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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

財務報表重編與會計師公費 / Financial Restatements and Auditor Fees

林家駿 Unknown Date (has links)


李秀芳, LI, XIU-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
會計原則經濟後果的研究,是近年來最受會計學界重視的問題。我國財務會計學則公 報第二號:「租賃會計處理準則」自民國七十一年底施行至今,已歷時五年,由於該 準則實施之前曾遭逢不少反對的聲浪,本研究即以該準則對有關產業的正負面影響作 為調查範圍,藉以實地瞭解該準則施行之經濟後果。 我國租賃業之發展情況頗為特殊,在進行調查分析之前,本研究先將租賃業的發展環 境與其他國家(美、日、韓等)作一比較,得知我國策賃業之發展過程頗為艱苦,為 探究何以不少業者會反對該準則之實施,從本文之比較可獲得充分的瞭解。 其次,本研究亦探討中、美租賃會計研究之歷程、理論與實務,並就會計原則應否中 立之問題,將國內、外學者不同之意見作一整理。調查之部分,先說明美國方面策賃 會計之實證研究及結果,再則就我國租賃會計實施之經濟後果調查作一詳細的分析。 本研究調查之對象,為國內最具代表性之租賃公司,一般企業及授信機構,以問卷調 查方式,由受訪企業作直接之評估,本研究結果發現,有關該準則之財務表達功能方 面,租賃公司、一般企業及授信機構均表示了肯定的態度,但對該準則實施後果之整 體利弊評估方面,則三者立場並不一致。


朱麗麗, Zhu, Li-Li Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:說明林彪事件和四人幫事件的發生背景,以及處理四人幫過程中發生的三次 轉變:第一次轉變是揭批四人幫必需聯繫批林彪,第二次轉變是由批「極右」「假左 真右」轉為批「極左」,第三次轉變是將四人幫交付司法審判。 第二章:就整個審判的過程、審判的目的,林江兩案審的原因作一說明,並就有關的 三項文件與起訴書、判決書作一比較分析。 第三章:將對四人幫的門爭與中共建立政權以來的四次黨內門爭作一比較研究。 第四章:就與審判明最大關係的四個人物毛澤東、江青、華國鋒、鄧小平在整個審判 問題上及中共政治問題上的關聯做一分析。 第五章:結論,探討此次審判在中共尋求「變」的路途上所表現的意義。

概括條款具體化之法學方法 ─以信用卡定型化契約之內容控制為例 / The methodology of materializing general clauses in jurisprudence-taking judicial review of the provisions in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts for an example

楊益昌, Yang, Yi Chang Unknown Date (has links)
由於概括條款欠缺明確的構成要件,其適用方法即有異於其他規定,本文係在探討概括條款具體化時合適的法學方法,並且以信用卡定型化契約之內容控制為例加以說明。 司法判決曾有認為信用卡循環息約款違反消費者保護法第12條第1項規定之誠信原則,但該判決經上訴後遭高院廢棄,現行司法實務見解在該問題上多與高院見解相同。事實上,該2判決結論的不同,起因於該2判決對相同事實有不同的評價,以及其分別使用不同的法學方法。是以引發幾項問題,包含該「評價」在法學方法中的意義為何?其所使用的法學方法有無學理之依據? 法律適用過程必須對事實作出「評價」可以在「價值法學」中找到其意義,由此也彰顯了其與傳統法學方法的不同。雖然「評價」無法避免其主觀性,但「價值法學」仍要求評價應儘量求其客觀,所以發展一個有助於評價活動客觀化的法學方法有其必要性。本文嘗試在所舉的案例中操作Larenz的法學方法,發現其方法仍有不足之處,進而思考「法律論證」可以提供的助益。 依學理之觀察,「法律論證」有助於評價活動的客觀化。在主要幾種法律論證方法中,本文認為「論題學」(類觀點學)應該是最適合運用於本案的方法之一,其與傳統法學方法的根本差異在於其本質為「修辭式推理」及「問題導向論證」。學理也認為,在論題學的各種觀點中,「結果」具有相當程度的重要性,所以本文介紹了學理上關於「結果考量」(後果考量)之論述,並建議其得與論題學結合運用。 / The method of applying general clauses is different from the method of applying other clauses due to general clauses are short of requisite elements. This Essay is discussing the methodology of materializing general clauses in jurisprudence and taking judicial review of the provisions in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts for an example. There was a judicial judgment awarded the revolving interest clause in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts violate good faith principle in Consumer Protection Act article 12, section 1. However, the judgment was abandoned by the High Court. Now, almost all the courts’ perspectives about the issue are the same as the High Court. In fact, the different outcomes of the two judgments resulted from the different “evaluations” of the case fact and the different legal methods used in the judgments. The observation inspire us: what is the meaning of the evaluation in the legal method? Is there any academic basis for the legal method used in the judgments? For “Jurisprudence of Evaluation”, evaluations are necessary when we applying provisions of the law. That is different from the traditional legal method. Although evaluations cannot be objective purely, Jurisprudence of Evaluation still requires evaluations as objective as possible. That’s why it’s necessary to improve the legal method to comply with the requirement. This essay also tries to use Larenz's legal method in the case mentioned before to figure out the shortcomings of the method and reflects on the advantages of “Legal Argumentation”. According to academic research, Legal Argumentation is helpful to objective evaluations. In several methods of Legal Argumentation, this essay takes up the position that “Topic Argument” should at least be one of the best to the case mentioned before. The radical difference between Topic Argument and traditional legal method is that the former's essential is “Rhetorical Inference” and “Problem-oriented Argument”. Besides, according to academic research, “consequence” is a quite important perspective when we use Topic Argument. Therefore, this essay introduces “Consequentialist Argument” and proposes it can be used with Topic Argument.

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