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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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是利器?是枷鎖? --公關人員行動電話使用與影響

游敏鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
全球行動電話用戶數已超越了傳統室內電話(fixed-line)的總數,這項新媒介的普及率不斷竄升,成為人們每日的生活元件,其可攜性和移動性產生了流動空間,超越了物理環境的限制「無所不在、無所不能」,人們可以隨時隨地聯絡別人,同時也可以隨時隨地被聯絡,當它的普及性從私有化走向機構化之際,雖然可以提升組織的工作品質,但也左右了個人的生活品質。 本研究鎖定企業公關人員為研究對象,試圖探討行動電話在公領域近用之後,對社會人士在工作與生活上的正負面影響。行動電話的媒介豐富度充分符合公關的工作特性所需,可以強化公關的組織功能,因此在這個業務網絡中,它代表的不僅是一個通訊工具,而是重要的溝通管道,而公關人員的使用中更有了創造性的轉化,藉以提升個人的工作資本和生產權力。儘管在工作上具有高度的正面價值,行動電話卻成為行使權力的傳輸載具,箝制了個人生活的主控權,其中因為所處的工作社會環境差異,公關人員承接到的壓力有強弱之分,給予的使用評價好惡各不相同,但整體皆呈現擴大使用的效應,不論公關人員察覺與否,他們普遍受到工具制約的束縛,形同處於全視空間的工作場域,研究發現職場的行動電話近用,因為有更複雜的權力政治介入其中,其使用影響和一般人大不相同。


王詩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

企業贊助公益活動行為之研究 / Research of Corporate Philanthropy Behavior

楊炳韋, Yang, Pin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
企業贊助公益活動的風氣日漸普遍,國內企業也將之視為一項重要的企業活動,企業贊助公益活動可自兩種觀點檢視:社會責任觀點和公共關係觀點,自此兩種觀點深入檢視國內企業之公益贊助行為,為本研究之動機,國內相關研究也頗為欠缺,可透過本研究作一補強。   本研究於文獻回顧後建立觀念性架構,將企業贊助公益活動之動機區分為與產品銷售直接相關、與產品銷售間接相關和與產品銷售無關三大類,將影響企業公益贊助行為之因素依不同層次區分為個人、部門、企業和環境四大類,將企業公益贊助決策區分為活動類型、受益對象和贊助形式三構面。由於國內相關研究之不足,研究方法採用計質法,選取九家國內企業為研究對象,以深度訪談之方式收集資料,輔以次級資料之收集補強,對九家個案公司進行分析,據以建構發展命題。   研究結果針對『贊助動機』和『贊助決策』之關係,發展出十項命題,『贊助影響因素』和『贊助決策』之關係,發展出八項命題,並依據資料顯示,將企業之公益贊助決策增加與產品關聯性、活動範圍、參與程度和持續時間四個構面,以更完整表達企業之公益贊助行為。   本研究之最大貢獻在於以企業參與之各項公益活動逐一分析,一反過去研究將企業贊助公益活動行為單純化之處理方式,將許多過去研究無法找出變數關係之部份予以建立初步之命題,此一研究方式可以作為後續研究之重要參考。

新北市國民中學學校公共關係與 學校效能關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship between the School Public Relation and School Effectiveness of New Taipei City Junior High School

林碧文, Lin, Pi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
學校公共關係的經營影響學校效能的成效,為瞭解二者的現況,及彼此間關係,乃從事本研究。本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,抽取101學年度新北市78所國中教師做為研究對象,問卷共發出906份,回收671份,回收率74.06%。所得資料以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)與薛費法(Scheffe)、Tamhane T2 進行事後比較以及皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson Correlation)等統計方法來進行資料分析。歸納研究結果獲致如下結論: 一、新北市國民中學學校公共關係屬「中上」程度表現 各層面中以「資訊傳遞」層面表現最佳,其餘依次為「成果回饋」、「意見互動」、「物質支援」、「行動參與」,以「資源分享」最難表現。 二、新北市國民中學學校效能屬「中上」程度表現 各層面中以「行政領導溝通」層面表現最佳,其餘依次為「社區認同參與」、「環境設備規劃」、「學校組織氣氛」、「教師教學輔導」,以「學生學習表現」最難表現。 三、不同背景變項的教師在學校公共關係的看法上並無顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項的教師在學校效能的差異情形 (一) 不同性別、現任職務、服務年資的教師,對於學校效能看法上,並無顯著差異。 (二)不同最高學歷的教師在學校效能看法有顯著差異,最高學歷為師範院校的教師顯著高於研究所。 (三)不同學校規模的教師在學校效能看法上有顯著差異,25至48班顯著高於73班以上。 五、新北市國民中學整體學校公共關係與學校效能具有高度相關,且為正相關,其相關係數為.730。 依據研究結果,提供國中校長、教育主管機關、未來研究者幾點建議做為參考 / What this study aimed at was to understand the current situation of school public relation and school effectiveness in junior high school of New Taipei City and the correlation between them. Questionnaire survey is used as the research method in this study. 906 samples were delivered to teachers of 78 junior high schools in New Taipei City, among them were 671 retrieved valid. The collected data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistical Analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The analysis of the data revealed the following conclusions: 1.The performance of the school public relation in junior high schools of New Taipei City is above middle degree. Among the performance aspects, “information transmission” ranked first, followed by “feedback, exchange of ideas, material support, participation and resource sharing”. 2. The performance of the school effectiveness in junior high schools of New Taipei City is above middle degree. Among the performance aspects, “administrative communication” ranked first, followed by “commnity participation, facility planning, organizational climate of school, teachers’ teaching and counseling, and students’ learning expresses”. 3.Teachers with various backgrounds were no significant difference on school public relation. 4.Teachers with various backgrounds were different in school effectiveness. (1) No significance was found in opionions of teachers with different genders, current positions and working seniority. (2) Significance was found in opionions of teachers with different educational background. Teachers graduating from normal universities bore greater significance than those graduating from graduate schools. (3) Significance was found in opionions of teachers with different school sizes. Schools with 25 to 48 classes bore greater significance than schools with more than 73 classes. 5. A highly positive correlation exists in the school public relation and school effectiveness in junior high school of New Taipei City. The Correlation is .730. According to the results of the study,some suggestions are offered to junior high school principals,educational authorities,and future researchers.


賴曉慧, Lai,Hsiao-hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理的概念,探討行銷公關策略與媒體效益之關聯。從行銷公關的定義來看,行銷公關策略可能受到公共關係與行銷的影響,因此本研究亦援引公共關係、行銷策略中可能影響行銷公關策略的部分,以便找出可能影響行銷公關策略媒體效益的關鍵因素。研究結果顯示,「新聞價值」是影響行銷公關策略媒體效益的最主要因素;另外,比起從公關角度出發的行銷公關策略,從行銷角度出發的行銷公關策略具有較佳的媒體效益。 本研究認為,公共關係和行銷對行銷公關策略的影響可從三方面觀察而得: 溝通目的方面,研究結果發現,媒體不會因為行銷公關策略的溝通目的是產品銷售而拒絕刊登,反而願意把產品銷售的新聞當成頭條處理,顯示過去新聞界強調媒體應以公共事務作為報導內容的專業義理已經逐漸改變;對企業來說,自然也樂於將媒體當成傳遞產品訊息的一種「免費廣告」。 利益服務對象方面,研究結果顯示,媒體偏好報導著眼於企業利益的行銷公關策略,而企業也樂意從行銷角度規劃行銷公關策略(或反之,企業樂意從行銷角度規劃行銷公關策略,而媒體也偏好報導著眼於企業利益的行銷公關策略),導致公共關係強調「利己利人」的精神毫無用武之地。 新聞價值方面,「時宜性」是記者最常運用的新聞價值,「特殊性」則是媒體效益較佳的新聞價值。本研究認為,「時宜性」、「功能性」和「特殊性」乃是偏向企業利益的新聞價值,因為都是著眼於產品的特色與使用時機;相對的,「社教性」、「影響性」與「接近性」等從公眾需求的角度出發的新聞價值,卻不常出現在媒體報導中,也無法讓行銷公關策略獲得較佳的媒體效益。 整體而言,本研究認為公共關係無法對行銷公關策略產生價值的原因應該從兩方面探討。首先在企業部分,本研究認為企業仍以獲利為目標,執行行銷公關策略的最終目的也是為了協助產品銷售,因此企業偏向從行銷角度制訂行銷公關策略,即使有任何公共關係角度的行銷公關策略,仍是希望達成「利己」之主要目的。其次在媒體部分,媒體在廣告量、市場利益的考量之下,趨向報導「最大多數讀者喜歡看」的新聞內容,原因在於閱讀人口是否夠大乃是廣告主決定刊登廣告的重要因素之一。因此,媒體會盡力在版面內容上力求改變、報導大多數讀者想看的東西,甚至以各種行銷促銷活動爭取讀者,導致原來與媒體同樣重視社會責任、公眾利益的公共關係,頓然失去其發揮價值的重要舞台。


洪珮菁, Hung, Pei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
災難管理已成為二十世紀台灣政府首長的首要課題。近年來台灣每年都有或大或小的災害事件發生,包括九二一地震、八掌溪事件、東方科學園區大火、桃芝颱風、納莉颱風等,造成了極大的生命與經濟損失,使得災難管理成為政府首長不得不正視的課題。 民國九十年九月十六日至十七日,納莉颱風橫掃台灣北部,在竹子湖站的連續最大24小時小時雨量高達862公厘,台北市市民27人遇難,3人失蹤,16人重傷,收容災民高達2,053人﹔高運量捷運系統被洪水灌入而完全停駛,到當年十月一日才逐步恢復營運,市政府各單位編列的復原經費高達97億元。這次的風災,使得首善之都台北陷入一片汪洋之中,災後數日,都市機能仍運作困難,民眾陷入前所未有的痛苦之中,媒體將此次的災變稱作為馬英九執政以來最大的挑戰,將直接影響市民支持率,甚至危及連任之路。然而,馬英九及市府團隊在這次的事件中整體形象並未受到影響,仍有高達60.5%的民眾滿意度,本文相信這樣的民調結果立基於台北市政府的災變公共關係管理的運作上。 以往有關危機管理相關研究大多以Nunamaker等人(1989)的危機管理動態模式為基礎,探討我國防災系統的建制與缺失,對於政府公共關係管理的範疇並沒有提及,而大眾傳播科系對於危機公關的相關研究則是著重於媒體策略與媒體效果的分析上。據此,本文試圖將危機管理與危機公關加以結合,透過納莉風災個案分析、深度訪談與內容分析的方式,進行政府災變公共關係研究;台北市政府主要的溝通對象為市民、媒體、中央政府及市議會,研究市民關係、媒體關係、中央與地方關係及府會關係,因而共同關係成為本文研究的重點,主要的研究問題為:(1)學術界危機公關理論的發展情形為何?理論模式中有何不足之處?(2)應用Nunamaker等人(1989)的危機管理動態模式,台北市實務上的做法為何?(3)台北市政府災前防災溝通主要以哪些方式進行?(4)台北市政府災前如何與溝通對象進行公共關係?關係結果為何?(5)在納莉風災時期,台北市政府採取何種公共關係策略?(6)前述台北市政府災前與主要溝通對象的關係結果,對於納莉風災時雙方的互動情形有何影響? 經歷了長時間的研究,本文有幾項研究發現,期望能為我國政府組織未來應災提供建議,包括:(1)市府與民眾間災前之防災溝通仍待加強、(2)災前公共關係良好的政府組織,在災時會遭遇較少的形象損失、(3)納莉風災時期媒體公關實屬成功、(4)市府與中央長期溝通失靈成為救災阻力、(5)市府採取謙遜有禮的態度處理府會關係使得府會關係和諧、(6)災害是市府改善以往敵對關係的契機、(7)災後重建推動委員會具有公共關係作用、(8)唯有救災體制與救災政策完備,公共關係管理才具有意義、(9)危機管理動態模式需加入公共關係管理方屬完備。

公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities

嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據對公共關係實務工作者訪談,瞭解實務工作者認為大學公共關係本科畢業生應具備那些公關核心知識與技能,以及實務工作者對本科教育是否能達成實務專業任用標準的看法。並透過對同時在相關科系兼任授課的實務工作者深度訪談,整理這些具備公關產學雙重身份的受訪者對目前公共關係相關科系在課程目標及課程規劃安排上的看法與建議。 本研究發現,組織及商業管理知識是被較常提及的必備知識,媒體生態及議題建構的知識是所有的受訪者都會提到而且獨立強調的核心知識。研究方法、寫作技巧及語文能力則是最常被受訪者提及的重要必備技能。受訪者者也認為應該要讓學生知道公共關係有那些特定領域(「領域知識」),以及會遭遇那些溝通情境。應以各類公共關係個案情境(情境知識)來讓學生瞭解工具策略的多元性而不是生硬的學習SOP操作程序。 另外,公關本科生並未有就業優勢,但在校任教的實務工作者會更支持本科教育及人才任用。受訪者認為公關課程目標、課程基礎配套資訊以及課程銜接等相關問題都不清楚,業界老師對公共關係教育的付出並未被善用。而學生的學習地圖也並未能被做一個更好的規劃安排,學生無法掌握學習目標及學習策略。 本研究提出的建議為,1.對公關教育及課程任務與規劃應有明確的管理指標,以利教師授課、學生學習及實務業界溝通。2.應善用業界師資資源強化公關領域知識及情境知識教育。3.應鼓勵學生參與實習及實作課程並透過參與校外相關競賽瞭解教學實力。4.應務實面對科系現況補足重要核心知識課程。 關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching. The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases. This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged. Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions. 1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class. 2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry. 3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom. 4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer. Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts


王斌 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration


續菲 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration


沈琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北市幼稚園公共關係與學校效能之現況及其關係,並提出研究結論與建議,期能提供幼稚園推展公共關係與落實學校效能之參考。本研究採問卷調查法,以「幼稚園公共關係與學校效能現況調查問卷」為研究工具。研究對象為台北市公、私立幼稚園之教育人員(包含園長和教師),總共發出618份,回收324份,回收率52.4%;有效問卷317份,有效問卷回收率51.2%。資料回收後以「t考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」、「皮爾遜積差相關」以及「多元逐步迴歸」及描述統計等統計方法進行分析,據以形成結論。 本研究之結論如下: 壹、台北市幼稚園公共關係與學校效能之現況大致良好。 貳、台北市幼稚園之教育人員具有公共關係推展的能力,在輿論調查層面較佳,惟在成效回饋層面有待加強。 參、台北市幼稚園之教育人員普遍重視教師教學品質,但對於社區家長的支持仍有努力的空間。 肆、不同背景變項之幼稚園教育人員在公共關係知覺上有顯著差異。不同規模在「訊息溝通」層面達顯著差異,規模1—2班及3-5班之幼稚園比規模6班以上的幼稚園知覺程度較高。 伍、不同背景變項之幼稚園教育人員在學校效能知覺上有顯著差異。不同職務在「園長領導」層面和「溝通與滿意度」層面達顯著差異。不同屬性在「社區家長支持」層面達顯著差異。 陸、幼稚園公共關係與學校效能有密切的關係。 柒、公共關係各層面對學校效能有顯著的預測作用。 捌、背景變項與公共關係各層面對學校效能有顯著的預測作用。 根據上述研究結論提出下列建議: 壹、對教育主管機關的建議 一、宜舉辦及宣導公共關係的知能研習,以提升園所的辦學品質。 二、宜編列幼稚園推展公共關係的經費,並輔導幼稚園實際運用。 三、宜制訂公共關係的評鑑機制及意見交流平台,並鼓勵園所互相觀摩學習。 貳、對幼稚園的建議 一、宜辦理園公共關係知能研習,以提升全體成員公共關係的專業素養。 二、宜擬定周詳完整的公共關係計畫,並定期評估公關成效。 三、宜定期檢核園所在各方面的成效,以落實學校效能的運作。 四、提升辦學品質才是推展公共關係與學校效能落實的首要關鍵。 關鍵字:幼稚園教育人員、幼稚園公共關係、學校效能 / A Study of the Relationships between Preschool Public Relations and School Effectiveness in Taipei City Abstract This study is aimed at investigating the current condition and relationships of public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City and offering conclusions and suggestions, for the operation of public relations and school effectiveness. The questionnaire survey was the major method used in this study. “Public relations and school effectiveness at preschools questionnaire” were designed from literature review by the researcher. The subjects of questionnaire survey included principals and teachers. Questionnaires were distributed to 618 subjects at preschools in Taipei City, and 324 samples were received, making the return rate of 52.4%. After invalid questionnaires were removed, there were totally 317 valid questionnaires, and the valid return rate was 51.2%. The sample results were analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The analysis of the date revealed the following conclusions: 1. The current conditions of public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City were good. 2. The staffs in preschools of Taipei City have a good performance in public relations, “Opinion” was the better one, and “effects and feedback” should be improved. 3. The staffs in preschools of Taipei City emphasize “teacher teaching quality “, but need to do more for obtain the assistance from community and parents. 4. There were significantly different perceptions towards current public relations owing to different backgrounds of school staffs, among which the dimension of “Communication” has obvious different, the preschool’s dimension of 1-2 class and 3-5 class have higher perceptions to dimension of under 6 class. 5. There were significantly different perceptions towards current school effectiveness owing to different backgrounds of school staffs, among which the censorship of “leadership” and “communication and contentment ” have obvious different ; among which the property of “community and parents’ assistance ” has obvious different. 6. There is a significant correlation between public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City. 7. The public relations were appropriate indicators in predicting school effectiveness. 8. The backgrounds of school staffs and public relations were appropriate indicators in predicting school effectiveness. Following suggestions are presented according to previous conclusions: I. Suggestions to the Education Administration Bureaus: 1. Transact study activities about public relations for promoting the school quality. 2. Budget funds for the operation of public relations and help them how to use. 3. Establish feedback mechanism and a platform to share information, and encourage to learn to each other. II. Suggestions to the preschool : 1. Transact study activities about public relations for promoting public relations intelligence of teachers. 2. Devise a comprehensive public relations plan and periodically evaluate the effectiveness. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of every part to implement the operation of school effectiveness. 4. Promote the quality of school was the key point to implement the operation of public relations and school effectiveness. Keywords: preschool teacher, public relations of preschool, school effectiveness

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