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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以敘事研究初探語言學習者自主動能與其學習環境之互動 / A Narrative Inquiry on the Interplay between Language Learner Agency and Learning Contexts

陳瑋婕, Chen, Wei-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以敘事研究的方式,透過深入訪談,探討一位台灣語言學習者的自主動能(learner agency)與其學習環境之互動。經由敘事訪談(narrative interview)、開放式訪談、半結構訪談以及分析受訪者社群網站發表之文章,本論文意圖呈現台灣語言學習者在不同學習環境中如何表現自主動能。 本研究以受訪者Erin出國留學為分界,共三個階段:第一階段為受訪者出國前(2014/08/25),以敘事訪談(narrative interview)的方式,Erin完整呈現自我對英語的認知與語言學習歷程之掙扎。第二階段為Erin出國以後,藉由開放式與半結構訪談,描繪出Erin在國外求學的經驗,並更深刻探討過去的語言學習歷程。第三階段為Erin回國後(2015/09/17),再次以敘事訪談的方式,Erin反思英國求學的經驗以及英語在其人生中扮演的角色。 本研究以vam Lier所提之自主動能的三個特色為分析框架,並推衍出兩項申明:其一,台灣英語學習者在正式的語言學習環境中面臨許多挑戰,但學習者仍有表現自主動能的空間,表現方式包括逃避或拒絕學習;其二,學習者若能沈浸於語言習得的環境(foreign language acquisition environments),極有可能脫離正式語言學習環境的框架而成為一個不同於以往的自己。本研究檢視學習者在不同的學習環境中如何展現自主動能,筆者期望研究結果可提供語言教師看待語言學習者一個新視角。 / Drawing on the concept of learner agency, a narrative inquiry was conducted in order to achieve an in-depth, qualitative understanding of the interplay between a Taiwanese learner's exert of agency and various contexts. The study was developed in three phases, and multiple number of interviews were the main instrument for data collection. The first interview was conducted in August, 2014, before the participant, Erin, headed for England to pursue a Master's degree. The following interviews documented her life experiences abroad and further explored her past language learning history. The final interview was conducted in September, 2015 after she came back to Taiwan, in which she reflected on her overall study abroad experiences and the role of English in her life. The findings delineated Erin's English learning story and her agency domestically and internationally. van Lier's proposal of core features of learner agency was used as the analytic framework to discuss Erin's story, and later two assertions were derived from the discussion: (1) Being an EFL learner in the Taiwanese formal educational context may involve many challenges, but the learner still has room to exercise his or her agency-even though this could mean avoiding or rejecting learning, and (2) Fully engaged in a foreign language environment, the learner is likely to break away from the limitations of formal English learning system. The study delineates a close examination on how the language learner interacted with various contexts and demonstrates several considerations TESOL practitioners can take. Based on the findings and the discussion, pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research are also provided at the end of the thesis.

國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 / A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School

蔡朝來 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中補校學生中輟的原因及其有關之變項;並對中輟原因的因應策略進行相關之研究。研究的方法採用文獻探討及問卷調查。研究的範圍為100至102學年度間,曾就讀補校且仍未復學之中輟生,由新北市境內辦理國中補習教育的30所國中,擇17所國中補效實施問卷。將實際收集的有效資料與以分析,得到下列幾項重要的發現及結論; 一、影響國中補校學生中輟的原因多元且複雜,以工作、家庭、自我能力認同、生理、心理及學校等因素居多。 二、國中補校學生中輟最主要原因,乃是工作及家庭因素。 三、學校因素在國中補校學生中輟原因中,在各因素之後。 四、不同個人背景變項之國中補校中輟生,其中輟原因與性別、年齡、婚姻及居住地區有關。 五、因應國中補校學生中輟生的策略,改善教師教學應被視為最重要且須立即進行之因應策略,並輔以加強學生輔導,改善環境與設備,調整課程與內容等策略。 六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected: 1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others. 2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family. 3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout. 4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas. 5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc. 6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES.

繪本與成人華語教學之教學研究:以中級程度免費班為例 / An Exploratory Study on Picture Books and Adult CSL Teaching: A Case Study on an Intermediate-level Free Course

林昕儀, Lin, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將繪本運用於成人華語的非正式課程(課外免費教學),旨在透過成人華語學習者對於繪本運用於成人華語文教學的看法及其學習成效,了解成人華語繪本教學的可行性。為達研究目的,本研究採用探索性的研究,以需求分析、課堂觀察記錄與焦點團體訪談為研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析及討論問題的依據。本研究先針對臺灣北部某國立大學之華語文教學中心中級以上之外籍成人學習者發放需求調查問卷,之後以中級程度為限,於該華語中心開設「繪本學華語」免費課,並對修課之學習者進行焦點團體訪談,探討其對成人華語繪本教學的想法與意見。 經過研究實施與資料分析,歸結研究結果如下:(一)有趣又有助於學習者語言能力的繪本教學活動亦適用於成人華語學習者,可見繪本教學不只是兒童的專利;(二)繪本教學能為學習者帶來語言認知、情意上的助益,並彌補正規課程的不足;(三)繪本運用於成人華語教學時,繪本適合與否主要取決於「語言程度」、「繪本題材」與「圖片色彩與畫風」,其中又以「語言程度」最為重要,優先於另外兩者;而就主題而言,與「生活」及「文化」有關的內容最吸引學習者;(四)受限於免費課課程課時短少、分散,且對學習者缺乏約束力與強制力的特性,繪本教學在語言新知與技能提升方面的成效並不明顯,但可作為正規課的複習與輔助教材;(五)繪本運用於中級成人華語免費班教學所遭遇的主要困難為:難以找到與學習者語言程度相符的繪本、過於分散的課型易打斷繪本情節的連續性、免費班學習者語言程度不一。 最後根據調查結果提出華語文教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語文教學者在成人華語繪本教學方面的參考。 / This study applied picture books to an adult CSL free course, aiming to investigate adult CSL (Chinese as a second language) learners’ perspectives toward using picture books in adult CSL teaching, and the learning efficiency through picture book instruction. The research methods adopted in the study include needs analysis, classroom observations, and focus group interview. The participants of the study are intermediate-level students from a Chinese language center of a university in Northern Taiwan. The results of this study are (1) picture book instruction with interesting and language skill enhancing teaching activities suits adult CSL learners; (2) picture book instruction can benefit adult CSL learners both cognitively and affectively; (3) When using picture books to teach adult CSL learners, the main concerns are language difficulty, topic choice, and the style of pictures; (4) as the instruction time for the adult CSL free course is short and scattered, and it lacks the mandatory and binding force, such picture book instruction does not improve learners’ vocabulary and grammars significantly; however, it may serve as a good supplementary or review course; (5) the three major challenges for picture book adult free CSL course instruction are choices of picture book to suit learners’ needs, short and scattered instruction time, and learners’ various proficiency levels. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included in the end of the thesis

華語學習者對聲旁表音一致性的認知處理: 漢字聽讀的眼動研究 / Cognitive processing of phonetic consistency by second language learners of Chinese: an eye-tracking study of listening and reading Chinese character

黃懷萱, Huang, Huai Shiuan Unknown Date (has links)
漢字對於拼音語言背景的華語學習者而言,一直是較難掌握的內容,他們在初學華語的階段,很快就需要記認與書寫與母語文字系統差異極大的漢字,所以經常遇到困難。正由於缺乏相關背景知識,華語學習者的漢字識別和心理認知歷程必然與母語者有所差異。然而語言離不開書寫與閱讀,若要增進中文能力,就必須提升本身的字彙量。漢字總數以形聲字數量最多,形聲字主要可以拆解為聲旁及義旁兩個部分,功能上多以表音及表義區分。關於母語學童的識字研究,常以「聲旁一致性」作為討論主題,透過唸名作業探討學童的識字過程,學者發現這種中文的形音對應關係是隨著學習歷程發展出來的,年級越高的學童,越能看到顯著效果,與識字量和閱讀能力的關聯密不可分。至於成人華語學習者,是否也能在學習經驗中累積出這種形音一致性的對應概念,是以往較少細究的內容。本論文關注此一議題,進行記錄眼動的心理學實驗,探討形音一致性高低對不同程度華語學習者在辨識單字的處理效率和其背後的認知意義。   論文實驗採用漢字聽讀整合的作業形式,請受試者聽取經由耳機播放的語音訊息,在電腦螢幕上點選對應的字形,藉由眼動儀器的記錄,分析眼睛對於目標字和無關字的凝視比例變化。實驗操弄目標字的聲旁一致性,並依照中文能力將受試者分成高、低程度二組,高程度組12人,低程度組10人。除了聽讀作業以外,另外採用語言水平問卷、漢字學習策略問卷、中文年級認字量表以及短文閱讀的眼動實驗做為額外的評量工具,以量測受試者主觀和客觀判斷的中文程度,提供後文討論對外漢字教學的實際建議。   實驗結果顯示中文能力高低與聲旁一致性高低對凝視比例具有影響。高程度組呈現預期的聲旁一致性效果,於目標字語音播放後的300至500毫秒之間呈現顯著差異,高一致目標字的凝視比例顯著高於低一致目標字。這個結果表示隨著學習經驗的積累,即使是拼音文字背景的學習者,也會因為識字量增加而逐漸具備形聲字聲旁一致性的認知能力。低程度組雖然未獲得如預期的一致性效果,但卻發現聲旁結合度效果,受試者對於同一聲旁越多的字,其凝視比率高於同一聲旁較少的字,足見低程度組雖然字彙量遠不如高程度組,但已經掌握部分漢字結構表徵,只是更加仰賴字形訊息,所以聲旁結合度影響較大。本文結果顯示,對拼音語言的華語學習者而言,形聲字的辨認也並非絕對的一字一音,而是受到語音成分介入。本文最後提出如何利用此研究結果於對外漢字教學及教材編製上,以供後續教學研究參考。 / Learning to read and write Chinese characters is hard for CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) students, especially for those whose native languages are alphabetic languages, would face to a totally different writing system-“Hanzi” at the beginning stage of learning; therefore, it would be a real challenge because of the complexity. Due to lack of background knowledge, CFL students may have a different cognitive process from Chinese native speakers. Nevertheless, to improve language skills and abilities, it is necessary to raise the amount of their Chinese lexicon. Phonetic compounds comprise most of the Chinese characters and can be divided into two parts-a phonetic radical and a semantic radical, which denote the character’s possible pronunciation and meaning. Researchers have found that “phonetic consistency” affects the latency of naming from Chinese native speakers. For elementary school children, the higher grade they are in, the consistency effect is more significant, which related to their learning process of word-recognition. As for CFL learners, we know few from them. The present study focuses on the topic of phonetic consistency, manipulating the eye-tracking methods to investigate the processing efficiency and cognitive meanings from CFL learners of two different levels. The study utilized visual world paradigm of eye tracking methods through a reading and listening task. Subjects would hear a sentence and would be asked to choose the target character from the four on the screen. Fixation proportions of target and unrelated characters were counted in each time bin. The experiment manipulated phonetic consistency value and two groups of subjects participated in this research: the high level group (12 people) and the low level group (10 people), whose native languages were all alphabetic languages. Except for the listening and reading task, we used questionnaires, character recognition test and reading comprehension test to judge subjects’ Chinese reading ability. Results showed that Chinese ability and phonetic consistency affected fixation proportions. For the high level group, the proportion of target was higher in high consistency condition than the low consistency condition after the target onset. Significant consistency effect was found between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds as expectation. For the low level group, there were opposite results compared with high level group and tended to show “phonetic combinability effect” between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds. Subjects had more fixations on those characters with the amount of the same phonetic radicals. It seemed that the visual information attracted more than sound information. These results implicated that CFL students with alphabetic language background have accumulated the phonetic consistency concepts of Chinese phonograms after years of learning; in other words, the phonetic information of Chinese characters also involved in the word-recognition processing for CFL students. At the end, we provided some advices for teaching Chinese as a foreign language based on the present findings.

探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質: 兩位英語教學所碩士生的個案研究 / Focusing on the dynamic nature of learner belief: a case study on two TESOL MA students

洪郁閔, Hung, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討學習者的語言學習信念之動態本質。研究對象為兩位北部英語教學所的碩士生,研究方法主要包含半結構式訪談和研究對象自己寫的英語學習歷程,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各個階段的語言學習信念。資料分析方式採用「整體—內容」的分析法。研究結果顯示研究對象的學習信念會依他們和其所在情境的互動關係而改變,而這樣的改變彰顯了學習信念並非固定不變。而是動態的。此外,研究結果發現學習信念和情境、自我、以及身分相關。值得點出的是,雖然學習信念會依情境而改變,但是重點並非情境本身,而是學習者如何看待和解讀情境。除了情境因素,本研究亦探討不同自我(理想自我和應該自我)與身份(核心身份和情境身份)如何影響學習者的語言信念。在所有階段,兩位研究對象都表示努力是語言學習的關鍵,而學習者和所學語言之間的關係會決定學習者願意投入多少心力在語言學習上。最後於文末提出教學和研究上的建議。 / The study aims to explore the dynamic nature of learner belief through investigating two Taiwanese MA-TESOL students' beliefs at different stages of their lives. The participants are two TESOL MA students in a graduate school in northern Taiwan. Data collection methods mainly include written narratives and semi-structured interviews. The data collected are further analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The results of the study show that the participants' beliefs shift in interaction with the context and thus reveal that the nature of learner belief is dynamic. Moreover, the study indicates that learner belief is connected with context, self, and identity. It is noted that what really matters is not the context itself but how learners perceive and interpret the context. Then, the conceptions of ideal self vs. ought-to self and core identity vs. situated identity are introduced to shed light on their relationship with learner belief. Across all stages, while both participants claimed that effort is critical to language learning, it is how they relate themselves to the target language that determine how much effort that they are willing to make into language learning. Finally, it is expected that the study can help educators as well as researchers better understand the dynamic nature of learner belief. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.

以學習者為中心與合作學習法運用電子白板:國中英語教學之個案研究 / Using the Interactive Whiteboard for Learner-centered and Cooperative Language Learning: A Case Study on English Instruction in Junior High School

周瑄妍, Chou, Hsuan Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在觀察了解利用電子白板融入英文教學,輔以學習者為中心的教學理念讓國中九年級的學生利用合作學習的機會來完成演示任務的過程。本研究方法採質性研究,採用兩班共選四組十六名九年級學生做為觀察對象,利用課堂觀察,訪談,及教師反思日誌,著重在觀察老師、學生與電子白板三者之間的互動過程,學生學習態度以及老師對於自己教學方式的省思。 經由本研究發現學生能接受新的電子白板教學方式,電子白板的多媒體教材能吸引較低成就學生的學習興趣,進而增加其跟電子白板互動的意願。學生剛開始不能適應學習者為中心的教學法,在團隊合作方面通常都以組長為中心擔負過多工作,有責任分配不均的問題。部分學生只被動地接受組長分派工作,甚至有學生完全沒有參與。進一步分析後發現學生因缺乏相關合作經驗、指導與長期競爭的升學壓力下,在過程中對於此計畫有諸多抱怨,認為本計畫壓縮他們學習時間進而影響之後的升學考試;但是在經過幾次成功完成演示任務後,學生開始產生信心而改變對此教學法的態度。因此雖然電子白板有其缺點,但學生仍對於電子白板融入教學活動保持正面態度。 以研究者同時為教學者的角度而言,有了電子白板教師能方便提供貼近生活的補充教材,設計文法互動遊戲,刺激學生學習意願。然而電子白板也有其缺點,包括尺寸限制、反光、燈光昏暗導致學生上課精神不佳等問題。更重要的是,實施學習者為中心的電子白板教學為身為教師的一大挑戰,教師要轉換身分為學生學習的輔助者、適應並開發電子白板的教學軟體、承受學生們質疑此項計畫的聲音並且在不拖累教學進度下實行本研究,這些在在都成為教師的壓力來源。然而在看到學生的進步及態度的轉變,再加上觀察者的鼓勵及其對於電子白板的教學也產生興趣後,教師也發現電子白板所帶來的改變及其效益而有所改觀。透過本研究同時也發現教師需要更多的資源與協助來完成電子白板的教學。最後,研究者提出相關的建議以作為未來電子白板教學研究的參考。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the process of utilizing the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) and the learner-centered instruction and having four groups of sixteen 9th graders, who belonged to two classes, cooperated to accomplish presentation tasks. Grounded in qualitative inquiry, the study used classroom observation, group interviews, and the teacher’s log as the data for analysis. Focusing on the process of interaction between the students and the IWB, the students’ attitudes, and the teachers’ own reflections after implementing the IWB plan. It was found that the students accepted the new IWB instructional plan because of its multimedia teaching material, which facilitated some low achievers’ interests making them willing to interact with the IWB. As for the students’ performances, the researcher found that the students were not used to the learner-centered instruction. The group leaders were usually responsible for the majority of works and caused an unfair share of works among group members. Some students stayed passive and only received the work from their group leaders, and some did not involve in the group activities and presentations at all. After further investigation, it was found that the students were lack of experience and teacher’s guidance. Furthermore, they were long under the competitive educational culture. They thought that doing such cooperative tasks would take up their study time and further affect the effort they make for the high school entrance examination, so they had a lot of complaints during the plan. However, after several times of accomplishing the presentation tasks together, the students started to gain confidence and change their attitudes. Although there were some drawbacks, the students eventually held positive attitudes toward the IWB instructional plan. From the teacher/researcher’s point of view, with the IWB, the teacher could also provide the students with some authentic materials and design some grammar games for the students to learn. However, there were still some disadvantages of the tool, including size limitation, sun reflection, and the dark light which made the students feel sleepy. Most importantly, it was a great challenge for the teacher/researcher to implement the plan. The teacher had to first change her role from a dominator to a facilitator, adjust the program and develop some games from the IWB, implement the plan under the pressure of the students’ complaints while following the school-required teaching schedule in the meantime. Seeing the progress of the students’ performances and their change of attitudes, together with the encouragement of two observers and the other English teachers’ interests in the plan, the teacher/researcher changed her attitudes toward the plan as well. The results of the study suggest that more resources and supports are needed for teachers to achieve the IWB plan. Finally, other suggestions for the IWB instructional plan are provided for further studies.


吳松溪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校學生的學習滿意度,作為教育行政機關與學校因應成人學習者終身學習的參考。本研究以台北縣的公立高中職為範圍,包括樹林、清水、三民、海山、永平、秀峰、錦和、安康、三重以及鶯歌高職等十所縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校作為研究對象。各縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校的學生,共計1429人,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立高中職附設進修學校學生學習滿意度調查問卷」,內容包括教師教學、課程內容、學習環境、行政服務等四構面。問卷回收情形,共計收回1220 份,有效回收率為85%。本研究所使用 的統計方法,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與Scheffe 事後多重比較檢定等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、高中職附設進修學校學生對於在校學習滿意度,整體而言尚屬滿意。 二、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最高的層面為教師教學:於「教師的口 語清楚,教學重點掌握」、「師生互動模式」滿意度較高;「教師使用 視聽媒體能力」滿意度較低。 三、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最低的層面為課程內容:只有「課程有 助於促進自我學習」一項滿意度較高;而「課程安排與個人需求相符 合」及「課程內容幫助社區發展與進步」屬於滿意程度較低者。 四、學習環境層面有待改善:「班上同學相互關懷情形」及「班上同學相處 融洽情形」滿意度較高;「班級桌椅的安排適當」及「廁所使用方便與 清潔」等項滿意度較低。 五、行政服務層面仍有改善空間:「註冊手續的方便性」及「提供停車服 務」滿意度較高;而「提供課外學習活動諮詢」及「圖書館開放的時 間」的服務滿意度較低。 六、性別、家庭總收入、上學交通時間及學校歷史等4個背景變項中均未達 顯著差異。 七、年齡、年級、職業、婚姻狀況、教育程度、工作年資及學校性質等7個 背景變項的部分層面中達顯著差異 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對政府、高中職附設進修學校、教師及後續研究提出數點建議。 / The study attempts to understand the degree of learning satisfaction among affiliated adult schools in Taipei county high schools and vocational high schools so as to provide references about lifelong learning of adults for the educational authorities concerned. The subjects of the study include 1429 adult students in nine different county high schools and one vocational high school.There were 1220 valid questionnaires were compiled and the valid percentage was 85%.The contents of the questionnaires include the following four aspects:teaching ,curriculum,learning environment,and administrative service.The tools used in the study include descriptive statistics,t-test,one way ANOVA and scheffe’s posterior comparisons. The results of the study are presented as the following: 1.The general degree of learning satisfaction among the adult students in the affiliated high schools is above average. 2.The aspect of teachers’teaching is the most satisfactory part, with the items of “clear and organized teaching, harmonious interaction more satisfactory” than the item of “teachers’abilities of using audio-visual teaching aids .” 3.The aspect of curriculum is the least satisfactory part, with the item of “courses provided are beneficial to future self-learning” more satisfactory than the items of “the arrangement of course meet individual needs”and “the contents of the courses benefit the development and improvement of the community.” 4.The aspect of learning environment desires to be improved, with the items of “concerning classmates” and “getting along well with classmates” more satisfactory than the items of “the appropriate arrangement of desks and chairs” and “the availability and hygiene of the toilets.” 5.The aspect of administrative service also desires to be improved, with the items of “the convenience of enrollment” and “the availability of parking space” more satisfactory than the items of “the availability of consulting extracurricular activities” and “the availability of library service.” 6.Four background variables, including gender, total family income, commuting time, and school history, are not significantly different in the study. 7.Seven background variables, including age, grade, career, marital status, background of education,work seniority, and school quality, are significantly different in the study. Finally, based on the above results, the study has presented some suggestions to the government, the affiliated adult high schools and vocational high schools, teachers and future researchers.


蘇榮章, Su,Rong-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
基於遠距教學的推行已成為世界各國人們邁向終身學習的重要途徑,而遠距教學所呈現出之多元化學習模式,賦予學生擁有較以往更多的自主性與主控權,因而,激發學生主動學習的態度,對學生在遠距教學中之學習成效,實有莫大影響。目前,有越來越多的聲浪建議將數位式學習遊戲納入遠距教學的應用當中,旨在促進學習者之學習動機,以期能夠激發學習者更主動地學習。根據過往的研究文獻指出,決定遊戲是否能夠使學生提高學習動機的一個很重要關鍵在於,學生是否能在遊戲過程中感到愉悅。 因此,本研究之目的在於發展並測試一套以測量「數位學習遊戲帶給學習者的愉悅程度」為基礎的評估工具,本研究稱之為「數位學習遊戲中學習者愉悅程度量表」,研究分兩階段進行,第一階段是建構量表內容,第二階段是測試量表的信效度。 在第一階段中,研究者收集以往國內外有關「數位教育遊戲設計與應用」、「數位教育遊戲評估」、「遊戲中玩家愉悅」等主題之相關文獻並彙整分析,且透過與指導教授的討論並由指導教授擔任內容效度的審查人員,進行量表內容的評估以確立量表的內容效度,初步建立之量表涵蓋八個構面:專注力(8題)、明確的目標(5題)、適時的回饋(6題)、符合學習者技術等級的挑戰(10題)、學習者對遊戲的控制感(9題)、沈浸於遊戲當中(7題)、社交上的互動(6題)、學習成果與獲得知識層級(5題),全量表共56題。 至於第二階段;本研究在信度方面以內在一致性信度及前測階段之隔週再測信度來檢定,效度方面則以建構效度、效標關聯效度、聚斂與分歧效度以及區辨效度來檢定。以立意取樣方式,並配合使用網路發放問卷的線上填答模式進行資料收集,最後共得166份有效樣本資料做為量表檢測的數據來源。研究結果顯示;在信度方面,全量表的Cronbach’s α係數為0.94,前測階段之隔週再測的類組內相關係數為0.636。在建構效度方面,經因素分析萃取出九個因素共計四十八題,其中經考量而將因素八與因素九合併為同一構面,在量表之所有題項歸類重組後,分別命名為:專注力(六題)、明確目標(四題)、適時回饋(五題)、挑戰性(六題)、控制感(七題)、沈浸(七題)、社交互動(六題)及學習成效(七題),此八個構面可解釋的變異量為70.863%。另外,以整體愉悅感受測試效標效度,顯示有顯著相關(r = 0.548 ; p < 0.01),量表之聚斂效度係數介於 0.446 至 0.812 ,達顯著相關( p < 0.01),且分殊效度不錯。在區辨效度方面,由於不同種類之樣本(不同遊戲之受測者)彼此數目差異太大,因而,不同受測遊戲之受測者的愉悅程度,經分析結果顯示並無顯著差異(F(3, 162 ) = 0.818 ; p < 0.01)。 本研究發展之「數位學習遊戲中學習者愉悅程度量表」,可做為「遊戲設計」、「教學應用」與「使用者學習」此三階段中預測與衡量「遊戲帶給使用者愉悅程度」的評估工具。此外,研究結果也可做為介入性措施研究時介入方案設計之參考依據。

以台灣學習者需求分析為根基之教材分析研究 -以韓文系會話教材為中心 / A study on textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis-focusing on Korean conversation textbooks for Korean language department

李榮敬, Lee, Yeong Kyung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在於提出以臺灣學習者的需求分析為根基之韓語會話教材分析之方法論,進而提出為了開發臺灣韓語系學生專用會話教材而需要之基礎資料。本論文的章節構造如下: 第一章提出本研究之必要性與目的,再來探討與本研究有關之先行研究。本論文把有關先行研究分為‘韓語教材分析基準有關研究’、‘韓語學習者需求分析有關研究’、‘同時牽涉到教材分析與學習者需求分析之研究’,進而探討各研究之有意之處以及有限之處。接著提出研究對象及研究方法。 在第二章,首先提出本論文所設定的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。 本論文以分析出‘教材的各部分多麼符合學習者的需求’為重點來設定了‘韓語會話教材分析標準’。此點為本論文所提出之‘韓語會話教材分析標準’與先行研究所提出之教材分析標準不同之處。而本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’略分為‘外在構成分析標準’及‘內在構成分析標準’,而內在構成分析是由‘學習目標與構成分析’、‘學習資料分析’、‘學習內容分析’以及‘學習活動分析’來構成的。接著提出本研究所使用的‘學習者需求分析問卷’之問題組成。‘學習者需求分析問卷’是由本研究的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’當中需要查出學習者需求之項目為中心來構成的。 在第三章,先分析出使用‘學習者需求分析問卷’來進行的問卷調查結果,進而以此分析結果及在第二章所提出的‘韓語會話教材分析標準’為主要根基來進行‘學習者別教材分析’。藉此得知本研究的問卷對象,也就是國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生針對現用的會話教材具有什麼樣的想法並且想要什麼樣的會話教材。加上,也可得知國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立韓語補習班學生共同在使用的『재미있는 한국어』1~6冊多麼符合兩個具有不同特性的學習者集團之需求。 透過教材分析結果而得知外在構成上的‘學習情境’及‘原文翻譯’方面都符合兩個學習者集團的需求,但是‘文法索引’方面皆不符合兩個學習者集團的需求。還有‘說明語言’及‘教材相關附屬物’方面大致上比較符合補習班學生的需求。而藉內在構成分析而得知 ‘會話功能’方面皆符合兩個學習集團的需求。還有‘主題’、‘學習活動方式’以及‘練習題類型’方面相對傾向於符合韓語系學生集團的需求。而‘發音’、‘文法’、‘詞彙’及‘文化’方面比較傾向於符合補習班學生集團之需求。 在第四章,為開發符合臺灣韓語系學生的需求之臺灣韓語系學生專用會話教材,以第三章的分析結果為根據而提出建議。建議略分為‘提升外在構成之建議’及‘提升內在構成之建議’其中‘提升外在構成之建議’包含‘說明語言方面、索引方面、教材相關附屬物方面、教材的學習狀況前提方面以及翻譯文方面’之建議。而‘提升內在構成之建議’涵蓋‘主題方面、會話功能方面、發音方面、文法方面、詞彙方面、文化方面以及學習活動方面’之建議。 第五章整理研究內容,進而提出本研究之意義和限制。本研究提出了以學習者需求分析為根基的韓語會話教材分析之方法論,這是與以往個別進行學習者需求分析及教材分析之既有研究不同之處,也就是本研究之意義所在。加上本論文是第一篇分析出針對韓語會話教材的臺灣學習者之需求,以此為根基來進行教材分析,而提出了為開發臺灣韓語學習者專用教材所需要之基礎資料。而到目前為止幾乎尚未有臺灣韓語學習者需求分析研究或周密分析臺灣韓語教材之研究,在此情況下本研究更具有意義。 不過本研究之有限之處在於問卷對象被侷限於國立政治大學韓國語文學系學生以及某一私立補習班學生。還有本論文以所分析的教材為基準,僅提出韓語系學生專用會話教材之開發方向,具體的開發方案或單元構成模型,有待後續研究。 / The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for textbook analysis based on Taiwanese learners’ needs analysis and to present the basic data for developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. The structure of this paper is as follows: Chapter 1 states the need and purpose of this study and provides a review of related literature. Existing literature can be classified into 3 topics: ‘the standards for Korean textbooks analysis related studies’, ‘Korean learners’ needs analysis related studies’ and ‘studies that covers both Korean textbooks analysis and Korean learners’ needs analysis’. In addition, subjects and methodology of this study are also presented in chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ and the construction of the questionnaire applied in this study. This study has set the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis focusing on analyzing to what extent a textbook meets the needs of the learners. This is what distinguishes ‘the standards for analyzing Korean conversation textbook’ set by this study from the other standards for Korean textbook analysis presented by existing studies. We classify ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ into ‘the standards for the analysis of external structures’ and ‘the standards for the analysis of internal structures’. Internal structures analysis consists of ‘lesson goals and unit structure analysis’, ‘learning materials analysis’, ‘learning contents analysis’ and ‘learning activities analysis’. ‘The questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ applied in this study is mainly composed of chosen questions among ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ that needs to acquire learners’ needs for analyzing. Chapter 3 analyzes the result of ‘the questionnaire for learners’ needs analysis’ and conducts ‘textbook analysis by different learners’ based on both ‘the standards for Korean conversation textbook analysis’ mentioned in chapter 2 and the result of the questionnaire. Through this analysis, we show the general opinions of the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. We document their opinions on the current conversation textbooks as well as the desired features of conversation textbooks from their perspective. Furthermore, we demonstrate how『재미있는 한국어』volume 1~6, which are used by both the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of the anonymous private institute, meet the needs of these two groups of learners with different characteristics. Our result shows that in the external structures, needs in both ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects are met in both groups. Needs in the ‘grammar index’ aspect, on the other hand, are not met in either group. In the ‘explanation language’ and ‘textbook appurtenances’ aspects, the textbooks coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute in general. Looking at the internal structures, ‘communicative functions’ presented in the textbooks tends to meet the needs of both groups. Besides, ‘themes’, ‘way of activities’ and ‘type of activities’ presented in the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of Korean language majors in general, while in ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’ and ‘culture’ aspects, the textbooks tend to coincide more with the needs of learners from the private institute on the whole. Chapter 4 offers suggestions on developing conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan based on the analyses of chapter 3. The suggestions are divided into two parts. First, ‘suggestions for the external structures’ improvement’ consist of ‘explanation language’, ‘index’, ‘textbook appurtenances’, ‘learning situation premise’ and ‘translation’ aspects. The composition of ‘suggestions for the internal structures’ improvement’, on the other hand, is ‘theme’, ‘communicative function’, ‘pronunciation’, ‘grammar’, ‘vocabulary’, ‘culture’ and ‘activity’ aspects. Chapter 5 summarizes the content of this study and states the significance and the limitation of this study. The significance of this study is that it has proposed the methodology of Korean conversation textbook analysis based on learners’ needs analysis, which is different from existing studies that have conducted learners’ needs analysis and textbook analysis separately. Furthermore, this is the first study that has not only analyzed Taiwanese learners’ needs about Korean conversation textbook but also analyzed textbooks based on those needs analysis, which provides basic data for developing textbooks for Taiwanese learners. Moreover, no study to our knowledge investigates Taiwanese learners’ needs or thoroughly analyzes Korean textbooks used in Taiwan, which is why this study bears big significance. The limitation of this study, on the other hand, is that the target of the questionnaire has been limited to the students in Korean language and culture department at National Cheng-Chi University and the students of one anonymous private institute. Another limitation of this study is that it has only suggested certain directions on the development of conversation textbooks for Korean language major students in Taiwan. Detailed development plan or specific models of unit structure rely on future research.


黃貴祥, HUANG, GUI-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的為探討有關「學習者」本身之相關變項(學生的心理特質-自我概念、 學習目標,學習過程-學習技巧)與其學業成就之關係。並且經由對其間關係之探討 ,可以提供給心理與教育學家一些有關的資料,協助他們發展出一個可以指導學生學 習技巧、學習策略,並且兼顧學生自我概念發展的訓練課程,以增進學生學業成績之 進步。 本研究係以全省地區(包括台北市)的國民中學學生為研究對象,樣本的抽取乃分北 、中、南、東四區分別抽取,共計十八個學校1,800 學生。所用的研究工具計有「學 習目標量表」、「學習技巧量表」、「田納西自我概念量表」(心理自我之部分)等 三個量表。另外,以學生的智育成績為學業成就之代表。本研究所得資料之統計分析 方法是:(一)應用皮爾遜積差相關法,分析各研究變項彼此間之關係,(二)以變異數 分析探討各研究變項與學業成就之關係,(三)以多元逐步迴歸分析,找出可以聯合預 測個人學業成績最大部份的預測變項。 根據研究的結果,本研究的主要發現有: 一、學習技巧較佳的學生,其學業成就也較佳。 二、高學習導向的學生,其學業成就較低學習導向的學生為佳。 三、自我概念(心理自我)好的學生,其學業也就也較佳。 四、高學習導向的學生,其學習技巧也較佳。 五、自我概念(心理自我)、學習目標、學習技巧對學業成就有顯著的影響。 六、前段班的學生,其學習技巧優於後段班的學生。 基於以上的發現,本研究提出二項建議: 一、積極培養學生健全良好的自我概念。 二、設置學生技巧指導的課程,並且力強學生學習技巧及學習目標的輔導。

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