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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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淡水地區旅遊資源行銷策略與消費者滿意度之研究 / A Study of Marketing Strategy and Consumer Satisfaction

吳隆堃, Wu, Long-Kuen Unknown Date (has links)
由於政府實施週休二日及國人國民所得逐日增加,旅遊需求大幅提高,為適應國人1~2日旅遊型態,地區旅遊是目前與未來國民旅遊的重心。旅遊資源是大自然與人類文明歷史進展呈現給我們後代子孫的資產,它不僅提供人們休閒遊憩、賞景的功能,也負有教育、文化保存及資源保育的意義。 / 淡水地區旅遊資源可歸納為自然生態景觀資源、文化古蹟旅遊資源、廟宇參拜旅遊資源、地區聚落與街景旅遊資源、休閒農業旅遊資源、人為遊樂設施旅遊資源等,旅遊資源內涵豐沛。本研究選擇淡水地區為個案,探討地區旅遊資源未來發展之行銷策略,除針對旅遊資源分類、淡水地區旅遊資源分布及其發展現況作有系統的陳述外,另針對消費者對選定的17處景點作旅遊資源重要程度與滿意度以及遊客的旅遊體驗,進行相關問卷調查。從問卷設計、發出、回收及現場實地訪問後,再經資料整理,採用SPSS軟體統計分析,獲取淡水地區旅遊資源發展的狀況,並據此提出對策。 / 在消費者問卷調查後發現,大多數消費者認為淡水最具地方特色之旅遊資源為文化古蹟旅遊資源,而淡水未來最具發展潛力之旅遊資源為休閒農業,顯見該兩旅遊資源是淡水地區未來旅遊發展的重心。另本研究結果發現,淡水漁人碼頭、中正路老街、黃金水岸步道等遊客量特別高之景點,消費者對其旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知都很高,而紅樹林、淡水河口賞鳥、淡水梯田賞景、鄞山寺、龍山寺、福佑宮、重建街古街、清水街古街等旅遊發展不振或遊客量低之景點,消費者對其旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知相對偏低,顯見旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知與遊客量呈顯著的正向影響關係。 / 為促使旅遊資源全面、永續發展以及現代化企業經營管理,本研究擬根據過去文獻、現地訪問了解、並參考問卷調查的結果,從規劃、政策、產品、價格、遊客、促銷、通路、包裝、夥伴等多面向的「9P」行銷概念研擬淡水地區六類旅遊資源行銷策略,並整合此六類旅遊資源行銷策略與政府旅遊政策,根據事實性變項分析以及從消費者對淡水地區旅遊資源重要性與滿意度認知之相關性等研擬未來淡水地區整體旅遊資源之行銷策略。 / Demand has been surging in Taiwan’s tourism market with the government’s implementation of the two-day weekend scheme and the increase of national per capita income. Countryside tourism is expected to dominate the domestic travel market because it best suits the one-to-two day holidays most common in Taiwan. Tourism resources are an inheritance from nature and our own history, and we need to pass this heritage on to our future generations. Tourism resources not only serve leisure, recreational and sightseeing functions, they also play a meaningful role in education, cultural preservation and resource conservation. / Tamsui’s countryside tourism resources may be categorized as natural and ecosystem resources, cultural relics and historical sites, temples and shrines, local communities and streets, recreational agriculture and amusement parks and facilities. Tamsui boasts a rich variety of tourism resources. / This research uses Tamsui as a case study to explore marketing strategies available to a locality in developing its tourism resources. In addition to a systematic description of the types of tourism resources, their distribution and current development in Tamsui, this research conducted a survey by questionnaire on 17 tourist spots selected by consumers to gauge their level of importance and consumer satisfaction and travel experience. This effort included the design, distribution and collection of questionnaires after on-site interviews. The study used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to analyze the collected data on the development of tourism resources in Tamsui and provide recommendations based on the findings. / The questionnaires revealed that most consumers see cultural relics and historical sites as tourism resources that are unique to Tamsui, while recreational agriculture shows the greatest potential for development as a tourism resource. It is apparent that these two resources will be the focus of future development for Tamsui in the future. Meanwhile, this study showed that regarding such places as Tamsui’s Fisherman’s Wharf, Zhongzheng Old Street, the Gold Coast Walkway and other places that were thronged by visitors, consumers had a high level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources. On the other hand, consumers had a low level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources in low-traffic spots or those that were poorly developed such as the Tamsui River Mangrove Area (Hongshulin), the bird-watching area along the Tamsui River Estuary, terraced fields, the Yinshan Temple, the Longshan Temple, the Fuyou Temple, the Chongjian Old Street and Cingshuei Street. This shows there was a strong positive correlation between the level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources and the number of tourists. / In order to promote sustainable and comprehensive development of tourism resources and modern business-management practices, this paper proposes marketing strategies for six types of tourism resources in Tamsui based on a 9P concept (planning, policy, product, price, people, promotion, place, package and partnership) after the study of literature and on-site investigations. In addition, this research integrates the marketing strategies of the six types of tourism resources with the government’s corresponding tourism policies. Factual analysis of variance is conducted to explore the correlation between consumers’ perception of importance and level of satisfaction regarding tourism resources in Tamsui, so that a strategic marketing plan can be devised for Tamsui’s overall tourism resources in the future.

中小企業透過科技化合作促進回應能力之探討 / Enhancing SMEs' Responsiveness Through IT-enabled Collaboration

薛越, Daniel Yen Shueh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來服務產業迅速的擴張與發展,對於經濟的影響力也不斷提升,其中中小型的企業(SMEs)扮演了相當重要的角色。先前許多研究顯示回應能力對於中小企業績效成長的重要性,然而卻少有文獻提及如何定義中小企業的回應能力與如何發展中小企業的回應能力。本研究從文獻回顧中分別定義出了三個層面的回應能力:市場感應能力、顧客連結能力與敏捷度。此外,我們認為中小企業可以透過資訊科技為基礎之協同合作促進本身的回應能力,提供更佳的服務給顧客,進而提升企業績效。因此,我們提出研究架構來驗證資訊科技為基礎之協同合作、企業回應能力以及企業績效三者之間的關係,並且選擇宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區為我們的實驗對象。從研究結果中我們發現中小企業透過 資訊科技為基礎之協同合作來提升回應能力並且也使績效有正向的成長。也幫助中小企業更了解如何運用科技化協同合作提升企業績效。 / The service economy has been expanding recently, with small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) playing an important role. Previous research has shown that responsiveness is one of the most important strategic capabilities that SMEs should consider for enhancing their performance; however, how to define responsiveness and how to develop it in the SME context are seldom discussed. A review of the literature leads us to propose three dimensions of responsiveness in the SME context: market sensing, customer linking, and promptness. Moreover, we propose that IT-enabled collaboration should facilitate this capability. We develop a research framework to examine the relations between IT-enabled collaboration, responsiveness, and organizational performance. To verify our research framework, a case study that was deployed in the Mt. Pillow Leisure Agricultural Area in Yilan County. We observe that SMEs can achieve higher level of performance after they have enhanced responsiveness through cooperation via the IT-enabled platforms. The results of this study can also help SMEs improve their performance by realizing the importance of responsiveness and how to enhance responsiveness through IT-enabled collaboration.

入口網站服務品質提昇之研究--以休閒農業服務網為例 / Electronic service quality improvement-- the case of ezgo web portal

洪凡嵐, Hung, Fanlan Unknown Date (has links)
行政院農委會為了提昇網站服務品質,委託台灣農業資訊科技發展協會將「休閒農業服務網」入口網站與所屬的二十個家族網站進行相關整合計畫,同時以2007年12月研考會公布的「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為參考依據,希望透過「休閒農業服務網」入口網站改善來提昇網站的服務品質,整合各相關業務機關的資訊,提供民眾完善的資訊服務平台,為農村旅遊配套措施加值,並促進農村經濟活絡與提昇生活品質之終極目標。 本研究首先依據評獎的計分方式,以內部效益、外部效益、整合性的解決手法與資通訊(ICT)服務導入等四大項評分標準,協助建置客觀且可衡量的構面與指標。然後利用深度訪談、專家訪談的專業建議、焦點團體訪談(FGI)等方式來瞭解使用者真正的需求與題項,並修正前項構面與指標。並採用層級分析法(AHP)來計算服務品質構面的題項,最後以網路問卷與問卷調查的方式進行滿意度分析,進而產生初步KPI。 同時,透過初步KPI進行實際的網站功能改善,分析民眾對網站服務品質的滿意度是否提升,提出具體可行、較大幅度的修正建議,以趕上目前科技網路的進步。希望透過此次研究,能更深入了解非營利入口網站的實務機制與流程,日後可依不同網站需求做調整,推展到其他非營利的網站。 本研究的網站服務品質提升的計畫經過嚴謹的調查,確實執行所有階段活動,並實體進行網站服務品質的功能改善,經過改善前後的兩次問卷調查結果對照,來評估網站功能改善的效益。研究結果依據評獎計分方式,在總得分1000分中獲得989分。整體而言,本次計畫確實有達到服務品質提升的目的。網站內容技術的發展以及網站應用普及,已促使政府機關或民眾,在觀念上及對網站內容的預期上,都遠高於以往。近年,整體大環境加上政府資訊網路的大幅發展,也促使我們需要認真思考,非營利網站與休閒農業相關的政府網站能加強改進,以滿足網路使用者的需求。 / The Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan authorized the Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association—the management team of the EZGO website—to integrate COA’s twenty sub-websites into a “EZGO” portal website. Referring to the service benchmarks of the annual “Executive Yuan Service Quality Award“, which the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan presented on December, 2007, EZGO hopes to improve the COA’s web service quality with integrated information from related government agencies. Furthermore, with this portal, EZGO aims to promote agri-tourism, to expedite the economic revival of farm and fishing villages, and to improve the living quality of rural communities. The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to evaluate EZGO’s portal. First, measurable evaluate on criteria, which are based on the Government Service Quality Award’s benchmarks, were established. Second, some literatures review, in-depth interviews, expert interviews and a focus group interview to investigate the current situation of the web portal and its sub-websites and to determine the real needs of primary users were conducted. These results were adapted to previous criteria. Third, utilize the analytic hierarchy process method was utilized to calculate the weight of criteria and convert them into performance indicators. Finally, online questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews were conducted to turn those indicators into preliminary KPIs. Furthermore, EZGO used those preliminary KPIs to improve their website service quality, analyze users’ feedback to website and even suggest web redesign, in alignment with contemporary Internet user behavior trends. This research intends to establish fair, measurable and adjustable KPIs to evaluate non-profit portals and other similar websites. The research demonstrates a website service improvement process that combines rigorous investigation and thorough execution. The research actually did interpret and apply research findings to the EZGO portal website services and compared the before and after KPIs to evaluate improvements to the EZGO portal.

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