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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

團隊創新氛圍、團隊工作動機及團隊創造力傾向對團隊研發績效關聯性之實證研究 -- 以K公司研發團隊為例

王臣名 Unknown Date (has links)
全球產業走向創新導向的產業模式,企業所強調研發創新的創新型經濟。因此,厚植研發能量,以有效提升企業的產品研發活動之附加價值,是產業長期面對全球競爭重要的策略要素。現代企業的組織在面對複雜多變的動態競爭環境中,一般任務性質的團隊需要創新,對於肩負產品競爭力重責大任的研發團隊更是如此。以專案團隊為基礎組織結構在現今的產業中已越來越常見,特別是在電子資訊產業中,日常的營運幾乎是以專案團隊為主軸,而如何增進研發團隊的績效,已成為業界最重視的課題。 國內對創造力的研究多以個人層次的衡量為主,研究的對象多集中在教育界,廣告行銷或某些特定的研發機構為主。國內學者們對探討團隊創新績效之實證研究甚少,特別是對特定企業研發部門採用客觀性的績效衡量方式;因此引發本研究對跨個人層級與團隊層級探討影響團隊創造力及影響團隊研發績效因素的興趣。本研究架構理論來自於基本的「刺激-有機體-反應」(SOR)理論,在此研究架構下團隊的創新氛圍是刺激,研發人員與團隊是反應刺激的有機體,而研發人員的工作動機、創造力傾向是反應。 本研究採用匯合取向(confluence approaches)的觀點來研究創造力,以T. M. Amabile、M. Csikzenmihaly以及R. J. Sternberg等三位當代以匯合取向研究創造力的重要創造力理論大師的理論架構為基礎,強調創造力發生與組織的氛圍、組織氛圍與個人的交互作用以及工作者動機傾向有關,作為本研究探討創造力的理論觀點,來探討電子資訊公司研發團隊工作績效與團隊工作動機、團隊創造力傾向及團隊創新氛圍之關係。 本研究歸納並探討性提出下列結論: 1. 團隊內在工作動機與團隊外在工作動機對團隊創造力傾向及團隊研發績效有顯著正向關係。 2. 團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果;團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。 3. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊內在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果,團隊創造力傾向對團隊外在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。 4. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。


陳宣輔 Unknown Date (has links)
3D動畫企業之營運結合藝術、科技與管理,本研究選擇D公司、P公司進行個案研究,希望透過研究的過程,找到我國專注於原創的D公司的優勢,以及與國外重要的原創動畫公司P公司相比,能否有我國動畫公司可以學習的地方,整合訪談與量化研究作出結論與建議,為我國動畫產業發展、為我國管理領域發展盡一份心力。 D公司為我國動畫原創公司中規模最大者,因此本研究選擇D公司進行研究。探討原創動畫公司如何能夠成功,除了經營理念、人才、科技等等因素之外,經由文獻回顧的過程,發現P公司在組織創新氛圍方面亦是有其獨特之處,評估正向組織創新氛圍可能對其創造力有正面助益,因此針對D公司之組織創新氛圍進行研究,利用哈佛大學Amabile的組織創新氛圍量表KEYS量表(政大修正版)作為量化研究工具,並透過訪談進行質性研究。 研究範圍則是涵蓋D公司所有與3D動畫創作有直接關連的部門,計有Layout、Lighting、TD、RD、MIS、Surface、Prop design、Animation、SFX、compose、model、Rigging、APM、音效等十四個部門。在實務面可以探討3D動畫領域相關之管理議題;在學術面可以為我國組織創新氛圍之研究開創新猷;也提出如何優化組織創新氛圍的模型,未來可以更進一步深入研究。 / When talking about art management, we cannot ignore 3D animation industries. The art management in the past did not involve technology, but right now technological aesthetic gradually becomes the mainstream.Technology and art are two discrete fields, but nowadays the upgrade of people’s aesthetic and taste allows the combination of the two. Both in the art and industrial sectors, domestic and foreign scholars start to focus on art management. Also, because the 3D animation's art management is a field that combines art, technology and management, using the 3D animation company as the case study is the first choice. This research will use this industry as case study to discuss the issue of art management and how Taiwan can break away from the limit of agent manufacture and become innovative and creative. The company I choose in this research is D company which emphasizes originality and has the largest scale in Taiwan. I hope through the process of the research to find the advantage of Taiwan’s animation industry. I will also compare with P company, an important foreign animation company, to analyze whether or not we can copy their mode. After all, because of the cultural factors, there may be some problems if we just copy everything. I combine interview and quantitative research to draw a conclusion and make some suggestions, and hope to devote to the development of Taiwan’s animation industry and art management. To discuss how an originative animation company succeeds, aside from the business philosophy, experts, technology, through reflecting on the literatures, I found that there is also some unique part of P company’s organizational innovative atmosphere which can enhance creativity. Thus focusing on the organizational innovative atmosphere, I will also use statistical analysis to assess its influence. With “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” as a tool, improved by NCCU from KEYS of Amabile, we can evaluate the members’ perception of the organizational innovative atmosphere and their confidence in engaging in the innovative activities. The organizational innovative atmosphere perceived by the members will activate their innovative motivation, creativity, and promote the innovation of the organization. Also, through the interview we conduct quality study of D company's organizational innovative atmosphere, and compared that with P company. The scope of the study cover all the fourteen departments related to 3D animation making in D company, including Layout, Lighting, TD, RD, MIS, Surface, Prop design, Animation, SFX, compose, model, Rigging, APM, sound effect, and so. To sum up, this research touches on the art management especially on the part of animation originality. It can also apply the “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” to the other animation-related or art-related industries. It provides the model for how art management can improve the working atmosphere which allows further research.

台灣生物技術廠商社會資本與區域創新氛圍之研究 / The interactive effect of social capital and regional innovative milieux:a case of biotechnology industry in Taiwan

陳仲萌, Chen, Chung Meng Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨全球生產鏈改變,廠商為維持競爭力由追求區位最佳化,轉而追求網絡位置優化。在此種現象下,引發本研究探討區位環境在廠商創新過程中所扮演之角色,並嘗試與網絡位置共同分析,探查區位環境對於廠商是否具有功能化效果。且以Markusen (1996)與Glückler(2007)之論述為基礎,檢視創新環境差異下是否存在網絡結構差異。區位環境與技術網絡分別透過創新氛圍與社會資本作為論述框架,利用兩者皆強調個體行動者特質,連結地理區位、社會化行動至創新績效之路徑。 本研究以台灣生物技術廠商為研究對象,該產業為我國新興產業之一,對於技術網絡建立與研發需求強烈。資料收集同時利用二手資料與問卷方式,建立近似於整體性的技術網絡資料,分析方法採用社會網絡分析法、變異數分析以及卜瓦松回歸進行假說驗證。分析結果呈現地區創新氛圍差異確實存在廠商社會資本型態差異,支持先前文獻論述。而地區創新氛圍在廠商創新過程中扮演調和社會資本結構面功能角色,隨創新氛圍提升,強化直接連結的正向效果,減緩了網絡中介的負向效果;突顯了區位選擇在廠商面對全球化過程中仍為影響創新績效的關鍵因子。 / The empirical studies of firms’ innovation pointed out the important of localtion. In early days, firms pursue better location to lower the cost.But now they facing the globalization recombining the global supply chain. The important of location is re-placed by “ network system”. In this view, the main part of our research tring to understand the role of innovative milieu in innovation process. According to the lite-rature of Markusen (1996) and Glückler(2007) suggest the difference network structure between difference industrial districts. The second goal of this research is using statistical data to confirm their explanation. Tthis research which indicate two important results. The first is the difference social capital of firms existing in difference innovative milieux.This result support Markusen and Glückler’s discussions. Second, the role of innovative milieu is mod-erated effect between social capital and innovative perfornment.Following the differ-ence social capital strength, the effect of innovative milieu is difference.The empirical result indicate that the important function of location is working on firms’ innovative process.


田揚名 Unknown Date (has links)
2005年天下雜誌製造業一千大資料顯示,國內企業總部有四成比例分佈在台北都會區,而近年來新竹科學園區的崛起對台灣經濟發展有其不可忽視的力量,而其形塑帶來新的產業空間意象(知名地域品牌)、高科技產業群聚以及產業網絡發展更進一步帶動周邊廠商或總部在新竹縣市聚集。 回顧近代區位選擇理論及企業總部相關文獻,指出生產性服務業及創新氛圍對製造業總部在地理空間區位選擇具有關鍵性的影響;並透過觀察臺灣地區各縣市企業總部分佈情形及兩岸分工的現況分析,藉由logist統計分析並以深入訪談方式確認企業設置總部區位分佈因素,提出以下結論:觀察發現製造業企業總部空間分佈差異性頗大,其中制度因素透過統計分析結果證實會對企業總部區位分佈產生影響,尤其是大廠在總部區位分佈上比較偏好工業地域(台北及新竹縣市)。 在兩岸專業分工方面,形成特定地域擁有科技產業群聚,並可發現其地理空間分佈以新竹科學園區、南港軟體園區及內湖科技園區為主,前兩者為制度下的產物,而後者則為民間自主力量,由內湖科技園區、南港軟體園區以及新竹科學園區,以及北部地區充足的知識設施及產、官、學界共同建構出的創新氛圍確實影響企業總部區位分佈。 企業總部主要是組織上指揮系統的概念,總部提供各子公司所需要的技術、資金、行銷策略和在地化的配套措施,近年國內製造業廠商大量出走對岸,導致國內產業及組織發生結構性的改變,基於國際化競爭及全球化佈局之際,企業如何調適與轉型即成為未來生存的關鍵所在。建議政府未來持續培育優質研發環境及高素質人力資源,持續強化創新氛圍塑造產業發展優質環境。 / According to the 1,000 major manufacturing industry in Taiwan,’ 40% of domestic enterprise headquarters are located in the Taipei metropolis. In recent years, the emergence of Hsinchu Science Park shows strength of economic development in Taiwan. This strength further moulds and brings the new industry space image (famous region brand), the industry cluster, as well as the development of industry network. Moreover, these factors drive related manufacturer or general headquarters to assemble in Hsinchu. Reviews of modern position theory and general headquarters point out that the productive service industry and innovative atmosphere have critical influence on sing geographical space position for the manufacturing industry. This study observes the general headquarters of enterprises of all counties and cities in Taiwan; By using logist statistical analysis and the interview method to confirm distribution factors of general headquarters position, this study propose the following conclusions. There is great difference in the space distribution of general headquarters between manufacturing industry enterprises. Among them, the statistical analysis confirms that the factor of system has influence on the position of enterprises general headquarters. Especially, as far as the general headquarters location is concerned, big factories have preference for choosing industrial regions. For the part of division among specialized deartments of two sides, clusters of scientific and technological industry, which form specific regions, are located mainly in Hsinchu Science Park, Nankang Software Park, and Neihu Technology Park. The first two parks are products of government systems, while the third one is established by independent strength of private companies. It is showed that the innovative atmosphere, which is composed of the above three parks and sufficient knowledge facilities in northern Taiwan, indeed influences locations of enterprises general headquarters. The general headquarters of enterprises are mainly the concept of the command system in an organization. It is suggested that the government should keep cultivate research/development environment and high quality human resources, and strength innovative atmosphere to mould better industry environments in the future.

組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及其個人績效之關係的研究—以T財團法人研究機構為例 / An Empirical Study of the Relationship Among Organizational Innovative Climate, Individual Innovative Behavior and Performance: the Case of a Nonprofit Organization in Taiwan

黃阿芬, Huang, A Fen Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球科技創新與應用發展快速變遷,厚植組織的創新研發能量,為各界長期面對全球競爭的重要策略,而組織創新研發能量的建置,其關鍵因素在於組織成員的創造力及個人的創新行為,因此如何塑造良好的組織創新氛圍以提升員工的創造力、個人創新行為及個人績效,進而提升組織的整體營運績效,實為組織刻不容緩之議題。 以往組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及績效之研究,多以「組織」為分析層級,並以西方個案為大多數,本研究特別以「個人」為研究層級,並以國內組織為研究對象來進行實證分析,除研發人員自評其個人創新行為及績效外,並嘗試採以由主管來評量(他評)員工表現的方式,探討員工自評及主管他評之差異,期望能填補學術上國內個案及「個人」分析層級的研究缺口,並同時能對組織創新管理實務上產生貢獻。 本研究旨在探討組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及其個人績效三者間之因果關係,研究方法採量化研究,以問卷調查研究歸納,受測對象為T財團法人研究機構工作年資一年以上的研發人員,總計問卷發出192份,回收160份,回收率為83.3%,問卷資料以SPSS軟體進行統計分析,並予以驗證研究假說並提出研究發現與結論建議。 本研究所得到的初步結論包括: (1)組織創新氛圍的形塑,有助於提升研發人員的個人績效 (2)個人創新行為的展現,有助於提升研發人員的個人績效 (3)組織創新氛圍的形塑,有助於提升研發人員的個人創新行為 (4)組織創新氛圍會透過個人創新行為提升研發人員的個人績效 (5)研發人員自評的個人創新行為及個人績效較主管他評者高,且組織創新氛圍的形塑與主管他評的個人創新行為與個人績效無顯著相關 (6)研發人員的個人背景並不會影響組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及個人績效之表現 / To face the quick change of global technolgical innovations and applications, one of the most important stratgies, that the enterprises use, is to strengthen their innovative and research capabilities. In addition, the key factor to enhance the organizational capabilities includes the creative capability of employees and individual innovative behavior. Thus, how to create the good orgnizational innovative climate, in turn, to improve the employees’ creativity and individual innoative behavior, and eventually to enhance the organizational performance becomes the critical issue. Most of the previous studies concerning the relationships among the organizational innovative climate, individual innovative behavior and performance are conducted at the organizational level and within the context of western world. This study specially conducts anaysis at the individual level and selects the domestic organization as the research subject. To fill up with the research gap, the individual performance is evaluated both by themselves and by their supervisors to further address the differnce between these two approaches. This study aims to investigate the cause-and-effect relationship among the organizational innovative climate, individual innovative behavior, and individual performance. A quantitative approach with questionnaire surveys is utilized. Eventually, 192 questionnaires are sent to the researchers who have been working for at least 1 year at T non-for-profit research organization. 160 questionnaires are collected so the effective response rate is 83.3%. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1)The organizational innovative climate was found to be conducive to enhance the individual performance of researchers. (2)The individual innovation behavior was found to be conducivel to enhance the indiviual performance. (3)The organization innovative climate was found to be conducive to enhance the individual innovative behavior of researchers. (4)The individual innovative behavior of researchers was found to affect the relationship between the organzaion innovative climate and the individual preformance of researchers. (5)The ratings by researchers themselves were found to be higher than those by their supervisors. Additionally, there is not evidence to substantiate the relationship between the organizational innovation climeane and the individual innovative behavior and performance rated by the supervisors. (6)There is not evidence to substantiate the relationship between the organizational innovation climeane, the indicual innovative behavior and performance.

地區創新氛圍對廠商創新活動與成效之研究 / The study of regional innovative milieu on firm innovation activities and success

郭慧蘭, Kuo,Hui Lan Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代與全球化潮流下,創新是廠商提升自我競爭力的重要途徑。創新乃原始概念到將知識商業化的一連串過程,而過去探討廠商創新的研究取向多元,研究觀點則以經濟地理學、企業管理學為主,綜合相關研究,大致可將影響廠商創新的因素歸類為三大面向:廠商內部屬性、對外網絡連結關係、廠商所處地區的環境條件。其中,創新氛圍乃是特定地區的行動者透過偕同作用及集體學習過程所產生的社會關係,提升了地區的創新能力,同時提供有利於廠商創新的環境條件,是近來區域發展的重要議題。本研究即綜合上述三大面向因素來探討廠商創新活動(研發投入與研發合作)與創新成效之影響因素。 創新氛圍理論從早期”某種東西之地方化”的探討,演變到後期關注於地方生產系統的運作是受到地區創新氛圍的影響所致;其中,創新氛圍量化指標的缺乏、探討領域的侷限,乃是本研究所要突破之處。本研究以工業區分佈情形、自然與人文界線、通勤圈範圍等原則,先將台灣地區分為46個地區分析單元,再參酌地方生產系統概念,以兩個指標:LQ大於1與製造業就業員工數大於50000人,篩選出26個地區作為研究範圍,最後以科技與傳統產業LQ大於1指標,區別出9個科技產業群聚地區、17個傳統產業群聚地區,藉以比較不同產業領域、地區發展程度不同之創新氛圍。準此,本研究以8個創新氛圍的相關指標,經過因素分析後萃取出2個創新氛圍因素:「創新綜效」、「創新成效」;藉此將台灣46個地區劃分為4種創新氛圍類型:創新氛圍、有創新無氛圍、有氛圍與創新、無創新無氛圍。 於廠商創新活動與成效實證分析方面,本研究採取兩個階段進行,分別皆以三個面向因素(廠商內部屬性、研發合作、地區創新氛圍)的影響因素來探討廠商創新活動與成效之差異。針對創新氛圍方面,於第一階段以不同產業群聚地區的虛擬變數作為隱含地區創新氛圍的概念,測試其對廠商創新活動與成效的影響,第二階段則以地區創新氛圍因素(創新綜效、創新成效)進行科技與傳統產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效之測試。整體研究結果顯示,科技產業群聚地區的廠商傾向自身的研發投入,而傳統產業群聚地區的廠商則多以研發合作居多,但科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效較佳;地區創新氛圍確實對於廠商的創新活動與成效有顯著的影響,尤其對於科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效更有顯著的貢獻;而研發合作對於廠商創新成效的影響則不如預期。因此,從基礎產業發展環境、知識設施的聚集、地區網絡的建構等方面,來促使各地區創新氛圍之形塑,將有利於地區廠商的創新,特別應加強傳統產業群聚地區的創新氛圍;此外,提倡廠商強化內部基本體質亦是促進廠商創新效率之關鍵所在。 / Under the wind of the knowledge-based economics and globalization, innovation is an important way for firms to increase their own competitiveness. Innovation is the process from original concept to business. The past researches on firm innovation branch widely, most focus on economic geography and corporation management. From those related researches, we can simplify the elements which can influence the innovation of the firm into three: firms’ inner attributes, relation of the connection to outside network, and the environment of the area which firms located. Innovation milieu is the social relationship which actors in the area could make it happen through interactions and group learning, which can advance the area’s innovation ability, and give the good environment condition for firms to innovate. Innovative milieu is the important issue in the present regional development researches, this research will integrate the three elements to discuss the influence on firms innovation activities and innovation success. The theory of the innovative milieu have transformed from discussion of “the localization of something” to focus on the relation of the work of the regional production system and the local innovative milieu. But, the lack of the quantification indicator, and the territory of the research field still need to break through, and is the focus of this research. This research divide Taiwan into 46 analysis area unit, then bring into the concept of the local production system, use two indicators to choose 26 elements as the scope of the research, and farther define 26 analysis area unit into 9 technology industry cluster area, and 17 traditional industry cluster area, to compare the differences of the industry field and the level of the development of the innovation milieu. This research take 8 innovative milieu related indexes, and compress into 2 indexes: “innovation synergy” and “innovation success” through the content analysis; this research use these two indexes to divide 46 areas of Taiwan into 4 types of innovation milieu: innovative milieu, no innovative milieu, innovation but without milieu, and milieu but without innovation. On the analysis of the firms’ innovation activities and the success, this research take two steps to discuss. At the first step, this research use the dummy variables of the different industry cluster area as the concept of the regional innovative milieu, to check the influence it could make on the firms innovation activities and the success; At the second step, this research use regional innovative milieu indexes to check the firms’ innovation success of the traditional and technology industry cluster area. The whole research shows that the firms of technology industry aggregation area are tend to invest on their own R&D, which the firms of traditional industry aggregation area often do their R&D by cooperating with others, and the innovation outcome of firms of the technology industry aggregation area is better. The regional innovative milieu has the conspicuous influence on the firms innovation activities and the success, especially to the technology industry cluster area, but the influence which the R&D cooperation could make on the innovation outcome is not good as expect. Thus, the making of the basic environment of the industry development, the aggregation of the knowledge facilities, and the build of the local network is the good impact for local firms to innovate, especially for the traditional industry aggregation area ones. At the same time, to reinforce the firms’ inner constitution is also the key to promote the firms innovation.

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