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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors hälsa efter att de blivit utsatta för våld av en partner : en litteraturöversikt / Womens's health after being exposed to violence by a partner : a literature review

Lindström, Johanna, Noori, Mandana January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Våld i nära relationer är en global folkhälsofråga. Enligt en WHO-studie har många kvinnor runt om i världen blivit utsatta för olika former av våld från sina partners. Hälsa definieras på olika sätt. Inom vårdvetenskapen definieras hälsa som en balans mellan fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt välbefinnande. Våld kommer vidare i olika former och kan utövas fysiskt, psykiskt, sexuellt och ekonomiskt. Kvinnor är särskilt utsatta för sådant våld. Sjuksköterskor har en viktig roll i att upptäcka och stödja kvinnor som utsätts. Dock finns brister i sjuksköterskors kunskap och självförtroende när det gäller att hantera dessa situationer. Syfte Syftet var att belysa kvinnors hälsa efter att de blivit utsatta för våld av en partner. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt har genomförts baserat på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, som omfattar såväl kvalitativa som kvantitativa ansatser. Artiklarna samlades in från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL genom att använda olika kombinationer av sökord. Artiklarna har alla blivit peer reviewed och genomgått en kvalitetsbedömning med de kriterier som fastställts av Sophiahemmet University för att utvärdera deras vetenskapliga klassificering och kvalitet. Resultat Resultatet sammanställdes under fyra huvudkategorier: fysisk-, psykisk- och social hälsa samt skadliga hälsobeteenden som konsekvens av partnervåld. Resultatet tyder på att våld i nära relation har konsekvenser för alla former av hälsa samt att det leder till skadliga hälsobeteenden. Kvinnans möjligheter att uppnå god hälsa försämras och risken att drabbas av ohälsa ökar av partnervåld. Slutsats Denna uppsats belyste kvinnors hälsa efter våld i nära relationer. Våldet har en negativ påverkan på fysisk, psykisk och social hälsa samt leder till ohälsosamt beteende. Alla inom vården bör kunna möta våldsutsatta kvinnor och erbjuda relevant hjälp och stöd. Denna litteraturöversikt hoppas kunna öka sjuksköterskors medvetenhet om våld i nära relationer och dess breda konsekvenser vilket är nödvändigt för upptäckt, förebyggande, kunskapsspridning och stöd till de drabbade kvinnorna. / Background  Violence in intimate relationships is a global public health issue. According to a WHO study, many women around the world have been exposed to various forms of violence from their partners. Health is defined in different ways. In nursing science, health is defined as a balance between physical, mental and social well-being. Violence comes in different forms and can be practiced physically, psychologically, sexually and financially. Women are particularly vulnerable to such violence. Nurses have an important role in detecting and supporting women who are exposed. However, there are gaps in nurses' knowledge and self-confidence when it comes to handling these situations. Aim  The aim was to shed light on women's health after being subjected to violence by a partner. Method  A non-systematic literature review has been carried out based on 15 scientific articles, which include qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. The articles were gathered from the PubMed and CINAHL databases by employing various combinations of keywords. The included articles have been peer-reviewed and subjected to a quality assessment using the criteria established by Sophiahemmet Univeristy for evaluating their scientific classification and quality. Results  The results were compiled under four main categories: physical health, mental health, social health, and harmful health behaviours as a consequence of partner violence. The results indicate that violence in a close relationship has several bad consequences on all types of health and that it leads to harmful health behaviour, which means that the abused woman cannot achieve good health. Conclusions  This essay highlighted women's health after intimate partner violence. The violence has a negative impact on physical, mental and social health and leads to unhealthy behaviour. Everyone in healthcare should be able to meet abused women and offer relevant help and support. This literature review hopes to increase nurses' awareness of intimate partner violence and its broad consequences, which is necessary for detection, prevention, knowledge dissemination and support for the affected women.

Yrkesverksammas syn på barns utsatthet för våld i hemmet under coronapandemin

Neuman Gullbrandsson, Linn, Johannesson, Magda January 2024 (has links)
Barns utsatthet för våld i hemmet är ett samhällsproblem som skadar ett barn både fysiskt och psykiskt. Det blir därför av stor vikt att barn får det stöd och skydd som är nödvändigt. När viruset covid-19 bröt ut och orsakade coronapandemin påverkades stora delar av samhället, däribland barnen. Flertalet experter inom ämnet befarade att samhällsförändringarna orsakade av pandemin skulle förvärra våld i hemmet riktat mot barn. I efterhand råder det delade meningar om hur våldet föreföll sig där olika typer av undersökningar motsäger sig varandra. Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma på Barnahus och Polisen uppfattar de möjliga förändringar som coronapandemin medfört för barns utsatthet för våld i hemmet i Sverige. Detta undersöks med hjälp av frågeställningar; Hur uppfattar yrkesverksamma att förekomsten av våld och den form av våld som utövas mot barn förändrats under coronapandemin? och Vilka faktorer anses ha kunnat påverkat den möjliga förändringen?. Detta har undersökts genom en kvalitativ studie innehållande 7 semistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 yrkesverksamma inom Polisen och Barnahus. Den insamlade datan analyserades genom en tematisk analys där resultatet diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning och rutinaktivitetsteorin av Cohen och Felson (1979). Studiens framträdande resultat tyder på en förhållandevis oförändrad lägesbild gällande barns utsatthet för våld i hemmet till följd av coronapandemin. Respondenterna presenterar även ett flertal faktorer som kan tyda på att deras upplevelser samt statistiken inte representerar den faktiska brottsligheten och att det finns ett stort mörkertal. / Children exposed to domestic violence is a societal issue causing physical as well as psychological harm for a child. Therefore, it is of great importance that a child is provided with the support and protection that is necessary. When the covid-19 virus caused the global pandemic, significant parts of the society were affected, including children. Various experts in the field feared that the societal changes caused by the pandemic would aggravate domestic violence directed towards children. In retrospect, the opinions are differing regarding the occurrence of domestic violence against children where various studies contradict each other. This study aims to examine how professionals at Barnahus and police perceive the conceivable changes the covid-19 pandemic has caused regarding domestic violence perpetrated against children. This is examined through the following research questions: How do professionals perceive that the prevalence of violence and the types of violence perpetrated against children have changed during the covid-19 pandemic? and What factors are considered to potentially have influenced this possible change? This has been examined through a qualitative study containing 7 semi structured interviews with 10 professionals working at Barnahus and the Police. The collected data was analyzed using a thematic analysis and the result was discussed in relation to the previous research and the routine activity theory by Cohen and Felson (1979). The prominent findings in this study suggests that the prevalence of violence against children remained relatively unchanged during the covid-19 pandemic. Respondents also highlighted several factors indicating that their conception, as well as statistics might not portray the actual crime rates which suggests that there may be underreporting. / <p>2024-01-12</p>

Socialsekreterares skilda skyddsbedömningar : Hur stödet vid mäns våld mot kvinnor kan skilja sig åt / Social workers' different protection assessments : How support for men's violence against women can differ

Karlsson, Tove, Emilia, Bertilsson January 2024 (has links)
Men's violence against women is an ever-increasing societal issue. The social services bear the responsibility of supporting and protecting women who are victims of violence seeking help. This responsibility has been delegated to social workers based on municipal autonomy. To ensure the safety placements of these women, social workers are guided by standardized assessment tools implemented across municipalities. Previous research suggests that safety assessments might differ depending on where in the country women seek support and protection. The study focuses on investigating the basis upon which social workers ground their safety assessments and whether circumstances exist that cause variations in these assessments across different municipalities. Data from social workers is gathered through eight semi-structured interviews. This empirical data is processed and analyzed using the theoretical concept of scope for action. The study reveals that social workers base their safety assessments on FREDA and conversations with the victims of violence. It discusses the significance of the victim's narrative and how deficiencies in resources and evaluation can lead to discrepancies in assessments. The choice of assessment tools and the scope for action of social workers are questioned.

“Vart ringer jag? Jag vet inte ens det” : En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda äldre som utsätts för våld i nära relationer / "Who do I call? I don't even know that" : An interview study on nurses' experiences of caring for elderly people who are exposed to abuse in close relationships

Jägare, Maria, Kareståhl, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda äldre som utsätts för våld i nära relationer. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju sjuksköterskor som har haft erfarenhet av att vårda äldre som utsatts för våld i nära relation. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Huvudresultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna upplevde starka känslor och hade behov av stöd från personalgrupp och ledning. Det största upplevda hindret var att inte få samtycke från patienten för att kunna kontakta andra myndigheter. Det saknades kunskap kring att bedöma våldet och att använda screeninginstrument. De flesta upplevde svårigheter kring dokumentation och otydlighet kring möjliga åtgärder. Sjuksköterskorna uttryckte också behov av att utveckla samarbetet med andra myndigheter och ideella föreningar.  Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna som vårdade äldre som utsattes för våld upplevde starka känslor och hade en vilja att hjälpa. De uttryckte även ett stort behov av kompetensutveckling kring våld i nära relationer bland äldre. / Background: Abuse is a serious threat to the health and well-being of the elderly. There are few studies on the vulnerability of older people and there is a lack of knowledge about how to protect the elderly from being abused.  Aim: To investigate nurses' experiences of caring for elderly people who are exposed to abuse in close relationships. Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted with seven nurses with experience of caring for elderly people who have been subjected to abuse in close relationships. Data has been analyzed using qualitative content analysis.  Results: The main results showed that the nurses experienced strong emotions and needed support from staff group and management. The largest obstacle perceived was not getting consent from the patient to be allowed to contact other authorities. There was a lack of knowledge about the degree of abuse and how to use screening instruments. Most difficulties where experienced regarding documentation and lack of clarity about possible measures. The nurses also expressed the need to develop cooperation with other government agencies and non-profit associations. Conclusion: The nurses who cared for elderly people who were subjected to abuse experienced strong emotions and had a will to help. They also expressed a great need for skills development around abuse in close relationships among the elderly.

A Comparative Study: Women's Rights in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

Ginn, Megan A 01 January 2016 (has links)
After 1991 five countries emerged out of the fall of the Soviet Union to create a new region: Central Asia. No longer dominated by Soviet rule these countries fought to overcome barriers to independence and struggled to be seen by the international community as developed countries. However, these countries were far from developed and had to pay the high cost of human rights to get what they desired. This study researches and analyzes how Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan have traded the rights of women to achieve a placebo of development. Two of the largest violations of women’s rights that have manifested because of the government’s direct actions are domestic abuse and sex trafficking. The government’s structure and leadership, the economic opportunity for women, and the cultural acceptance have all been orchestrated by the government to create a society where women’s rights are unheard of. The actions taken by the three governments seem extensive on paper and international covenants yet are never implemented to help society. Through this research women’s rights in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan are examined through the prevalence and acceptance of both domestic violence and sex trafficking. The international conventions, domestic policies, and actions taken by political leaders are examined to better understand the underlying reasons that contribute to the persistence of these attitudes.

Where the Global Meets the Local: Female Mobility in South Asian Women's Fiction in India and the U.S

Gohain, Atreyee 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Preventing Domestic Violence Towards Women : A study of Intervention Methods in Nairobi, Kenya

Mohamed, Hundessa, Yusuf, Shukriya Omar January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the intervention methods and tools available fordomestic violence survivors in Nairobi, Kenya. Furthermore, the aim is also to contributeto the area's knowledge and discover if further research can be made that can help reducegender-based violence and address how the pandemic has affected their working methods.The authors conducted qualitative research using a focus-group interview with threeprofessionals who had experience in this area spanning about 45 years between them. Inthis qualitative research, there are many different data collection methods which could beused, but the authors choose open-ended questions as a way of collecting data. Thereafter,the authors used thematic coding together with the system theory and social learningtheory in order to analyze the findings. Furthermore, the findings were divided into threedifferent themes (Theme 1: Intervention methods &amp; Tools, Theme 2: COVID-19 andWorking Methods and Theme 3: Needed Tools and Resources) along with sub-themes.The findings of this study have highlighted the importance of educating and empoweringthe population, specifically women and teen girls about domestic violence and its harm.In addition to this, lack of financial support and investment in communications platformswere some of the factors that hindered the service providers to assist the survivors.


LAIS MARTINS COSTA ARAUJO 27 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação analisa os sentidos atribuídos por profissionais da Atenção Básica à Saúde à violência doméstica e às práticas desenvolvidas para atendê-la, no conjunto de favelas da Maré. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, cujo principal instrumento para produção de dados consistiu em entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas no mês de novembro de 2018, com nove profissionais de duas Clínicas da Família da Maré. A análise dos dados obtidos se deu através do método de interpretação de sentidos, sendo possível identificar percepções dos profissionais tanto sobre os casos de violência doméstica quanto sobre as questões que interferem no acolhimento e notificação desses casos, bem como limites e desafios para o atendimento dos serviços básicos de saúde às situações de violência doméstica em territórios conflagrados. Se por um lado, os resultados apontam para uma série de dificuldades, sobretudo devido à gramática da violência e do medo, estruturante da sociedade brasileira e reproduzida de forma ainda mais aguda nas favelas, por outro, foi possível ident ificar práticas desenvolvidas para garantir serviços de saúde em seu sentido mais amplo, além de formas de resistência existentes na Maré. / [en] This dissertation analyzes the meanings attributed by professionals of Basic Health Care to domestic violence and the practices developed to serve them in the set of slums in Maré. It is qualitative research, whose main instrument used for data production was semi-structured interviews, conducted between November and December of 2018, with nine professionals from two Family Clinics of complex of Maré. The analysis of the data obtained was done through the method of senses interpretation, and it was possible to identify the perceptions of the professionals, both on cases of domestic violence and on the issues that interfere in the reception and notification of these cases, also identifying limits and challenges for the provision of basic health services to people in situations of domestic violence in conflict territories. On one hand, the results point to a series of difficulties, mainly due to the grammar of violence and fear, structuring Brazilian society and reproduced even more acutely in slams. On the other hand, it was also possible to identify practices developed in the sense of guaranteeing health services in its broadest sense, in addition to forms of resistance existing in Maré.

THE VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN SWEDEN : A qualitative study exploring social workers’ views on how the COVID-19 Pandemic affected women who are victims of domestic violence

Bohman, Esther, Olaoye, Abimbola Zainab January 2022 (has links)
This report was the result of a study conducted in Stockholm County in Sweden. This study aimed to gain further understanding of how social workers working with domestic violence issues perceived how the COVID-19 pandemic affected women who are victims of domestic violence in Sweden. Three social workers working with victims of domestic violence were interviewed using semi structured questions. The sample consisted of two respondents from social services and one respondent from a women'sshelter. Their clients are women from the age of 18 and above with different cultural backgrounds. The results generated from the interview were analysed using feminist theory and earlier research conducted on domestic violence. Though domestic violence against women has been a social problem before the COVID-19 pandemic, the findings revealed the different factors that led to more cases of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic such as economic dependency on the perpetrator, depression,alcohol abuse, and social isolation due to the partial lockdown. These factors cause the women (victims) to be more vulnerable to the crime perpetrated by their partners, and due to partial lockdown and the stay-at-home order by the government to combat the spread of COVID-19 virus in Sweden, the social workers believed that the women (the victims) were stuck with their perpetrators and unable to come out to seek the help needed and this made their situation more vulnerable resulting to long life effects like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), suicidal thoughts and even death.

Att våga se, våga veta och våga fråga : mötet inom hälso- och sjukvården med kvinnor som utsätts för våld av en partner / Dare to see, dare to know and dare to ask : the encounter in healthcare with women who have been exposed to intimate partner violence

Berglund Nygårds, Wilma, Bjuresäter, Sigrid January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Våld i nära relationer är ett av dagens stora samhällsproblem som hotar kvinnors psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Våldet karaktäriseras utifrån olika uttrycksformer där de vanligaste är fysiskt, psykiskt och sexuellt våld. Våld i nära relationer får allvarliga konsekvenser för såväl individen som samhället i stort vilket kan förstås med hjälp av olika perspektiv. Hur hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen bemöter kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer samt den kunskap de besitter om ämnet är av stor betydelse. Syfte Syftet var att belysa hur kvinnor som utsätts för våld av en manlig partner upplever hälsooch sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande. Metod Denna studie är en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Databaserna CINAHL och PubMed användes för datainsamling. Genom sökordskombinationer i databaserna inkluderadeds 14 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ design, en vetenskaplig artikel med kvantitativ design och en vetenskaplig artikel med mixad metod som design. Alla de inkluderade artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Sophiahemmet högskolas bedömningsinstrument. En integrerad dataanalys genomfördes där tre kategorier identifierades. Resultat I denna icke-systematiska litteraturöversikt framkommer att om samt hur frågan om våld i nära relationer ställs av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen är av betydelse för hur kvinnorna upplever mötet med personalen. När upplevelserna har varit av negativ karaktär har personalen haft bristande engagemang samt uppfört sig stressat. Mötet har vidare genomsyrats av skuld och rädsla. När upplevelserna har varit av positiv karaktär har mötet mellan kvinnorna och personal genomsyrats av en god relation samt empati. Slutsats Ett gott bemötande karaktäriseras av lyhördhet, respekt och empati. När kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer upplever ett gott bemötande från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen känner de sig mer benägna att öppna upp sig om sin våldsutsatthet. Bemötandet är således viktigt för att minska konsekvenserna av denna typ av våld, men också för att ge adekvat stöd och hjälp till våldsutsatta kvinnor. / Background Domestic violence is one of today's major societal problems that threaten women's mental and physical health. This type of violence is characterized by different forms of expression, the most common of which are physical, psychological and sexual violence. Intimate partner violence has serious consequences for both the individual and society at large, which can be understood with the help of different perspectives. How healthcare professionals respond to women who have been victims of intimate partner violence and the knowledge they possess on the subject is of great importance. Aim The aim was to illustrate how women exposed to intimate partner violence experience the encounter with healthcare professionals. Method This study is a non-systematic literature review based on 16 scientific articles. The CINAHL and PubMed databases were used for data collection. Through keyword combinations in the databases, 14 scientific articles with qualitative design, a scientific article with quantitative design and a scientific article with mixed method design were included. All of the included articles were quality reviewed based on Sophiahemmet University's assessment instruments. An integrated data analysis was carried out in which three main categories were identified. Results This non-systematic literature review shows that whether and how the question of domestic violence is posed by health professionals is of importance for how women experience the encounter with staff. When the experiences have been of a negative nature, the staff has had a lack of commitment and behaved stressed. The meeting has also been imbued with guilt and fear. When the experiences have been of a positive nature, the meeting between the women and staff has been imbued with a good relationship and empathy. Conclusions A good encounter is characterized by responsiveness, respect and empathy. When women who have been victims of intimate partner violence experience good treatment from health care professionals, they feel more likely to open up about their exposure to violence. The response is thus important to reduce the prevalence and consequences of this type of violence, but also to provide adequate support and assistance to abused women.

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