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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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兩岸電視新聞媒體互動歷程個案研究(1998-2008) / Case study: the Interaction of TV news media between Mainland China and Taiwan (1998-2008)

林大法 Unknown Date (has links)
台海兩岸自1949年隔海分治後,到1987年台灣開放民眾到中國大陸探親恢復接觸。台灣雖然也在1987年開放媒體到大陸採訪,但是兩岸電視新聞媒體的交流、合作受到當時的時空環境影響,非常有限。 1997年底,台灣的TVBS(無線衛星電視台)獲得大陸國務院台灣事務辦公室的批准,成為第一家在大陸北京設立駐點記者(不掛牌的記者站)的台灣電視媒體。之後,台灣其他電視媒體也陸續向大陸提出申請派記者駐點採訪,並先後獲得批准;而申請前往駐點的大陸城市也從北京,陸續增加上海、福州、成都、廈門等。 本文主要研究始於1998年起TVBS在大陸派記者駐點採訪後至2008年之間,和大陸電視媒體(從中央到地方)的互動(包括交流、合作及買賣等)歷程,與這十年間兩岸政經情勢變化的關係影響兩岸電視新聞互動的變化。研究藉此歸結出影響兩岸電視新聞媒體互動的因素,並探討台灣電視新聞媒體進入大陸市場的可能性。 研究發現,大陸電視產業近年來雖不斷引進民間(市場)力量參與運作(例如電視廣告、電視劇拍攝等),但是新聞類仍屬於不得市場化的範疇。這主要是因為大陸所界定的媒介理論認為媒體是黨的喉舌與宣傳工具,必須為黨所用,不得為其他私人力量所掌控。但是由於兩岸特有的政治情勢變化,兩岸的電視新聞媒體多年來已逐漸經由人員交流、新聞事件的合作採訪到相互付費傳送新聞畫面建立互動關係。本文也發現兩岸電視新聞的互動,已從原來主要目的是形成(政治)效應為重,逐漸轉變成為產生(經濟)效益為主的變化。 關鍵詞:兩岸電視新聞、交流互動、關係、信任、人脈、社會資本 / Since the two sides of Taiwan Straits split amid civil war in 1949, Taiwan and Mainland China resumed contact only when the Taiwan government lifted restrictions and allowed its people to visit their relatives on the mainland in 1987. Although Taiwan allowed its media to cover news events on the mainland in the same year, the exchange and cooperation of TV news media between the two sides were very limited due to the historical circumstances at that time. At the end of 1997, Taiwan’s TVBS (Television Broadcasts Limited Satellite) obtained permission from the Taiwan Affairs Office of China’s State Council and became the first Taiwanese TV station to set up a correspondent office (a correspondent office for news covering without company registration) in Beijing. Afterwards, many other Taiwanese TV media applied for the same permission and were eventually approved as well. Beginning with Beijing, the locations for the correspondent offices were expanded later to Shanghai, Fuzhou, Chengdu and Xiamen. The purpose of this thesis was to study the interactions (including exchanges, cooperation as well as the sales and procurement deals) between TVBS and TV organizations on the Mainland (both central and local) from 1998 –when TVBS started setting up correspondent offices on the mainland – until 2008. The study would also look into how the evolving political and economic ties between Taiwan and the Mainland had influenced the interactions of TV news on cross-straits relationship over the same time frame. Based on the findings, the study would identify the factors that had affected the interactions between TV news media from both sides and explore the possibility of Taiwan’s TV news media entering the Chinese mainland market. The study found that although the Mainland TV industry had continuously introduced elements of the market economy into its operations (such as TV commercials and TV drama productions, for example), the news media were still excluded from the model of market economy. This was because the Chinese mainland doctrine had defined the news media as a mouthpiece and a tool of propaganda of the Communist Party. Hence, the news media must serve the interest of the Party and cannot be controlled by private forces. But because of the unique changing political situation across the Taiwan Straits, the TV news media from both sides had established interactive relations gradually over the past years through personnel exchanges, cooperation in news coverage and sending news footages with charged fees. This thesis also found that the interactions of TV news on cross-strait relations had moved gradually from its initial objective of making political influences to mainly generating economic benefits. Key Phrases: TV news on cross-strait relationship, exchanges and interactions, connections, trust, contacts, and social capital.

養兵千日,用在一時: 政府公關對記者日常互動與危機運作之探討 / Train an Army for a Thousand Days to Use It for an Hour: The Interactions of Government Public Relations Officers with Journalists and Crisis Management

游淑惠, Yu, Shu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討政府公關對記者間日常互動與危機運作,雖以政府公關為研究角度,然互動過程是你來我往的動態過程,不應只從單一面向研究,必須知曉雙方的立場與看法,才能較宏觀瞭解消息來源與記者兩者互動的情形。鑑於過去研究不是單從消息來源就是從記者角度出發,本研究以政府公關與記者為研究對象,探討政府公關日常對記者的互動關係與行為模式,而這些關係在危機時是否能為政府公關所用。 本研究以政府公關與記者的互動為分析資料,探討四個面向:第一,政府公關如何與記者互動,並且管理維繫雙方善意的關係;第二,政府公關影響新聞產製的方式;第三,政府公關與記者之間關係如何轉化為人脈、人情與信任而為之所用;第四,政府公關對記者日常互動往來,當政府公關面臨危機運作產生的效用或影響。 本研究採用深度訪談法,訪問政府公關與記者各三位,從中歸納出政府公關對記者的日常互動與危機運作,包括「政府公關與記者互動影響因素」、「政府公關操縱新聞產製」、「政府公關運用人際關係」以及政府公關面臨危機個案之運用。 / This study aims to analyze interactions of government public relations officers with journalists and crisis management. Although this study takes the viewpoints from the government public relations officers, as the interaction is a two-way dynamic communication process, we should examine the positions and perspectives of both parties so as to understand the real situations between them in a macroscopic method. Since the past studies take viewpoints from either sources or journalists, this study takes both government public relations officers and journalists as study objects, and discusses their behavior to see if the government public relations officers are able to utilize the relationships when crises take place. The study includes four aspects: (1) How government public relations officers interact with journalists and manage to maintain a fine relationship. (2) How government public relations officers affect the news production. (3) How the relationship between both sides converts into personal connections, sympathy and trust, which then can be utilized. (4) How the daily interactions benefit or impact crisis management of the government public relations officers. This study employs in-depth interview as the study method. The interviewees are three government public relations officers and three journalists. The study results indicate that the daily interactions between the two sides and crisis management can be divided into four parts: “the necessary elements of the interactions between government public relations officers and journalists”, “government public relations officers’ manipulation of news production”, “government public relations officers’ utilization of interpersonal connections”, and “the government public relations officers’ utilization of relationships when crises arise”.

地方記者資訊蒐集行為研究--一個社會網絡與資源交換的觀點 / How Local Newspaper Journalists Gather Information? A Study in Social Network Approach

李品葭 Unknown Date (has links)
新聞記者的日常工作可視為一資訊蒐集行為,在資訊蒐集的過程中需要運用許多資源,其中,人脈扮演重要角色,然而目前從社會網絡角度出發,關照記者如何運用網絡中所蘊含的資源以協助記者日常新聞資訊蒐集活動的研究卻不多,因此,本研究企圖了解新聞記者在資訊蒐集場域中的人脈網絡樣貌,存在哪些資源類型及如何採取交換策略。 在研究方法與研究對象的選擇上,本研究從個案著手,以一位報社地方記者作為研究對象,藉由參與觀察法及深度訪談蒐集田野資料三十天。 本研究將蒐集而來的資料以量化及質化方法續作分析,繪製兩種網絡圖像,展現新聞中顯見的消息來源以及在蒐集過程中運用的人脈,結果發現許多在過程中取得資源的對象其實隱沒於新聞稿中。 本研究進一步發現,人脈可以提供不同類型的資源,包括一般資訊、珍稀資訊、知識經驗、中介資源、引薦資源以及權力資源,皆有助於記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動,除此之外,強連帶與弱連帶各有其資源優勢,強連帶較常提供珍稀資訊與引薦資源,而弱連帶則最常提供一般性的資訊以及中介性資源。 總括而言,新聞記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動倚靠人脈,但只有少數的人脈會被展現在新聞報導之中,許多人脈的運作隱藏於幕後,且不同連帶關係的人脈對象在過程中提供不同類型的資源與幫助,新聞記者必須辨識並活用之。而為了和不同連帶關係的人脈取得資源,記者會採取不同的社會交換策略。和強連帶的資源交換策略包括給予資訊資源、版面資源、知識資源、中介性資源、服務性資源以及信任性資源,特別的是,平常便會交換情感性資源以維持雙方關係;而面對弱連帶對象,當一般報酬無法滿足對方時,可藉由人脈中當作橋樑影響弱連帶以達成資訊蒐集目的。 / Information gathering is one of the major tasks in journalistic work. Among the resources that journalists employ to gather news, social ties is an important factor that contributes to journalistic work. However, it is rarely known how social network was used as journalistic resources in daily news-gathering activities. This thesis aims to explore the above issues by employing a field study. This field study is based on a case of newspaper reporter who is assigned to local beat in Central Taiwan. The researcher made participatory observation and intensive interviews in a period of 30 days. Data was collected and kept in field journals. The data gathered were analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative methods. Two social graphs were plotted to show how the news sources distributed in both news reported and daily journals. This paper further found that journalist benefits of social ties are quite diverse; social ties not only facilitates gathering of routine information, but also exclusive news, knowledge, experience, referral resources, power and trust. Strong and weak ties also provide different types of resources. In conclusion, journalists contact many social ties in their daily information gathering tasks. Only very few appear on news reporting, while many were hidden behind the scene. These social ties provide reliable aid in news gathering activities. And a journalist has to identify, activate the connections, and make exchanges to get help according to the types of ties and resources needed.

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