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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principal’s Distributed Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Elementary Schools in Taipei City

李奕芸, Lee, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之差異情形,且探討二者之間的關係,最後探討校長分布式領導對教師組織公民行為預測力情形。 研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市立國民小學教師為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣,抽取47所學校,發出788份問卷,回收688份有效問卷,問卷有效率達87.3%。資料處理分別以描述統計、t 考驗、變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之現況屬中高程度。 二、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務的國民小學教師,知覺校長分布式領導有顯著差異,以男性、年齡51歲以上、服務年資21年以上、擔任職務為兼主任之教師,知覺校長分布式領導的程度較高。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務的國民小學教師,知覺教師組織公民行為有顯著差異,以男性、年齡51歲以上、服務年資21年以上、擔任職務為兼主任之教師,知覺教師組織公民行為的程度較高。 四、國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為具有顯著正相關。 五、國民小學校長分布式領導對教師組織公民行為具有正向預測力。 六、國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為的結構方程模式適配度良好。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,提供實務應用與未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior of the elementary schools in Taipei City, and to analyze the differences in different background variables are conscious of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and to explore the relationship between the two variables. Finally, to explore the prediction on principals’ distributed leadership to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The data was collected from teachers of elementary schools in Taipei City by stratified random sampling. The samples include 47 schools and 788 questionnaires were distributed. There were 688 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistical analysis and the usable rate is 87.3%. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regressions and structural equation modeling. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The elementary school teachers’ perception of the principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above average. 2.Regarding perceived distributed leadership, there was significant difference among teachers of different genders, ages, periods of service and positions in school. Teachers who are male, older than 51, more than 21 serving years, or as the chief of department were with higher degree of distributed leadership perception. 3.Regarding perceived teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, there was significant difference among teachers of different genders, ages, periods of service and positions in school. Teachers who are male, older than 51, more than 21 serving years, or as the chief of department were with higher degree of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior perception. 4.The degree of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior was significant positively related. 5.The degree of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior could be predicted by the degree of principals’ distributed leadership. 6.The SEM constructed for principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior showed goodness of fit. According to the findings and conclusions given above, some suggestions are provided for practical applications and future research.

臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、 兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among the elementary school principal's distributed leadership, emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior of administrative teachers in Taipei city.

王政暘, Wang, Chen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在於瞭解臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為時產生的不同差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長分布式領導與兼任行政教師情緒勞務對其組織公民行為進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣84所學校,發出540份問卷,回收451份問卷,其中有效問卷414份,問卷有效率達91.8%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「校長專業自信與謙遜」之知覺程度為最高,「營造適當的變革時機」之知覺程度為最低。 二、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師在其情緒勞務的知覺為中高程度,以「真誠演出」的知覺為最高,「深層演出」之知覺為最低。 三、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師有中高程度之組織公民行為表現,以「敬業行為」之表現為最高,「工作要求高標準」的表現為最低。 四、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其性別、擔任職務、教育程度、學校規模、學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受,以男性、擔任主任、研究所以上、學校規模在49班(含)以上、學校歷史在41-60年之教師知覺程度較高。 五、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其服務年資、擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而對於其情緒勞務之知覺感受有所不同,以服務年資21年(含)以上、擔任主任及學校規模在49班(含)以上之教師知覺程度較高。 六、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其年齡、服務年資、擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而展現出不同程度的教師組織公民行為,以51歲(含)以上、服務年資為21年(含)以上、擔任組長及學校規模為49班(含)以上之教師表現程度較高。 七、臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為之知覺及各層面,彼此間具有正相關的關係。 八、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師情緒勞務對教師組織公民行為整體及各層面具有預測作用,而校長分布式領導之層面「建構明確的績效責任」及「校長專業自信與謙遜」則對教師組織公民行為之「尊重學校體制」、「工作要求高標準」具有預測作用。   最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與兼任行政教師以及未來研究的參考。 關鍵字:分布式領導、教師情緒勞務、組織公民行為 / The study aims to investigate the current situation of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior in Taipei City, and then analyze the administrative teachers in different background variables when they are conscious of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior, and then explore the relationship among the three variables. In the end, the study through principal’s distributed leadership and administrative teachers’ emotional labor forecast the organization citizenship behavior. Questionnaire survey method is adopted in this study. The samples include 84 schools and 540 questionnaires were distributed. 451 questionnaires were returned. There were 414 valid questionnaires used in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 91.8%. All data processing were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation , Multiple regression. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average , in which the item “principals’ self-confidence and humility” was the highest, and “creating a timing of trust” was the lowest. 2. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of teachers’ emotional labor is above average, in which the item “sincere performances” was the highest, and “deep acting” was the lowest. 3. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above average and then the “dedication to the work” was the highest, and “highly working standards” was the lowest. 4. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership in terms of sex, position, bachelor of science, scale of school, and age of school. 5. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ emotional labor in terms of years of service, position and scale of school. 6. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in terms of age, years of service, position and the scale of school. 7. There is positive correlation among the principals’ distributed, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior. 8. Administrations teacher’s emotional labor have a predictive effect on teachers’ organization citizenship behavior. Keywords: distributed leadership, teacher’s emotional labor, organization citizenship behavior

越南胡志明市高級中學校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / The Relationships among Distributed Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

胡士雄, Ho, Sy Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究指在探討校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為的關係。研究方法採問卷調查法,以越南胡志明市公立高級中學教師為研究對象。在預試階段,寄發300份問卷,回收有效問卷共有275份,據以檢視研究工具之信效度。在正式調查階段,寄發960份問卷,回收有效問卷共908份。在資料處理方面,本研究分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析及結構方程模式取向之路徑分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究獲得以下結論: 一、越南胡志明市公立高級中學校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為的現況大致良好。 二、教師對校長分布式領導的知覺,會因教師之年齡、服務年資、學歷、學校所在地、學校規模與校長於本校服務年資之不同而有顯著差異。 三、教師對組織支持的知覺,會因教師之年齡、學校所在地與學校規模之不同而有顯著差異。 四、教師對教師組織公民行為的知覺,會因學校所在地、學校規模與校長於本校服務年資之不同而有顯著差異。 五、校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為之間兩兩具有正向相關。 六、校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為三者之間具有顯著影響關係。 七、校長分布式領導可透過教師知覺組織支持的部分中介效果,間接影響教師組織公民行為。 八、校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為的結構方程模式適配度良好。 基於上述之研究結果,本研究提出一些建議,作為主管教育行政機關、學校校長、教師及未來研究之參考。 / The study aims to investigate the relationships among distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior. The study population is all in-service teachers at public high schools in Ho Chi Minh city. The questionnaires are used to collect data. In the pretest stage, data collected from a sample of 275 teachers at 20 public high schools, and was used to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments by using the exploratory factor analysis. In the formal survey, data collected from a sample of 908 teachers at 64 public high schools. Then the descriptive analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and SEM approach’s path analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that: 1. The teachers’ perception of distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior is good. 2. Six demographic variables, including teachers’ age, year of experience, level of education, school location, school size, and years as principal at current school, showed significant differences in distributed leadership. 3. Three demographic variables, including teachers’ age, school location, school size, showed significant differences in perceived organizational support. 4. Three demographic variables, including school location, school size, and years as principal at current school, showed significant differences in organizational citizenship behavior. 5. There is a significant positive correlation between the variables of distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior. 6. Both distributed leadership and perceived organizational support showed a positive direct effect on organizational citizenship behavior. 7. Perceived organizational support partially mediated the effect of distributed leadership on organizational citizenship behavior. 8. The SEM constructed for the distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior showed a goodness of fit. Based on these results, there are many applications proposed to education authority, school principals, and teachers and some recommendations provided for further research.

新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City

陳彥成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能的現況,分析不同背景變項下之教師,知覺教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之差異情形,並探討三者間之關係,最後建構並驗證新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之結構方程模式。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣34所學校,發出738份問卷,回收558份有效問卷;有效問卷回收率達75.67%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸及結構方程模式分析等統計方法加以分析與探討。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、新北市國民中學教師知覺教師會運作成效為中高程度,其中以「增進組織運作」表現最佳,「提升教師專業」則可再加強。 貳、新北市國民中學教師知覺教師組織公民行為為中高程度,其中「利他人行為」表現最佳,「工作投入與奉獻」則可再提升。 參、新北市國民中學教師知覺學校效能為中高程度 ,其中「教師教學效果」表現最佳,「社區家長支持」則有加強空間。 肆、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「教師會幹部」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺教師會運作成效上顯著較高。 伍、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「擔任導師」、「教師會幹部」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺教師組織公民行為上顯著較高。 陸、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「兼任行政」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺學校效能上顯著較高。 柒、新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之間具有正向關聯。 捌、新北市國民中學教師會運作成效與教師組織公民行為對學校效能有正向預測關係。 玖、教師組織公民行為在新北市國民中學教師會運作成效與學校效能之間有顯著完全中介效果。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to learn the relationships among the Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools in New Taipei City. Comparing and analyzing the differences, relationships, and stepwise regression among Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools, the researcher tries to build and verify a model for these three elements. Through the use of questionnaires survey method, data are collected from 34 junior high schools, 738 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 558 are collected, with a usable rate of 75.6%. All data are analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regressions and structural equation modeling. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The level of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations is medium, the performance in "strengthen organization operation" is outstanding, and "enhance teacher professional" can be further strengthened. 2. The level of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior is medium, the performance in "altruistic behavior" is outstanding, and "work input and dedication" can be improved. 3. The level of the school effectiveness is medium, the performance in "teacher teaching effect" is outstanding, and "community parent support" can be further strengthened. 4 .The junior high school teachers as "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations . 5. The junior high school teachers as "mentors", "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior. 6. The junior high school teachers as "the ones who are concurrently in administrative work" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the school effectiveness. 7. There are positive correlations among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City. 8. The operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior can apparently predict the school effectiveness. 9.The proper fit of structural equation model among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. Teachers' organizational citizenship behavior fully mediates the relationship between the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and school effectiveness.

國民中學教師覺知校長服務領導、學校組織氣氛與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high school

呂詩琦, Lu, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學教師覺知校長服務領導、學校組織氣氛與教師組織公民行為之關係,並根據研究結果提出建議,以做為教育行政主管機關、國民中學校長、國民中學教師,以及後續研究者之參考。 本研究以桃園縣(市)、新竹縣、苗栗縣(市)公立國民中學教師為研究對象,採問卷調查法,以「國民中學組織行為調查問卷」進行抽樣調查,抽取55所國民中學、520名國民中學教師做為研究樣本,回收統計問卷數共453份(剔除無效問卷25份後),回收率為87%。以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步回歸等統計方法加以分析獲得以下結論: 一、整體校長服務領導屬中上程度,以「建立專業社群」層面知覺程度最高,「概念化」層面最低。 二、不同「職務」背景變項之教師對於整體校長服務領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同「性別」、「年齡」、「服務年資」、「學校規模」背景變項之教師對於整體校長服務領導的知覺沒有顯著差異。 三、整體學校組織氣氛屬中上程度,以「教師疏離行為」層面知覺程度最高,「校長指示行為」層面最低。(疏離、指示層面,得分已反向處理,得分高,表疏離、指示情況低) 四、桃竹苗區教師知覺的學校組織氣氛類型「開放型」與「封閉型」佔的比率最高,皆為34﹪;「疏離型」次之,佔18﹪;「投入型」最少,佔14﹪。 五、不同「性別」、「職務」、「年齡」、「服務年資」、「學校規模」背景變項之教師對於整體學校組織氣氛的知覺均無顯著差異。 六、整體教師組織公民行為屬中上程度,以「尊重體制」層面知覺程度最高,「自我要求」層面最低。 七、不同「職務」、「年齡」、「服務年資」、「學校規模」背景變項之教師對於整體教師組織公民行為的知覺具有顯著差異;不同「性別」背景變項之教師對於整體教師組織公民行為的知覺沒有顯著差異。 八、「校長服務領導」與「學校組織氣氛」之間具有正相關;「校長服務領導」與「教師組織公民行為」之間具有正相關;「學校組織氣氛」與「教師組織公民行為」之間具有正相關 九、「校長服務領導」與「學校組織氣氛」對「教師組織公民行為」具有聯合預測力,以「教師承諾行為」、「覺察」、「教師同儕行為」等三個層面對整體教師組織公民行為具有預測力。總解釋變異量為35.2%。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ servant ‘leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, , junior high school teachers and relevant future studies. In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county and Miaoli county is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school organizational behavior questionnaire,” and randomly selects 55 junior high schools, 520 teachers as samples. In a rate of 87%, 453 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained: 1. The present situation of principals’ servant leadership is above the average. Among all the aspects, “professional community” ranks to the top, while “conceptualization” ranks otherwise. 2. Teachers bearing different duties perceive principals’ servant leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, service seniority and school size show no significant difference. 3. The present situation of school organizational climate is above the average. Among all the aspects, “teachers’ disengagement” ranks to the top, while “principal command” ranks otherwise. 4. School climate type which Teacher perception of the highest rate are Open climate and close climate, they account for 34% each, the second is disengagement climate , accounted for 18, involvement climate is the least, accounted for 14%. 5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as gender, duties ,age, service seniority and school size perceive school organizational climate show no significant difference. 6. The present situation of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above the average. Among all the aspects, “respecting school system” ranks to the top, while “self-request” ranks otherwise. 7. Teachers bearing different duties, age, service seniority and school size perceive teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior significantly differently; while teachers bearing different gender, show no significant difference. 8. Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to school organizational climate; Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior ; school organizational climate is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior 9. When combining principals’ servant leadership and school organizational climate, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is predictable for three aspects, including “teachers’commitment,” “Awareness,”and “teachers’ disengagement”, accounting for 35.2% of total variance.

苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among the elementary school principal’s distributed Leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in maioli county

江志軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度之差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為對教師工作滿意度進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣61所學校,發出708份問卷,回收569份有效問卷,問卷有效率達80.37%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、苗栗縣國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「建構清楚的願景與目的」之知覺程度為最高,「營造信任的學校文化」之知覺程度最低。 二、苗栗縣國民小學教師有高程度之組織公民行為表現,以「主動助人」之表現為最高,「自我要求」表現為最低。 三、苗栗縣國民小學教師在教師工作滿意的知覺為中高程度,以「工作本身」的知覺為最高,「行政管理」之知覺為最低。 四、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其性別、職務及學校規模之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受,以男性、擔任主任或組長職務、與學校規模在12班(含)以下之教師知覺程度較高。 五、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其年齡及擔任職務之不同,而表現出不同程度的教師組織公民行為,以51歲(含)以上及擔任主任職務之教師表現程度較高。 六、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其性別及職務之不同,而有不同的教師滿意度知覺感受,以男性及擔任主任之教師知覺程度較高。 七、苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關的關係。 八、苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為對教師工作滿意度具有預測作用,以「校長分布式領導」的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in Maioli County, and to analyze the differences in teachers of different background variables are conscious of the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. Finally, through principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior forecast the teachers’ job satisfaction. Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The samples include 61 schools and 708 questionnaires were distributed. There were 569 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 80.37%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Multiple regression etc. The conclusions are as follows: 1.Elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average while “construct clear vision and purposes” was the highest, and “shared responsibility” was the lowest. 2.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior is above average while “helping others voluntarily” was the highest, and “self-disciplined” was the lowest. 3.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction is above average while “work” was the highest, and “administrative management” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership in terms of sex, duty, and the scale of school. 5.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in terms of age and duty. 6.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction in terms of sex and duty. 7.There is a positive correlation among the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction. 8.Both of the principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in Maioli County have a predictive effect on teachers’ job satisfaction.

國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係研究 / A study on the relationships among elementary school teachers’ knowledge management, organizational citizenship behaviors and effectiveness of school innovation management.

簡正一, Jian, Zheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討並驗證國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係。 本研究主要目的為: 一、修訂教師知識管理量表、教師組織公民行為量表以及學校創新經營效能自評量表。 二、了解教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係。 三、探索教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之現況,並探索增進學校創新經營效能的可行策略。 四、根據教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能的相關文獻與國內的實證研究,提出可供參考的建議。 本研究主要採取「調查研究法」,以新北市與臺北市公立國民小學教師為研究對象,研究工具為研究者修編之「國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係調查問卷」。發出正式問卷870份,回收可用問卷517份,回收問卷可用率為59.4%。 問卷調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0版電腦統計套裝軟體進行平均數及標準差統計分析、T考驗、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法處理分析。 本研究之研究結果如下: 一、國民小學教師普遍認同學校創新經營效能之效能,且對教師知識管理及教師組織公民行為有正向的知覺。 二、不同職務、不同服務年資、不同學歷的國民小學教師在「教師知識管理」、「教師知識管理」、「教師知識管理」層面的知覺有顯著差異。 三、國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校效能有直接正相關。 四、國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為對學校創新經營效能具有正面預測力。

校長轉型領導及交易領導與教師組織公民行為關係之後設分析 / Meta-analysis of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Effects on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior

王芝翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在使用後設分析方法,以了解國內外有關校長轉型及交易領導與教師組織公民行為之關係,分析文獻包含2000年至2012年之國內外博碩士論文、會議及期刊論文等等,總計共有27篇研究報告及13,525位研究對象。研究包含探討變項間之相關以及調節變項之影響,經同質性考驗後,研究結果發現以下五項結論: (一)校長轉型領導與教師組織公民行為具有正向關聯性。 (二)研究地區、學校層級、受試者男性所占比率、研究發表類型與問卷回收率,對校長轉型領導對教師組織公民行為具有調節效果。 (三)校長交易領導與教師組織公民行為存有正向關聯性。 (四)學校層級、研究年代與問卷回收率,對校長交易領導對教師組織公民行為具有調節效果。 (五)校長轉型領導相較於交易領導與教師組織公民行為之相關聯程度更強。 最後,依據研究結論針對實務及後續研究提出相關建議以供參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the overall relationships of both transformational and transactional leadership with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior by using meta-analysis methods. Data were collected from 27 independent studies which include master & doctoral dissertation, theses in seminar and journal papers at home and aboard during 2000-2012. There were 27 research studies with a combined sample of 13,525 participants. The study discussed the relationship between the variables and the effects of the moderators. Testing of homogeneity, there were five major findings of this study as follows:(1)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(2)The research areas, the school level, the sample ratio of men, the type of study published and the response rate were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(3)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. (4)The school level, the year of research and the sample ratio of men were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(5)Compared to transactional leadership, the transformational leadership of principals were found to have stronger positive correlations with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. According to the results, some suggestions were proposed for practical applications and future researches.

新竹市國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織學習與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship among the Elementary School Principal’s Knowledge Leadership, School Organizational Learning and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Hsinchu City.

許凱威 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解新竹市國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織學習與教師組 織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長知識領導、學校組織學習與教師組織公民行為之差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長知識領導與學校組織學習對教師組織公民行為進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣 29 所學校,發出 685 份問卷,回收 484份有效問卷,問卷有效率達 70.66%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、新竹市國民小學教師知覺校長知識領導為高程度,以「充實領導知能」之知覺程度為最高,「展現創新行動」之知覺程度相對較低。 二、新竹市國民小學教師知覺學校組織學習為中高程度,以「系統思考」之知覺程度為最高,「溝通對話」之知覺程度相對較低。 三、新竹市國民小學教師有中高程度之教師組織公民行為表現,以「利他人行為」之表現為最高,「利組織行為」之表現相對較低。 四、新竹市國民小學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、學校規模與學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長知識領導知覺感受,以 30 歲以下、服務年資 10 年(含)以下、學校規模 15 班以下與學校歷史 40 年以下、61 年以上之教師知覺程度較高。 五、新竹市國民小學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、教育程度與擔任職務之不同,而有不同的學校組織學習感受,以 31 至 40 歲、服務年資 10 年(含)以下、研究所以上學歷與擔任主任之教師知覺程度較高。新竹市國民小學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、教育程度與擔任職務之不同,而表現出不同程度的教師組織公民行為,以 30 歲(含)以下、服務年資 10 年(含)以下、研究所以上學歷與擔任級任教師之教師表現程度較高。 六、新竹市國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織學習與教師組織公民行為的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關。 七、新竹市國民小學校長知識領導對教師組織公民行為具有預測作用,以「展現創新行動」的預測力最佳。 八、新竹市國民小學學校組織學習對教師組織公民行為具有預測作用,以「團隊學習」的預測力最佳。 九、新竹市國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織學習對教師組織公民行為具有預測作用,以「團隊學習」的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校 長與教師以及未來研究的參考。

臺北市公有停車場管理員工作滿意、工作壓力與組織公民行為關聯性之研究 / The study of relationship of satisfaction, job stress and organizational citizenship behavior for the public parking administrator in Taipei.

王淳美, Wang, Chun May Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以臺北市公有停車場管理員為研究對象,探討不同個人屬性的管理員在工作滿意、工作壓力與組織公民行為上的差異性,及工作滿意、工作壓力對組織公民行為的影響情形,經由問卷調查蒐集資料,於103年3月6日發出642份問卷,3月14日回收,有效問卷計585份(回收率91.1%)。並以描述性統計、Pearson積差相關分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,獲致研究結論如下: 一、個人屬性中以「年齡」、「年資」及「工作屬性」在各變項及構面上有顯著的差異。 二、工作滿意與各構面對組織公民行為與各構面均呈現顯著之正相關。 三、工作壓力與組織公民行為間有顯著的負相關,「人際關係」及「組織氣氛」與組織公民行為各構面均呈現相當顯著之負相關。 四、在聯合預測力的分析結果,工作滿意的預測力高於工作壓力,並以工作滿意的「工作內容」最能正向影響組織公民行為,工作壓力的「人際關係」對組織公民行為最具負向預測力。 依據研究結論提出實務建議,期能對機關的管理效能有所助益。 關鍵字:公有停車場管理員、工作壓力、工作滿意、組織公民行為 / This research takes the public parking administrator in Taipei as the object to discuss their personalities contributes the job satisfaction, job stress and the difference of the organizational citizenship behaviors, and it also discuss the influence about the job satisfaction, job stress to the organizational citizenship behaviors. The research is implemented by questionnaire that issued for 642 on March 6, 2014 and collected on March 14. The valid questionnaire is five hundreds and eight-five (585) and in 91.1% response rate. The data is analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Correlation Aanalysis,Independent t Test, One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Aanalysis and the conclusion are as follows: 1. The personal "age", "seniority" and "job properties" have significant differences in all variables and structure. 2.Job satisfaction and organizational citizen behavior showed a significant positive correlation between two of them. 3.There is a significant negative correlation between job stress and organizational citizen behavior. The "human relationships" and "organizational ambience" and the various structures of organizational citizen behavior showed a fairly significant negative correlation. 4.The analysis results in joint predictive power, the predictive job satisfaction is higher than the job stress, and “job content” in job satisfaction has the most positive impact on organizational citizen behavior. The "interpersonal" in the job stress has the most negative predictive power to organizational citizen behavior. Based on above findings, some recommendations are proposed and expected it helps the management level to improve the organization’s effectiveness. Keywords: The public parking administrator , Job stress, Job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior.

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