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中文繁簡等義詞自動辨識之研究 / A Study on Automatic Recognition on Exact Synonyms between Traditional and Simplified Chinese黃群弼 Unknown Date (has links)
依照實驗設計架構,首先建立電腦類與一般類的繁簡體語料庫,作為辨識的基礎,並建立研究的架構與方法,分為二個階段三種方法,第一階段使用第一種方法,我們先使用N-gram辨識等義詞,評估單一方法是否能有效辨識出等義詞,第二階段使用第二種方法PMI-IR & LC-IR方法與第三種方法Context Vector,評估第二階段的方法是否能將等義詞的辨識能力提高。
根據本研究目的,讓電腦能自動在語料庫中自動辨識中文繁簡等義詞,所以提出了新的辨識架構,用N-gram初步辨識出等義詞,並經由PMI-IR & LC-IR與Context Vector方法提高Precision約0~20%不等。本研究結論是採用不同語言的語料庫,使用N-gram能夠辦識出等義詞,並搭配PMI-IR & LC-IR與Context Vector方法後,可以強化與提昇其等義詞辨識的能力,解決單一方法等義詞辨識能力不足之問題。 / Traditional Chinese and Simplied Chinese are not only different in the typeface and in the computer code, but also in the partial usage of vocabularies. These vocabularies which have different usage but have the same significance are called synonyms. These synonyms will cause some obstacles and misunderstanding in meaning when two parties have cultural exchange, such as during conversation, documents and books translation or softwares system transformation. What we do to solve the problem now is picked them out by manpower, but that will waste a lot of time and strength and easily make errors. If we can use scientific way to let the computer distinguish automatically the synonyms between Traditional Chinese and Simplied Chinese, we will be able to solve such misunderstanding by the hints of the distinguished synonyms.
According to the structure of experiment, to let the computer distinguish automatically the synonyms between Traditional Chinese and Simplied Chinese, we have to establish a Traditional Chinese and Simplied Chinese computer category and a general category first as the basis of identification. We should build up the research structure and the method, which divided into two stages and three methods. The first stage uses the first method to use N-gram to distinguish the synonyms and then review if this single method can identify the synonyms effectively. The second stage uses the second method PMI-IR & LC-IR and the third method Context Vector and review if the second stage can raise the synonyms’ ability of identification.
According to this research purpose, the computer to study on automatic exact recognition synonyms between traditional and simplified Chinese, so has proposed the new structure of distinguishing, N-gram automatic exact recognition synonym tentatively, and PMI-IR & LC-IR and Context Vector method can improve Precision about 0~20%. This conclusion is a corpus base of using different languages, using N-gram can be exact recognition synonyms, PMI-IR & LC-IR and Context Vector method, can improve single method ability.
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「也」「又」「還」在漢語敘述文中的連詞功能 / Ye, You, and Hai as Connectives in Chinese Narrative Discourse陳美凌, Chen, Mei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
Matthiessen 和 Thompson 的模式分析了漢語句群間的凝聚關係(text
relations among combined clauses)。 此一分析不僅進一步證明「也」
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結合家庭、病例及病例-對照分析中疾病遺傳訊息的統計方法 / Statistical Methods for Combining Genetic Association Information from Family, Case-Only and Case-Control Analyses林惠文, Lin,Hui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,基因與疾病之關聯分析 (association analysis)
傳統的連鎖方法 (linkage method)
(case-parent/case-sibling) 與病例-對照 (case-control)
研究。我們提出一個加權最小平方 (Weighted Least Squares)
獨立之條件 (此條件為單純病例分析所必需)
第三部份旨在探討群體分層 (population stratification) 存在
此新估計式即可整合單純病例分析與病例-父母分析,同時在群體分層存在之情形下,仍可得出有效之統計推論。 / In recent years, there are increasing attention to association
studies, because linkage method will not be suitable under complex
disease and susceptible genes. In the thesis, we are probing into
association of family study and population study. And we combine
family study and population study for increased efficiency of
association method. We also consider interesting studies about
gene-environment interactions. The thesis contains three projects.
The first project focuses on examining when and how the two sources
of information offered by such studies, one from the
case-parent/case-sibling analysis, and the other from the
case-control analysis with data from affected subjects and unrelated
controls, can be integrated to enhance statistical power. We propose
a weighted least-squares approach to linearly and optimally combine
separate estimators from the case-parent/case-sibling and the
logistic regression analysis for the association parameters.
In the second project, we focus on examining the situation of
gene-environment interaction. We propose a two-stage design. In the
first stage, we collect patient data, and we seek out control data
with respect to cases in the second stage. We propose regression
analysis estimation in order to combine the case-only analysis in
the first stage and the case-control analysis in the second stage.
This estimation earns the correct statistical inference when genes
and environment factors are not independent.
In the third project, we explore gene-environment interactions under
population stratification. We propose a two-stage design. In the
first stage, we collect patient data, and we randomly collect a
partial data of patient's parent from the cases in the second stage.
We propose regression analysis estimation in order to combine the
case-only analysis and the case-parent analysis. This estimation can
combine the case-only analysis and the case-parent analysis, and
attains effective statistical inference under population
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對照處理及試驗處理比較之最佳內置行與列之集區設計雷淑儀, LEI,SHU-YI Unknown Date (has links)
在許多實際情錶里, 例如工業、農業及生物實驗等, 想要在控制一個處理情況下, 同
時比較好幾個試驗處理, 比方說有p 個試驗處理。( 這也是所謂的在控制下, 多重比
較問題。 )
已從事的研究包括二方向異質性的行列設計(row-column design) 及一個方向上差異
的集區設計(block design)。此篇論文為考慮在集區設計內置行與列(block designs
with nested rows and columns)的模型下求得同時以p 組試驗組與一組對照組比較
之A 式最佳設計。所謂A 式最佳設計, 就是在所有設計里, 找出tr(M (d))為最小的
, 因tr(M (d))與 var( )成比例, 所以A 式最佳設計。所謂A 式最佳設
計在統計上之直覺解釋為使α - α 之最佳線性不偏估計式 之變方和為最小
A 式最佳設計當p=7,...,25, 集區數b=1,...,50時之表錄詳列於后, 某些特殊形式的
四、符號注釋及A 式最佳內置行與列集區設計之條件
七、最佳A 式內置行與列集區設計表
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《古今和歌集》中戀歌之表現-以時間性之對照表現的觀點分析- / The Expression of Koinouta in “Kokinwakashuh” – an Approach to Contrastive Expression of Time –林怡君, Lin, Yi Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由六章構成,第一章論述研究目的等內容。第二章從和歌與戀歌的本質開始,探討《古今集》戀歌的本質及構成,並分析《古今集》戀歌中的時間特質。第三章以「晨與夜」的對照表現為中心。其中分為「特定的晨與夜」、「不特定的晨與夜」二個主題,來探討《古今集》戀歌中晨與夜的對照表現。第四章以「夢境與現實」為中心,其中分為「想於夢中相會」→「無法在夢境相會」→「夢中會面」→「現實中會面」→「無法再於夢境相會」等五個主題來探討。第五章是以「昔時與今日」為中心來分析。分為「相遇之前的昔時與相遇之後的今日」及「相愛的昔時與離別後的今日」二個主題,來考察歌中「昔時」與「今日」的對照表現。第六章是透過與《萬葉集》的比較,來釐清《古今和歌集》中時間性對照表現的角色與意義。 / “Kokinwakashuh” is the first waka collections that Japanese Emperor chose, and it was compiled around the year 905. The editors are Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori, Oshikochi Mitsune, and Mibu no Tadamine. The chapters are Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Congratulations, Partings, Travel, Acrostics, Love, Laments, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Forms, and Traditional Poems from the Bureau of Song. The style is courtly elegance of classical, disciplined beauty. In these 1100 poems, the four season Poems and ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are two pillars. The Seasons Poems are arranged according to the transition of seasons. The ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are arranged according to the process of love, and there is the transition of time in the arrangement. It is admitted that time is a critical factor in Poems of “Kokinshuh”. Therefore, the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) of “Kokinwakashuh” is the subject in this thesis. The ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are analyzed through the contrastive expression of time, like ‘morning and night’, ‘dream and reality’ and ‘past and present’.
In this thesis, poems were classified first, and the homogeneous poems were put together. The contrast expression in the poems of each kind was analyzed, and the meaning of the contrast expression in each poem was investigated.
This thesis consists of six chapters. The purpose of research was discussed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the theory is progressed from the essence of the waka and the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems). In the same chapter, essence and the composition of the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) were examined, and the time characteristic in ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) of “Kokinwakashuh” was analyzed. In Chapter 3, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘morning and night’. It is separated for two subjects, ‘specific morning and night’ and ’unspecific morning and night’. In Chapter 4, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘dream and reality’. It is separated for five subjects. In Chapter 5, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘past and present’. It is separated for two subjects. In Chapter 6, the role and the meaning of a time contrast expression in “Kokinwakashuh” were clarified through the comparison with “Manyoshuh”.
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