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運用設計樣版於多層式運算架構-以醫院預約掛號系統為例劉奉山 Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究欲從設計樣版的角度,以J2ME與J2EE為平台,提出一個能整合行動無線應用與企業級資訊系統的多層式資訊架構,並以醫院預約掛號系統作為系統展示雛型。本研究將系統分為Client Tier、Presentation Tier、Business Tier、Integration Tier、Resource Tier等五個層級,並實作MVC樣版與以服務為導向的介面(Façade樣版+RemoteProxy類別)。透過此系統架構,將可以提高系統元件的再使用性與整體架構的擴充性。
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數位圖書館資訊架構對數位學習之學習成效影響研究-以自然與人文數位博物館為例 / A study on assessing the effects of information architecture of digital libraries on web-based learning performance- a case study on “The digital museum of nature & culture”林上資, Lin, Shang Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
現今數位圖書館不僅止於將資源數位化,也必須提供館藏、資訊服務和學術活動整合的環境,並具有保存知識與有效支援學習的功能。本研究探究學習者利用數位圖書館支援數位學習時,數位圖書館的資訊架構設計是否影響學習者之學習成效,以及不同學習風格學習者對於數位圖書館提供的資訊架構,是否具有不同的資訊架構使用歷程與學習成效。本研究以國立自然科學博物館所屬之「自然與人文數位博物館」、Morae人機互動分析軟體以及Index of Learning Style(ILS)學習風格量表為研究工具,並利用「自然與人文數位博物館」進行數位圖書館支援數位學習之學習任務,據此探究數位圖書館資訊架構設計是否影響數位學習之學習成效。本研究結果指出數位圖書館支援數位學習具有良好的學習成效,在資訊架構影響學習成效部分發現,組織系統是影響學習成效的主因,並且不同學習成效學習者使用數位圖書館之資訊架構行為具有差異;總體型學習者之學習成效優於循序型學習者;學習成效較佳以及總體型學習者仰賴組織系統較多;而學習成效較差及循序型學習者則仰賴搜尋系統較多。 / Modern digital libraries not only digitalize resources, they are also required to provide an environment which integrates collection provision, information services, and academic activities, in addition to their functions of preserving knowledge and effectively supporting learning. This study investigated whether the design of the information structure of a digital library influences learning performance when learners use the digital library to supplement digital learning, and whether learners of different learning styles have different experiences and learning efficiency through the course of using different information architectures.
The present study chose the Digital Museum of Nature and Culture established by the National Museum of Natural Science, Morae (a usability testing software), and the Index of Learning Style (ILS) as its research tools. This study used the Digital Museum of Nature and Culture to supplement digital learning tasks, thereby investigating whether the design of the information architecture of a digital library influenced digital learning efficiency.
The present study suggested that the supplementation of digital learning with a digital library resulted in excellent learning efficiency. Regarding the influence of information architecture on learning efficiency, it was found that the organizational system was crucial to learning efficiency. Furthermore, learners with different learning efficiency displayed different behavior when using the information architecture of the digital library. It was found that the learning efficiency of global learners was better than that of sequential learners. Global learners and those learners with superior learning efficiency relied more heavily on the organizational system, while sequential learners and those learners with inferior learning efficiency relied more heavily on the search system.
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國科會科學技術資料中心網站使用研究林惠玲, Lin, Huei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現不同國家之科學技術資訊中心所提供的網站功能大致相同,均提供有(1) E-mail聯絡窗口、(2)網站地圖,及(3)站內檢索等基本功能;但資訊與服務內涵則建構於其核心業務之上,因其組織任務與業務取向而異,並以其組織目標為依歸,進行網站資訊的整合,而五個個案網站中所包含的共同資訊為:(1)機構介紹、(2)最新消息或新聞稿、(3)相關網站連結、(4)網站版權宣告,以及(5)資料庫服務。
綜觀本研究之科學技術資訊中心網站,在網站資訊架構方面,其所具備的共同特點為:(1)均為淺層式資訊架構,分類範圍廣而層次不深;(2)皆為模糊型組織,並以主題及任務導向為劃分依據;(3)均以其機構名稱之縮寫來為其網站URL命名;(4)都有提供條列式的網站地圖;(5)皆未利用網站索引功能,而且均缺乏完整的網站指引;(6)導覽系統標示都能完整涵蓋其網站內容,並以使用者所熟悉的語言標示;(7)標題、情境式連結及圖形標示系統的設計,均易於辨識;(8)都有提供基本的站內檢索功能。 另一方面,其相異之處則是:(1)國外科學技術資訊中心網站之導覽規劃均相當一致,而STIC網站則缺乏整合機制;(2)除了CISTI全站皆無使用頁框之外,其餘個案網站均或多或少有設計頁框;(3)只有KISTI、CISTI及MASTIC在網站標籤的規劃上是一致的;(4)不同於其他四個個案網站,JST主選單之網頁內容係利用目錄般的呈現方式;(5)STIC及CISTI將網站地圖之功能分別置於《關於科資》及《輔助導覽》主選項下;(6)除MASTIC之外,其餘四個網站之站內檢索皆能進行布林邏輯運算;在文字切截方面,則僅有CISTI及KISTI有辦法作此處理。
在STIC網站使用情況的部份,使用者大多利用搜尋引擎找到STIC網站,其所使用之搜尋關鍵字詞則集中在機構名稱(22.94%)、pdf相關(21.80%)、資料庫服務(15.00%)等三大類,而且以pdf相關字詞搜尋而來的使用者之單次瀏覽量通常不高,更是造成許多單次存取網頁的主要來源,顯見STIC網站在吸引目標使用者方面,仍有極大的進步空間,而且有許多潛在顧客有待開發。 STIC子網站使用概況分析方面,則發現使用者在《奈米創新網》及《CONCERT聯盟》此二子網站,呈現出相當截然不同的瀏覽行為,如就網站資訊架構面加以分析,可以清楚看出《奈米創新網》係以一致之導覽列進行該站資訊內容的統整,在設計上非常具有整合性;《CONCERT聯盟》則較缺乏整合性的規劃,而這可能就是造成使用者瀏覽行為差異的原因之一,可見網站資訊架構之良窳,對於網站流量造成一定程度之影響。
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銀行資訊科技應用策略之研究--以個案銀行為案例探討陳椿齡, Chen, Chun-ling, Unknown Date (has links)
為奠定本研究根基,本研究從銀行業經營面臨挑戰、企業策略與實務運用、資訊科技架構及銀行資訊科技應用、資訊策略等方面進行文獻探討,得到如下資料: 企業策略對企業的經營、競爭等營運績效影響甚鉅。正確的資訊策略將有助於企業策略之達成,故對企業的營運績效同具密切影響力。IT在不同企業會顯示出不同的策略角色,擬定資訊策略者要先了解企業策略,再者要清楚了解IT在組織中的角色,方可適切擬定資訊策略。同時企業要清楚採用何種資訊策略後,方有助企業的營運定位與資源分配,並可避免失敗,進而提升營運績效。
本研究的研究架構係以企業策略、資訊策略、資訊架構、企業實務等四個構面來探討其相互關連性,並導引出資訊策略與其他構面之主從關係,以及不同資訊策略之作法與影響。 而研究方法主要採行文獻探討與個案研究的方式。所選的個案公司,乃因其具有營運的特殊性、時間的洽當性、資訊的客觀性,故而以其研究主體。研究工具,以深入訪談、資料分析為主軸。
1.營運應考量,如何有效改善目前資訊系統僅作為業務支援性的角色; 同時由現有的資訊影響結構圖可知:其資訊策略、資訊架構及企業策略都僅著眼目前問題的解決;其實應著眼未來的定位、經營方向與策略的確立,以為未來企業發展與資訊發展的依循。
資訊策略、資訊架構、企業策略、企業實務、競爭策略、銀行 / Abstract
Since the banking industry in our country implemented financial liberalization in 1990, sixteen new banks have been gradually established. Because the products of each bank are very similar, the banks compete with pricing strategies in order to seek for business growth and gain clients. In addition, some banks improperly expand client credit, leading to unfavorable results such as: dropping the profit spread of banks, increasing the amount of overdue loans, worsening of credit quality and declining performance.
Several important issues need to be considered which can influence the success of the bank's operation in the future. Firstly, how can the innovation or differentiation of products or services to segment market be achieved; and how can better credit risk control be achieved?
In addition to facing the problems mentioned above, the banking industry is one that mainly relies on information technology. Especially, since the introduction of Internet banking, banks can provide online services to break through space and time limitations via Internet banking or electronic commerce. These new creations have had a great impact upon the business model and operating management.
Under the impact of information technology and the change of operating environment, several points need to be investigated:
1. How to set up a suitable information strategy to match the business strategy for enterprises?
2. How to establish favorable information framework and system to induce efficient development of information?
in order to reduce costs for banks, to increase operation management performance and to improve the quality of service and to create competitive advantage.
In order to establish foundation of this research, this research searched literature review from the operational challenges facing the banking industry, the need for practical application, business strategies, IT framework and application, resulting in the collection of the following data:
1. Business strategy largely influences the performance of operation and competition.
2. Correct information strategy will be helpful in achieving business strategy so as to influence operating performance.
Information technology will demonstrate different strategic roles in different businesses. The planner of information strategies should understand business strategy and further clearly understand the role of information technology within the organization so that the suitable information strategy can be planned and implemented.
In the meantime, businesses need to understand which information strategies should be applied in order to help the positioning of business operation and resource allocation not only to avoid failure but also to increase operating performance.
The structure of this research is based on business strategy, information strategy, and information framework and business practice. There are four components whose interrelationships need to be discussed and which induce subordinate and lesser relationships between information strategy and the other components, and the application and impact of different information strategies.
Research method mainly utilizes literature review and case studies. Selected case study companies were chosen for their operation characteristics and suitability of timing and objectiveness of information. Study tool mainly uses extensive interview and data analysis as the main focus.
The starting point for researching the case study company was the arrangement of relevant data of this company. The next step was to study the company's setup of related components of information strategy. Finally, a summary analysis was made and the proposed conclusions and suggestions are as follows:
A. A case study company has the following operation and information strategy issues:
1. With regards to operations, it should be considered how to effectively improve the current information system only as a supporting role. In the meantime, from the structure graph of the current influence of information, it is understood that information strategy, information framework and business strategy all emphasize upon solving current problems. Actually, it should focus on how to position future business direction and strategy establishment for the guidance of future business development and information development.
2. Information strategy issue should include effective linking with business strategy, changing the currently supporting information strategy into strategic information strategy, integrating different systems, strengthening network formalization and providing integrated services and changing the role and position of the information department.
B. Suggestions: The case study company wishing to set up information strategy should consider the following:
1. Take the opportunity of information transformation.
2. Suggestion of information strategy implementation into practice:
a) Streamlining of operation workflow to save cost and time of processing
b) Effectively integrating many currently used complicated systems
c) Changing information department from the previous functions of system development and maintenance into capturing strategic resources, allocating information resources, promoting information management and educational training
d) Establishing the responsibility of the CIO of information and policies of information
e) Establishing information development project management system based on Balanced Score Card
Keywords: Information strategy; information framework; business strategy; business practice; competition strategy; bank
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國際物流業建立跨組織企業流程模型之個案研究潘明正 Unknown Date (has links)
就國際物流(Global Logistics)來說,海運業者是否能共享正確即時(real time)的資訊,正是其關鍵成功因素。而海運產業中各角色資訊與資源的整合,有賴於企業建構其電子化企業的應用系統架構藍圖;因此,海運產業除了建構企業電子化之應用資訊系統外,更應著重於各系統間的整合與資料交換,發展或利用適當的資料整合與交換技術;對海運而言,系統整合不僅僅是應用系統間資料的交換,更應達到與流程緊密的搭配,才能真正完成進出口流程電子化、資訊與資源共享等目標。然而,各應用系統間資料模式的不一致性、資料交換的不即時性,也為資料交換帶入雪上加霜的困境。
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資訊架構之組織系統與搜尋系統對於學習成效的影響研究:以「自然與人文數位博物館」為例-final / The Effects of Organization System and Search System of Information Architecture on Learning Performance: Case Study of the Digital Museum of Nature & Culture陳美智, Chen, Mei Chih Unknown Date (has links)
透過數位博物館具有良好資訊組織和經過管理的數位資源,應用於支援數位學習具有極高的發展潛力。而將資訊架構概念導入數位博物館網站設計,有助於發展更優質之數位博物館網站,促使使用者以更有效率的方式取得所需要的典藏資源,達到數位博物館支援終身學習的目的。本研究以Morae 人機互動分析軟體觀察學習者利用數位博物館輔助學習之學習歷程,並經由學習歷程分析探討數位博物館支援數位學習過程中,學習者單獨以數位博物館資訊架構中的組織系統、搜尋系統,以及利用組織系統搭配搜尋系統輔助完成學習任務,對於學習成效、認知負荷、學習效率與任務達成時間的影響差異。
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行動政府網頁設計準則影響資訊尋求之研究 / Effects of Design Criteria of Mobile Government Information Webpage on Information Seeking孫賢潔, Sun, Hsien Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究考量可實際操作之行動網頁設計準則之實際使用歷程操作狀況、資訊尋求時間、資訊尋求完成度及受測者認知準則重要度之行為特性,透過SOM分群方法歸納出七群影響資訊尋求速度與達成度之準則特性,並據此提出對於行動政府網頁設計者,使用準則時之參考依據,亦提出未來可供繼續探討之研究方向。 / To cope with the development trend of mobile government, the USA, Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, and domestic governments have proposed the design criteria for developing mobile government information webpage. Nevertheless, the design specifications of mobile government information webpage are chaotic and not uniform. For this reason, design criteria of mobile information webpage provided by various governments are integrated into 7 dimensions and 46 articles in this study. On the other hand, most past research on web site design criteria tried to understand user experience with questionnaire survey, which could not really judge the effect of the criteria on information seeking. As a result, “Travel Taipei”, established by Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government, is utilized as the experimental web site for information seeking in this study. Programmable recorders are used for recording user behavior course of the criteria for information seeking as the objective data; and, the questionnaire survey of users’ perceived importance of the criteria of mobile government information webpage to information seeking as the subjective data. It intends to discuss the major criteria for the information seeking speed and information seeking completion of mobile government information webpage for the design of mobile government information webpage to enhance the information seeking efficacy of web sites.
The research results are concluded as following. (1) There are 7 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are not actually operated by users, but are considered important. (2) There are 9 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking completion with operation behavior. (3) There are total 14 design criteria of effective mobile government by predicting information seeking speed with operation behavior. (4) There are 10 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which are used by most users for information seeking and present certain importance. (5) There are 4 design criteria of mobile government information webpage which could simultaneously enhance information seeking time and completion. (6) It is necessary to study users’ information behavior with questionnaire survey and user behavior records for the evaluation.
Finally, the behavior characteristics of information seeking completion, information seeking time, and participants’ perceived criteria importance in the actual use of course operation of mobile information webpage design criteria which could be actually operated are taken into account in this study. Seven criteria characteristics to influence information seeking speed and completion are organized through SOM clustering, and, based on which, reference for the use of criteria are provided for mobile government information webpage designers and future research directions.
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運用OpenGIS及免費軟體輔助國有公用不動產管理之研究 / Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate陳志清, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
自從1960年代加拿大地理資訊系統(CGIS)開始運作至今,雖然已有50年之歷史,但在早期,主要工作平台均為價錢昂貴之工作站電腦,其軟硬體價位極高,只有政府或大型研究機構才能負擔,所以GIS始終定位在專業用途,小老百姓一直無緣享受到GIS的好處。不過在近十年來的發展,使用者介面及軟硬體功能均已有長足進步,目前國際標準組織(ISO)與OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)分別致力於地理資訊系統相關標準制定,迄今已分別推出許多與地理資訊描述與應用之相關標準。且我國對於國土資訊系統(NGIS)之開發整合及流通亦已投注相當心力,種種跡象均顯示GIS之開發門檻已逐漸降低中,且其資料之流通性亦提昇許多,因此本研究將嘗試探討如何利用開放式地理資訊架構(OpenGIS)、免費軟體(Free Software)及開放源碼軟體(Open Source Software),結合Google Earth涵蓋廣闊之地理資源平台,用最經濟且符合實際需求之方式,以地籍圖、地形圖及現況照片,結合既有國有土地及建物的管理屬性資料及相關地理圖形資料,如臺灣基本圖及地形圖等,以GIS的圖形及地理分析功能,輔助國有土地及建物管理之運用。 / With the advance of technology, the management of the state-owned property has been shifted from using map and book to information-based management for some time. However, the property management system today can only get hold of the management of cadastral property information and property registration of producing agencies, yet the cadastral map is not able to integrate with the current land utilization and other spatial data to illustrate the location and to analyze spatial distribution of the lands or buildings. And the fact that cadastral maps cannot be updated in time to grasp the latest alterations has resulted in ineffective management and utilization of state-owned land and arbitrary occupation was not uncommon.
It has been fifty years since the operation of the Canadian Geographic Information System (CGIS) in 1960s. However, in the early stage, the working platform were mainly expensive workstation computers, and the prices of hardware and software were so expensive that only the government or large research institutions could afford. Therefore, GIS had been used only for special purposes; the pubic had no access to enjoy the benefits of GIS. However, from the development of the past decade, user interface as well as the function of hardware and software has made a great progress. At present, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are separately dedicated to developing geographical information standards and they have launched many standards regarding the description and application of geographical information respectively.
Much effort on the integration and the circulation of our National Geographic Information System (NGIS) sees that the threshold of GIS development has been reducing and its circulation of data also has considerably raised. Therefore, this research attempts to combine OpenGIS, Free Software and Open Source Software with Google Earth, a platform that covers a wide geographical resource, with the most economical and realistic approach to integrate cadastral maps, topographic maps and present-day photos with the data of land and building management, and related geospatial data such as base map and topographic maps, etc. By using graphics and geographic analysis functions of GIS, it can support the management of state-owned land and buildings.
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