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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

復原力的力量: 個人與來自家庭、學校脈絡中的保護機制對青少年憂鬱症狀改變之影響 / Resilient Outcome:The Impacts of Self-Esteem and Protective Mechanisms in Family and School Contexts on Trajectories of Adolescent Depressive Symptoms

黃鈺婷, Huang,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用一項有關青少年成長與發展調適問題的長期貫時性追蹤資料(1996-1999),試圖突破過去討論青少年憂鬱症狀發展時,所用之横斷式資料的囿限,嘗試應用潛在成長曲線模型(Latent growth curve model, LGC Model)的分析方法,加入歷史時間的縱深,捕捉青少年憂鬱症狀的「起始狀態」、與「個別的成長軌跡發展」。以不扭曲地將所有受試青少年在三年間的內化症狀變化情形,忠實地描述出來。而後,加入「改變」因素的討論,企圖尋找能影響青少年憂鬱症狀發展軌跡的關鍵機制。 此研究主要目的即在「具象化」復原力的理論觀點,企圖加入動態的時間面向,確認負向生活事件與青少年憂鬱症狀發展軌跡之間的因果關聯,並探討來自個人、與環境脈絡中的關係運作,對青少年憂鬱症狀平均數、變化方向與速率的跨時間影響。研究結果明確回答:為什麼有些青少年在受到憂鬱症狀的負向影響之後,尚能有回復機會並「表現地比預期好」的疑問。至於針對一群憂鬱症狀發展呈現改善、或惡化的少數青少年樣本,在性別、自尊、負向生活事件、家庭親子互動、學校好朋友關係等特性上的差異,本研究亦逐一說明。 在理論層次上,本項研究結合適切的研究方法,從「靜態」到「動態」地觀察青少年的身心發展、自「個人」到「家庭系統內外」討論內外在資源對青少年復原的短暫以及長久影響效果,並以一般青少年為研究對象的作法,擴增了復原力理論的推論範疇與解釋深廣。研究顯示,青少年的「改善」或「惡化」憂鬱症狀發展軌跡,確實在環境脈絡的節制之下,存在著個別差異。此外,青少年起始的憂鬱狀態並不影響憂鬱症狀軌跡發展的變化率。家庭經濟不利這項負向生活事件,對於青少年憂鬱症狀的預測,只呈現短暫的初始影響。自尊和好朋友關係皆是青少年可以主動建構與可為之舉,為兩個最重要能影響青少年憂鬱症狀變化的關鍵因素。至於學校脈絡,則可視為在家庭脈絡之外,能提供青少年憂鬱症狀改變效果的新路徑,以及讓青少年可以順利「轉大人」之雙重機會的結構因素。 / Using data derived from a panel study (1996-1999) of long-term Taiwanese adolescent development and adaptation, this study intended to break through the limitations of cross-sectional studies, which plagued past studies of adolescents’ developing depressive symptoms. By employing the Latent Growth Curve Model (LGC Model), this study mainly attempted to feature the individual initial status and the trajectory of every adolescent’s developmental depressive symptoms, which concerned about the important functions of the dynamic historical time and space on youth internalizing symptoms, for the research purpose to reflect the real resilient outcome each adolescent displayed. Besides, in order to understand the key factors that were taken as positive and effective mechanisms to influence the initial status and rates of changes on youth trajectories of depressive symptoms, several latent constructs such as self-esteem and protective factors developed from family and school contexts were taken into accounts. Further, specified characteristics were noted to highlight the basic differences gradually showed between resilient improved adolescents and worsen ones. A positive-psychological stance was taken as the leading research perspective in this study. The results shows that familial economic hardship only affects the initial status of adolescent depressive symptoms, implying that this negative event just had a short-term effect on youth’s psychological well beings. Those who were initially vulnerable to familial negative event had opportunity to become resilient over time. As to the protective factors, self-esteem and cohesive good-friendship were two crucial facets adolescents could actively construct and make efforts for further resilient performances to be better than expected. The analyzing results indicated, interestingly, that parent-child relationship early obtained in family context and adolescent’s satisfaction with parenting merely counted for the initial impact on adolescent trajectories of depressive symptoms. Concerns and cohesive relationships acquired in school contexts, especially in classes, provided dual chances for adolescents to become resilient in a long run.

政府與企業之弊端揭發過程比較研究-從揭弊者受影響因素的角度 / The Comparative Research of Whistle-Blowing in Government and Business Organizations-The Factors Affecting Whistleblowers

蔡明瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
近來各國政府對於公共服務的提供,越來越傾向公私協力的方式,以滿足人民的多元需求,但是有時因為政府的監督效率不彰甚至是政府與財團勾結,以至於企業組織的不法行為嚴重影響了公共利益。而外部的監督機制效果失靈,弊端揭發(whistle blowing)就成為了最後一道防線。但是,不論在公私部門,只要是在組織內揭露不法情事,勢必牽涉許多複雜的因素,以及可能對揭發者造成風險,再加上我國法制的不健全難以對揭弊者提供完善的保護,這些都將影響成員揭發的意願。 因此,為探討上述問題,本研究採取質性研究的方式,運用文獻回顧與深度訪談作為研究方法。本研究的研究架構是從弊端揭發者的心理進程發展依序探討,首先,以公務倫理或企業倫理、揭弊前因素以及預期揭弊後因素之三類現有因素做出初步判斷,再者,以前述判斷結果作為依據,將揭弊管道、對象以及手段納入綜合考量,最後做出揭發弊端與否的決定。本研究之研究發現認為,第一,企業倫理與公務倫理難以促使揭弊行為產生。第二、有利組織弊端揭發的情境與結構包括溝通管道暢通、扁平化的組織以及創新傾向的組織文化並且權力在其中居於主導地位。第三、現行保護機制無法保障私部門成員之工作與公務人員之安全。 另外,建議後續研究者可以選擇公私協力之個案,或是可以就組織中的「有權者」的角度來探討。最後,本研究根據研究發現提出幾點實務建議: 一、 制定公益揭發專法 二、 增加組織成員職涯規劃的多元性 三、 加重行賄者責任 四、 改善政風單位處理程序 關鍵詞:弊端揭發過程、公務倫理、企業倫理、弊端揭發者保護機制 / Nowadays, to satisfy the diverse demands from people, governments tend to work with business organizations to provide better public service. However, due to the possibilities of poor supervision from governments and collusion between both parties, public interest is often under great threat or even severely violated. Therefore, whistle-blowing will be the last defense once the external control systems fail. No matter in public or private organizations, it may put the whistleblower at risk while disclosing wrongdoings which involves many complex factors. And it could also affect people’s willingness of being a whistleblower due to the lack of protecting system in our existing legal regime. To investigate above topic, this study is conducted with qualitative research analysis, and is to use documentary analysis and depth interview as the research methods. The conceptual framework is to investigate by the whistleblower’s psychological process in sequence. First of all, the whistleblower will make the initial judgments with three existing factors: administrative ethics or business ethics, the factors prior to whistle-blowing, and the expected factors after whistle-blowing. Therefore, based on the initial judgments mentioned above, the whistleblower will decide whether to blow the whistle or not after taking channels, objects, and means into account. The findings of this research indicate three following points: (1) Administrative ethics or business ethics lead to little possibility that brings out whistle-blowing. (2) The situations or structures which are conducive to whistle-blowing include unimpeded communication channel, horizontal organization, and innovation-tended organizational culture. And the power holds a dominant position. (3) Existing protecting system cannot ensure the right to work of people working in private sector, nor the safety of public servant. In addition, the author suggests that succeeding investigators choose the case related to public private partnership, or probe from the perspective of the powers. At last, the practical suggestions based on the findings of this study are as following: 1. To legislate for public interest disclosure 2. To enrich the diversity of members’ career development 3. To aggravate the consequences of giving bribes 4. To improve the working procedures of the department of civil service ethics Keywords: the Process of Whistle-blowing, Administrative Ethics, Business Ethics, Whistleblower Protecting System

新通用頂級域名(New gTLDs)爭議之研究-以商標權之保護為中心 / A Study on New gTLDs Disputes- Focused on Trademark Protection

程映瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
2011年6月,「網際網路名稱與號碼指配組織」(The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN)董事會核准新通用頂級域名申請人指導手冊(Applicant Guidebook)並正式展開新通用頂級域名計畫(New gTLD Program),該計畫容許頂級域名申請人自行選擇作為網址字尾之字符串,並成為該頂級域名之註冊管理機構。在第一波申請名單中,ICANN陸續通過了700多個申請案件,包含了一般通用名稱類型、品牌及商標類型、地理名稱類型等新通用頂級域名,也因此對於網際網路帶來巨大的影響與變革。由於新通用頂級域名與商標法中禁止私人擁有通用名詞與透過國家疆域、商品與服務類別分流之原則產生本質上的衝突,相較於新通用頂級域名大幅開放所帶來的正面效益,亦引起贊成與反對意見的討論。 惟新通用頂級域名既已開放,本文將討論焦點聚焦於新通用頂級域名計畫整體制度介紹,以及新通用頂級域名開放後,對於傳統網域名稱爭議所產生之新的網域名稱爭議型態質變以及新爭議型態如何適用現行法律之評析,藉此分析新通用頂級域名之開放對於商標權人權益之影響與提供商標權人相關維護品牌價值策略之擬定。另一方面,本文亦自國家之角度,探討新通用頂級域名對於我國網域名稱政策之影響以及應有之政策藍圖規劃。希冀透過本文之分析,對我國商標權人因應新通用頂級域名之浪潮與政府形成網域名稱政策有所助益。

巨量資料與隱私權─個人資料保護機制的再思考 / Big data and privacy: Rethinking personal data protection mechanisms

鍾孝宇, Chung, Hsiao Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文主張,隱私是公民社會的構成元素,它保障個人在社會建構的形塑之下,保有日常行為實踐的能動性,得在自我自主經驗與社會建構的來回探索之間,生成個人的主體性。這個動態的主體性發展空間,使我們得以開拓環境中的意外發現並建立心智的批判獨立性,具備如此公民特質的社會,才有能力促進自我決定、創新、人際交往互動等實踐可能性,形塑健全的公民社會。 然而,巨量資料在數位環境中,正全面影響我們日常行為實踐的模式。巨量資料以統計相關性的知識論與方法論,形成不同的洞察與價值,其以資料驅動技術所辨識出的現象模式,建立其宣稱的客觀性優勢。巨量資料脈絡下的數位技術物,不僅是日常生活的輔助工具,而毋寧是我們個人感官的延伸,其精巧的影響我們與周遭世界的關係,積極介入、給予指示、引導行為,甚至定義我們的身分,調整、調控我們的行為。作為一種知識生產與治理模式,巨量資料的監控本質對於個人或群體所加諸的權力作用,將削弱個人主體性的發展空間,進而影響健全的公民社會發展,形成新型態的、難以察覺的隱私權侵害風險。並且,本文認為,商業監控結合監控資本主義邏輯的調控治理,對於公民社會的傷害更鉅。 面臨如此的風險,本文指出作為資訊社會產物的現行個人資料保護機制,無法回應數位環境中巨量資料隱私威脅的三個因素:個人資料性質的改變、告知與同意機制的失敗、資料汙染。並在奠基於隱私權的社會價值理論之上,提出三種原則性建議:巨量資料的應用倫理、巨量資料利用的正當程序原則、社會責任與自律規範。在原則性建議以外,亦將視角拉回我國的個人資料保護機制,參考歐盟一般資料保護規則的相關立法,建議我國應盡速設置專責之資料保護監管機構,並提供具體的個人資料保護規範修法方向:創設涵蓋資料保護影響評估的資料管理機制、建置組織內部資料利用監督機制、以及創設使用者的資料可攜權。

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