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態度、群體規範、知覺行為控制對購買意圖的影響:阿根廷、美國與台灣的跨文化研究 / The effects of Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control on Consumer's Purchasing Intention: Cross-Cultural analysis between Argentina, USA, and Taiwan.葉俊麟, Yeh, Chuen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
消費者在準備「購買」一件產品或服務時,他╱她的「購買意圖」除了受本身「對此購買行為的態度」所影響之外,「群體規範」以及「知覺行為控制」(Ajsen 1985,1991)亦是很重要的影響因素。當該消費者所屬的「群體」擁有很強的約束力時,他╱她在做消費決策時,往往必須考慮別人的想法。同樣的,當他╱她對該消費決策缺乏主控權時,他╱她本身對此購買行為的「態度」亦不能很精確的預測他╱她的「購買意圖」。不過本身的「態度」、「群體規範」、及「行為知覺控制」對「購買意圖」之影響,可能會因文化的不同而產生不同程度的影響。過去研究指出,以「個人主義」為導向的國家中(如美國),個人行為比較不受別人的影響;相反的,以「群體主義」為導向的國家中(如東方社會國家),人們的各種行為必須考慮這些行為所代表的社會意義,因此群體規範的影響會因文化的不同而有所不同。此外,當產品種類不同時,本身的「態度」、「群體規範」、及「知覺行為控制」對「購買意圖」之影響程度也會有所不同。
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探討消費者我族主義對台灣消費者的態度與購買意願之影響-以日韓產品為例 / Studying Consumer Ethnocentrism and Its Influence on the Attitude and Purchase Intention of Taiwanese Consumers: The Study Case of Japanese and Korean Products謝宜珊 Unknown Date (has links)
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應用計畫行為理論探討虛擬社群使用者之付費行為 / Apply TPB to understand virtual commuity members' paying behavior謝依穎, Hsieh,Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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以計劃行為理論及渴想探討長期助眠藥物使用之心理因素 / The Psychological Factors of Long-Term Hypnotics Use: Base on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving賴羽琁, Lai, Yu Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
結論:本研究結果顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖是行為出現與否的主要決定因素,說明失眠患者的確會在認知決策後選擇使用助眠藥物,也會在知覺到較多促進助眠藥物使用之情境或因素時產生助眠藥物使用的行為意圖或直接出現助眠藥物的使用行為,顯示助眠藥物使用行為上外在情境及因素的重要性。此外,本研究結果也顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖會受到渴想的干擾,當渴想程度愈高時行為意圖對於實際行為的預測力愈低,而渴想程度愈低時行為意圖對實際行為的預測愈高。此研究結果幫助了解長期助眠藥物使用的心理因素,亦可將其用於幫協助擬定助眠藥物減藥策略。 / Insomnia has high prevalence and is prone to develop into a chronic problem. Hypnotics are the most common choice of treatment for insomnia. Although short-term usage is effective in relieving insomnia, the safety and efficacy of long-term usage are still in controversy. Long-term usage has also been reported to increase risks of tolerance and dependence. Even though the efficacy of hypnotics is not always satisfying, the duration of hypnotics use in insomnia patients is often longer than clinical recommendation. This may be influenced by some psychological factors.
The theory of planned behavior has been demonstrated to be able to predict cognitive factors of substance use behaviors. It can therefore possibly be used to model hypnotic use behavior. In addition to cognitive factors, craving that is associated with losing control over drug use may also play a role in the use of hypnotics. The purpose of current study is to 1) explore the cognitive factors of long-term hypnotics use based on the theory of planned behavior, and 2) understand whether the cognitive factors would be influenced by the craving state.
Method and result:
We first conducted a semi-structured interview with 21 insomnia patients to develop the questionnaire of the theory of planned behavior of hypnotics use and a hypnotic craving scale. The insomnia patients who had used or are currently using hypnotics were recruited to complete the questionnaires. They were contacted by telephone at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Total number of valid questionnaires of 1-month and 3-month follow-ups were 143 and 139, respectively. We found that behavior intention could be predicted by perceived behavior control, but not attitude and subjective norms. Frequency of hypnotics use at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups could be predicted by behavior intention and perceived behavior control, and behavior intention was the best predictor. Craving has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between behavior intention and the hypnotics use behavior at both 1-month and 3-month follow-ups.
The findings of current study show that behavior intention is the most crucial cognitive factor to predict hypnotics use behavior. It indicates that insomnia patients may have higher behavior intention and are more likely to use hypnotics when they perceive more situational factors that lead to drug use. In addition, our study indicates the association between behavior intention and actual hypnotic use behavior can be moderated by craving. The higher the craving state the lower the predictability of hypnotic use by behavior intention, and vice versa. Our study helps understand the psychological factors of long-term hypnotics use, and assists in developing the tapering interventions.
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探討產品置入對消費者態度與購買意願之影響─以韓國手機置入韓劇為例李廷妍, Lee Cheng Yen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,廠商與廣告人員試圖採用另一種有別於傳統宣傳模式的方法將產品或品牌以較自然的、較不易被察覺的宣傳方式影響消費者,將產品「置入」在電影之中,稱為「產品置入」(Product Placement)。
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影響地價人員評估公告土地現值行為意向之因素陳榮卿, Chen, Jung-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
經本研究實證結果發現,影響地價人員評估公告土地現值模式內變數,僅有主觀規範未達到統計水準要求,而態度、知覺行為控制皆到達統計水準要求。另外生變數而言定錨、從眾皆會影響地價人員評估公告土地現值的態度。主群體、次群體也會影響地價人員評估公告土地現值的主觀規範。自我效能會影響地價人員評估公告土地現值的知覺行為控制。 / According to mental mechanism that is formed when land-value personnel face the evaluation of announced land current value, the study planned to use the theory of planning behavior as basic frame to find out exogenous factors that are related with the study through documents and social psychology viewpoints related with evaluation. All together, there are six variables: anchoring, conformity, main group, secondary group, self-efficiency, and job convenience, which are used to find out the factors that affect the evaluation of announced land current value, and will be provided to the government offices for reference.
The study got the following results through factual evidences: for the variables that affect the evaluation of land-value personnel on, only subjective norm has not met the requirement of statistics level, while both attitude and perceived behavioral control have met the requirement of statistics level. For exogenous variables, anchoring and conformity will affect the attitude of land-value personnel on evaluating announced land current value; main group and secondary group will also affect the subjective norm of land-value personnel on evaluating announced land current value; and self-efficiency will affect the perceived behavioral control of land-value personnel on evaluating announced land current value.
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飼主生活型態與產品認知對寵物商品或服務的購買態度之影響 / The effects of pet-owners’ lifestyles and products cognition on pet-owners’ buying attitudes toward pet products and services.李瑾芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果證實,生活型態和認知會影響飼主對於寵物商品或服務的態度,而態度和他人影響則對於無使用經驗飼主的購買意圖有影響,而態度的影響程度大於他人影響的影響程度;至於有使用經驗飼主的再購意圖則是受到態度、他人影響和滿意度的影響,而滿意度的影響程度最大,再來是態度,最後才是他人影響。在生活型態探討方面,本研究發展出了養貓和養狗飼主四類的生活型態,分別為:集群1-「社交名媛/公子」型、集群2-「心有餘力不足」型、集群3-「寵物兒子」型和集群4-「居家良伴」型四類生活型態集群。而在四群生活型態的飼主中,集群1和集群2對於寵物商機的態度或使用經驗普遍都比集群3和集群4來的好或來的有經驗。在五類寵物商機中,除了寵物安親班之外,知曉的普及率都到90%以上,然而有使用過的比例中,除了保健食品和美容在60%右左,其餘的(寵物旅館、寵物安親班、寵物安樂園)比例都在20%以下。有使用過五類寵物商機的飼主,平均月收入都在三萬元以上。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the buying intention of pet-owners of cats and dogs, whether it would be affected by lifestyles, cognition, attitudes, influences of others, and satisfaction. The buying intention of pet-owners is divided into “non-experienced” and “experienced “pet-owners.
The content of the questionnaire is based on one-on-one interviews, on-line surveys of pet-owners’ opinions and the second-hand data collection home and abroad. I use on-line and paper questionnaires to collect samples, and then use those samples to conduct data analysis.
Research findings indicate the following. Lifestyle and cognition will affect pet-owners’ attitudes toward pet products and services. Attitudes and influences of others will affect non-experienced pet-owners’ buying intention. The influence degree of attitude is greater than that of the influences of others. The buying intention of experienced pet-owners’ are affected by attitudes, the influences of others and satisfaction. The greatest influence degree is from satisfaction, then from attitudes, and the least influence is from the influences of others. This study develops four types of lifestyles of pet-owners. They are “social celebrity” (group 1), “those who have willing spirits but with weak flesh” (group 2), “those who treat their pets as their sons and daughters” (group 3), and “those who treat their pets as home companions” (group 4). The attitudes and using experiences of group 1 and group 2 are better than that of group 3 and group 4.
Among the five types of pet products and services, except for the pet daycare service, the familiarization rate of other pet products and services are all above 90%. The using rate of pet health foods and pet grooming are around 60%; the rate of pet boarding, pet daycare and pet funeral service are under 20%. The average monthly salaries of pet-owners who have using experiences of pet products and services are above thirty thousand dollars.
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團體認同與行為意向的探討 / Discussion about group identity and behavior intention杜瓊瑜, Tu, Chiung-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「社會認同理論」(social identity theory)認為,人們會以所屬團體的身份或屬性來定義自己,是一種對歸屬團體的「團體認同」(group identity)。 所探討的是一個已經隸屬於某個低地位團體的個體,在獲得正向團體認同以維持自尊的動機下,思考使用哪一種提高團體認同的策略。
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