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國民中學教師專業共同職能之探討陳韋伊 Unknown Date (has links)
四、另外,就潛在變項為「教師專業共同職能」對觀察變項「教師教學職能」、「班級經營職能」、「人際溝通職能」、「創新職能」、「態度職能」與「學生本位職能」之解釋變異百分比 (r-square)分析,其原始模式之R2為.64、.74、.73、.71、.84與.79,修正後模式之R2為.63、.73、.75、.72、.80與.75。就修正後模式而言,以「態度職能」最能被教師專業共同職能所解釋,其解釋變異量達80%,其次依序為「人際溝通職能」、「學生本位職能」、「班級經營職能」、「創新職能」與「教師教學職能」,其被解釋變異量介於.63至.75間,顯示教師專業共同職能對六大職能具有良好之解釋力。
(四)鼓勵教師增進自我專業成長,提升教學品質 / This paper inquires the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools and the further realization of the impact of background variables and thence proposes the suggestions in terms of the results.
The contents of the teachers’ joint professional competences are generalized by the competence theory via the questionnaires survey. The perspectives of teachers in junior high schools on joint professional competences are collected by the questionnaires and interviews. The tool is the self-edited Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools Questionnaires and the subject is the teachers in public junior high schools in Hsinchu and Taoyuan Counties and Cities. There are 600 questionnaires delivered and 402 retrieved with the valid retrieved ratio at 67%. The analysis of survey results is processed by SPSS/12.0 with the interviews with 5 teachers in Hsinchu County and City. The conclusions through the analysis and discussion are:
1. There are 6 categories with 58 items of the Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools;
2. There are 10 key competences of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools: (1) manage class atmosphere with good interaction, (2) build class rules helping students learn, (3) present instructional materials from easy to hard ones logically, (4) lure and maintain students’ interest by teaching, (5) deal with class contingencies and problems properly, (6) build a good communicative manner with students, (7) initiate the sense of honor and unity of class, (8) plan adequate teaching activities and methods pursuant to the curricular natures, (9) adjust personal emotions properly, prevent from transferring personal anger to others and reflect and accept advices, and (10) view things from diverse perspectives;
3. There are the background variables including gender, age, post, seniority, education, school size and school location concerning the difference analysis of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools. There is no difference for gender, seniority, education and post whereas there is a difference for age, school size and school location; and
4. The latent variable “joint professional competences of teachers” and observable variables “teachers teaching competence”, “class management competence”, “interpersonal communication competence”, “innovation competence”, “attitude competence” and “student-based competence” are processed by the r-square analysis. The corrected R2 is respectively .63, .73, .75, .72, .80 and .75. Thus, “attitude competence” with 80% is the highest explanatory power of teachers’ joint professional competences; others in order are “interpersonal communication competence”, “student-based competence”, “class management competence”, “innovation competence” and “teachers teaching competence” with the R2 at .63-.75, indicating the good explanatory power of the categories on teachers’ joint professional competences.
According to the conclusions, the following suggestions are proposed:
1. Suggestions to educational administrations
(1) Educational administrations perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation so as to advance teachers’ professional competences;
(2) Teachers educational organizations enhance pre-service courses of professional competences in order to equip teachers with the joint professional competences as the essential competence;
(3) County and City educational departments promote the teachers competences workshops to advance teachers’ competences; and
(4) Support and add resources to small or remote schools to shorten the gap between urban and rural areas.
2. Suggestions to junior high schools
(1) Make the questionnaires available to the initial assessment of teachers’ joint competences;
(2) Perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation system;
(3) Hold regular instructional observational meeting and class management review; and
(4) Encourage teachers to improve self professional growth for advanced teaching quality.
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臺北縣市國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長關係之研究王金龍 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究主要在探討臺北縣市公立國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長的關係。為達成研究目的,首先進行領導風格(Leadership Styles)、知識管理(Knowledge Management)及教師專業成長(Teachers' Professional Growth)的相關文件分析,選用符合本研究的調查問卷,進行施測。隨後依學校類別屬於大型、中型或小型,採分層叢集隨機取樣之方式,抽取臺北縣市公立國民中學教師626人進行問卷調查,問卷回收率為83.23%,剔除無效樣本81人,有效樣本人數為440人。研究資料使用SPSS for Windows 10.0版進行統計分析。依研究目的,除了做描述性統計之外,並依調查樣本背景之不同,進行t考驗及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗不同背景變項之差異情形,並以Scheffé進行事後比較;另以典型相關(canonical correlation)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元回歸分析(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等統計方法,瞭解校長領導風格、學校知識管理與教師專業成長各層面間的相關及預測情形。綜合文獻分析、問卷調查之統計考驗分析,本研究獲得以下結論:
關鍵字:校長領導風格、知識管理、教師專業成長 / The study of teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals
This study aimed to the correlations among three factors,i.e. teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals in Taipei city and county.In order to achieve the objective of this study,the methods of literature review about the correlated themes were first adopted,and then this study proceeded to make the questionnarie survey.
Afterward,all the schools were divided into large,middle,and small classes to do the cluster sampling.The survey subjects included teachers from junior high school in Taipei city and county,namely 626 teachers were sampled in a random way.The rate of the retrieval was 83.23% and the valid samples were 440 copies,exclusive of the ineffective samples.The research data acquired was anaiyzed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version based on the research purpose.The statistic procedures included the means,standard deviation and one-way ANOVA,examining variances in different variables.Scheffé method was used for post-comparison to examine the interrelations among the subject groups.Besides,canonical correlation,Pearson product-moment correlation & stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as predictions among the three aspects of leadership styles of principals,knowledge management in schooling and teachers' professional growth.According to the integrated analysis,which was from the adoption of research methodologies of literature review .And the conclusions were as follows:
1.The factor of “culture”and“tacit knowledge” were considered in the issue of knowledge management of junior high school in Taipei city and county;and for the topic of“transformational leadership of principals of junior high schools”,the factor of “inspired intelligence”was commonly employed;for the topic of“transactional leadership of principals junior high schools”,the “management by exception ”was generally used;With regard to the teachers' professional growth,the “professional knowledge”and“export knowledge” were paid much close attention to.
2.The consciousness of the survey subjects differed greatly in some part of backgrounds from one another.
3.There were remarkable interrelations between “leadership styles of principals”and “knowledge management in schooling”.
4.The strong interrelation among the ”knowledge management in schooling”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth”occurred obviously.
5.The cumulative variance of knowledge management to “teachers' professional growth”was about 82.6%,and the “ knowledge center“held strongest predictable effects.
6.The cumulative variance of leadership styles of principals to “teachers' professional growth”was about 80.9%,and the “management by exception “held strongest predictable effects.
According to the conclusions of this study,the further suggestions were provided to the department of educational administration,principals of junior high school and schools for reference and different views about the ”knowledge management”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth” .
keywords:knowledge management,leadership styles of junior high school principals,and teachers' professional growth
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懲罰與責任:教師專業倫理之辯證 / Punishment and Responsibility:Dialectic of the Ethics of Teachers’ Profession.李真文, Li,Chen Wen Unknown Date (has links)
最後,也別忘了批判教育學與Foucault給我們的忠言。懲罰是一個事件。整個處理學生行為的始末過程是身教的示範,也是教育得以展現善意的最佳時機。同時,懲罰者的動機若不具善意,則任何形式的懲罰,那怕是輕柔的,都可能是支配關係而存在。那麼,懲罰學生即使是盡了教育者的責任,也變得不符合教師專業倫理了! / The aim of the dissertation is to clear out the concepts between “punishment” and “responsibility” beyond the discourses of education in Taiwan. It is proposed five main questions here, the core of all the questions is to answer the ethics for professionals in education, especially for teachers.
The first question to be discussed is how is it thought justified of punishment in theories. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of theories of punishment offering justification acknowledged. They are retributive theory, deterrent theory, and reformative theory. Punishment is justified in response to offenders’ desert, or to threat offenders from doing again, or as a means to re-educate people, in these three different visions of theories. There is no disagreement on these three theories that the assumption that rules are authorized and those who break the rules should be punished without excuses.
In the context of (post-)modern times, though the justification of punishment were wildly accepted, we must notice the construction of punishment-rule, authority and pain is need to be reexamined. For Foucault, according Discipline and Punish, punishment is in the same sense of discipline, namely without discipline there is no punishment neither.
Critical theorists begin with the premise that people are unfree and inhabit a world life with contradictions and asymmetries of power and privilege. Under such context of real life, punishment is the means of hegemony without doubt.
The advocates of human rights see punishment as violence. It is mistaken to think that corporal punishment accepted in education. Children should be raised up and educated in atmosphere filled of dignity and respects, not the treatment of punishment (especially physically).
All these views challenge the rules governed punishment, question the authorized power to exert punishment, and reject the pain on the human bodies. The evidence shown here is that justification of punishment theories have to be rectified.
Furthermore, we have recalled the context why punishment used throughout in schools in Taiwan. It seems reasonable to conclude: teacher professionalism in Taiwan did not prepare our teachers well to reform the phenomenon of punishment abuse.
We also offered some alternatives to educators for teaching without punishment. We drew attention to the ethics of “care”, in contrast to the traditional ethics of “justice”, meet the needs of education well. Some real examples and useful thoughts were shown that the preparation and in-service training of teacher professionals need to be reformed too.
Finally, we come to a conclusion of punishment and responsibility of teachers. It needs to be recognized as part of ethics of educators.
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教師專業發展與權威運作之研究—以桃園縣二位國小教師為例 / A research on teacher professional development and authourity--Example of two elementary school teachers in Taoyuan County王佑菁 Unknown Date (has links)
經由研究訪談與分析的結果,教師權威可分成形式權威與實質權威加以探討,教師在專業發展的歷程中,經由對權威的反思與批判,逐漸形塑專業的教師圖像。專業發展評鑑因此提供教師生涯進路的佐證與規劃方向,經由實質權威的運作提昇專業認同,使教師覺察自我完成的使命。 / Education is the core of national development. Being the main reason of the success to education renewal, the development of teacher’s quality and the assessment of profession is thus highly valued. A teacher with research and learning ability will make education an improving process. For the development and improving of teacher, Taiwan is pushing teacher professional development assessment hardly.
The combination between assessment and accountability challenges teacher’s authority, and bring teachers’ critics. In order to ease the resist toward teacher professional developmental assessment, the research view form the sight of teacher’s authority, discuss the relationship between teacher professional development and authority. And understand the purpose of teacher pursuing professional development through qualitative research. Therefore the research can provide a different way for teacher and administration.
This research divides teacher authority into formal authority and essential authority. Teachers reflect and judge authority in the process of professional development, and forms professional teacher image. Professional developmental assessment provides the guideline for teachers’ life development, and improves professional identity through essential authority. Teacher is thus aware of the mission of self-completeness.
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高級中學教師工作價值觀與教師專業發展之研究 / The study of relationship high school teachers' work values and professional development鄭博元 Unknown Date (has links)
教師工作價值觀之自我實現、自我創新及自我成長三向度對整體教師專業發展的聯合預測力最佳。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate work values and professional development of high school teachers.The study included literature analysis and survey method with a questionnaire.The purpose of literature was aimed to explore teachers’ work values and teacher professional development.Questionnaire of survey based on researches about work values or teacher professional development. The subjects of the questionnaire included teachers of high school in Keelung City,Taipei City,Taipei County,Taoyuan County,Hsinchu City,Hsinchu County,Yilan County,Hualien County.
Data were analyzed 363 sampling subjects by description statistics,t-test, correlation,ANOVA and multiple regression.Some results as follows:
A.In the aspect of teachers’ work values:
1. Teachers’ work values included four parts (1)self-realization,(2)self-affirmation, (3)self-innovation,(4)self-growth.The perception of teachers were above average agreement of the four parts.The best dimension is self-growth.
2.Gender,age,years of service and currant position have significant influences on teachers’ work values.But the highest educational degree,school size and school type do not have any significant influences.
B. In the aspect of teacher professional development:
1.The tescher professional development included three parts (1)professional spirit,(2) professional ability,(3) professional knowledge. The perception of teachers were above average agreement of the three parts.The best dimension is professional spirit.
2. Age and years of service have significant influences on tescher professional development.But gender,currant position ,the highest educational degree,school size and school type do not have any significant influences.
C. In the aspect of relationship among teacher’ work values and professional development:
1.There are positive correlation and regression existed among teacher’ work values and professional development.
2. Teacher’ work values can promote teacher professional development.
Finally,the researcher proposes some suggessions for the educational authorities, principal and teachers of high school and future researchers.Hope to benefit the further study in the future.
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我國教師組織專業團體之研究 / Reserch for Teacher's professional association in Taiwan翁豊珍, Ueng, Lii Jen Unknown Date (has links)
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知識管理與中學教師專業成長之研究 ─ 以臺北市私立景文高級中學為例 / Study on Teachers' Knowledge Management and Professional Development at High Schools -- A Case study of Taipei Jingwen High School江朝貴, Chiang, Chao-Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
在專業成長方面: 1.學校如能規劃「校本教師專業成長計畫」,可以有效提升教師專業成長。2.課程設計與教學的知能包括教師能運用己身優質的教學專業知識和技能,設計活潑的新課程;積極使用各項資訊設備,並運用腦力激盪及團隊工作來創新課程。3.班級經營與輔導包括教師用心培養學生建立優質的常規、學習文化、和諧氣氛及帶著走的基本能力;透過師生互動,了解學生個性、性向、興趣與專長,發揮其潛能、發現其問題,並能予以適當的協助與指導。
最後建議: 1.建置工作小組以協助所有學校推動知識管理及教師專業成長工作;2.提供教師多元的進修及研習機會,滿足教師專業成長需求;3.透過獎勵或競賽的方式,培養樂於分享的份為氛圍。4.擴大圖書館成為「知識管理資料庫」及「教師專業成長教學資源中心」;5.中學教師應努力提昇個人的知識管理和教師專業成長之知能;運用知識管理的技能,來提昇教師專業成長的素養。 / Taiwan’s birth rate became the second lowest of all countries in the world in 2014. Due to the serious impact on such low birth rate, some private high schools have been facing the number shortage of recruit in the past three years. And thus, the private high school teachers have also suffered the jobless pressure. Therefore, the private high school teachers should more aggressively participate in various learning events to enhance the ability to knowledge management and professional growth, and furthermore to improve the competitiveness of teachers and schools.
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the teacher knowledge management and the teacher professional growth in high schools. Cooperating with the teachers in Taipei Jinwen High School, the author explores the current situation of the high school teachers’ ability to knowledge management and professional growth via the observation and interviews in classes and the analyzation of qualitative data.
In the aspect of knowledge management, this study observes that (1) the knowledge acquiring of high school teachers includes teachers’ self-growth, schools’ organized learning plan, and the application of informative technology platform; (2) the knowledge storing can be through informative facilities like teacher professional growth platform, electronic database and teacher professional community; (3) the knowledge sharing has different scales, it’s better to have more award systems to diffuse knowledge; (4) as the aspect of knowledge applying, teachers should use different teaching methods and knowledge according to students different learning quality, and give feedback during class; (5) as the aspect of knowledge innovating, schools can be introduced to informative tools and teachers can participate in professional community to develop great characteristics of schools.
In the aspect of professional growth, this study observes that (1) the teacher professional growth can be highly improved if schools can organize “teacher professional growth plan”; (2) course design and teaching ability include design interesting courses by teachers’ professional expertise and skills and innovate courses by brainstorming and teamwork; (3) class management and counseling include developing students’ learning routine, culture, and environment. Through interactive between teacher and students, teachers should understand each student’s characteristics, interests, and expertise and try to help students do their best. Teachers should also properly guide students when they need help.
The knowledge management is an important method to enhance teacher professional growth. If teachers can apply the knowledge management method, manage their knowledge systematically, increase their professional knowledge, and accumulate teaching experience, their professional growth can be highly enhanced. The teacher professional growth contributes to continuous implementation of knowledge management. Teachers with highly professional growth usually can acquire and apply knowledge more efficiently. Therefore, knowledge management and teacher professional growth are the dynamically interactive circular cycle.
Final suggestions of this study: (1) set work team to assist al schools to implement knowledge management and teacher professional growth; (2) provide teachers multiple various learning opportunities to satisfy the require of teacher professional growth; (3) via encouragement or competitions, create the friendly-sharing environment; (4) expand the school library function as a “knowledge management database” and as a “teacher professional growth resource center”; (5) high school teachers should improve the ability to personal knowledge management and teacher professional growth, and teachers should apply the ability to knowledge management to enhance the level of teacher professional growth.
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國民中學實施教師專業評鑑制度之研究鍾禮章 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵詞:教師專業評鑑、教師成績考核、學校本位管理、教師專業評鑑指標、教師分級制、績優給付制、國民中學 / A Study on the Practice of Teacher Performance Evaluation of Junior High Schools
The purpose of this study was to explore the junior high school teachers’ opinions about teacher evaluation as well as the supporting measures. It would further look into the discrepancies on the viewpoints of the Teacher Performance Evaluation System being mapped out by the Ministry of Education. The findings and results so yielded are to benefit future teacher evaluation in junior high schools.
In order to hear junior high school teachers’ voices on the teacher evaluation, the study handed out a total of 1,328 copies of twelve questionnaires to 118 schools in Taoyuan County and Hsinchu County. A total of 997 copies successfully were collected and processed by means of percentage and Chi-square Test (x2). The major findings were listed below :
1. In the aspect of the enforcement of the teachers performance evaluation: In the purposes of the teachers performance evaluation in junior high schools, as appraised through checkmarks, over 60% of the respondents ticked three items, i.e., “helping teachers upgrade the teaching methods”, “providing sound orientations for teachers to make sure of the specialized development” and “building up the professional image of teachers”. Besides, over 40% of the teachers ticked “providing grounds to teachers in their on-the-job education”, “setting up goals of career development for both faculty and students” and “settling problems of incompetent teachers”.
2. In the aspect of the principles of enforcement of teachers performance evaluation: The junior high school teachers believed that the evaluation should firmly hold the following principles:(1) Definite and express objectives of evaluation; (2) Sound and wholesome evaluation systems; (3) Open evaluation process; (4) Multifaceted evaluation methods; (5) Maximum possible uses of the evaluation results.
3. In the aspect of the methods for enforcement in the teachers performance evaluation: (1) In terms of assessing personnel, the evaluation methods most acceptable to junior high school teachers are: “evaluation by teachers themselves”, “evaluation by peers themselves” and “evaluation by in-school evaluation task forces” in that order; and the less acceptable one is evaluation by non-educators. (2) In terms of data collection, the best acceptable one is “observation of teachers’ teaching and class management”, followed by “inspecting teachers’ coordination in administration, awards & punishment, conduct, attendance and higher education”; “looking into students’ achievement in learning”, “looking into teachers’ teaching archives”, “checking teachers’ self-evaluation files” and “review of teachers’ marking & correction on students’ homework”. In practice, only the multifaceted collection of evaluation will make possible detached and neutral evaluation. (3) In processing of evaluation over teachers, the junior high school teachers, after enforcement of the teacher performance evaluation, among those methods to remind teachers of shortcomings, “documented notices” and “interviews” are more popular. Those unpopular ones include notably “no notice, used for reference in the year-end conclusive evaluation only”, “keeping teachers informed through public announcement”. (4) In terms of evaluation timing, junior high school teachers are more inclined to formality evaluation over teachers in the hope to help teachers enhance the teaching methods and to boost expertise to grow.
4. In terms of the indices in teachers performance evaluation: In the evaluation indices in the mind of junior high school teachers, the best meeting school needs are “entire faculty”, “leading representatives of teachers in various fields” and “administrative staff at schools”. The indices are in such ratios of “performance of practical teaching” 20%; “discipline guidance” 20%; “performance in conduct” 20%; “performance in expertise growth” 20%, “performance in interpersonal relationships” 10%; “performance in administrative records” 10%.
5. Utilization of the results yielded in teachers performance evaluation: As to the methods to award outstanding teachers, the junior high school teachers responded with the view in such priority order: “encouragement of incentive, advance or annual award”, “conferment of citations or medals”, “chances for vacation days”, “chances for higher education”. Toward teachers of unsatisfactory performance, the preferred measures include “offering advice and rechecking within the specified time limit”; “compulsory higher training” and “no-raise”.
6. Viewpoints about the schoolteacher evaluation system being mapped out by the Ministry of Education: (1) In junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers uphold that teachers should receive evaluation. Over the idea of “taking schoolteacher evaluation instead of the current evaluation method”, 85.7% of school principals said yes, 69.3% of administrative staff & faculty said yes while 52.7% of general teachers backed the idea. Such results suggest that the current evaluation or rating systems leave much room to reassess. (2) In junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers back the idea that “teachers should be upgraded by one degree plus incentive at 90~95% of one month’s salary as long as they successfully pass evaluation”; only over 50% of them backed the idea of “taking 5%~10% of the payroll of the entire faculty of the school as an incentive to outstanding teachers” These findings suggest that junior high school teachers are still in discrepancies in terms of incentives to teachers. (3) In junior high schools, approximately 70% of the teachers back that “teachers should receive salaries and incentives only based on the results of evaluation over teachers but over 70% of them objected to the idea of restricting the quotas for advancement or incentives”. These factors found in the questionnaire survey suggest that junior high school teachers have discrepancies in terms of negative measures against teachers on the grounds of evaluation results.
7. Over the supporting measures related to teacher evaluation on good performances, teachers of different backgrounds showed significant discrepancies in the responses.
8. Over the teachers performance evaluation of junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers agreed and hoped that the evaluation would be put into enforcement. They further expect to see wholesome systems about the coordinating measures. It is, therefore, hoped that those veteran and senior educators would kindly offer advice and comments with continuing studies on these issues.
Key words: Teachers performance evaluation; performance rating for teachers; school-based management; indicators of teachers performance evaluation; Career ladder program of teacher ; merit-pay for outstanding performance, junior high schools.
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高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權之研究黃以喬, Huang ,Yi-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
九、針對研究主題、研究對象、研究變項與研究方法提出建議,作為後續相關主題研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study mainly confirm the right and duty to teacher professional autonomy in educational laws, understand the actual condition and explore the level of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy, and analyze different dimensions’ levels of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy from the view of teacher s’ different backgrounds. Finally, according to the study result, the writer gives some concrete advice to promote the city’s teacher professional autonomy for the department of educational administration for reference.
The survey subjects included teachers from 25 public junior high school in Kaohsiung city in 2004 year, namely 776 qualified teachers who joint teacher professional unions were sampled copies of the questionnaire to be the investigation. And interviewing with 6 junior high school teachers is used to understand teachers’ opinions about professional autonomy. About the data analysis, the study use Frequency Distribution, T-test , One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Method . The results of the study are as follows:
A. The dimension of teaching professional autonomy is the key idea that Taiwan educational laws empower teachers.
B. As far as the whole Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers’ professional autonomy is concerned , it is middle level. The dimension of “ right and power to teacher teaching” gets the most high scores; the dimensions of “ power to teacher professional union” and “the power to school administrative autonomy” get lower scores separately in order.
C. As far as the dimension of Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers teaching professional autonomy is concerned, it achieves high and middle level; the dimensions of “the power to school administrative autonomy” and “teacher professional union” achieve middle level.
D. From the viewpoint of whole average, male teachers’ average scores are higher than females’;teachers who hold a administrative staff, participate school-level organizations, serve in small size schools and work more than 26 years get higher scores than others who don’t hold the job , participate the ones, serve in middle and big size schools and work less than 5 years and 11-15 years.
E. The basic strategies to facilitate teacher professional autonomy are to stable teacher’s professional status in teaching, promote the professional image of teacher unions, cultivate the school culture of participant-determining and establish good institution of teacher professional nurture.
According to the literature and study result, following suggestions are offered:
A. Continue to improve the established education law about the right and power to teacher professional autonomy.
B. Understand “profession” and “autonomy” are to complement each other. And autonomy should take responsibility for basis .
C. Design a series of programs about facilitating teachers’ professional knowledge in teaching, law and school administrative affairs to achieve high level of teacher professional autonomy.
D. Create excellent communicative ways at school to promote teacher empowerment.
E.Encourage female teachers to devote themselves to school administrative affairs.
F.Teacher professional unions should take the role of developing positive function.
G.The department of educational administration should play the law- supervising and law-helping role.
H.Build teachers professional evaluation system to help teacher promote professional power and effectiveness.
I.Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions about the study trends are made to further reference.
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教師專業成長、教師在職進修動機與教師專業倫理實踐關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Teacher Professional Growth, Motivation of In-Service Education and Teachers’ Practice of Professional Ethic顏伊君 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議,提供教育行政機關、學校行政及教師,以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current development of teacher professional growth, motivation of in-service education, and teachers’ practive of professional ethic in senior high school of Kaohsiung City.
To achieve the research purposes, a literature review was conducted to understand the teacher professional growth, motivation of in-service education, and teachers’ practive of professional ethic, and then to establish the fundamental theory of this study and develop questionnaires. This is a cross-sectional survey study using stratified random sampling design. The study recruited teachers in Kuohsiung senior high schools. A sample of senior high school teachers in Kuohsiung City, stratified random sampling, issued a total of 570 parts, 552 valid questionnaires, the effective rate of 96.8% questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive analyses, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis.
The main findings of the study include:
一、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of teacher professional growth were shown, and three of the visions had the same level.
二、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of the motivation of in-service education were shown, in which the item “cognitive interest” and “escape / stimulate” was the higher, “social development”and “other people affected” was the lower.
三、Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of teachers’ practive of professional ethic were shown, in which the item and “the relationship between students’parents” was the highest, and “the relationship between community and society” was the lowest.
四、There are significant differences in the senior high school teachers’perception of teacher professional growth in terms of gender, years of service, position, and school location.
五、There are significant differences in the senior high school teachers’perception of the motivation of in-service education in terms of position.
六、There are no significant difference in the senior high school teachers’perception of teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
七、There is a positive correlation among teacher professional growth and motivation of in-service education.
八、There is a positive correlation among teacher professional growth and teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
九、There is a positive correlation among motivation of in-service education and teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
十、Teacher professional growth and motivation of in-service education have a predictive effect on teachers’ practive of professional ethic.
According to the above research conclusions, the suggestions are proposed to be used as reference by educational institutions, school administrative units, and teachers in the future.
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