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現行土地使用法制中有關土地使用限制之研究 / The research of land use limit in present land use legal system林明徹 Unknown Date (has links)
有關土地使用限制之界限及補償問題,於我國之法制下並未見出具體之判斷標準。而「特別犧牲」之概念雖已經由大法官解釋引入並作為財產權限制是否須予補償之判斷基準,但關於財產權受限制至何種程度或何種情況始構成「特別犧牲」,解釋中則未進一步闡釋及說明。國內文獻對美國法「準徵收」觀點討論財產權限制之相關問題雖不如「特別犧牲」常見,但美國法有關準徵收之討論自1922年之Pennsylvania Coal Co. v Mahon案以來已有相當之發展,由其文獻及案例之彙整可整理出較為具體的準徵收判斷基準,甚或於國會中提出之財產權利提案已明確指出管制措施對於財產價值造成ㄧ定比例之減損時須予補償。因此,本研究除對於現行土地使用限制之相關問題加以討論,並希冀藉由美國法關於準徵收案例之蒐集及分析,釐出準徵收之判斷標準,並應用其觀點對我國之土地使用法制中有關土地使用限制之規定加以檢視分析,釐清土地使用限制規定中有關管制限度及補償之問題,俾助於土地使用法制與憲法對於財產權保障之意旨更相符合。
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非都市土地農牧用地使用管制之研究 / Study on use control of non-urban farming and grazing lands周文雄 Unknown Date (has links)
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從農地保護觀點檢視非都市土地農牧用地變更使用制度-以桃園縣為例游貞蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
目前相關研究多就都市計畫農業區或整體農地資源(包括都市計畫內及非都市土地)之變更法制、管理制度面及回饋機制進行探討,惟就非都市土地農牧用地變更審議相關法令規範及各種型態包括不同面積、不同區位之變更審議規定之差異、後續管制方式及其對於農地資源保育、農業生產環境之影響並未有完整的「實證分析」,當前不同型態農牧用地變更規範,是否合理性?是否均能在「不影響農業生產環境」之前提下進行變更?對周邊農業生產環境之影響有何不同?亦未深入探討,本研究藉由桃園縣個案的實證分析、相關課題的探討及對公私部門及專家學者的深入訪談,以探析我國非都市土地農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施;並以國外之農地保護政策為借鏡,進一步提出農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施之建議改善策略,以別於其他研究。 / Due to fast economic development and the trends of globalization and liberalization, urban and rural development has been completely restructured, and there is a growing need for development of non-urban lands and conversion of farmlands. In addition to maintenance of food sufficiency, farmlands also have other “external benefits”, including preservation of the natural ecological environment, maintenance of an ecological balance, and balancing of overall use of lands. Many nations around the world, including the US, Germany, and Japan, have been devoted to preservation of farmlands through strict control of conversion of farmlands. In an overview of the domestic regulations on land use control and conversion, it can be found that since legislation of the Land Act in 1930 and Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control in 1976, our government had been engaged in protection of farmlands. After 1980, the importance of agriculture for the national economy gradually decreased due to promotion of industrial and commercial industries. In 1995, the “Farmland Release Policy” was implemented, ushering in liberalization of farmlands. In 2000, the Agricultural Development Act was amended to lift the ban on free trading of farmlands. The amendment of this act further liberalized the use of farmlands. However, liberalization of farmlands was bound to certain limitation and should be based on strict control of land use.
The relaxation of the farmland control policy has made many standard agricultural zones filled with lands used for specific businesses, such as factories, gas stations, and waste processing plants, and caused public worries over environmental pollution. Although release of a portion of farmlands is necessary for commercial and economic development, planning of farmlands or conversion of farmlands for non-agricultural use should be carried out on the condition that “completeness of the agricultural production environment is unaffected”. Based on “farmland protection”, the impact or harm of agricultural changes and economic development on farmlands should be avoided, and the completeness of the agricultural production environment should be maintained, so as to ensure sustainable development of food production and agriculture. Therefore, investigation of issues concerning conversion of farming and grazing lands and regulations governing the impact of such conversion on the agricultural production environment is indeed necessary.
In the present, most studies of related issues are focused on regulations on conversion, management, and feedback mechanisms of agricultural zones in urban plan or holistic farmland resources (including non-urban lands in urban plans). However, there is no comprehensive “empirical analysis” of regulations on review of conversion of non-urban farming and grazing lands, difference in regulations for various types of lands (including lands of different sizes and in different regions), subsequent control mechanisms, and the impact of the conversion on preservation of farmland resources or the agricultural production environment. Besides, issues such as whether the regulations on conversion of different types of farming and grazing lands is feasible, whether these lands can be converted on the condition that “the agricultural production environment is unaffected”, and whether conversion of these types of lands causes different effects on their surrounding agricultural production environments, have not been thoroughly investigated so far. Therefore, through an empirical analysis of cases in Taoyuan County, investigation of related issues, and interview with experts and public/private departments, this study aimed to explore the domestic regulations on conversion of use of non-urban farming and grazing lands and protective measures for farmlands. Further, based on farmland protection policies adopted in foreign nations, this study further proposed strategies for improving the current system and protective measures to distinguish itself from other existing studies.
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何處是我家?—變電所選址之研究 / The study of substation siting黃宇賢, Huang, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
規劃部門、電力公司與民眾能否「共同面對」變電所選址在規劃方式、民眾抗爭、風險分配等三方面的困境,尋求變電所土地使用管制內容再定位並融合民眾參與機制(儘管民眾參與並非萬能),使變電所選址過程掙脫規劃方式的枷鎖,將是降低變電所選址抗爭且形成風險分配共識的必要方向,也才是風險社會中變電所選址的最佳出路。 / The primary function of a substation is to expel the darkness and usher in light. However, it is usually classified as NIMBY facilities and not welcomed by public.
People are constantly worried and even feared by nearby substations, although there is neither scientific evidence to prove that substations are harmful nor directly caused any disease. Moreover, substation siting procedure is less transparent and lack of participatory mechanisms during the planning stage, resulting in protests against substation during the siting process.
Modern society is full of risks as described by German sociologist Dr. Ulrich Beck in “Risk society.” Risks are around us all the times, regardless of class or wealth. It creates silent and invisible fears. Modern high-tech life style provides convenience but technology also brings unprecedented new risks - technological risks. Since technological risk is an important issue and it can affect anyone in modern society, this article will discuss the risks involved by deconstructing the substation siting procedure.
The existing substation siting models are based on the designation of urban plan and the results of power load forecast; the land-use projects of substation are depended on the content of multi-objective land-use. The rigidity of zoning and the uncertainty of power load forecast results plight in substation siting procedure at three situations: approach to planning, public protests and risk allocation, also makes substation siting much difficult.
Although public participation is not the magic bullet, substation siting zoning restriction can be unlocked by combining public participation with land use re-position. The best approach to prevent protest against substation siting process and reach consensus in risk distribution is to have planning departments, power companies and the community seeking solution together.
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非都市土地農牧用地容許使用之研究 / Study on permitted uses of non-urban farming and grazing lands高鈺焜 Unknown Date (has links)
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由都市活動系統研擬土地使用管制黃進雄, Huang, Jin-Xiong Unknown Date (has links)
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臺大實驗林契約林地管理制度之研究 / A study of management institution on experimental forest lease forestlands of Nation Taiwan University江瑞雄, Chiang, Jui Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵詞:臺大實驗林契約林地、土地使用管制、保育與保存、混農林業、林業用地、違規使用 / Abstract
Due to the unique historical background of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University (NTU), three types of contracts were signed with users of leased forest land. Many issues have now arisen after several social and economic changes. Such issues include the illegal use of the forest land, failure of the Forest District Offices to fully implement the relevant forestation management policies, and the inconsistency between the provisions of forest land use contracts and the conditions of actual use. According to the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control, the NTU experimental forest is defined as forest land. On the other hand, however, according to the “Cooperation Guideline for Reclaimed Land Forestation” and the “Forestation Contract,” 30% of the total area of a parcel of forestation land may be used for the plantation of special forest products or fruit trees, which is inconsistent with the rule under the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control prohibiting any agricultural use of forest land. As a result, a solution was to be analyzed and discussed to see whether the natural resources shall be preserved either without human use or with active intervention to balance human needs with environmental conservation.
From the historical perspectives on natural resource use, human interference seems to be the main cause of damage to land. Heated discussions have been had regarding how to conserve natural resources. This issue might be viewed from the two points of view, i.e. preservation and conservation. The Forest District Office holds the view that forest land shall be used for the purpose of forestry to avoid agricultural use or interference and to achieve the goal of complete forestation. This is more of a concept of preservation. On the other hand, users of forest land would prefer agroforestry use of forest land and manage the land through local knowledge to improve economic returns and environmental health without destroying the forest land. This is more of a concept of conservation. Which concept is more ideal in terms of protection of forest land?
In this study, we referred to publications in connection with agroforestry, preservation and conservation, and use control of land, along with in-depth interviews conducted to analyze the relevant issues regarding the use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and concluded that: (1) the forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest shall be amended; (2) the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations shall be revised; and (3) NTU experimental forest shall continue to participate in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation. The possible measures for the use of leased forest land at NTU experimental forest as suggested by this study include: (1) amending the three types of forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest for the purpose of legal compliance; (2) reinvestigating the scope of use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and stipulating appropriate use types to be in conformance to the land use control regulations; (3) revising the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations for the purposes of forest land conservation and corrective use; and (4) the continuous participation of NTU experimental forest in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation to maintain national land conservation. Finally, by correcting the mechanism of land use control, the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest will be effectively managed and the goal of perpetual development of forest resources achieved.
Key words:Experimental forest leased forest land of National Taiwan University, Land use control, Conservation and preservation, Agroforestry, Forest land, Illegal use
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