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台灣利率平價說之實證研究黃小娟 Unknown Date (has links)
在實證方法上,本文採用 Dickey & Fuller 之 ADF單根檢定來檢定資料是否為恆定之時間序列。在確定變數間具有單根後,再採用Johanson (1998,1991)的最大概似法進行共整合檢定,運用最大概似法估計出共整合向量,並檢定共整合向量個數進而估計出共整合向量的係數,以此分析變數間的長期均衡關係,並由此觀察其模型成立與否。
CIP之實證結果發現,於1991 年12 月至2004 年7 月(或4月)期間,若以商業本票利率為本國利率,則為一滿秩情況(full rank),不符合進一步共整合分析之研究;若以三個月期與六個月期之定存利率為本國利率,則台灣與美國之名目利率差距跟遠期匯率之升水或貼水均為非定態之I(1)數列,彼此間存在一個共整合的關係,且滿足CIP 成立的條件。
在 UIP部分,本文係採間接檢定,即假設CIP成立之情況下,檢測遠期匯率為未來即期匯率的不偏估計值之虛無假設。實證結果發現,台灣與美國之遠期匯率與未來即期匯率為非定態之I(1)數列,兩者間亦存在一共整合關係,但並不滿足係數值為一的虛無假設,即遠期匯率不為未來即期匯率的不偏估計值,無法證明台幣與美元間外匯市場具有效率性,因此UIP無法成立。
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以情境轉換模型建構外匯投資組合績效分析楊鎰鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
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資本管制與利率平價原理─台灣實證分析廖雪峰, LIAO,XUE-FENG Unknown Date (has links)
Aliber(1973)提出政治風險的影響, 認為即使在現況為資金可自由流通之下, 套利者
會因為預期主管當局運用資本控制的潛在可能性, 而增加風險貼水的要求。另外, Br
-onson(1969);Frenkel Levich(1975,1977);Otani & Tiwari(1981);Bahmani-Oskooe
-e and Das(1985)皆提出, 在不完全市場下, 必有交易成本的存在, 因此, 當偏離平
價的缺口在交易成本的上下限之間擺動, 即所謂的中性帶(Neutral band)。基本上,
若匯率與利率的變化具有隨機性, 且樣本數夠大, 則偏離平價的缺口應以零為均數,
全替代性, 例如, 套利者不能在貨幣市場發行國庫券負債導致遠期匯率脫離無風險套
根據以上文獻, 本論文將就臺灣的金融市場逐漸步向自由化與國際化的趨勢, 來探討
利率平價原理在臺灣的適用性, 并評估臺灣美元遠期外匯市場效率性, 及就央行實施
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由無拋補利率平價說檢定資本移動性--台灣的實證研究林昆英, Lin, Kun-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在實證方法上,本文擬以Djckey & Fuller(1979, 1981) ADF檢定,及Johansen (1988)最大概似共積估計法,對UIP進行實證分析。由於政府在各期間放寬資本管制的幅度不同,因此本文將實證期間區分成三個階段,分別為資本管制初步開放、逐步放寬與大幅開放三段期間,對台灣地區從事UIP的檢定。實證結果發現:
(3)在資本管制大幅開放的第三段期間,國內外資產報酬率不僅具有共整合關係,且UIP成立,表示在資本移動性相對大的階段,由本文實證檢定結果發現,UIP確實是成立的。 / In order to assess the degree of capital mobility of Taiwan in the sense of uncovered interest parity, this paper attempts to estimate the relationship between the return rate of domestic asset and the return rate of foreign asset with cointegration. Main conclusions are: In the first period(1985:9-1989:6), the return rate of domestic asset and foreign asset are not cointegrated by themselves. In the second period(1989:7-1993:12),a unique long- run relationship between these two variables can't be rejected. But the hypothesis of uncovered interest parity is rejected. These empirical evidences imply that capital is not freely mobile in the first and second period. However, in the third period(1994:l- 1998:3),with fewer financial regulations, a unique long-run relationship between these two variables can't be rejected. In addition, the coefficient of the return rate of foreign asset is insignificantly different from 1. It means that capital can moves most free in recent years.
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歐元利率平價說之實證研究陳悅治, chen ,yueh-chih Unknown Date (has links)
歐元的問世,代表的是從1970年代固定匯率被打破以來,世界金融體系最大一次的變革,其對全球之金融及社會文化有很深遠的意義;因此,有關美國與歐元區間之匯率、利率及物價關係的探討遂成為國際金融市場所關心的焦點之一;本文以Frankel (1992)所提出衡量國際間資本移動性的三種利率平價說:拋補利率平價說(Covered Interest Parity,CIP) 、無拋補利率平價說 (Uncovered Interest Parity,UIP)、實質利率平價說 (Real Interest Parity,RIP)為基礎,來檢驗此三種利率平價說是否成立。在實證方法上,本文以Dickey & Fuller (1979,1981)之ADF單根檢定來確定變數之數列特性,再採Johansen (1988)之最大概似估計法,對CIP、UIP與RIP進行實證分析。實證結果發現,於1999 年 1 月至 2004 年 7 月期間,美國與歐元區間 CIP 與 UIP 同時成立,表示當兩國資產報酬率有差異時,可以經由國際間資本的移動,使得報酬率最後有趨於相等的傾向;並且接受遠期匯率為未來即期匯率的不偏估計值之虛無假設,顯示歐元與美元間外匯市場具有效率性。另外,本文之實證結果並不支持 RIP 的成立,其有可能歐元區與美國在編制物價指數時,所使用的物價項目和比重情況不同而異,因此難以表示出公正之匯價;再者由於現實之貨幣、商品市場之不完全,與人民不一定能完全預期及存在貨幣幻覺等許許多多未考慮因素下,故在諸多驗證 RIP之文獻中,亦大多顯示無法找到其均衡之平價關係。 / The emergence of Eurodollar exemplified a significant reformation in the world financial system since the fixed rate had been broken in 1970, which brings far-reaching significance to the global finance and social culture. Therefore some discussions on exchange rate, interest rate and price relationship in the range of US Dollar and Eurodollar are one of focuses the international financial market concerns; On the basis of the three kinds of interest rate parity Frankel brought forward (1992) including Covered Interest Parity (CIP), Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) and Real Interest Parity (RIP), this research mainly proves their feasibility. For the empirical methods, the Dickey & Fuller (1979, 1981)’s ADF unit root test was used to confirm the characteristics of variable series in this research; additionally, Johansen’s maximum likelihood method (1988) was adopted to do the empirical analysis on CIP, UIP and RIP. Based on the empirical results, we found out that the CIP and UIP are tenable simultaneously in the range of tenable US Dollar and Eurodollar from 1999 January to 2004 July. That means when return on asserts between two counties has some differences, it would become towards equality lastly on the basis of international capital mobility. And the null hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate can be employed, revealing the foreign exchange market in the range of Eurodollar and US Dollar has certain efficiency. Additionally, The empirical results of this research do not support the RIP, because it would vary with different prices and proportion used while making the price index in the range of Eurodollar and US Dollar, and cannot present equitable exchange rate; furthermore, because of imperfect current currency and commodity markets, and many unconsidered factors such as people’ incompletely anticipation and money illusion, most researches for validating RIP fail to find out its balanced parity relation.
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利用主成份分析法探討外匯市場風險 / Discussions of Risks in Currency Markets from the Perspective of Principal Component Analysis郭芝岑, Kuo, Chih Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討在較為短的時間段以及不同的金融環境之下,是否仍然能捕捉到匯率市場中主要解釋投組報酬變動的共同風險因子-平均超額報酬以及利差報酬。我們依據重要金融事件將全樣本分為八個子樣本;總共使用39種幣別並將1983年11月至2015年10月的遠期貼水由小到大排序後,依序建構六個投資組合。全文以美國投資者的觀點出發。結果顯示平均超額報酬無論是在長期或短期的時間段下,仍然為匯率市場中解釋匯率報酬變動的主要風險因子。然而,利差報酬則不然。在銀行危機期間,利差報酬與第二主要成分之相關係數皆為高度負相關。近期自2008年次貸危機開始,利差報酬與解釋投組變動的第二主要成分之相關係數也從先前的0.8~0.9降至-0.80.此結果顯示利差交易似乎在次貸危機之後有所轉變。此外利差風險因子無法有效的解釋動能報酬。 / This paper investigates whether or not the common risk factors, dollar and carry trade risk, in currency markets proposed by Lustig, Roussanov and Verdelhan (2011) will still exist even under a short-run period with a concern of different financial backgrounds. A split of full sample into eight subsamples with respect of financial events is made. A total of 39 currencies is used to build six portfolios on the basis of the forward discounts from November 1983 to October 2015. The whole paper is in the view of an American investor. The finding suggests that under both long-run and short-run period, the dollar return is always the common factor in currency markets. However, it is not the same case for the carry trade return. During bank crises, the carry trade return is strongly negative correlated with the second component. The carry trade return turns out to have a negative correlation with the second component during and after the subprime crisis, decreasing from 0.8~0.9 in the previous subsamples to -0.80. It indicates that the desirability of carry trade activities has changed since the subprime crisis. Besides, the carry trade risk has a little power to explain the variations of momentum returns.
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