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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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彭慧明 Unknown Date (has links)
各種形式的資訊透過網路傳布並迅速被獲取,線上資源(on-line resources)的形式多元化,線上資訊(on-line information)的數量龐大。網路讓記者收集資料的方式及管道都起了變化,而網路媒體的興起更使得記者加強使用網路、並採納網路新聞的內容作為新聞寫作的參考。由於網路的強力傳播,原本僅僅是傳言和流言的網路訊息,一躍成為傳統大型平面媒體、電視台報導的訊息,許多不台理的傳言,在口耳相傳及轉寄傳閱後,反而成了值得去追查的新聞線索和生活話題。尤其最近幾年,網路搜尋引擎、網路資料庫,變成新聞從業人員收集資訊的最佳工具,但網路的傳播能力和似真非真的訊息大量出現,對新聞從業人員來說,在巨量的資料中找出真正的資訊、進一步作為值得報導的新聞,正在考驗傳統媒體新聞從業人員的專業能力。 也因為網際網路的科技,改變了媒體的生態和新聞的呈現型式。新媒體的浪潮風起雲湧,使得整個報業生態隨之轉變,到了1999年,國內的主要媒體都成立了電子報,開拓新的媒體通路。而拜資訊發達、通訊技術進步之賜,專業的網路媒體也隨之興起,強調專業、即時的網路媒體如明日報、東森新聞報,正式在2000年上線運作。 網路媒體強調即時新聞和快速的特性,成為報社記者習慣參考及採納的另一種新聞線索來源。本研究針對國內報社記者採納網路媒體內容的態度進行調查,發現網路新聞媒體擁有高閱讀率,並使平面記者將網路新聞、網站資源視為新聞線索的來源之一。但是對來自網路不確定訊息的質疑,加上網路媒體為了搶快,有時採用不確定的訊息發佈新聞,新聞出錯、更正的狀況,也使得記者在採納網路新聞媒體訊息的態度上,持較保留的態度。 本研究是台灣第一個針對國內三大主要報業:中國時報、自由時報、聯合報記者進行的問卷調查,希望了解記者使用電腦、網路以及採納網路訊息的態度。主要問題是希望了解目前國內主要平面媒體記者使用網路輔助新聞報導的現狀,以及記者採納來自網路的眾多訊息的態度。研究者相信,記者採納來自網路的訊息,主要基於對網路訊息的注意和信任。 本研究將「網路訊息」定義為兩種:包括來自網路的電子郵件、新聞信、討論區內容等廣泛的網路資訊;另一種則是來自有組織、有固定編採流程控制管理的網路新聞媒體,包含國內的通訊社網站、平面新聞媒體集團成立的網站、純網路新聞媒體網站。研究結果發現,隨著上網習慣的養成、上網時間的增加,記者傾向將網路訊息視為重要的新聞線索來源。不過記者們所注意並可能被採納的網路訊息,主要還是以具備完整新聞來源、可查證、由知名網站或媒體、由採訪單位或同事同業提供的訊息為主,匿名或網路新聞區討論的話題較不被記者所採納。 從記者採納及信任網路新聞媒體內容的態度上,本研究發現,記者肯定網路媒體的即時性及提供較多的新聞數量,但認為國內網路新聞媒體欠缺整合性內容。記者仍傾向採納並較信任傳統媒體成立的新聞網站以及通訊社網站所透露的訊息,較不信任網路媒體。本研究的推論認為,記者在採納純網路新聞媒體的訊息時可能採較為保守的態度。

從ELM理論看WeChat與Weibo之資訊流廣告效果 / A research of news feed ads effect between WeChat and Weibo: based on Elaboration Likelihood Model

陳奕杭, Chen, Yihang Unknown Date (has links)
行動時代的到來為社群媒體帶來了發展的春天,原生廣告也隨之應運而生,成為備受社群媒體青睞的新興廣告形式。而在中國市場,WeChat與Weibo這兩大社群媒體自2012年起相繼推出了資訊流廣告服務,並不斷試水新的技術和表現形式。兩者的資訊流廣告在運作機制和表現形式上雖有所雷同,但仍各有特點,其中最主要的差異體現在廣告訊息的按讃者和按讃數量上。 因此,本研究以WeChat和Weibo為研究對象,援引推敲可能性模式理論,希望探究消費者在觀看WeChat和Weibo資訊流廣告時,是否會因為廣告訊息按讚者或按讚數量的不同,在品牌態度和購買意願上產生差異。 本研究採用實驗室實驗法,招募60名國立政治大學非傳播相關科系的大陸籍學生進行實驗。研究結果發現WeChat和Weibo的資訊流廣告訊息接收者在品牌態度和購買意願的形塑歷程上確實存在差異:就WeChat而言,廣告訊息可信度更能正向影響消費者的品牌態度和購買意願;就Weibo而言,感知按讃數量更能正向影響消費者的購買意願,但對品牌態度不構成顯著影響。 / Native advertising has emerged both as an exciting new way for digital marketers to engage with the consumer, and as a new source of advertising revenue for social media. In the China market, news feed ad, a major type of native advertising, has been very popular in WeChat and Weibo since 2012. Visually the native advertisement in these two social media seem pretty similar, but they have enough differences to make them different, particularly in the differences of likers and the number of likes on advertisement. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) adopted by Harkins and Petty, this study focus on WeChat and Weibo and try to clarify the differences of consumer’s information processing, brand attitude and purchase intention between these two social media, which has various social tie strength. Adopting an laboratory experimentation, a total of 60 samples, participated in this study during January, 2017. Finding of this study show the differences of brand attitude and purchase intention towards news feed ad when subjects are exposed to WeChat between Weibo. In WeChat, message credibility indicate more significant influence on the brand attitude and purchase intention towards native advertisement rather than perceived number of likes. Oppositely perceived number of likes positively influence on purchase intention towards native advertisement in Weibo.

影響美妝部落格可信度因素探析 / Analysis of factors affecting cosmetic blog credibility

葉凱凌 Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部統計,在全球經濟不景氣的情況下,彩妝業在2009與2008年同期相比,仍成長了2.72%,以金額來說,台灣彩妝一年有新台幣720多億元市場,而保養品的市場量則一直維持在美妝品市場40%以上比例,兩者合計之金額足見美妝市場之大。因此對於行銷人員來說,瞭解現代女性選擇美妝產品的方式成為一個重要的課題。 本研究認為,若能瞭解網友信任美妝部落格、部落客的原因,就可取得部落格行銷之先機。本研究發現20-29歲女性在制訂美妝產品購買決策時,除了價格因素外,最重要的因素來自於網友評價。美妝部落格部落客成為美妝領域的「意見領袖」,將影響力由虛擬網路世界深入實體世界。我們將影響部落格可信度因素分為:(1)使用時間、(2)使用動機:資訊搜索、人際互動與娛樂消遣、(3)部落格特性:更新快速、自主控制、互動性、多媒體與分眾化、(4)自我揭露、(5)商業意圖揭露等五大要素。結果發現「資訊蒐集」、「人際互動」、「多媒體」、「主題性」與「自我揭露」等五個變項對可信度有正向影響;而「內容詳盡」與「商業意圖揭露負面感知」對可信度影響為負向。 本研究建議在部落格行銷上,應改進過去多用「量產」的口碑行銷方式贏得市面上的曝光量與正面評價,以提升文章深度。多媒體方面可以提升圖文的質感,主題性上可以形塑部落客在美妝領域的專業角色,並利用自我揭露的方式拉近與網友的距離等方式提高可信度。另外要注意內容過於詳盡易帶給網友不信任的負面觀感,而商業意圖不僅是政府開始注意的議題,也是美妝部落格可信度的殺手。 / According to a Ministry of Economic Affair’s study, cosmetic industry in Taiwan is continuously growing under the global economic recession in recent years. The makeup product market is greater than NT 720 billion a year in Taiwan, in which the proportion of the skin care product market in cosmetic industry remains 40%., which may show the potential of this industry. Therefore, it is important for marketers to understand the behavior of consumers in this industry, especially women’s, accounting for most of the share. Women between 20 and 29 will consider other users’ evaluation of products when they have to make decisions on purchasing cosmetic products. Therefore, it is natural to infer that cosmetic blogs and bloggers will become “opinion leaders” in cosmetic areas, and they may exert their influence on consumers’ consumption. If we know why and how users trust in cosmetic blogs and bloggers, we may help the cosmetics marketing in blogosphere. . Factors affecting blog credibility were divided into five dimensions: (1) time, (2) motivation: information exchange, personal relationship and social recreation, (3) blog feature: quick update, independent control, interactive, multimedia and fragmentation, (4) self-disclosure, (5) business intention disclosure. We found that “information exchange”, “personal relationship”, “multimedia”, “fragmentation” and “self-disclosure” have positive effects on credibility. On the contrary, content of blog feature—“detailed content” and “disclosure of intention to sell” have negative effects. Consequently, this study suggests that from a multimedia perspective, bloggers should improve quality of posts, and upgrade blogger’s professional images. Furthermore, using self-disclosure strategies may improve relationships between bloggers and visitors. Last but not least, detailed content easily brings negative impression, and intentions to sell in blogs were not only monitored by government but viewed as defect of credibility by visitors.

台灣電視新聞綜藝化現象對大學生評估電視新聞公信力之影響 / The Infotainment Tendencies in Packaging TV News in Taiwan: The Effect on College Audience’s Evaluation of TV News Credibility

魏介珩 Unknown Date (has links)
全球的電視新聞文化現今都已偏好聳動的主題及令人目眩神移、訴諸感官刺激的綜藝化製作方式。台灣的電視新聞綜藝化自壹週刊、蘋果日報在台出刊後更加明顯氾濫,這種辛辣聳動的刊物成為各家電視新聞台的重要新聞來源。此外,過多的24小時新聞台為了搶收視率亦在視聽覺吸引及口語報導方式上無所不用其極的“吸睛”。值得一探的是,觀眾對於這種綜藝化播報方式的觀感究竟如何,而此種播報方式對於其電視新聞可信度又是否會有影響。 本文從不同變項探討現今台灣電視新聞綜藝化手法對大學生評估新聞可信度的影響及觀感。除人口變項外,亦討論媒介使用習慣、媒體素養與電視新聞可信度評價的關係。研究結果發現,一般來說,媒體素養越高的受測者對台灣電視新聞可信度評價越低,也較不喜歡看綜藝化手法製作的電視新聞。此外,本文除討論現今常使用的綜藝化手法所引發的新聞可信度評價影響,亦發現大多數綜藝化手法應用於硬性新聞較應用於軟性新聞播報中引發較低的新聞可信度評價。 / The phenomenon of infotainment tendency in TV news broadcasting has been rising globally. Taiwan is no exception since last decade, especially a turning point that Apple Daily first published in Taiwan. This sensationalism- oriented publication has become an essential reference for TV news producers and resulted in a revolution of TV news in Taiwan, which from content to format presentation have become relatively infotainment- oriented. The excessive 24-hour news channels is another cause of the infotainment phenomenon in Taiwan, which results in a vicious viewing rate competition. In order to draw audience’s attention, each channel tries hard to be “eye- catching” to please audience instead of providing substantive information. This study investigated the effect of the current prosperous infotainment tendencies in news broadcasting in Taiwan on college audience’s evaluation and perception of TV news credibility through different variables. In addition to demographic investigation, this study also conducted research on the correlation between audience’s media literacy level, media use habit and TV news credibility evaluation. It is found that respondents with more media understanding are more sensitive and critical to the infotainment issue in TV news. Moreover, the results showed that the infotainment applications used in hard news generally lead to lower TV news credibility than used in soft news. The findings of this study contribute reference to the news discipline for TV news producers in Taiwan.

財經頻道可信度之研究 / The Study of Financial Channel Credibility

何墨儀, Ho, Erin Mo-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在瞭解財經頻道的可信度。可信度是社會的資產;國內財經頻道成立至今12年,有其特殊的發展需要和歷程;本論文之研究期間,正值主管當局對財經頻道進行換照審議工作,財經頻道可信度的瞭解因此更為需要。本研究以文獻探討及財經頻道之前驅研究建立財經頻道可信度之架構,並以修正式德菲法對專家學者小組進行兩回合問卷調查,及四位學者專家的深度訪談,試圖建構國內財經頻道可信度面向及量表。 / 本研究將財經頻道可信度可分為可信賴性、專業性、正確性、多元性及社會責任等5個面向共38項題項,其中可信賴性有9項題項、專業性有9項題項、正確性有8項題項、多元性有4項題項、社會責任則有8項題項。 / 研究顯示,社會責任面向中的「從業人員不涉及股市內線交易」與「經營者以大眾利益為考量」等兩個題項是財經頻道可信度最重要的量表題項,相較於過去國內對一般新聞媒體可信度研究的結果對社會責任面向的不確定性,本研究認為社會責任面向為財經頻道可信度的面向之一;在可信賴性面向中,「平衡報導、多方並陳」因應財經頻道特質所納入的題項,也成為此面向中最重要的題項。可信賴性與社會責任兩個面向較偏向一般性的媒體可信度面向,專業性、正確性及多元性等三個面向則偏向財經頻道特有的可信度面向。研究發現,財經頻道的可信度與一般電視可信度的量表題項的確略有不同,理論界與實務界應將兩者區分開來,不應一視同仁。以此研究反觀國內八家財經頻道,大部份頻道的現況與本研究結果相去甚遠,值得欲永續經營的財經頻道經營者及從業人員深思。 / 研究建議,財經頻道應以中立的態度多方並陳、平衡報導,提升從業人員對自我的道德要求及專業訓練,加強議題的選擇、處理、追蹤的能力,並在組織內控上善盡把關之責,不但需要多元的內容呈現,也希望提供訊息來源並經過驗證,最後,對社會責任的認知及製作品質精良的節目是財經頻道未來應持續發展的方向。本研究結果期望能對財經頻道業者在經營及操作上提供參考,並提供閱聽眾在選擇收視財經頻道時做為評鑑之參考指標。 / This study aims to build evaluation criteria of financial news channel credibility. In comparison of news channels, there are comprehensive approaches to evaluate their credibility, but those approaches may not fit precisely with the feature of the financial news channel. Based on literature review and pilot study, a framework of credibility specific to financial news channels is built within this study. The scale of credibility evaluation is conducted by two rounds of questionnaires and in-depth interviews with professionals through Delphi method. / Through a total of 38 questions, this study categorizes financial channel credibility into five dimensions of trustworthiness, professionalism, accuracy, diversity, and social responsibility. It consists of 9 questions regarding trustworthiness, 9 questions on professionalism, 8 questions related to accuracy, 4 questions on diversity, and 8 questions on social responsibility. / In the social responsibility part, two issues of “no insider trading conducted by personnel in the business” and “managers make considerations based on public benefits” are the most important on the scale for financial channel credibility. To compare with the uncertainties on news media credibility in past domestic studies of social responsibility, this study reveals that social responsibility is one of most important dimensions of financial channel credibility. In the trustworthiness dimension, “balanced reporting and description of multiple sources” is incorporated in response to the features of financial channels, and is the most important issue in this aspect. In comparison with other media credibility studies, “trustworthiness” and “social responsibility” belong to general media credibility dimensions, while the three dimensions of professionalism, accuracy, and diversity are more unique to financial channel credibility. This study discovers that the credibility of financial channels indeed shows differences from issues on the credibility scales of general television; the two should be separated in theory and in practice. / The report suggests that financial channels should keep a neutral attitude to describe diverse sources and make balanced reports; elevate the ethical requirements and professional training for personnel in the business; strengthen the ability in selecting, treating, and tracking issues, and have adequate control in organizational change. Not only content diversity is necessary, but also the information source should be given and confirmed. Finally, perception of social responsibility and production of quality programming is a direction financial channels should develop in the future. It is expected the results of this study can provide a framework for financial channel business in operation and management, and also an evaluative indicator for members in public who choose to watch financial channels.

代言人道德問題與產品適配度對購買意願之影響 / The effects of moral issues and product fit of endorser on purchase intention

高煒哲, Kao, Wei Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為探討代言人與產品適配度不同時,其發生不同類型的道德問題,對購買意願之影響。當代言人與產品適配度不同,代言人與產品間之連結程度就會不同,因此,當代言人發生不同類型的道德問題時,就會對購買意願產生不同的影響。故本次研究採用兩個自變數:代言人與產品適配度(高/低)及道德問題類型(違情/違法),來檢驗是否會影響消費者對產品之購買意願,並以受試者之主觀道德程度(高/低)以及客觀道德程度(高/低)作為調節變數,利用實驗設計的方法,進行一個2×2之組間實驗,並以虛擬的代言人作為實驗對象,取得有效樣本126份。本次研究利用獨立樣本t檢定、雙因子變異數分析以及三因子變異數分析檢驗所得之結果,並獲得以下之結論: 1.當代言人與產品適配度較高時,消費者購買意願會較高。 2.道德問題類型對購買意願有顯著影響,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題時,消費者購買意願會較低。 3.代言人與產品適配度與道德問題類型無交互作用,不論代言人代言何種類型的產品,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題會有較低的購買意願。 4.受試者的道德程度與道德問題類型無交互作用,不論受試者之道德程度高低,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題,消費者會有較低的購買意願。 5.道德問題類型對代言人可信度有顯著影響,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題時,代言人可信度較低。 6.不論代言人發生違情或違法的道德問題,受試者皆認為廠商需與代言人暫停合作關係,然又以發生違法的道德問題時,更應與代言人暫停合作。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effects on purchase intention when product fit and moral issue of endorsers are in different level. When product fit is different, the connection between product and endorser will be in different degree. Therefore, endorser have different types of moral issues which will have impact on purchase intention. There are two independent variables: Product fit (High vs. Low), Moral issue (illegal vs. unfaithful) and two moderator variables (subjective moral level vs. objective moral level) and we conduct a 2x2 factorial research to test whether they will have influence on purchase intention. There are 126 effective questionnaires and the following is the results: 1.Different type of moral issues will affect purchase intention. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 2.There is no interaction effect between product fit and type of moral issue. No matter how product fit is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 3.There is no interaction effect between moral level and type of moral issue. No matter how moral level is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 4.Different type of moral issues will affect endorser credibility. When endorser has illegal moral issue, he or she will have lower credibility. 5.No matter what kinds of moral issues, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers much seriously.

事件嚴重性、來源可靠性、品牌依賴程度對消費者態度和產品評估改變的影響 / How severity of negative event, source credibility, and level of brand attachment affect consumers' attitude and product evaluation changes

許綺芬, Hsu, Chi Fen Unknown Date (has links)
負面事件比正面事件更能達到引起人們注意的效果,然而消費者的品牌依賴程度和負面事件之間的相互作用關係過去很少被研究。因此,本研究希望能透過調查年輕的品牌手機使用族群,以瞭解負面事件的嚴重性、負面事件的來源可靠性,和消費者的品牌依賴程度對消費者的負面品牌態度改變、負面產品評估改變、及風險認知改變程度的影響。 本研究發現,當一個品牌被負面事件攻擊時,消費者的品牌依賴程度及負面事件的嚴重程度會分別對其負面產品評估改變、及風險認知改變程度產生影響;而消費者的負面品牌態度改變只會被其品牌依賴程度影響。並且,負面事件發生時,消費者的品牌依賴程度並不能解決負面內容對消費者所帶來的影響,真正重要的是反而是負面事件的嚴重程度和來源可靠性。品牌管理者應該多加注意的負面事件的組合為高風險且來自較可靠的管道,因為這樣的組合會對消費者產生負面影響最大;而較不需注意的是低風險且來自較不可靠的管道的負面事件組合,因為這樣的組合對消費者產生負面影響最小。 / Negative events are known to drawn more attention than positive events, but how consumers’ brand attachment would interact with negative events is rarely discussed in the literature. As a result, this research would like to investigate how severity level and source credibility of a negative event, and consumers’ brand attachment would affect consumers’ negative brand attitude change, negative product evaluation change and perceived risk change through studying of young adults who use brand cell phone. In this research, it is found that when a brand is attacked by a negative event, consumer’s brand attachment and the severity level of a negative event would both affect consumer’s negative product evaluation and negative product evaluation changes, though only brand attachment would affect consumers’ brand attitude. Furthermore, brand attachment cannot resolve negative impacts of a negative event to the consumers; instead, the severity level and the source of a negative event would affect consumers’ negative brand attitude, negative product evaluation and perceived risk changes. Specifically, it is worth the brand managers the most attention when a negative event involves high severity level and comes from a more credible source, as this combination bring more negative changes to consumers, and the least attention when a negative event involves low severity level and comes from a less credible source, as this combination would bring least negative changes to consumers.

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