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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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瑞典一个印度客家华人家庭文化认同之个案研究 / A Case Study on the Cultural Identity of an Indian Hakka Family in Sweden

Yen, Pi-Yin January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the cultural identity of Chinese overseas in Sweden, especially the identity of Chinese culture. A Hakka family in Sweden from Kolkata, India was a target of a case study in this thesis from the viewpoint of life history research and semi-structured interviews for the three female members in this family.The Indian Hakka Chinese, though spending more than 100 years in India, emigrate to other countries commonly. During the migration, this family well sustain their Chinese culture.This research reveals the following findings. Firstly, the identities in the family of this case show the differences between generations. The main deciding factor of their identities is based on both the ethnic identity of Chinese and Chinese culture. The second generation of immigrants in Sweden reveals the dual identities of Chinese culture and Swedish culture, which is consciously decided by them under the social and cultural background of the country of residence.Secondly, this case's family demonstrates a strong atmosphere of Chinese cultural identity in their daily life. The most significant symbol is that family members use Hakka to communicate at home. Furthermore, their cultural values follow a Chinese tradition of family-centred and ethical cultural values. However, in this case, Chinese culture is not as complete as the Chinese mainstream society. It also includes foreign elements in the country of residence. This clearly shows the process of Chinese overseas adapting and integrating with the country of residence.Thirdly, the influencing factors to this case's Chinese cultural identity include the Chinese community in Kolkata India, usage of Chinese language, Chinese education, intermarriage, and the external environment of Swedish society based on democracy multi-culturalism and popularization of internet information under globalization. The key factor in constructing and maintaining the Chinese cultural identity, in this case, is that the elders consciously insist on preserving Chinese tradition in this family.To sum up, this study's results contribute to the knowledge and understanding of Chinese overseas' cultural identity in Sweden. / 本论文以瑞典一个来自印度加尔各答的客家华人家庭进行个案研究,采用生命史研究的视角、半结构式的深度访谈法访问三位家庭女性成员,探讨瑞典的海外华人的文化认同,尤其是中国文化的认同。在海外延续百年的印度客家华人再度从印度移出已是常态,而此个案家庭中国文化的传承未曾中断。个案研究结果发现:首先,个案的身份认同呈现出世代的差异,身份认同以中国人的族群认同及中国文化认同为最主要的决定因素,移民瑞典第二代显示出中国及瑞典文化的双重文化认同,是历经所处的社会文化环境选择的文化认同。其次,此个案展现出浓厚的中国文化认同形式,以客家话的使用最为显著,也展现出以家庭为中心、注重伦理的文化价值观,然而不像中国主流社会文化的完整,而是包含了居住国的外国元素,显见海外华人在居住国适应、融合的过程。最后,影响个案维护中国文化认同的因素,包括:印度加尔各答的华人社区、世代的传承、中文的使用、中文教育、族内通婚、以民主为基础的多元文化瑞典社会的外部生存环境、全球化下网际网络资讯的普及等因素,而家中长辈有意识地传承与坚持,是文化认同建构及维护最重要也是最主要的因素。总之,本论文的研究结果可为瑞典海外华人的文化认同增添知识与理解。

臺灣客家採茶戲之發展及其文本形成研究 / The study of the development of Taiwan Hakka Tea-Picking Opera and its text formation

蘇秀婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣客家採茶戲的發展及其文本形成為題,針對客家採茶戲的「劇目形成」、「文本型態」、「劇本改編」進行文學向度的考察。 一、劇目的形成與發展 自從1910年代客家三腳採茶戲發展為改良採茶戲之後,演出場域歷經「內台」、「外台」、「電台」、「文化公演」、「電視台」等不同的表演場域。由於每個場域的性質使然,而有不同的劇目產生、類型的形成,以及表演風格等。 二、文本型態的考察 探討採茶戲常見的兩種文本類型「幕表戲」與「定本戲」,考察文本的特徵及結構、導演的說戲、演員的即興演出,以及民間戲班對於「幕表戲」與「定本戲」的運用。 三、特定作品的跨場域改編 選取黃天敏的內台戲《太平天國》,討論由「定本戲到幕表戲」的改編歷程。以及曾先枝三齣公演代表作《三娘教子》、《李阿三嫁母》、《緣訂三生》,討論「幕表戲到定本戲」的改編歷程。 / The study using the development of Hakka tea-picking drama and its text formation as the topic aims at the repertoire formation, text types, and opera revision as the aspects of literature to review. I. The formation and development of repertoire: The Hakka three-role tea-picking drama has developed as the improved tea-picking opera since the 1910s, the different performing field has experienced of indoor, outdoor, radio station, cultural performance, and TV station, and so on. Due to the impact on each field, there is different generation of repertoires, the formations of types, and performing style, etc.. II. The review of text types: It discusses of two frequently shown text types in the tea-picking opera: scenario drama and standard drama to review the characteristics and structures of text, the director’s explanation of the story, the player’s improvisation, and the folk theatrical troupe’s the applications of scenario drama and standard drama. III. The revision of drama in cross-field theatre There are selected of indoor Taiwan directors’ revised course, Tien-Ming Huang’s discussion of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom from standard drama to scenario drama and Xian-Zhi Zeng’ three represented publications, the discussions of Third Madame educates her son, A-San Li’s remarried mother, and Fate for three lifetimes from scenario drama to standard drama.

客語母語者使用國音/ɕ/的狀況:社會語言學分析 / Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Phonetic Variation of Mandarin /ɕ/ by Hakka Speakers

鄧碩敦, Teng, Shou Tun Unknown Date (has links)
大部分在台灣的客家人都會說中文,但是其中有些客家人說國語時會留下客語的遺跡。本篇論文已語言上,場合正式性上,地理區域,以及社會因素等方面探討部分客家人把國語的/ɕ/唸成[s]的原因。 本篇論文包含量化分析以及質化分析,在量化分析上透過面對面的交談,念文章,以及唸單字等方法來收集資料。量化分析上總共有32位受試者,且受試者依照性別,教育程度,年齡以及地理區域以二分法的方式。而在質化分析上的受試者和量化分析的受試者為同一批人,但只有29位再次參與調查。 本篇主要的發現為: (1)在語言內部因素中,字頻,鄰近音,以及音節結構對於語音變異皆有影響。(2)語音變異的確有擴散的現象。(3)在語言外部的因素中,年齡以及地理區域的影響比場合正式性及性別來得大,但教育程度的影響則很微弱。整體而言:(1)本篇調查的語音透過語言內部,場合正式性,社會以及地理空間擴散 (2)語言內部以及語言外部皆對與音變異有影響,但語言外部的因素的影響比內部因素來得大。 / Most Hakka speakers in Taiwan, if not all, speak Mandarin Chinese. Among them, many leave some traces of their Hakka background in their Mandarin pronunciation. This thesis aims at analyzing the linguistic, situational, geographical, and social causes of the emergence of [s] as a phonetic variant of /ɕ/ in Mandarin by Hakka speakers. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to locate the internal and the external constraints on the target phonetic variation. Those data for quantitative analyses were collected from the linguistic production by 32 native speakers of Hakka in casual conversation, reading passage, and reading characters. Subjects of this study are equally distributed to two genders, two education levels, two age groups, and two geographical areas (namely, in Taoyuan City and Chungli City, two cities in which a large proportion of Hakka speakers reside) . As for data for qualitative analyses collected from 29 of the 32 subjects of the quantitative tests, only those parts of the qualitative design that were implemented correctly were analyzed. The major findings of this study are (1) among the internal factors, word frequency, preceding vowels, and syllable structure were found to be influential to the target phonetic variation; (2) the target phonetic variation does expands through lexical diffusion; and (3) among the external factors, age and geographical area are more influential than situational formality and gender, but the impact of education level is weak. General conclusion of this study include (1) this target phonetic variation is expanding gradually through linguistic, situational, and social/geographical spaces; and (2) both internal and external factors are effective, with external factors being more influential than internal factors. Key words: phonetic variation, lexical diffusion, formality, Hakka dialect, sociolinguistic variation, ethnic identity

西湖溪流域客家嘗會之研究 / A case study of Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations in Xihu River Basin

徐毓宏, Hsu, Yu-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「嘗會」為研究的主題,並於前面加上「客家」一詞,是希望突顯以客家為主題的論述與特性,藉此來瞭解客家人的文化特徵,故從歷史脈絡看來,研究地區若非屬早期客家人開墾的地方,則未列入研究場域,冀望透過這樣的研究思維,並運用比較研究觀點,呈現出西湖溪流域內客家嘗會之一般與核心的文化特徵。 研究動機除了對客家嘗會的核心文化特徵加以探討外,亦綜合前人對中國傳統社會宗族理論成果之探討,運用於本文之研究;期望透過宗族相關理論的應用,並藉由西湖溪流域嘗會的族產統計分析,以達成研究目的,包含探討的早期宗族分布的情況、有哪些宗族對流域拓墾較具代表性、嘗會與宗族發展甚或對聚落發展的關聯性等;再以西湖溪流域客家嘗會為核心的觀察,探析國家政策與社會變遷對嘗會的挑戰。研究方法上,則採用文獻分析、參與觀察以及深度訪談。在資料處理方面,則運用2009年政府地政機關有關嘗會族產的公務登記資料為基礎,進而以統計方法加以整理、歸納、分析,並與相關文獻分析結果做比較與對話,以進一步提升研究資料分析結果之信度與效度。 研究結果發現客家嘗會可探析客家人早期來台拓墾的宗族發展的脈絡與聚落發展的關聯性,亦可分析出流域內前五大姓氏宗族分別依序為賴、李、彭、劉、邱,並可探討嘗會於客家地方社會發展的意義與特質;而「嘗」所展現的形式上與實質上的意涵,代表著客家人獨特的文化特徵,惟這些客家文化的特殊性,不僅正面臨社會轉型與時代變遷的衝擊,亦面臨著從日治時期政府以來,國家政策前所未有的挑戰。 / This paper takes Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations(嘗會cang hui)as the subject of the study. As the term “cang hui” is used only by the Hakka ethnic group in both mainland China and Taiwan, this study is to explore the characteristics and Hakka people and its culture features. Therefore, in terms of historical context, the region for the research is limited only to Xihu River basin area where early Hakka immigrants settled. Through this kind of study and by comparing various research points of view about cang hui, this paper hopes to present the general and core cultural characteristics of Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations in Xihu River Basin. In addition to exploring the core cultural characteristics of Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations, the study also deals with and applies discussions and findings of previous theories on traditional Chinese society lineage, hoping that through the application of lineage related theory and the statistical analysis of the Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations in Xihu River Basin to attain the research purposes. The purposes are the situation of the early lineage distribution, lineages which are more representative of the development of Xihu River Basin, the relationship between the development of Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations and the development of the lineage, and the relevance of the development of settlement, etc. The Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations in Xihu River Basin is the core observation. In addition, this study discusses further the impact of government policy and social change on the Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations. In terms of research method, we use document analysis, participation in observation and in-depth interviews. About data processing, we use the official registration information of the property of Ancestral Estate Associations owned by the government's land office in 2009 and then adopt suitable statistical methods to sort, summarize, analyze and compare the result of related historical documents to enhance the reliability and validity of the research data analysis results. The study finds that Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations can explore the relationship between the historical context of lineage development and the development of settlements in the early history. We can also use it to find that family names of the top five lineages in the river basin are Lai, Li, Peng, Liu and Chiu. Besides, we can analyze the meaning and characteristics of Hakka Ancestral Estate Associations in Hakka society. While formal and realistic meaning of “Chang”(嘗) represents Hakka people’s unique cultural characteristics, this uniqueness is not only facing the impact of social transformation and the change of the times, but also facing unprecedented challenges by government policy since Japanese Reign.


陳芋蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的變遷,家庭結構出現了龐大變化。尤其在社會氛圍瀰漫著「不婚、不生」的風氣下,人口轉型的速度比起過去大幅增加。根據行政院主計總處的調查,近年來單人家戶以及夫婦兩人家戶占總家庭戶數的比重已增長至33.01%。因此,在「單人」、「頂客」家庭越來越多的情況下,不僅僅改變了社會型態,也改變了家庭的消費模式。所以說,本研究企圖利用家庭收支調查以及普查資料進行分析,並使用R軟體運算資料以及視覺化呈現空間資訊。其研究的方向與重點有三:第一,本研究旨在探討在不同背景條件下,會分別產生出何種樣貌的單人家戶以及頂客家戶類型,以針對各類型家戶進行人口樣貌與背景特徵的比較分析;第二,於分類後,結合2010年普查資料中的鄉鎮市區地理資訊,來歸納出不同的家庭類型其區域分布的差異;最後,再使用家庭等值規模尺度之概念,從家庭的收入、消費支出著手,以瞭解在不同的單人家戶、頂客家戶類型中,其消費樣態的差異為何?單人家戶是否能夠達到與頂客家戶相同甚至更高的生活風貌?並探究出單人家戶者究竟能否透過消費來實現「樂單」生活。 本研究結果發現,在分布與特性中,無論是在單人家戶抑或頂客家戶,個人的背景會影響其未來組成家庭的樣貌,大部分的青年人口皆為高學歷,也因為教育年限的延長以及晚婚,導致這些人成為單人家戶抑或是頂客家戶的比率也隨之成長。尤其是在單人家戶裡的青年人口,逐漸成為現代中不容小覷的一群,其比率僅次於第一高的離異單人家戶。而在區域分布的部分,可以發現,單人家戶與頂客家戶的高齡人口比例,已足以影響整體家戶區域分布的狀況,實有必要透過本研究中的五種以及三種分類加以說明,才能夠更為精確地描述出各家戶的分布狀況。 最後,在消費趨勢中,則可以發現,一個家庭位於不同生命週期以及不同家庭規模之下,會呈現出不同比例的消費特性,家庭中的所有消費,除單人戶之外,均須考慮到規模經濟的影響,所以,最後研究者利用等值規模尺度概念進行運算,得出在單人階段與年輕夫妻階段,於家庭收支調查所列的消費項目都有較高的消費支出,而單人家戶又比頂客家戶更高,因此,由本文即可證明,單人家戶的消費,的確能夠比起其他家戶更為自由,其消費會以精美、自我實現為最大考量,使自己能夠獲得享受獨居生活之樂趣,所以說,「樂單」一詞足以取代「孤單」,成為「單人者」的新興代名詞。 / As time goes by, the structure of family has made some changement. Especially under the atmosphere of “no marriage, no plan to give birth to a child” within this society, the speed of demographic transition has risen intensely than the old times. According to the survey of The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of Executive Yuan, the percentage of One-person household and Married-couple household have increased to 33.01% in all kinds of household. Hence, the increase of One-person, DINK household has not only change the social type but also the way of consumption of a family. This study attempt to analysis the changement by the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure and census data. I use R to run statistic data, and also to visualize space information. The research focus on three points: First, I would like to know what kind of One-person household and DINK household will be formed under different condition to do comparative analysis. Second, after categorizing, combined with the geography information in 2010. To distinguish the distribution pattern difference within each type of household. In the end, use the Household Equivalence Scale to see through the difference of consumption to be affected by income and consumption. If One-person household can be living at the same or even better than the DINK household? I would also like to know if One-person household can live their “Quirkyalone” life simply through consumption. According to the result, personal background will affect the future household feature both in One-person and DINK household. Most of the youth are highly educated, due to the extension of years of education and the postpone of going into marriage. These kind of persons are more likely to become One-person household or DINK household. Particularly the youth in the One-person household, their rate after the highest divorced One-person household. In the regional distribution, proportion of elderly population in the One-person and DINK household can affect the regional distribution of households. It needs to explain by the five and the three categories in this study, then precisely describe the distribution of household ratio. In the consumption trends, when a family at different stage and scale of life cycle will present different portion of consumption features. However, this proportionality is to ignore the fact that composition of One-person household is less than DINK household. Therefore, to take the effection of economies of scale into consideration, during single and newlyweds stage they have higher expense within the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure. Above all, the One-person household is higher than the DINK household. Thus, as a result, I can prove that the One-person household is more liberated than other household. They will take their self-fulfillment maximize into consideration while making consumptions. To increase the enjoyment of living alone. In a nutshall, “Quirkyalone” is a word that can replace “lonely”.


林福岳 Unknown Date (has links)
社區的特質和傳播的過程,兩者相似程度甚高,本研究將社區視為研究場域,藉此探索傳播的本質和運作方式。其目的之一,是認為傳播和社區的認同有密切的關聯,因而想從中找到關聯的性質;之二則是相信在社區情境中,可以從更多元而深刻的面向發掘並探討傳播的基本意義。 本研究的脈絡「美濃反水庫運動」,是高雄縣美濃鎮的鎮民因為反對政府的美濃水庫興建案,自民國八十一年開始發動的族群社區抗爭運動。本研究採用運動發動者所使用的論述主題,根據「共識動員」的理論架構分析之,再對照美濃此一客家族群社區原本具備對自身的認同,來檢視上述兩者之間的關係:一、美濃既有的族群認同在論述中如何被呈現;二、在訊息傳播的過程中,認同的意識和機制如何影響運動策略。而經由分析得到的結果,以傳播的角度來觀視,呈現了什麼樣的意義?發掘了什麼過去所末見的觀點? 本研究發現,在一個族群社區中,當發生涉及集體利益的公共議題、攸關族群的存續時,社區應對的機制和過程中,因為祖裔連帶、共同經驗和集體記憶所形成的認同感,往往會成為集結協志力量所動員的主要資源。在美濃反水庫運動的案例中,族群的認同,在整個訊息傳布的過程中,成為論述生產的核心基調。 其次,由於客家族群象徵符號的密集運作,運動的意義已經超越維護性命身家財產安全的現實層次,提升為族群傳統和歷史文化保衛的集體形上意義,召喚出心中對所屬族群和社區共同利益的認同,建構起對社會真實新的認知。 在一個社區內,認同的形塑過程其實也就是傳播的運作過程。人們從社區中吸收和攫取文他特質以形成集體共識,就是透過傳播的機制,藉由符號的傳遞與互動而漸次形成。而每一個成員的活動,也經由轉換成各類象徵符號,傳遞和儲存在社區的集體記隱之中,並形成新的認同。 本研究希望藉由本土的實例研究,開始深刻思索社區傳播此一取向在傳播研究中可以強化既有成果的地方,做為未來進一步研究的紮實基礎,從中累積經驗和論述,逐步建立起一個新的研究領域。 關鍵字:社區傳播、社區、美濃鎮、美濃反水庫運動、社區認同、族群認同、共識動員、社會運動、文本分析、客家、意義建構

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