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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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心臟疾病死因對兩性餘命差異之影響 / The effect of heart diseases on the differences in life expectancy between genders

黃俞樺 Unknown Date (has links)
在死亡率快速下降之際,兩性零歲平均餘命差距在台灣卻持續擴大,這與不同年齡層中,兩性在不同死因上之死亡率差異有關。台灣地區自1970年代以後主要死因結構從傳染性及寄生蟲疾病轉為心臟血管、惡性腫瘤、慢性疾病。在此之中,至2007年已躍升為第二死因的心臟疾病,對國人之威脅性越來越嚴重。醫學界亦開始注意兩性因心臟疾病致死原因差異,過去認為由於女性的雌激素具有抑制細胞肥大、增加血管彈性以及抗氧化和抗發炎的特性,所以在更年期之前女性較不會因心臟疾病致死,但近年醫生認為因心臟疾病致死不再是男性的專利,反而女性由於發生心臟疾病的症狀較不典型,且目前醫學界對心臟疾病的診斷工具是針對男性的,因此近年醫學界進而開始呼籲女性(特別是更年期後)不可以忽略心臟疾病對女性所造成的威脅,然而可惜的是,醫學界在討論兩性因心臟疾病致死差異時,皆是引用美國數據以突顯心臟疾病危害女性的嚴重性。然而與台灣情況大相逕庭的美國,實際情況是,在1980年代後美國兩性零歲平均餘命差距已轉為縮小,其中男性在心臟疾病死亡率上的改善,為美國兩性零歲平均餘命縮小的最大功臣。但在文化與民俗風情不同之下,這並無法讓我們正確得知,從1970年代以來台灣地區兩性因心臟疾病致死機率的真實圖像。 因此,本文利用行政院衛生署1971到2009年的「死因檔」資料及使用1971到2009年內政部之「中華民國台閩地區人口統計」資料進行計算,透過心臟疾病多元遞減生命表,發現則為台灣地區從1971年到2009年間,兩性在心臟疾病死亡率上的差距,對兩性預期壽命差距所造成的效果中,從4%提升至8.8%,且在這之中,不論是哪個年齡層,亦可明顯發現男性因心臟疾病致死機率,其改善程度不比女性快速。 此外,針對活到25歲直至55歲前兩性因其他疾病致死的圖像,我們發現在台灣社會中,活到25歲的人們直至55歲前,因各疾病致死的機率,惡性腫瘤依然還是影響國人最重要的疾病,次之為意外事故,男女性皆是,僅管如此,我們也發現,心臟疾病對男性的重要程度依然有一定的影響力-從1971年到2009年,男性在這段時間內因心臟疾病致死機率皆無改善。這代表著許多家庭有可能因而失去經濟支柱的男性、家道中落,而家庭結構又是落入貧窮的重要原因之一,對於女性單親來說更是(亦即貧窮女性化),而且貧窮文化有個特點,即是落入貧窮後,其下一代亦有很大機會落入貧窮。這種現象更會帶來負面的社會經濟成本,因此我們有必要重視「寡婦製造機」此種現象。最後,女性之所以呈現較男性高死因別為心臟疾病的比例,這乃源自於女性在高年齡組(80歲以上),相較於男性,有嚴重許多的死於心臟疾病人數。

各險種經驗死亡率之分析與期保費高低估之探討 / The analysis of empirical mortality rates for different insurance products and the estimations of insurance premiums

呂政治 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的大幅提升與保險的觀念在國內越來越盛行,許多的人都會選擇去投保,本研究採用的資料是從保險事業發展中心所獲得,其收集台灣各個保險公司所銷售的保單,包含定期險、生死合險和終身壽險的資料。我們藉由此資料來分析具有何種特質的人會去購買何種保單,哪些因素會造成死亡率之間的差異。近些年來,台灣的生活水準和醫療水平有顯著的進步,台灣人口的死亡率也因此大幅地下降,男女間的平均餘命也隨之增加,台灣逐步地邁向高齡化社會。但隨著死亡率的改善,保險公司之前所銷售的較長年期的保險商品,有可能會造成保險公司低估或高估其保費,使公司未來的現金流量不穩定。而且以前公司通常是使用生命表的死亡率為基礎,但這樣並不能真正反映有保險人口的死亡機率,因此,我們將使用實際投保的資料,透過Whittaker修勻和Gompertz法則,計算其死亡率,並利用Lee -Carter模型去對未來的死亡率做預測,探討死亡率的下降,會對保險公司造成何種衝擊與其影響到底會有多大。

年齡別死亡率對兩性平均餘命成長與差異之影響分析: 1950-2004 / Decomposition Analysis of the Gender Differences in Life Expectancy at Birth in Taiwan: Evolution and Changes,1950-2004

郭貞蘭, Kuo, Chen-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
人口預期壽命的變化一直以來皆被視為是人類發展與進步的指標之一,其成長更為人們所樂見。當人類預期壽命普遍成長且達一定壽命水準時,兩性存活年數的差距仍為一常見的現象。假設社會的發展與變遷對同一社會中的兩性人口造成相異的衝擊,此種差異性會進一步透過兩者間壽命差距的狀況加以反映時,在追求兩性平等與均衡發展此社會目標之驅動下,對兩性壽命水準差距狀況的瞭解乃為提升兩性存活狀況、創造均衡之兩性社會並進而採取相關策略前重要的一步。 本研究利用內政府統計處所編列之台灣地區簡易生命表做為主要的分析資料,從透過對台灣地區兩性壽命差距於國民政府遷台後之1950起至2004年此55年間變化之關注做為出發點,發現兩性壽命於55年間其增長變化上雖然呈現相似的變動狀態,然而女性於各時期內優於男性之成長幅度則是造成日趨擴大之兩性壽命差距之由來。又兩性出生時平均餘命其變動上所呈現的階段性則與兩性壽命差距水準變化上所出現的四階段有其關聯性。此外,兩性於各年齡別平均餘命之增長,大致來說,主要發生在10-60歲組中,70歲以後之較高年齡組中,兩性存活餘命的成長則較不顯著,且兩性餘命差距隨著年齡別的增加而減少。兩性於各年齡別上餘命之差距,在研究觀察的55年間呈現穩定,只是,1960年以前兩性出生時平均餘命與其他較高年齡組上之平均餘命間呈現較為特殊的型態,此乃說明造成兩性壽命差距之年齡別死亡率有異。 本研究將Arriaga(1984)所提,用以分解兩相異之平均餘命,而以不同年齡別中兩性死亡率差異分別對兩性預期壽命差距所作之貢獻加以表示時,發現,兩性在40-79歲間死亡率的差異是造成兩性壽命差距最主要的貢獻年齡別,其中以60-69歲組為最。此外,面對0-9歲組中兩性死亡率差異狀況對該時期兩性預期壽命差距之貢獻型態於1960年前後所呈現之相異性時,一方面有對該時期兩性死亡率之資料加以檢定之必要性外,其所可能象徵之女性生存狀況受其地位改善之影響,抑或為男性存活狀況變化等推測的驗證雖不在本研究所觸及之範圍內,然而透過本研究分析結果中所掌握造成兩性壽命差距之年齡組別,則有助於日後在企圖釐清造成兩性壽命差距之因以進一步改善兩性存活狀況時一切入點。 / Life Expectancy of human beings, one of the indices of human development, has been generally growing since the beginning of the 20th century and the increase in the life span of human is also taken as the result of the improved medical techniques and social conditions. In the face of the growth in life expectancy at birth both of the male and female populations in Taiwan during the past 55 years, 1950-2004, the gender differential of life expectancy at birth or at any other specific age still exited and even got expanding. The difference in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female was 2.64 years and in the year of 2004, it came to be 6.24 years. Suppose the growth of human life expectancy at birth or at any specific age in both female and male populations implies that social changes and developments brought positive impacts not only on the female but also on the male during the observation period of 55 years. Obviously, the existing and expanding gender differences in life expectancy somewhat indicates that the impact of the social changes and developments on the male and the female weren’t comparable in qualities. The main concern of this article is about the change of the differences in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female in Taiwan during the past 55 years, 1950-2004. Dismissing the discussion and investigation of the practical and real causes of the gender difference in life expectancy, the researcher intended to give the reason to the expanding gender difference in life expectancy by comparing the way male and female life expectancies evolved. In addition, adopting the decomposition method developed by Arriaga(1984) originally for decomposition of changes in expectation of life at birth, the researcher was using this method to decompose the gender differential in life expectancy at birth and evaluated the contribution of the gender differential in mortality within each specific age group to the ultimate differential in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female each year during the observation period and the shifts in the significance of these age groups in the past 55 years. In this article, the researcher separated a person’s life into several age groups,0-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79 and 80 above, to symbolize the different stage of a person’s life. The male and the female experienced similar pattern in the changes of life expectancy. However, the improvement of female life expectancy was greater than that of the male’s in any specific period of the past 55 years , which caused the increasing difference in life expectancy between the male and female in Taiwan. The higher the age is, the less the gender difference in life expectancy at that specific age is. As the male is able to live long enough to a higher age, they are more likely to overcome the survival predominance of the female and the gender difference in life expectancy at a specific age would diminish. In addition, as for the contributions made by each specific age group, during the observation period of 55 years, gender differential life expectancy at birth had been coming from the gender differential in death rates within 40 to 80 years old. The contribution made by the age group of 60-69 made had been the most significant one. Mostly, the living ability of the female was much more superior to that of the male at any specific age even if the significance, each age groups held, somewhat had been shifting during the 55 years. Noticeably, the type of the contribution, age group of 0-9 made, was very different after 1960. Before 1960, men demonstrated a better survival ability than women did within this age group; however, after 1960, the superiority of men came into disappearance. As for the change of the contribution this age group of 0-9 made, we need to have more information and data to gain the further ideas it might bring about.


林孫弘, Curtis Lin Unknown Date (has links)
從1906到1999年間,台灣地區男性出生時平均餘命增加了43.55歲,女性增加了47.63歲,雖然台灣地區平均餘命不斷地在增加,地區間死亡風險的差異情形則未有所改善。本研究以生命表方式計算台灣地區縣市級、鄉鎮級平均餘命,尤以鄉鎮級為研究重心,配合統計地圖的使用以瞭解小地區間死亡風險的差異情形。 在縣市層級方面,男性與女性出生時平均餘命皆以七大都市較高,西部其他地區次之,東部地區的花蓮縣、台東縣最低。各縣市出生時平均餘命的差異,正指出各縣市之間的死亡風險差異甚大,特別是東部地區明顯地比西部地區更處於不利的狀態。 在鄉鎮層級方面,男性與女性各生命階段平均餘命皆呈現出西部地區高、東部地區低的明顯差異,而且平均餘命數值越低的地區其兩性平均餘命的差距也越大,此種現象尤以男性平均餘命越低的地區越為明顯。在空間模式上,男、女平均餘命最高的地區皆以大都市為中心向外擴散至其鄰近地區,平均餘命最低的地區則廣散在山地鄉之間。總的來說,中央山脈兩側的鄉鎮不僅死亡風險較其他地區高、兩性的死亡風險差異大,山地鄉之間的死亡風險結構更是呈現高度的異質性。 關鍵字:鄉鎮市區、死亡風險、平均餘命、性別差異、統計地圖、空間模式。 / Over the twentieth century (1906-1999), the life expectancy at birth in Taiwan has increased 43.55 and 47.63 years for males and females respectively. Undoubtedly, such a dramatic increase in life expectancy is resulted from the improvement of living quality in Taiwan over the past century. Nevertheless, after detailed examination of historical data, it shows that the areal variation in life expectancy over the life cycle is significant and has never diminished. This study, by applying the life table methods and statistical maps, attempts to analyze the areal variation in risks of death at small areas in Taiwan. The data sources for achieving this purpose come from the vital statistics and death-registration- profiles. The research findings show that life expectancies for both males and females are highest in the most-developed urban counties. On the contrary, the life expectancies are lower in rural counties. The gaps in life expectancies at birth between Taipei City and Taitung county reach 11 years and 7 years for males and females respectively. The spatial pattern of variation in life expectancy at the township-level is consistent with the research findings at the county-level. In general, the life expectancies for townships within the central metropolitan area are highest, and then gradually decrease for townships distant from the metropolis center. The life expectancies for both males and females are lowest in the rural-mountain townships. The gap in life expectancies between males and females is also larger in these rural-mountain areas. Finally, the life expectancies for the aboriginal townships are lowest in Taiwan. However, the age profiles for risks of death are heterogeneous in these aboriginal townships. Keywords: life expectancy, life table, statistical maps, spatial pattern

能力方法、社會福利支出與平均餘命-臺灣地區的實證研究 / Capability Approach, Social Welfare Spending and Life Expentancy---the Empirical Study of Taiwan

鄧軫元, Teng, Chen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文採取Sen的能力方法(capability approach),以平均餘命與學齡兒童就學率為福利的指標,探討臺灣地區1917~1997年間,所得、政府福利支出、教育支出、教育程度與貧窮率對福利的影響。 傳統的福利經濟學以效用來定義福利,所得也是一常常被用來衡量經濟發展(economic development,又稱為人類發展human development)的指標。能力方法以平均餘命為福利指標,並且認為:為了提高人民福利,政府應該重視與人民福祉相關的社會福利政策、教育的普及。雖然這些政策也許不會直接提高一國的所得,但是卻對福利水準有很大的影響。 本文的實證結果印證了Sen的理論。1917~1943年間,在經濟成長慢的環境下,政府的福利與教育政策,提高了人民的福利水準。Dreze and Sen(1989)稱這樣的過程為「支援型」(support-led)的經濟發展。1951~1997年間,在經濟成長快速的環境下,政府提高福利支出與教育的普及,使我國經歷了「成長型」(growth mediated)的經濟發展。

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