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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asessing Liberia´s spatial data infrastructure from a data and standards perspective

Lindgren, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Nationell infrastruktur för geografiska data (NSDI) har blivit en viktig pusselbit för varje nation när det gäller socio-ekonomisk utveckling och miljöförvaltning. Den nyligen antagna lagen The Lands Rights Act (2018) och inrättandet av Liberia Land Authority (LLA) visar att Liberia står på randen till en seriös utveckling och visar vägen genom att inrätta ett välfungerande system för markförvaltning och en pålitlig markförvaltning. Infrastruktur för geografiska data (SDI) är viktigt för att hantera och möjliggöra utbyte, delning, tillgänglighet och användning av rumsliga data. FN:s expertkommitté för global hantering av geospatial information (UN-GGIM) och Världsbanken har utvecklat Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) för att främja hållbar utveckling och tillhandahålla riktlinjer för nationer att följa när de utvecklar en robust NSDI. Syftet med denna studie är att bedöma Liberia´s NSDI från ett data och standardperspektiv för att identifiera landets svagheter och styrkor inom detta område. Den kommer också att belysa de utmaningar och möjligheter som Liberia står inför när landet utvecklar sitt NSDI. Data samlades in genom en litteraturgenomgång och frågeformulär som fylldes i med NSDI-intressenter vid flera statliga organisationer och en internationell organisation i Liberia. Resultaten visade att Liberia´s NSDI för närvarande är underutvecklat. NSDI anses vara svagt ur ett data och standardperspektiv. Dataperspektivet anses dock vara mer gediget. En generell lägesbedömning som täcker alla nio aspekter av ett NSDI var också genomförd, detta i syfte att sätta de två specifika perspektiven i kontext. Bristen på nationella standarder, institutionell samordning och en rättslig ram för hantering av geografiska data är de främsta problemen och utmaningarna. LLA bör ta ledning i utvecklingen av Liberia´s NSDI. I studien föreslås också att Liberia bland annat ska bilda en kommitté för geografiska data för att få alla relevanta intressenter involverade och engagerade i den kommande NSDI-utvecklingen. / National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) has become an important piece of the puzzle for every nation when it comes to socio-economic development and environmental stewardship. The recently passed The Land Rights Act (2018) and the establishment of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) indicates that Liberia is on the verge of serious development, paving the way by establishing a well-functioning land administration system and trusted land governance. Spatial data infrastructure is important in order to manage and enable the exchange, sharing, accessibility and use of spatial data. United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) and the World Bank has developed the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) to promote sustainable development and provide guidelines for nations to follow when developing a robust NSDI. The objectives of this paper is to assess Liberia's NSDI from a data and standards perspective to identify its weaknesses and strengths within that area. It will also shed light on the challenges and opportunities that Liberia faces as it develops its NSDI. The data was collected through a literature review and questionnaires were completed by NSDI stakeholders from multiple governmental organizations and one international organization in Liberia. The findings revealed that Liberia's NSDI is currently underdeveloped. The NSDI is considered weak from a data and standards perspective. However, the data perspective is considered as more solid. A general baseline assessment covering all aspects of an NSDI was also carried out to set the two specific perspectives into context. Overall, weak national standards, institutional coordination, and legal framework for handling spatial data are the primary concerns and challenges. LLA is suggested to take the lead in the development of Liberia´s NSDI. The study also suggests that Liberia form a spatial data committee in order to have all relevant stakeholders onboard and committed for the NSDI development at hand.

Assimetria de informação em redes de empresas horizontais: um estudo das diferentes percepções de seus atores

Venturini, Jonas Cardona 18 July 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The networks interorganizacionais are emerging in different types of organizations that shall see cooperation in an important way to increase competitiveness through the sharing of information, technology, resources, opportunities and risks. This also increases the interest in earnings from this relationship. These gains may be from the asymmetry of information between agents. The main objective of this thesis was to examine how we run this process of informational asymmetry in the horizontal networks in view of its various "stakeholders" (actors members of the networks, without members of management positions; actors presidents and actors consultants). To achieve the proposed objective, the search is worth the method multicasos with nature of exploratory research. Since the main results indicate the presence of an asymmetry of information in networks surveyed, however, gains are still relatively good for its members, which leads to not giving due attention to this process in their networks. Variables of governance, information asymmetry of endogenous and exogenous are present in the speeches of the actors involved in the search. / As redes interorganizacionais vêm surgindo em diferentes tipos de organizações que passam a ver na cooperação um importante caminho para aumentar a competitividade através do compartilhamento de informações, tecnologia, recursos, oportunidades e riscos. Com isso cresce também o interesse por ganhos oriundos desse relacionamento. Esses ganhos podem ser oriundos das assimetrias de informações entre os agentes. O objetivo principal desta dissertação foi o de analisar de que maneira decorre esse processo de assimetria informacional nas redes horizontais na perspectiva dos seus diferentes atores (atores membros das redes, integrantes sem cargos de direção; atores presidentes e atores consultores). Para atingir o objetivo proposto, a pesquisa valeu-se do método multicasos, com natureza de pesquisa exploratória. Sendo que os principais resultados apontam a presença de uma assimetria de informação nas redes pesquisadas, entretanto, os ganhos ainda são relativamente satisfatórios para seus membros, o que leva a não darem à devida atenção para esse processo em suas redes. Variáveis de governança, assimetria de informação endógena e exógena são presentes nos discursos dos atores envolvidos na pesquisa.


劉建良, Liu, Jian Liang Unknown Date (has links)
風險管理已成為銀行重視的重要議題,而要做好風險管理,快速且正確地提供必要的資訊給管理者是必備的能力,而銀行的資訊系統架構龐大,重要的資訊散佈不同的資訊系統,但不同的資訊系統常無法整合以提供資訊,造成風險管理相關資訊取得不易或不符合時效性的要求。 本研究是從源頭的資料分析開始,領域則是限定於衍生性匯率金融產品,目的在於找出該領域商業概念中重要的性質,套用模型驅動架構的概念,利用IBM之資訊框架對商業概念進行分析整理,建立在該領域的本體論,並發展資料存取層之儲存綱要(schema),本體論具備擴充性高及不易變動的穩定特色,可解決因使用者需求導致資訊系統架構變動頻繁的問題,最後再依循EJB架構開發商業概念之Entity Bean元件,完成從知識蒐集、知識分析到知識實現的整個知識管理過程。 / Risk management has become a critical issue that banks value much. To bring out great risk management, being able to provide managers with rapid, correct and essential information is the basic capability of all banks. However, due to the immense information architecture in which important information spreads over those information systems, the integration among different information systems become so unrealizable that managers usually receive insufficient or ineffective information. This study starts from the data analysis of the origins, and the study field is restricted to derivatives. The purpose of this study is to: 1. find out the key elements of the business concept within such research field; 2. by using IBM Information Framework, apply the concept of Model Driven Architecture to analyze the business concept. 3. via the Entity Bean of the EJB architecture, fulfill and accomplish the whole knowledge management processes, from knowledge collecting, knowledge analyzing to knowledge realization.


陳椿齡, Chen, Chun-ling, Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 我國銀行業自民國79年推行金融自由化並陸續開放16家新銀行設立後,由於各銀行之產品同質性高,為追求業績成長競相採取價格競爭策略爭取客戶;加上銀行間有不當擴張客戶信用,導致銀行出現利差下降、逾放增加、授信品質惡化、營運績效大不如前的不利現象。銀行如何提供創新或差異化產品或服務以區隔市場,或者如何做好授信風險控管等皆是未來影響銀行營運優劣的重要課題。 銀行業除面臨以上的問題外,由於係屬使用資訊密集之產業,對資訊科技仰賴甚深;尤以Internet興起後,銀行更可藉此提供打破時空限制之線上服務(諸如:網路銀行或電子商務),更對銀行的經營模式與經營管理產生重大衝擊與影響。在經營環境生態改變以及資訊科技的衝擊下,如何配合企業經營策略擬定合適的資訊策略,建構有利的資訊架構與資訊系統,以導引資訊化的有效發展,進而有助於銀行降低成本、提高營運管理績效、提升服務品質與創造競爭優勢,實是值得研究。 為奠定本研究根基,本研究從銀行業經營面臨挑戰、企業策略與實務運用、資訊科技架構及銀行資訊科技應用、資訊策略等方面進行文獻探討,得到如下資料: 企業策略對企業的經營、競爭等營運績效影響甚鉅。正確的資訊策略將有助於企業策略之達成,故對企業的營運績效同具密切影響力。IT在不同企業會顯示出不同的策略角色,擬定資訊策略者要先了解企業策略,再者要清楚了解IT在組織中的角色,方可適切擬定資訊策略。同時企業要清楚採用何種資訊策略後,方有助企業的營運定位與資源分配,並可避免失敗,進而提升營運績效。 本研究的研究架構係以企業策略、資訊策略、資訊架構、企業實務等四個構面來探討其相互關連性,並導引出資訊策略與其他構面之主從關係,以及不同資訊策略之作法與影響。 而研究方法主要採行文獻探討與個案研究的方式。所選的個案公司,乃因其具有營運的特殊性、時間的洽當性、資訊的客觀性,故而以其研究主體。研究工具,以深入訪談、資料分析為主軸。 對個案公司的研究,先從公司的相關資料的整理著手、次而探討公司制定資訊策略相關構面,最後作綜合分析並提出如下的結論與建議: (一)結論:個案公司具有如下營運與資訊策略議題: 1.營運應考量,如何有效改善目前資訊系統僅作為業務支援性的角色; 同時由現有的資訊影響結構圖可知:其資訊策略、資訊架構及企業策略都僅著眼目前問題的解決;其實應著眼未來的定位、經營方向與策略的確立,以為未來企業發展與資訊發展的依循。 2.資訊策略議題,應注意有效連結企業策略、改變現有支援型資訊策略為策略型資訊策略、不同系統間整合、加強網路化及整合性服務提供、如何改變資訊部門角色與地位等之議題。 (二)建議:個案公司訂定資訊策略應考量如下幾點: 1.掌握資訊化契機 2.執行資訊策略實務工作的建議: (1)作業流程流線化,節省處理時間及成本。 (2)有效整合多方繁雜的現有系統。 (3)將資訊部門角色由過去的系統開發與維護改變成捕獲外在 策略資源、資訊資源分配、資訊管理之推廣與教育訓練等。 (4)建立資訊長之職責與資訊政策。 (5)建立以平衡計分卡為基礎之資訊開發專案管理制度。 關鍵詞 資訊策略、資訊架構、企業策略、企業實務、競爭策略、銀行 / Abstract Since the banking industry in our country implemented financial liberalization in 1990, sixteen new banks have been gradually established. Because the products of each bank are very similar, the banks compete with pricing strategies in order to seek for business growth and gain clients. In addition, some banks improperly expand client credit, leading to unfavorable results such as: dropping the profit spread of banks, increasing the amount of overdue loans, worsening of credit quality and declining performance. Several important issues need to be considered which can influence the success of the bank's operation in the future. Firstly, how can the innovation or differentiation of products or services to segment market be achieved; and how can better credit risk control be achieved? In addition to facing the problems mentioned above, the banking industry is one that mainly relies on information technology. Especially, since the introduction of Internet banking, banks can provide online services to break through space and time limitations via Internet banking or electronic commerce. These new creations have had a great impact upon the business model and operating management. Under the impact of information technology and the change of operating environment, several points need to be investigated: 1. How to set up a suitable information strategy to match the business strategy for enterprises? 2. How to establish favorable information framework and system to induce efficient development of information? in order to reduce costs for banks, to increase operation management performance and to improve the quality of service and to create competitive advantage. In order to establish foundation of this research, this research searched literature review from the operational challenges facing the banking industry, the need for practical application, business strategies, IT framework and application, resulting in the collection of the following data: 1. Business strategy largely influences the performance of operation and competition. 2. Correct information strategy will be helpful in achieving business strategy so as to influence operating performance. Information technology will demonstrate different strategic roles in different businesses. The planner of information strategies should understand business strategy and further clearly understand the role of information technology within the organization so that the suitable information strategy can be planned and implemented. In the meantime, businesses need to understand which information strategies should be applied in order to help the positioning of business operation and resource allocation not only to avoid failure but also to increase operating performance. The structure of this research is based on business strategy, information strategy, and information framework and business practice. There are four components whose interrelationships need to be discussed and which induce subordinate and lesser relationships between information strategy and the other components, and the application and impact of different information strategies. Research method mainly utilizes literature review and case studies. Selected case study companies were chosen for their operation characteristics and suitability of timing and objectiveness of information. Study tool mainly uses extensive interview and data analysis as the main focus. The starting point for researching the case study company was the arrangement of relevant data of this company. The next step was to study the company's setup of related components of information strategy. Finally, a summary analysis was made and the proposed conclusions and suggestions are as follows: A. A case study company has the following operation and information strategy issues: 1. With regards to operations, it should be considered how to effectively improve the current information system only as a supporting role. In the meantime, from the structure graph of the current influence of information, it is understood that information strategy, information framework and business strategy all emphasize upon solving current problems. Actually, it should focus on how to position future business direction and strategy establishment for the guidance of future business development and information development. 2. Information strategy issue should include effective linking with business strategy, changing the currently supporting information strategy into strategic information strategy, integrating different systems, strengthening network formalization and providing integrated services and changing the role and position of the information department. B. Suggestions: The case study company wishing to set up information strategy should consider the following: 1. Take the opportunity of information transformation. 2. Suggestion of information strategy implementation into practice: a) Streamlining of operation workflow to save cost and time of processing b) Effectively integrating many currently used complicated systems c) Changing information department from the previous functions of system development and maintenance into capturing strategic resources, allocating information resources, promoting information management and educational training d) Establishing the responsibility of the CIO of information and policies of information e) Establishing information development project management system based on Balanced Score Card Keywords: Information strategy; information framework; business strategy; business practice; competition strategy; bank

Implementace informačního modelu v prostředí systémové architektury / Information model implementation in systems architecture

Pořádek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a field of information modeling and its relation to systems architecture. It is divided into two notional parts -- theoretical (first and second chapter) and practical (third and fourth chapter). First chapter explains the meaning of the term 'information model', compares it to the term 'data model' and then introduce its practical use in an enterprise modeling. It also defines the term of 'systems architecture' in its broad meaning and reduces it to three narrow meaning -- enterprise architecture, information architecture and information systems architecture, while it explains their relation to the information modeling. Finally this chapter provides the base for information model implementation methodology created later in the practical part of this thesis. Second chapter introduces architecture framework called TM Forum Frameworx specialized for a telecommunication services provider. It consists of three standards for business process, information and application architecture. The second one defines specific information model which is described partly in the second chapter and partly in the appendix B of this thesis. Third chapter describes the first of two contributions of this thesis - the information model implementation methodology. This methodology is applicable to any implementation of an information model. Three sections of this chapter contains diagrams and description of three phases of the methodology - pre-implementation phase, implementation phase and post-implementation phase. In the end of the chapter there is a table containing outputs of every single activity performed during all the phases. Fourth and last chapter then describes and evaluates real implementation of the information model from TM Forum Frameworx in the systems architecture department of an enterprise providing telecommunication services. This implementation based on the created methodology and its successful results then became the second contribution of this thesis.

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