojais tendencijas bei jų lūkesčius į darbuotojus; socialinių darbuotojų pusiau struktūruotas interviu – kokybinis tyrimas, pasirinktas tikslu išsiaiškinti šios grupės požiūrį į socialinį darbą, nuostatas ir vaidmenų suvokimą, socialinio ugdymo turinį bei svarbą ugdomojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study is to reveal the social worker's role in raising children living in non-governmental foster care home „NVGN Vilnius SOS Children's Village“ social skills. There were raised three tasks: 1. To study the scientific literature and examine roles of social workers and children's social skills. 2. To analyse social skills training practice in „NVGN Vilnius SOS Children's Village“. 3. To reveal the roles of social workers in developing children's social skills, and to so see how these roles display in „NVGN Vilnius SOS Children's Village". The study was aimed to determine the role of social worker in developing the social skills of foster children in the „SOS children's village“. For this purpose 29 at the age of 10 – 15 years old foster children and 11 social workers of „NVGN Vilnius SOS Children's Village“ were investigated. This match of participants was taken according to the number of this age children and the number of workers in „Vilnius SOS Children's Village“ and was find enough to reflect the main tendencies of institution. There were chosen two methods for this study – quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative method was used to investigate foster children attitudes, interpersonal relationships with employees, their expectations to the staff. The qualitative method was used as a semi-structured interview to clarify social workers attitude to social work, the perception of social role, the attitude to the content of social education and... [to full text]

Working in a post-colonial system : whose voices are being silenced and heard in the narratives of native child welfare workers?

LeBlanc, Denis, 1977- January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of the present research was to explore the political underpinnings that shape the meaning that native child welfare workers give to their work. This was achieved with the use of a participatory research model that combines group interviews (sharing circle) with ethnography as a means of data analysis. The resulting narratives have suggested that the meaning native child welfare workers attribute to their work emerges from their community and the provincial structures that legislate and define child welfare policies, two sources, composed of various sub-systems, that often share polarized values and ideologies in matters of child welfare. This struggle is further complicated by the cultural relevance of child welfare services in the debate surrounding sovereignty and colonialism. It is suggested that more attention be given to understanding this meaning and how this process must originate from the community if indeed the deriving services are to be both culturally relevant and community based.

Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo nerimo ypatumai profesinėjė veikloje / The Peculiarities of Anxiety Experienced by Social Pedagogues and Social Workers in Their Professional Activity

Lučinskaitė, Laura 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo nerimo ypatumai profesinėje veikloje. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad tikėtina, jog yra ryšys tarp socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų amžiaus, darbo stažo, pareigybės, klientų grupės, su kuria dirba ir patiriamo nerimo lygmens. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktos kiekybinė ir kokybinė tyrimo prieigos. Todėl kiekybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 113 socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų, o kokybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 6 specialistės. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirtas socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo reaktyvaus ir asmeninio nerimo lygis, ypatumai. Siekta patikrinti ar yra statistiškai reikšmingi ryšiai tarp respondentų demografinių kintamųjų bei reaktyvaus ir asmeninio nerimo. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji: dažniai, vidurkiai, procentai, standartiniai nuokrypiai bei daugiamatė: neparametrinis Kruskal-Wallis T testas ir parametriniai ANOVA testai) duomenų analizė. Pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodu atliktas gilinamasis specialistų nerimo ypatumų profesinėje veikloje tyrimas. Siekta atskleisti situacijas, sukeliančias didžiausią nerimą, naudojamas nerimo įveikos strategijas bei siūlomas nerimo įveikos galimybes. Duomenims apdoroti atlikta kokybinė turinio (content) analizė. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad dauguma socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvena žemą reaktyvaus ir vudutinį asmeninio nerimo lygį. Kiek mažesnė, tačiau ženkli dalis respondentų išgyvena aukšta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present Bachelor Thesis analyzes the peculiarities of anxiety experienced by social pedagogues and social workers in their professional activities. We have formulated a hypothesis that possibly there is a link between social pedagogues and social workers age, seniority, position, clients‘ groups with whom they work and anxiety levels they face. Quantitative and qualitative search methods have been chosen to accomplish the research. 113 social pedagogues and social workers were involved in the quantitative research and in the qualitative – 6 specialists. The level of reactive and personal anxiety of social pedagogues and social workers has been analysed within application of questionnaire method. The objective was to examine whether there is a statistically significant relationship between respondents' demographic variables, and reactive and personal anxiety. The statistical (descriptive: frequencies, averages, percentages, standard deviations and multidimensional: nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis T test and parametric ANOVA tests ) data analysis has been done. Semi-structured interviews conducted deepening research in features of specialist anxiety in their professional activities. Aimed at identifying situations that cause the greatest anxiety, strategies used to overcome the anxiety and offered opportunities for overcoming anxiety. To process the data the qualitative content analysis has been done. On the basis of the research it has been determined that... [to full text]

Handläggning & Kunskap : En kvalitativ studie om barnhandläggares kunsakpsanvändning i handläggning av LVU-ärenden. / Handling & Knowledge : A Study of children administrator's knowledge use in the management of child welfare cases.

Nensén, Camilla, Svegart, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on social workers’ knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014. Main results: social workers’ think it is very important to have different kinds of knowledge and skills in order to perform such professional work as possible. They value peer support where they can exchange experiences and knowledge with each other. The importance to specialize after the bachelor’s degree in social work was also revealed in the results, due to the social work supplementary course only represented undergraduate studies. The approach of child welfare cases it was found that there are many different ways to manage them, but the main thing is to manage the cases with great respect and always strive to apply volunteer efforts where it’s possible. Another point is the political importance which we not counted on.

Att vara "container" för patienten : En studie om hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de påverkas av det patientnära arbetet / Being a "container" for the patient : A study how hospital social workers feel they are affected by the patient-care

Eriksson, Oskar, Holmstedt, Markus January 2015 (has links)
Sjukhuskuratorer har samtal med patienter som lider till exempel av depression, ångest eller andra besvär orsakade av psykosociala faktorer så som stress, livskriser eller alkohol. I denna studie ställdes frågan vilka effekter det patientnära arbetet kan ha för sjukhuskuratorn. Syftet var att utifrån ett emotionsteoretiskt perspektiv undersöka hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de påverkas av det patientnära arbetet. I studien ställdes frågan vad sjukhuskuratorer upplever att det patientnära arbetet har för effekter för dem själva och hur sjukhuskuratorer hanterar det som uppkommer i det patientnära arbetet. Tidigare forskning har visat att andra yrkesgrupper på området, exempelvis sjuksköterskor och terapeuter i allmänhet, påverkas av att använda ett härbärgerande förhållningsätt. I denna studie intervjuades fyra sjukhuskuratorer om deras tankar och känslor kring arbetets effekter. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av Hochschilds begrepp emotionellt lönearbete och Goffmans begrepp om främre och bakre region. Resultatet visar att det patientnära arbetet hade effekter. Sjukhuskuratorerna tog med sig tankar och känslor från det patientnära arbetet i den främre till den bakre regionen. Sjukhuskuratorerna hanterade det som uppkommit i det patientnära arbetet vid samtal med kollegor och handledning och när de fick stunder för sig själva. Samtliga sjukhuskuratorer ansåg att det patientnära arbetet har gjort dem mindre sociala, samt att det skapat ett behov av ensamhet och självreflektion. / Hospital social workers have patients suffering from a range of symptoms, amongst these are depression, distress or other disorders caused by psychosocial factors, such as stress, a life crisis or alcohol. In this study the question was asked what effects the patient-care can have for the hospital social worker. The purpose of this research study was to examine from the perspective of emotion theory, how hospital social workers felt they were affected by the patient-care. Our research questions were what effects the hospital social workers see that the patient-care have for themselves, and how the hospital social workers deal with what emerges from the patient-care. Earlier research has shown that other occupational groups, such as nurses and therapists in general, are affected by harbouring what arises in the patient-care. Four interviews with hospital social workers conducted about their thoughts and feelings on the effects of the job. The result has been analyzed with Hochschild’s notion of emotional labour and Goffman’s concepts front stage and back stage. The results show that the job does affect the worker. The hospital workers harbour thoughts and feelings that emerge in the patient-care on the front stage, until they are able to deal with it in different regions on the back stage through colleges, guidance and by themselves. All of our interviewed hospital social workers deemed that they had become less social due to the nature of the patient care. In addition they also thought that it had created a need of seclusion and self-reflection.

Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare / To work internally with Corporate Social Responsibility : How Corporate Social Responsibility affects sustainability and well-being among social workers

Lindström, Lovisa January 1900 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions. Social workers are a group or workers in a risky work environment. Earlier studies shows that it is not uncommon with stress, fatigue and work burnout. Social worker have an important duty which is supporting an helping people with needs and that are not feeling well. It is not a sustainable work to help others when social workers are not feeling well themselves. The lack of sustainability in social workers work environment needs to improve. Eariler studies show that corporations that implements Corporate Social Responsibility tend to have more satisfied employees. Can the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and its areas of responsibility create a more sustaianble work environment for social workers? The empirical study has been made in a help organization working with guidelines for sustainability and where social workers are working. The empirical study is made using an open directed interview. The interviews have been recorded and transcribed, and the transcribated material have then been interpreted with a thematic analysis. The analysis of the result shows well-being among social workers in the chosen help organization, and that there is a connection between well-being among social workers and an active sustainability work according to Corporate Social Responsibility. / Corporate Social Responsibility är i dag ett välkänt och utbrett begrepp inom företagsvärlden. Begreppet innebär ansvar och hållbarhet för de som arbetar utifrån Corporate Social Responsibility och de tre ansvarsområden begreppet inbegriper. Oavsett verksamheters kärnverksamhet är ansvar och hållbarhet viktigt. Ansvaret sträcker sig delvis ut från verksamheten och syftar till att ta hand om det omgivande samhället och miljön. Ansvaret berör även verksamheten internt och syftar till exempel till en hållbar arbetsmiljö och goda arbetsvillkor. Socialarbetare är en yrkeskategori som befinner sig i ett riskyrke. Tidigare forskning har visat att det inte är ovanligt med stress, utmattning och utbrändhet. Socialarbetare har en viktig uppgift i att stötta och hjälpa människor som har behov av det och som mår dåligt. Det är inte hållbart att de som arbetar med att hjälpa människor som inte mår bra själva riskerar att må dåligt. Den ibland bristande hållbarheten i socialarbetarens yrkesroll behöver förstärkas. Tidigare forskning har visat att verksamheter som implementerar (och använder sig av) Corporate Social Responsibility tenderar att ha nöjda medarbetare som trivs i arbetet. Kan implementeringen av Corporate Social Responsibility och dess ansvarsområden i en verksamhet skapa mer hållbarhet för socialarbetare? Den empiriska undersökningen har utförts i en hjälporganisation som arbetar med riktlinjer för hållbarhet och där socialt arbete bedrivs. Den empiriska undersökningen är utförd genom en öppen riktad intervju. Intervjuerna har spelats in och transkriberats, och transkriberingarna har sedan tolkats utifrån tematisk analys. Analysen av resultatet visar på välmående socialarbetare inom den valda hjälporganisationen, och att det finns en koppling mellan välmående medarbetare och ett aktivt hållbarhetsarbete utifrån Corporate Social Responsibility.

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