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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.


鍾杰男, Chung, Chieh-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
在遠距教育的研究中,學習成效的探討一直是相當重要的議題,然而過去的研究多僅評估不同傳播媒體的有效性或比較近、遠端學生學習成效的差異,缺乏對於學習成效之發生歷程的探討。本研究根據Moore(1993)所提出之互動性距離理論,探討在同步遠距教學環境下學習成效之發生歷程,研究目的如下:一、對話、結構是否能有效預測互動性距離;二、學習者自主性是否能調節互動性距離與學習成效之間的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,受試來自四所大學修習遠距課程的學生,有效樣本239人。研究結果顯示:一、對話與結構可以有效預測互動性距離;二、互動性距離越低,主、客觀學習成效指標表現越好;三、學習者自主性可以調節互動性距離與主觀學習成效指標之關係(當學習者自主性高時,越低的互動性距離可以預測越高的滿意度),然而,學習者自主性不能調節互動性距離與客觀學習成效指標之關係。 本文最後針對所有研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果提出可能的限制與未來研究方向的建議。 / The learning performance of distance education has been studied for a long period of time. Most of the past studies just simply compared the effectiveness of different media and teaching styles or the learning performances of students in local and remote site. However, little empirical studies had been found to see the process underlying learning performance. As mentioned above, a framework of the process underlying learning performance in synchronous videoconferencing learning environment based on the theory of transactional distance (More, 1993) was developed in this research.239 subjects from four different universities involved in the current study. The result showed that, first, dialogue and program structure could successfully predict the degree of transactional distance. Second, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the objective and subjective learning performance was. Third, learner autonomy could moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the subjective learning performance. When students’ learner autonomy were high, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the subjective performance was. However, learner autonomy couldn’t moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the objective learning performance.


劉淨云, Liu,Ching-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在於觀察對話者之間的熟悉度對於外語學習者的語言影響。溝通互動性質的作業能提供語言學習者機會來對話;然而,很少有學者研究對話者之間的社會層面對於溝通互動的影響。在此研究中,實驗對象是一群台灣的高一生,程度介於全民英檢初級和中級之間,他們依彼此間熟悉程度的調查而分成19個熟悉組和不熟悉組,並進行三種不同性質的溝通作業,再分別計算negotiation for meaning,language-related episodes,和recasts的使用次數。量化分析的結果顯示對話者之間的熟悉度並沒有造成以上三種溝通特性的顯著性差異,唯有在作業類型中有顯著性差異。但質性研究發現由於權力關係帶來的張力,對話者間的熟悉度會因著面子的考量而造成互動模式的些微差異,對於學習者的情意層面、投入程度和溝通策略的使用產生一定的影響。此結果將對於語言課室中配對練習有重要的教學啟示。 / The purpose of this paper is to observe how the interlocutors' familiarity influences the language produced by EFL (English as a foreign language) students. It is widely argued that communicative language tasks may provide learners with opportunities to manipulate and modify their language productions, which in turn helps learners develop their target language. However, few studies concern the social dimension of interlocutors in task-based interactions. In this study, some senior high school English learners in Taiwan were divided into 19 familiar and 19 unfamiliar pairs. Every dyad was engaged in the picture differences task, the describe-and-draw task, and the discussion task. Negotiation for meaning, language-related episodes, and recasts viewed as crucial to second language acquisition (SLA) were interactional features used for quantitative analysis. The results showed that interlocutor’s familiarity had no significant effect; only in task types did the researcher find discernable differences. Opposed to such negative results, the qualitative analyses showed a divergence of interactional patterns due to the face issue resulting from social dynamics. Learners’ interloctutors’ familiarity, which may impact learners’ affective domain and conversational strategy use, may bring some pedagogical implications for pair work in second language classroom teaching.

比較HAPPEN與其同義字: 以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎的非賓格存現動詞之研究 / Comparing unaccusative HAPPEN and its synonyms: a study of existence/appearance verbs based on native speaker and learner corpora

王亮鈞, Wang, Liang Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究,基於分辨非賓存現動詞及瞭解二語學習者如何讓習得此類動詞之需求,旨在分析一個高頻率之非賓格存現動詞 HAPPEN與其三個同義字(OCCUR,APPEAR,與EXIST)和中文同義字「發生」從語言使用者角度作比較。採用了母語語料庫 (英文採用英國國家語料庫 BNC;中文採用十億詞語料庫 GW 2.0)及學習者語料庫(含語言訓練與測驗中心學習者語料庫the LTTC,國際英語學習者語料庫the ICLE,及政治大學外語學習者語料庫the NCCU)作為第一部分的語料庫分析。此外,為了探索二語英文錯誤及母語中文遷移的關係,我們也進行了以語料庫為基礎的心理語言學實驗(兩個關於中英文HAPPEN句子結構的接受度判斷測驗)。 本研究結果發現,其一,就語料庫中的文法形式(Grammatical form)來分析HAPPEN、OCCUR、APPEAR與EXIST,英文母語語料庫中的高頻文法形式(例如:happened或happen)與學習者語料庫中有相同的現象。然而大部份的高頻文法形式都是二語學習者經常誤用之處,且容易與兩個常見非賓動詞錯誤—過度被動化錯誤(Overpassivization)和及物化錯誤(Transitivization)—共現(Collocated)。其二,從語料庫錯誤分析各種錯誤類型得知, HAPPEN與OCCUR較常出現過度被動化錯誤;APPEAR與 EXIST較常有及物化錯誤。此結果顯示每個非賓存現動詞可能會犯不同錯誤,也因此造成其錯誤的原因有所不同。其三,從分析心理語言實驗結果得知,我們發現母語中文文法句型(L1 Chinese grammatical patterns),例如:「V-了」-「出現了」;抑或是「V+N」-「發生車禍」、「發生戰爭」、「存在缺失」,都影響了二語學習者對英文非賓動詞之文法形式的正確判定。由此揭示了母語中文大多都對二語英文非賓動詞習得有所干擾。 基於所得結果,我們提出「完成體」(Perfectivity)及「及物性」(Transitivity)之不同來探討中英文間存現動詞用法之異同,並試著解釋造成二語非賓動詞學習複雜化的原因。 此研究克服了過去文獻中比較非賓存現動詞之困難也透過語料庫結合心理實驗研究法提供對非賓動詞習得之解釋方法。這些發現可進一步作為詮釋非賓動詞的假說,並將其應用於語言教材設計或被視為未來跨語言分析研究之基石。 / Owing to the necessity to identify unaccusative existence/appearance verbs and realize how they are acquired by L2 learners, this present thesis aims to analyze a highly frequent English unaccusative verb HAPPEN and compare it with its three other synonyms (OCCUR, APPEAR, and EXIST), as well as its Chinese counterpart發生 fāshēn ‘happen.’ Native speaker corpora (the British National Corpus (BNC) for English and Chinese Gigaword 2 Corpus (GW 2.0) for the Chinese), and L2 learner corpora (the Language Training and Testing Learner Corpus (the LTTC), International Corpus of Learner English 2.0 (the ICLE), and the National Chengchi University Foreign Language Learner Corpus (the NCCU)) are utilized to analyze the unaccusative verbs in the first main section. In addition, in order to discover the relationship between L2 English errors and L1 Chinese transfer, psycholinguistic experiments (two acceptability judgments tasks with comparable Chinese and English HAPPEN sentence constructions) based on the corpora data were conducted in this thesis. The results in this thesis showed that, first, the highly frequent grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs (e.g., happened or happen) in the English native speaker corpus share some similarities with those of L2 learner corpora. However, these grammatical forms were usually misused by L2 learners and were frequently collocated with the two common unaccusative errors (overpassivization, e.g., *What is happened? and trasitivization, e.g., *I happen a car accident.). Second, as for the distributions of unaccusative error types, HAPPEN and OCCUR were found to mainly co-occur with overpassivization errors, whereas APPEAR and EXIST were found to mainly co-occur with transitivization errors. This indicates that each unaccusative verb may have different potential for L2 unaccusative errors, and therefore the causes of these errors with different verbs may vary. Third, from the analysis of psycholinguistic experiments, we discover that the L1 Chinese grammatical patterns, such as the V-le grammatical pattern (e.g., 出現了chūxiànle ‘appear-le’) and the V+N grammatical pattern (e.g., 發生車禍fāshēngchēhuò ‘The car accident happened’, 發生戰爭 fāshēngzhànzhēng ‘The war occurred’, and存在缺失 cúnzàiquēshī ‘The pitfalls existed’) may influence L2 learners’ correct judgment as to the grammatical forms of unaccusative verbs. This reveals that generally L1 Chinese might have some interference with L2 unaccusative acquisition. Based on the results, we proposed that the perfectivity and transitivity differences between English and Chinese unaccusative existence/appearance verbs could distinguish the uses among the English HAPPEN and the Chinese發生 fāshēn ‘happen’ with their synonyms. These differences could also provide a possible reason for the cause of the problematic L2 unaccusative acquisition. This thesis overcomes the difficulties of comparing unaccusative existence/appearance verbs in the previous studies and attempts to unravel the enigma of acquiring this verb type from the integrated corpus-based and empirical findings. These findings in turn serve as the suggested assumptions to interpret unaccusative verbs, which can be applied to the design of language teaching materials or can be viewed as the basis of cross-language analysis in the future studies.

從學生和老師的角度來探討台灣國中英語課室教學中動機策略的應用 / The use of motivational strategies in the secondary EFL setting in Taiwan: teacher and student perspectives

陳純鈴, Chen, Chun Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台灣國中課室中英語教師動機策略應用的情形,此研究調查學生和老師雙方面對於在課堂中動機策略使用頻率的感知,比較其中差異。很少研究同時參考雙方面的意見,本研究透過問卷的方式詢問老師使用動機策略的頻率,也詢問學生對於相同教師策略使用頻率的感受,目的在找出何種動機策略最常被使用,也最常被學生體驗到。另一個目的是要收集學生對於課室內動機策略的觀點,以瞭解在學生的觀點中,哪些策略可以有效提升他們學習興趣。問卷收集樣本共有老師135人,學生216人。另外,研究者還進行了10堂課的課室觀察,期以觀察所得的資料與師生填寫的問卷資料做對照。 研究結果顯示,學生和老師大致上對使用頻率較高的策略有共識。在48個動機策略當中,老師和學生對各項的排序幾乎相同。前幾名分別是適當的教師行為、辨別出學生的努力、適當地呈現教學任務、提升學習者的自我信心、創造愉悅的教室氣氛等。但是程度上老師表示的和學生體認到的卻大不相同,以T檢定比較學生和教師問卷,發現大部分項目都達顯著性差異,教師表示使用的頻率高,但學生體驗到的頻率卻相對較低。在課室觀察的資料中,發現最常被觀察到教師使用的動機策略為:呈現教學工作、提供回饋、教師行為、提升學習者自主性,和提升與第二語言相關的價值,可能因為這些外顯行為的項目較其他容易被實際地觀察到。 此外,比較學生對不同策略重要性的看法問卷當中也指出,學生對於動機策略的想法的確和老師報導的使用頻率不相同。學生對重要性前幾項依序為:提升學習者的自主性、創造愉悅的教室氣氛、辨別學生的努力、適當的教師行為,和提升學習者的自信心。特別在提升學習者的自主性這個類別裡,老師和學生的看法就很不一樣。老師們最少使用這個類別的策略,但是學生卻認為這些是最有效於提升他們對學習語言動機的策略。 / The purpose of the present study is to find out the use of motivational strategies in secondary EFL settings in Taiwan. Questionnaires were sent to inquire teachers’ reported use and students’ perception of such use of motivational strategies. Few studies have included questionnaire results from both students and teachers. The present study elicited answers from both parties to find out which motivational strategies were frequently used by teachers and which were perceived by learners in the foreign language classroom. Another purpose is to collect data from students about their opinion on the importance of various motivational strategies used in the classroom. The number of teacher sample is 135, and the number of students is 216. Besides, ten classroom observations were conducted by the researcher in order to complement self-reported questionnaire data. The results of this study revealed that students and teachers generally agree on which motivational strategies were frequently used in class. The rank order of teachers and students were almost the same. The top ones, in the order of frequency, were proper teacher behavior, recognizing students’ effort, presenting tasks properly, promoting learners’ self-confidence, and creating a pleasant classroom climate. However, the frequency as reported by teachers and stated by students was very different. The data collected from teachers and students was examined by performing an independent sample t-test, and the result indicated that difference between them was statistically significant. Teachers reported that they frequently used the strategies, but students didn’t experience those strategies as frequently as teachers reported using. In the data collected from classroom observation, the most observable and frequently used strategies were: presenting tasks properly, providing feedback, teacher behavior, promoting learner autonomy, and promoting L2-related values. The fact that these domains appeared to be more prominent in the observation data may probably be associated with the nature of their being more observable. In addition, the result from the student questionnaire asking about students’ expectation toward the motivational strategies also indicated that students’ perceived importance of them was different from teachers’ reported frequency of use. The rank-order of the ten clusters of students’ expectation were: promoting learner autonomy, creating a pleasant classroom climate, recognizing students’ effort, proper teacher behavior, and promoting learners’ self-confidence. As to the conceptual domain of “promoting learning autonomy”, it is viewed very differently by teachers and students. Teachers put this one on the last place, but students regarded this domain as the most effective strategy in promoting their motivation toward language learning.

介系詞In/On片語語意分析:以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎之研究 / Semantic analysis of in/on prepositional phrases: A study based on english native speaker corpus and learner corpus

曾郁雯, Tseng, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去多數英文介系詞語意之研究皆以介系詞為多義詞,並藉由語意網絡去分析其詞義(e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001),或透過意象圖式理論(image schema theory)來探究介系詞語意,依不同的前景名詞(figure)與背景名詞(ground)組成可產生不同的形貌結構,從而衍生出其特殊語意(e.g. Lakoff, 1987)。然而,有關介系詞片語中詞彙搭配詞組如何影響介系詞使用之研究則較不多見。故本論文著重在分析前景與背景名詞等搭配詞組之語意特徵,探究其對介系詞in和on語意及介系詞片語組成之影響。以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)和政治大學外語學習者語料庫(The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus)作分析,比較學習者與以英語為母語者使用in和on介系詞片語在語意上的差異。 本研究共分三部分。第一部分的詞義分析比較學習者與母語人士在使用in與on之詞義之異同,在介系詞in的部分,學習者與母語人士語料相較之下僅有細微的差異,多數語料皆為原型場景(proto-scene)之詞義的使用。介系詞on的詞義使用則稍有不同;學習者較傾向作具體位置的指涉,然母語者則較傾向呈現此介系詞的抽象意涵。第二部分的語意特徵分析則比較介系詞in和on在具體(literal)與抽象(metaphorical)片語組成上,前景與背景語意特徵之異同。研究結果顯示不同的介系詞片語會由特定類型的前景與背景名詞組成,故在組成不同語意之介系詞片語時,特定語意特徵出現的頻率會呈現顯著性地差異。第三部分為學習者語料的錯誤分析,探究學習者誤用in和on介系詞片語之情形。 綜合上述研究結果可得知,組成介系詞片語的名詞詞組會依上下文語意而產生不同之語意偏好(semantic preferences),介系詞的語意除了會受到後接名詞的影響,周圍名詞也可能造成語意上的差異。這些名詞可能會選擇特定的介系詞來使用,亦會影響介系詞在片語中之語意。 本論文深入地探討了介系詞片語詞組之組成,透過大量的語料分析,為英語介系詞複雜的語意層面提出了一個較系統化且完整之解釋,期能將研究發現應用於教材設計上,希望能在學習介系詞使用上有所幫助,也供未來介系詞相關研究作為參考。 / The meanings of English preposition have been explored greatly through vast directions of research. Most studies agree that preposition is a polysemous lexical item whose senses can be construed from the semantic network (e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001). Its senses has also been examined under the image-schema theory from the cognitive perspective (e.g. Lakoff, 1987), in which the figure (or trajector) and ground (or landmark) interact differently to form various configurations that contribute to sets of distinct senses. Though these studies attempt to provide a comprehensive network for the meanings of prepositions, how the semantic features of the figure and ground might influence the choice of a preposition and the construction of a prepositional phrase is hardly seen. The thesis adopted a native speaker corpus (British National Corpus, BNC) and a learner corpus (The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus, NCCU) to probe into how the semantic features of the figure and ground nouns can help explicate the semantic profiles of the preposition in and on, and to compare learners’ understanding of them with that of the native speakers’. Based on the corpora, the study is composed of three major analyses. The sense analysis compared the sense distributions of in and on, from which similarities and differences may be found between BNC and NCCU. The result of this analysis showed that in the sense categories of in, the distribution did not differ greatly since most of the data were categorized into the proto-scene sense in both BNC and NCCU, and only slight variations could be found in other categories. In the sense categories of on, in senses that refer to location, higher frequency could be found in NCCU, while more metaphorical constructions of on were identified in BNC. In the second analysis, the semantic feature analysis, the distribution of the semantic features are compared between literal and metaphorical constructions of in and on and between BNC and NCCU respectively. For the comparison of in and on, the statistical results showed that different types of nouns could be observed in the data of particular prepositions. Thus, for nouns in prepositions of different meanings, there may be significant differences in the semantic features identified in these nouns This result implied that the nouns surrounding a preposition might have some influences toward the meaning of this preposition. In the third analysis, the errors in the learner data were identified and examined. Based on the results, we proposed that in a prepositional phrase formed by a particular meaning of a preposition, there exist a range of semantic preferences shown in their co-text. The meanings of a preposition are influenced by the lexical words surrounding the preposition, rather than by the word that goes after the preposition (the ground). This thesis extends from the previous studies on the semantics of prepositions and includes the important linguistic elements in forming the prepositional phrases in the analysis. By incorporating a large amount of data, it also provides a systematic analysis and a more comprehensive explanation toward the complex semantics of English prepositions. The findings can be applied to the design of English teaching materials and techniques and may hopefully bring some insights to further preposition-related studies.

無聊真無趣嗎?:從成功與不成功國中英語學習者的角度探索社會建構主義下無聊情緒對第二語言學習的影響 / Is Boredom Boring?: Understanding Social Construction of Boredom and its influence on L2 Learning from the Perspectives of Successful and Unsuccessful Junior High School Students

陳鳳吟, Chen, Feng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
不同於其他情意因素的成熟發展(Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; Dörnyei, 1998; Gardner, 2001; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993),無聊此情意因素在語言學習的領域中一直以來皆為被忽略的對象。過去研究顯示,無聊已確實存在於課室情境中(Bown & White, 2010; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, & Hagg, 2006);其重要性也已開始漸漸受到重視(Dörnyei, 2001)。然而,針對無聊與語言學習作為研究對象的相關文獻卻依然十分匱乏。有鑑於此,本研究大膽地做了嘗試,採用社會建構主義為理論基礎,透過觀察一群國中英語學習者在課室內的學習經驗,試圖找出無聊在第二語言習得領域中的定義以及建構出課室無聊情緒的互動形式。採用質化個案研究為執行方法,此一研究一共邀請了四位國中生;包含兩位成功學習者及兩位不成功學習者,並透過訪談與課室觀察來收集資料,最後根據Glaser and Strauss (1967)的對比分析法彙整原始資料並得出研究結果。 關於第一個研究方向,結果顯示四位學生共同將第二語言習得之無聊情緒定義為一種「對於學習英文感到無意義的情緒」。另一方面,此兩種分類的學習者也各自給了無聊不同的定義;對於成功的學習者來說,無聊為「一種必須忍受以求獲得獎勵的情緒」,而不成功的學習者對無聊的定義則為「一種因為學習障礙而無法克服的情緒」。此外,針對第二個研究問題,此研究的結果顯示成功與不成功學習者所經歷的相似無聊情緒是受到課堂內互動交流以及教學方法對學生來說是否有意義所影響。另一方面,無聊的情形分別發生於成功與不成功學習者身上的影響因素則受到學生對於接收 訊息的困難度評價以及對自我英語程度的認知所影響。 為了幫助學生避免無聊所造成的學習不良,根據所得出的研究結果本研究提出了下列建議以供語言教學教師參考:1. 提高課程設計的多樣性;2. 運用生活化的教學方式;3. 促進正面的課堂互動;4. 注意活動困難度的設計;5. 幫助學生提高學習動機。 / Unlike other affective emotions which have been developed maturely (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; Dörnyei, 1998; Gardner, 2001; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993), learning boredom has long been ignored in the area of language learning and teaching. Previous literature has pointed out the existence (Bown & White, 2010; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, & Hagg, 2006) and its significance in the field of L2 learning and teaching (Dörnyei, 2001); however, limited research has concerned with this issue. Therefore, taking a bold step, this study aimed to find out the proper definitions for L2 learning boredom and figure out the interactive patterns co-constructed students’ L2 boredom in the classroom setting with the social constructional perspective of emotion. Employing a qualitative case study as the research approach, the researcher invited four junior high school students who were in half classified into the successful and unsuccessful learners as the participants for the present study. Data for analysis were collected from multiple sources, including three types of interviews: (a) semi-structured interview, (b) stimulated-recall interviews, and (c) focus-group interviews, and classroom observation. Through analyzing the data by adopting Glaser and Strauss’ (1967) constant comparative method. Regarding the first research direction, the results showed that the students defined L2 boredom similarly as the feeling of meaninglessness in learning English while differently as an emotion must be borne to expect the rewards (by the successful students) and an emotion cannot be overcome due to learning obstacles (by the unsuccessful students). In terms of the second interest of this study, it was also found that the similar pattern resulting in classroom L2 boredom was influenced by the interactive flow in the L2 class and the extent to which meaningful approaches were applied. On the other hand, L2 boredom happened differently to the two categories of students could be attributed to the interplay between the difficulty degrees of given information and the students’ self-perception of L2 capability. Based on the findings, this study yielded some implications for language teachers concerning the affective domain of the students. Suggestions including increasing the variety of class designs, using authentic teaching approaches, promoting positive class interactions, controlling the challenge degree of the materials and activities skillfully, and helping students increase L2 motivation were claimed helpful to decrease the negative impact L2 boredom could make on the students’ L2 learning.


陳琦媛, Chen, Chi-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討學校開放空間設計之基本理念及相關理論,觀察教師和學生在開放式學校使用空間的情形以瞭解開放空間設計對教學的影響,並調查教師及學生對開放空間學校使用後的感想以作為國民小學開放空間實際規劃及相關研究之參考。 本研究以臺北市健康、新生和永安三所國民小學為研究對象,進行觀察、訪談和問卷調查,並設計「學校開放空間設計對教學影響之研究問卷」、「開放空間學校設計和使用情形訪談表」、「開放式教室使用情形觀察表」三種研究工具進行相關資料的蒐集。在觀察方面,分別從各個學校低、中、高年級抽出一個班群作為觀察對象,總計對九個班群進行觀察,觀察過程中使用V8攝影機和照相機進行資料的蒐集。訪談對象包括校長、行政人員、教師、學生和家長,總計對36位受訪者進行訪談,並從這三所學校抽樣90位教師和360位中、高年級學生進行問卷調查。經研究結果發現: 一、開放空間學校的設計理念 (一)開放空間設計是希望藉助空間設備的多功能和多樣化衝擊教學和學習形態的轉變。 (二)強調團隊合作、專業分工、主題統整的教學模式。 (三)營造學生快樂適性、自主學習的場所。 (四)提供現代化多媒體及硬體設備幫助教學和學習多元豐富。 二、開放空間學校的使用情形 (一)班群空間主要是由班群教師合作布置、規劃和管理,並以電腦區、圖書區和學習角為最普遍的規劃形態。 (二)教師和學生進行協同教學、分組討論、自主學習和節慶布置時會使用班群空間。 (三)隔屏常用於作品的展示、空間的區隔和聲音的阻隔。多目的活動空間常用於協同教學、大型活動或動態活動時。 (四)教師和學生比較喜歡開放式教室,且設施的使用頻率和滿意度偏高。 (五)班群教室是學生下課最喜歡去的地方。 三、學校開放空間設計對教師教學的影響 (一)教師合作研討課程,進行協同教學,準備教材的時間增加。 (二)教師教學以講述法為主,使用分組、多媒體等多樣化教學的時機增加,課程內容仍是主導教學方式的主因。 (三)班級經營主要是班群教師相互支援管理,在常規訓練上要教導學生尊重他人且不要在班群空間奔跑。 四、學校開放空間設計對學生學習的影響 (一)合作學習增加,人際互動更頻繁豐富。 (二)學習較主動多樣,教師的教學和帶班方式仍是主導學生學習的主因。 (三)學生展現自我和學習的機會增加。 五、學校開放空間設計帶來的好處 (一)教學和學習空間擴大﹐增加學習刺激和學習資源。 (二)人際互動豐富,帶動教學和學習氣氛。 (三)班群空間和硬體設備為教學和學習帶來許多便利。 六、學校開放空間設計面臨的難題 (一)教師對教學管教的態度、標準和觀念的不同使合作產生困難。 (二)教學活動的進行和安排須注意到聲音干擾的情形。 (三)學校的維護、管理和布置需要花費較多的人力、時間和經費。 研究者根據文獻分析與研究發現﹐提出下列幾點建議: 一、改善良好的空間值得投資,教育政策對學校營運宜持續給予支持 二、鼓勵教師多元嘗試、活化教學 三、促進教師良善溝通以利專業合作 四、教學空間的運用注意噪音的處理 五、善用空間資源以增加教學效能 六、配合學習需求及教學規劃設置學習區 七、豐富班群教室,增加學生和環境互動的機會 八、對未來研究的建議 (一)以教師、學生的性向和自評為變項探討學校開放空間設計對不同特質的教師和學生的影響。 (二)待健康、新生和永安國小經過十年、二十年的經營之後,再對其進行長期的觀察研究﹐進而瞭解學校整體性的發展過程及實施成果。 (三)擴大研究範圍﹐選擇校齡較長的開放空間學校和傳統學校進行整體性的比較,或是對傳統式教室和開放式教室進行長期的觀察研究,以探討傳統式教室和開放式教室對教學的影響及兩者間的差異。 (四)將全省開放空間學校做一統整分析,並和國外開放空間學校的設計和經營情形進行比較和呼應。

兩位華語老師談二語學習歷程:視覺化分析敘事流程、學習自主與觀眾反應之互動關係 / Two Chinese Teachers Narrating Their L2 Learning Journeys: Visual Analysis on the Interaction of Narrating Flow, Language Learning Agency, and Audience Response

李晏禎, Li, Yan Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究延續Coffey (2013)的研究,將社會學的理論「自主概念」應用至華語教學研究的領域當中,採用的是敘事資料、個案研究方法。本研究中,有兩位敘事風格與學習行動迥異的華語老師,一位平穩的將自己的故事娓娓道來;另一位則關注觀眾的感受,使得說故事的過程趣味橫生。本研究以兩位老師回顧二語學習過程的音檔及書面資料為分析樣本,並依照他們敘事的時間繪製曲線圖,這兩張曲線圖包含了敘事場域中的三個不同面向,包括:兩位老師學習過程中的各個事件和人生轉捩點(二語學習自主)、說話者是否在乎觀眾反應而改變原先的說話方式或內容(說話者展現之言談自主)以及觀眾的反應。研究人員依話語給予相應不同分數,並利用Holistic-Form(整體形式)的方式繪出三面向之間的交會與變化,從中分析學習者如何敘說自己生命歷程以及自我概念的變化。 本研究之貢獻在於敘事研究的分析方法上,使用三條曲線視覺化學習者自我與時空連結與敘事現場氣氛的流動,更全面的檢視團體互動細節。並發現這種「依附/不依附」觀眾為中心的敘事模式,顯示說故事者的自我揭露程度不同。以此提出建議,當說話者展現之言談自主高、情節多且短時,要注意對方可能避重就輕、迴避了感受的真實性。同時,言談自主高起的區段可能是當事人比較痛苦或負面的經驗,可以多加留意。研究的場域與在場的觀眾會對說故事者的敘事產生影響,如採一對一訪談,應能降低前述情況的發生。並建議將之納入日後研究方法的範疇中。 / Drawing on theories of identity and agency (particularly, Coffey, 2013), this qualitative case study scrutinizes how language learner identities and agencies are performed in group storytelling sections. The participants involved are two Chinese teachers with distinct narrative styles: one tells her stories quite uneventfully; while the other intentionally shaped her stories according to audience response, making the storytelling section full of laughter. Both oral and written narratives were gathered for holistic-form analysis which resulted in two matrix displays of running time, response intensity, and levels of learner agency as the participants narrated critical events in their language learning trajectories. These matrixes helped reveal how the three intersected and changed and how the participants narrated the changing identities and agency in the L2 stories that they lived through. This study contributes to the approach of data analysis in narrative study by utilizing graphical presentations to facilitate visualization and analysis of the interaction between and among the storytelling time/context, the participants’ language learner agency, and audience response. It also pays close attention to details in how the learner story is told and in what kind of group dynamics as well as reveals different possible levels of self-exposure: that is, audience-centered and non-audience-centered narrative styles. In addition, the study alerts narrative researchers of the possibility that true emotions will be hidden and important details will be avoided when the narrator performs high agency in discourse, particularly with too many short plots in their stories. It is also clear that when there is high intensity in changing discourse it is often involved emotionally charged negative episodes that deserve careful scrutiny. Since context and audience could affect the form, flow, and content of narratives, one-on-one interview is suggested for future study to avoid limitations introduced by group storytelling sections.

由實境學習觀點探討英語課堂中的電影配音活動 / Toward an Understanding of the Use of Film Dubbing Activities in the EFL Classroom through Situated Learning Perspectives

李路得, Lee, Lu De Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討以實境學習觀點來培訓技職校院學生英語口語溝通能力的教學設計與實施。由於技職校院學生英語程度較弱,乃根據實境學習理論中的認知學徒見習期 (cognitive apprenticeship)的二個階段:觀察期(observation)及實作期(practice)來設計教學。在觀察期階段中,藉由觀賞英文電影讓學生觀察英語母語使用者之真實口語溝通情境及技巧;在實作期階段中,則指導學生為電影片段配音,目的在以影片做為前導與幫助(scaffold),使學生在真實語言情境中建立英語口語溝通能力。本研究設計採用設計型研究(Design-based research)探討學生在此電影教學中的知覺及反應,研究結果顯示學生對電影配音活動的反應良好,例如能在其中觀摩英語母語使用者之口語技巧,較容易記得影片中英文單字及句子,以及建立開口說英語的自信與勇氣。 / This study is a design-based research focusing on the application of situated learning perspectives to the EFL classroom for the development of English oral communicative competence. Situated learning theory features cognitive apprenticeship, a learning process in which an apprentice learns a skill or knowledge from a master through the observation of expert process and practice with scaffolds (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In this study, a teaching project based on film dubbing activities was designed and implemented to 39 vocational college students, who were classified as lower-level EFL learners due to their limited English proficiency, with the purpose of developing their English oral communicative competence through cognitive apprenticeship. Film clips were viewed and instructed in class to provide the students with access to the social context of oral communication by native English speakers. After the students observed the expert process in the film clips, they were instructed to execute film dubbing tasks, in which they practiced oral skills with the scaffolds of the audio-visual presentation in the film clips. As a qualitative case study, the purpose of this study is to explore the students’ learning experiences, including their perceptions and reactions, in the teaching project. The research results reveal the students’ overall positive reactions to the film dubbing activities; for example, they were impressed by the opportunities to make close observation of real English use by native English speakers; they found it easier to remember English vocabulary and sentences through film dubbing activities; and they became more confident in speaking English.

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