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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國環保團體應用政府開放資料促進永續發展情形 / The condition of applying open data for sustainable development by environmental groups in Taiwan

王珏琄 Unknown Date (has links)
開放政府資料 (Open Government Data)現已成各國治理趨勢,政府盼藉開放所持資料,允許民間加值應用後,能夠促進公民參與、刺激創新發展、改善社會問題。聯合國2016年電子化政府報告指出透過政府開放資料可望實現永續發展指標,其中環境議題的永續發展為重點目標之一。我國政府開放資料表現亮眼,於2015年獲得全球開放資料普查(2015 Global Open Data Index)第一名的佳績,惟與世界各國的開放資料政策面臨相同的「缺乏使用者」的問題。因此本研究欲瞭解我國環保團體作為環境議題的主要倡議者,其應用環境開放資料推動永續發展情形。 本研究採半結構式訪談法,以我國有/無使用環境開放資料的環保團體及資料處理專家為對象進行訪談,瞭解其使用或不使用開放資料推動永續發展訴求之因素。透過本研究訪談成果發現,主要因素有四:一為使用動機,若該環團訴求為改善整體環境政策,亟需精準環境資料佐證,才有動機使用開放資料,若其訴求為個案議題即沒有動機使用;二為環團內部數據分析人才,若環團內部有基本數據分析人才,將有助環團瞭解開放資料對其環境訴求助益,有利於後續推廣應用;三為環團對政府開放的資料正確性仍有不信任感,即便使用亦是抱持交叉查證心態使用;四為政府開放的環境資料專業門檻高,環團應有一定的環境專業才能夠解讀及應用開放資料。

檔案館使用者之資訊行為研究:以中研院近史所檔案館為例 / A study on the information behavior of archives users: the case of archives of institute of modern history, academia sinica

陳碧珠 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案館的功能除了蒐集、整理及典藏具有持續性保存價值的檔案之外,提供民眾及研究者所需之檔案相關資訊,亦是其重要的功能;而近年來,「因為檔案的被利用,使得檔案有價值」的觀念更是盛行。為了要加強檔案館提供使用的功能,並設計出真正符合使用者所需之各項檢索工具與服務,從事使用者研究,尤其是針對檔案館使用者之資訊行為進行分析,對檔案館而言已愈形重要。本研究旨在以中研院近史所檔案館為研究個案,針對該館使用者之背景與其在檔案方面的資訊行為、及其對於檔案館的期許與建議等層面,以質性研究之方式進行深入探究,藉以歸納出國內檔案館使用者之背景特性與其在檔案方面之資訊行為特性,供檔案館在擬定各項管理政策及規劃各項服務活動時之參考。 本研究採用內容分析法與深度訪談法實際進行研究。首先針對中研院近史所檔案館自民國88年1月1日至90年12月31日間之使用者登記資料,從國籍、性別、單位及研究主題等屬性,進行內容分析,藉以瞭解該館使用者之背景特性。其次,以半結構式的深度訪談法訪談15位使用該館檔案具有豐富經驗之使用者,以收集檔案館使用者在檔案資訊方面之尋求與使用的相關經驗與意見。 研究結果有下列幾點發現:一、中研院近史所檔案館之使用群以國內外的史學研究者為主;二、學術研究是檔案館使用者產生檔案需求的主要因素;三、教師與同儕團體是檔案館使用者重要的檔案資訊來源管道;四、檔案館使用者之資訊行為具有瀏覽、選擇、確認、解讀、驗證與比較、連貫、形成觀點、延伸其他研究題目、以及檔案保存等九項特點;五、事前準備是檔案館使用者在檔案搜尋前的重要工作;六、檔案館使用者仍偏好以紙本目錄為主,檢索系統為輔的方式來搜尋檔案;七、檔案的驗證與比較是檔案使用上極為重要的過程;八、初次到檔案館之使用者,較需要檔案人員之協助,但對於經常使用檔案館之使用者,檔案人員較無法彰顯其功能;九、檔案館使用者的資訊行為屬於任務導向之活動,到檔案館的次數亦偏向在階段性時間內密集且頻繁。 根據研究結果,研究生從二方面提出建議。一、對現階段檔案館服務之建議:(一)加強檔案資訊來源之管道;(二)簡化調檔程序並提供檔案預約之服務;(三)強化檔案館網頁內容的深度與廣度;(四)加強檔案利用之推廣活動;(五)增加檔案館之開放時間;(六)重視檔案館使用者對於檔案目錄瀏覽之需求及使用者對於使用非原件形式檔案的感受。二、對未來檔案界發展方向之建議:(一)提昇檔案參考人員的專業素養;(二)同性質檔案應集中管理;(三)建立檔案館館際合作組織;(四)將數位化檔案內容予以出版;(五)檔案教育應與中小學之歷史教育結合。

應用脈絡分析於銀髮族數位影像之使用者研究 / Applying Contextual Design in Personal Digital Photograph User Research

麥圃鳴, Mai, Pu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以銀髮族為主要的研究對象,採用脈絡分析法了解銀髮族於日常生活中的影像使用行為,經由在受訪者住所進行的深度訪談與行為觀察,探究數位影像與銀髮族的關連,日常生活的影像使用行為,與數位影像工具對銀髮族使用數位影像的影響。根據對銀髮族的影像使用行為與影像工具和情境故事的彙整,本研究歸納出三種銀髮族影像使用行為的核心價值,分別為分享、典藏和記錄。   此外研究中對使用影像行為的過程與不同使用工具的詮釋,也說明了不同影像工具因功能條件限制,為高齡使用者帶來的使用障礙與排斥使用的現象。根據本研究對銀髮族使用影像行為的活動脈絡,與針對情境故事進行的脈絡分析,所提出相關影像活動使用工具的設計建議與銀髮族影像服務未來的發展方向,將使未來的數位影像相關產品服務,更貼近年長使用者的生活需求。 / Through the contextual inquiries, understanding about the present usage and motivation of older people toward digital photography in their ordinary life are revealed. According to these scenarios from deep interviews and field observation, three different core values of photo usage behaviors to older people are identified, including sharing, archiving and recording.   Besides, the differences between photo usage behaviors and tools in these uses help us explain the obstacle of photo usage and the difficulties for adopting photography of mobile device by older people. Based on the knowledge above, proposing concrete directions of developing the applications of future digital photo technologies that actually fit in with older user’s needs are pointed out.

我國歷史檔案館藏檢索系統在Web環境中建置之研究 / A Study of the Construction of the Historical Archival Retrieval Systems in the Web Environment

張淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在瞭解國內歷史檔案館藏於Web 環境中建置的規劃過程與執行內涵,主要以國內現正進行國科會「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」且已規劃建置Web檔案檢索系統的中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館為研究對象,探討其Web檔案檢索系統之建置內涵。本研究雖係以近史所檔案館為例,但期望藉由對該館建置經驗之探討,提供國內各歷史檔案主管與典藏單位參考。研究目的包括:探討Web環境中歷史檔案館藏檢索系統建置工作的內涵、Web檔案檢索系統介面的功能與特性、使用者對檔案檢索系統的使用習慣、模式與需求情形,並針對檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員之Web檔案檢索系統建置作業思維觀點予以並列比較,進而與使用者之檔案資訊檢索需求進行對照比較,作為國內歷史檔案館藏Web檢索系統設計與建置之參考。   本研究採用深度訪談法,首先以近史所檔案館「近代外交與經濟重要檔案數位典藏計畫」為主要研究範圍,對該館工作人員進行訪談,並以參與該館系統建置之中研院計算機中心的資訊技術人員為訪談對象,此外亦針對外交檔案的使用者進行訪談,以便對相關的研究問題進行探討;並採用比較法,針對檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員於Web檔案檢索系統建構之思維進行對照比較,並依據使用者對Web檔案檢索系統之需求與建置觀點進行剖析。最後將檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員對系統功能建置之觀點與使用者之觀點進行對照比較,以綜合觀點比較歸納出Web環境中檔案檢索系統的重要特性與功能。   研究結果,本研究分別從「系統建構」與「使用者需求」兩個面向提出研究結論。於系統建構面向得出結論為:(一)檔案描述著錄方面:訂定檔案著錄系統建置方針、協調統整既有作業情境與著錄系統間的作業流程、因應檔案描述著錄作業所面臨的問題;(二)檔案權威控制方面:檔案權威控制方案效能的比較、權威檔合作建置可行性與方案的抉擇評估;(三)檔案傳輸互通標準方面:重視國際相關標準的採用與整合檢索的重要性、研擬訂定核心欄位促成聯合目錄與整合檢索之實現;(四)Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面方面:訂定Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面設計原則、Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面的功能規劃、妥善進行Web檔案檢索系統的營運管理;(五)檔案資訊加值檢索之作法方面:配合國中、高中教科書內容增加主題檔案介紹,進行系統使用者Log檔統計分析並進行檔案使用者資訊檢索行為研究,結合學術領域研究人員人力投入以進行檔案深度描述,運用資訊技術以提昇加值檢索之效能與服務之強化;(六)Web環境中歷史檔案檢索系統發展趨勢方面:藉由觀摩國內外其他單位之規劃建置並掌握重點,由網頁得知他館的經驗分享進而交流合作,與資訊技術人員密切交流以有助於系統的規劃建置。於使用者需求面向則分別從「使用者對Web檔案檢索系統的觀點與使用經驗」及「使用者對Web檔案檢索系統資訊檢索需求內涵分析」兩方面做成結論。有關使用者對Web檔案檢索系統的觀點與使用經驗方面,分別就檔案使用者資訊素養、使用經驗、檔案查詢途徑與使用方式、檔案資訊檢索整體需求、檔案檢索查詢項目使用需求情形、檔案資訊檢索心得觀感、檢索時所遭遇的問題以及對Web檔案檢索系統之期許等提列結論。而有關使用者對Web檔案檢索系統資訊檢索需求內涵分析方面,則以整體架構需求面向、資訊內涵需求面向、資訊檢索功能面向、資訊輸出功能面向、資訊顯示功能面向、檢索點需求面向等提列結論。   根據研究結果,本研究分別從「系統建構」與「使用者需求」兩個面向提出建議。於系統建構面向之建議包括:(一)訂定數位典藏與資訊檢索系統建置的相關標準;(二)建立一專門彙整缺字處理方案的官方正式網站;(三)建立一個累積資訊技術發展成果的知識庫;(四)運用「全宗原則」、採行「控制層次」進行檔案描述著錄;(五)合作建置檔案權威資料庫;(六)遵循檔案傳輸互通標準以因應內部與對外整合檢索之需求;(七)進行Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面整體規劃;(八)進行檔案資訊加值檢索方案之規劃;(九)研擬訂定核心欄位,儘速促成聯合目錄與整合檢索之實現。於使用者需求面向之建議則包括:(一)建立整合性歷史檔案查詢網站;(二)運用資訊技術與人工智能分析以強化檔案資訊內涵分析;(三)提供個人化檔案資訊檢索服務;(四)研擬並發展加值檢索方案。 / This study aims at understanding the planning process and the implementation of web-based historical archive construction in Taiwan by investigating the National Digital Archives Program that is being run by the National Science Council (NSC) and the contents of construction of the achieves of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, whose retrieval system was completed. Though the study was based on modern history archives, it is hoped that the study can be a reference of construction for competent units and owners of history archives. The objective of the study is to investigate the contents of construction of Chinese web-based retrieval systems for historical archives; their functions and characteristics; and the habits, behavioral patterns and needs of users. A contrastive study between thoughts and opinions of web-based retrieval system construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the needs of users has been conducted to provide a reference for planning and construction of web-based retrieval system for history archives in Taiwan.   In-depth interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of the Digital Archives of the Diplomatic and Economic Records in Modern History Project, and with IT personnel of the Computer Center of Academia Sinica engaging in the construction of the archival system. Moreover, users of diplomatic files were interviewed for related topics. A comparison of the thoughts and opinions on web-based retrieval system of archive crews and IT personnel has been conducted. Needs and views of users have been analyzed. Finally, a contrastive study between the views on system function construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the opinions of users has been conducted in order to find out the important characteristics and functions of we-based Chinese archive retrieval systems.   Based on the research findings, conclusions were made from the following two aspects: system construction and user needs. System constructions are: (1) file description and recording: establishing construction policies for file recording systems, coordinating and integrating the operation workflow of the existing operation environment and recording system, and responding to problems arising out of file description and recording; (2) file authority control: comparing the efficiency of file authority control solutions, and selecting and evaluating the feasibility and solution of collaborative construction of authoritative files; (3) file transfer protocol: focusing on the importance of international protocols and integrated retrieval, and drafting core columns to promote the realization of joint indexing and integrated retrieval; (4) web-based retrieval system user interface: drawing out principles of design for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, planning functions for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, and applying reliable operation management of web-based retrieval systems; (5) handling of value-added retrieval of file information: enriching topic file introduction in accordance with junior and senior high school textbooks, producing statistics on and analyzing system user log files and studying the information retrieval pattern of users, combining the manpower of researchers to produce depth description of files, and enhancing the efficiency and optimizing the service of value-added retrieval with information technology; and (6) the trend of Chinese web-based retrieval systems of historical archives: sharing the experience in planning and construction of other archives home and abroad and promoting exchange and cooperation with them over the web, and making close contacts with IT personnel to facilitate system planning and construction. Conclusions on user needs were made according to “the user’s views and experiences of uses of web-based file retrieval systems” and “analysis on the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system”. Regarding user’s views on and experiences of uses for web-based file retrieval systems, conclusions were reached according to the user’s information attainments, experience of system uses, paths and manners of file retrieval, overall requirements for file and information retrieval, use of options in file retrieval systems, comments on file and information retrieval, problems encountered in retrieving files and information, and expectations from web-based file retrieval systems. As to the analysis of the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system of users, conclusions have been drawn according to the needs for overall framework; information contents; information retrieval functions; information output functions; information display functions; and information retrieval.   Based on the research findings, suggestions have been made according to “system construction” and “user needs”. Suggestions about system construction include: (1) establishing standards for digital archives and information retrieval systems; (2) setting up an official website for processing characters that do not exist in regular font sets; (3) developing a knowledge base for accumulating IT development achievements; (4) describing and recording files with “level control” according to the “principle of respect des fonds”; (5) constructing a file authority database under collaboration; (6) following the file transfer protocols to meet the requirements of internal and external integrated retrievals; (7) making plans for the user interface of web-based file retrieval systems; (8) working out solutions for value-added file and information retrieval; and (9) drawing out central columns and promoting the realization of joint indexing and retrieval. Suggestions about user needs include: (1) establishing an integrated historical archive inquiry website; (2) applying IT and AI to strengthen file and information content analysis; (3) providing personalized file and information retrieval services; and (4) drawing out and developing value-added retrieval solutions.

行動政府網頁設計準則影響資訊尋求之研究 / Effects of Design Criteria of Mobile Government Information Webpage on Information Seeking

孫賢潔, Sun, Hsien Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
因應行動政府的發展趨勢,美國、加拿大、印度、阿拉伯聯合大公國、我國政府都相繼提出發展行動政府網頁時的設計準則,然而各國政府所提出來之行動政府網頁設計規範相當混亂不統一。因此,本研究將各國政府單位所提供行動網頁設計準則統合整理成七大面向共46條的設計準則。另ㄧ方面,過去許多有關網站設計準則之相關研究,大多使用問卷了解使用者感受,皆無法判斷其準則對資訊尋求的真正影響。因此,本研究以臺北市政府觀光傳播局建置之「臺北旅遊網」為資訊尋求實驗網站,以程式記錄器記錄使用者在執行資訊尋求任務時,實際使用準則之行為歷程記錄為客觀資料,以及資訊尋求任務完成後所進行使用者認知行動政府網頁準則對於資訊尋求之重要性問卷調查為主觀資料,探討影響行動政府網頁資訊尋求速度與資訊尋求完成度之主要準則為何,以作為行動政府網頁設計之考量,以提升網站之資訊尋求效能。 本研究之研究結果顯示:(1)合計有七項使用者無法實際操作卻被認知重要之行動政府網頁設計準則;(2)合計有九項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則,可用操作次數預測資訊尋求達成度;(3)合計有十四項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則,可用操作次數預測資訊尋求速度;(4)合計有十項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則於資訊尋求時頻繁被使用,並且具有一定重要性;(5)合計有四項使用者可實際操作之行動政府網頁設計準則有助於提升同時提升使用者資訊尋求速度與達成度;(6)使用者資訊行為研究有必要以問卷及使用者行為記錄並行評估。 最後,本研究考量可實際操作之行動網頁設計準則之實際使用歷程操作狀況、資訊尋求時間、資訊尋求完成度及受測者認知準則重要度之行為特性,透過SOM分群方法歸納出七群影響資訊尋求速度與達成度之準則特性,並據此提出對於行動政府網頁設計者,使用準則時之參考依據,亦提出未來可供繼續探討之研究方向。 / To cope with the development trend of mobile government, the USA, Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, and domestic governments have proposed the design criteria for developing mobile government information webpage. Nevertheless, the design specifications of mobile government information webpage are chaotic and not uniform. For this reason, design criteria of mobile information webpage provided by various governments are integrated into 7 dimensions and 46 articles in this study. On the other hand, most past research on web site design criteria tried to understand user experience with questionnaire survey, which could not really judge the effect of the criteria on information seeking. As a result, “Travel Taipei”, established by Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government, is utilized as the experimental web site for information seeking in this study. Programmable recorders are used for recording user behavior course of the criteria for information seeking as the objective data; and, the questionnaire survey of users’ perceived importance of the criteria of mobile government information webpage to information seeking as the subjective data. It intends to discuss the major criteria for the information seeking speed and information seeking completion of mobile government information webpage for the design of mobile government information webpage to enhance the information seeking efficacy of web sites. The research results are concluded as following. (1) There are 7 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are not actually operated by users, but are considered important. (2) There are 9 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking completion with operation behavior. (3) There are total 14 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking speed with operation behavior. (4) There are 10 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are used by most users for information seeking and present certain importance. (5) There are 4 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which could simultaneously enhance information seeking time and completion. (6) It is necessary to study users’ information behavior with questionnaire survey and user behavior records for the evaluation. Finally, the behavior characteristics of information seeking completion, information seeking time, and participants’ perceived criteria importance in the actual use of course operation of mobile information webpage design criteria which could be actually operated are taken into account in this study. Seven criteria characteristics to influence information seeking speed and completion are organized through SOM clustering, and, based on which, reference for the use of criteria are provided for mobile government information webpage designers and future research directions.

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