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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nezaměstnaní mladí lidé jako cílová skupina veřejné politiky / Unemployed young people as a target population in public policy

Stanzel, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Unemployed young people as a target population in public policy Abstract Due to recent economic crisis young people up to age of 25 became one of the most endangered groups on the labour market. Disadvantaged position of young people is caused largely by inadequate structure of their qualification, lack of work experiences and work skills or unreal perception of work conditions. According to their position on labour market experts also emphasize negative effects of long-term unemployment on youth including not creating of work habits, loss of motivation to find a job and growing passivity. Unemployed young people became an important target group of public policy. The thesis works with the theory of social construction of target populations to explain policy process towards unemployed youth. It identifies existing social constructions of unemployed young people from perspective of key actors of unemployment policy. It also tries to explain how these constructions affect unemployment policy towards young people and what other factors have influence on its shape.

Ungdomens (för?) höga pris : Effekter på sysselsättning av sänkta arbetsgivaravgifter för unga under covid-19 2020–2022

Åkerman, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Under covid-19-pandemin sänkte den svenska regeringen arbetsgivaravgiften för arbetstagare i åldrarna19–23 år. Denna uppsats studerar effekten av denna sänkning på sysselsättning under åren 2020–2022,utifrån registerdata från svenska myndigheter. Genom två difference-in-difference-modeller, jämför jagdels sysselsättningsgraden för 20–24-åringar mot sysselsättningsgraden hos 25–29-åringar, delssysselsättningen i branscher med hög andel anställda i åldrarna 20–24 år mot sysselsättningen ibranscher med en medelhög andel anställda i åldrarna 20–24 år. Jag finner ett positiv samband mellanreformen och sysselsättning i behandlingsgruppen under reformperioden. Resultaten indikerar att sänktaarbetsgivaravgifter ökade sysselsättningsgraden för 20–24-åringar med 1,0–1,7 procentenheter, ochökade sysselsättningen i branscher med en hög andel anställda i åldrarna 20–24 år med 2,3 procent. Atteffekten är större med branschmodellen stärker också tidigare slutsatser att subventioner riktade motspecifika grupper på arbetsmarknaden påverkar den gynnade gruppen heterogent, och inte likartat påhela arbetsmarknaden. Jag finner även i strid med tidigare forskning, en tydlig positiv effekt försysselsättningen hos utrikesfödda. / During the Covid-19 pandemic the Swedish government lowered payroll taxes for employees aged 19to 23 years old. This thesis studies the effect of these lowered payroll taxes on employment during theyears 2020–2022, using register data from Swedish tax collecting and social service agencies. Usingtwo difference-in-difference models, I firstly compare the employment rate for 20–24-year-olds to theemployment rate for 25–29-years-olds, and secondly compare employment in industries with a highshare of 20–24 years old employees to industries with a medium share of 20–24 years old employees. Ifind a small, positive correlation between the reform and employment in the targeted groups during thereform period. These results indicate that lowered payroll taxes increased the employment rate for 20–24-year-olds by 1.0–1.7 percentage points, and increased employment in industries with a large shareof 20–24-year-old workers by 2.3 percent. The fact the effect is larger using the industry analysissupports previous conclusions that subsidies targeted at specific groups on the labour market affectsthe favoured group heterogeneously, and not equally across the labour market. I also find, contrary toprevious research, a clear effect on employment for foreign born workers.

Design Education for Ugandan Secondary Schools

Acayo, Penina Christine 08 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Collaboration projects in the welfare - A case study on the establishment of a collaborative project

Tengdahl, Leonardo January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of why collaboration projects emerge. The background of the study is the fact that collaboration projects are increasing in the society and being impelemented in the welfare. This is the basis of the researched question, why does Lund municipality tend to start collaboration projects within the welfare for young people? The study is conducted as a case study on a chosen project, ComUng. ComUng is a collaboration project that works with youths who are at risk of alienation. Interviews, text analysis and a web survey have been used as methods to find out why collaboration projects emerge. The results have been analyzed using an analysis tool based on research by DiMaggio and Powell (1983), which attempts to identify why organizations become increasingly alike. This phenomenon is called institutional isomorphism and is analyzed using three mechanisms: coercive isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism and normative isomorphism. The result of the study is that primarily two out of the three mechanisms have influenced the formation of ComUng. These are coercive isomorphism and normative isomorphism. The main difficulty I experienced during the study is the low frequency of answers to the web survey. Despite of this I believe the case study of ComUng can contribute with knowledge about why collaboration projects are formed. The conclusion is that a combination of a mindset shared by the personel and the resource possibilities from an external actor, in this case the European Social Fund, are the primary factors that have enabled this project. Previous research has tended to focus on the external resource. However, I believe that the personel and their opinion on how welfare can be operated are equally important.

”Jag vill vara självförsörjande” : - En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av arbetslösheten

El-hessi, Tagred, Ismaili, Vildane January 2012 (has links)
This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study’s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age. A coach from the project was also involved and gave us his view of the project, its goals and objectives. Through all the interviewees statements regarding unemployment, it was confirmed that work has a significant impact on the identity of the elaboration and socialization. Knowing the community, to be useful to society and to earn their own money, are some of the important factors that can be accomplished by a employment. Young people experience work and activities as positive and developing. Being unemployed affects how individuals perceive themselves and their living situations. Young people who fall outside of the labor market has found difficulties to reengage themselves into work and society, and thus risking a life of alienation with bad economy and poor living conditions as a result.


陳冠廷 Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題是目前世界各國所關心的主要議題之一,從1970年代開始先進國家已開始意識到青年失業問題的嚴重性。根據國際勞工組織估計,目前世界上至少有7,100萬青年處於沒有工作的狀態,全球的青年失業率在2007年高達11.9%。而台灣的整體失業率與青年失業率從1996年開始攀升,2009年2月的青年失業率已高達14.56%,創歷年最高,且青年為各年齡組群中失業率最高的一群,若青年失業問題持續惡化,勢必對社會造成不良的影響,增加社會成本。 面對越來越嚴重的青年失業問題,國際組織與先進各國均提出許多建議或政策來因應,本研究將探討國際組織ILO與OECD對青年就業政策之觀點,並以德國、英國、美國、香港、丹麥與荷蘭為例,借鏡其青年就業政策,以掌握世界主要工業國家之趨勢與對策。 台灣近年來隨著失業問題越來越嚴重,雖然政府開始注意到青年的失業問題,並已初步實施多面項的方案,但經由本研究分析與國際發展趨勢相較,發現目前台灣的青年就業政策還是有許多仍待補強之處。最後本研究將以國際的經驗當作借鏡,提出以下七點相關建議,以作為未來相關政策參考之方向: 一、應重視技職教育的發展,擴大投資技職教育。 二、提升正式教育過程中的就業力養成教育,並增加青年體驗職場的機會。 三、加強職業指導,培養正確的就業價值觀。 四、積極的消極勞動市場政策。 五、提供青年個人化的深度就業諮詢輔導服務,多關注弱勢青年。 六、建立職業訓練評估制度,完善規劃訓練課程以符合市場需求。 七、整合相關部會,制訂一套完整、長期性、針對性的青年就業促進方案。 / Nowadays the problem of youth unemployment is one of main topics that every countries concern. Since 1970s, the developed countries have realized the severity of the problem of youth unemployment. According to ILO estimates, there has at least 71 million youths unemployment in the world at present. The global youth unemployment rate reaches as high as 11.9% in 2007. And then Taiwan's overall unemployment rate and the youth unemployment rate have soared since 1996, the youth unemployment rate has reached as high as 14.56% in February of 2009. Youths have the highest unemployment rate among others.There will be negative impacts on society, if the problem of youth unemployment worsens continuously. Facing more and more serious problem of youth unemployment, the international organization and the advanced countries put forward a lot of suggestions or policies. This research will introduce ILO and OECD on youth employment policies of the opinion. In order to understand how to deal with the problem of youth unemployment in the advanced countries, this research will take Germany, Britain, US, Hong Kong, Denmark and Holland as the example, and introduce their youth employment policies. Because the unemployment problem is more and more serious in Taiwan, the government has begun to notice the problem of youth unemployment, and has implemented multi-surface policies. But this research found that there are still some things need to be improved in Taiwan’s youth employment policies. Finally I will put forward some suggestions from with the experience of foreign countries, in order to help the government resolve the problems of youth unemployment.

Croissance par l'innovation et emploi dans les pays du Sud de la Méditerranée " une application à l'emploi des jeunes" / Growth through innovation and employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries : "An application to youth employment"

Gaysset, Isabelle 09 November 2015 (has links)
Les pays de la région Mena ont un point commun, la recrudescence du chômage de masse des jeunes diplômés. Ce problème lié à la dynamique et à la qualité de la croissance, à une carence chronique en démocratie, cause des déséquilibres socio-économiques qui menacent la stabilité et le développement dans la région. Les PM doivent transformer leur modèle de croissance actuel peu différencié, en un modèle à productivité globale des facteurs, où l’innovation améliore de façon continue la qualité et la combinaison des facteurs et permet d’emprunter un régime de croissance endogène fondé sur le progrès technologique. Après une introduction générale, le chapitre II présente les systèmes d’innovation des PM et leurs effets sur l’emploi dans une analyse en composantes principales, et une étude en panel des déterminants de la croissance. Dans les chapitres III et IV, les effets de l'économie de la connaissance sur l'emploi des jeunes sont soigneusement étudiés par une analyse en séries chronologiques en panel pour la région MENA, d'une part, et pour l’étude du cas tunisien, de l'autre. Le chapitre V donne les principales conclusions de l’étude. / Countries in the MENA region have been recently characterized by a common feature mainly the upsurge in the unemployment of young graduates. This is due to the dynamics and quality of economic growth, a chronic democracy deficiency, and socio-economic imbalances that threaten the stability and development wihtin the region. The PM must alter their current growth framework into a total factor productivity model, whereby innovation continuously improves, allowing for an endogenous growth regime based on technology progress to take over. After a general introduction, Chapter (II) highlightst the PM’s innovation systems and their effects on employment generation in a principal component analysis, and a panel study of the determinants of economic growth. In chapter (III) and (IV), the effects of the knowledge economy on youth employment are carefully studied though a time series analysis for the MENA region as a panel on one hand and for Tunisia a single case study on the other. Chapter (V) gives the mains conclusions of the study

Unga och arbetslösa : Upplevelser av ungdomsarbetslöshet i en bruksort

Abrashi, Getoar January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on youth unemployment in Finspång, often referred as an industrial community. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on social constructionism and covers theoretical discourse analysis, intersectionality and social capital. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 7 unemployed individuals between the ages of 19-24 and an interview with an employee at the employment office in the community. The main subject in this thesis is the youngsters experience with unemployment, labour, the employment office, the impacts of social capital and the labour market in the community. The analysis focuses in how the respondents discuss their experienced problems with their unemployment. My analysis shows that unemployed youngsters are willing to work but feels that they’re restrained by their age, sex and lack of adequate social network. The analysis also shows that the youngster’s expectations on the employment office possibilities to help them get a job are unfulfilled which creates a general negative view. It seems that the high expectations of help often are based on communication and/or information problems between the youngsters and the employment office.</p>

Unga och arbetslösa : Upplevelser av ungdomsarbetslöshet i en bruksort

Abrashi, Getoar January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on youth unemployment in Finspång, often referred as an industrial community. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on social constructionism and covers theoretical discourse analysis, intersectionality and social capital. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 7 unemployed individuals between the ages of 19-24 and an interview with an employee at the employment office in the community. The main subject in this thesis is the youngsters experience with unemployment, labour, the employment office, the impacts of social capital and the labour market in the community. The analysis focuses in how the respondents discuss their experienced problems with their unemployment. My analysis shows that unemployed youngsters are willing to work but feels that they’re restrained by their age, sex and lack of adequate social network. The analysis also shows that the youngster’s expectations on the employment office possibilities to help them get a job are unfulfilled which creates a general negative view. It seems that the high expectations of help often are based on communication and/or information problems between the youngsters and the employment office.

Youth wage subsidy as a possible solution to youth unemployment in South Africa

Kasongo, Atoko Haydee AH January 2013 (has links)
South Africa is characterised by its high and persistent level of unemployment, in particular among the youth. The high youth unemployment is attributed to various reasons, ranging from their lack of work experience, skills mismatch to employment and wage rigidities. The South African government proposed the youth wage subsidy to be implemented in 2011, with the primary aim of solving the youth unemployment problem. This study starts by providing a literature review on the youth labour market trends since the transition; it emerged that there is a lack of studies focusing exclusively on how youths fare in the labour market. Next, the demographic and educational attainment characteristics of the youth narrow labour force, employed and narrow unemployed are analysed under the narrow or strict definition, using the 1995-1999 October Household Surveys (OHSs), the 2000-2007 Labour Force Surveys (LFSs) and the 2008-2011 Quarterly Labour Force Surveys (QLFSs). With regard to unemployed youths, it is found that they are more likely to be blacks, without Matric and have never worked before. The main causes of youth unemployment are then discussed in detail, before the thesis moves on to examine the various active and passive labour market policies that could help to address the youth unemployment problem. The possible pros and cons of the youth wage subsidy, one of the active policies and the focus of this study, are discussed in greater detail. In particular, the claim by institutions such as COSATU that the introduction of the subsidy would lead to elderly workers (who are not subsidised) being replaced by the youth workers (who are subsidised) is not entirely correct, as these two groups of workers could be complementary instead of substitutes, and the introduction of the subsidy programme could result in an increase of demand for both elderly and youth workers. It is concluded that, although the youth wage subsidy could be one of the feasible solutions to stimulate demand for youth labour, it is not sufficient to address youth unemployment. It needs to be complemented by the other policies, such as a job search subsidy (targeting discouraged work seekers) and public employment programmes (e.g. Expanded Public Works Programme); but it is most important to note that these policies could only be fully effective if the root causes of youth unemployment are addressed by the government. / Magister Economicae - MEcon

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