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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳曉寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002至2004年非金融業之臺灣上市櫃公司為研究對象,從經營績效、股權結構及公司治理特性等觀點,探討企業發生委託書徵求事件之決定性因素、經營績效及其與盈餘管理行為之關聯性,並進一步分析企業特質對企業從事常態性委託書徵求行為之影響。就委託書徵求事件之決定性因素而言,本研究發現,整體績效表現愈差、獲利能力愈差、現金股利發放愈少、內部人持股比率愈低、董監事質押比率愈高、最終控制者之股份控制權愈低、席次偏離股份控制權程度愈大之企業,發生委託書徵求事件之機率愈高。經營績效之實證結果顯示,徵求委託書、利用金字塔及交叉持股之控股結構、控制權偏離所有權程度愈大之企業,當期之經營績效較差。前述實證結果亦適用於常態性徵求委託書之企業。至於委託書徵求事件與盈餘管理行為之關聯性而言,委託書徵求為企業從事盈餘管理行為之誘因之一,尤其在常態性徵求委託書之情況更為顯著。企業之董監事質押比例愈高、負債比率愈高、席次控制權偏離盈餘分配權程度愈大、控股結構複雜度(金字塔結構或交叉持股)愈高,其盈餘管理幅度較高。 / Based on a sample of non-baking corporations listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange and Over the Counter over the period of 2002 to 2004, this thesis first investigates the determinants and operation performance of proxy solicitation behavior, followed by examining the relationship between proxy solicitation and earnings management. In addition, the characteristics of companies that appeal to proxy solicitation on a regular basis are also studied. The empirical results show that companies with poorer overall performance, poorer profitability, lower cash dividend payout ratio, lower insiders shareholdings, higher share pledge ratio by the board members, lower control rights, and higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights, are more likely to apply proxy solicitation. The empirical findings also indicate that companies with proxy solicitation, pyramid and cross-holdings structures, and higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights, tend to have worse operating performance for the current period. The findings aforementioned can also apply to the companies that repeatedly employ proxy solicitation. This research documents that proxy solicitation is strongly associated with earnings management behavior, especially for companies that apply proxy solicitation repetitively. Companies with higher share pledge ratio by the board members, higher debt ratio, higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights and employing pyramid and cross-holdings structures, are found to be associated with higher magnitude of earnings management.

公司治理體系下控制權市場之定位 / The Role of Control Market in the Framework of Corporate Governance

林俊宏, Lin ,Chun-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討公司治理體系下控制權市場所發揮之功能,內容大致上分為四個部分。第一部分先就公司治理理論以及不同體系加以介紹,從Ronald H. Coase交易成本理論、Berle & Means五種公司類型,以及代理理論說明公司治理的理論基礎,再分別介紹OECD以及World Bank的公司治理架構,而控制權市場則是公司治理體系下,外部治理機制的一項重要工具,最後就美國、日本與我國的公司治理體系加以介紹。 第二部分則是說明企業併購促使控制權市場發揮治理成效之主要活動,因此,分別就美國、日本與我國企業併購之概況加以闡述。美國歷經了五次併購風潮,有其經濟、文化等結構性因素,而日本與我國過去並未發生併購風潮,然而隨著結構性因素的改變,再加上全球化的浪潮,日本與我國併購活動有逐漸加溫之趨勢。 視敵意併購為控制權市場之主要利器,這是因為企業雖然有可能因為善意併購後,改善效率進而增加股東權益,有助於公司治理,但敵意併購活動更兼具威嚇現任經營者之效果,因此,敵意併購活動於公司治理體系上,一方面可汰換不適任經營者,另一方面亦可對現任經營者造成威嚇使其不敢進行有礙於股東權益之情事。而主併者進行敵意併購,主要可行的途徑有二:一為收購股權,另一為委託書徵求。就法制面而言,則見諸公開收購以及委託書管理相關規定。 第三部分開始探討敵意併購法制,本文分別介紹了美國、日本以及我國公開收購制度,目前我國已從事先核准制修正為事先申報制,與美國、日本之申報制相近。但對於公開收購定義則大相逕庭,美國採八項要素判斷,日本與我國則加以明確定義。另外股東平等原則部份,美國、日本與我國同採「比例分配制」,關於禁止變更收購條件的範圍,則是美國最寬鬆因此有利於主併者,而日本最嚴格。至於美國州法下的反併購條款在我國與日本並未出現。而關於我國引進強制公開收購制度,本文分別引述支持與反對者之意見,並基於促進併購活動發生有利於公司治理此一面向,說明強制公開收購制度可能之影響。 第四部份探討美國、日本與我國關於委託書徵求相關制度,就資訊公開的內容而言,美國、日本與我國相關規定大同小異,但徵求人資格限制以及徵求股份總數限制為我國獨有,況且因公司派掌握紀念品的製作權以及發放權,加上相關規定使投信事業必須支持符合持股成數之之公司董事會提出之議案或董事、監察人候選人,且又就使用股東名冊的難易程度而言,我國委託書徵求相關規定實對現任經營者較有利。 而關於委託書價購與否之爭論,本文分別就正反兩方之理由加以介紹,後從公司治理之角度出發,認為收購委託書可能使管理者有更多經濟上誘因進行舞弊,有礙於公司治理,故應禁止之。 最後比較公開收購制度與委託書徵求制度二者,分別從所需資金、成本風險控制、實施之便宜性以及公司治理角度,希冀我國未來公開收購制度能善加運用,發揮公司治理之功效。文末並提出相關建議,以供將來之研究或主管機關作為參考。 / This dissertation mainly discusses the role of control market in the framework of corporate governance. It is composed of four parts. The first part introduces relevant theories of corporate governance, including Ronald H. Coase’s “transaction cost theory”, Berle & Means’ “five types of corporation”, and agency theory. Then the diverse frameworks of corporate governance including OECD, World Bank, in which control market is indicated as a significant external mechanism, are illustrated. At last, the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan's frameworks of corporate governance are introduced respectively. The second part explains that the merges & acquisitions (M&A) is one of the major activities that make control market operate effectively. Then the general situations of the M&A in the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Taken as a main mechanism of control market, hostile takeover not only strikes inefficient managers but menaces the incumbent from fraud. Two major feasible approaches of hostile takeover are purchasing stocks and soliciting proxies. The rules of tender offer and proxy contest are relevant. The third part discusses the legal institution of hostile takeover. The rules of tender offer of U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Then the similarities and dissimilarities between the rules from the definitions of tender offer, equal treatment to shareholders, and anti-takeover strategies are detailed. At the end of this part, different points of view about mandatory tender offer and its relation with corporate governance are discussed. The fourth part explores (investigates) the rules of proxy contest of the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. They are similar in the disclosure principle, but only Taiwan set limitations on the qualification of solicitors and the amount of proxies. In addition, the incumbent in Taiwan have the control over the manufacturing and delivery of the tokens for shareholders in annual meetings. What’s more, regulations force the institute-investors to support the incumbent. In conclusion, the proxy rules in Taiwan favor the incumbent. Also, the arguments over proxy purchase and its relation with corporate governance is mentioned. At last, this paper compares tender offer with proxy soliciting in several aspects: the fund needed, risk control, convenience, and corporate governance. In the end, the conclusion provides some suggestions for legislators and future studies.

我國股東會電子化之成效及委託書制度對企業經營權競爭之影響-以國票金與開發金為個案 / Future prospect for electronic proxy in accordance with the influence of corporate governance

王貴增, Wang, Kuei Tseng Unknown Date (has links)
由國內相關研究來看,探討委託書之相關議題,如委託書對於股東的財富影響、委託書所造成之案例等研究,其資料頗為豐富,是一個多實證研究及多社會興趣的主題,且近年來,有關委託書徵求所引發之經營權爭議亦是層出不窮。故本論文主要乃將偏向為國內委託書制度尚可以改善之方向進行探討,將以我國委託書制度與國外制度之比較之差異及可以參酌改進之地方做一論述。另發現針對近年來國內興起股東會電子化之規範及成效研究部份更是微乎其微,是故亦將股東會電子化之成效研究納入本論文主軸,期待以提供一個簡單、便利、安全及隱密的電子平台,使投資人的意見可充分反應,亦無遭篡改之虞,亦可使國內近年來委託書之爭議有所改善,再輔以近年來較具爭議之委託書競爭行為分析,以說明委託書之規範若不嚴謹時將對小股東造成之損害。 / During these few years, proxy has been a tool to manipulate the outcome of hostile takeover. In this thesis wet want to evaluate the possibility of implementing electronic voting for proxy and comparing different proxy regulation of other developed countries. The main reason for implementing electronic vote and advantages will be explained in the thesis and the after effect will also be discussed.


莊哲鳴, Chuang,Che-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
企業透過併購(Merger & Acquisition)以追求外部成長,是當前全球化競爭趨勢下,企業管理不可或缺的一環。而在併購行為之中,敵意併購(Hostile Takeover)因為雙方陣營在過程中的對抗,攻防雙方所使用的手段往往遊走於法律邊緣,因此法律規範的釐清實有其必要,本文之主軸即係將研究重點置於各該法律領域與敵意併購相關聯處之討論及分析。 本論文共分為七大部分。第一部份為緒論。第二部分為敵意併購概說,首先對併購及敵意併購作一簡介,並說明敵意併購得以促成公司控制權市場的形成,為公司治理體系中一個極為重要的外部監控手段。其次介紹三角合併及融資兼併,前者於敵意併購時,得以切割併購公司與被併公司,控制風險;敵意併購亦得以融資兼併為之,透過三角合併,將併購資金之融資負債轉移予被併公司。再者,金融業的併購法規較為特殊而嚴格,但金控轉投資及保險公司轉投資的法令規範寬嚴不一,前者嚴而後者寬,不僅獨厚旗下有保險子公司的金控而有公平性的疑慮,更使得主管機關對於金控的併購案無法有效管理,並不妥當。最後,敵意併購可能產生內線交易問題,本文加以討論,並分析中信併兆豐一案中的內線交易疑雲。 第三部分討論委託書之徵求,介紹我國法及美國法的委託書規範,並作一分析與檢討。本研究認為徵求門檻有其價值,得以減輕代理問題,避免控制權與盈餘分配請求權大幅偏離。而委託書徵求的公平性問題,包括股東名簿、紀念品發放、以及機構投資人的表決權行使問題,都有偏袒公司經營者的問題,宜予檢討改進。價購委託書方面,本文認為由於囚犯理論,經營者的公司控制權與現金流量權將因委託書收購而呈現大幅偏離,增加其掏空公司的誘因,並且收購委託書將扭曲公司控制權市場的樣貌,損害公司治理。因此現行禁止收購委託書之規範,宜予維持。 第四部分介紹公開收購及其他收購目標公司股份之法律規範。除集中市場的交易方式外,公開收購是敵意併購者收購股權的重要方式,其中強制收購制度之採行與否,學界眾說紛紜,外國立法例也各有不同。本文認為,英式強制收購將扼殺有效率的併購,對於亟需以併購強化產業競爭力的我國而言,並不妥當;而我國法下的強制收購制度實為限制短期取得大量股權的交易方式,為他國立法例所無,卻巧妙地在不過分阻礙併購的前提下,使所有股東得以平等分享控制權溢價,有其可取之處。 第五部分為介紹多樣化的反收購策略。首先介紹美國實務上多樣化的反收購策略,如毒藥丸等等,再探討前述防禦策略於我國法下適用的可能性。其次介紹我國企業慣於採行的反收購策略,包括買回庫藏股、交叉持股、稀釋對方股權、妨礙股東會開會、假處分等等,並對實務上運作的弊病以及法令的缺失,進行探討。 第六部分是討論各國對於敵意併購的法律政策立場,首先介紹美國的併購歷史、反併購州法的發展、以及美國法院對於反收購策略的立場及其審查基準,原則上美國法院賦予經營者較大的權限採行反併購措施。其次介紹歐盟的公開收購指令,其要求公開收購時董事會必須保持中立,任何可能阻礙收購的措施必須經過股東會決議方得採行。日本法方面,主管機關的立場及法院於Livedoor案的見解,似有模仿美國法的傾向。於面臨敵意併購時,我國應採行美國法的董事會優先主義(director primacy)或是歐盟的股東優先主義(shareholder primacy),本文認為,股東優先主義在資訊充分揭露的前提下,得以消弭目標公司股東與經營團隊之間,及目標公司股東與併購者之間的利益衝突,應是較適宜採行的。 第七部分為結論。

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