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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣特用化工未來競爭策略 / Taiwan's future competitive strategy with the chemical

鐘大智 Unknown Date (has links)
石化工業為當年帶領台灣經濟貣飛的火車頭,對於台灣產業經濟 影響舉足輕重,近年隨著兩岸局勢及國際環境改變,化工產業也面臨 到前所未有的挑戰,如何能發揮台灣化工業之競爭優勢並在市場中永 續經營是所有相關產業最重視的問題。本研究透過質性研究,深入產 業實地研究,透過分析產業特性及外部環境之轉變,尋找適合台灣化 工產業未來發展之策略。本研究結論認為,產業未來佈局應以全球化 創新策略取代中國化市場之導向,並整合台灣產業其核心研發、創新 等能力,創造差異化之商品尋找未來國際市場新商機,才為化工產業 能在產業繼續保持競爭力之關鍵。

隨機邊界生產函數技術效率之推估 : 臺灣僑外資廠商之實證研究

蔡偉德, CAI, WEI-DE Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國四十三年及四十四年分別公佈外國人投資條例及華僑回國投資條例,即積 鼓勵僑外投資。三十年來僑外投資對我國經濟成長、資金與投術引進、就業水準、增 加出口皆貢獻。本論文利用經濟部投資審議委員會對台灣僑外資廠商投資事業營運調 查的資料,檢定1975∼1986年外資廠商生產函數的技術效率性之演變,以及 造成生產技術效率變化之原理。 生產效率性的觀念首先由FARRELL 於1957年提出,後來歷經多位學者的深入研究 與發展,但其精髓仍不偏離以生產邊界(PRODUCTION FRONTIER )做為衡量生產函數效率性之準則。以往學者對生產邊界的估計方法大致分為非統計 邊界、確定性邊界、隨機性邊界 。本論文以AIGNER,LOVELL AND SCHMIDT(1977 )所提出的隨機性生產邊界方法為基礎,檢定外資廠商的生產技術效率性。 本論文第一、二章簡介研究目的與文獻回顧,第三章則採取橫斷面資料鄉逐年分析的 方法,應用AIGNER,ET,AL的模型,探討自1975∼1986年電子、塑橡膠、化學 製品、基本金屬及機械電機業第五個產業之外資廠商的平均生產效率性。AIGNER,ET. AL模型認為廠商的生產函數回歸式的誤差項可分為對稱性誤差與單邊偏向誤差,並以 後者做為衡量廠商生產函數的技術無效率性。除了估計各產業在各年度的技術效率外 ,並將進一步探討造成各產業效率差異的原因。第四章則組合這五個廠業中相同廠商 之多年資料一即橫斷面與時間序列資料的合併,並根據CORNWELL,SCHMIDT AND SICKL ES(1988)的估計方法檢定不同年與不同廠商之相對技術效率性的差異。CORNWE LL,ET.AL(1988)的估計方法係假定廠商會隨著時間的經過而累積經驗,改變管 理方式或生生因素投入組合,進而影響生產的效率性,因此代表廠商生產無效率的誤 差項可視為時間的函數。利用工具變數與一般化最小平方法可估計個叨廠商不同期間 的生產技術效率。最後一章為本論文之結論並提出政策建議與未來研究方向。

透過部落格發展跨文化溝通能力: 三位台灣國小學生之個案研究 / Developing intercultural communicative competence through weblogs: the case of three elementary school students

張齡云, Chang, Ling Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本個案旨在探討臺灣國小學生在參與透過部落格學習跨文化溝通的計畫後,他們跨文化溝通能力的發展以及學習英語態度的改變。 本研究方法採用質性研究,一開始先探討學生在面臨跨文化溝通學習過程中的關鍵事件,接著研究重心會放在探討當中三位學生如何和外國伙伴以及其他師生的學習歷程。研究工具主要為三位學生的訪談、部落格的學習歷程以及省思日記。Byram (2000) 跨文化溝通能力指標用來分析以及辨識學生跨文化溝通能力。 本研究發現與外國學生互動的真實學習情境的確能提升學生跨文化溝通的學習動力。然而,缺乏溝通策略也讓學生在過程中感到焦慮而不能投入學習。在另一方面,學生的焦慮也驅使他們去尋求協助以及部落格上的資源以解決問題。透過老師的鼓勵以及同儕間的學習,學生學習如何發展自己的跨文化溝通能力,藉由仿效他人的溝通歷程來學習表達自己的想法。除了學習溝通策略,學生逐漸在過程中發展跨文化意識。他們更願意檢視自己的文化並且以不同角度來思考文化議題。 透過更進一步研究當中三位學生的跨文化溝通歷程,他們在學習過程中有不同的表現。雖然他們皆對和外國伙伴交換文化以及學校生活資訊十分有興趣,但是他們的動機持續力、遇到的困難以及在過程中所扮演的角色皆有所不同。這都和學生的學習風格以及對網路使用的認知不同有關。 在英語學習態度方面,結果顯示部落格的一些功能例如非同步溝通以及多媒體的整合皆讓學生更能體驗在較無焦慮的情境下學習用英語來進行互動,並且增加他們用自己的方式表達自我。學生在部落格的情境之下,能抱持著正面的態度來與外國伙伴互動。 研究結果顯示個人的因素例如學生的背景、對網路使用的認知以及學習焦慮皆在學習者發展跨文化的過程扮演著重要的角色。因此,本研究希望透過教學現場的互動情形,提升老師對如何協助學習者,以及幫助他們整合不同資源來增加他們跨文化溝通能力的學習動機這方面的重視。 / The case study investigated the development of Taiwan elementary school students’ intercultural communicative competences and their attitude toward English learning as they participated in the intercultural communication project in the blog environment. Grounded on qualitative inquiry, an overview of critical incidents which the students met in the project was discussed. Then the investigation focused on how three of the students interacted with the international partners, local students, and instructors. The major data collection instruments were adopted including the individual interviews with the three students, and their blog entries and reflection journals. Byram’s (2000) adapted intercultural guidelines were used as the framework to identify the three students’ intercultural competences. It was found that the authentic task of communicating with the international partners was important factor which encouraged the students to get more involved in the communication. However, the lack of the communication strategies made the students feel anxious and stressed and distanced them from the intercultural communication. On the other hand, the students’ anxiety actually made them look for support and the resources on the blogs which could help them solve the difficulties. Through the instructor’s encouragement and peer learning, the students learnt how to develop intercultural communication skills and understood the benefits of learning how to reuse others’ communication process to express their own ideas. In addition to learning the strategies for intercultural communication, the students gradually developed intercultural awareness. They were more willing to reflect on their own culture and think cultural issues from different perspective. As further investigating three of the students’ intercultural communication experience, it was found that students had different performance in the project. Although gaining interest in exchanging the information of cultures and school life with international partners, the three cases’ differences were seen in their continuity of motivation, the challenges they faced, and the roles they felt comfortable to be in the intercultural communication project. Their difference are related to learners’ learning styles and their perception of internet use which benefit or stop the cultivation of their intercultural communicative competences. As for their attitude toward English learning, the results shows that the blog features like asynchronous communication and multimedia integration could help the students experience the process of using English as the medium for social interaction with less anxiety and increase their motivation for presenting life experience in their own way. The students developed positive attitude toward practicing English through communicating with international partners on the blogs. The results of the study show that personal factors, such as individual background, perception of internet use and anxiety played an important role as learners develop intercultural communication. Thus, this study suggests that more efforts should be paid to explore how to support learners and help them integrate resources in order to increase their participation in intercultural communication on the internet.

篦子三尖杉的化學成分研究 / Chemical studies on the twigs of Cephalotaxus oliver

任黛 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

老鷹茶黃酮類成分抗氧化活性及定量測定 / Free radical scavenging activity and quantification of flavonoids in Eagle tea

孟瓊 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

山蒟化學成分的初步研究 a preliminary chemical study on Piper hancei Maxim / by Lei Hai-peng. / Preliminary chemical study on Piper hancei Maxim

雷海鵬 January 2014 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

川芎活性成分提取工藝及品質評價方法研究 / Study on the technology of extraction of the bio-active constituents and the method of quality control of Rhizoma chuanxiong

汪潛 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


張謨猷 Unknown Date (has links)
1993年1月13日在法國巴黎簽署之「禁止化學武器公約」(The Chemical Weapons Convention,CWC),不但規定銷毀現存所有類別的化學武器,並且在嚴格的國際管制下,採取嚴密之查核措施,以完全銷毀研製化學武器相關設備;對於用以製造成化學武器之原料及其前驅物質的貿易也有訂定詳細規約,期能終極達成全面消滅化學武器之目標。2003年5月30日,美國布希總統宣佈成立「防擴散安全倡議」(Proliferation Security Initiative,PSI),其目的亦在更有效的防止大規模毀滅性武器(Weapon of Mass Destruction,WMD)之擴散並避免落入邪惡軸心國家或恐怖份子之手。 化學武器也被稱為「窮國的原子彈」,因其發展簡易、製造費用較為低廉,故國際間化學武器的擴散對國際和平與安全之威脅已遠超核子武器或生物武器;我國雖躋身全球前11名化工國,但因中共的阻撓,迄今仍然無法成為「禁止化學武器公約」的締約國,但不能據此理由,自外於國際社會對此問題之關注與掌握,本論文即以「禁止化學武器公約」為研究重點,期提供未來觀察相關發展之參考。 / “The Chemical Weapons Convention”(CWC) signature in Paris on January 13, 1993 required all the existing chemical weapons be demolished and a strict inspection measure be taken under the strict international supervision and control to completely destroy all the related facilities and equipment used to make chemical weapons; It also stipulates in detail on the trade of raw materials used to make chemical weapons so that the ultimate goal of total annihilation of chemical weapons can be reached. On May 30, 2003, President George Bush Jr. announced the establishment of “Proliferation Security Initiative”(PSI) with an aim to further effectively prevent from the proliferation of “Weapons of Mass Destruction ”(WMD) and minimize the chance to let them fall in the hands of the evil axis countries or international terrorists. Chemical weapons are also dubbed as“the nuclear bomb of the poor nations”because they are easy to develop and the cost of producing them are relatively low. Therefore, the proliferation of chemical weapons in the world has posed a far more severe threat than that of nuclear or biological weapons. Although our country has been in the top 11 chemical engineering countries in the world, we are still not able to be one of the signatories of “the Chemical Weapons Convention” as a result of the political interference from China. However despite this adverse situation, we should not use this as an excuse to exclude ourselves from the concerns and control of the international community on this issue. Therefore, this paper focuses mainly on “The Chemical Weapons Convention”, hoping to provide a significant reference for future observation and the development of the related issues.


劉至偉 Unknown Date (has links)
特用化學產業為政府致力推動的「十大新興工業」之一,也是我國未來工業發展的重點,爰本研究的第一項動機即是希望對國內特用化學工業的生態作一番深入的暸解。此外,國際環境與科技的快速變化,歐美、日本等國際特用化學品大廠逐漸走向全球化、大型化以及專業化,許多中小型廠商因為不具規模經濟等原因,在國際競爭的舞台慘遭淘汰,但卻有些中型規模廠商在激烈競爭環境中仍能創造高成長、高獲利。所以,本研究希望找出這些表現卓越的企業背後成功的競爭優勢與經營策略,進一步探討其策略涵義,提供國內眾多的中型特用化學品業者一個經營的參考,此為本研究的動機之二。   本文採用個案研究法,探討在業界中表現卓越的染顏料公司的經營策略。本研究架構係採用Aaker的理論架構來進行內外在分析與策略規劃。研究架構分為四個階段:一、首先進行內外在分析,以界定外在環境中的機會與威脅,與該產業的關鍵成功因素,並剖析個案公司所擁有的優劣勢。二、根據以上分析,歸納出該公司所面臨的問題。三、制定經營策略,以及在該策略下擬定競爭策略與營運策略。   經過本研究分析後發現,國內特用化學產業的染顏料業關鍵成功因素為:原料來源、產品配方、品質穩定性、研發能力、應用技術服務,以及完整產品線。另外從內外在環境分析及條件前提來看,建議個案公司未來採取成長的根本策略,分別為短期:市場滲透策略,長期:產品擴張策略,此種策略最能發揮個案公司的核心能力,並能繼續累積未來的競爭武器。   本研究對其他中型特用化學業者的建議為,中型特用化學業者必須採取檢討本身的優劣勢,採取差異化集中路線,建立自己特色,找尋自己的利基市場,吸引特定目標族群顧客,以建立顧客忠誠度,才能有生存空間。   對後續研究者的建議為可同時研究好幾家國內中型特用化學業者,比較所採行的經營策略及其績效的差異,以作出對中型特用化學業者更一般化的歸納原則。另外,可針對國外已經進行分割重組的染顏料大廠的經營策略與績效作深入探討分析,並與中型特用化學業者的經營策略與績效作一比較,作為國內業者改進的基礎。

透過文化學習提升國中英語低成就者英語學習態度之研究 / A Study on Motivating JHS English Low Achievers through Cultural Learning

朱秋怡, Chu,Chiou-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中英語低成就生接受一文化學習計畫之後,對於英語本身學習態度之成效影響,並藉由此實驗進而探究英語科低成就者最佳的文化學習模式。本研究採等組前後測準實驗之設計,研究對象為新竹縣一所中型國中的九年級的英語科低成就學生,總共三十人。將受試者隨機等程度分配到對照組和實驗組各十五人。研究期間,實驗組進行每週一節共十週的文化學習活動,而對照組則於同時間自修英語功課,但無任何學習活動。資料之收集包括有研究者參考文獻編製的英語態度問卷調查、文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談。 本研究以「英語學習態度」,分別測量受試者在實驗處理前、後在英語學習態度上的反應情形,所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定及配對t檢定分析,同時以實驗組成員所填寫的文化單元學習回饋問卷、及追蹤訪談結果作進一步研究結果佐證及補充分析。 本研究結果顯示實驗組於接受文化學習計劃後,其整體的英語學習態度問卷分數,有意義優於對照組,其中尤以其對英文概括性的態度及對英文的社會文化態度有顯著性改變。但實驗組英語學習動機分數並無有意義高於控制組,且受試者於訪談中表達其課後英語學習態度尤無明顯改變。另文化學習單元回饋問卷的分析,亦顯示英語低成就者對文化學習過程及內容的偏好。據研究結果,研究者對英語低成就者的文化學習設計及未來相關研究提出數點建議。 / The study was to investigate whether culture learning can efficiently and effectively improve low-achievers’ English learning attitude and to perceive the characteristics of English low achievers’ culture learning. A total of 30 JHS English low achievers, matched into two groups—the experimental group and the control group participated in the study. SELAM Questionnaire was distributed to each subject before and after the treatment, the culture learning project, to perceive the change of their English learning attitude. The pretest and posttest scores of SELAM Questionnaire were examined by the software SAS (Statistic Analysis System) Version 9.1, including t-test and paired t-test. Besides, the interval CLF Questionnaires and the follow-up interview were analyzed to provide the answer to the qualitative study on English low achievers’ optimal culture learning mode. The results of the study were summarized as follows. (1) The subjects’ overall learning attitudes toward English were significantly and positively affected by the cultural learning project especially their general attitude and social cultural attitudes toward English learning but the culture learning project exerted no evident effect on their desire and motive to learn. (2) In terms of culture learning content, the subjects’ interest in the culture project was highly related to the content of the culture study unit—cultural materials relevant to their background knowledge and catering to their preferences could lead to their more active learning involvement. (3) As to the culture learning process, English low achievers’ culture learning requires a lower pace of culture instruction, more instructional repetition, a variety of cultural learning activities and cultural instructors’ attention to their ongoing learning feedbacks is in need in English low achievers’ culture learning process. The major findings of this study suggested that a culture learning project experience helped significantly to enhance English low-achievers’ English learning attitude but other measures should be adopted to sustain their motivation to learn and affirmative attitude toward English learning.

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