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學校校門之研究-以臺北市公立高國中為例陳世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合以上結論,本研究提出下列建議:一、規劃校門建築應更注重整體性,且與學校整體建築配合,以發揮校門建築最大的功能;二、校門建築應充分利用標誌及附屬建築來展現學校特色、整體意涵與作為傳達訊息的藝術空間;三、臺北市各級學校校門建築年代多已久遠,配合改建時,應考慮造型、材質、交通動線、安全等優先考量;四、學校校門改建時,可一併考量風水規劃;五、學校校門改建的規劃應徵詢地方的意見,將地方文化特性意涵融入校門建築;六、推廣無圍牆學校概念,增加學校與社區互動的機會;七、設立學校建築資源中心,彙集學校建築相關資料。 / The prupose of this study is to analyze the conditions of the school door in order to get some references about the layouts of school door throught survey research and interview research.
The major findings of this study are xhown as follow:
1. The school door possesses both concrete and abstract functions.
2. The scope of the school door consruction must involve all elements that can convey both concrete and abstract functions.
3. The image of the school door consruction is diversified.
4. The FengShui elements related to the school door are the situation and the FengShui totem.
5. Most of the Taipei municipal high school doors’ gate are metal fences, and the method of opening doors is push–pulling.
6. Most of the Taipei municipal high schools have even doorjambs.
7. Most of the Taipei municipal high schools have no lintel.
8. The Taipei municipal high schools using accessory constructions to express the features of school and convey informations are few.
9. The relation of most Taipei municipal high school doors and the FengShui situation are not significant.
10. The Taipei municipal high schools using FengShui totem to decorating the school door are few.
11. The style of the principal, age, and culture are the possible factors to affect the style of the school door.
Based on the previous findings, the fllowing recommendations are proposed:
1. To combine the layout of the school door and all the school constructions.
2. To use marks and accessory constructions to express the features of school and convey informations in the school door consruction.
3. To consider the style, materials, traffic line, security, and so on, when adapting the school doors.
4. To involve the factors about FengShui when adapting the school doors.
5. To integrate the opinons of the community to display the local feaures when adapting the school doors.
6. To pursue the conception of “nowall school” to increase the interaction between the community and the school.
7. To establish the resource centers of school constructions.
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韓國高等學校中國語教科書詞彙之研究徐炯錫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用文獻分析法及比較研究法兩種。本研究係以1981年12月31日韓國文教部告示第 442號「高等學校教育課程」及韓國外國語大學一種圖書研究開發委員會所編的「高等學校中國語」教科書為主要研究對象。
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電視媒介應用於台灣「空中學校」之效果羅超華 Unknown Date (has links)
解答這些問題,最好的方法是實驗法,但由於空中學校學生不易控制,無法作嚴謹的實驗,只得考慮可行的調查法和測驗法。本研究以生物、英文兩種不同性質的課程作一比較,探索電視教學在目前到底適合於何種性質的課程?能否加強學習興趣?同時,教師的教學方法、學生本身的特性都與電視教學的效果有關聯;故據此形成假設,並設計調查問卷及測驗題目,並根據學生的反應為主要資料,進行統計與分析。本研究係以成績、興趣增強代表效果,為因變數(Depenednet Variable),而以課程、教學方法與學生本身特性為自變數(Independent Variable)。分別以變項變異分析、單項變異數分析(Twe Way & one Way ANOVA)、凱氏平方根(chisquake)及T值鑑定法(t-tase)來測量因變數與自變數的關係。
本研究以目的選樣法(Purpoeive Sampling)選出台北附設空中補習學校的建國中學、台北市立第一女子中學為對象,並以T 值鑑定法測量受試者能否代表總體,結果T值不顯著,表示抽樣具代表性。受試者在校成績與此次測驗成績的相關度,生物為○.五○五,英文為○.三四,相關極顯著。
本研究以桃園武陵中學附設空中補習試測對象以其測驗結果作項目分析(Item Analysis),修正測驗卷。
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香港學校制度之研究黃仁華 Unknown Date (has links)
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新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之相關研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principals' Leadership Style and Teachers' Participation in School-marketing at New Taipei City Public Small-scale Elementary Schools吳秉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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大專技職校院學校組織文化與學校效能關係之研究沈秀春 Unknown Date (has links)
(四)研究工具方面,建議再進一步加以改良。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between organizational culture and school effectiveness. The differences between organizational culture and school effectiveness were tested by various demographic variables and environmental variables. Moreover, researcher probed the relational intensity between school culture and effectiveness.
The study was conducted with survey study as well as literature reviews. According to the result of literature review and the purposes and issues of this research, a 5-point Likert-like scale was compiled and used as a research tool for data aggregation after the process of factor analysis. The scale was sent to 540 Junior college’s personnel (including the principal of junior college, 2 assistant principals and 3 college teachers) of ninety junior colleges in Taiwan. 434 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed by SPSS 12.0 for Windows at .05 significant level. Statistics methods such as descriptive statistics, Pearson Relations, t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to data analysis.
The notable findings of this research were listed below:
I. The perceptional levels of school culture and school effectiveness of personnel of junior colleges were all above average.
II. The differences between organizational culture and school effectiveness which were validated by various demographic variables: (I)The perception of school culture of male college personnel are significantly higher than female college personnel; (II)The college personnel that at different age show no difference between their perception of school culture; (III)The college personnel that with higher education background have stronger perceptions of school culture; (IV)The senior college personnel have higher perceptions of school culture than the junior college personnel; (V) The perception of school effectiveness of male college personnel are significantly higher than female college personnel; (VI) The college personnel that at different age show no difference between their perception of school effectiveness; (VII) The college personnel that with higher education background have higher perceptions of school effectiveness; (VIII) The senior college personnel have higher perceptions of school effectiveness than the junior college personnel.
III. The differences between organizational culture and school effectiveness were validated by various environmental variables: (I)The college personnel in public or private junior colleges showed no difference in the perception of school culture; (II)The college personnel who served in small-scoped colleges had higher perceptions of school culture in the dimensions of ‘organizational atmosphere’ and ‘organizational identification’. (III) The college personnel who served in different locations showed no difference in the perception of school culture; (IV) The college personnel who served in colleges with a long history had higher perception of school culture; (V) The college personnel in public colleges had higher perception of school effectiveness; (VI) The college personnel that served in small-scoped colleges had higher perceptions of school effectiveness; (VII)The college personnel who served in different locations showed no difference in the perception of school effectiveness; (VIII) The college personnel who served in colleges with different history showed significant difference in the perception of school effectiveness.
IV. Organizational culture of school and school effectiveness are strongly related.
Based upon the findings, several recommendations were made:
I. Proposals to superior authorities :(I) The private and public junior colleges should endow with the same educational resources; (II) The quality of junior colleges should be promoted; (III) The private junior colleges should be deregulated and given more autonomy and freedom.
II. Proposals to junior colleges: (I)The junior colleges should construct cordial atmosphere and lay stress on every personnel so as to improve their identification to organization, and promote the school effectiveness; (II)The junior colleges should give the personnel chances to participate in administrative work and promote their perceptions of school culture and school effectiveness; (III) The junior colleges should build up high quality teaching environment and enhance the performance of the students; (IV) The junior colleges should emphasize on effective organizational management; (V) The junior colleges should actualize teamwork training system and develop mutual learning and knowledge sharing of organizational personnel; (VI) should encourage in-service training and build up integrated system of training; (VII) should enhance the identification of organizational personnel; (VIII) should vitalize organizational mechanism and avoid core rigidity happen.
III. Proposals to further research :(I)The research samples should be expanded (ex. parents); (II) More demographic variables and environmental variables should be put for analysis; (III) Qualitative studies should be adopted to make possible more in-depth awareness of the issues; (IV) The research tool should be reformed.
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社區參與學校教育與學校效能關係之探討徐小玲 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 社區參與學校教育整體言,現況為中等以下程度,尚不普遍。
二、 社區參與學校教育以「教學活動」、「校務發展」層面較多,而以「人事遴聘」層面最少。
三、 學校效能整體言,現況評價為很高程度,大致很好。
四、 學校效能在「學校氣氛」、「教學品質」、「學校環境」、「學生表現」等各層面評價為很高,為中等以上程度,而「社區支持」仍排最末。
五、 校長、鄉鎮地區學校教師,對社區參與學校教育整體的知覺上,有顯著較高的傾向。
六、 男性、年長、校長、服務資深、大型規模學校以及鄉鎮地區的教師對學校效能整體的知覺上,有顯著較高的傾向。
七、 正向的社區參與學校教育,可提升學校效能。
八、 社區參與學校教育各層面對整體學校效能有預測力,其依序為「校務發展」、「校園建設」、「教學活動」、「活動與經費支持」及「人事遴聘」等五層面。
九、 依據訪談結果,國中社區人士與校長(或教師)雙方的看法若有不同時學校的處理態度有四種:(一)家長向學校反映、抗議或訴諸媒體(二)尊重學校做法(三)共同討論與溝通(四)彼此不相推託,有同理心的心態。
十、 學校可主動研擬適當的策略,以提昇社區參與學校教育。
十一、 「社區參與學校教育與學校效能關係的探討」的研究結果,可作為學校經營的重要參考。
一、 訂定家長參與學校教育法,使家長參與學校教育於法有據。
二、 訂定全國家長日,以落實社區參與學校教育的意義。
三、 訂定社區參與學校教育的獎勵與監督措施。
四、 校務評鑑的「學校與社區關係」指標,增加其比重,加強學校重視與社區關係的互動與經營。
五、 校長培訓課程中涉有「學校與社區關係」、「社區參與與學校效能」等主題,以提昇校長與社區互動的認知。
一、 學校多舉辦有關「學校與社區關係」、「親師合作方案」、「溝通技巧」等教師成長課程,以加強教師與社區互動的認知與技能。
二、 學校多舉辦學生學習成果發表、藝文活動等,以提昇社區參與學校教育的意願。
三、 學校多舉辦有關「學校行政」、「教改政策」、「教育原理」、「親職教育」、「人際互動」等成長課程,以培養家長對教育有正確的理念。
四、 訂定家長契約,以明定家長參與學校教育有關的各項權利與義務。
五、 主動研擬社區參與學校教育的計劃,並設有專人,負責推動與執行。
六、 學校應積極重視社區參與學校教育之「教學活動」、「校務發展」等層面,以提昇學校效能。
七、 設計多元化溝通管道,以滿足不同社區家長的需求。
八、 加強學校、家長與社區的互動關係,可提昇學校效能。
九、 鼓勵導師與專任教師擔任行政工作,加強與社區的互動。
一、 強化學校、鄉鎮市與全縣性各層級之家長會組織運作與功能的發揮。
二、 配合各學校及社區之條件與特色,以漸進與多樣化方式參與學校教育。
一、 在研究對象方面-擴大施測範圍至北區或全國。
二、 在研究方法方面-採個案研究法。
三、 在研究工具編製方面-編製更為完善的「社區參與學校教育與學校效能量表」。
四、 在研究內容方面-探討社區參與學校教育的困難。
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桃園縣國民中學校長情緒管理與學校效能相關之研究傅美琴 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究工具方面,包括「基本資料」、「國民中學校長情緒管理調查問卷」、「國民中學學校效能調查問卷」等三部份。研究資料採用t考驗(t test)、單音子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜(Pearson)積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis)等統計方法,並獲致以下結論:
關鍵字:國民中學校長 情緒管理 學校效能 / The research is conducted with a view to taking a close look at the contemporary situation between principals’ emotional management and school effectiveness and, furthermore, to exploring the relationship between the two factors. The research methods are based on the questionnaire survey via stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 585 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to the selected teachers in all the 55 schools in Taoyuan County. Out of the 585 research questionnaires, 543 copies are retrieved and 521 copies are valid.
In terms of research tools, the questionnaire designed includes the following three parts: Personal data, Questionnaire on Principals’ Emotional Management in Junior High School and Questionnaire on School Effectiveness of Junior High School. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis are main statistical approaches. The following 8 conclusions have been obtained:
1. The perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management is intermediate-level.
2. The perception of junior high school teachers in school effectiveness is fair.
3. There is no noticeable difference for the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, and the number of years teaching.”
4. There is a significant difference for the perceptions of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management due to different “educational background and positions.”
5. There is no obvious difference for principals’ emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, school size, and school location.”
6. There is an obviously diversity for principals’ emotional management due to principals’ different “educational background and working years”
7. A positive correlation between principals’ emotional management and school efficiency is found in Tao-Yuan Junior High Schools.
8. School effectiveness can be best predicted by the principal’s ability of “emotions adjustment.”
According to the results of the study, some suggestions are offered to junior high school principals, educational authorities, and future researchers.
Key Terms: Junior high school principals , Emotional management, School effectiveness
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台北市國民中學義工家長參與經驗之研究-以西湖國中「慈心團」為例曾淑真 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民中學教師工作壓力、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之研究 / A study of relationships among teachers’ working stress, school organizational health , and school efficacy in junior high school盧維禎 Unknown Date (has links)
五、營造良好工作氣氛 / Abstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among teachers’ working stress, school organizational health , and school efficacy in junior high school . The study methods included literature analysis, questionnaires survey. The questionnaires were distributed to 500 teachers in Taipei city and New Taipei city junior high schools, and 395 vaild questionnaires were retrieved, with 79% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-tset, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The main conclusions obtained were as follows:
1. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of working stress due to the differences in the participants' age and school size.
2. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of school organizational health due to the differences in the participants' age, position of service, and school size.
3. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of school efficacy due to the differences in the participants' age and school size.
4. Both teachers’ work stress and school organizational health serve a predictive function on the school efficacy.
According to the research results, this study offers several suggestions providing the education authorities, schools, and future researches to review.
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