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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國食品安全管理中政府監管的缺失分析 : 以三鹿事件為例 / 以三鹿事件為例

王欣 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

全面品質管理之高階領導透過企業文化以提升顧客滿意度之研究 / Total Quality Management: How Does Top Management Leadership Enhance Customer Satisfaction through Corporate Culture

黃珂, Huang, Ke Unknown Date (has links)
企業文化作為組織內部成員廣泛接納的價值觀和行為準則,潛移默化地控制和改變著企業內部人員的行為方式,從而對組織績效產生影響,因此企業文化的變革對於組織行為的調節有相當重要之作用。在全面品質管理的成功實施因素討論中,往往集中討論科技和資訊等方面的貢獻,卻相對缺乏對於軟性的企業文化的作用之研究。本文利用高績效工廠計劃第三輪蒐集之資料,利用偏最小平方法,分析了205家製造型企業的調查問卷結果,以探討公司高階管理者,應如果調整企業文化,來實施全面品質管理,提升組織的績效和顧客滿意度。本研究的自變量為高階領導的參與和支持,中介變量為企業文化,因變量為顧客滿意度;而其中中介變量又可以分為持續改善與學習、顧客導向、全面參與和團隊合作四個構面。 本研究發現,在公司高階管理者對品質管理有高度支持和參與時,組織內部會形成傾向顧客導向、重視全面參與和團隊合作、以及持續不斷改善與學習的組織文化,而這種組織文化最終都會提升最終顧客的滿意度。本研究之結論表示,在全面品質管理的實施過程中,高階領導者應透過全面變革其組織的文化,形成上下一體、協同合作、不斷關注顧客需求達成、利用經驗不斷改善品質和精益求精的價值觀,才能更好地完成顧客滿意度提升之目的,達成企業的競爭優勢。最後本研究亦提出對應的管理意涵、研究限制和未來研究的方向。 / As widely accepted values and codes of conduct inside of a corporation, the organizational culture controls and changes the way employees behave, influencing the corporate performance and customer satisfaction. Thus, the culture change is vital to regulate organizational behaviors. Total Quality Management is a philosophy that organizations can use to improve their performance but, often there is an over-emphasis on its tools and techniques, which may take precedence over the need to create a culture, that is open to change. This study collected the High Performance Manufacturing Round 3 data that contain 205 cases to analysis how can the top management change corporate culture to fulfill TQM and enhance customer satisfaction by using Partial Least Square. The independent variable would be Top Management Support and the dependent variable would be Customer Satisfaction. Corporate Culture would be mediating variable that contains Continuous Improvement and Learning, Customer Focus, Full Participation and Teamwork and Cooperation. This study suggests that if the top management highly support and commit to TQM, it is better for them to foster a Total Quality Culture that stressed on continuous improvement and teamwork spirit to improve customer satisfaction. Management implications, study limitation and future study suggestion and included in the end.

台灣國家品質獎對公司財務績效的影響 / The influence of Taiwan national quality award for company financial performances

李典運, Lee, Tien Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討有效的全面品質管理(Total quality management, TQM)對公司股價和獲利能力財務績效的影響,透過獲得台灣國家品質獎來當作一個有效成功實施TQM的確認,來進行獲獎公司於得獎前後跟其他公司績效的比較。 本論文將評估得獎公司得獎前後與不同的參照公司和比較公司群做3年的引入TQM計畫和成功完成TQM計畫後4年的財務績效比較。雖然這方面的研究在國外已經有不少探討,在研究統計方法上有不斷的改進,但基於本研究由於樣本數過少的狀況,所以對研究統計方法做特別的選擇與考量。在長期實施TQM計劃的結果當中,得獎公司只有在報名台灣國家品質獎前的實施階段有明顯的正向股價異常報酬和營運異常報酬,而完成TQM落實後的階段並沒有顯著的正向異常報酬,其結果有別於國外對美國國家品獎研究結果,在結論方面也將提出相關可能的原因與探討。 / This thesis discussed how the efficient total quality management (TQM) influenced company stock price and operation performance. Taiwan National Quality Award winners were selected representing the companies that implement TQM successfully. Their performance before and after winning the awards were compared with others equivalent companies. The paper tested the company performances for two periods in which the first one is undertaking the TQM program for three years before winning the awards as the implementation period and the second one includes four years after winning the awards as post-implementation period. The performance of award winning companies at two periods were compared with control firms and comparison groups. Although many relevant researches were found and the statistical methods were developed and improved, this study selected few unique methods because of insufficient samples. The results showed that award winning companies have significantly positive performance in stock price and operating index only at the first period, and no significant effects at the second period were found. The results are different from the studies regarding Malcolm Baldridge Award, and probable causes and issues are discussed.

美國膠黏劑市場之產業分析與擴張策略: 以台資企業為例 / Industry Analysis and Expansion SStrategies for the U.S. adhesive market: taking an example of a taiwan-based company

梁俊偉, Liang, Chun-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
In the past two years, a Taiwan-based adhesive manufacturer confronted significant declines in sales for the U.S. market. The purpose of the study is to propose alternative strategies for the manufacturer in expanding the U.S. adhesive market and to assess the best strategies to be implemented. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), a managerial assessment tool that determines the relative attractiveness of different strategies based on a firm’s external and internal factors, was adopted as the methodology. The results revealed that working with alternative agents is the most suitable strategic decision. The selected strategy is two percent better than strategy one: Build a factory in the U.S., eight percent better than strategy two: Maintain and strengthen the existing ODM model, eleven percent better than strategy three: Acquire the current agent, and twenty percent better than strategy five: Supply from the JV factory in India. The study findings may serve as a guide for the management team to construct their market development plan for the U.S. market.

標竿學習理論與實務之研究 / Benchmarking -- The Study of Theory and Practice

陳衍宏, Chen, Yen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討標竿學習,分別自理論基礎與運作實務兩大面向探討,進而建構一套標竿學習的模型。 就理論部分而言,本研究針對幾種與標竿學習最為相關的管理技術或工具,作基本的探究,試圖從其中找尋標竿學習的脈絡,俾以為其理論奠基。經過文獻的研究與分析,本研究提出標竿學習的三項核心價值,分別為「全面品質觀」、「學習觀」與「流程觀」,並藉由「價值鍊」的概念,促使此三觀得以整合並相互助益。 「全面品質觀」係脫胎自全面品質管理的原則,以顧客滿意為依歸的基本信念為其價值,而更強調指標的建立或標竿的選擇亦應採取如是觀點;「學習觀」則為「組織學習」概念的延伸,並在標竿學習的論點上,使學習概念更為廣博。「學習觀」是標竿學習極為重要卻常忽略的觀點。學習是具有嚴謹架構與邏輯的思考面向,包含向他人學習與自我學習、超越等,在標竿學習中更因具有層次性,而能使標竿學習之學習概念趨於完備。「流程觀」則指組織運作之流程,為標竿學習之主要對象,包括對方組織與自身組織的流程。此外,流程觀亦同時指出標竿學習成功與否的關鍵之一乃在其計畫推動程序能否落實良善。此三項核心價值分別代表標竿學習的基本命題:「學什麼」——流程觀;「怎麼學」——學習觀;「指標意義」——全面品質觀。正因為此三者分別代表不同領域之整合,故由「價值鍊」貫穿三者以求整合,名之為「標竿學習之三環連鎖」,此即為標竿學習的理論基礎、核心價值。 就實務而言,標竿學習的類型、設計相關計畫步驟之先後,本研究以為,制定合於時宜的方案,遠勝制度法則之移植(此觀點與「全面品質觀」同),故介紹幾種基本型態,必須強調的是,切莫自限於此,還是要從理論部分談起,完整的建構與釐清,將有助於指導實務之運作。


楊秀瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
隨時代不斷變遷演進,人民對政府之期許與要求與日俱增,是故,為了因應此項趨勢,各國無不致力於行政改革,推動政府再造,爰採取師法企業的途徑,試圖以顧客至上、服務為先、品質第一•••等概念來改造公部門組織及其服務品質,而ISO即是近來公部門師法企業所興起的另一股管理風潮。 所謂ISO,乃是國際標準組織(International Organization for Standardization)之簡稱),其成立於1946年,迄今,ISO 9000系列標準已成全球品質管理一大主流,有人稱之為「ISO 9000 風尚」、ISO 9000 奇觀」,它的影響既深且廣,儼然成為企業改造的基礎並在企業界蔚為一股時代之風潮。 我國為提升國家競爭力,提升行政效率與服務品質,爰引進企業管理精神,導入 ISO 9000 系列國際標準品質保證制度,冀透過此制度之實施,進一步提升公部門之服務品質並重塑公部門新形象。 由於國內公部門推行ISO 9002品保制度尚處於起步階段,對於此新風潮,普遍不甚了解,惟跨世紀公務員乃面臨不斷的變遷與改變,實應體認須建立新的學習觀,俾能回應民眾之所需。是故,冀透過本文就ISO相關重要理論與文獻之探討,並透過SWOT策略分析及個案分析,歸納出公部門推行ISO 9002之成功關鍵因素及所面臨之挑戰與限制,最後並提出結論與建議,冀能對公部門、行政學者及後續研究者能有所貢獻。

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