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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nezaměstnanost mladých osob ve vybraných státech Evropské unie / Youth unemployment in selected EU countries

Strašková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines youth unemployment in European Union, specifically in Germany, Spain, and the Czech Republic. The main goal of the study is to coherently evaluate a development of youth unemployment rate since 2005, and to find out its fundamental causes. The thesis is split into two parts. The first part covers a theoretical background of the chosen topic. The following part, firstly, investigates individual countries in terms of labour market development, impacts of the world crises, and educational systems. Subsequently, the rate of young unemployed people in the selected countries is analysed. The work investigates the development of youth unemployment rate, the long-term youth unemployment rate, the NEET, and the European Union actions.

Analýza příčin nezaměstnanosti mladých ve věku 15-24 let v EU v letech 2000-2015 / The analysis of causes of the youth unemployment (15-24 age class) in European Union in years 2000-2015

Šulai, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze main causes of youth unemployment in countries of European Union. In order to assess main determinants of this negative phenomenon, an econometric model based on panel data was constructed. Source dataset, containing mainly Eurostat data, covers EU-28 countries in the 2000-2014 period. Results of a regression inclined that youth unemployment is effected mainly by overall economic development. Youth unemployment is more sensitive for economic downturns than unemployment in an adult age class. The model also suggested that cuts in payroll taxes and deregulation in the minimum wage legislation could have positive effect on youth employment. Based on the literature, reforms toward more practical and effective education system with elements of dual apprenticeship, could be also a positive step in tackling youth unemployment. However, an econometric-based proof of this hypothesis was not found.

The implications of financial literacy on the success of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) initiated by the youth in economically disadvantaged areas of Cape Town.

Munyuki, Tinashe January 2020 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / Entrepreneurship has been regarded as a solution to various developmental challenges such as unemployment, inequality, and poverty, which are inherent among the marginalised populations. However, the high rate of failure of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remain an impediment to the use of entrepreneurship as a means to ameliorate the challenges. This is especially the case among young entrepreneurs. In addition, given the imperativeness of financial literacy in the success of SMEs, this study determines the influences of financial literacy on entrepreneurial success within the marginalised communities. It also explores and identifies the reasons why failure rates are high among young entrepreneurs in the economically disadvantaged community of Khayelitsha, Cape Town. This study employs a concurrent mixed methods design, making use of both quantitative and qualitative data. A survey is conducted in Khayelitsha using the snowballing sampling technique due to difficulty in accessing young entrepreneurs. The quantitative data from the survey provides demographic and socioeconomic information on young entrepreneurs. The survey is also used to determine the level of financial literacy and business success of these entrepreneurs. The qualitative in-depth interviews, on the other hand, provide insights into the motivations of the entrepreneurs, their experiences and the causes of business failure.


Lee, Jong Sun 18 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Enabling a generation of social entrepreneurs: A study to establish if the practice of social entrepreneurship offers inclusive self-employment opportunities for disenfranchised South African youth

Carpenter, Janine 08 August 2019 (has links)
This study is concerned with contributing to solutions that address the problems of youth unemployment, inequality and poverty in South Africa, specifically among those youth who are being marginalised from participating equally in mainstream economic activities. It argues that financial and digital exclusion, as well as poor access to a quality education, are factors which are currently limiting these youths' economic potential and perpetuating a cycle of unemployment, inequality and poverty in South Africa. The literature and theory of social entrepreneurship presents a strong case to address unemployment, inequality and poverty, as well as to stimulate economic growth by creating new business and self-employment opportunities for the youth. This qualitative grounded theory study evaluates the theory of social entrepreneurship in practice, by comparing the theory to the lived realities of some disenfranchised youths in Cape Town. The study also provides an analysis of the systems of privilege and the dual economy that exist in South Africa. Through feedback received during interviews with a representative sample of the target group, the study offers new insights into the challenges faced when young people are seeking employment or want to start a business in the South African economy. Youth social entrepreneurship development and start-up incubation programmes arguably perform a critical function in facilitating inclusive economic participation among the youth. Developing new insights, concepts and recommendations to maximise these programmes' social impact is a critical function of this study, which ultimately hopes to contribute to the creation of more inclusive entrepreneurial opportunities for disadvantaged South African youth.

Access to entrepreneurship education in India : A study in both formal and informal ways for youths and young adults to acquire entrepreneurship skills and knowledge.

Zahari, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the accessibility of formal and informal entrepreneurship education for youths and young adults in India. The study uncovers crucial patterns and indications, emphasising the need for accessible and comprehensive entrepreneurship education. It also highlights the limitations and weaknesses of the research, such as potential biases, small sample size, and challenges in online survey methodology. The existing literature in the field is discussed, noting its limitations in methodology, presentation, and argumentation. The research underscores the pressing need for comprehensive entrepreneurship education that bridges the gap between formal and informal channels. It addresses the heavy reliance on formal education, which has left many students and graduates without the necessary skills to combat high youth unemployment. Informal channels play a significant role but suffer from limited access to resources and quality education, leading to a skill gap among young adults. The findings call for blended learning approaches that integrate formal and informal entrepreneurship education, leveraging technological advancements. By adopting a holistic and inclusive approach, India can unlock its vast entrepreneurial potential, promote job creation, and stimulate economic growth. The thesis underscores the importance of critically evaluating the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education despite substantial investments in this area. In conclusion, enhancing the accessibility of entrepreneurship education for Indian youths and young adults requires addressing barriers, leveraging technology, and fostering a supportive environment. The study acknowledges the limitations and challenges faced in conducting research on this topic but emphasises the significance of striving for high-quality research to inform stakeholders and support the improvement of entrepreneurship in India.

薪資補貼政策對促進青年就業成效之研究-以「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」為例 / A study of the effect of wage subsidy on promoting youth employment : a case of directions for the University / College Graduate Corporate Workplace Internship Program

劉侑學 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年底源自於美國信貸市場的金融風暴席捲全球,影響層面襲擊實體經濟,無論在投資、消費、產出與貿易上都出現驟降的表現,世界經濟遭逢二次大戰以來最嚴重的衰退,勞動市場同樣受到嚴重的打擊,不過,因為年齡、性別、教育程度等條件的差異,不同群體所承受的就業風險也不盡相同。面對百年罕見的經濟危機,青年因先天上存在著缺乏技術、工作經驗、社會網絡、求職知識、經濟支持等劣勢,無疑成為景氣動盪下受衝擊最大的族體。 台灣青年在就業市場上的艱困處境,在金融海嘯的侵襲下更顯艱難。比較經濟危機的發生前後,青年失業率增漲達3.84%,高於全體失業率的漲幅1.94%,而2009年青年的平均失業率是全體平均失業率5.85%的2.48倍。其中值得注意的是,在青年失業者中,大專及以上學歷的人數為15萬1千人、佔55.73%,高居各教育程度之冠。政府為消除金融風暴下大專青年進入職場的障礙,於2009年4月推出「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」,補助企業聘僱員工時的薪資與社會保險等人事成本,短期目標是平衡勞動市場供需,長期則是期待透過實習經驗提升實習員的就業能力,達成促進就業的治理目的。 本研究擬針對教育部所規劃推動的「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」作為分析對象,其係屬積極勞動市場政策下針對雇主的薪資補貼政策,已在OECD國家行之有年,無論在推動經驗或評估報告上,都累積十分豐碩的資源,可作為後進國家之政策制訂者與研究者的參考依據。因此,在擬定寫作策略上,先行回顧各國曾經施行的方案制度和評估報告,緊接著整理我國近年相關的薪資補貼政策的制度差異,以作為分析「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的基礎工作。最後,在「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」的成效評估上,採取積極勞動市場政策評估中的「績效檢視」與「過程評估」,透過質量並重之研究途徑,以問卷調查的研究方法以檢視企業職場實習方案之實習者離開方案後的再就業成效,同時為彌補量化取徑之限制與理解政策執行面,佐以深度訪談來獲得在研究主題上更寬廣的理解。

När jag blir stor : Hur utbildade unga vuxna förhåller sig till och påverkas av arbetslöshet – En kvalitativ studie / When I grow up : How educated young adults relate and respond to unemployment - A qualitative study

Nyvall, Gustav January 2012 (has links)
Ungdomsarbetslöshet är idag ett omfattande samhällsproblem och ett vanligt förekommande debattämne i media. Studiens fokus ligger på hur livsvillkoren för fyra unga vuxna i åldrarna 24-26 år ser ut i relation till deras arbetslöshet, eller blivande arbetslöshet, med utgångspunkt i deras specifika livssituationer. Den teoretiska inramning som använts i studien är baserad på socialt kapital, symboliskt kapital, kulturellt kapital, habitus, livsstilar samt livsplaner. Kvalitativa intervjuer med de fyra unga vuxna, vilka samtliga har någon form av erfarenhet av arbetslöshet, utgör studiens utgångspunkt. I analysen läggs fokus på hur de påverkas av samt hanterar sin livssituation i förhållande till arbetslösheten. Analysen visar att de unga vuxna inget hellre vill än att få ett fast arbete men att de upplever att de på grund av samhälleliga begränsningar och brist på lämpligt nätverk har svårt att finna ett sådant. Framgick gjorde även att de unga vuxna ställer höga krav på sig själva i fråga om att skaffa ett arbete medan de har låga krav på hjälpinsatser från omgivningens sida. / Youth unemployment is a serious social problem and a widely discussed topic in media. The study focuses on the living conditions of four young adults between the ages of 24-26 in their capacity of being unemployed, or living with a risk of being unemployed in a near future, viewed from the life situations of the young adults. The theoretical framework of the study is based on social capital, symbolic capital, cultural capital, habitus, lifestyles and life-planning. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four young adults all having some form of experience of unemployment. In the analysis focus is given to explain how the informants discuss their life situation in relation to unemployment. The analysis shows that the informants want nothing more than to get a permanent job but experience that they due to social limitations and lack of appropriate networks are having trouble finding such. What also appeared was that the informants have high demands on themselves to find a job whilst they have low demands on support from surrounding people.

Současné trendy ve vzdělávání nezaměstnaných v Dánsku a v České republice / Recent trends in education of the unemployed people in Denmark and the Czech Republic

Brand, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The objective of master thesis "Recent trends in education of the unemployed people in Denmark and the Czech Republic" is to describe active labour market policy of Denmark and the Czech Republic. The focus is specifically on young unemployed people representing the group with the highest unemployment rate on the Europeans labour market. This master thesis introduces to the instruments of active labour market policy and focuses especially on education as the most effective instrument of active labour market policy. The thesis is a theoretical study, working with relevant information sources of these two countries and with documents of EU. The result of this thesis is to be acquainted with the recent trends of this area, e.g. support of the further education or internships as an instrument of education in praxis. Moreover the thesis contains inspiration for the Czech active labour market policy Keywords Unemployment, active labour-market policy, youth unemployment, education for unemployment people, internships, improvement of qualifications, further education

Ungdomsarbetslöshet i Borås : En kvalitativ studie om Arbetsförmedlingens handläggares arbete med ungdomar / Youth Unemployment : A qualitative study of the Unemployment  Agency’s administrators work with youths.

Cramer, Angelica, Hellman, Malin, Matar, Zeinab January 2017 (has links)
Baserat på SCBs statistiska mätningar, räknas ungefär var fjärde ungdom i åldersgruppen 15-24 år som arbetslös och är idag de som är högst representerad bland arbetslösa. Vägen in på arbetsmarknaden kan bli problematisk för den här åldersgruppen. Skäl som kan försvåra är avsaknad av meriter, låg utbildning och anseendet av att vara oförberedda för arbetslivet. De som är mest utsatta och svårast att matcha, är personer med en brokig bakgrund, med språksvårigheter, samt odiagnostiserade problem och inlärningssvårigheter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka på vilket sätt handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen i Borås arbetar med att få ut arbetslösa ungdomar på arbetsmarknaden. I uppsatsen undersöks även varför handläggarna tror att det finns en viss matchningsproblematik och varför en del arbetssökande ungdomar är svårare att få ut på arbetsmarknaden än andra. För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa intervjuer hållits med tre anställda på Arbetsförmedlingen, samt fyra stycken arbetslösa ungdomar. Resultatet är att de anställda begränsas av regelverk och riktlinjer i sitt arbete för att kunna hjälpa sina kunder.  Den höga arbetslöshetsgraden beror på att studerande som söker extrainkomst räknas med i gruppen arbetssökande. Matchningsproblematik bidrar även till  arbetslöshetsgraden. Ungdomar med en avbruten grundskole- eller gymnasieutbildning, fysiska, samt psykiska problem gör dem svårare att matcha och nära intill icke anställningsbara. De ungdomar som var arbetssökande och inskrivna hos Arbetsförmedlingen hade en brokig bakgrund eller oavslutade studier. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att tidigare nämnda faktorer är en bidragande orsak till matchningsproblemet. En större del av ungdomarna som har den här typen av problem hade inte kommit till Arbetsförmedlingen tidigare. De hade istället förtidspensionerats, eller skrivits in hos en annan myndighet. I dagsläget släpper Arbetsförmedlingen in alla som registrerar sig hos dem, oavsett avstånd till arbetsmarknaden, som öppet arbetslösa. / Based on SCB’s statistical measurements, approximately one in every fourth youth between the ages of 15 to 24 is counted as unemployed and are today those that are the highest represented among the unemployed. The way into the Labour market can be a difficult one for this age group. Reasons that can obstruct are lack of merits, unsubstantial education and the general belief that they are unprepared for the working life. Those that are the most vulnerable and are the hardest to match are people with a dysfunctional background, linguistic difficulties, undiagnosed mental health issues and learning disabilities. The purpose of this essay is to examine how administrators at the Employment Agency in Borås work to get unemployed youths out on the Labour Market. This essay also examines why there are certain matching problems and why some youths are harder to get out on the Labour Market than others. To answer these questions, qualitative interviews have been held with three employees at the Employment Agency and four unemployed youths. In the results, the essay concludes that the high unemployed rate of youths, are because of students who seek an extra income that are included in the group of jobseekers. Matching problems are also a contributing factor to the high unemployment rate. Youths with an interrupted primary or secondary education and youths with physical and also mental issues are harder to match and make them near impossible to hire. The youths who were seeking employment and registered within the Employment Agency had a diverse background of unfinished studies and the conclusion is that these factors are contributing to the matching problems. A larger portion of youths who have this type of problem would’ve earlier not been registered in the Employment Agency before and would have been forced into early retirement, or registered with a different state agency. In the current situation, the Unemployment Agency allows anyone to register with them as openly unemployed, regardless of how far away from the Labour Market they are. This essay is written in Swedish

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