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Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems in a Mechatronic ContextSjöstedt, Carl-Johan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis gives different views on the modeling and simulation of physical systems, especially together with embedded systems, forming mechatronic systems. The main considered application domain is automotive. One motivation behind the work is to find suitable representations of physical systems to be used in an architectural description language for automotive embedded systems, EAST-ADL2, which is implemented as a UML2 profile, and uses concepts from both UML and SysML. As a part of the thesis, several languages and tools are investigated, including bond graphs, MATLAB/Simulink, Ptolemy II, Modelica, MATLAB/Simscape and SysML. For SysML, the modeling of continuous-time systems and how it relates to MATLAB/Simulink and Modelica is evaluated. A case study of an electric power assisted steering is modeled to show the differences, the similarities and the usage of the above mentioned languages and tools. To be able to classify the tools and languages, five realization levels were developed: Physical modeling models Constraint models Continuous causal models Discretized models Discretized models with solver and platform implementation By using these realization levels, models, tools and modeling languages can be classified, and transformations between them can be set up and analyzed. As a result, a method to describe the simulation behavior of a MATLAB/Simulink model has been developed using SysML activity diagrams as an approach to achieve integrated system models. Another result is an evaluation of the parametric diagrams of SysML for continuous-time modeling, which shows that they do not enable “physical modeling”, i.e. modeling the topology of the system and getting the underlying equations out of this topology. By including physical ports and physical connectors to SysML internal block diagrams, this could be solved. The comparison also shows many similarities between the languages. The results led to a more detailed investigation on conjugate variables, such as force and velocity, and electric current and voltage, and how these are treated in various languages. The thesis also includes two industrial case studies: one of a twin-screw compressor, and one of a simulation environment for automotive fuel-cell systems. Conclusions are drawn from these models, referring to the realization levels. / QC 20100810
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Investigations of stereo setup for KinectManuylova, Ekaterina January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to investigate the behavior of the recently released by Microsoft company the Kinect sensor, which contains the properties that go beyond ordinary cameras. Normally, in order to create a 3D reconstruction of the scene two cameras are required. Whereas, the Kinect device, due to the properties of the Infrared projector and sensor allows to create the same type of the reconstruction using only one device. However, the depth images, which are generated by the Infrared laser projector and monochrome sensor in Kinect can contain undefined values. Therefore, in addition to other investigations this project contains an idea how to improve the quality of the depth images. However, the base aim of this work is to perform a reconstruction of the scene based on the color images using pair of Kinects which will be compared with the results generated by using depth information from one Kinect. In addition, the report contains the information how to check that all the performed calculations were done correctly. All the algorithms which were used in the project as well as the achieved results will be described and discussed in the separate chapters in the current report.
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Real-time acquisition and analysis ofElectro-oculography signalsSridharan, Kousik Sarathy January 2012 (has links)
Electro-oculography signals are corneo-retinal potentials that carry informationpertaining to eye movements. This information can be used to estimate drowsinesslevel of the subject which could provide interesting insights into research of acci-dent prevention. Of all features present, blink duration has been proved to be aneffective measure of drowsiness. The aim of this thesis work is to build a portablesystem to acquire and analyze electro-oculographic (EOG) signals in real-time.The system contains two sub-systems; a hardware sub-system that consists of thefilters, amplifiers, data acquisition card and isolation and the software sub-systemthat contains the program to acquire and analyze the signal and present the resultsto the observer. The filters were designed starting with simulation, implementa-tion on the prototype board, culminating in the design of a printed circuit board(PCB) and packaging. The complete software was written in PythonTMusing sev-eral relevant libraries for data processing. A text-based user interface was createdto enable easy user interaction. The results are graphically displayed in real-time. Ex-situ tests were done with two volunteers while in-situ test was done onone subject. The data from the in-situ tests showed "good signal quality" in a"noisy" environment concurring with the design specifications. To motivate theimportance of calibration, two calibration paradigms were used during ex-situtests, where one paradigm records only normal blinks while the other records longblinks and the results showed differences in detection and error rates. The obser-vations made from performance tests at various levels gave "satisfactory results"and proved the usefulness of the system for experimental purposes in-situ.
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Model based development of a roll angle estimator for motorcycles. / Modellbaserad utveckling av en skattare av rollvinkeln för motorcyklar.Eriksson, Sofia, Isaksson, Petter January 2003 (has links)
This report compares the development tools Ascet and Matlab with regard to their suitability as tools for model based development of signal processing software for embedded systems. We derive appropriate metrics of quality and perform an implementation of a signal processing algorithm called RAI, Roll Angle Indicator, in both tools. RAI is an algorithm that with an Extended Kalman Filter estimates the roll angle, that is how much a motorcycle is leaning. From the models implemented in Ascet and Matlab we then generate C-code for a embedded system. This code is then run on an embedded target containing a Infineon C167 microprocessor. Information from the implementation and the performance of the generated C-code is then used to compare the two model based development tools.
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Monte Carlo Simulation of Heston Model in MATLAB GUIKheirollah, Amir January 2006 (has links)
In the Black-Scholes model, the volatility considered being deterministic and it causes some inefficiencies and trends in pricing options. It has been proposed by many authors that the volatility should be modelled by a stochastic process. Heston Model is one solution to this problem. To simulate the Heston Model we should be able to overcome the correlation between asset price and the stochastic volatility. This paper considers a solution to this issue. A review of the Heston Model presented in this paper and after modelling some investigations are done on the applet. Also the application of this model on some type of options has programmed by MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI).
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Development Of A Dynamic Flight Model Of A Jet Trainer AircraftGilani, Muhaned 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A dynamic flight model of a jet trainer aircraft is developed in MATLAB-SIMULINK. Using a six degree of freedom mathematical model, non-linear simulation is used to observe the longitudinal and lateral-directional motions of the aircraft following a pilot input. The mathematical model is in state-space form and uses aircraft stability and control derivatives calculated from the aircraft geometric and aerodynamic characteristics. The simulation takes the changes in speed and altitude into consideration due to pilot input and demonstrates the non-linearity of the aircraft motion. The results from the simulation are compared with the results from flight characteristics manual of the actual aircraft to validate the mathematical model used. The simulation is carried out for a number of airspeed and altitude combinations to examine the effect of changing speed and altitude on the aircraft dynamic response.
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Simulation of dynamic and static behavior of an electrically powered lift gateBoberg, Frida January 2008 (has links)
<p>Continental Automotive Systems is a German company that develops control systems for different applications in cars. A control system for electrically powered lift gates that are opened or closed on the driver’s command is one of the products developed. The drive system itself is composed of a spindle that is driven by a DC-motor over a gear and a spring. When developing the control system it is convenient to use a simulation model instead of having to implement it on the system every time. The simulation analytically describes how the system is behaving.</p><p>In this thesis a simulation model of a drive system and a lift gate is developed and evaluated. The model parameters are estimated using System Identification Toolbox in Matlab.</p> / <p>Continental Automotive Systems är ett tyskt företag som utvecklar styrsystem för olika tillämpningar i bilar. Bland annat utvecklas ett styrsystem till eldrivna bakluckor som öppnas och stängs av föraren per knapptryck. Själva drivanordningen består av en skruv som drivs av en likströmsmotor över en utväxling och en fjäder. Då man vill utveckla styrsystemet utan att behöva implementera det på systemet varje gång är en simuleringsmodell av drivanordningen och luckan ett bra hjälpmedel. Denna simuleringsmodell kan då analytiskt beräkna hur systemet uppför sig.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har en simuleringsmodell av en drivanordning med tillhörande lucka utvecklats och utvärderats. Modellparametrarna estimerades med hjälp av System Identification Toolbox i Matlab.</p>
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Modélisation et simulation de microsystèmes multi domaines à signaux mixtes : <br />vers le prototypage virtuel d'un microsystème autonomeZenati, Amel 26 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur la modélisation et la simulation d'un microsystème multidisciplinaire composé de dispositifs qui sont conçus dans des domaines différents: électromécanique, électronique analogique et numérique, et électrochimique. <br />L'objectif est de proposer des prototypes virtuels d'un microsystème dit autonome. Ce microsystème permet de générer à partir de vibrations mécaniques, une énergie électrique qui sert à alimenter tout le dispositif, et le rendre électriquement indépendant.<br />Une méthode de modélisation collaborative sous l'environnement MATLAB/Simulink est proposée afin d'étudier le comportement du microsystème. Ceci est réalisé à différents niveaux de détails en se basant sur deux approches de simulations. La première permet de vérifier le comportement du prototype virtuel dans un même environnement et de le valider par simulation globale. La deuxième approche consiste à simuler le système complet en faisant appel à l'interface de cosimulation avec le langage VHDL sous ModelSim. <br />Les résultats de simulation confrontés aux mesures effectuées sur le prototype physique ont montré la fiabilité de la méthode proposée.
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Modélisation et simulation de microsystèmes multi domaines à signaux mixtes : vers le prototypage virtuel d'un microsystème autonomeZenati, A. 26 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur la modélisation et la simulation d'un microsystème multidisciplinaire composé de dispositifs qui sont conçus dans des domaines différents: électromécanique, électronique analogique et numérique, et électrochimique. L'objectif est de proposer des prototypes virtuels d'un microsystème dit autonome. Ce microsystème permet de générer à partir de vibrations mécaniques, une énergie électrique qui sert à alimenter tout le dispositif, et le rendre électriquement indépendant. Une méthode de modélisation collaborative sous l'environnement MATLAB/Simulink est proposée afin d'étudier le comportement du microsystème. Ceci est réalisé à différents niveaux de détails en se basant sur deux approches de simulations. La première permet de vérifier le comportement du prototype virtuel dans un même environnement et de le valider par simulation globale. La deuxième approche consiste à simuler le système complet en faisant appel à l'interface de cosimulation avec le langage VHDL sous ModelSim. Les résultats de simulation confrontés aux mesures effectuées sur le prototype physique ont montré la fiabilité de la méthode proposée.
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Beräkningsmodell för osymmetrisk last och produktion i lågspänningsnätet / Calculation model for asymmetrical load and production in the low voltage networkTörnroth, Jonatan January 2015 (has links)
Produktion i lågspänningsnätet ökar kraftigt, bara under år 2014 dubblerades antalet nätanslutna solcellsanläggningar i Sverige. Utvecklingen ser ut att hålla i sig och då dessa anläggningar ofta är små är det troligt att flera ansluts genom en enfasigt ansluten växelriktare. Ett symmetriskt trefassystem består av tre fasspänningarna med samma amplitud, frekvens och förskjutna 120˚ från varandra. Laster och produktionsenheter som inte är trefasigt nätanslutna ger upphov till ett osymmetriskt driftfall. Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka hur spänningen påverkas av osymmetriska laster och produktionsenheter i Vattenfalls lågspänningsnät. Målet med arbetet är att skapa ett beräkningsverktyg som kan användas av Vattenfall Eldistribution för att undersöka hur spänningen påverkas vid olika osymmetriska driftfall. Beräkningsvertyget har skapats i Matlab och utgår från kända värden för spänningen i matningspunkten och impedansen mellan matningspunkten och anslutningspunkten. Dessutom anges effekt och effektfaktor för eventuell produktion och förbrukning i respektive fas. Beräkningsmodellen beräknar spänningar och strömmar i anslutningspunkten samt spänningens osymmetri. Verifiering av beräkningsmodellen har utförts genom att jämföra beräknat resultat med ”Kurvor för förenklad bedömning av nätstyrka” som återfinns i MIKRO-handboken, utgiven av branschorganisationen Svensk Energi. En fältstudie har utförts på en enfasigt nätansluten solcellsanläggning. Mätresultatet från denna har jämförts med resultat från beräkningsmodellen. Dessutom har laboratoriemätningar på en försöksuppställning genomförts. Försöksuppställningen modellerade en lågspänningskund ansluten till ett svagt nät, med enfasigt ansluten produktion och last. Mätresultatet från försöksuppställningen jämfördes med resultat från beräkningsmodellen. I jämförelse mellan den framtagna beräkningsmodellen och MIKRO-handboken konstateras att de stämmer överens. I jämförelse med mätresultat från fältstudien konstateras att beräkningsmodellen troligtvis räknar rätt men att mätningarna inte enbart kan användas för att verifiera modellen då det är en liten spänningsvariation och många troliga felkällor. Resultatet från försöksuppställningen konstateras överensstämma med beräknade värden och kan därför bekräfta att beräkningsmodellen är korrekt utformad. / Production in the low voltage distribution network increases, just in 2014 the number of grid-connected photovoltaic systems in Sweden doubled. The trend seems to continue, and since these plants often are small, it is likely that several are connected to a single-phase connected inverter. A symmetrical three-phase system consisting three phase voltages of equal magnitude, frequency and displaced 120˚ apart. Loads and production units that are not three-phase grid-connected, causes an asymmetrical operating condition. The purpose of this report is to study how the voltage is affected by asymmetrical loads and production units in Vattenfall’s low voltage network. The aim of this work is to create a calculation tool that can be used by Vattenfall Eldistribution to study how the voltage is affected at different asymmetrical operating conditions. The calculation tool is created in Matlab and is based on the known values of the voltage in the feed point and the impedance between the feed point and the connection point. Even power and power factor for possible production and consumption in each phase are set up. The calculation model calculates the voltages and currents at the connection point and the voltage asymmetry. Verification of the calculation model have been carried out by comparing the calculated results with "Curves for simplified assessment of grid strength” included in MIKRO-handboken, published by Svensk Energi. A field study has been performed on a single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic plant. The measurement result of this has been compared with the results of the calculation model. Also, laboratory measurements on an experimental set-up was performed. The experimental set-up corresponded a low voltage customer connected to a weak grid, with single-phase connected production and load. Measurement results of the experimental setup were compared with the results of the calculation model. Comparison between the developed calculation model and MIKRO-handboken concludes that they match. By comparison with measurements from the field study, it is concluded that the calculation model is probably correctly calculating, but that measurements alone can’t be used to verify the model because the voltage variation is too small and there are many likely sources of error. The results of the experimental set-up match with the calculated values and can therefore confirm that the calculation model is correctly designed.
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