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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣學生自律學習之後設分析 / A Meta Analysis of Self-Regulation Learning in Taiwan

翁雅芸, Weng, Ya Yun Unknown Date (has links)
國內對於自律學習(self-regulation learning)的研究甚多,但尚缺乏一統合性之研究,故本研究以性別為主變項,使用後設分析法,使用臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統與臺灣期刊論文索引系統內的文獻為樣本,探討影響臺灣學生自律學習表現之因素。 本研究發現臺灣兩性學生自律學習之差異達顯著,女生自律學習表現優於男生。採用固定模式進行調節變項分析時,首先發現,使用不同的發表方式對於兩性間自律學習差異未達顯著影響,代表可以將三者採不同方式發表之論文同時進行分析;再者不同的學習階段、地區、學習科目、自律學習模式、發表時期與樣本大小則對兩性間自律學習差異達顯著影響。本研究則針對以上六個變項再進行事後比較,探討其中之差異。 根據分析結果,本研究結論有以下四點:(一)臺灣女學生自律學習表現顯著優於男生,唯獨高中職階段女生的自律學習優勢削弱;(二)男生自律學習並非絕對弱勢,透過實作經驗的自律學習模式,可以顯著提升男生自律學習表現;(三)在國語文與英語文兩個科目中,兩性間自律學習差異顯著大於社會科與數學科;(四)採取大樣本以及全國抽樣時,可減少抽樣誤差,降低兩性自律學習差異之結果。

經學對律學的影響-《唐律疏議》研究 / The Effect of Classics on Jurisprudence: A Study of “Tang Ley Su Yi”

劉怡君, Liu, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在透過對《唐律疏議》的爬梳,以抽絲剝繭的方式,將其中的經學思維抽繹出來,以便說明傳統中國經學對律學實質性的影響。儒家學說自漢代以來,即成為中國文化的主流思想,儒家經典成為歷代學者關注的焦點,經學波瀾壯闊地發展,對中國文化的影響既深且鉅,從思想學術到現實生活等各個層面,都受到經學深刻的影響。在此種情形之下,中國傳統法律同樣也受到經學深遠的影響,透過經學以了解掌握中國傳統法律的深層結構,自然是一個相當值得研究的視角。 蓋從經學立場出發,考察經學與律學在歷史長河中,相摩相盪、互動牽引的實況,必然有助於完整呈現傳統律學的面貌,同時更拓展了經學研究的範圍,進而可以了解經學與律學在歷史的縱深發展脈絡裏的流變衍嬗。唐代,經學對律學的影響在中國傳統法律史上達到高峰,《唐律疏議》緊密地綰合經學與律學,具體地反映出經學對律學發展的深刻影響。雖然《唐律疏議》的研究成果豐碩,其中論及《唐律疏議》與「經學」關係密切者也不在少數,但或許是作者的研究重心不在於此,故而多半僅以提點若干重要面相為限,並未見有深入發掘經學對律學影響的企圖,因此迄今仍未見有以「經學」為視角研究探討《唐律疏議》的專著,本論文於是以《唐律疏議》為對象,進行「經學」與「律學」相關性的研究。   本論文分七章:第一章〈緒論〉,說明論文整個思考方向,包括:研究的問題意識、研究的對象與範圍、研究成果的回顧與反思、研究方法與進路。第二章〈經律交會的開端及其發展〉、第三章〈《唐律疏議》綰合經律的外緣考察〉,前者對經學與律學的關係做一縱向歷史性的探討與分析,後者則對《唐律疏議》綰合經學與律學的外緣背景加以考察,此兩章有助於我們後設反省《唐律疏議》中經學對律學的影響之所以達到高峰的原因。第四章〈《唐律疏議》的終極依據──「天」〉,「天」是中國經學思想的核心命題與理論基礎,《唐律疏議》的終極依據即是「天」,重視刑罰與天道相應相契的微妙連結,以求達到順天應時的理想境界。第五章〈《唐律疏議》的婚姻規範〉、第六章〈《唐律疏議》的親屬關係〉、第七章〈《唐律疏議》的君臣分際〉,則是本論文對於《唐律疏議》直接的分析與考察,分別按單元主題的論述方式,系統化架構出「婚姻」、「親屬」、「君臣」等主題,思考的進路由形而上向形而下具體地落實,考察《唐律疏議》與儒家經典一致之處,審視儒家經典對《唐律疏議》的影響。第八章〈結論〉,則是對本論文的研究成果簡要地加以說明。本研究將證實經學對律學有著極為深刻的影響。 / Confucianism has been a main stream since the Han Dynasty. Because of it, Confucian Classics has been deeply investigated and discussed by the following researchers. Confucian Classics has not only widely influenced on Chinese culture, but also affect on traditional Chinese law. Based on this premise, “Tang Ley Su Yi” which has been characterized as “the merging classics in jurisprudence”, is definitely worthy of our thorough research. The main focus of this thesis is to find out the thinking of the Classics in “Tang Ley Su Yi” and explain the virtual relationship of “the effect of classics on jurisprudence” in China. Although there are many existing studies investigated in “Tang Ley Su Yi”, few were focused on the perspective of classics. The viewpoint of “the effect of classics on jurisprudence” will be a unique approach in the academic community. If we evaluate the “the relationship between classics and jurisprudence” from the perspective of ancient code, we can trace back the historical development of Classics and jurisprudence and establish a complete content of Chinese academic history. Therefore, this thesis will focus on “the effect of classics on jurisprudence” from the perspective of Classics in “Tang Ley Su Yi”. To perform detailed discussion of the coordination of classics and jurisprudence in “Tang Ley Su Yi”, the scheme of this thesis is constructed with seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 The beginning and development of the Coordination of Classics and Jurisprudence, Chapter 3 The outer investigation of the interaction between classics and jurisprudence, Chapter 4 The ultimate basis of “Tang Ley Su Yi”- “Heaven”, Chapter 5 The marriage law of “Tang Ley Su Yi”, Chapter 6 The kinship of “Tang Ley Su Yi”, Chapter 7 The ruler and subject of “Tang Ley Su Yi”, and Chapter 8 Conclusions, where I will summarize the finding of this thesis. Finally, I will provide a unique and complete description of the effect of classics on jurisprudence in “Tang Ley Su Yi”.

具自律學習機制之英語字彙學習APP對於學習成效的影響研究 / The Effects of English Vocabulary Learning APP with Self-regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Performance

楊舜閔, Yang,Shun Min Unknown Date (has links)
英語為目前使用的最為普遍的國際語言,英語能力已成為每個學生都需要養成的基本能力,而英語字彙的學習,更是學好英語的最重要基礎,因此如何幫助學生學好英語也就越顯重要。 隨者資訊科技日新月異的發展,透過電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,近年來利用自律機制輔助數位學習的研究,已證實自律機制有助於提升學習成效,然而目前仍少有研究將自律學習機制應用於英語學習,特別是英語字彙學習。因此本研究所發展一「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」,可以讓學習者監控並提醒自己所設定的英語字彙自律學習目標,希望藉由敦促學習者達成自己所設定的自律學習目標,促進學生利用零碎時間學習,提升學習者的英語字彙學習成效。為了驗證「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」是否有助於提升英語字彙學習成效,本研究隨機選取國小六年級二個班級學生為研究對象,將其中一班隨機分派為採用「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的實驗組,另一班為採用「無自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的控制組,分別進行為期三週的英語字彙學習活動。實驗結果發現: (1).實驗組學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組學習者 (2)實驗組場地相依學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組場地相依學習者 (3).實驗組男性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組男性學習者 (4).實驗組女性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組女性學習者 (5).實驗組學習者進行自律學習後的學習成效及學習動機均顯著提升 (6).實驗組女性學習者學習成效及學習態度優於實驗組男性學習者 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議未來可以延長實驗時間,進行自律鷹架的去除,瞭解學生是否會因此養成自律學習的能力。此外根據學生的回應,希望APP中具休閒的功能,故亦可往遊戲化學習方向進行研究。 關鍵字: 自律學習(Self-regulated Learning)、學習成效(Learning Performance)、認知風格(Cognitive Style)、英語字彙學習(English Vocabulary Learning) / English is currently the commonest international language. English competence has become the basic competence of each student. English vocabulary learning is a primary basis to learn English well. How to help students learn English well therefore becomes more important. Following the changeable development of information technology, computer assisted language learning has become a development trend. Research on utilizing self-regulatory mechanisms for e-learning proved that self-regulatory mechanism could enhance learning performance. Nonetheless, there is little research on the application of self-regulatory learning mechanism to English learning, particularly to English vocabulary learning. For this reason, a “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” is developed in this study, allowing learners monitoring and reminding themselves of the preset English vocabulary self-regulatory learning goal. It is expected to promote learners’ English vocabulary learning performance by urging learners to achieve the preset self-regulatory learning goal and enhance students learning with trial time. To verify that the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” could enhance English vocabulary learning performance, two classes of G6 students are randomly selected as the research subjects. A class is randomly assigned as the experiment group with the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP”, and the other class is the control group without the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” for the three-week English vocabulary learning. The experiment findings show that (1) Learners in the experiment group present significantly better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (2) Site-dependent learners in the experiment group show remarkably better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (3) Male learners in the experiment group reveal notably better learning performance and learning motivation than male learners in the control group. (4) Female learners in the experiment group appear significantly beter learning performance and learning motivation than femal learners in the control group. (5) Learners in the experiment group remarkably enhance the learning performance and learning motivation after the self-regulatory learning. (6) Femal learners in the experiment group reveal better learning performance and learning attitudes than male learners in the experiment group. Summing up the research results, it is suggested that the future experiment time could be extended and the self-regulatory scaffolding could be removed to understand whether students would cultivate the self-regulatory learning ability. According to the students’ responses, it is further expected that the APP could show the function of leisure. In this case, the gamification of learning could be studied in the future. Keywords:Self-regulated Learning, Learning Performance, Cognitive Style, English Vocabulary Learning


范世偉, Wei, Fan-Shih- Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 清《刑科題本》目前收錄在中國北京第一歷史檔案館,該檔案館共收有大清帝國內閣題本刑科命案類婚姻姦情專題微捲檔案(以下簡稱刑科婚姻姦情檔案),其中乾隆元年到三十年有七萬餘件相關的檔案;另外乾隆三十年到六十年也有七萬餘件檔案是指清代罪犯經過地方衙門至中央三法司審判後,官員向皇帝奏題案情經過及會審結果,最後由皇帝硃批處斬或緩刑等。在這些奏摺中審訊犯案者的口供必須交代姓名、籍貫、已婚未婚、歲數、職業、家庭人口數等等。 《刑科題本》的這些案件足以讓我們瞭解清代法律在實際生活中的運作情形,而由於這些案件乃地方司法審判者上奏中央的判決文書,因此這些案件也可以提供我們許多清朝乾隆時期關於司法判決書的格式與其法律論證的相關資訊。但更值得注意的是,刑科題本的作用與在清律與法制史研究裡的地位為何? 本文在章節規劃上分為六章,分別為緒說、《大清律例》下的司法文書態樣、《刑科題本》的範式、《刑科題本》的法理-案例解析、《刑科題本》的回首與前瞻、結論等六章。 而在案例分析的取樣方式,則是在空間上,以華南、華中、華北等三大地理區為緯;在時間上,以乾隆元年至陸拾年的時間為經,在《刑科題本》中上下縱論抽樣出六個案例來解析,進一步釐清其書寫的格式等的制度面問題與法律論證與法條解釋與適用等的法理面問題,在相關《刑科題本》的研究尚在發展階段之際,本文結合時間與空間、史學與法學的面向,對《刑科題本》提出初步的分析。

運用自律學習機制提升閱讀標註學習成效研究 / A study on applying self-regulated learning mechanism for promoting learning performance of reading annotation

陳炎漳 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於數位閱讀已逐漸成為閱讀發展的新趨勢,許多研究著手於發展相關的閱讀系統或設備來輔助學習者進行閱讀學習。此外,如何幫助學生在進行英文閱讀學習時,增加對於文章的理解,已經成為很重要的研究課題。而基於網路學習環境進行數位閱讀學習時,學習者常常需要進行自主學習,因此學習者個人的自律學習能力成為影響數位閱讀學習成效的關鍵因素。本研究旨在探討運用具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統是否具有提升國中英語閱讀學習成效的效益,研究採用準實驗研究法,以桃園縣某國中七年級二班的學生,分成實驗組與控制組,實驗組與控制組分別以「具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統學習」及「不具自律學習機制的閱讀標註系統學習」進行英語閱讀學習,經過實驗處理後,接受「閱讀測驗後測」,以比較兩組學生在閱讀學習成效上的差異性,輔之以問卷調查實驗組學生對課程活動的態度看法,並以訪談作質性資料分析。最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來研究與教師在運用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統融入閱讀教學時之參考。本研究得到的研究結論如下: 一、 實驗組學習者採用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統,其英語閱讀學習成效顯著優於採用不具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統的控制組學習者。 二、 實驗組學習者採用具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統,其閱讀標註能力顯著優於採用不具自律學習機制之數位閱讀標註系統的控制組學習者。 三、 實驗組學習者中不同自律能力學習者其閱讀學習成效具有顯著差異。 四、 實驗組學習者中不同自律能力學習者其閱讀標註能力具有顯著差異。 五、 實驗組學習者中閱讀學習成效與閱讀標註能力有顯著相關且自律能力與學習成效呈現正相關 關鍵字:自律學習、數位閱讀、閱讀標註、閱讀學習成效 / In the consideration of that digital reading has become a new trend of reading development; many studies were conducted to develop related reading systems or equipments to assist learners on learning of reading. Moreover, how to help students improve comprehension while reading English is an important topic for research. Based on the characteristics of digital reading in the e-learning environment, in which learners often need self-regulated learning, the ability of self-regulated learning has become a key factor that affects the learning effects of reading. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the application of reading annotation system with self-regulated learning could increase the learning effects of English reading for junior high school students. The present study adopted quasi-experimental design method and the subjects were two classes of seventh graders in a junior high school in Taoyuan County. There were divided into experimental group and control group to learn English through reading, and were instructed respectively with “reading annotation system learning with self-regulated learning” and “reading annotation system learning without self-regulated learning.” After the experiment, “reading post-test” was conducted to compare the learning effects of reading for these two groups of students. Students in the experimental group were also surveyed by questionnaires and interviewed for qualitative data analysis. Finally, the researcher made suggestions according to the research results as references for future studies and for teachers who want to apply reading annotation system with self-regulated learning to reading instruction. The results of the present study were as the following: 1. The learning effects of English reading for learners in the experimental group with self-regulated reading annotation system were significantly greater than those who were in the control group without self-regulated reading annotation system. 2. The ability of reading annotation of the learners in the experimental group with self-regulated reading annotation system were significantly greater than those who were in the control group without self-regulated reading annotation system. 3. There were significant differences among the learning effects of reading for learners in the experimental group with different ability of self-regulated learning. 4. There were significant differences among the ability of reading annotation for learners in the experimental group with different ability of self-regulated learning. 5. For the learners in the experimental group, the learning effects of reading were significantly related to the ability of reading annotation; the ability of self-regulated learning was positively correlated with learning effects. Keywords: self-regulated learning, digital reading, reading annotation, learning effects of reading

影響臺灣學生自律學習的因素:TEPS資料的縱貫性分析 / The impact of self-regulation learning on taiwan student: longitudinal analysis of TEPS data

趙珮晴 Unknown Date (has links)
課後學生自主的時間能否自己自律繼續學習,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解學生從國中到高中自律學習發展情況,以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫的2939追蹤樣本,進行潛在成長曲線模型分析,結果發現: (1)兩性學生從國中到高中的自律學習發展並無顯著差異。 (2)台灣學生從國中到高中的自律學習呈現遞增狀況。 (3)國中高自律學習的學生到高中的自律學習成長有限;而國中低自律學習的學生到高中自律學習成長幅度較大。 (4)學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與和接納的程度越高,學生國中時期的自律學習情況會越好;但是學生家庭社經地位越高、父母學校參與程度越高,對於學生國中到高中自律學習成長有限,至於父母接納則無顯著影響關係 (5)國中自律學習良好的學生,有較良好的分析能力;但是高中學生的自律學習無法有效預測其分析能力。 依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。

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