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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣產險業在越南發展商機之探討 / Research on the Taiwan’S non-life insurers business opportunities in Vietnam

陳正秋, Chen, Joe C.C. Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟轉型,消費者保護意識抬頭,製造業在台灣生產成本提高,支撐早期經濟奇蹟的中小型紛紛選擇外移,導致台灣的產險市場大餅成長不易,甚至負成長,產險公會理事長石燦明先生更公開呼籲,產險業者應避免削價競爭,否則2010年將會是簽單保費新台幣千億元的保衛戰。台灣已是世界貿易組織WTO的正式一員,隨著全球化發展趨勢,部份產險業者開始突破傳統格局,到海外尋找藍海市場。與歐美業者相較,東南亞各國在文化和地域性上的相近,除中國大陸外,越南政府近年來亦展現改革開放決心,積極對抗越南盾貶值壓力,同時吸引大量外國直接投資(FDI),造就連續幾年的高經濟成長率,越南的產險保費收入亦拜經濟成長之賜而維持二位數的高成長。越南於2007年成為WTO第150會員國,為了履行開放保險市場的入會承諾,隨後公告幾則重要法案,讓有意進入越南保險市場的外資有所依循,同時一改其法令煩瑣行政效率不彰形象,核發執照予外資,台灣產險龍頭富邦產險率先掌握時機,突破門檻,於2008年成功設立子公司。從1988年起計迄今,台灣為越南累計最大的FDI投資國,台商所投資產業將為保險業務來源的最大支柱,此為台灣保險業者在越南的優勢。有了領頭羊富邦產險成功達陣的先例,本研究特就越南總體經濟開始切入,分析越南產險市場結構及富邦保險越南有限公司2009年的經營績效,進而針對外資及台灣產險業者在越南商機,分別以波特五力分析理論及SWOT分析法進一步探討,提出對台灣的產險業者發展越南保險市場的建議。 關鍵字:台灣,越南,產險,商機 / In Taiwan, more and more manufacturers have been established with remarkable increase of operating and production costs. In the course of economic transitional period and due to the pressure of consumerism, the pioneers of Taiwan Economic Miracles, small and medium-size enterprise, were forced to move or expand their activities aboard. This has resulted to the severe drop of total premium of non-life insurance and eventually negatively impacted to the market growth in recent years. That was the reason why the chairman of Taiwanese Non-Life Insurance Association, Mr. T.M. Shih, appealed to all members for terminating the unhealthy competition on the premium pricing in order to prevent the industry total premium falls less than New Taiwan Dollars one hundred billion (NT$100 billion) in 2010. Benefiting from the participation of Taiwan in World Trade Organization (WTO), some Taiwanese insurers have sailed with the globalization trend to seek for new market of Blue Ocean in overseas. In contrary to the rivals of western insurers, beside the Mainland China, Southeast Asia countries stand with similar culture and are close to geographical factors to us, particularly Vietnam which becomes the country of a preferred investment destination. In addition, it is also because Vietnamese government has determined to Reform Policy to opening-up market to foreign investors, taken positive actions to against the depreciation of Vietnamese currency (Dong) as well as attracted a large amount of foreign direct investment (FDI). There were great achievements of high economic growth in past consecutive years in general, and the successful ratio of two-(2)-digit growth in Vietnamese non-life insurance sector in particular. Taiwan is the first position of FDI in terms of accumulated capital since 1988 to present. Stepping forward to this investment wave, the Taiwanese insurers will be able to take the advantage of these investors who will become the major business supporters in Vietnam. Vietnam has become the 150th member of WTO since 2007 and opening the insurance market is one of the commitments of accession. In order to guide the newcomers on insurance industry, several decrees and circulars have been promulgated and implemented accordingly. To demonstrate their efficient governmental policy, the Vietnamese Authority keeps considering and issuing a number of insurance business licenses to foreign investors. The market leader of non-life insurers in Taiwan, Fubon Insurance, ahead overcame the barriers to secure for the approval from Vietnamese government and established its subsidiary in 2008. Referring to the successful pattern of Fubon Insurance in Vietnam, this thesis commences from the research of Vietnamese macroeconomic, analysis of Vietnam insurance market and performance of Fubon Insurance Vietnam Company, in addition with the method of Potter Five Force and SWOT analysis respectively, the thesis will be concluded with the business opportunities and suggestions to the non-life insurers who are interested in Vietnam insurance market for further consideration. Key words: Vietnam, Taiwan, Insurance, business opportunity

樂齡人工智慧服務平台策略 / Strategies of the aged AI service platform

胡佩蘭, Hu, Pei-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
樂齡商機因人口老化問題而持續受到關注,新聞媒體更是屢屢報導各國各界對樂齡市場龐大商機的預估,惟與現實生活對比後不難發現樂齡商品或服務甚為不足;故而在自身與年邁父母對樂齡服務的需求,觀察時下樂齡人口及其家庭可能面臨的問題與需求,便興起「樂齡服務平台」的念頭。 在客觀驗證目標族群樣貌後,因應多元而分散的特性,以及現今尚未成型的樂齡市場環境下,「樂齡服務平台」的商業模式必將面對足以開疆闢土、滿足需求的核心競爭力建構問題。是而考量樂齡族群的需求特色及痛點外,亦檢視個人的專業、經驗與人脈、資源範圍,遂鎖定可同時滿足多方條件考量的「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」科技運用,成為「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」構想起源。 由於現今台灣對於人工智慧「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」技術甚為陌生,再加上技術功能範疇複雜,故將藉由本篇論文探討研究的過程,鎖定此人工智慧平台之初步策略,客觀分析樂齡需求痛點,對照研究所得之「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」功能特色與運用限制是否得以滿足,並檢視平台本身建置「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」的能力是否足夠面對競爭,進而評估「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」核心競爭力與發展初步策略的適切性及完整度。

英國醫療用氣墊床市場擴張策略之研究−以臺灣醫療器材公司為例 / Expansion strategies of a Taiwanese support surfaces company in the United Kingdom

林昌德, Lin, Chang Te Unknown Date (has links)
在世界多國高齡化的趨勢下,成長快速的生技醫材產業可說是明日之星,單就全球褥瘡治療產品也將於西元2020年達到美金七百九十億的規模,臺灣亦有多家業者投入醫材產業。例如本研究的主體醫用氣墊床J公司,所生產的各式優良商品除供給國內市場外,亦外銷海外多國。J公司在進入英國時面對到的是一個不熟悉的環境,如何在當地經營市場並追求成長擴張是一大問題。 本研究發現英國的醫療器材交易幾乎都是以標案的方式在進行,一個標案中可能包含有多樣的產品組合,所需求的形式也可能會分買斷、租賃、需要相關服務或甚至是多種形式的混合,故鎖定了租賃與標案市場。由各級醫療照護機構所發出的標案,經整合者Integrated Community Equipment Service(ICES)承接後會再尋求供應商提供產品或服務,因此各家醫療器材業者業務的對口單位便是各地的ICES,必須說服其採用自己公司的產品。對此本研究亦透過4P行銷架構對J公司提出了策略性建議。對產品面而言應維持其產品一貫的高品質,然而也要持續投入創新研發,開發各式差異化產品並爭取專家背書與第三方機構的認證。價格面而言應主打台灣自有品牌高品質;中價位的高性價比,並透過加值服務來提升商品的附加價值。通路面而言建議在未來要陸續擴張至全英國,以服務更多顧客,除了擴展實體通路外也建議增設線上訂購的虛擬通路。最後就促銷面來說,應做好租賃與服務市場,提供一整套的完整解決方案,除了有租賃商品外還有清潔、消毒、去污、收送等服務,並針對買方關鍵人物去溝通。由於醫療器材的種類繁多,本研究是藉醫療用防褥瘡氣墊床為例來說明,然研究結果亦可以供給未來各式醫療器材廠商想進軍英國市場時作一參考,幫助更多業者及研究者掌握這股世界多國高齡化趨勢所延伸出來的龐大橘色商機。

單身熟齡女性退休市場商機分析 / Business Opportunities in the Retirement Market of Single Mature Women

李芸英, Li, Yun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
高齡化及少子化的人口結構改變帶來了龐大的銀髮商機,社會總體消費行為以及價值觀亦隨之轉變。惟銀髮市場並非同質性的,其中又以單身女性銀髮族的利基市場最有前景;然而國內鮮少針對特定銀髮族利基市場進行相關的消費者研究。目前對銀髮市場的開發多鎖定現今的銀髮族;然而未來20年將逐漸進入退休生活之40~60歲的族群,平均教育程度及經濟能力較現今的銀髮族為高,思想比上一代開明,加上近年來智慧科技的突飛猛進,其所想望的退休生活勢必與現今的銀髮族大為不同。 因此本研究鎖定此一族群高學歷、高所得、及高資歷的單身熟齡女性進行先驅調查。其思想開明、經濟獨立、可以自由運用時間及金錢、並且願意投資自己,具有很強的消費能力。企藉由了解目標族群的需求與期望,提前開發對應的潛在商機。 本研究先藉由文獻分析,分析目前的總體社會數據、人口結構改變、相關理論模型及市場現況;再採用個別深度訪談法了解每位受訪者的家庭狀況、生活型態、對於退休的想法等等。研究結果顯示受訪者可區隔成四個集群:主流且內向居家的小確幸、心理年輕最願意嘗新的探險家、關心社會注重品質的女鬥士、及控制慾強愛奢侈品的女領導。而受訪者對未來的想望已超越低階的生理及安全需求,而偏向於較高層次的社交、尊重及自我實現需求。 就實際需求面而言,可分成五大層面:健康美麗的緩老需求、安適終老的居住需求、經濟自主的理財需求、教育休閒的娛樂需求、及自我實現的價值需求。根據這五大需求,分別衍生出22項潛在商機,分屬醫療保健、智慧科技、居住交通、金融服務、生活支援及工作休閒等六大構面。 / The changing population structure caused by population aging and low fertility rate has created numerous opportunities for business targeting the elders, which also changes consumer behavior and values in the society. At the moment, the development of silver market mostly focuses on the elders today. However, the forty-to-sixty-year-olds who are going to be retiring in the next twenty years have higher educational background and economic power; moreover, they are more open-minded and have experienced the boost of modern technologies, which gives them much more different expectation for life in retirement than the elders today. Also, the silver market is not homogeneous, and the niche market for single elder women has the brightest prospect. Nevertheless, there is barely any consumer research for the elder niche markets in Taiwan. Therefore, this pioneer research targets at single mature females with high educational level, high income, and high qualifications. They are open-minded, financially independent, able to use their time freely, willing to invest in themselves; above all, they have strong consuming capacity. Through exploration of the expectation and demand of the target customers, the potential business opportunities can be uncovered. The research starts with literature review, analyzing the current social data, the change of population structure, relevant theoretical models, and the current market conditions. Then it adopts the method of individual in-depth interview to understand the family condition, life style, and ideas about retirement of every interviewee. The result of the research shows that the interviewees could be divided into four clusters: the small happiness holders with introverted housebound disposition, the adventurers who stay mentally young and love to try something new, the fighters who care about the society and life quality, and the leaders who love luxuries and to control everything. The interviewees’ expectations of future have already overpassed the most fundamental levels of needs: physiological and safety needs, and are inclined to higher levels needs: social, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs. There are five aspects regarding the practical demands: the ways to slow aging and keep health and beauty, a nice shelter to enjoy the comfortable retirement life, the finance-management to be financially independent, education and entertainment, and the chances of self-actualization. Twenty-two potential business opportunities can be derived from these demands, which respectively belong to the following six categories: medical and health care, intelligence technology, housing and transportation, financial service, living support, and work and entertainment.

飼主生活型態與產品認知對寵物商品或服務的購買態度之影響 / The effects of pet-owners’ lifestyles and products cognition on pet-owners’ buying attitudes toward pet products and services.

李瑾芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討養貓和養狗的飼主,他們對於目前台灣比較熱門的寵物商機的購買意願是否會受到「生活型態」、「認知」、「態度」、「他人影響」和「滿意度」的影響而有所不同。而購買意願又分成了「無使用經驗」者的購買意願和「有使用經驗」者的再購意圖二種。 本研究運用飼主一對一訪談、網路飼主意見調查、網路次級資料蒐集及國內外文獻資料來設計問卷內容,接著運用網路問卷和紙本問卷進行問卷樣本的蒐集,進而運用蒐集而來的樣本進行資料分析而得到研究結果。 本研究結果證實,生活型態和認知會影響飼主對於寵物商品或服務的態度,而態度和他人影響則對於無使用經驗飼主的購買意圖有影響,而態度的影響程度大於他人影響的影響程度;至於有使用經驗飼主的再購意圖則是受到態度、他人影響和滿意度的影響,而滿意度的影響程度最大,再來是態度,最後才是他人影響。在生活型態探討方面,本研究發展出了養貓和養狗飼主四類的生活型態,分別為:集群1-「社交名媛/公子」型、集群2-「心有餘力不足」型、集群3-「寵物兒子」型和集群4-「居家良伴」型四類生活型態集群。而在四群生活型態的飼主中,集群1和集群2對於寵物商機的態度或使用經驗普遍都比集群3和集群4來的好或來的有經驗。在五類寵物商機中,除了寵物安親班之外,知曉的普及率都到90%以上,然而有使用過的比例中,除了保健食品和美容在60%右左,其餘的(寵物旅館、寵物安親班、寵物安樂園)比例都在20%以下。有使用過五類寵物商機的飼主,平均月收入都在三萬元以上。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the buying intention of pet-owners of cats and dogs, whether it would be affected by lifestyles, cognition, attitudes, influences of others, and satisfaction. The buying intention of pet-owners is divided into “non-experienced” and “experienced “pet-owners. The content of the questionnaire is based on one-on-one interviews, on-line surveys of pet-owners’ opinions and the second-hand data collection home and abroad. I use on-line and paper questionnaires to collect samples, and then use those samples to conduct data analysis. Research findings indicate the following. Lifestyle and cognition will affect pet-owners’ attitudes toward pet products and services. Attitudes and influences of others will affect non-experienced pet-owners’ buying intention. The influence degree of attitude is greater than that of the influences of others. The buying intention of experienced pet-owners’ are affected by attitudes, the influences of others and satisfaction. The greatest influence degree is from satisfaction, then from attitudes, and the least influence is from the influences of others. This study develops four types of lifestyles of pet-owners. They are “social celebrity” (group 1), “those who have willing spirits but with weak flesh” (group 2), “those who treat their pets as their sons and daughters” (group 3), and “those who treat their pets as home companions” (group 4). The attitudes and using experiences of group 1 and group 2 are better than that of group 3 and group 4. Among the five types of pet products and services, except for the pet daycare service, the familiarization rate of other pet products and services are all above 90%. The using rate of pet health foods and pet grooming are around 60%; the rate of pet boarding, pet daycare and pet funeral service are under 20%. The average monthly salaries of pet-owners who have using experiences of pet products and services are above thirty thousand dollars.

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